Singer's Quest

[X] Thieves have stolen extremely dangerous artifacts and are still at large. The Speaker caste of the city have ordered that the city must be kept sealed to keep from them escaping with. It seems that anyone could be with the thieves and the city is scared and a little paranoid.
[X] Rune Marked Blade
[X] Auto Assign
Last edited:
[X] Thieves have stolen extremely dangerous artifacts and are still at large. The Speaker caste of the city have ordered that the city must be kept sealed to keep from them escaping with. It seems that anyone could be with the thieves and the city is scared and a little paranoid.
[X] Rune Marked Blade
[X] Nozomi - +1 Physicality
[X] Veesa - +1 Melee
[X] Cadus - + 1 Intelligence

Oh! Sorry,

Physicality, Intelligence, Perspicacity, and Co-ordination are "Attributes" sorry :oops:, you'll get to level those up in a couple of levels though...

But Pretty much anything that isn't bolded like Melee is good! :) And adding something like "Sneaking" to one of them is okay.

Just FYI, sorry.

/me is Canadian, Eh? Sorry.


[X] Ominous and confusing orders from the Council of Chosen. They have sealed themselves off from the The City, and instructed Serenity to Seal itself off from the rest of the world. The City's leadership now sits in silence, the people of Serenity carrying out their last order.
[X] Hunter's Cloak
[X] Auto Assign
ACT I UNLOCK: "The Hunter's Memories"
SINGER'S QUEST: GOTY Edition said:
ACT I COMPLETED: "The Hunter's Memories" Unlocked!

Hunter's Memories said:
As I fall back to the ground, I remember three things from before The Fall:

I remember the Sky

I also remember the Hate


I remember Her

I don't remember being born, or being created, or being trained. There is a haze of longing, and hate, and of looking up and waiting for my chance in the sky.

I remember the exhilaration of the sky, the freedom, the sheer exultation of slipping free of earthly binds and soaring without check. Did I have wings? Was it on my own power? Did I fly with others? I don't remember, all I remember is the sky.

I remember the hate of the war. I don't remember the Great War though. Not properly, I do remember the hate, the anger, the feeling of killing and slaughtering. The vindication of murder. The justice of it, death from a place so far above that my targets were as insects. The long drawn out dull ache of holding fire and rage in my heart every day and every night.

And I remember Her. I remember the rituals and the sermons and the sacrifice of my own blood in Her name. I remember looking up at an unimaginably enormous form, which I knew was merely the faintest representation of Her glory. I remember the sword and the book, or rather I remember what they meant: an instruction to kill, to revenge, to make war.

Eagerly I undertook the task, then dutifully, then with great fatigue. Hatred is powerful motivator but it tires, it tires me so much. And then I fell: it happened in some nameless battle, it happened in heat and cold and pain and terror.

And I fell



I remember the Sky

I remember the Hate


I remember Her

I lost the sky. It was taken from me in an instant, by treasonous clutching hands: gravity pulled at me and I fell. And now I trudge the filthy ground, with its muck, and its water, and its disgusting trees, and fields, and curves, and growth.

The sky is pure, its structures are clean and straight, gleaming crystal and shining metal. I miss it.

The sky was taken from me, I hate it, I hate every moment, every step marred by covetous gravity. I hate the people who took it from me: these filthy beasts of dirt and mud. It is a pleasure each time I kill one.

Finally my hate was new again. I felt alive with each kill, it was almost as if I were alight in the sky again.

Each kill is dedicated to Her: The Architect. Not the Goddess who abandoned me, let me fall. But the one who rescued me, who promises to return me to my natural habitat. The one who was the first thing I saw as I clawed at the ice and and the shreds of memory.

She reached out and I thought that she was an Angel of My Lady. And she was in a sense. Another who had served, same as me, but so much stronger, so much more powerful and, I am not too proud to admit, far smarter and wiser than me.

The Architect reached out and raised me from my freezing grave. She gave me a name and a new purpose: to hunt her enemies, and to serve again, to build a new place for myself in the sky. To someday once again see those gleaming metal spires and crystalline roads; to fly free and unimpeded again.

And she gave me orders. So many deaths, so much hate. I obeyed eagerly, then dutifully.


In the last years my task was to retrieve one of the Chosen for her, secretly, silently. I could ask why, but I don't need to know. The Ghost may need to know or The Tactician, or the others. But I don't need to know, all I need to do is serve and one day be rewarded.

So I travelled to the Gan, and I watched the slaves and settlers as they went about their business. I'll admit I killed here and there for sport, to stir up a little chaos, to stoke my hatred again, but slaughter began to lose some of its old lustre. I killed, and killed, but the fires only smolder now, they no longer rage.

I may have killed a Chosen or two that were too intractable or too intransigent, who could be blamed for removing a threat or two. Or three?

But my patience was not to be rewarded, and She told me to return one alive now. So I obeyed.

There was this unimportant little village I walked into with a group of settlers. They had some reason for their presence, unimportant, and I saw her. Another one of those Chosen. So I followed her when she left the Village.

There were a few of them on the river in a craft, just a few, so I tried to take the girl, but It seems they were more alert than I expected and I had to fight. I cast about with fire and blade, and they resisted.

I hated it, I loved it.

And I was hurt, and instead of letting me end it, some filthy muck creature stepped in my path, and I was hit again, and I fled.

I was enraged, angry as never had I been in recent years. I lost so much of my carefully horded divinity, the scraps of energy I stole from the landscape, the pieces that My Lady had given me. I hurt them, but my heart hadn't seemed in it. Not any more. Hate again tired me, slowed me.

Tired though I may have been, there was still Her, and Her orders, so I continued, I followed that Chosen girl when I was hale again and followed to where she and her party had again taken to the river. But I couldn't be certain of where she actually was.

So I enlisted help, I remembered some of the rambling, babbling words of The Shepherd, and I found some willing, or rather unwilling, hosts nearby and I poured power and life into them. I improved them, made them to my liking.

