Slayer Command: XCOM with Monsters and Mecha

Turn 4 Results
[X] Plan Buff Soldiers
-[X] Military total cost: 450
--[X] Recruitment Drive (Cost: 150)
--[X] Full Mechanization (Cost: 300)
-[X] Research total cost: 250
--[X] Mangler Autopsy (Cost: 100)
--[X] Ultra Autopsy: (Cost: 150)
-[X] Industrial total cost: 250
--[X] Biomorphic Augmentation Facility: (Cost: 250)
-[X] Diplomacy total cost: 300
--[X] Propaganda Machine (Cost: 150)
--[X] Performer Persuasion: (Cost: 150)
-[X] Intrigue total cost: 300
--[X] Eye of The Beholder (Cost: 150)
--[X] Incident Investigation, North America (Cost: 150)
-[X] Personal
--[X] Get to know someone: (Cost: 0)
---[X] (Department Head) Doctor Moira Vahlen
-[X] Total cost: 1550/2125

Military: "If only we had a way to set up a proper kill zone faster, maybe even set up a pre-fab FOB near these Breaches. I know that our head engineer has some kind of idea for pop-our turrets, maybe…" (2 Actions)

[X] Recruitment Drive: "Director, we lost some of manpower recently, and while I don't desire to sound callous, replacing those losses as soon as possible should be something you should consider." (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 40. Reward: More Infantry Units.)

Roll: 91+10=101, Crit!

You watched as the ten platoons worth of infantry got settled into the barracks, claiming bunks and getting to know each other. "Well, it looks like we have gotten a significant increase in manpower." You said to Adams, who nodded as he looked over the roster of the newly arrived recruits for the organization.

"Two hundred more souls added to our ranks, bringing our infantry forces up to five hundred infantrymen split between twenty five platoons." The commander said. "We effectively have up to two to five companies depending on how we manage them."

"With around forty troops supplementing our base security." You remarked.

"Well, we could reorganize to have a security company until we get the Bluecaps fully trained up and increase base security." Adams said, grimacing as he thought about the state of security in the HQ. The Bluecaps wasn't quite up to his standard yet.

"In any case, I'll be having them do regular simulated battles to give them time to get used to how we do things and the new equipment to keep them sharp. And speaking of new equipment."

Reward: Gain 10 additional Infantry Units

[X] Full Mechanization: "Director, I believe that in order to increase our effectiveness, we will need to make sure our conventional forces are capable of higher mobility. I have a proposal for how this might be done, but… it's expensive." (Cost: 300. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: Obtain an Unit of IFVs for each Unit of Infantry, Recruitment Actions modified.)

Roll: 94

The motor pool was filled with twenty five sets of four IFVs, all of the funding given to the acquisition of highly mobile vehicles in order to supplement your forces being stretched in order to match the quantity of regular infantry while maintaining enough quality to actually do what you needed them for.

"So much money poured into this, hopefully it'll be enough to make a difference in future operations in open battlefields. Like during our battle in Mexico." Commander Adams said, eyes narrowed as mechanics got to work checking each of the IFVs and making sure each was ready for deployment.

"It'll give our infantry better mobility in the fight, while being able to support our tanks." You said, looking over the tablet and seeing how the IFVs are assigned to each Infantry unit. One platoon of twenty troopers split between four IFVs. "Of course, for anything that's more close quarters, I don't think they'll be as useful. But having an autocannon on your side is better than not having it."

"How the vehicles affect our doctrine is more noticeable. With the IFVs, we could have the vehicle provide overwatch while the dismounts build their defensive positions around the IFV instead of building it from scratch. This should minimize what happened in Vietnam from happening again."

"Lastly, we can replace the heavy machine gun squads, with more AT Rocket teams for killing heavily armored Biomorphs like Ultras and Rollers. The IFVs autocannon are capable enough in mowing down the Manglers that we can have the dismounted focus on Biomorphs that the IFVs struggle in dealing with."

"This should help a lot. Good job Adams."

Reward: Infantry Units converted into Mechanized Infantry Units

Research: "Director, given the surplus of Mangler cadavers we have in cold storage, might I suggest we start on research regarding them?" (2 Actions)

[X] Mangler Autopsy: "Director, we have a number of Mangler corpses. I believe it would be an excellent use of time to do a proper dissection and learn what we can from these specimens. We may obtain some insights and inspiration from their physiology." (Cost: 100, 1 Mangler Unit Corpse. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 40. Reward: Mangler Data, Mangler Augmentation, ???)

Roll: 75+10+20=105, Crit!

"Ah, Director! I'm pleased to say that we have made significant progress in our autopsy projects and have made a number of discoveries and innovations." Dr. Vahlen said as she saw you come into the primary laboratory. "I believe we have found a number of applications for the physiology of the Biomorphs that we can apply to the troops."

"Good to hear the investment was worth it." You said while pulling up your tablet and syncing it with the R&D computers to review the data yourself. "Tell me what you got."

