Shuumatsu no Izetta (Pseudo-WW2 with a witch!)

I just started watching this, it's pretty interesting so far. I'm interested to see how Izetta's magic works, exactly - I guess that glowy green blob above her hand is sort of a magic meter? And presumably it depends on her internal stores and how magical the land is too... Also it was interesting how the pulsing sounded like breathing, it's probably symbolic of the living land or somesuch.
Finished episode two, I REALLY diggin this so far
i really do hope some Allied elements will be introduced later in the series.

In other news I'm working on a Commando costume in light of this anime. I'm having trouble figuring if i should go with the STEN MKII or the Thompson since early in the war the commandos were using the US Thompson gun and the Sten were introduced latter @.@
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This episode was very awesome, especially as we get to see combat from the frontlines in a fashion that shows that this was the beginning of the war where the previous war's tactics were still in full force, and yet going up against the GermanGermanian blitzkrieg and its combined arms approach to warfare. I actually like the inter-rivalry bickering between that Germanian Air Force general and the Army general there, and on the other side Jonas is a nice viewpoint character for the common soldiery in the trenches.

Izetta's fighting style with the pilfered weapons though, holy emperor that was awesome She's like a Gundam using bits to smash the enemy lines, with a good side of telekinetic tank throwing, Gate of Babylon, lancer suicide (aka throwing the very the lance she's using to fly against the enemy), and even turning a normal light machinegun into an anti-tank weapon
My favorite parts were probably the swords acting as a net for the tank shell and the, I'm presuming, anthem at the end. That had t be especially big for Izetta since she's been a nomad and an outcast for her entire life.

Also the soldiers just taking the Morse Code for granted was pretty funny. Though at that point I imagine I would just go 'You know what? Fuck it. I see a girl throwing tanks around so what do I know anymore.'
So new episode is out.

And of course she flips tanks. Why the f*ck not? `:p

Lifting Panzer IVs and Panzer IIIs alone means she can at least pull off 245 kN with her telekinesis abilities, which would've accelerated a typical longsword weighing 1.5kg at 163,500 m/s^2 or 17 thousand gravities . It's pretty clear she can't accelerate swords fast enough to penetrate tank hulls though, which would imply that there's either a time limit on her ability to cause objects to undergo acceleration, or there's a maximum acceleration she can cause objects to go under through. Though it appears pretty clear she can accelerate lighter objects far faster than heavier objects, evidenced by the fact that she can make an LMG an anti-tank weapon.

The fact that she can use swords to block Pz.III fire is interesting - I haven't looked close enough to see whether or not they were using the 37mm or the 50mm, but either way both penetrates around 35~60mm of RHA at point-blank range, compared to the thickness of around 3~6 mm for an average historical long-sword. That means even assuming a double-layered sword-shield, Izetta can enhance material toughness and hardness to be equivalent to approx. 5~10 times it's thickess in rigid-penetrator scenarios with her magic.

Overall, she's already stronger than Master Chief, and probably stronger than a Space Marine too. :cool:

...well now that that's put aside, to talk about the episode itself, firstly the animation quality seems to have gotten back up a bit; I can still tell it's cheap, but it's less noticeable and the fight scenes were gorgeous. I still somewhat feel that the sound effects are a bit off, but the Stuka's iconic scream was still appreciated. The attention to detail in period tactics was also very much amused the history buff in me, even if not 100% period accurate.

In terms of plot, the initial German I mean Germanian assault to Connenbourg evidently failed(do I need to spoiler this? Not sure), and now the news of the Weiss Hexe is obviously going to spread and reach afar. The Chief of Staff at Eylstadt's capital are probably already thinking of various ways to spin this as propaganda, as period-appropriate. This has some potential to become "powerful innocent nice guygirl gets manipulated by political shenanigans" type of thing and they definitely seems to be hinting at it, so I'm looking forward to where they go with this. Apparently Germania has only been investing a single Panzer Company - even though I'm reasonably certain I saw more than 14~20 tanks in the episode into breaching the line at Connenbourg(am I spelling that right? Not sure). But anyways, we'll probably see them become a bit more serious once the news of the witch gets out next episode.