Though it cost me, I could track the river and the roads and the forest. Of course her destination was obvious: the "City" of Serenity. A pale imitation of a real city, mired in dirt and grass. But strong enough to keep me out.

So I waited, and I saw it as the pillars of fire, and the severing of connection heralded the approach of the Chosen. She somehow slipped by, but I outwitted her by moving even closer to the city.

And I had her, I grabbed her and I ran towards My Lady, and I was brought down again in sputtering water and mud.

And I fought her, and her protectors. It was hard, I was drained, my life had been spent, fighting, and tracking and killing, and here, here I was again. I was so tired.

I thought I killed that guard, ran that pathetic runt through with my blade, I thought that I had won, finally, that even weak from injury and fatigue I had triumphed again. And yet her protectors were still, still alive, and I was laid low.


I can see the sky, I can see the clouds and the wind.

My body is broken, I have some power left, some ability, to fight, but how? I am so tired. So tired of this.

I speak a line half remembered, before I drive my blade into myself.

I fall onto my back. I see the sky, so far away, so unavailable to me. There is only a dull anger, and the dull hate left in me, I hope that my Goddess still looks upon me favourably, I hope that She forgi-

Felt like writing that, anyway, voting closes in about 18 hours at 6PM PST
[x] A mysterious and clearly artificial disease is striking without warning, infecting few, but killing all it does touch. The city is in quarantine, under the orders of the city's Invector High Command, which has all but seized control of the city in violation of tradition.
[x] Tarnished Braces
-These survived the explosion, one wonders what properties they might have. Perhaps they were what made his skin so hard to pierce?
Nozomi -
-Rapport (Flirting) -1

Veesa -

-First aid-2

Cadus -

--Medicine (First Aid-1)
[X] Thieves have stolen extremely dangerous artifacts and are still at large. The Speaker caste of the city have ordered that the city must be kept sealed to keep from them escaping with. It seems that anyone could be with the thieves and the city is scared and a little paranoid.
[X] Rune Marked Blade
[X] Auto Assign
[X] Ominous and confusing orders from the Council of Chosen. They have sealed themselves off from the The City, and instructed Serenity to Seal itself off from the rest of the world. The City's leadership now sits in silence, the people of Serenity carrying out their last order.
[X] Hunter's Cloak
[X] Auto Assign
[x] A mysterious and clearly artificial disease is striking without warning, infecting few, but killing all it does touch. The city is in quarantine, under the orders of the city's Invector High Command, which has all but seized control of the city in violation of tradition.
[x] Tarnished Braces
-These survived the explosion, one wonders what properties they might have. Perhaps they were what made his skin so hard to pierce?
Nozomi -
-Rapport (Flirting) -1

Veesa -

-First aid-2

Cadus -

--Medicine (First Aid-1)


[AKuz bursts into frustration tears]


Could someone pls roll a couple d3s?

I'll go with the random unless I get another vote by 6:30 PST.
[x] A mysterious and clearly artificial disease is striking without warning, infecting few, but killing all it does touch. The city is in quarantine, under the orders of the city's Invector High Command, which has all but seized control of the city in violation of tradition.
[x] Tarnished Braces
-These survived the explosion, one wonders what properties they might have. Perhaps they were what made his skin so hard to pierce?
[x] Anon's proposal
CHAPTER VIII: The Tower and Its City
CHAPTER VIII: The Tower and Its City

In the background a city burns, ugly flames leap and play as a thousand years of work and effort turn to literal ash.

In the foreground a number of Drab in armour stand around a table with two others, are two others taller, and radiating a presence that tells even the unobservant that these two are in command. As one they look up at each other and after brief moment pases, they nod.

"Clear the tent" The Tactician says, and the others obey his order without question, "I felt it too"

"So The Hunter is dead" The Architect says, sighing, "I suppose this was inevitable. He was too overconfident, too arrogant, too erratic."

"Agreed" says the Tactician, "Useful, but not a tool to be relied upon. And the Ghost is in place as well, so I have few fears about setbacks"

"I have dispatched The Traitor as well"

"Oh?", The Tactician raises an eyebrow, "Are you certain?"

The Architect nods slightly, "Yes, I am still determined to minimize our risks at our critical juncture"

They both look at the burning city and the army arrayed outside it, "A minor concern in the long run anyway, I would think"


Nozomi stands on the balcony and looks out over Serenity, looking down over the city of over two hundred thousand, "Woahhhhhh"

Serenity is build on the confluence of the Han and Gan rivers, and so is cut into three pieces with an Island in the middle.

"SEE THERE'S MY HOUSE!" Veesa shouts excitedly and points down at one of the slices, "In the Invector district of the South Slice!"

Nozomi looks closer and can see that each slice contains three gently rising tiers of buildings in each slice, a wall between each. The whole city looks like four rings of concentric circles with the tower in the middle and the rivers roughly evenly dividing the city into thirds.

"Oh, wow. Where is the Healers' Academy?" Cadus asks from the other side.

Veesa shrugged, but their guide, an unassuming young Chosen woman named Misa who'd volunteered to help Nozomi get bearings, pointed down at the top tier of the east slice, "The Speaker's Medical Academy is down there"

"Thanks for taking us up here Nozomi" Veesa says, "Normally no one that isn't a Chosen or a servant, gets allowed into the tower"

"I figured it was the least trade I could make for helping me out so much. Plus now I know where you both live!" Nozomi says grinning, she's only been up and around again for two days but she feels great again.

"It really sucked that they only treated me here, so I couldn't thank you right away."

"Oh well, the Invector hospital is really nice though! Not that I want to visit it that often" Veesa says, "They were really proud of me for fighting a Sorcerer."

"Oh, me too! The Healers at the Speaker Academy were really impressed." Cadus says in a rush, "That and Grandfather's letter got me admission in the Academy right away!"

