How do Evie and Al-Khidr know the way out?
They have better stats.
Basically, yeah.

If you want an actual explanation: they don't know the layout of Vault Six, but they're aware of its position in relation to everything else (remember, among his many talents, Al-Khidr is a mapmaker). They know that the main entrance/exit is in the west and they're not aware of any other escape routes. Therefore, they're intent on heading west as far as they possibly can until they reach the exit. At this point, veering off into any of the side passages is likely to be a waste of time, so they've been trying to encourage Frida to stop doing that. Their rough plan seems to have worked out pretty well so far: you're nearly at the exit.

Would anyone else like to vote and/or comment on this? :p

EDIT: Oops, I've just realised that I forgot to threadmark the latest update. Changing that now.
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[X] Blast them with Mastery of Sound.
-[X] And then continue running

I'd rather get away as quickly as possible. Throwing Glitch into the crowd or getting Garrar to attack commits us far too much in my opinion.
A solid wall of decaying flesh, bristling with spikes, claws and teeth, and various primitive weapons.
A solid wall, you say...

Can we run across it, on top of their heads? Evie would have enough grace to do it, but could we stack each other on top of her while still leaving her the ability to run? Perhaps something could be figured out to lessen the total weight? Some of Al-Khidr's magic, aided by Frida's own telekinesis, perhaps?
All caught up! Yahey! Regrettably I'm too idiotic to think up any good plans or solve any puzzles, but may as well.

[X] Blast them with Mastery of Sound
[X] Let Evie loose with her 'bullet hell' technique.
-[X] Keep on running.
Not too sure about letting Garrar in there, considering Evie's going to put on an impromptu lightshow (even if she's got insanely good aim, best not to tempt fate). He might get in the way or get overwhelmed even if the zombies are now relatively mindless.
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Basically, yeah.

If you want an actual explanation: they don't know the layout of Vault Six, but they're aware of its position in relation to everything else (remember, among his many talents, Al-Khidr is a mapmaker). They know that the main entrance/exit is in the west and they're not aware of any other escape routes. Therefore, they're intent on heading west as far as they possibly can until they reach the exit. At this point, veering off into any of the side passages is likely to be a waste of time, so they've been trying to encourage Frida to stop doing that. Their rough plan seems to have worked out pretty well so far: you're nearly at the exit.

Would anyone else like to vote and/or comment on this? :p

EDIT: Oops, I've just realised that I forgot to threadmark the latest update. Changing that now.

Thanks! (I also forgot that Al-Khidr is a mapmaker)
I'd rather get away as quickly as possible. Throwing Glitch into the crowd or getting Garrar to attack commits us far too much in my opinion.
Fair enough.

Can we run across it, on top of their heads? Evie would have enough grace to do it, but could we stack each other on top of her while still leaving her the ability to run? Perhaps something could be figured out to lessen the total weight? Some of Al-Khidr's magic, aided by Frida's own telekinesis, perhaps?
You might be able to do that, if you can figure out a plan of action. (Would you like to put it in a vote?)

All caught up! Yahey! Regrettably I'm too idiotic to think up any good plans or solve any puzzles, but may as well.
Well, it's good to see you back. :)

Thanks! (I also forgot that Al-Khidr is a mapmaker)
Also, all of the Vaults have a pretty similar layout and Lothangrim didn't change it too much. Evie and Al-Khidr are very familiar with the layout of Vault Three because that's the home of the Time Travellers' Society, so they can make some educated guesses about where they need to go in Vault Six.

(I had that particular detail in mind when I wrote my previous post, but I forgot to add it to the explanation.)
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[X] Blast them with Mastery of Sound
[X] Let Evie loose with her 'bullet hell' technique.
-[X] Keep on running.
[X] Blast them with Mastery of Sound.
[X] Taunt Lothangrim
-[X] Shout: "I ain't afraid of no ghosts!" at the top of your lungs just as you start running though them.

Well, maybe we shouldn't test the structural integrity of the already collapsing vault like that, but I can't resist.
[X] Let Evie loose with her 'bullet hell' technique.
[X] Let Evie loose with her 'bullet hell' technique.
Considering that Evie is currently carrying Glitch above her head, what do you want her to do with him before launching into her 'bullet hell' technique? (Do you want her to throw him into the crowd, or put him down gently?)