"Very well. Starting with the specimen of the 'Mangler' type, I've found that their physiology favors limb strength and reaction speeds, allowing them to move faster and react in high speed combat." Vahlen said as she pulled up some renders showing the musculature and nervous system, with parts of both highlighted in a bright green. "These Manglers effectively live in a world that moves slower than they do. They're body is almost designed for extreme speed, agility, and a savage take down of other life forms." Vahlen then pulled up a model of a human body, parts of the limbs and the spinal column marked in the same green highlight. "Using the knowledge I've managed to gain from this study, I have devised a bio-augmentation that would give a measure of this power and speed to our own troops, letting them react and move faster and hit harder than they previously were able."

"Not bad, could probably make fighting with Metahumans or Biomorphs in CQC be something more than a pipe dream." You remarked, pausing when you noticed Vahlen giving you a raised eyebrow. "Hey, my Slayers are giant robots fighting giant monsters, that's completely different!"

"Of course, you're absolutely right, Director." Vahlen said in a way that even I know that she is being sarcastic. "I did see some additional potential in using their more obviously exotic features, but finding a way to safely integrate that into a human body has been… difficult. I'll give a report once I've determined how to get around it."

"I'm sure the troops will appreciate your concerns." You said.

"Speaking of concerns, I've found something odd." Vahlen said, pulling up more data regarding her findings. "While I fully expected these Biomorphs to be highly refined in terms of their evolutionary biology, I've found hints of something strange when comparing the Mangler with the Ultra Biomorph against each other…"

Reward: Mangler Data, Mangler "Skirmisher" Bio-Augmentation Gained, 1/3rd of a puzzle. Mangler "Retractable Claws" Bio-Augmentation Research Unlocked

[X] Ultra Autopsy: "An apex life form, these Ultras are quite a fearsome specimen that can be quite dangerous. Of course, we can still potentially make use of the secrets of these creatures for our own goals, Director." (Cost: 150, 1 Ultra Unit Corpses. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: Ultra Data, Ultra Augmentation, ???)
Roll: 96+10+20=126, Crit!

"What is it?" You asked Vahlen as she pulled up the data on the Ultras next. The big and armored creatures looked like they were meant to just walk through a barricade while soaking damage from everything that wasn't rated as Anti-Tank or armor piercing.

"While there are several noticeable differences between Manglers and Ultras, I have discovered that both species of Biomorph share a number of traits on the genetic level, too many in fact." Vahlen said. "It's almost as though what we're seeing may not be necessarily multiple species of hostile extradimensional organisms, but perhaps something more sinister. I'll need at least a few more samples before I can be certain though."

"Okay, what about in terms of the bio-augmentation?" You asked, to which Vahlen moved a bit to the side as she looked over what appeared to be some kind of vest?

"While I am considering less invasive methods of using the biological armor of the Ultras, I have made something that will harden both the flesh and bones of our troops in order to better handle kinetic impacts and physical trauma. While it doesn't make their skin or bones invincible, it would allow them to withstand tremendous amounts of forces. It may be the difference between instant death and a critical yet survivable injury." Vahlen said. "Combined with the augmentation from the Mangler, this could make our soldiers capable of superhuman levels of combat. Hpwever, utilizing too many bio-augmentations at once may have side effects I've yet to realize so until we have a better understanding, I caution that we limit ourselves to one Augment per human."

"Every little bit helps, Dr. Vahlen." You said, before thinking. "You know, we can talk more about your other ideas if you'd like later, I should have some time this month."

"Ah, I see it's my turn then." Vahlen said. "Well, let me know when you wish to talk, it's nice to discuss things once in a while."

Reward: Ultra Data Gained, Ultra "Stalwart" Bio-Augmentation Gained, 2/3rds of a puzzle, Ultra "Super Growth" Bio-Augmentation Research Unlocked

Industrial: "You know, if we had ways to build our own stuff, we'd probably save a lot more than outsourcing it, not having to worry about it be unavailable or the price getting hiked up…hmmm." (2 Actions, 1 Locked)

[X] House of Asclepius: "You want a full-on hospital built into the HQ? Should be better than the basic infirmary already set up. Sure, I can do that for you, Director!" (Cost: 200. Time: 2 Turns. DC: 50. Reward: Hospital Built, Infantry Units and Slayer Pilots recover faster and can survive worse injuries, Medical Grade Cyberware can be installed here.)

Emily was giving you a tour of the finished hospital complex, moving down the halls. "We've got a fully staffed and supplied facility here, though adding in the equipment needed for installing those cybernetic prosthetics was a bit of a pain and getting these medical personnel educated on how to use it was a time consuming process near the end." She said as she brought you to the room for cyberware surgical treatment.

"But is everyone settling in?" You asked while Emily opened up the room and led you into it, showing off the various stations and surgical table. There was a storage unit with some medical grade cyberware arms, legs, and even prosthetic eyes. Those were probably going to be the biggest advancements you could bring out.

"As well as can be, we don't have any big civilian housing complexes." Emily said, going up to the cyberware storage. "Probably going to be a project later on. Anyway, the different kinds of doctors are all briefed and willing to work together. I'm sure our troops will appreciate better medical care, heck I'm glad I won't need to be flown out if something happens in engineering."