"Everything looks so small from up here doesn't it?" Misa says before she cranes her head up and turns around, "and just imagine that this tower used to be so much higher before it was almost destroyed by the Betrayer"

"Which is saying a lot, in the past millennia, nothing's even touched those walls." Veesa says, "Of course, we Invectors haven't ever given anyone a chance to try!" she finishes smugly.

Misa shepherds them back into the tower off the balcony, where Tarim and Alena are waiting.

"Oh, you can do it, you're not going to fall off" Alena says to Tarim as he eyes the door to the outside warily.

"I still don't trust it. You never had to hand off a ledge for a day" Tarim says. His eyes light up in relief when his daughter and her friends come in the door, "So what say we get lunch, or um, just go for a walk. On the ground. Where we aren't high up in the air?"

"There's actually a little cafe outside the ground floor run by a delightful Mute family" Misa says, "Of course with current crisis going on, only a couple of members of the family are working" the small Mute caste Chosen says as they follow the blue light of the tower's interior down the stairs.

"Isn't it easy to keep areas from being infected? I thought that only someone with nausea and vomiting was infectious?" Cadus asks, brow furrowed, "and later on headache, fever, fatigue, hemor-"

Misa stops him, looking slightly green, "Well, yes that's why we let you in to visit Nozomi." she looks away, "We still don't know what is causing the illness, it doesn't seem natural and it doesn't spread like an infection usually does."

"It seems more located by geographical region or by family, Drab are the most affected, followed by Mutes, with Speakers and Invectors the least affected" Cadus says, brow still furrowed.

Alena looks at him in surprise, and he shrugs, "Even if I'm young, I'm still a healer. The Academy asked me if I'd ever heard about anything like this before" he pauses briefly, almost tripping on one of the staircase's landings, "And for the record, no I've never heard of this before either"

Misa tries on a reassuring smile, "Still,It's been less than a week though. So hopefully this thing just burns itself out soon, without hurting any more people, and we can get life back to normal soon"

There is a few moments of silence and Misa smile fades slightly, "Of course, there is no need to worry, Singer's tower is safer, and has more resources than anywhere else in the city. You'll be safe here Nozomi"

Veesa and Cadus look at each other, "Uh, that's pretty reassuring I suppose" Cadus says

No one else talks, as they descend the tower, passing the empty locked off floors, and reach the lower floors that are inhabited by the Chosen and their servants.

"Wow, that was nice, but I'm not doing that again unless I really, really want to" Nozomi says, trying to pretend that it wasn't a tiring walk.

"It was a nice view though." Veesa says, grinning smugly, "And some nice easy exercise. Gotta stay fit"

Misa threads the group through a mostly empty series of rooms, out into a hedged in section of Singer's Island. It's a very nice area with well kept flower gardens and an adorable little building in the middle surrounded by tables and chairs, which Nozomi assumes is the cafe.

Misa leads them over to a table, and flags down one of the workers.

"Hi! Misa! It's great to see you again! I see we have new friends!" it's an average sized Mute teenager with a huge smile who inexplicably seems to talk entirely in exclamation points, turns to the rest, "Hi! I'm Liander! My family owns this place! Here are some menus! The City pays for the Chosen so just pick something! It's all good! Don't be afraid to try new things"

As the others debate what to get, Misa talks to Liander, "So how's the rest of your family?"

"We're good! There is no disease in the Lower South Slice! So that's why they let us work here still!" he pauses for a moment, "Oh that reminds me! We don't have any of regular honeybread desserts." his face briefly falls, "the whole western slice is off limits now, so our usual bakery is unavailable. Sorry!"

Cadus looks crushed, "Aww, I like sweet things."

Liander smiles at the young Speaker man, "No worries! We have a couple of pies I brought from home for this exact situation!"

As they wait for the their food, Nozomi's parents grill Misa about what their daughter can expect, as Nozomi tries to sink into her seat, "... so she only has free time on the Island?"

"Well, right now, we're keeping the younger Chosen on the Island because of this outbreak, we don't want them to get hurt or sick. Otherwise they'd be allowed out into the city if they're with other Chosen, or a group."

The server comes over with something that smells good and sets it on the table, "OK! This is all good stuff! My cousin Cindra made it!" he waves at a frowning older Mute woman in the small cafe building, "Enjoy!"

"So, uh, how many Chosen are there? In the city I mean?" Cadus asks as he picks at some sort of fruit salad.

"Oh about thirty, of all ages and castes. There's me, and a few other that are still learning, and Nozomi will be joining us. There are another half dozen that teach us. The five on the Chosen Council, and some others that do regular Chosen stuff: settle caste disputes, debate the finer point of the Song, pray, and wander the world righting wrongs and trying to wake the Singer."

"Sounds fun" Nozomi says.

Misa looks off into the distance, "Yeah…. You'll probably be busy"


Well, everything seems fine and dandy on Singer's Island! The most important part of the city, nothing's at all wrong here, isn't that just swell! I'm sure nothing else will go wrong and the current crisis will just blow right over! :V

I'm also certain that the next few years of Nozomi's life are going to be so boring. Not at all interesting. :V

Nozomi is starting classes soon, or rather a sort of group apprenticeship to older Chosen nearing the end of their lives, trying to pass on all the knowledge that they've learned in their lives. Nozomi is supposed to spend most of the next few years of her time with these women:

Class Time (Pick one:
[ ] Focus on lore
[ ] Focus on social skills
[ ] Focus on Fighting Skill
[ ] Whatever Nozomi finds interesting (Random)

Of course No one can study and go to "class" all the time. Nozomi's going to have some free time on her hands. She's supposed to stay on the Island, but what's the fun in that?

