Suddenly, Glitch takes center stage as the best possible romance partner. I mean, really, think about it for a second; up until we used him as a bowling ball and left him to rust, he was probably the one saddled with the least problems while also providing a semi-decent relationship (as Garrar is purposefully designed to be a stereotypical Conan expy who also ran away from the woman he got pregnant, I doubt his chivalry).
Glitch truly is the best possible p—I'm sorry, I can't type that with a straight face. Everyone is an awful choice except for Al-Khidr, and he's more of a dad.
In short, I love it. This is good. Chandagnac, you've done good.
Actually, I'm not really a fan of Icewind Dale. I've only played the first game. It's all right, but it's basically just a dungeon crawler with a barebones plot and characterization.
Planescape: Torment is one of my all-time faves, but I've got to admit that the romance plot (what little there is of it) is one of the worst aspects of the game. In the course of about two conversations, Annah goes from scathingly deriding the main character to somehow falling in love with him, to the extent that she is willing to die for him. Apparently, she loves him "more than life". Their romance is never given time or space to develop and I don't find it very believable.
The sort-of sequel, Torment: Tides of Numenera, is nowhere near as good. I quite enjoyed it, but it's a bit of a mess and it lacks many of the things which made the original game great. I don't remember if there was any romance in it, but I kinda doubt it.
(Btw, what did you think of my joke about turning this quest into a smutfic?)
If I had to envision any of these characters fucking one another in any depth, I would have to resort to the secret technique of a hammer to the brain. With the clawed part. Post-apocalyptic settings have great sunsets, but they do not make for good date spots.
If I had to envision any of these characters fucking one another in any depth, I would have to resort to the secret technique of a hammer to the brain. With the clawed part. Post-apocalyptic settings have great sunsets, but they do not make for good date spots.
Well, as I've said before, I only meant it as a rather puerile joke. Alas, I'm the only one who seems to find it funny. Just like most of my other jokes.
In Your Dreams
That night, you once again find yourself on a flat, featureless plain, with grey dust under your feet, and a milk-white sky overhead. Evie is with you. Very close to you. In your passage between the real world and that of dreams, it doesn't seem as if your relative position has changed much.
After a moment of hazy not-quite-consciousness, the two of you break apart. She glances around, suddenly alert, looking alarmed. 'Where are we?' she asks. 'What is this place?'
'This is Al-Khidr's dream world,' you say. 'As for why we've called you here… well, we have something to tell you.'
'Indeed,' says your dream-weaving supportive father figure, appearing from seemingly nowhere. He looks impassively at the two of you. 'It was the only way we could speak with you without fear of being overheard.'
'Because of the Chronarchs,' says Evie, her eyes flashing. You'd be impressed by how quick she is on the uptake, if not for the fact that she has a tendency to blame the Chronarchs for everything that goes wrong in her life; not surprisingly, considering what they have done to her over several millennia, but she does seem quite obsessed with them.
'I met them when I was trying to find the Hive of Memories for you. I told you that before, didn't I? Or at least implied it.' You scratch your head, trying to remember. 'At the time, they were disappointed that they hadn't managed to use it as a lure to make you go on a killing spree. They told me that they want you to get the grand prize of the competition they've set up here in Terminus: it's all rigged so that you can become a goddess.'
Evie gives a nod. 'That much I knew. I take it that you have discovered new information since then?'
'Yeah, I went back into the Maze in order to get rid of Oswald Grey and some of his ticktockmen, who were intent on arresting me. For completely spurious reasons, obviously.'
'Of course,' says Al-Khidr, rolling his eyes.
'Anyway, it worked out surprisingly well. The Master of the Maze aided me in neutralizing Grey and his minions as a threat. Afterwards, he revealed that he was actually Valathar, your former mentor,' you tell her.
'He's alive?' she asks. Her voice is filled with so much hope that it is painful to hear. 'But I saw him die!'
