Post-Depression Panic
- Location
- Spiritually Lost
[X] Knights of the Rose. An all female knight group. They're usually used as an elite bodyguard for high ranking female nobility.
Oh god, William is a Tankmonk."Being a monk isn't merely just someone who collects knowledge. Nor is there only one path to enlightenment, but all paths will eventually lead together or so is my belief. In that end I have cultivated my wisdom, my strength and my mind. However I am getting old, I will soon die and my knowledge will go with me to the grave. I have created my own martial art style, that I believe would benefit you greatly. I didn't come up with the name, my enemies in my misspent youth did, 'The Cruel Mountain Style'... I think that's a bit dramatic, I call it the Blackwood Sect Martial Art in my head. I didn't think you were compatible with the Art for a long bit...
How would it take using body as weapon anyways?William pointedly looks at your hand, with quite the impressive deadpan expression. It wasn't your fault that you didn't know you couldn't use other 'weapons' with the Shield!
I'm sure the King would be most reassured by thatWhat a load of crap. What did you care if some robber baron got shot somewhere... But on the other hand... You knew exactly what happens when you cut the head off the snake, it's not pretty. After you killed Aoi, his band didn't simply go away they splintered into warring factions for the scraps of what was Aoi's small empire. It's why you haven't simply decapitated Aultcray, it simply won't help. The clean up of the various would be warlords from Aoi's old territory was gruesome on its own without there being any real civilians... Itsuki's causing similar issues even if the hierarchy here is much more robust, they're simply causing worse problems that not having an administrative leader. For example there's no longer a crown authority in the lands, no longer is the local lord a threat to bandits and the lord is no longer there to request support from disaster or monster attacks.
I think that makes it an even bigger snub lol.He sounded approving, even if that wasn't your intention you just had things to do that was more important then talking to Aultcray.
Kamijou Touma: "Its true, people should stop calling me a hero!"At the same time however, you're supposed to be a hero so you repeat in your head: 'punching stupid people isn't heroic' in your head until you enter the alchemy shop.
Note the bolded.Unable to even take one more word or insult as soon as 'Lord Kentway' looked at your direction you fucking grabbed him by the scuff of his stupid robe "Look here, fuckface, I don't fucking give a shit about your stupid ass title Count Dickhead. Some people have some actual business to take care of now fuck off" You quite literally threw him outside like he was yesterday's trash. You were in pain, and you had no plan on accommodating idiots.
Scarred trait mitigation!"Yukihime, welcome back. The type of treatment we have to do is through the back room... The extent of your injuries requires ritualistic alchemy which is much more expensive then capsules or serum just so you understand why it cost you so much. Luckily I've finished the preparations in advance, the ritual will fix the extensive damages you had in your skeletal structure from old injuries that healed improperly so hopefully you'll be in less pain from now on..."
...we're SO gonna get fucked up again.It's bright as fuck, like almost flashbang levels. You also feel like you were dumped in ice cold water and a slight itchy-tingly sensation all over. You don't really understand what's happening but you assume it's working... Then it's over after about a minute. Your hand isn't blackened anymore, merely slightly discolored and a bunch of pain you had in your back and shoulders vanished and more importantly you could actually walk without feeling pain. You give her a thumbs up with your newly healed hand "This was fantastic Priscilla. Worth every coin." She looked genuinely happy you praised her work, and that you weren't in pain anymore. "You're welcome Yukihime... The ritual isn't complete though... It will take a few days to completely heal the damage in your body so please take it easy for now" The irony is that you just got summoned by the king to do the opposite. "We'll see" You respond, you hope you're not sent out immediately you'd like to recover before getting into a big brawl...