"We could probably install some extra rooms for more advanced cyberware once we get around to further decrypting the data." You said as you started to form plans for the future, but turned as you heard Emily scoff.

"Assuming Vahlen is willing to spend time away from her attempts to play Doctor Frankenstein with our people." Emily said with some hostility. "I'm more surprised you aren't working more on the Slayers. Don't get me wrong, every little thing helps, but what Vahlen plans…it doesn't feel right."

"I understand how you feel, Emily. But like you said, we'll need every advantage we can get." You said, while also somewhat agreeing that you wanted to work on your darlings some more. Sure, they've worked so far, but that was with both a numerical advantage and against a known variant of Titan.

You didn't know how long that was going to last.

Reward: Hospital Built, Infantry Units and Slayer Pilots recover faster and can survive worse injuries, Medical Grade Cyberware can be installed here.

[X] Biomorphic Augmentation Facility: "I'm not sure how to feel about this, but I guess we need every advantage we need against the Biomorphs. Your call, Director." (Cost: 250. Time; 2 Turns. DC: 45. Reward: Biomorphic Augmentation Actions Unlocked, ???)

Roll: 96, Crit.

"I hate how fast this was able to get built." Emily said as she gave you a tour through the newest facility that was constructed with blistering speed, something that pleased Dr. Vahlen and made Emily somewhat grumpy.

The main feature was the various rooms that contained equipment that would allow for the splicing of Biomorph DNA into their biology and giving them the augmentations that Vahlen had discovered. There was also some large tanks that could hold the patients and let them acclimate to the changes while providing the bodies with necessary materials by submerging them in specialized liquid developed by Vahlen in a flash of brilliance.

Reward: Biomorphic Augmentation Actions Unlocked, Potential Research Projects.

Diplomacy: "The Metahuman issue in the US isn't looking good, and if what I read in the reports are true then we may have something to worry about in Europe too." (2 Actions)

[X] Propaganda Machine: "Propaganda is such a… heavy word, Laura. I think morale boosting and advertisement might work better, but the idea is the same. We let people know that we are here, we're here to help, and they can help us help them with a few… donations. I might even help out the good Commander with his recruitment ideas." (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 60. Reward: Public favor gained, chance of getting funding from public donations each Turn, +10 to Recruitment Drive if taken at the same time.)

Roll: 94

"The World Needs You!"
"Le monde a besoin de vous!"
"Die Welt braucht dich!"

You watched the advertisement campaign, done up in multiple languages for each of the nations that support your organization. It was a simple yet powerful show of various personnel across the departments, mostly the military division and the Slayers, but with parts of the research, industrial, and even the diplomatic departments. You note the lack of any of the covert ops department, which you think Twilight would appreciate.

You also chose to stay out of it, you just couldn't work in front of a camera.

Josephine walked up to you and joined you in watching. "'The Anti-Biomorph and Breach Containment Task Force' is a mouthful you know." Josephine said. "And the acronym of A.B.B.C.T.F. just isn't all that catchy."

You rolled your eyes even as you agreed somewhat. "Fine, I'll go think of something. Or I could just ask for suggestions from the staff."

"Whatever it is, make sure that it isn't something that would get us sued for copyrighy infringement." Josephine called as you walked out of her office.

[] Write-In Organization's new name

Reward: Public favor gained, chance of getting funding from public donations each Turn, +10 Added to Recruitment Drive.

[X] Performer Persuasion: "We have a few agents of Twilight guarding the meta-human dancer, the irony of having some of our assassins acting to protect a potential target is not lost on me. However, we could use this to earn some favor among the Meta-Humans, we just need some time to talk to them." (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: ???)

Roll: 92

Continued in Interlude: The Diamond Dancer

Intrigue: "With the leads we have on the metahuman havens in Europe, it appears that they are beginning to form factions. And we still know little about the initial incident in South America…" (2 Actions)

[X] Eye of The Beholder: "I can get some agents sent out to infiltrate and gather Intel on what's going on with the rest of the world, though if we want more in-depth reports, we'll need to focus our attention. Still, this will help us stay up to date beyond looking at the news." (Cost: 150. Time: 2 Turns. DC: 60. Reward: World News/Rumor Mill expanded; basic Spy Network established around the world. Actions Unlocked.)

Roll: 3, Fail!

Twilight growled as he sat at his desk, a large number of reports being fed into a shredder.

"No luck?" You asked him, the spymaster of your organization sighing as he leaned back into his chair.

"Worse than that, multiple agents reported that they might have been compromised and under surveillance. One of them was even almost captured, but he manages to destroy any incriminating evidence before his safehouse exploded, with him in it." You can see that this is a hard pill for Twilight to swallow. No one likes to lose people, especially if it was avoidable.

"Seeing how dangerous it is, I ordered everyone to go to ground and hide for and to find their own way back to HQ. In the meantime, I won't be able to use them until they returned back here on their own." He said, a scowl marking his face.