Free time (Pick up to two):
[ ] Study harder… there is a lot to learn in the Tower
[ ] Sneak off the Island to spend time with with a friend, and explore their district with them.
[ ] Veesa in the Southern Invector District
[ ] Cadus in the Eastern Speaker District
[ ] Sneak off the Island and explore the city
[ ] Spend time in the Shrine Praying and speaking with the Chosen's Chaplain
[ ] Spend Time networking with the other Chosen
[ ] Other: Write in

Also: there should be an ===> "Explore" for Singer's Island and the small Chosen community posted tomorrow.

Level: 2 (Level Up Available!)
Current EXP: 206
Next Level: 210
HP: 4
MP: 10
Def: 2+2
Will: 3



"Cold Reader"

Caste: Speaker
Location: Head
Passive Appearance: The telltale coruscating crystalline blue of Inherent Magic brackets the eyes and a line sweeps up from the middle of each bracket to disappear at the temple
Active Appearance: The same as above but the addition that the eyes themselves glow a vibrant blue
Effect Description: It is possible to analyse a face or body language in detail; the user instinctively reads the emotions of the target, up to and including sorting truth from lies without a word.
Cost: 1 mana to activate until next rest
Mechanical Effect: +2 autosuccess to any rolls made to detect lies or read emotional state

Traveller's Staff
+1 Dice to Melee attack​
Traveller's Clothes
+1 Def (Does not Stack with any other Traveller's set Items)​
Traveller's Cloak
+1 Def (Does not Stack with any other Traveller's set Items)​
Tarnished Bracers
+1 Def​
Endless Flask
Refills up to three and a half liters of pure water each day​
HP: 12
MP: 8
Def: 3+2
Will: 2


First aid-2​

Caste: Invector
Location: Lower Arms
Passive Appearance: The telltale coruscating crystalline blue of Inherent Magic runs along the opposite sides of the arm, starting at the base of the hand and running up to the elbow.
Active Appearance: Magic fills out from the blue lines and envelopes the arm and out past (and including) a now rigidly-flat hand, creating a vibrantly blue slashing blade of incredible sharpness
Effect Description: Creates an approximately 70cm blade along the arm that allows the user to swordfight without sustaining damage to the arm itself. While many Invectors choose to use traditional metal blades instead, with this spell a Devoted soldier or lawman is never unarmed.
Costs: 1 mana to activate until next rest
Mechanical Effect: Gain a weapon called "Invector Blade" with +1 auto success, and +1 dice on melee rolls
Caste: Invector
Location: Upper legs
Passive Appearance: The telltale coruscating crystalline blue of Inherent Magic outlines the musculature of the legs
Active Appearance: Same as above but pulses with energy in time with the user's heartbeat
Effect Description: The user can run far faster with far less fatigue than normal.
Cost: 1 Mana to activate until rest
Mechanical Effect: +1 to Physicality attribute, +2 to running skill

Veesa's Shortsword
+1 Dice to Melee attacks, +1 Autosuccess dice to Melee attacks​
Veesa's Clothes
Invector Armour
+2 Def​
HP: 8
MP: 10
Def: 2+1
Will: 3+1


First Aid-1​
Caste: Speaker
Location: Hands
Passive Appearance: the entire palm is covered in the telltale coruscating crystalline blue of Inherent Magic
Active Appearance: The palm is as above but glows brightly with a blue aura.
Effect Description: Placed over any sort of wound, the spell will heal the wound, but will quickly deplete the strength of the user.
Costs: X mana
Mechanical Effect: Heals X HP on target that the user can touch

Cadus' Staff
+1 Dice to Melee Attacks​
Cadus' Travel Clothes
+1 Def​
Cadus' Robes
+1 Will​
Available after Nozomi reaches a Harmony Shrine and gains knowledge of the spells there
Awaken the Sleeping Singer
[X] Whatever Nozomi finds interesting (Random)

[X] Study harder… there is a lot to learn in the Tower
[X] Spend time in the Shrine Praying and speaking with the Chosen's Chaplain
[X] Focus on lore
[X] Sneak off the Island to spend time with with a friend, and explore their district with them.
-[X] Veesa in the Southern Invector District
[X] Spend time in the Shrine Praying and speaking with the Chosen's Chaplain
Voting will close in about two hours at 8PM PST
Class Time (Pick one:
[ ] Focus on lore
[ ] Focus on social skills
[ ] Focus on Fighting Skill
[X] Whatever Nozomi finds interesting (Random)

Of course No one can study and go to "class" all the time. Nozomi's going to have some free time on her hands. She's supposed to stay on the Island, but what's the fun in that?

Free time (Pick up to two):
[ ] Study harder… there is a lot to learn in the Tower
[X] Sneak off the Island to spend time with with a friend, and explore their district with them.
[X] Veesa in the Southern Invector District
[ ] Cadus in the Eastern Speaker District
[ ] Sneak off the Island and explore the city
[ ] Spend time in the Shrine Praying and speaking with the Chosen's Chaplain
[X] Spend Time networking with the other Chosen
[ ] Other: Write in
SINGER'S QUEST: GOTY Edition said:
School Focus: Whatever Nozomi Finds Interesting

[X] Sneak off the Island to spend time with with a friend, and explore their district with them.
-[X] Veesa in the Southern Invector District

[X] Spend time in the Shrine Praying and speaking with the Chosen's Chaplain

Loading . . .

Loading. . . .
CHAPTER IX: Settling In
CHAPTER IX: Settling In

The next week is a change of pace for Nozomi. Aside from waking up everyday in a different bed than she's used to, aside from being in a building with as many people as her home village had ever had, aside from having servants take care of her needs, aside from even the meals being different. Nozomi isn't used to the slow pace of Chosen life.

The pace is completely different from what Nozomi's used to. Usually she gets up with the dawn, gets ready for the day, and has breakfast with her parents. Then she goes to the shop, tidies up, opens up and takes care of the many little tasks that working in a shop requires. Then depending on if her mother is in town she'll stay in the shop and be bored out of her mind waiting for customers to show up, or off getting a basic education from her mother or father.