[X] Blast them with Mastery of Sound.

[X] Suggest that Evie should throw Glitch into the middle of the horde.
-[X] Have him sing "I came in like a wrecking ball"
-[X] Let Evie loose with her 'bullet hell' technique.
[X] Blast them with Mastery of Sound.
-[X] And then continue running
[X] Blast them with Mastery of Sound
[X] Let Evie loose with her 'bullet hell' technique.
-[X] Keep on running.
[X] Blast them with Mastery of Sound
[X] Let Evie loose with her 'bullet hell' technique.
-[X] Keep on running.
[X] Blast them with Mastery of Sound.
[X] Taunt Lothangrim
-[X] Shout: "I ain't afraid of no ghosts!" at the top of your lungs just as you start running though them.
I would like to close the vote within the next twenty-four hours.

If any of you would like to change your votes, or if anyone else would like to vote, please do so. ;)
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Considering that Evie is currently carrying Glitch above her head, what do you want her to do with him before launching into her 'bullet hell' technique?
Set him down, but I'm not sure how we can run with him considering he's been slowed by the various zombie bits splattering his frame. I don't know if Garrar can lift him, much less do so alone, either.
[X] Blast them with Mastery of Sound
[X] Let Evie loose with her 'bullet hell' technique.
-[X] Keep on running.

[X] Suggest that Evie should throw Glitch into the middle of the horde.

I think Glitch is tuff enuff.
I'm going to close the vote now. Looking over what you've most commonly voted for, it seems that you want Frida to blast the zombies with Mastery of Sound, Evie to unleash her 'bullet hell' technique and (by a narrow margin) to throw Glitch into the middle of the horde.

Hoping that's all right. I'll be back soon with the next update. ;)
161. Pyrrhic Victory
And here it is:


Pyrrhic Victory
Since you began your journey through time and space, you've had to deal with so many strange people, bizarre situations and peculiar creatures that you've never been able to settle down in a state of comfort and complacency; you've always had to be alert, ready to make new plans when faced with the unexpected. Like now. Admittedly, the prospect of having to fight a horde of zombies in order to get out of the Vault wasn't particularly unexpected, but that just means you need even less time to come up with a plan of action.

'Evie, I need you to throw Glitch into the middle of them,' you say, tapping her on the shoulder and indicated the packed masses of zombies.


But before your robot friend can protest – or make any of his usual sarcastic quips – Evie obeys your instructions, hurling him through the air. He lands with a crash, smashing through the zombie mob, crushing several of them under his bulk. As he rolls over, flailing around, trying to get up, he damages still more of them. They scratch, bite, and claw at him, but are unable to penetrate his metal shell. Just as planned.

'YEAH… GREAT PLAN, FRIDA,' Glitch mutters blearily.

'Time to let loose with your blaster,' you say, removing your hand from Evie's shoulder. For a moment, you consider whether to tell her that she should try to avoid shooting at Glitch, but you decide not to. She's been doing this for thousands of years; she knows how to fight.

From somewhere in the midst of that thick crowd of flesh puppets, you hear Lothangrim's voice. It sounds oddly muffled, as though he's speaking to you from the other side of a wall. Which makes sense, you suppose. 'I won't let you leave… well, I won't make it easy for you,' he states.

Leaping up to a high vantage point, Evie fires a barrage of energy blasts into the horde, delivering a swift and final end to dozens of them. She doesn't bother with any fancy acrobatic manoeuvres like she did earlier; in her current position, she's far out of their reach and can shoot down at them with impunity; there's no reason for her to move out of her current position.

'Goodbye, Lothangrim,' you say. 'See you in hell.'

Putting the trumpet to your lips, you strike forth with a wave of furious sound, powerful enough to shred flesh, shatter bones, and throw your enemies to the ground as if they'd been hit by an earthquake. Their front rank seems to disintegrate. Many of the others are horribly wounded. You try to keep your psionic powers under tight control, excluding Glitch from their area of effect, trying to prevent him from being smashed into pieces by your attack. At that, you succeed, but you're unable to protect him from all of the aftershocks. His armoured carapace appears almost undamaged, but his limbs have seized up and you're fairly sure that his inner workings have taken a hammering. He is silent, almost immobile, and does little to resist as the remaining zombies crawl over him.