"Reward": 1 Intrigue Action locked for 1 Turn

[X] Incident Investigation, North America: "While we have a few leads that we can follow, further investigation into what happened during that protest should be considered, Director." (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 60. Reward: Intel on Anti-Meta Forces and Meta-Humans of note.)

Roll: 100, Nat Crit!

"And the situation in North America? We get any more info on that?" You asked Twilight, who simply nodded.

"Actually, that investigation had gone completely smoothly. We managed to get a number of leads and could get a great deal of information regarding the riot and those involved." Twilight said, pulling up a different report and handing it over to you,

"'Pure Blue World'? Great, we already have a friends of humanity style group." You said as you looked over the report. It seems that this group was an Anti-Metahuman organization made of radical members who believed that Metahumans were some kind of Biomorphic Infiltrator or turn coats who sold out to the 'alien menace' in exchange for unnatural powers. "Oh, there are even some religious nuts who think the Biomorphs are demons and Metahumans are damned souls who made a deal with the devil."

"More than that, we've found potential connections to Breacher Cults who are trying to use them to destabilize civilization by inciting conflict between the humans and Metahumans." Twilight said. "Unfortunately, there are also some politicians with plans to use the conflicts to run up support for their own interests."

"We also get information that the performer has connections to Eden Sanctum and from what has been gathered, it appears to be a group of Metahumans trying to form communities of themselves separate and protected, away from major human population centers in order to escape the potential and now active discrimination and violence against Metahumanity. The performer, a Crystallokinetic, was looking into acquiring a way out of the country in the event the situation in the states deteriorated further for him and other Metahumans he knew. The contact he was talking with is only known as "Permafrost", a code name obviously."

"So we now know who to talk to to get in touch with Eden Sanctum? I'm sure Josephine would be happy to get started with contacting the Meta-human communities."

Reward: Information on Pure Blue World and Eden Sanctum, Unlock Contact 'Permafrost' Diplomatic Action

Personal: Hey, you have some time to yourself! Now how are you going to spend it… (1 Personal Action.)

[X] Get to know someone: You're going to be working with them, you might as well learn more about your subordinates and co-workers. (Cost: 0. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50)
-[X] (Department Head) Dr. Moira Vahlen.

Roll: 91

"All I'm saying is that we can learn even more from a live specimen than a dead one." Vahlen said, a cup filled with something you thought might be an experimental blend in one hand while you drank some traditional coffee from your own mug. "And scans aren't as thorough as I like them to be, especially in the chaos of the battlefield."

"Emily is already kind of concerned about the Bio-Aug facility." You said. "Best to keep plans like making pens for Biomorphs on the back burner until it starts showing its worth in a clear way. But I do understand your woes, I've had to endure quite a few problems before my darlings would be built."

"I do have to applaud your ability to design something like the Slayers, they are technological marvels on a scale I doubt many would believe possible in our current age, myself included among them." Vahlen said. "Truthfully, your ability to push the limits of what we know of science is one of the reasons I was so willing to sign on to this organization, beyond the chance to further some of my own fields of study."

"Well, I'm glad to know I impressed you." You said with a smile. "Your own work certainly caught my eye, I can only imagine what you could pull off as our facilities grow and advance."

Vahlen seemed to get thoughtful for a moment. "Yes, the possibilities of what we could achieve, even if they start out as ways to combat these Biomorphs, could hold the keys to advancing humanity to a new age of discovery. Not only that, but if we could successfully negotiate with the emerging metahuman population and learn more…" she trailed off.

"Dr. Vahlen?" You called out to her, feeling concerned. Vahlen shook her head and took a sip of her own drink.

"Oh, forgive me. I was just lost in thought." She said, giving you a reassuring smile. "Thinking of the future, as they say."

Reward: You think you and Dr. Vahlen are on friendly terms. Dr. Vahlen's Traits Revealed.

Modern Frankenstein: When gaining Bio/Cyberware Augmentations, Gain a Chance of Automatically Gaining a Second Augmentation. Augmentation Actions Get 1 Re-Roll.
Name Voting Closed
Adhoc vote count started by ShieldCrown on Aug 1, 2023 at 8:02 PM, finished with 22 posts and 14 votes.
Interlude: Diamond Dancer
Interlude: Diamond Dancer

Josephine walked into the hospital room where the person she had to come to speak with is resting. It's a different room from where he had been initially put in, due to an incident earlier in the month.

In the hospital bed is a young man, Josephine would even say he's a teenager given his youthful appearance. He has some notable features in his cyan eyes and purple hair that is somewhat long, almost shoulder length she would say. "Yo! So, you guys are finally sending someone to have a chat with old Tony 'Diamond' Sparrow?"

Josephine nodded. "Indeed, Mr. Sparrow. You may call me Josephine. I am here on behalf of the Anti-Biomorph and Breach Containment Organization, Heimdall."

"Sounds like a mouthful." Tony said, a cocky and carefree smirk on his face. "Think I'll just go with the Heimdall part, easier to say in a convo, you know?" He then cringed a little. "But seriously, you mind not going all formal with me, really kills the vibe. Mr. Sparrow is my pa, and he ain't exactly someone that I got a good groove with, ya dig?"