'Well… after his death, the Chronarchs raised him as a bodiless spirit being and made him their servant. He went out of his way to try to subvert their wishes as much as possible to give you a better chance. Finally, when I met him that last time, he decided to tell me things which the Chronarchs didn't want me – or you – to know. Unfortunately, they were listening and they know he disobeyed orders, for which they promised he will be horribly punished.'
'Even so, he still exists in some form,' says Evie, looking thoughtful. 'There might be something I can do...'
'Valathar told me that the Chronarchs' game is a trap for you. They want to turn you into an ethereal spirit being just like them – with godlike powers, but still less than them – so that they can continue to torment you forever If you walk willingly into their trap, embrace your own doom… well, that's something they think is endlessly hilarious. They've gone to an awful lot of trouble to make sure that you'll do just that. One of them threatened to erase me from existence if I told you, which is why we're having to meet like this. I'm pretty sure that the Chronarchs can't see inside people's minds, or in their dreams, or else I'd be in terrible trouble.'
'I see. Thank you for telling me. I should have suspected this from the start.' Evie sighs forlornly. 'I know, there is nothing in my life that the Chronarchs won't go out of their way to ruin or despoil. It was foolish of me to allow myself even the merest sliver of hope.'
She takes a deep breath. 'The reason I have suffered for so long is that I have continued to live, to fight, and to defy them, against all odds. I have often wondered how they would feel if I lay down and died. That would spoil their game, wouldn't it?'
'I think they'd count that as a win,' you tell her. 'You don't want them to win, do you?'
'If I die, I will be past caring about what they think about anything,' she says with a wan smile.
'Enough of that defeatist talk!' you cry. 'Wouldn't you rather beat them at their own game? Don't you want to win, at long last?'
She looks curiously at you. There is a hard edge of scepticism in her gaze. 'All right, I'm interested,' she says. 'I assume you have a plan, yes? Explain it to me, if you please.'
What do you say to her?
[] Write in.
This is quite important to the ongoing plot, so I'm not going to give you any guidance. Instead, I'm agog to see the master plan you're going to come up with.
There. Cut to black, imply something happened, don't specify what, move on. Was it that hard?
Or I dunno, post a warning about hot monkey sex and put it in spoilers, it's not like there's no erotica on this forum.
[X] "We..." pause dramatically. "Are going to murder them."
-[X] "Well, Al-Khidr says we can claim self-defense, and he's the foremost and wisest scholar and a gentleman, so I believe him."
-[X] How? We create a ruse. Al-Khidr thinks they will not resist an opportunity to appear before Evie and gloat when she's about to claim the prize. Considering what you've seen about their smarmy selves, you are inclined to agree. So you wait for the opportunity and throw everything you have at them.
--[X] Al-Khidr has a magic sword created to kill immortals and you're pretty sure the thought to just kill Chronarchs and let their gods sort them out crossed Evie's mind once or twice during the previous millennia, so you think she might have a little special something tucked away for a rainy day. Also, you don't want to brag, but you did manage to destroy a vault designed to survive the nuclear apocalypse. All in all, our chances aren't bad. They aren't excellent either, but. "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again."
--[X] There are also less... orthodox ideas you have if that doesn't work. There's a weird demonic sword with magical powers of borderline copyright infringement that you for some reason decided to drag along. Also you probably maybe could use the sound of collapsing reality to blast them. There was that door in the Maze where you saw the universe gradually grinding this pocket dimension into dust and it's... vast. Like, really vast. At least the result will be pretty interesting for everyone involved.
Edit:The part that the Chronarchs will appear to gloat before Evie claims the prize is in fact not guaranteed. Like, I believe there's a really good chance that it will happen, but if someone can come up with a way to fake claiming the godly powers without actually claiming them, that'll help. Actually, I do have an idea, I need to think on it some.
Okay, before adding it to the vote, I wanna discuss it.