You feel strong arms grab hold of you, gathering you up, and Evie's voice whispers in your ear, 'We need to get out of here. Right now.'

Glancing upwards, you barely have time to see a latticework of cracks spread across the ceiling. You hear a terrible crunching sound as something gives way. Then, you're hurtling through the air as Evie leaps forward, carrying you with her, over the heads of the few remaining zombies, bouncing off the ground like a ping-pong ball, and flying out through the torn-open hole where Vault Six's main door once stood. All around, you see rubble, ruined buildings and shattered streets. This was once the Buried Village. It appears deserted.

Evie sets you down gently in a patch of open ground where there isn't any rubble to stumble over. A moment later, Al-Khidr and Garrar materialize next to you. Al-Khidr collapses to the floor in a dead faint. Garrar looks mildly confused.

You don't have time to say anything to them. From behind you, you hear a series of crashes and booms as Vault Six collapses in on itself. The ground rumbles beneath your feet. Have you won? Did anything of Lothangrim's manage to escape before you brought down the building on top of him? He's not permanently destroyed, you realise – you were unable to destroy every part of his phylactery network – but, unless he can somehow rebuild his forces, he is unlikely to be a threat to you ever again.

If this is victory, it came at a price you didn't want to pay. Glitch is still in there, buried under the rubble. Is he dead? Could you rebuild him if you took the time to dig him out? Perhaps. Perhaps not. You feel so dejected and tired and frustrated. In your mind, the battle you just fought seems kind of pointless. You wish this hadn't happened. Would it have been better to let Lothangrim's undead and Mister Grey's robots spend their strength fighting each other while you got on with other things? Would that have been a better use of your time? You don't know. It's too late.

'Useless… just useless,' you mutter, echoing something which Lothangrim said after you dosed him with Malaise.

'I'm sorry, what was that, Frida?' asks Evie, looking worriedly at you.

You shake your head. 'It's nothing. How are you holding up?'

Asking that question of each of your companions in turn, you get a range of answers: Evie is fine, virtually unscathed; Garrar has already regenerated any of the injuries he suffered during your invasion of Vault Six; and Al-Khidr is unconscious. Apparently, he grabbed hold of Garrar and teleported both of them out at the last moment, expending the last of his energy in order to do so. He opens one eye when you prod him, mutters something incoherent, and then drifts back off into dreamland.

You're in the Buried Village. Evidently, Lothangrim summoned all of his minions to fight you, leaving none of them outside; the streets are deserted. Maybe there are some undead creatures scattered around the Bowels somewhere, but they're not here. There is nothing to stop you from walking out of here. After that, it'll take about a quarter of an hour to get to the Maze, which you're now able to navigate with ease. From there, you can go anywhere in the city. You can be back in your home base in less than an hour.

What do you want to do?
[] Head back to Vault Three.
-[] Garrar will carry Al-Khidr.

[] "You know, in all that excitement, we never got to eat the lunch which Al-Khidr prepared for us."
-[] Stop and have lunch, picnic-style.

[] Send some of your companions home (write in: who?) while you stay and attempt to retrieve Glitch from underneath his burial mound.

[] Do something else (write in).
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Oh no our robot bu- actually I'm hungry
[X] "You know, in all that excitement, we never got to eat the lunch which Al-Khidr prepared for us."
-[X] Stop and have lunch, picnic-style.
I saw the title and went "oh no."
I read the post and felt like dying.

I'm not sure why, but some part of me expected us to naturally pick Glitch back up after we chucked him in there; why didn't we?

[X] Ask if any of your companions want to go home while you stay and attempt to retrieve Glitch from underneath his burial mound.
-[X] "It would be wrong to leave behind a friend. I still haven't shown him the sunsets he... hoped for yet, after all - haven't paid him back yet for all he's done."
—[X] Carry him back to base and try to repair him, if necessary.

Maybe not the best plan, or even the most immediately effective one, but I refuse to just let him die there. He's a friend, damnit.
I had a bad feeling when I read the title and now I feel bad for choosing to throw Glitch like that; I though we'd have the time to leave, but playing the trumpet brought down the vault on our heads. Garrar and Al-Khidr might have died too if Al-Khidr wasn't able to teleport.