"Very well, Tony, I will try to be but more… freestyle, I suppose you might say." Josephine said, to which Tony gave her a grin and a thumbs up.

"Hey, you pick up the beat pretty fast! Keep this up and I might just think you got some real boom!" Tony said, before wincing. "Ah…too soon to use anything like that, don't think I'll ever see an action film the same way again."

Josephine suppressed her own winch, having actually read the incident report regarding an assassination attempt on the performer she was talking to just a few days into the month. The assassin had been a male posing as a nurse and had some toxins he had smuggled in that Twilight theorized he planned on injecting into Tony's IV bag. Of course, with Heimdall agents keeping an eye on things, the assassin was caught before he could accomplish his mission.

Josephine had been informed that the assassin had both of his arms and legs broken by a female agent who, after spotting the toxins on the disguised assassin, had initially tried to apprehend him non-violently. But had to escalate when the assassin pulled out a box cutter that had been easily concealed in his scrubs. The assassin was overwhelmed rather… brutally. Though Josephine had to admit this Miss Briar is very effective.

Unfortunately, we hadn't been able to interrogate the assassin on account of the man's head exploding due to an implanted High-Explosive micro-bomb that Twilight said was located close to where the spine met the skull. The man was effectively decapitated, in front of Tony's eyes at that. Josephine imagined that it must have been traumatizing for him, though she observed that he was rather calm regarding it now, if uncomfortable about it.

"Yes, I do apologize for that gruesome sight you were exposed to. We weren't quite expecting something on that level. At most we simply thought someone would kidnap you and have you vanish. Sending an assassin with a kill switch is… not what we expect would happen." Josephine said. Tony paused and looked thoughtful for a moment before sighing.

"Yeah. That ain't exactly what I call a regular routine, messed up is what it is." He said, shaking his head. "But then again, not a lot of folks here in the land of the free seem to like Metahumans like me… Oh, that almost rhymed, gotta workshop that for later." He looked around. "Ah man, no way to take notes, gonna lose that thought and never get it back."

"I'm sure you'll remember it later." Josephine said, giving him a reassuring smile. "Now then, I'm hoping I could talk to you regarding a few things that Heimdall wishes to know."

"Well, you folks have done right by me so far." Tony said, shrugging his shoulders. "Least I could do for you is give you an exclusive interview with the United States' best Metahuman dancer!" He gave a grin. "Though I really shine with the rest of my crew! Speaking of, are they alright? I've gotten a few letters and stuff after your spooky friends made sure they weren't laced with lethal lyrics, if you get what I'm saying."

Josephine resisted the urge to roll her eyes, maintaining a professional and friendly appearance. Tony was likely using his performer's persona to cope with the situation. "I think I understand quite well. As for you associates, they are doing fine, considering the situation here in the states. Though, regarding that is actually why I wished to speak with you on behalf of Heimdall."

"Oh?" Tony looked at Josephine with a raised eyebrow, his cyan eyes gleaming for a second like gemstones in the light of the sterile looking hospital room, something in the atmosphere seeming to shift even as he kept up a carefree and charismatic expression on his face. "And what do you mean by that?"

Josephine, undeterred by the subtle change in the air, simply continued on. "Heimdall wishes to reach out to the Metahuman community at large, but currently lacks a means of getting our foot in the metaphorical door. We'd like to ask you and your associates to assist us in making the process easier by giving us a way to formally get into contact with the wider community." Josephine gave Tony a disarming smile. "The Director of my organization is rather displeased with the plight of the Metahuman population here in the states, and wishes to do some good for them, but in order to that, we need a way to communicate and open up a dialogue between us. After all, a band can't play a good song if no one knows the right notes to play." She explained, using the musical metaphors that Tony has seemed to be fond of in his persona.

Tony looked at Josephine for a few moments before something seemed to relax and a tension in the air was gone. "Hahaha, ain't that right? Nothing worse than a duet of mismatched songs! Alright, I can see what I can do to help you cool cats out once I've gotten out of this place." Tony gestures to the hospital. "I mean, the service is great and all, but I'm not meant to sit still for so long! I got to get back out there and give everybody a dazzling performance with my buds! Bet we could win a tournament with our routine!"

"You certainly have the charm, but rest and recovery are important for any good showman." Josephine said, giving Tony a serious look. The metahuman gave a nervous chuckle at that. "Hmm, while we are at it, do you might if I ask why you're known as the 'Diamond Dancer?'"

Tony grinned at the question. "It's because I can do this!" He cupped his hands together and a bright light appeared in between them. Josephine watched as a clear diamond formed in Tony's hands. She also subtly gestures for the agents and her own bodyguards to stand down.

"Well…that is certainly something special." Josephine said as she looked at the diamond that had just been created in front of her, both of her eyebrows raised up in surprise. She had known that Metahumans were in possession of unique abilities, but seeing for herself caused her to feel a sense of amazement that she hadn't quite felt since she was a child. It was…an interesting feeling to experience after so long. "Ah, also in regard to your security detail, if you like we can arrange for transport for yourself to our facilities. A room could easily be provided and should you require more medical assistance, we have an on-site hospital that is fully staffed."

