AN: Warning noted. Note to readers: I meant for things to be as SFW as canon Bleach where there were no panty shots at all, which was why I avoided vivid descriptions and mostly rolled with the fact that woman throw themselves at Aizen... haaa, Momo....
Is it Keikaku time yet?
Part of you was still leery about this Holy Grail War event, still, considering that you aren't the type to give up and that this was an interesting premise you were going to participate despite the danger.
Besides, what self-respecting Shinigami would turn down the opportunity to ensure the dead receive their due?
People who were killed should remain dead, that's the way things should be.
Granted, there might not be soul imbalances in this world but it's a general rule that attempts at Necromancy never pans out well.
Which means, you'll have to put everyone to rest the hard way…. Naturally, Caster gets a free pass since he's on your side.
Still, this means that it's best to get to know your immediate ally.
Confidence Check: DC 70, CRIT DC 100 vs 32+7 = 39, Fail
DC 110, CRIT 130 vs 97 + 50 = 147, Critical Success
Banked Roll = 34
You figured out how to swap between a physical and spiritual form after observing Caster's own change today.
That, would be useful.
What didn't pan out was how you planned to get to know Caster more-
Your rooftop talk didn't work out well because before you confronted him you were too busy thinking about how in your effort to get to know him he'll get to know you more…
Which meant that he will probably find his expectations of the 'cool' and 'reliable' version of you to be but an illusion, which is likely to cause him to abandon you for some better Master and-
You proceeded to trip on the roof tiles, tumbling down and grabbing the edge of the rooftop before you fell down.
That, was embarrassing. And Caster was there to watch the entire event.
"… Sorry, you must think I'm a clown. I'm not… well, Shinigami or not I'm pretty much a trainee and, I suppose I've been relying too much on you. I apologise that I am not a better 'Master' compared with the other more knowledgeable participants. If it was anyone else then you would have found the war much easier to deal with."
You apologise, Caster began to scratch his head awkwardly and attempted to help you up.
Only for him to be lost in thought and fall off the roof himself.
… You grabbed his hand before he fell.
After flipping back up to the rooftop the both of you simply laughed.
"Ah, well… I should be the one apologising for imposing your participation this way. Honestly, you could have gotten a better Servant so… You had a hard act to follow through and I did attempt to keep up the competent image as well." Caster began, looking not as confident and imposing as before.
It clicked, the both of you were alike in that respect at least.
Before long, the both of you talked about Kido and how we both meticulously checked our incantations beforehand, slowing both out casting speeds and decision making ability considerably.
"So you see, I had been in the right place in the right time to find out so much of Soul Society's secrets and I… I'm afraid and excited at the said time. It feels like everyone is my enemy, I can't trust those that believe in the institution. I'm proud of it, but I believe that it is stagnant and that we should be doing more in the world of the living and Soul Society. How many Konso's does the average Soul Reaper perform? TOO LITTLE! We only number in the thousands and most Soul Reaper's focus on destroying Hollows rather than being more active in solving the root problem! Why, why is it that I was born powerful and lucky when so many souls are defenceless to Hollows? If there was a reason or a way to change that then the afterlife and the realm of the living would be so much better! But I can't do it if I keep doubting myself, therefore, I need to become more confident in myself as I grow more powerful!"
You explained to Caster who clapped his hands at your speech.
"I understand! The responsibility you feel towards your fellow Soul Reapers, weaker souls and to humans is commendable. To have so much revealed to you in so little time… haaa… I know how you feel. My gifts, they shackled me to the will of God and to the collective will of the people and despite my 'wisdom'… I, well, made mistakes too. Too many women… I probably got that from my father. I don't like taking risks either and ended up accepting a lot of women since I didn't want any wars, it worked but I was probably responsible for all the magus's running around now. And now I'm all worked up about how to, well, win this war. Don't get me wrong, I can probably find out a lot about our enemies just by looking at them but I'm not much of a physical fighter."
Well, if he can do that Reinforcement thing on you... you could take the role as a front-line fighter.
The both of you hugged before discussing each other's past a bit more.
Turns out that Caster is Solomon, as in, the wisest and most prosperous King of Israel.
"You should be the new Soul King." You tell him. "After I create a vacancy on the throne of the heavens."
"No thanks, I had enough of ruling. Besides, I don't want to be stuck in crystal." He declined.
