Gritting your teeth, you do your best.
Running down the track, you scramble up a series of bars. Your pace isn't the best, and by the time you reach halfway you're already panting. Stuff like this isn't your forte. While you're definitely not unhealthy or out of shape, your body is not one that most would call athletic. That, and you're too fond of sweets to truly pick up a slim figure.
But you're better than several of the participants, whose luxurious lifestyle has made them slow and breathless. Panting your way to the finish line, you lean over and let a bit of sweat drip off. That was definitely a workout.
"Adequate," the official says, nodding and recording your time as he flips over a minuteglass. "Next!"
Moving to the side, you recover your breath and wait for the rest to finish. It's not a long course, and eventually everyone has gone through it. There's a bit of private discussions between the three adults, but eventually they return to the group.
Clearing his throat, "Alright. That concludes the testing for today. You'll all be shown to the nearest dinin-"
The man is interrupted as another person enters abruptly. A tall man with shortly cropped black hair and a muscular body you can see even through his robes. One eye on his face is missing, covered up with a tasteful looking eyepatch. He scowls, yellow eye glaring. "So this is where you took my newest batch, Stenvir."
You finally have a name for the official, who swallows. "Apologies, Professor Galdrin. I wasn't aware you were going to be... well, what exactly is it you want?" Stenvir looks a bit confused, sending glances to his compatriots who don't know anything either. This leaves them somewhat flabbergasted.
Galdrin laughs and his harsh demeanor fades away. "Why, for more testing! After all, I'll need to approve anyone trying to apply to the Magical Combat Course."
"Surely we can do this later..."
"Now's the best time. Before any of them can get any ideas in their head about being battlemages without the proper training. Now, follow me, you lot!"
The poor official seems to sigh before calling for everyone to follow. "Come on, everyone."
Leading your group through yet more halls, Galdrin opens the doors to a wide room. Spacious and housing several marked squares, each filled with equidistant pillars. He surveys the room like it is his kingdom. "This here is the seventh floor sparring room. You're all free to come here at any time and practice."
He walks over to a line of shelves upon which sit what appear to be training weapons. Spears, staves, swords, hammers. All well-worn, from what you can tell. He picks up an unassuming halberd, the metal head blunted.
You can tell there are no embellishments in his movements as he arms himself. No fancy tricks, no artful flourishes. Utterly efficient.
Choice automatically assigned. Core statistics set.
[X] - 4d6 Skirmish Pool. You've got a good head on your shoulders when it comes to combat. Parry, thrust, riposte. Blast, protect, dodge. Most might not expect a girl of your age to know how to brawl, but you've got the basics down at least.
The man reminds you of your grandfather. He was a guardsman once, in service to Highvale. Much to your father's disapproval, he taught you what you know about how to fight. His affinity was that of light, one he used to his advantage during your spars. Blinding magics followed by well-trained skill. You learned a fair bit from him.
"Alright. I'll need a volunteer. Who is willing to go first? Who among you has the grit to call themselves a true mage?"
For a moment you hesitate, before finding your inner strength. "I will, sir."
"Good!" He grins widely, raising his spear to point directly at you. "What is your name, student?"
"Nia Nya." For once you're annoyed at your parent's humor. With their last name sounding so similar to the call of a cat, they just had to make your first name pronounced the same.
"Very well. Grab yourself a weapon and join me in this ring."
Nodding, you walk over to the shelf and scan the contents. While your grandfather primarily taught you how to use the spear, axe, and sword, you've grown to have your own personal preferences.
[] [Weapon Proficiency] - Blades. The art of a swordswoman has always called to you. Tales of the Lord of Bells and his resonating blade have pushed you to try to one day match the lost art of wielding a sword. Be it a katana, longsword, bastard, or short, you like it.
[] [Weapon Proficency] - Bludgeons. Eschewing precision for raw force, you've always preferred hitting things with something really hard. You favor maces, hammers, and morningstars.
[] [Weapon Proficiency] - Axes. Cut, cleave, hew. The enemy can't beat you if you've already sliced them in half. Weapons like axes, falchions, cleavers, and bardiches favor you.
[] [Weapon Proficiency] - Polearms. Reach is king on the battlefield. When you need to get into melee, you prefer doing it at the end of a two meter stick. Spears, ranseurs, glaives, and voulges are something you enjoy.
[] [Weapon Proficiency] - Whips. Somewhat of a recent choice, but it became the best fit given your affinity. Corded weapons can naturally form spirals, allowing you to wield them much easier.
[] [Weapon Proficiency] - Write-in. Any kind of weapon type as long as it isn't too exotic.
Picking the weapon from the shelf, you test its weight and balance for a moment before finding it acceptable. Turning to face Professor Galdrin, you stride into the arena and take up a defensive stance. You can see that he has taken up a relaxed stance, and is seemingly lowering his skills in order to make this a fairer fight.
[Combat Initialized!]
HP 3/3 - MP 9/9 - Skirmish Pool 4d6 - Unarmored - Skirmish Defense: 16
Enemy Statistics
HP ??/?? - MP ??/?? - Skirmish Pool 3d6 - Gambeson Armor +8 - Skirmish Defense: 20.
With your novice skill level you can only take one disposition at a time.
[] [Attack Disposition] - Heavy Strike. Forgo accuracy for raw damage. Halve your total dice pool in order to deal double damage.
[] [Attack Disposition] - Defensive Strike. Fight defensively at the cost of accuracy. Boost your Skirmish Defense's dice value to a 5 instead of a 4. (SD is determined by multiplying your SP's die total by a roll of 4.) Treat each of your attack rolls at 1 lower.
[] [Attack Disposition] - Cleaving Strike. Attack multiple enemies by lowering your accuracy. Halve your total dice pool in order to treat the attack as targeting all current opponents. Not applicable at this time.
With your novice skill level you can only wield one weapon choice at a time.
[] [Weapon Choice] - Melee Weapon. Adds +2d6 to the roll. Physical Attack.
[] [Weapon Choice] - Spiral Affinity. Adds +3d6 to the roll. Costs 1 MP to use. Physical Attack.
[] [Weapon Choice] - Frost Affinity. Adds +2d6 to the roll. Costs 1 MP to use. Elemental Attack - Cold.
[] [Weapon Choice] - Sight Affinity. Adds +4 to your Skirmish Defense. Costs 1 MP to use.
[] [Mana Usage] - Arcane Attack. Spend MP in order to roll higher. 1 MP = +1d6. 3 MP = +4d6. 5 MP = +7d6.
[] [Mana Usage] - Arcane Defense. Spend MP in order to increase your SD. 1 MP = +4. 3 MP = +16. 5 MP = +28.
[] [Stunt] - Write in. How will you go about this battle and what strategies will you take with your weapons and magic? Basic stunts will grant a +1d6 and impose a minor negative result on failure. Standard stunts will grant a +3d6 and impose a moderate negative result on failure. Advanced stunts will grant a +6d6 and impose a highly negative results on failure. Stunts are subject to QM approval and need to be logical.