Shards of Awakening

Not too bad. Here's hoping we at least find something cool.
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A World within Dreams? Turn 6 Part 2
[] I bet there's lots of hidden passages and secret rooms in the library. I should go look for one of them. (may find secret items or places inside the library itself)
-[] 1d100 = 56

So I wanted to try an experiment with second person to see how it feels from a writing standpoint. We'll see how it goes.

Answer: it allows me to delve a bit deeper into Quan Jia's thoughts, but probably will be a bit more limiting in how other characters experience things.

I think I'll keep doing it periodically unless it really bothers people.

[You are Quan Jia]

The faint scent of dry air tinged with age and the slow decay of parchment tickles your nose as the lazy stroll of your slippered feet take you toward a source of momentary fascination. The Library, a massive building crowned by azure roofed towers, looms at the end of a wide granite stairway. Columns, twined by ivy carved in such a life-like manner that the leaves track the afternoon sun pass on each side as you take slow climbing steps. Above you, set atop a massive door painted with sinuous golden dragons set against an azure field, the Library's Wardstone awaits, glowing a sullen crimson.

Eventually, you climb ends, and you spend a moment to scowl back down the hundreds of stairs that had led to this point... not cool at all... before taking the final step forward. As pale yellow slippers cross the threshold of the Library, space warps and twists around you, depositing you in a place far removed from the mundanity outside. For a moment confusion fogs your thoughts, but that gives way to a nearly all encompassing sense of awe as you stare upward.

A dome of the night's sky, painted in the soft sable of cloudless midnight and studded with countless sparks of radiance, expands above you and stretches on to the horizon. A cool breeze ruffles through blonde hair as you take in the pale luminescence of the full moon as it reins atop the crown of the dome and illuminates the world beneath. Dai Qiao didn't say anything about this…

Green eyes drift slowly from heaven to earth, and you stare, caught between amazement and delight as shelves begin to unfold like the slow blossoming of a lotus. Borne amidst those slender leaves are scrolls of parchment bound by lengths of silk and silver and materials yet more unreal.

As the last petal nearby unfolds, dozens of columns of the purest jade rise slowly from evenly placed gaps in marble tiles growing steadily to a height almost farther than you can even see. Even as the columns stretch upward to touch the very stars, silvery vines begin to wrap around those verdant columns.

At some unseen signal, as one, hundreds of delicate pink buds sprout and blossom, pointed in your direction. Each bloom reveals a single tiny jade slip that hangs as though the stamen of the flower and dances with the chiming of wind-bells amidst the breeze.

A long, spellbound moment passes… why did no one tell me how cool this place was?... before the last of the changes becomes apparent as the previous scent of dust and age and decay vanishes before the fragrance of Spring's bloom.

I wonder who created all this… do they still live at the sect… could I meet them? Thoughts flitter on gossamer wings, but eventually, your mind returns to the task at hand… right… I'm here to find cool things and places, not to gawk at the entrance… but where to start?

As if summoned by your thoughts… perhaps it was... a ray of moonlight coalesces into a glowing ball of spectral fire. The wisp bobs in a kind of bow and a voice like a faint echo speaks, "greetings, young miss. I and my other selves are the Eight Revealed Archivists, and we have been tasked with the upkeep of the Library."

"I'm Quan Jia, and I'm here looking for cool secret things…," you frown as a sudden thought occurs, "but finding secrets is part of the fun, so please don't spoil it…"

"Welcome Quan Jia, there are many secrets to be found within this Reflection. Some are even hidden even from the One who created the Library." Eight bobs in a seemingly happy way as it responds to her request. "I am most gratified then to inform you that what secrets I and my other selves know we are proscribed from sharing."

"So you know who made all this, it's incredible," you gush… everything here was just so cool…

A mote of [Dream] flickers in within the core of the wisp and finds a resonance within you. A child's face appears from within the ball of spectral light and fire, smiles, and then disappears, "it seems that I and my other selves are not the only ones who know the Creator of this place."

Who? Ohh. Lady Shifting Sands?... "really but she just seemed so tired..."

"To one with the blush of youth still dusting her face I imagine She would," the wisp bobs in a way that manages to convey the tilt of a head. "But did you imagine Her to be now as she has always been? That this place was a construct of Empire to have been crafted in an eye's blink rather than an edifice grown over eons?"

"Oh, but it's in the sect, and maybe it looks a bit different on the inside so I just thought... and I didn't realize that…" you babble, even as your mind spins... was the Court really that old?... did it build sect stuff for the sect?... On the heels of those thoughts another one perks and you grab at it, "but if she made it… how could things be secret to her?"

"To each of we Eight was gifted a Mote of [Dream]." One wisp becomes eight and eight distant voices overlap in a resonant harmony. "To weave into this garden Wonder and Whimsy..."

Eight wisps merge into one and a glimmering childlike figure steps forth. "To the Ninth Revealed Archivist in turn was a Mote of Shen granted, to render ineffable that which was contained within."

"But you're not…" there was something… or rather a lack of something… in the way Ninth stood as a shoal amidst waves of [Dream]. "I mean it's not a bad thing, but…"

Long golden hair, radiant with threads of pure qi, sways as Ninth shakes its head and smiles gently. "There is no shame in the admission that the Barrier of Opal yet stands despite countless of my feeble attempts at shattering it."