Presumably, the Chronarchs don't actually want Frida to claim godhood for herself with all other things being equal, since Evie is their favorite chew toy/victim of abuse. They "allowed" us to entertain them by trying to betray her because it will hurt Evie, but the expectation is that we'll basically eat dirt and she'll walk all over us.
What if we... "win"? Like, convincingly fake backstabbing her? We do have a high Charisma and Performance score, I think we could be hammy enough for the two of us. Will they throw the pretense of fairness out the window and intervene on her behalf to help her out?
I won't be able to provide much in the way of an actual plan at this stage, but when it comes time for a performance speech I should be able to come up with something suitably cheesy, emotionally charged, and traitorous—if @Chandagnac allows us to make a speech, anyways.
I won't be able to provide much in the way of an actual plan at this stage, but when it comes time for a performance speech I should be able to come up with something suitably cheesy, emotionally charged, and traitorous—if @Chandagnac allows us to make a speech, anyways.
[X] Well, I plan to betray you and become a goddess myself
-[] We'll have to wing it once we have the prize in sight
--[] the chronarchs won't expect this
---[] Once I get my powers, well, I don't know, but maybe I'll be able to protect you from the chronarchs
if we fake-backstab Evie, I prefer making sure she's on board beforehand.
Kay, fine. Going to just add a clause about potential backstabbing in my vote, if no one comes up with anything else.
[X] "We..." pause dramatically. "Are going to murder them."
-[X] "Well, Al-Khidr says we can claim self-defense, and he's the foremost and wisest scholar and a gentleman, so I believe him."
-[X] How? We create a ruse. Al-Khidr thinks they will not resist an opportunity to appear before Evie and gloat when she's about to claim the prize. Considering what you've seen about their smarmy selves, you are inclined to agree. So you wait for the opportunity and throw everything you have at them.
--[X] Al-Khidr has a magic sword created to kill immortals and you're pretty sure the thought to just kill Chronarchs and let their gods sort them out crossed Evie's mind once or twice during the previous millennia, so you think she might have a little special something tucked away for a rainy day. Also, you don't want to brag, but you did manage to destroy a vault designed to survive the nuclear apocalypse. All in all, our chances aren't bad. They aren't excellent either, but. "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again."
--[X] There are also less... orthodox ideas you have if that doesn't work. There's a weird demonic sword with magical powers of borderline copyright infringement that you for some reason decided to drag along. Also you probably maybe could use the sound of collapsing reality to blast them. There was that door in the Maze where you saw the universe gradually grinding this pocket dimension into dust and it's... vast. Like, really vast. At least the result will be pretty interesting for everyone involved.
--[X] So, uh. You do have an idea to force them to appear, if they don't do it by themselves. They want Evie to win, right? You think you can convincingly fake betraying her and claiming the prize for yourself. You don't think they "like" you enough to allow you to win, so they'll pretty much have to directly intervene to help her.
[X] "We..." pause dramatically. "Are going to murder them."
-[X] "Well, Al-Khidr says we can claim self-defense, and he's the foremost and wisest scholar and a gentleman, so I believe him."
-[X] How? We create a ruse. Al-Khidr thinks they will not resist an opportunity to appear before Evie and gloat when she's about to claim the prize. Considering what you've seen about their smarmy selves, you are inclined to agree. So you wait for the opportunity and throw everything you have at them.
--[X] Al-Khidr has a magic sword created to kill immortals and you're pretty sure the thought to just kill Chronarchs and let their gods sort them out crossed Evie's mind once or twice during the previous millennia, so you think she might have a little special something tucked away for a rainy day. Also, you don't want to brag, but you did manage to destroy a vault designed to survive the nuclear apocalypse. All in all, our chances aren't bad. They aren't excellent either, but. "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again."