[X] Ask if any of your companions want to go home while you stay and attempt to retrieve Glitch from underneath his burial mound.
-[X] "It would be wrong to leave behind a friend. I still haven't shown him the sunsets he... hoped for yet, after all - haven't paid him back yet for all he's done."
—[X] Carry him back to base and try to repair him, if necessary.
couldn't even bring myself to read the update

ripperoni my jabroni

[X] Ask if any of your companions want to go home while you stay and attempt to retrieve Glitch from underneath his burial mound.
-[X] "It would be wrong to leave behind a friend. I still haven't shown him the sunsets he... hoped for yet, after all - haven't paid him back yet for all he's done."
—[X] Carry him back to base and try to repair him, if necessary.
[X] Ask if any of your companions want to go home while you stay and attempt to retrieve Glitch from underneath his burial mound.
-[X] "It would be wrong to leave behind a friend. I still haven't shown him the sunsets he... hopedfor yet, after all - haven't paid him back yet for all he's done."
—[X] Carry him back to base and try to repair him, if necessary.

I had a bad feeling when I read the title and now I feel bad for choosing to throw Glitch like that;


I can't imagine not hearing his caustic, bitter quips anymore. And it feels it didn't have to be this way.
Binged through this in the last two days and love it! That said we can't leave Glitch behind, he is our robuddy.

[X] Ask if any of your companions want to go home while you stay and attempt to retrieve Glitch from underneath his burial mound.
-[X] "It would be wrong to leave behind a friend. I still haven't shown him the sunsets he... hoped for yet, after all - haven't paid him back yet for all he's done."
—[X] Carry him back to base and try to repair him, if necessary.
[X] Ask if any of your companions want to go home while you stay and attempt to retrieve Glitch from underneath his burial mound.
-[X] "It would be wrong to leave behind a friend. I still haven't shown him the sunsets he... hoped for yet, after all - haven't paid him back yet for all he's done."
—[X] Carry him back to base and try to repair him, if necessary.
Oh no our robot bu- actually I'm hungry
That was the implication, yes. Frida can be kind of weird and socially blind.

Binged through this in the last two days and love it!
Thank you very much! I'm glad that this old quest is still able to attract a few new readers. :)

I saw the title and went "oh no."
I read the post and felt like dying.

I'm not sure why, but some part of me expected us to naturally pick Glitch back up after we chucked him in there; why didn't we?
I had a bad feeling when I read the title and now I feel bad for choosing to throw Glitch like that; I though we'd have the time to leave, but playing the trumpet brought down the vault on our heads. Garrar and Al-Khidr might have died too if Al-Khidr wasn't able to teleport.
couldn't even bring myself to read the update

ripperoni my jabroni

I can't imagine not hearing his caustic, bitter quips anymore. And it feels it didn't have to be this way.
That said we can't leave Glitch behind, he is our robuddy.
I'm not sure how to feel about this: on the one hand, I'm sorry that I made you feel bad; on the other, I'm happy that one of my characters was able to inspire such strength of feeling in all of you.

Anyway, it seems pretty clear what you want to do next. I'll update as soon as I can. (If anyone else would like to vote, or if you want to add anything to the vote, feel free. If someone's got a good idea, I'll often try to include it in the story.)
Ah, our caustic robot companion seems to have become the first casualty. I can live with missing him for the two days we aren't a god (which is when we can restore him), but missing his commerntary? Absolutely unacceptable.

The best use of our time would be to find a way to heal Al-Khidr, and get him to cast intangibility, find Glitch, then find a way to extend the spell somehow and get out that way. Oh, and doesn't Grimwood specialize in hopping between realities? It could probably help getting in and out of hard-to-reach places... but Evie would need to give him his body back, first.

So we have two viable methods of retrieving Glitch, and both require some preparatory work. Three if we count "wait until you have a god at your beck and call", which is something I am not sure would even work. I still expect there might be a catch.
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162. Turnabout Is Fair Play
I've been thinking about this. It has occurred to me that the Vaults are very big buildings and, even if only a relatively small part of one fell down on top of Glitch, it would take an unreasonably long time (and be very dangerous) to dig him out without proper tools.

So, with that in mind, here's the next update:


Turnabout Is Fair Play
'I'm not going to leave him,' you decide, approaching the enormous heap of rubble which now blocks the entrance to Vault Six. 'I'm going to dig him out of there, even if it takes me all week.'

'You mean Glitch, right?' asks Garrar. 'You're going back for him?'