In terms of character development, we got some more of Fine being badass and caring for her country stuff, which is I suppose is okay though like the second episode, felt that it was a bit redundant. There wasn't much in the way of character interaction between Izetta and Fine this episode, which I suppose is something that'll be explored further in the next one - as someone else already mentioned(on SB, I believe?), just going with "she was the first one to care for me" alone is going to get tiring pretty quick. Some more chemistry would do great service, even if it's in the FULL YURI GOGGLES direction. We see a hint of further character interaction by the way Fine reacts to Izetta flipping tanks for her, but in which precise direction their relationship will go remains to be seen.

Overall, my fears upon the drop in quality of the second episode have not been validated, and this show still captivates my interests.
Judging by the scene with the archduke at the end, Fine may end up assuming the throne sooner rather than later. Anyone who wants to exploit Izetta too much is going to have her to deal with.

As for the episode overall, there were definitely things I liked -the glasses guy getting freaked out by a bird and Izetta taking out the Stukas with lances for instance. The scene where Izetta gets distracted and flies into a tree was cute (wondering if that sort of thing is going to become a trend -she almost did something similar last episode). However the battle took a lot of focus at a point where we're still getting to know the characters.
Well, I did enjoy this previous episode. The fact that she specifically asks for medieval weaponry to go with the lances is interesting, perhaps it places less of a tax on her powers or something like that?

Otherwise, the battle was engaging, I did appreciate being able to see both sides of the conflict to boot, and we got a good look into the mindset going into the fight. it bad that I still kinda want to see Eylstadt fall? Like, the Allies are a nonentity at this point and the not-Russians haven't been invaded yet. Hax though Izetta may be, it still strains my credulity a bit that when Germania really gets around to stamping down the thorn in their side, they'll be able to hold it off. The army isn't exactly needed for the air force+navy show that is the Battle of Not-Britain.

Besides, I could totally see them leading a French Resistance or something. It'd be a cool change in dynamic when combined with Fine's political skills and Izetta's magic
Wonder if alt-history timeline would roughly follow OTL.

Summer 1941: Germania attacks the Socialist Federation of Rossiya in Operation Barbarossiya. After 6 months of steady advances, Germanian forces were halted at the gates of Rossiya's capital, Marxigrad. There, in the bitter cold of Rossiyan winter, many Germanians froze to death in their trenches.

Winter 1941: Germania's ally, the Fuso Empire, launched an air raid on Jade Harbor, the headquarters of the Americana Union's Pacific Fleet. Americana declared war on both Fuso and Germania, and mobilized their massive industrial base into wartime production.

As the battered Red Rossiya Army in Volgagrad fought on against Germanian invaders and the Americana Expeditionary Force engaged the Germanians in armored warfare in North Africa, stories like the Legendary Witch of Eylstadt helped to boost their morale, as they chip away at Germanian military strength.

Summer 1944: Under a carefully orchestrated offensive, the Red Rossiya Army launched Operation Posideon, an massive, theater-wide offensive, involving more than a hundred divisions that would push the Germanians out of Rossiya territory and breach Germania's eastern border. At the same time, the Allies, led by Americana marines, assaulted the shores of Germania in what was known as Operation Downfall, landing almost sixty divisions on the shores of Germania itself. The abrupt introduction of the Allies' new weaponry, most notably Rossiya's JS-3 and Americana's M29 Meade heavy tanks, was a shock to the Germanians, which has no weaponry to speak of that could counter these tanks.

A rallying call for the assaulting troops as they hit the trenches of the Germanian defenders was "Remember Eylstadt!"
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Well, the 3rd episode was simply fantastic. Both the princess and Izetta were great, and I do think that they did a very good representation of the actual combat between the troops, giving us both the view point of the troops on the field and of the generals on both sides.

As for the magic combat... Well, that blew me away. The air combat was neat (as with what we've saw in the 2nd episode), but what really blew me away is the ground combat.

And the swords were cool, too.

One thing that slightly annoyed me is the constant fanservice with Izetta.
Like, it's not horrible, but I really don't think that it fits this show.
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Yep. Well, maybe there wasn't a "lot" of it, but I do feel like it doesn't fit here...

