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Brave Duel.

That was the name of the game that has been sweeping the nation. Just a few months...
00: For The Sake Of INNOCENCE


Too lazy to leave the house
I wish I could stay
Brave Duel.

That was the name of the game that has been sweeping the nation. Just a few months after it's release and hundreds have flocked to your district of the city just to play it, so it's only natural that you got curious about.

"Welcome!" The cashier lady greets you, "How may I help you today?"

You take a flyer out of you pocket and point to it.

Even with how popular the game was there are still only three places where you can play the game. You don't really understand how such a thing can occur but you aren't going to question it right away, not with the faction/style sort of thing they have going on...

Speaking of, just where are you beginning your foray into Brave Duel?

[] A hobby shop and the most popular place to play the game.Team Style: Mid-Childan
[] A book store... with an underground arena? Team Style: Belkan
[] A research center. Apparently this game leaves nothing untouched. Team Style: Industry

"Ah of course, you have the fee yes?" You take out the money, having it ready in your pocket since leaving the house, and hand it over to her in record time. "Thank you. Wait a just one moment please."

She disappears for a second before bringing you two containers, a small white object that you could almost mistake for a chip and a fancy looking red pouch inscribed with wings and magical runes. "These are your Data Cartridge and Brave Holder. The first one is your player identification and data recorder while your Brave Holder holds all your cards so make sure you don't lose them! Now I can show you to the Card Loader if you just come this way..." She smiles and gestures towards a doorway.

You follow the lady down the busy halls until you reach the main area, full of people playing the game. All kinds of people have gathered here, like a sanctuary away from the rest of the world. In the middle a huge stage rests underneath a monitor which was displaying one of the fights that you had heard so much about. Magical spells and fighting techniques flew through an arena, different from the videos you had seen online.

"It's amazing isn't it?" Your companion asks you as you take it all in, "For one game to bring this many people together, it's almost a miracle."

You nod your head a little in agreement.

"Speaking of, why don't you tell me a little more about yourself?"


[] You were always told you resembled your sister perfectly. Masquerade
[] You're the one to smile in the face of tragedy. Partners in Crime
[] You're a mechanical engineer who wanted to build machines that help people. Fresh Start Fever
[] You're just a simple coffee shop worker. Untraveled Road

"Is that so? Ah, we're here."

You blink before staring at the huge capsule in front of you. When you were told about them you almost laughed it off but to see it in real life...

"Now, put your cartridge into this container and step into the capsule, after that enter your personal info and try not to move as the camera scans your body."

You quickly follow her instructions, eyes widening at the holographic display before a brief flash of light overcomes you.

"Hm, that's strange." The lady comments, "It appears an error occured in your registration. Let's try that one more time..."

This time the machine got it right and you... take the card that appears out of thin air.

You just aren't even going to question this anymore.

"Well, enjoy your time here and we hope you'll come back to us soon."

You stare at the card in your hands.

This is it. The start of many things to come, you can feel it.

You didn't know it but at that moment you had just taken your first step into something much bigger than yourself. A new story was about to unfold, and you were about to be placed as a key player in the events to come. Enemies will be made, friends will be forged through fire, and everything will be put on the line.

Are you ready?


So in an effort to break through a writer's block I didn't even know I had, I decided to try and push myself to do something and somehow this is what spiraled out.

What this basically boils down to is me taking INNOCENCE and slightly reimagining it.

You won't see much of the original here, mostly because a variant of it has already taken place, but I'm still willing to go have some fun.

And if you're still willing to follow me in then well, who am I to disagree?
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    • Name: Kyouya Takamachi
      Age: 16
      Title: The Godly Ace


      Older brother of the rising star of the Brave Duel world, Nanoha Takamachi, he is the protagonist of this quest and has only joined Brave Duel in order to test and sharpen his skill with the sword against a variety of opponents. Ever since he was a young boy he has dedicated himself to cultivating the sword as the heir to the Fuwa-ryū sword style and has thus become considerably skilled in both fighting and terrain movement.

      A man of composure, he is skilled at reading people allowing him to rarely be surprised at the actions of others, and is considerably mature for his age. His preferred hobbies are fishing and bonsai trees but he does work in his family coffee shop Midoriya after school from time to time.

      He is also a ladies man, though this is not something he does on purpose.