"It is in my personal theory that the Soul King might have some soul regulating power but was forced to comply by imprisonment as history seemed to have implied that the Shinigami 'made' the Soul King. It could be the case that the monk that should not be named is behind everything, including the Soul King's supposed 'direct orders'."
"Why don't you name him?"
"People that say his name foolishly simply… die."
"Then it's likely that his power lies in 'Names', it is perhaps something similar to the original unified language of this world before God scatter the people at Babel."
That is… worrying.
Parameter sheet unlocked.
True Name: Solomon
Alignment: Lawful Good
Strength: D
Endurance: E
Agility: A
Mana: A+++
Luck: A++
Noble Phantasm: A+++
Territory Creation: A
Item Construction: C
High Speed Incantation: C
Personal Skills:
Revelation: B
Summoning: A
Solomon's Ring: EX
Clairvoyance: EX
Noble Phantasms:
Ars Paulina: A+++
Ars Almadel Salomonis: EX – Anti Humanity
*DING* Solomon Almighty Reinforcement spell revealed: Grants +20 to all stats for the duration of a fight! *DING*
After your morning heart-to-heart with Solomon you were accosted by Fujino.
Apparently she felt her hospitality was rather lacking in comparison to your generosity so…
"Is there anything I could do to help in your endeavours? I know I'm… normal but surely I could repay your kindness with some material assistance."
Confidence check: DC 85, CRIT 110 vs 82+9 = 91, Success
AHHHHHHHH, what is she doing so close to you!!!!
No, no, calm down… remember your position, re-establish the fact in your mind that you're the one in control here, you hold all the cards…
What do you ask for? (Pick as many, consequences depend on what and how much you take. Will go with general consensus or two of the most voted ones if all three or more isn't the obvious choice.)
[ ] Got money? No, seriously I'm poor and I want to try some food
[ ] Nah, just flirt… kidding, it would be good to show that your intentions are pure
[ ] You don't mind if we turn this school into a fortress right? (Inb4 Solomon turns the school into magic cannon base to fire at Fuyuki)
[ ] Write-in
DC 70, CRIT 115 vs 32+ 50+ 30 = 112, Success
They see you riding, they hate it.
Well, you had taken a nice half-painted gold coloured motorcycle from some thugs that tried to attack the 'wannabe samurai' (you apparently…). Well, looting is always the right choice unless it causes dead souls to become Hollows.
You managed to find a few places that make great places to set up territory, granting lots of mana… and a few decent places that will be less obvious or so ridiculous that no one will suspect those places, mainly because it would be utterly stupid to choose those locations. (Pick One)
[ ] Ryuudou Temple on Mount Enzou, literally the best place, comes outfitted with a natural Bounded Field against spirits if they don't enter through the entrance. Also, near the Greater Grail and on top of a centre of leylines. The cons is that it's pretty obvious for any competent magus to figure it out, also, it's near where the Tohsaka and Matou's are.
[ ] Tohsaka mansion, it's a stupid idea but why don't you just assault Archer and his Master? It's above quite a few leylines… (Combat turn)
[ ] Matou Mansion, above one leyline but Solomon says it's owner is a disgusting man made out of bugs. Might as well do the world a favour and do some pest control whilst masquerading this place as the Matou stronghold. Oh, what is this sad girl doing there? (DC 110, CRIT DC 175 vs 1d100 + Reiatsu +Wisdom)
[ ] Fuyuki Civic Centre, kind of obvious but it isn't a finished contruction and no one should really pay much attention to it with a bit of magecraft. Still, it's obvious to a Magus but it means you won't have to deal with nearby civilians as much if you lure people in.
[ ] Write-in
What do you do tomorrow? (Pick Two)
[ ] Gather more information on the other contestants, including Matou.Tohsaka and the soon to arrive Emiya (DC 105, CRIT 135 vs 1d100 + Wisdom + Reiatsu)
[ ] Talk with Fujino about… (effects depend on Keikaku)
-[ ] You sense an innate power in her, offer to awaken it with the help of Solomon and also get to know her after her life changing experiences
-[ ] Write-in KEIKAKU
[ ] "…Solomon, are you telling me that this sphere of flesh… Riku, did this?" "Mystic Eyes of Compression… not too potent yet..."
-[ ] Write-in KEIKAKU
[ ] Strategise with Caster, he says we still have two full days until the Grail War begins for real
-[ ] Write-in KEIKAKU
[ ] Ask Solomon to go make some cool stuff with Item Construction, and upgrade your new motorcycle, you know he wants to ride it too
[ ] Write-in KEIKAKU