--[X] There are also less... orthodox ideas you have if that doesn't work. There's a weird demonic sword with magical powers of borderline copyright infringement that you for some reason decided to drag along. Also you probably maybe could use the sound of collapsing reality to blast them. There was that door in the Maze where you saw the universe gradually grinding this pocket dimension into dust and it's... vast. Like, really vast. At least the result will be pretty interesting for everyone involved.
--[X] So, uh. You do have an idea to force them to appear, if they don't do it by themselves. They want Evie to win, right? You think you can convincingly fake betraying her and claiming the prize for yourself. You don't think they "like" you enough to allow you to win, so they'll pretty much have to directly intervene to help her.
This sounds good. I'm sorry that I can't think of more to add.
[X] "We..." pause dramatically. "Are going to murder them."
-[X] "Well, Al-Khidr says we can claim self-defense, and he's the foremost and wisest scholar and a gentleman, so I believe him."
-[X] How? We create a ruse. Al-Khidr thinks they will not resist an opportunity to appear before Evie and gloat when she's about to claim the prize. Considering what you've seen about their smarmy selves, you are inclined to agree. So you wait for the opportunity and throw everything you have at them.
--[X] Al-Khidr has a magic sword created to kill immortals and you're pretty sure the thought to just kill Chronarchs and let their gods sort them out crossed Evie's mind once or twice during the previous millennia, so you think she might have a little special something tucked away for a rainy day. Also, you don't want to brag, but you did manage to destroy a vault designed to survive the nuclear apocalypse. All in all, our chances aren't bad. They aren't excellent either, but. "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again."
--[X] There are also less... orthodox ideas you have if that doesn't work. There's a weird demonic sword with magical powers of borderline copyright infringement that you for some reason decided to drag along. Also you probably maybe could use the sound of collapsing reality to blast them. There was that door in the Maze where you saw the universe gradually grinding this pocket dimension into dust and it's... vast. Like, really vast. At least the result will be pretty interesting for everyone involved.
--[X] So, uh. You do have an idea to force them to appear, if they don't do it by themselves. They want Evie to win, right? You think you can convincingly fake betraying her and claiming the prize for yourself. You don't think they "like" you enough to allow you to win, so they'll pretty much have to directly intervene to help her.
Also you probably maybe could use the sound of collapsing reality to blast them. There was that door in the Maze where you saw the universe gradually grinding this pocket dimension into dust and it's... vast. Like, really vast. At least the result will be pretty interesting for everyone involved.
I like the idea of hurting the various false gods in this quest by weaponizing the sound of realities being destroyed. That sounds incredibly METAL! I hope you actually do it.
(Hint: Refer to Al-Khidr's book, The Hymn of Creation, for tips which will help you with this.)
[X] "We..." pause dramatically. "Are going to murder them."
-[X] "Well, Al-Khidr says we can claim self-defense, and he's the foremost and wisest scholar and a gentleman, so I believe him."
-[X] How? We create a ruse. Al-Khidr thinks they will not resist an opportunity to appear before Evie and gloat when she's about to claim the prize. Considering what you've seen about their smarmy selves, you are inclined to agree. So you wait for the opportunity and throw everything you have at them.
--[X] Al-Khidr has a magic sword created to kill immortals and you're pretty sure the thought to just kill Chronarchs and let their gods sort them out crossed Evie's mind once or twice during the previous millennia, so you think she might have a little special something tucked away for a rainy day. Also, you don't want to brag, but you did manage to destroy a vault designed to survive the nuclear apocalypse. All in all, our chances aren't bad. They aren't excellent either, but. "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again."
--[X] There are also less... orthodox ideas you have if that doesn't work. There's a weird demonic sword with magical powers of borderline copyright infringement that you for some reason decided to drag along. Also you probably maybe could use the sound of collapsing reality to blast them. There was that door in the Maze where you saw the universe gradually grinding this pocket dimension into dust and it's... vast. Like, really vast. At least the result will be pretty interesting for everyone involved.