Tony tossed up the diamond into the air, where it hovered and started to float about in intricate patterns, almost as if it was dancing when he couldn't. "I appreciate the offer, but I got something worked out with my friends in Eden Sanctum. There's this chick from England who is really… metal, and she's coming on over to make sure no one can smash my record, if you get what I mean." Tony said, giving an apologetic smile. "But tell you what, I might take you up on that offer if everything works out and we can all hang out as buddies. And hey, I could even arrange things if you really want to get to know Eden Sanctum and make sure they're on the up and up, which they are."

"I will certainly make sure that they are given the benefit of doubt and thank you for the offer." Josephine said as she checked the time. "It has certainly been a pleasure speaking with you, Tony, and I hope that we can continue our conversations again in the future. Who knows, maybe you'll even get to try out the simulator and try to make a mech dance."

Josephine almost laughed at the wide eyed and jaw dropped expression on Tony's face. Almost.

Reward: Positive Rep with North American Metahumans, Diplomatic Contact with Eden Sanctum Act Unlocked, Large Reduction on Metahuman Outreach DC. Tony 'Diamond' Sparrow thinks Heimdall is cool.
World News/Rumor Mill Turn 4
Turn 4 Rumor Mill/World News

North America: Klaxons blared as alerts appeared throughout the Command Center. A severe Breach has opened up in New York City, New York, USA. Already, significant damages and civilian casualties are being reported as a horde of Biomorphs rush out from the Breach, along with sightings of a new strain of Biomorphic Titan. (To Be Continued In Operation Mini-Turns)

South America:
South American governments have begun to stabilize and drive out the forces of the attempted Coups, several Cultists have been arrested and await trial, though several resisted arrest and were killed.

Additional Intel: There are still multiple Cells of Cultists operating within the South American continent, but their grasp has been weakened significantly. A possible operation in the future could allow us to root out the Cells.

Europe: The daughter and heiress of a wealthy Russian CEO has recently gone missing from their home in Moscow, with rumors flying about as to the reason behind her disappearance, with some suggesting she was a Metahuman who was snatched up by a Black Ops group for experimentation.

Additional Intel: While we lack any solid leads on where the heiress has disappeared to, we can confirm that there appeared to be no signs of struggle based on what we managed to pull from both official and unofficial investigation reports. It seems the Russians are just as baffled.

Asia: The Chinese government has announced that they will soon be unveiling a new mobile weapons system that will allow them to better face the Biomorph menace and ensure future Chinese Independence from foreign powers.

Additional Intel: "Director, I have a hunch that what the Chinese is developing might be real to our own efforts. I suggest doing an investigation into it, but the choice is yours." -Twlight.

Africa: The research institute that discovered the wonder metal known as "Auroraium" has begun mass production of the material and proudly declares that it could be commercially distributed to anyone who wishes to purchase the metal.

Additional Intel: We've found reports from poorly protected computers that Auroraium production seems to be reliant on some sort of recently constructed facility that draws significant power from the local grid, along with shipments of cheap and common metals like Iron, Lead, Zinc, and Aluminum going into the facility with Auroraium coming out.
Operation Fallen Star Planning Phase
"What do we have?" You asked your council of department heads as your forces moved out to be deployed to New York. Twilight was quick to bring up the reports from what could be gathered from social media and news broadcasts, because the people would go record whatever they can to get some measure of fame apparently.

"We have confirmed the presence of previously encountered conventional scaled Biomorphs, Manglers, Rollers, and Ultras have been sighted and recorded." Twilight said while videos played from streams and news stations showing the creatures attacking civilians and local responders both police and military, police cars being crushed by Ultras and SWAT teams getting run over by Rollers. National Guard vehicles fired at the larger Biomorphs before being swarmed by the Manglers as they tore into the doors and hatched, then reaching in with their tendrils and mauling the crews.

"Damn it." Adams growled out as he looked on. You felt sick at the sight, but before you could say anything, you noticed something on one of the screens.

"What is that?" You asked as you pointed at a particular broadcast. You regretted it immediately as your eyes took in a familiar arachnid form of a Biomorph Titan that you hadn't seen since the battle that cost you not only a prototype Slayer, but also took someone you consider a friend and left Rebecca without a mother.

"The reemergence of the provisionally designated Tsuchigumo-Class Biomorphic Titan, last seen during an attack on the containment zone while under construction, proves that they are more than just the Brute-Class Titans out there." Twilight said, though to you it felt somewhat muffled.

You prayed you wouldn't lose another pilot. You prayed that you wouldn't have to bury Sarah's daughter in an empty casket next to her. But now, Rebecca has two extremely capable teammates to watch her back and help her which puts your mind at ease so you can focus on how to kill this eight-legged bastard.

"Addams, if you would?" You asked Addams to begin the briefing as he pulled up a hologram of Manhattan.

"About two hours ago, the Biomorphs opened a portal in Central Park. Now, the area around Central Park is under Biomorph Control. The local police and Army National Guard manage to hold the area around Time Square and Harlem, but they can't push into the city with the Titan guarding the portal."