Nope. I'm referring to how the camera has a tendency to focus on her butt when she is flying upwards, landing on tanks, etc.
It does? Well, if there was I clearly didn't notice it at all - and I usually consider myself to be on the sensitive side when it comes to things like that! Strange.

Well, different people have different level of immersion and suspension of disbelief, I suppose.
The shot of her butt through the tank's vision block was completely extraneous and really out of place. Like I can imagine not noticing it during her flight sequences because she's moves pretty quickly, but the whole episode stops for that one.
The shot of her butt through the tank's vision block was completely extraneous and really out of place. Like I can imagine not noticing it during her flight sequences because she's moves pretty quickly, but the whole episode stops for that one.
Now that you mention it, that scene does come to mind. I think I may have mentally skipped it over since I was largely just going "FUCK YEAH FLIP THOSE NAZI TANKS" throughout that sequence, though looking back I can see how one may feel it was out of place.
Eylstadt only really having WWI era equipment and outside of the MAS-36s (firing whatever the hell first-generation smokeless cartridge they're still using), and the relatively colorful uniforms is a pretty nice touch. It does paint them as being unprepared heroic defenders in the sort of way that shoving them into something like a Polish Army uniform, and using more modern equipment.

The shot of her butt through the tank's vision block was completely extraneous and really out of place. Like I can imagine not noticing it during her flight sequences because she's moves pretty quickly, but the whole episode stops for that one.
Yeah, with the flight sequences, there's excuses just based on movement, but that was excessive, and just jumped out at me as being maybe inappropriate when it happened.
Eylstadt only really having WWI era equipment and outside of the MAS-36s (firing whatever the hell first-generation smokeless cartridge they're still using), and the relatively colorful uniforms is a pretty nice touch. It does paint them as being unprepared heroic defenders in the sort of way that shoving them into something like a Polish Army uniform, and using more modern equipment.

The interwar period stuff really is appreciated. I think it goes over most of my friends' heads though lol
The interwar period stuff really is appreciated. I think it goes over most of my friends' heads though lol
Yeah, a lot of that is stuff that wouldn't really be immediately accessible if you're not a military history geek.
The colors probably aren't, but blue has been played up as a heroic color for so long that it's obvious even if it isn't a color picked because of old Landtag uniforms or something (which I swear it might be.)
The Elystadt fighters shown in the OP are based on the Morane-Saulnier MS 406, which was a reasonably up to date fighter for 1940 (I've seen it compared to the Hawker Hurricane). Tanks seems to be the area where they're really badly outclassed equipment wise.

I also noticed a scene last episode where a gathering of Elystadt forces included both horses and tanks, which i thought was a nice touch.
The Elystadt fighters shown in the OP are based on the Morane-Saulnier MS 406, which was a reasonably up to date fighter for 1940 (I've seen it compared to the Hawker Hurricane). Tanks seems to be the area where they're really badly outclassed equipment wise.
They're actually spot-on for the MS.406.
Incidentally, Hasegawa is re-releasing their MS.406 kit in December, which is probably great timing (Or so says a kinda crappy model aircraft blog.)
I kinda hope someone makes a little1:72 resin Izetta on an Anti-tank gun to go with it.

Interesting. I may have to actually watch this one :V
Given the level of detail they've been putting in on the equipment side, it's worth it.

The only thing that doesn't look exactly like something from real-life are the Anti-tank rifles, but that's it.
They're actually spot-on for the MS.406.
Incidentally, Hasegawa is re-releasing their MS.406 kit in December, which is probably great timing (Or so says a kinda crappy model aircraft blog.)
I kinda hope someone makes a little1:72 resin Izetta on an Anti-tank gun to go with it.

Given the level of detail they've been putting in on the equipment side, it's worth it.

The only thing that doesn't look exactly like something from real-life are the Anti-tank rifles, but that's it.
Well actually. That big rifle she rides in the OP? That's finnish. It's a lathi l39. The one in first episode appears to be a ptrd. Not sure about the one we seen in this episode.