--[X] So, uh. You do have an idea to force them to appear, if they don't do it by themselves. They want Evie to win, right? You think you can convincingly fake betraying her and claiming the prize for yourself. You don't think they "like" you enough to allow you to win, so they'll pretty much have to directly intervene to help her.
All right, it seems like you have a solid plan in mind. Although, I'm going to leave the vote open for a while longer, just in case anyone else has any comments they would like to make. Nevill? Vocalist? Betafish?
Here's the vote tally so far:
Adhoc vote count started by Chandagnac on Nov 5, 2020 at 12:10 PM, finished with 9 posts and 4 votes.
[X] "We..." pause dramatically. "Are going to murder them."
-[X] "Well, Al-Khidr says we can claim self-defense, and he's the foremost and wisest scholar and a gentleman, so I believe him."
-[X] How? We create a ruse. Al-Khidr thinks they will not resist an opportunity to appear before Evie and gloat when she's about to claim the prize. Considering what you've seen about their smarmy selves, you are inclined to agree. So you wait for the opportunity and throw everything you have at them.
--[X] Al-Khidr has a magic sword created to kill immortals and you're pretty sure the thought to just kill Chronarchs and let their gods sort them out crossed Evie's mind once or twice during the previous millennia, so you think she might have a little special something tucked away for a rainy day. Also, you don't want to brag, but you did manage to destroy a vault designed to survive the nuclear apocalypse. All in all, our chances aren't bad. They aren't excellent either, but. "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again."
--[X] There are also less... orthodox ideas you have if that doesn't work. There's a weird demonic sword with magical powers of borderline copyright infringement that you for some reason decided to drag along. Also you probably maybe could use the sound of collapsing reality to blast them. There was that door in the Maze where you saw the universe gradually grinding this pocket dimension into dust and it's... vast. Like, really vast. At least the result will be pretty interesting for everyone involved.
--[X] So, uh. You do have an idea to force them to appear, if they don't do it by themselves. They want Evie to win, right? You think you can convincingly fake betraying her and claiming the prize for yourself. You don't think they "like" you enough to allow you to win, so they'll pretty much have to directly intervene to help her.
The Hymn of Creation, on the other hand, tells the story of an early English poet, Cædmon, who was inspired to write a hymn in praise of God's creation. Moreover, this book makes the outlandish and frankly astonishing claim that Cædmon's song was merely an echo of the song with which God Himself sang the world into being.
My only regret is that we have to present as many good points as possible to convince Evie instead of pulling a Secret Move in the Most Dramatic Moment Possible.
'Enough of that defeatist talk!' you cry. 'Wouldn't you rather beat them at their own game? Don't you want to win, at long last?'
She looks curiously at you. There is a hard edge of scepticism in her gaze. 'All right, I'm interested,' she says. 'I assume you have a plan, yes? Explain it to me, if you please.'
'We…' You pause for dramatic effect. '…are going to murder them!'
Evie quirks an eyebrow at you, looking quizzical, but doesn't interrupt.
'Well, Al-Khidr says we can claim self-defense, and he's the foremost and wisest scholar and a gentleman, so I believe him,' you say.
'Thank you,' says Al-Khidr. He folds his arms and waits impassively for you to get to the point.
'How? We create a ruse,' you say, answering your own rhetorical question. 'When it seems like you're about to win, when you're about to claim the grand prize, it seems more than likely that they will appear before you so that they can gloat. At last, that's what my esteemed friend thinks–' Here, you indicate Al-Khidr. '–and I'm inclined to agree with him. Considering what I've seen of them, how arrogant and smarmy they can be, I don't think they'd miss the opportunity to exult in their ultimate triumph. So, we'll wait until we can see them – hopefully, they'll let their guard down if they think they've already won – and then we'll strike!'
'With what?' asks Evie. 'Do you have a weapon which can harm ethereal spirit beings?'
