Slime Quest: All Hail The Machine-Goddess!

Turn 21

The acolytes are... honestly, the priests are starting to get less impressed by that whole "acolyte" concept. They spend the turn struggling to keep all of the tribe's adaptations in play while also advancing adaptation lore? It's confusing and exhausting, and they get basically nowhere. On the bright side, they do manage to hold the tribe's adaptations pretty effectively. That's something, at least.

On the flip side, the priests, now freed both from the physical labor of juggling adaptations and the mental labor of Remembrance find themselves energized, motivated, and *highly* effective - literally sparking with ideas. Priest Second order Zorch it the one that makes the big breakthrough - managing to chase the thread of Divine Memory back down to the form that complements it - a Knowledge Form? When they realize what they've found, they are overcome by awe - it's a form that may be even more closely tied to the Goddess than the Lightning Form. It's even better when they realize its fundamental nature. The slime's sharing of adaptations is by passing small pieces back and forth. To the knowledge form, those pieces are just little packets of information - capable of being stored, copied, and shared out once more without any need to absorb and become them. Overnight, the need for acolytes is gone.

The acolytes themselves are... relieved at this.
(Knowledge Form lvl 0 gained. Initial Advantage: Divine Memory. Initial Disadvantage: Sessile. Inherent ability: Form Storage.)

Events in the greenhouse go more or less as you would expect. Food is grown, food is gathered.
Greenhouse room food increases by 1 (base) + 3 (machine with operator) + 1 (operator Plant Empathy) to 13. Farmers photosynthesize.
3 food scavenged (food in room down to 10). Scavengers photosynthesize.

Drone Engineer explores for fuel
die roll: 1d10 = 3 + 2(vents) + 2(directed search, divine assistance) = 7

The drone engineers implore that the Goddess hear their words, and direct them where they might find fuel. The goddess is concerned. She says that the stores of fuel that she knew of were all consumed long ago. She mentions, though, that there is another deity that might know more, and she sketches out a way to his lair.
As he approaches, they grow concerned. There is *chanting* in the air. some sort of bizarre ritual is being performed. They start to feel a pounding in their plasm. Finally, they get to the grate that looks out on room the they've been told of. It is horrifying. There is yet another Divine Generator - warped in some fashion, and angry red with flashing warning signals. There is a pathway of some sort worked around it in a spiral so that a procession might trudge from the floor to the top. At the top, they can see what was once the standard fuel intake. It is now fed by a channel, which leads back to an altar, presided over by a slime that is obviously some sort of priest. As they watch silently, pinned in place by an unknown dread, another slime is brought forward by two burly guards. The priest-slime produces some sort of... sharp thing, which he uses to carve open his fellow slime, who collapses, pouring into the channel, and then into the intake. The priest gestures for another slime to be brought forward. The engineers back off, half-stunned with horror, and make their way back tot he sanctuary as quietly as they are able.

They report back to the Goddess as soon as they can. She seems... concerned. "I do not understand. That God - Vulcan - This does not seem like him. Be wary, my children. It would be well to determine what has happened here - what has brought them to such a state - but be careful."

In the meantime, she has managed to come up with an answer to their question on PA systems. Yes, there once was a PA system that would let her communicate across most of the ship, but she has been cut off from that system for some time, and it was run through the ceilings. Actually, now that the slimes are capable of walking up walls, that might be fixable. She's pretty sure that you'll need to know more about wiring first, though, and fixing the wires is likely to take a fair bit of materials.

Population: Growth increases by 5 to 11. Growth crosses 10 threshold. 1 food foraged (Greenhouse now at 9).
Food: 0 initial, 3 scavenged, 3 consumed. 0 remains.
Favor: 40 initial, 10 generated, 1 consumed for searching assistance. 1 consumed for PA system information. 48 remains.

note on crit fails/crit successes. 1s and 10s are pretty bad or pretty cool respectively regardless. If I'm rolling to confirm, I'm rolling to check if something has gone above and beyond. If you just roll a 1, you get no progress. If you roll a 1 and also confirm crit, Bad Things Happen.

As always, feel free to ask questions. I'll try to update the links and summary at some point today.
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I get the feeling that Vulcan has been disabled (partially or fully), and either his slimes or his remnant have gone out of control. Could we tell what colour the victim was, or was the lighting too red and flashy to identify?

Also, does our Goddess have a name, that we know of?
Information-form! :D
Research accelerated research/learning?

Vulcan may be our chance to free the downtrodden :)
To be knights in shiny lack of armour and possibly get converts.

We do need info on their society first. Ideas?
Try for glass form with limited-invis and spy on them?

Why does it seem like every God has slimes? Are we essential somehow?

Sirro : Did we get a headcount of the weird slimes?
Do we have control over who divides when we get more pop?

We should name our society. I do not want to use 'Batch 17' if I can help it.
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Well, if Gods did not have slimes, what would they have?

You didn't get anything like a headcount. Among other things, you have no idea if there were any in any other rooms. Also? kind fo not your focus of attention at that point. There seemed to be a rather lot of them, though.

You don't really have a whole lot of control over who divides unless you're putting work dice into it. It's just a matter of the maturation and division process.
Llull trembled with excitement.

A new Form even closer to Goddess!

And it would be so useful in practical ways too.

Goddesses voice was broken.
Skilled slimes were needed to fix the wiring.

So many Drones were broken.
Skilled slimes were needed there too.

Not to mention the drivers that would be needed once the Drones were operational.

And perhaps.. This new God and his slimes.
There was a danger there, yes.
But perhaps this time fighting would not be necessary.