"And that's where we come in?" You asked which Addams nodded in confirmation.

"We'll land at LaGuardia Airport and then make our way west through Randall's Island Park and then head to Central Harlem to reinforce that position. Then we'll make a push towards Central Park using these two main streets and then destroy that portal before it brings more Biomorphs."

"With how cramped Manhattan is, only our mechanized infantry can navigate the city and deal with Biomorphs coming from every direction, even when Manglers climb the city's buildings like what they did in Vietnam. For the tanks, I recommend they be put in the back as they can use their cannons to hit any Biomorphs that come from the front. Once we reach Central Park, the Tanks would have the room to provide fire support as well as keep an eye out for flanking attacks. Meanwhile, our Air assets would provide Overwatch to spot any Biomorphs hiding on the rooftops or around corners."

"What about our Slayers?" Josephene asked.

"The Robert F Kennedy Bridge isn't rated for the Slayers weight, so they'll have to be dropped off in Central Harlem so that they don't have to swim to Manhattan." Note to self, make Slayers flight capable.

"What about the Titan? What is it capable of?" Vahlen asked.

"According to battle records, its eight legs are strong enough to pierce through Slayer armor and the spikes all arounds its carapace isn't just for show as it is shown to be just as sharp as the Titan's legs. Since it is in the shape of a spider, it is safe to assume that it can also make webs."

"So how should we kill it?" You asked with a tone that would not look out of place on someone contemplating murder. Because you were.

"We have two options, melee or ranged. Ranged combat boils down to simply shooting it until it dies. The problem here is that the Titan is fairly nimble and can climb buildings. Any misses would result in some expensive collateral damage.

Melee combat is ill-advised, but it might be our best solution to kill it with minimal collateral damage. The issue is that not only are the Slayers vulnerable to getting stabbed, but they also have to keep an eye on eight of them. I recommend we cut off its legs one by one to both remove a weapon the Slayers have to keep track of and reduce its mobility until we have the window to do a kill shot."

You nodded at the recommendation. "Alright, we know what we are dealing with and a general plan on how to beat them. All that's left is the minutia."

Operation Fallen Star

Planning Phase

Plan Format Required

Slayer Loadout and Deployment

All Mark 1 Slayers have Integrated Knives and Integrated Pistols installed in their arms. They may also take either: 1 Shotgun, 1 Machine Gun, or 1 to 2 Swords as their primary weapon.

[] Alicia Parks/Slayer-01
-[] Single Sword
-[] Dual Swords
-[] Machine Gun
-[] Shotgun
[] Rebecca Rogers/Slayer-02
-[] Single Sword
-[] Dual Swords
-[] Machine Gun
-[] Shotgun
[] Ryan Anderson/Slayer-03
-[] Single Sword
-[] Dual Swords
-[] Machine Gun
-[] Shotgun

Conventional Force Deployment
Split your Conventional Forces into Task Forces

2 Mechanized Infantry Units are reserved for Base Defense.

Available Units:
23 Mechanized Infantry
2 Combat Helicopters
2 Transport Helicopters
2 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFV)
1 Combat Tank
3 Experimental Tanks

[] Task Force 1
-[] Units
[] Task Force 2
-[] Units
[] Task Force 3
-[] Units

The Area of Operation (AO) will be Manhattan, New York City, New York State. NYPD, US Military Forces, and Civilians are in the AO. Biomorph Forces are HIGH and Titans are confirmed.

Form a Strategy for dealing with this Incursion.


[ ] Utilize Tanks to defend routes to evacuation sites for civilians, use Transport Helicopters to pick up civilian survivors out of combat zones while Mechanized Infantry, Infantry Fighting Vehicle, and Combat Helicopters are utilized for rapid deployment and engagement against Biomorphs to cover the evacuation of civilians and assist National Guard and Military Forces. The Slayers meanwhile are deployed to all fight the Titan Biomorph(s) and destroy any Biomorphic structures that could be maintaining the Breach.

[ ] Write.
Operation Fallen Star, Operation Phase Part One
[X] Plan Listen to Addams
-[X] Alicia Parks/Slayer-01
--[X] Dual Swords
-[X] Rebecca Rogers/Slayer-02
--[X] Machine Gun
-[X] Ryan Anderson/Slayer-03
--[X] Single Sword
-[X] Task Force 1
--[X] 3 Slayers
-[X] Task Force 2
--[X] 23 Mechanized Infantry, 2 Combat Helicopters, 2 Transport Helicopters, and 2 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFV)
-[X] Task Force 3
--[X] 1 Combat Tank and 3 Experimental Tanks
-[X] Utilize Tanks to defend routes to evacuation sites for civilians, use Transport Helicopters to pick up civilian survivors out of combat zones while Mechanized Infantry, Infantry Fighting Vehicle, and Combat Helicopters are utilized for rapid deployment and engagement against Biomorphs to cover the evacuation of civilians and assist National Guard and Military Forces. The Slayers meanwhile are deployed to all fight the Titan Biomorph(s) and destroy any Biomorphic structures that could be maintaining the Breach.