'Al-Khidr has a magic sword which was made to kill immortals and I'm pretty sure that you must have thought about killing them before – don't you have a little special something tucked away for a rainy day?' you ask her.
'The Chronarchs stripped me of all my belongings before dumping me in Terminus,' says Evie. 'I don't have any of the weapons which I had hoped would be effective against them, not anymore. Although… I might be able to do something with Valathar's spear, Glad-of-War. It has some unusual properties, which perhaps it didn't have back when he was mortal.' She narrows her eyes. 'That may be the reason why he gave it to me, actually.'
'Also, I don't mean to brag, but I did manage to destroy a vault which was designed to survive the nuclear apocalypse. I don't know what effect my psychic powers will have on the Chronarchs, but I bet they won't be unscathed by it. All in all, our chances aren't bad. They aren't excellent either, but as the old saying goes, "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again."'
'If we don't succeed, we will probably be erased from existence,' Evie points out. 'Still, any chance is better than none. I would prefer to fight, to scream my defiance of the Chronarchs one last time, rather than just meekly surrender.'
'Well, if straight up attacking them doesn't work, I have some… less orthodox ideas. From the city's museum, I borrowed a weird demonic sword with evil magical powers. We could do some damage with that, I reckon. Or… uh, there was that door in the Maze in which I saw the universe gradually grinding this pocket dimension into dust. I was thinking that maybe I could copy the sound I heard there – the sound of reality collapsing into fragments – and blast them with it.'
'Everything you saw in the Maze was presented to you by the Chronarchs,' says Evie, looking wary. 'I doubt they would have shown you anything that you could potentially use against them.'
'Correction: everything we saw in the Maze was presented to us by Valathar, who was on our side the entire time and may have been deliberately trying to give us the tools we'd need to defeat his masters,' you say. 'It was probably his way of rebelling against them.'
'Oh. Yes, I suppose that is something he might have done.'
'Anyway, I have an idea to force them to appear, if it looks like they're not in a hurry to start gloating. They want you to win, right? And it anyone else looks like they're going to win instead, they won't be happy about that. So, I think I can convincingly fake betraying you and claiming the prize for myself. They don't want me to win, so they'll pretty much have to directly intervene if they want to stop me.'
'That could be very dangerous for you,' says Evie. 'Are you willing to take that kind of risk?'
'Everything we do here is risky. Challenging the False God is risky. Being trapped in a dimension which is gradually crumbling to pieces is risky,' you say with a shrug. 'There's nothing I can do to avoid risk, so there's no point in worrying about it.'
'Still, I'm touched. Thank you,' says Evie. She gives a nod to Al-Khidr as well. 'And thank you for allowing us to share your dream world. If not for you, I doubt that I would have found out about any of this until much too late.'
'It is no trouble,' says Al-Khidr, returning the nod. 'We are all in this together. If we are to have any hope of survival – and victory – we need to work together in any way we can.'
'So, what is your plan from here on?' asks Evie. 'What will we do tomorrow? Are we ready to assault the Crown just yet? Or… should we let the Doomsmen make the first attempt? I doubt they will succeed, but if they do…" A grim smile spreads across her face. '...the Chronarchs can't give me the prize if Yan has already claimed it.'
'Bear in mind, there are a large number of us – the Time Travellers' Society is getting increasingly crowded, these days – and we could all potentially be doing something useful,' says Al-Khidr. 'Think about how you would like to deploy your followers, oh fearless leader. What else needs to be done?'
What do you decide to do? (Choose as many options as make sense)
[] Head to the government building and challenge the Mayoress/Baldanders.
-[] Take some of your companions with you. (Write in: who?)
[] Send Evie to deliver her force field generator to the Doomsmen.
-[] Ask one or more of your other companions to accompany her. (Write in: who?)
--[] Wait to see what happens when the Doomsmen attack the Crown with their spaceship.
[] Take Evie's spaceship, fill it with your companions, and use it to attack the Crown. (This will trigger the endgame.)