Perhaps their God was simply..Broken.
How great a skill would it need? What majesty would it be to.. to fix a God?

Llull saw itself walking among the strangers. At peace.
Strange slimes parted before it, looking at it with prayer in their eyes.

It saw itself raising a pseudopod and touching the new God, feeling how afraid it was and how full of hope it was.
Hope for a salvation that only the Goddess and her slimes could bring.

It was a dream...
But perhaps...perhaps they truly could act as a healing palm of the Goddess.
If only enough of the Goddesses essence could be embodied in her Children.

And if the worst came to the worst.
The warriors would benefit immensely from better knowledge of the flow of battle. From better skill at wielding their Forms.

All this knowledge, all this skill slept inside the Goddess.

In a way it slept in the nucleus of each and every one of her slimes.
For were they not the Goddesses Chosen? Her children? Her most devout of servants?

If there was any chance, any chance at all that this new form was the key to unlock that skill, that essence of the Goddess..
What fools would the priests have to be to let such a gift lay unused and undeveloped?


Let us develop the information-form :)
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Perhaps their God was simply..Broken.
How great a skill would it need? What majesty would it be to.. to fix a God?


Let us develop the information-form :)
A lofty dream perhaps, but nice writing nonetheless.

Anyway, Knowledge Form cannot eat from Conduit, so we have to get a system to bring back Food to Sanctuary.
Though, if Form Library can be used interchangeably by the Knowledge Slimes, some part of the pop can turn Lightning eat, then turn back to Knowledge to let the rest turn to Lightning.

I am worried about Vulcan's slimes and Tainted One's slimes.
Vulcan's slimes are probably the one with a tools, as well as the fast growing one (shatter-and-share reproduction style). The God's Conduit is perhaps broken that he decided to use slime plasm as a stopgap?
We need to get another Drone, I think.

Tentative plan
Work Dice:
[X] Knowledge Priest: Research ????
[X] Agriculture Engineer (Photosynth, Plant Empathy): Operate Gardening Machinery
[X] Drone Engineer (in Drone): Fill Drone Powerpack halfway and transport Food from Greenhouse to Sanctuary
[X] Warrior: Pick up a complete Drone from the Shop
[X] Warrior: ????

I have too many ideas on what to research...
Yeah Llull has bit of a messiah complex :D

Tool users with shatter was my prognosis as well.

On the other hand it might be that we just saw 2 new species of slime.
Tool users are the T1000-race after all. Should not be difficult to imitate another race of jellies.

If that is the case the shifters could have converted the generator to a hell-portal.

Fuel-less generators might well be magical in nature.
Might be why Purple God is 'necessary'.
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- Food in the garden is way too under-protected anyway + we have bled df for some time due to slow hauling.
- Food is eventually perishable. DF is not. Let's eat as much as we can.
- Priests can take turns to drink.(if they have to)

- You know what I want to research ;)
Perfect/ranged communication would also be a good one. Info-form anyways.

- I thought we only had one working drone?
- Drone engineer is the only pilot. You want to haul it? Where?
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could with an action we attempt to send one slime to try and talk to vulcan to find out what is wrong?
You could totally spend a work die to try diplomacy with the followers of Vulcan. I'd want at least a bit of a write-in as to what they were going to tell those slimes about themselves, and what they were going to ask, but it's an entirely doable thing. It's even conceivable that if they do the diplomacy thing well enough, the slimes might be willing to permit them to address Vulcan directly (should that be their wish).
What I want is to recreate Divine Laser in Greenhouse, as well as set-up early warning system (put Divine Favor on upkeep to maintain Divine Sight: Present for the locations we want to be careful of).

Then improve Gardening Engineering, in case of break down on the machinery (as well as the possibility of upgrading?).

Then there is the problem of holes and air vents, we need to get some manner of gates or such.

LaserGreenery would be sweet.

Building a new laser-grid will need 4 on Divine Script and on laser-build-skill.
Would this be lower if we find suitable parts?

We could re-purpose the one at base but I would not.

Upgrade *foo* needs 3 ranks.

I am in favour of constant "watch over us" prayer.

I do not think we can do anything about the holes. This place is swiss cheese.
GM Sirro, that was a fantastic scene. Thanks for your hard work, as always.

Regarding actions this turn... I'm not sure. But I'm not enthused that we found another enemy already. X_X

Are we upgrading Dataforme?
Some manner of Metal Form advantage could be remolding metal.
That, with Engineering or Culture: Build/Repair Basic Structure might be able to get slimes building/repairing walls and/or making gates/doors.

EDIT: An Engineering: Structure/Civil 2 might give us Repair, while 4 might get us Build... If we follow the standard Engineering levels. I am unsure what Use/Operate Structure might entail, though. XD
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We also want to get that Form Generation Advantage, if/when we start to really get into repairing and building things.
A bit random, we're just throwing ideas without any ideas of how the basic principles would work.

Also, these are probably after we have gotten enough Slimes grown again.
IF neither Tainted One or Vulcan made any move, that is.
- You could. It would involve running a cable from the Sanctuary to the Drone Shop. Not entirely trivial, that.
- You might be able to manage it by carrying powerpacks back and forth
- Worth noting that you can totally do stuff with drones without using the Drone Shop. Drone Shop just makes it easier.
- You have no idea how expensive it would be.
Ah, about the repair thing, what's the more practical way to do so?

EDIT: Coherence lost. Sleep needed.
Was gonna ask about repair/build structures in order to make doors/gates for holes, etc.
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