New York City, USA

The thunderous roar of tank cannons firing into a small horde of Biomorphs charging down the streets of the City That Never Sleeps greeted the transport helicopters as they flew over them, their cargo holds filled with the initial evacuees that task force two managed to rescue in the opening minutes of the operation. Combat helicopters were maneuvering carefully between the city buildings of Manhattan, maintaining distance from the creatures on the ground as they provided aerial fire support for gatherings of civilians that were being protected by NYPD and National Guard forces that were previously being overwhelmed.

Additional transports to evacuate the civilians would be arriving shortly, but until then your own forces would have to provide the means for escape from the massive horde of Biomorphs spread out across Manhattan.

"This is Delta Platoon, we and Charlie require evac for a dozen armed civilians in sector-"

"This is Task Force 3, Biomorphic forces are increasing their assault on our positions! We request air support!"

"Our vehicles are down! I repeat, Foxtrot Platoon has lost out vehicles are being overrun! We need support-!"

That last one went into static as vital signs for the soldiers in Foxtrot Platoon began to rapidly flatline one after the other. You grimaced at the loss of an entire unit of Mechanized Infantry, and the feeling that it won't be the last.

"Task Force 1, what is your status?" You called out through the comms towards the Slayers. You had needed to use most of your transport helicopters to carry them close enough to the Breach area in such a short amount of time, leaving only two able to assist in evacuation in the initial stage of the operation.

"Making our way closer to the Breach, Director!" Rebecca's voice crackled, the sound quality fluctuating with a degree of static that got more and less intense at random intervals. "Ryan and Alicia are cutting through some really thick webs in order for us to get closer, we haven't run into the megarachnid yet!" You looked up the screen showing the Slayers' point of view, with Rebecca scanning her surroundings with her Slayer-Scale machine gun as the sword equipped Slayers hacked away at some walls of webbing that were left in between skyscrapers and other buildings.

"Be very careful, you might outnumber it, but we don't know the full capabilities of this Titan." Adams piped in while also keeping an eye on the situation of your conventional forces. He then seemed to notice something. "Victor Platoon, what am I seeing?" He asked, drawing your attention to the screen for the platoon's body cams.

"Sir, it seems we have some Metahumans acting to fight off Biomorphs. We are moving in to support!" The leader of the platoon reported as they moved in and fired on the Maulers and Ultra that were attacking a group of ten civilians that were being protect by a pair of Metahumans who were either blasting the Biomorphs with some sort of lasers or creating a hard light barrier to keep the civilians safe, through the cracks in the barrier made it clear they couldn't keep it up for long.

"Do we have any other reports of Metahuman activity in the AO?" You asked, pointing the question to the technicians manning the consoles, who quickly got to work pulling up what they could from the chaos of communications.

"Sporadic reports across various media platforms, Director." One of them said, before an alert popped up for the Slayers. Immediately you turned your attention towards their live feed and froze up at the sight of a massive spike covered spider attacking the Slayers in what seemed to be an ambush.

"How does something so big act sneaky!?" Rebecca cried out as she quickly made distance after getting a deep gash into the side of her Slayer's torso from one of the Tsuchigumo-Class' spear-like legs. The massive arachnid had moved in like a blur, its legs slashing into the hull of the three Slayers from what seemed to have been a flanking position.

"Focus!" Alicia reprimanded as she struck out at the titanic spider, only to give an expression of shock when her two swords failed to penetrate the carapace of the Tsuchigumo as multiple warning of hull breaches rang out, showing the Titan had maneuvered itself to catch her Slayer's arms on its spikes. Ryan moved in and tried to cut at the legs, but the Tsuchigumo simply disengaged and leapt into the path of his Slayer, effectively body checking him and stabbing the slayers with its spiked carapace. The momentum knocked Ryan's Slayer back, numerous holes in the torso region. Just as it seemed ready to attack again, Rebecca fired a burst of her Slayer's Machine Gun into the Tsuchigumo's face, taking out some of the eyes and a mandible as an eruption of green-purple blood burst out from the impact sites, like small geysers of alien viscera.

As the Titan screeched in agony, you were brought back to the command room as one of the Comms operators called out to you and Adams. "Director, Commander, the US military reports that additional aircraft and armored units are inbound to the AO, ETA in three minutes!" They said, to which Adams nodded while you regained your bearings.

"Good, with that we can hopefully reorganize and move our own forces deeper into contested territory and deal with the Breach in Central Park while they take over for evacuations." He said. "Slayers Zero One and Zero Three have already taken significant damage, with Slayer Zero Two being not that far behind. Redirecting our helicopters to assist in providing fire support in a timely manner is my recommendation, Director."

You looked over your forces and considered the options.

Give Orders to the Task Forces, use the following Format.

[] Plan Name
-[][Task Force 1] Orders
-[][Task Force 2] Orders
-[][Task Force 3] Orders

Requests are optional additions that you can use to ask local forces to perform, though whether they go along with your plans or not is a gamble as they are not part of your chain of command and it is possible for them to ignore you depending on the circumstances.