Then later on she'd spend time with her friends or go on some adventure in the local area. Or sometimes she'd spend time with Saena, the priestess telling her stories about the old days and sharing small bits of lore and theology.

Or chores, chores happened a lot too.

The Tower is different. Sure she can sleep in for a bit longer than she used to… but there is so much less hands on work to be done. Even the basics are done by a servant, cooking, cleaning, tidying up. All done by someone else.

Then the tutoring, Chosen are generally educated by older Chosen, so Nozomi usually finds herself sitting in a chair being lectured at by an old woman. Which, to be fair, Nozomi appreciates her elders… but while experience is a great teacher, it is no guarantee of being a great teacher. So Nozomi doesn't learn much that way.

The young Chosen does learn more from more hands on activities though. Better teachers or just instruction more suited to her, Nozomi can't tell; but she does learn a great deal about hitting things with a stick from an elderly Invector Chosen.


Nozomi breaths heavily, leaning on her staff, "I, whew, didn't know a stick could feel so heavy"

Her instructor laughs, "It's because you never tried before. Sometimes a Chosen has to defend themselves; against animals, Drab, whatever." she twirls her own staff, "Just bop them on the nose and they'll usually get the message. If they don't just hit harder"

Nozomi slumps down, "I don't want to hurt anyone, I just need the exercise. I didn't realise how vulnerable I could be until The Hunter came after me."

The Chosen elder, Irean sticks a hand out, "The Sorcerer? That would be something to make anyone worry"

Nozomi grabs the hand, and she is hauled to her feet, "Okay, I, ah. I'll see you tomorrow?"

The other woman nods, as Nozomi slumps off into the tower. Fortunately she doesn't have to go far; her room is only on the second level, and it even has its own bath. Nothing for the best for the Chosen after all.

Nozomi sits on the edge of her bed uncomfortably as a servant fills the bath; being waited on is not something she's used to, and being bowed to is something that is distressingly common here as well. She prefers haggling to deference actually.

The bath is nice though, but she doesn't spend too long in the water before hopping back out and changing into plain clothes. Or at least plain for a Chosen. Someone had taken to stitching in delicate flower and spiral patterns into the clothes. Nozomi appreciates the artistry on display, but just being giving clothes doesn't sit well with her. Everything is supposed to have a cost after all, it doesn't feel honest

Nozomi makes her way down beneath the ground level floor and into an underground Shrine. She smiles as she sees the bright light from the small temple light up the passage ahead of her.

Despite the high quality of the materials making up the room, one thing is comfortingly familiar: the crystal Shrine in the the middle of the room.

The Shrines keeper, the Priestess Naeri smiles at Nozomi and greets her, "I see you're back from communion with my sister. I'm afraid that I'm a bit less frisky than her. So if you're still looking to hit things with sticks, you'll have to go back upstairs"

Nozomi chuckles, "Oh no, I'm done with that for the day. I'd prefer not to move for a while actually."

"Well as long as you've got the time for it, could I interest you in a spot in the floor over there by the Shrine?"

Nozomi smiles and walks along the aisle with Naeri towards the Shrine, "I'd be delighted"

"So what have you learned today?" Naeri asks as she slowly gets to her knees in front of the crystalline altar to her Goddess.

"Well, Liander can't actually make any of the things on the menu. And that consistently hitting something moving with a staff is harder than I thought it would be."

"Ah, it is good to see my twin sister continuing to vex the younger generations" the Priestess says.

Nozomi settles down into a cross legged position, "So, we pick up where we left off yesterday?"

"I bet you don't even remember much, youngsters have such short attention spans these days." but the old Chosen smiles and and nods her head softly.

Nozomi shuts her eyes and, reaches out to the shrine, to the air around her and listens for the Song. The connection shared by all living Devoted, which is especially strong near Shrines.

And she can feel it, tickling at her mind at the very edge of the light of her thoughts, much as it had since that day she became aware of her Chosen status.

Nozomi begins to Sing. She still stumbles over the melody as she does so, there was never much call for this sort of singing before. Usually only a Priestess would Sing these songs, as a way to lead a congregation as the prayed over the Town Shrine.

Nozomi tries to lose herself in the music, to stop thinking about the song, to let it guide her as she reached out to the Song in the Shrine. She feels it resonate with the crystal, she can feel her voice being added so something else, becoming part of a greater harmony. She can feel something, she can hear a feeling in her mind's eye. Something is calling and -

Then it's suddenly over and Nozomi can't remember much of what she just felt. It's like a dream, the wisps of thought, the images suddenly twirling away from her conscious mind. She opens her eyes, and Naeri is smiling broadly at her.

"Very good!" the elder says, "I could feel you from here. You have a very strong Song"

"Thank you" Nozomi says, "I feel like I learned a lot. Even if I don't remember much"

"Well, you were singing for ten minutes" the priestess says matter of factly before smiling again.

"I'm sorry, Ten minutes? I wasn't Singing that long?"

"Oh, yes that will happens sometimes." Naeri looks at the Shrine, it is very easy to lose yourself in the Song, to become part of something greater, wiser." she nods, "I think, if you let yourself just assimilate the experience, just let it sort itself out in your mind without focusing on it, you'll have learned something new about yourself or your magic."

"Well, they do say that the Song is the source of all Devoted Magic"

"Of course dear. You are very talented"


Nozomi considers that either she is very talented, or the Invectors in charge of watching the entrance to this Slice of the city aren't very bright. After some consideration, she settles on being talented. There is no way she wouldn't have been able to talk her way past those guards.

Nozomi stops to remember where Veesa had pointed out her house, and slowly makes her way to that part of the city, the sun still high in the sky. She ducks around some carts rumbling by. The streets are far emptier than she'd thought they'd be. Well, she supposes a strange disease might do that to people, even if it hasn't been reported in this slice yet.