'Yes, who else would I be talking about?' you snap at him.

He grins foolishly. 'Just making sure.'

'Whatever.' You lift a chunk of rock off the pile, hefting it in both hands and bracing it against your body. Looking around, you think about how far you'll need to carry it before you can set it down somewhere it won't get in the way of your future excavations. After a few moments of struggling, you end up dropping it next to the ruins of an abandoned house.

Evarvae stares dubiously at you. 'Do you intend to clear the debris all by yourself, by hand, with no tools? It'll take weeks.'

'Well, I was hoping that both of you would help out,' you say, indicating her and Garrar. 'But if you want to go home – back to Vault Three, I mean – I guess that's fine. Just leave me here.'

Trying to reason with you, Evie says, 'We're all tired, Al-Khidr is injured, and we have to consider that more of Lothangrim's undead monstrosities could be lurking in the darkness. I'm not saying that you should abandon your friend, but I'd recommend that we take some time to rest, get properly equipped, and come back as soon as possible. When we're ready.'

'Ugh… maybe you're right,' you grudgingly admit, hesitating to pick up another rock. 'But I feel like it'd be wrong to leave behind a friend. I still haven't shown him the sunsets he... hoped for yet, after all. I haven't paid him back yet for all he's done.'

'And if you get yourself hurt or killed, how will that help? Do you think he'll thank you for spending weeks trying to dig him out with your bare hands?' asks Evie, wielding ruthless logic like a scalpel. 'It might make you feel better, but it won't do anyone any good, you least of all.'

Gazing back at her, you offer a feeble smile. 'Didn't I say something very similar to you… back when you were searching for the Hive of Memories? Y'know, back when you weren't getting any sleep?'

Evie looks abashed. 'I'm sure you think I'm a hypocrite. But I hope you'll understand, I'm speaking from experience. You said all these things to me before: that's how I know that they're important.'

'Fight smarter, not harder,' says Garrar. 'That's what the Master of the Maze was trying to teach me. Uh, something like that, I think. Whatever it was, it was a good lesson. Useful.'

You look exasperatedly at him, shaking your head.

'What?' He shrugs his brawny shoulders. 'I feel like I learned a lot from it.'

'Let's go, Garrar,' says Evie, getting ready to leave. She picks up Al-Khidr and places him across her shoulders in a fireman's carry. 'I'll bring Al-Khidr, don't worry about him.' She glances at you, sighs again, and says, 'Frida, will you come with us? Please. I will feel much better if I know you are safe.'

'Are you going to say "no" to that?' says Garrar with a roguish wink. 'I bet, if you play your cards right–'

'This is neither the time nor the place,' you tell him, shutting him down before he can go into detail. 'I'm not in the mood right now.'

'A friend is dead, or so close to it that it makes little difference,' says Evie. 'Bear that in mind.'

'Dead? He's a robot. You can repair him,' says Garrar. 'And then, when you've done that, you can bring him back as easily as flipping a switch.'

'Do you think that matters to me right now?' You sneer at him.


'Garrar, don't push it,' says Evie. 'Smarter, not harder, remember?'

'I hardly think–'

'No.' Evie sighs heavily. 'That's the problem.'

As his response to that, Garrar utters a frustrated noise that might have been intended as a curse in a language you don't speak.

'And the same to you,' Evie replies.

What will you do now?

[] Insist on staying behind to dig through the rubble with your bare hands, despite Evie's reasoning with you.
[] Return to Vault Three with your companions. Figure out your next move from there.
[] Do something else (write in).
[X] Return to Vault Three with your companions. Figure out your next move from there.
-[X] "Look, I - you're right. Fine. You're right, Evie; it won't do us any good. But promise me, please; promise me that we'll come back for him. Garrar, you're right too, but you need to work a little more on the 'fight smarter' bit."
—[X] Return to the Society vaults to rest up and think of what to do next.

Since I have no bloody clue what to do next, I'll leave the finer choices to the wonderful people who do! Goddamn if it doesn't hurt though, having to leave him behind. We'll get him out there if it takes us a hundred more turns, damnit. Alternatively, we could just wait to have someone win the game, then magick him out there, but that's pretty cold if you ask me.
[X] Return to Vault Three with your companions. Figure out your next move from there.
-[X] Leave while playing your saddest possible tune.