[] Spend some time talking to one of your companions.
-[] Garrar
-[] Neoptolemus Grimwood
-[] Evarvae Uldanthyr
-[] Al-Khidr
-[] Heymlik Glogauer
-[] Mikhail Sokolov
-[] Nonette
- Do we want to brush up on psionic skills? Of particular interest are telepathy (allowing to communiate with our allies in real time), and making good on that "End of Universe Concert" threat.
- Do we want to confront Baldanders now, or leave him for later?
- Are we going to do anything about the portal? Admittedly all it requires is legwork for now, because we need Rekindlers' opinion on what should be done with the Freezer.
[] Head to the government building and challenge the Mayoress/Baldanders.
-[] Take some of your companions with you. (Mikhail, Garrar... anyone else? Al-khidr? Glitch could be useful, considering the robot guards in the area... but they are all Seraphs, not Ticktockmen)
[] Inform the Rekindlers about the portal and ask their opinion on the benefits and/or possible consequences of disabling the Freezer
-[] Grimwood, Glogauer
Grimwood as a member of the original expedition, and Glogauer as someone who's been here for a long time.
[] Read the damn books you bought!
-[] A book called Psychic Powers for Dummies
-[] A book called The Hymn of Creation
We can also have Evie deliver the generator while we are finishing this. Why not?
Does Nonette have any useful skills to add?
Well, she's a robot ( maybe ), and she might be able to help with...
I have no idea. She could go with the guys to talk to Rekindlers, I guess.
Also, not important right now, but we might need to keep an eye on Grimwood. Maybe buys some garlic and have Al-Khidr sanctify some-
Ah, no, Islam has only one source of holy water.
How logistically inconvenient.
I don't think the Mayoress/Baldanders is an interesting target, if we already have access to the crown with our spaceship.
Perhaps Nonette still has some access to official buildings? If we go confront the Mayoress/Baldanders, it could be good to have her there. Or at worst, she'd be another meatshield between Frida and danger
It's another player, and another uncertain (and possibly harmful) factor standing between us and world domination deification.
But I am thinking... can't we delegate Baldanders? At this point we may have the skills and firepower to just do it off-screen. Especially if Glitch takes away the robot guards. Did we get confirmation Grey was acting on the mayor's orders?
[X] Head to the government building and challenge the Mayoress/Baldanders.
-[X] Take some of your companions with you. (Garrar, Mikhail, Glitch, Al-Khdir, Nonette)
[X] Send Evie to deliver her force field generator to the Doomsmen.
[X] Inform the Rekindlers about the portal and ask their opinion on the benefits and/or possible consequences of disabling the Freezer
-[X] (Grimwood, Glogauer)
[X] Read the damn books you bought!
-[X] A book called The Hymn of Creation
[X] Head to the government building and challenge the Mayoress/Baldanders.
-[X] Take some of your companions with you. (Garrar, Mikhail, Glitch, Al-Khdir, Nonette)
[X] Send Evie to deliver her force field generator to the Doomsmen.
[X] Inform the Rekindlers about the portal and ask their opinion on the benefits and/or possible consequences of disabling the Freezer
-[X] (Grimwood, Glogauer)
[X] Read the damn books you bought!
-[X] A book called The Hymn of Creation
Everyone is busy with important or outright dangeous tasks, and Frida reads a book?
Good enough for me!
(or is she going to confront Baldy? the option talks about taking companions with you)
[X] Head to the government building and challenge the Mayoress/Baldanders.
-[X] Take some of your companions with you. (Garrar, Mikhail, Glitch, Al-Khdir, Nonette)
[X] Send Evie to deliver her force field generator to the Doomsmen.
[X] Inform the Rekindlers about the portal and ask their opinion on the benefits and/or possible consequences of disabling the Freezer
-[X] (Grimwood, Glogauer)
[X] Read the damn books you bought!
-[X] A book called The Hymn of Creation