Veesa's house is smaller than Nozomi'd imagined. Didn't she say that Airid and his wife had had a lot of kids. How would they all fit in here?

The Chosen woman shrugs and knocks at the door, rapping it as hard as she can. It pops open very quickly and there are a pair of boys that look like Airid but much younger standing behind the threshold, "IDENTIFY YOURSELF!", one of them shouts.

"Uh, I'm Nozo-" she barely gets part way through the sentence when someone comes barreling out of the house and crashes into her.

"NOZOMI!", Veesa says happily, "I didn't think you would actually come!" Veesa lets Nozomi out of the bear hug, and the smaller woman steps back, "I thought you had to stay on the island"

"Oh, I just thought I would go for a walk" Nozomi smiles, "Meet my favorite Invector friend."

"Is that a Chosen?" one of the boys says, pointing.

"Ohmysinger, Nozomi is a person" She grabs the door and shuts it, "POINTING IS RUDE" she shouts through the door.

Nozomi hears someone say something like, "SO IS SLAMMING DOORS" from inside the house.

"We should go now" Veesa says, "You seriously Do. Not. want to get mobbed by the rest of my family. Half are brats, the other half are also brats." she mock sudders, "Mom's okay, I guess. Dad too sometimes." she grins.

Nozomi rolls her eyes, "Yeah, why not, let's go one."

"One moment", Veesa jerks the door open and reaches in to grab a cloak, "I'M GOING OUT WITH NOZOMI, I'LL BE BACK LATER" she doesn't wait for a reply before slamming the door again and walking away.

Veesa see's Nozomi's expression and giggles, "Oh, don't worry Mom and Dad trust me. And that door was already broken anyway"

"So, unless you have anywhere In mind I can just show you around. Let you know where the best shops are, if you feel the need to accessorize with something sharp anyway" Veesa says, waving for Nozomi to follow her.

Nozomi follows Veesa around for the next few hours. Veesa regales Nozomi with tails of her youth and her memories of this particular slice. And Nozomi relates with tails from her own childhood.

Unfortunately, as it turns out, most of the shops are closed due to a fear of contagion.

"Cowards. Disease ain't even in this slice yet." Veesa says about the closed shops, "I mean I suppose I can't blame them. But why set up shop if you're going to close down for every cough."

"If I know merchants, someone is still open" Nozomi says.

"Oh! I know just the person!" Veesa says and takes Nozomi, byt the elbow, taking her through a shortcut in a side alley, "Piro's Pastries!" she leans over conspiratorially, "I was going to try to take you here anyway"

"Piro's to stubborn to care about catching something" Veesa says pointing at a small shop across the street, even in the dying afternoon light, Nozomi can see that it is very brightly painted, "See!"

"PIRO!" Veesa says as the two young women enter, "I brought money this time!"

An old Mute man steps out of the back and regards her coolly, "Good. You still owe me from last time" he suddenly breaks into a smile and opens his arms for a hug, "Come 'ere Veesa, I haven't seen you in weeks." Veesa embraces the old man, "I thought you were still down the Gan! Who's your new friend?"

Veesa breaks the hug "Oh I was, but I decided that I should my friend Nozomi here the City"

"Oh, let me get you two something nice. Sweet?" he says looking over Nozomi, "Yes, some Reedsberry tarts, I think." he heads behind a counter that has a number of other delicious looking things on it, "I'd put it on your father's tab, but I hear you have a job now, so pay up!"

"I can pay" Nozomi says

"Nah, don't worry, we go way back. I've been coming here since before I was born" Veesa smiles.

The two sit down and talk more as Piro brings around the tarts, thanking Veesa for her custom.

The two women talk for much longer even after finishing the tarts, mostly a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages or Rural and Urban life. Unsurprisingly Veesa is ardently Pro-City, while Nozomi has a more country outlook.

"I beg to differ, we have all sorts of-" Nozomi is cut off suddenly by Veesa.

"We need to go now"

"Huh? Sorry?" Nozomi says, confusion evident on her face.

"Curfew soon. Part of the Quarantine measures in the unaffected slices" Veesa says, standing up, "THANKS PIRO" she says as she leads Nozomi out of the building.

The old man smiles and waves as she leaves, leaning on his broom as he does so.

"We gotta get you back to the Island, Curfew is no joking matter, I don't want to break those rules. They're there for a reason"

Nozomi nods as the head down a back alley, but she suddenly stops Veesa and pulls them both into shadows. Something feels wrong, she sees a plain totally normal Mute man walking by the entrance to the alleyway. Something is off, she can hear it in the Song. Discordant.

"Did you see that man?" Nozomi hisses


"Quiet. He's got something wrong. Evil… diseased." Nozomi whispers.

"How can you tell?" Veesa whispers back, following Nozomi as she creeps up to the alley entrance and peeks around the corner.

Nozomi sees the man disappear into a large dilapidated building along one of the Slice walls.

"It's a Chosen thing" Nozomi says. And it's true, it's like a reversal in the Song. A Shrine where instead of beautiful unifying music it sounds like all the notes are backwards, upside down, and inside out.

"What do we do?" Veesa hisses back.


Plothook get. What do?

[ ] Persue all stealthy like
[ ] Chase him down
[ ] Try and see if you can talk to the man
[ ] Tell the Authorities and let them handle it
[ ] Do nothing
[ ] Write in?
[X] Pursue all stealthy like

Bet that something this vague would slip right past. We only found him by chance. Bet it's the disease source
CHAPTER X: The Ghost In the Warehouse
CHAPTER X: The Ghost in the Warehouse

Nozomi ducks around the corner cozying up beside a crate, she waves for Veesa to follow her, "We follow him. Follow me"

The young women follow the man around the side of a building, and watch him disappear around another corner, heading towards the centre of the slice, highlighted in the setting sunlight.

Nozomi is about to take off after him when Veesa touches her arm. Nozomi looks back over her shoulder and the other woman gestures with her head to another alley way.

