Son of the Land of Fire

[X] Will be made for your full growth size from start -Full stats from the start rather large on you - Derived would weaker overall covering your Samurai and levies. Best for the general national wars.

Quantity has a quality of its own. Especially if the quantity is of high quality.
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[X] Will be made for your full growth size from start -Full stats from the start rather large on you - Derived would weaker overall covering your Samurai and levies. Best for the general national wars.
[X] Will be made to expand and grow with you. - Starts will grow as you age up but would end up weaker compared to the other choice. - Derived would be stronger for your Samurai elites forces only. Best for end game.

Anybody got any names?
[X] Will be made to expand and grow with you. - Starts will grow as you age up but would end up weaker compared to the other choice. - Derived would be stronger for your Samurai elites forces only. Best for end game.
Since nobody suggested a name, here's my suggestion,

面影 - Omokage

Means Facade according to google translate.

Makes sense, considering what our odachi is based off, but can't help but feel like it would be insulting to name our blade that. Will be looking for more names; since no one else seems to be.
[X] Will be made to expand and grow with you. - Starts will grow as you age up but would end up weaker compared to the other choice. - Derived would be stronger for your Samurai elites forces only. Best for end game.
Interlude results
Interlude vote results​

Tachi name U~indoraidā -Wind Rider

Odachi name Sutōmuburēdo Storm Blade

As for the vote on which I had already closed it on discord and being tiebreaker before Kufufu posted

Die rolled
[X] Will be made for your full growth size from start -Full stats from the start rather large on you - Derived would weaker overall covering your Samurai and levies. Best for the general national wars.

Year 9 actions will be posted tonight I have them mostly written up now.
Year 9
Turn 9 Years old.​

You have been taken under you Uncle's tutelage to train in the way of being a Samurai.

There is also the possibility you will gain his traits.

Number of actions reduced to 1 with the exception of Martial which have 1

This is the year you start preparing to foster and leaving to foster. Number of training will be cut in half

Orochimaru and Sakumo will be accompanying you. Isao will be temporarily leaving service to start a family. Kenta will be part of your fathers retinue/



Turn 7

Martial 1 Action

[] Prepare for fostering/start fostering 1 Action choices:

-[] Mifune (Iron)

-[] Samurai House (Fire)

-[] Samurai House (Wind)

Diplomacy 1 action

[] Learn more about the Great Nations Cost 1 Action DC 30/50/80/95

[] Interact with the Local Nobles On your rounds with your Uncle. Cost 1 Action 50/80/95

Stewardship 1 Action

[] Continue to review the older Tax forms Cost 1 action DC 80/90/100

[] Check the trade ledgers from Iron 60/90/100

[] Check the trade ledgers from Wind 60/90/100


[] Learn about the Houses and Nobles in (Iron) 60/90/100

[] Learn about the Houses and Nobles in (Fire) more deeply 60/90/100

[] Learn about the Houses and Nobles in (Wind) 60/90/100

Learning 1 Action

[] Explore the Capital city with your Guard Effect: Explore the Capital DC 10/25/40/60/90/100

[] Have a tutor from the Bureaucracy with you. DC 25/60/95/100

Personal Action 4 Actions since this will be the last you see them for a bit.

[] Spend time with your Father. Cost 1 Action DC 35/55/80

[] Spending time with your mother. Cost 1 Action DC 45/75/90

[] Spend time with your Brother Cost 1 Action DC 35/55/80

[] Spend time with your new siblings Cost 1 Action DC 35/55/80

Chakra Choose 2 elements to Focus on while your training with your uncle this year

[] Fire (really with your stats)

[] Wind

[] Lightning

[] Earth

[] Water

[] Chakra Control
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[X] Plan: Mifune
-[X] Prepare for fostering/start fostering 1 Action choices:
--[X] Mifune (Iron)
-[X] Interact with the Local Nobles On your rounds with your Uncle. Cost 1 Action
-[X] Check the trade ledgers from Iron 60/90/100
-[X] Learn about the Houses and Nobles in (Iron)
-[X] Have a tutor from the Bureaucracy with you. DC 25/60/95/100
-[X] Spend time with your Father. Cost 1 Action DC 35/55/80
-[X] Spending time with your mother. Cost 1 Action DC 45/75/90
-[X] Spend time with your Brother Cost 1 Action DC 35/55/80
-[X] Spend time with your new siblings Cost 1 Action DC 35/55/80
-[X] Chakra Control
-[X] Wind
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[X] Plan: Mifune

A good enough plan although I'd prefer to learn about the great nations since we won't be seeing these nobles for years but on the other hand interacting with them promises greater diplomacy gains...
Edited in Wind, somehow it was removed when I copy pasted/edited the personal options in.

Edit: Nevermind, it didn't vanish. It was joined with my previous edit :oops:

Edit2: Changed Ledgers to Iron, just a heads up.
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[X] Plan: Mifune
pesonally i'd double down on chakra control as training it is more effective overall, but this is good enough.
Ok I'm back after health issues, financial issues, computer issues etc I'm back. I've been around at work and at home though I have been getting my muse back.

There will be mechanical changes one thing is no more exploding crits unless otherwise stated. I am also simplifying the scoring on a roll 1 and 100 are still natural crit fails and successes but you will have minor crit fails from 2-5 and minor crit successes from 96-99.

The quest will likely have 2 updates a week.

I am also starting a pure shinobi one of Konoha within the next day that will also be updating 2 times a week.