    • Name: Untraveled Road
      Namesake: Untraveled Road by Thousand Foot Krutch

      The Eclipse Drive belonging to the Ace. It allows the user to split into three different routes that appear to the world around it like illusions. While this ability is activated the user is invincible but will take the damage sustained in the route that he has chosen.

      At the moment this drive is at the Basic level, causing the user to not be able to recognize or see the other routes during activation and must stitch back the memories of the routes after use due to not being able to mentally handle comprehending all three at once. This can be fixed by training.

    • Round Shield: Creates a round shield in front of the user.

      Flash Moves: Moves the user to another location at super fast speeds. Does not work for the long term travel.

      Chain Bind: Sends multiple Chains to immobilize a target.

    • Flash Impact: A variation of Flash Move that sends the user at high speeds to a target in order to let out a devastating blow.

      Chain Anchor: A variation of Chain Bind that wraps itself around an object and pulls the user closer.

      Sound Sensing: Kyouya can trace a map of his environment and position of his opponents just by the sound that they make.

      Fuwa Mikami School Twin Kodachi Mikami Style: The school of sword that Kyouya both trains and teaches.

    • Not much is known about it other than being two futuristic purple and black katanas. An inbuilt AI does not seem to have come out with it though that remains to be seen.

      Peculiarly, one of the blades only shows when the Eclipse Drive is activated.

      Currently does not have a name.
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[X] A hobby shop and the most popular place to play the game.Team Style: Mid-Chaldia
[X] You're just a simple coffee shop worker.

going in blind :V
natural that you got curious about. I think you meant for the sentence to end with it.

you pocket and point to it. --> you to your

Wait a just one moment please ----> Wait just one moment please

[x] A book store... with an underground arena? Team Style: Belkan

Belkans are coolest :V

[x] You're the one to smile in the face of tragedy.

Just as a note, there's invisitext next to all of the character options. I'm too lazy to copy paste it though.
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Belkans always get the coolest weapons!
[x] A book store... with an underground arena? Team Style: Belkan

No idea who any of the characters options are (other than the first one being either Fate or Alicia), so I'll go with this one for now.
[x] You're just a simple coffee shop worker.
Team Style: Mid-Chaldia
What this basically boils down to is me taking INNOCENCE and slightly reimagining it.
The manga's title is "INNOCENT"..........

You also made this typo in the thread title.
[X] A hobby shop and the most popular place to play the game.Team Style: Mid-Chaldia
[X] You're just a simple coffee shop worker.

the squad is here
Here we go again. Also:
[] You were always told you resembled your sister perfectly. Masquerade
[] You're the one to smile in the face of tragedy. Partners in Crime
[] You're a mechanical engineer who wanted to build machines that help people. Fresh Start Fever
[] You're just a simple coffee shop worker. Untraveled Road
Obligatory hora~

[x] A book store... with an underground arena? Team Style: Belkan
[x] You're just a simple coffee shop worker.
[X] A book store... with an underground arena? Team Style: Belkan
[X] You're the one to smile in the face of tragedy. Partners in Crime

[X] A hobby shop and the most popular place to play the game.Team Style: Mid-Chaldan
[X] You're just a simple coffee shop worker.

it says in my contract that i must make a yugioh joke for every post i make in this thread

so uh

is brave duel some new contrived form of dueling made in the hopes of getting in the "cool crowd" with the kids?


that's the joke

now i can go to sleep
[x] A research center. Apparently this game leaves nothing untouched.
[x] You're just a simple coffee shop worker.
Might be locking votes in one or two hours...

Originally I was going to announce it be locked 23 minutes ago but then sleep hit me like a truck.
Might be locking votes in one or two hours...

Originally I was going to announce it be locked 23 minutes ago but then sleep hit me like a truck.
Unless you want this to be one of those multiple updates per day quests, locking it this soon might be a bad idea. Many people on the east coast of the US were probably already asleep when the OP was posted.
Unless you want this to be one of those multiple updates per day quests, locking it this soon might be a bad idea. Many people on the east coast of the US were probably already asleep when the OP was posted.

I figured as it stood, I wanted to get something better to entice more people to vote for as I purposefully made everything vague as shit.
[X] A hobby shop and the most popular place to play the game. Team Style: Mid-Childan
[X] You're just a simple coffee shop worker. Untraveled Road

I like the idea of a mom-and-pop coffee/hobby shop theme for the protag.