The Chosen woman hesitates for a brief moment before deciding to trust her friend's judgement. She skitters down the side of the alley and it makes two abrupt turns, and as she peeks around the corner she is passed by Veesa who hurries hunched over to a low gate crossing the entrance to the alley.

Nozomi catches up with the Invector woman and they peer over the top of the gate, shadows cast by the setting sun hiding them both, as they watch the man hurries along the street in front of them.

As he passes by, Nozomi can feel the disruption in the air around her, and something inside tells that this is very wrong.

The man stops and looks around nervously before sidling up to a large building. It's large and ramshackle, windows boarded up, and paint peeling. A now illegible sign is set atop the chained, and now rusted, shut main doors.

Their target inspects the side carefully, before opening a boarded up cellar door, the doors moving silently, as if recently cared for. The man carefully climbs through and then closes the passage behind him.

"Whatever he's up to, it's no good" Nozomi whispers to Veesa, getting a nod in return, "I want to see what he's up to, I hope no one is watching that entrance."

Veesa grins and whispers back, "No worries my friend. That whole building is the deserted Heolese warehouse, we all used to play in there when I could get away with it!" the Invector points to a staircase running up the side of an adjacent building, "Just walk up there, make a quick hop over and there's a loose panel that should let us in."

"Ok" Nozomi nods, "I'm ready when you are."

Veesa nods and carefully climbs over the gate, standing on a ledge on the other side she reaches over for Nozomi, who has to hope up a couple of times to get a good grip on the other woman's hands.

Veesa pulls her over and they both quietly walk along the side of the street until they reach the staircase and Veesa leads the way, hopping over and gently pulling the wooden panel aside so that Nozomi can get inside.

The place is dark, a few windows let in the last of the setting sun, shining onto bits of wooden debris and haphazardly piled, and half smashed boxes.

Veesa follows Nozomi in, and carefully sets the panel back into place, "This place is pretty much how I remember it" she says leaning close to whisper in Nozomi's ear, "Now where?"

"What do you mean, 'Now where?', I've never been here before!", Nozomi says in a harsh whisper.

"Well, I don't have special Chosen powers, only my Goddess-given common sense which says to go down. Somehow" Veesa says, carefully creeping towards a staircase.

"It's not like I've infiltrated a cult's secret lair in an abandoned warehouse before.", Nozomi hisses.

"Wait, what." Veesa says freezing, "Your Chosen sense tell you that?" she looks worried.

Nozomi grins, and leans close enough to whisper, "Well, I mean what else could it be? Evil vibrations in the song, secret nighttime escapades, a city under threat from a plague. Two heroines ready to stop them."

Veesa looks away shaking her head, and continues towards the stairs, "You know I'm rolling my eyes at you right now?" Nozomi can barely hear as they carefully and slowly go the stair case step by step.

Veesa stops Nozomi from stepping on some of the boards, and has her miss whole sections of stairs totally, when they get to the bottom floor, the Invector woman pulls the Speaker into an almost entirely dark side room, "I never knew all those forbidden games of hide-and-seek with my brothers would save the day some time"

Nozomi holds up a finger to silence Veesa, who is rather annoyed by that. The Chosen isn't paying attention though. She's listening to something down below the floor, an unravelling in the Song, "It's almost right below us" she whispers.

Veesa nods and creeps along to the back of the room gesturing for Nozomi to follow. There's a small hole in the floor with a pulley above it, but whatever system was hooked up to it is long gone. Veesa slowly and carefully lowers herself in, wedging herself onto a small ledge, just high enough for her stand up on, she gestures for her companion to follow.

Nozomi hesitates for a minute, trying to find a good spot, before she tries to lower herself down too. Veesa doesn't bother waiting for her to find her own way down and grabs Nozomi and pulls her onto the ledge.

"Hey, I coul-" Veesa shushes Nozomi and points to a far corner of the basement where a pair of figures are next to a lantern, with a third; their quarry, standing a few paces away.

Nozomi nods, and the pair slowly crawl along the top of the old shelving units, towards the light. One of the figures walks away before they can get close enough to see or hear, Veesa's pants have caught on a nail and it takes a while to work the fabric off silently.

The two Devoted finally get close enough to see the figures. The one they followed, is an average-ish Mute man, standing still and nervous at the edge of the lantern light. The other… the other is a small, below average height woman, of indeterminate age, with plain features, and an unremarkable build. What does stand out however is her shoulder-length black hair that fades to silver as it grows out; black at the roots, silver at the tips.

The mystery woman waves at the man and Nozomi can see something lfash in front of his face.

"Ah! I can-"

The woman cuts him off with a hiss, "There will be time for incredulousness later. I assume that you have it? I can feel it."

"Y-yes", he hands something out, his arm extended as long as he can.

"Really? Such power as to blight entire blocks and you act as if arm's length is far enough to protect you." The woman chuckles darkly, "No matter, I never renege on my agreements. Here are four doses of the curative you need"

"You said you would protect my whole family!" he accuses, with an angry outburst, "I-I cou-"

"Could do what? Tell the Invector's that you were involved in spreading this sickness, that you helped to smuggle th estones into the city. That you cleverly stole one for insurance? That it began to make your whole district sick? That you bargained it back into the hands of the City's tormentor for your family's safety?" the woman smiles, "Besides I gave you enough for your family: one for your wife, one for your dear old father, and two for your children"

Veesa and Nozomi look at each other in shock, "We could just" Veesa starts whispering, before Nozomi cuts her off with a shake of her head. She nods to the cellar doors; in the barest flickering of the lantern she can see another three figures carefully guarding the entrance.

After a few long moments the man looks defeated, "I suppose it is my father's time"

"Ahahaha", the mystery woman laughs in the Mute's face, "Oh, ho. I was told that the Devoted were better than the common rabble, that your Harmony kept you unified, whole." she looks up, as if through the ceiling, savouring the moment, "I am so happy to be right after all."