:3You say your goodbyes to each other, and you leave towards Vivian's clothes shop. The place is as adorable as you remember it being, though Vivian herself is in a different cute ass dress, this time in a gothic style with a cute hat. "Ah! Yukihime! Welcome, I stayed up all night making your... What did you call it... Military Outfit? I haven't started on your Prince outfit yet but... Please try your first order on!" Okay it was much cuter than you thought it was going to be. As you wanted it's basically the same as the uniform you wore right now, but this one was black, had a gold trim and a cute little shield over your heart. She removed the belt thing from the design and all the pockets which you'd usually be mad about but the Shield was basically a giant ass pocket. You're not gonna lie, if your face wasn't mostly scar tissue and your eyes weren't empty you'd be very fucking cute. You love it. "I love it. It's regal enough that it fits what I want to project as my ideal of a hero, yet I can fight in it." You were glad you got your hair fixed before you wore your new outfit. "Ahh I'm glad you liked it! I tried to make it as combat withstanding as possible... It won't protect you much like real armor would but it should clean itself and repair itself barring destruction of over 70% of the outfit... I took some liberties when making it after your speech about wanting to be the Prince... I thought that you'd need to look regal in battle as well at no extra cost! See Yukihime... You're a real prince!" You didn't really hear that last part, but from what you think she said has you sort of embarrassed. "W...Well, I gotta go... The King needs me to do things and I uhh... Gotta go bye!" You didn't retreat, you bravely ran away! Stop laughing William! typical RPG quest targets?"This is the information we have on hand about Itsuki, who he killed and speculation of motive and where he's headed next. It also includes some information on his companions, who have been charged with treason." You silently go through the stack of papers. Lord Connery was the first of the lords killed, he owned a small part of land outside the capital and primarily used demihuman slaves to run his vineyard. Itsuki must have come across him when he was commanding his slaves, and executed him. You think Itsuki's the good guy personally, it's just that it's shitty that without their master the slaves who only know how to farm will either go back into slavery or die of hunger. The person who's the real criminal is sitting beside you, who allowed this dynamic to happen. Lord Weatherby raised harsh taxes against the villages in his domain, Itsuki must have come across one and then decided to go after him as well. Unfortunately the harsh taxes was to deal with emergency repairs to the flood control systems and if it isn't fixed soon will flood the area. Lord Rodgers was a decadent count who was legitimately corrupt and needed to die. He took women as taxation, allowed his subjects to be enslaved for money and you think if you had been in the same room as him you'd have broken him in two. Itsuki needed to be stopped, no matter how justified his killings because it simply isn't helping anyone. The pressure from one person simply wasn't enough to change systemic problems. Even if you largely agreed with Itsuki... It also doesn't help that he's destabilizing the political situation already teetering off its axis.
Hey...any chance of looting the witch girl?Itsuki's followers were pretty uninteresting. He had when he left a cute witch girl, a no nonsense soldier type, a priest and what looked to be like a viking. After his first murder, the witch, and the soldier left him, but he gained a few Demihuman followers. They mysteriously died, likely to the Priest from the religion that hates Demihumans with all their might and recruited two mercenaries, a crossbowman and a spearman. You had next to no intel on them either.
Clearly, we'll have to come up with our own catchy battle cry, like "ATATATATATATA" or "ORAORAORAORA" along with a post-asskicking one-liner.Oh god, William is a Tankmonk.
One who favors brutal beatdowns apparently, if his enemies called it that.
[X] Knights of the Rose. An all female knight group. They're usually used as an elite bodyguard for high ranking female nobility.
The knights from the Church are a flat-out bad idea with us being their faith's version of Lucifer, so that leaves us with professional all-girl knights, or the knights of the mystery box. Now, as some people might have pointed out, there may be complications with choosing the Rose knights, for one reason or another, while the nature of the mystery box knights means that we could, in theory, get at least one or two, possibly an entire handful if we're lucky, of knights that are even better than professionals.
If we were just doing some ordinary mission and the knights were our regular backup, I'd say the hedge knights would be our best bet. But we're not; we're trying to capture another legendary hero, one who has the advantage of reach and possibly a pre-prepared position at his disposal. I'm not about to trust our luck to the hedge knights on the chance that we get stuck with the shitters. This mission calls for skilled professionals of guaranteed quality, and given the choice between the Church knights or the Rose knights, I pick the Rose knights because they aren't guaranteed to hate us right off the bat by merit of who we are.