"Listen, I wanted no part of this.", the Mute man says angrily.

"No, you just wanted more than your labourer's job at the docks allowed. You just wanted that foreman's position to really earn some money."

"If I could turn this all back, I would, but you tricked me!" he points at her.

"I suppose I did, from a certain perspective. On the other hand, you got paid, and your district would have been fine yet, if you hadn't gotten greedy and kept a stone. Then I found you with it, but I decided to take things easy, a slaughter is too high profile, even your disappearance might raise questions, so I offered you another deal." she circles the man, "Which. I. have. kept."

"I want nothing more to do with you, I have done too much", he chokes out.

"Ahhh…. Guilt, a killer of Princes and Peasants alike. Perhaps I could alleviate the burden?" the silverblack haired woman smiles again.


"Give one of those doses back, they're a valuable resource yet, well worth the magic I will expend for the task. I can change your memories so that in two hours you will forget everything you know about me, about all of this." she pauses briefly, "I'll only ask once, your next response better be affirmative or negative."


The woman shushes him with one finger, "Oh, I'll give you one more chance. Do. You. Want. To. Forget. It has to be a voluntary choice."

The man wavers, and is on the verge of leaving before he slams something down on the table the lantern sits on, "There, take your dose!" he says with strangled cry.

"Good, look into my eyes" she says and reaches out pionting two fingers on one hand towards him.

Suddenly something long and sinuous erupts from the Sorceresses' fingertips and pierces the Mute man's eyes, and she slams that hand into his face as he stands frozen. For a moment her hand seems to flow into his face before she pulls it back, an audible popping sound following.


The woman tilted her head at the man, The Ghost always keeps her deals, it's what sets me apart from you people." waves dismissively at the Mute before breaking into a smile, "You'd better get going now, you've about two hours to figure out whose lives you want to save", she says in an almost cheery voice.

He turns to leave, so do Nozomi and Veesa backing up quickly. Nozomi, being small is able to move faster than Veesa, and leaves her behind, climbing out of the gap in the ceiling they came in, and quickly creeping over to a gap in one of the boarded up windows.

The young Chosen watches as the man takes off at a fast walk towards the east, and also as the woman and her three guards takes off towards the north.

Veesa catches up to Nozomi after a brief fre moments, "We should follow that witch" she says.

Nozomi quickly mulls over the choices in her head



[ ] Alert the authorities now, see what they can do.
[ ] Follow the Mute man
[ ] Follow the Ghost

SINGER'S QUEST: GOTY Edition said:

Sorry, for some reason my google docs just decided to give me some sort of 502 error for half the night, so I took waayyy to long doing that.

So, uh in the meantime, I've been meaning to ask about feedback, to improve my service to you the voter! (Especially as this is my first Quest) if anyone feels like responding to any or all of these, I would appreciate it:

1) What is your general impression of the quest and writing so far?

2) I'm starting to come to the conclusion that the mechanics system, while well intentioned, is mostly just getting in the way, and I'm considering scrapping it entirely and going by narrative alone
[ ] Turn on Narrative Mode

3) I'm also wondering about what pace of update people like? Faster updates about 500 words everyday? ~1.5K every two days like now, or much longer updates once or twice a week?
I think this pace is good. The emptiness is mostly a function of being an original setting, in a genre most people think is played-out, without clear direction or anything that really sets it apart from other quests. If you look at BAHSSCQ or whatever the acronym is, the first few updates are only one or two pages apart, despite its huge thread now. Most of the pages are post Summer award, when it got a sticky and notice.

[X] Follow the Ghost

[X] Turn on Narrative Mode
This is just my preference.
SINGER'S QUEST: GOTY Edition said:
[X] Follow the Ghost
[X] Turn on Narrative Mode

Ok! thanks. :)

This is my first quest and so it's, well, also a test run of sorts, and this has been an interesting experience for me. I'm learning a lot about what I can do, and what I have issues with (first to mind is the mechanics, I made, frustrating me after a certain point. Because I realise that in the long run I care about narrative far more than just mechanical rolls. If I started over I've got something else more narrative heavy that I'd like to try)

Also, that, like I don't think I really put in an obvious overarching goal, because I didn't want to just /tell/ but then I'm not certain I showed properly yet either.

As far as I go, as long as the people reading this are enjoying it, I'm going to keep going, because I like the challenge and the accomplishment of updating this regularly. It's defiantly good experience, I think.

Well, unless people start yelling at me to stop I'm going to continue :p I'm still invested in this, even though I've got ideas for stuff I want to try afterwards, and an Idea for how to run stuff much better from the start. When I finish this (or if I go crazy and decide to start another one, I've got a few other ideas:

Romulan Space Quest (Star Trek): To boldly go where no Romulan has gone before, to seek out new conquests, and new political shitstorms, all while a sinister cybernetic threat lurks in the background (Essentially Mass Effect via the medium of Star Trek, starring SubCommander S'eperd (or whatever name))

Imperial Admiral Quest (Star Wars): You're a newly promoted Admiral appointed to a backwater sector in the Outer rim. Fight rebels, fight at Endor and get pwned, then emerge into the post-Palpatine galaxy and try to make your mark on the universe. (Just a ster wers quest from the Imperial perspective, drawing form both canons.) (Debating whether of not giving foreknowledge of Vong arrival, and the battle to prepare for that as an overarching goal to build towards)

Kuvira Quest (A:TLA Legend of Korra): You've just landed in Ba Sing Se with a force of the best metalbenders in the world curtsy of the Zaofu guard. Along with wealthy investors and some of the Earth Kingdom's finest minds, you must find a way to restore peace and order to the Earth Kingdom without turning into fantasy Hitler (The Earth Kingdom is on fire, everywhere at once, and so I/we could explore just how hard the Earth Kingdom's meltdown was that canon Kuvira became fantasy Hitler and was cheered on for it.)