"But to answer your question," Ninth continues, "what was crafted by Her and my lesser selves and my own hands is by that combination inexplicable to all."

"Hmm, pops never talks much about Shen, but… I guess that makes sense." it was actually kind of a bit of genius. Creations of Shen were only truly comprehensible to their creator, and if the creator themself couldn't understand the creation then…

"Perhaps in time, the Mysteries of this Library will be made clear to me…" Ninth muses, her voice sounding as though caught between hope and something else… Mei Mei sounds like that sometimes too… "but perhaps my Path will lead to a different destination."

"There's something weird about this...." there'd been a distant thought fluttering at the back of your head this entire time and only in this moment does it crystallize… if the Library really were this different, someone would have said so, right… "I mean, it doesn't really feel like [Dream], but it doesn't not feel like [Dream] either… you know?"

"Hmm," Ninth tilts its head and one becomes eight again, becomes one again as seven wisps drift away. Eight remains and bobs warmly, "perhaps if a girl blessed by Her hand were to seek Wonder in places otherwise mundane then she might see a little of that which yet lives beneath the veneer of Empire… perhaps."

"Isn't that too easy?" you can't quite help the frown that flickers across your face, one that deepens as you feel a sudden certainty that your time in this place coming to an end.

"Is it?" Eight bobs, still warmly, but with what almost endless familiarity allows you to identify as mockery… thanks Mei Mei… "a young Seeker catches a glimpse of what lies beneath the efforts of her kind… but what does she leave with save more questions?"

"Hey, that's right… I was here to explore," your pout turns into a grin despite the increasing insistence of the forces pulling you away. "I won't let you distract me so easily next time, Eight."

"A bold promise," Eight's wispy figure blurs as space warps and twists, "until next time, Quan Jia."

-[] Cultivate DEJ

11d10 (affinity) + 6d10 (gems) + 2 (affinity) +10d10 (pill) = 29d10 * 1.2 = 34d10

10 09 06 07 08 09 03 06 10 01 10 02 02 10 10 07 02 08 02 08 03 09 07 01 01 06 08 10 05 10 09 03 01 07 = 12 XP

Second Path:
XP: 21/50 -> 33/50 XP

A duck quacks, insistent. You toss a torn piece of bread at it and smile as you watch it gobble your treat down. A cool breeze flows in from the lake and the setting sun paints everything in pink and pastel. Sometimes the path to Fate was the path to some great mystery or treasure or whatever. Sometimes the path to Fate was was the path to something much smaller, but maybe just as important.

It could be better though. Maybe next time you'd drag one of your busy friends with you.

[Turn 7 Vote]

Quan Jia has 4 actions she may take for this turn, of which all 4 can be cultivation. She may cultivate any particular thing up to 4 times per week.

I've added a few more social options since it was starting to just look a bit like whack-a-mole with whatever was expiring in a given turn. You can probably still do that, it will just require more effort (re. turn actions).

Actions are broken up into categories that use the same general rules.

While there aren't any trap options in the sense of "rocks fall, everyone dies", there are options that are sub-optimal.

Feel free to ping me and ask for clarification or whatever on the particular voting options, if you have any setting related questions, or if you're trying to put together one of the write-in options.

1 Hour Moratorium.

Quan Jia has 19 relevant cultivation level spirit gems. She may use up to 2 (cultivation level + 1) for this week's cultivation (for a total bonus of +6 to all cultivation actions). At least 1 is required to mitigate a 50% penalty on xp gained. Spirit gems apply their bonus to all cultivation actions taken (this rule may be revised later).

Once per month (on an alternating 2 week schedule) Quan Jia may attend either or both of the training classes offered by the sect. While there, the elder will choose what will be cultivated, but they will also provide resources for said cultivation (in addition to any resources used during that turn).

[] Cultivate Attribute
-[] specify which
-[] cultivation resource(s) used

[] Cultivate Qi
-[] cultivation resource(s) used

[] Cultivate Meridians
-[] cultivation resource(s) used

[] Cultivate Base
-[] cultivation resource(s) used

[] Cultivate Art or Technique
-[] specify which
-[] cultivation resource(s) used

[] Attend cultivation class (available once from turns 9 - 10)

[] Attend combat class (available once from turns 7- 8)

These actions all involve the roll of a d100 to determine the quality and/or utility of the results. Please note that not all of the exploration options have the same breakpoints for tiers of rewards.

[] Write Home. (this option is unavailable until turn 9)

[] Explore the sect.

[] Explore the library.

[] Explore the town.

[] Explore the market.

[] Explore outside the sect.

For current skills: actions may be taken to use those skills (chance of reward, lower chance of skill increase) or to train them (higher chance of skill increase). For all skills: a mentor for that skill may be searched for, when a mentor is used in conjunction with a training action, it increases the chance that the skill will increase. Mentors are required to increase a skill beyond 3.

Some example skills are (but others may be written in): Martial Arts (specify weapon or unarmed), Stealth, Knowledge (specify type: history, culture, politics, etiquette, qi, cultivation, spirits, etc.), Stealth, Commerce, Dodge, Resistance, Strategy, Prospecting, Athletics, Performance, Survival, Craft, Medicine, Larceny

[] Use skill.
-[] specify skill.

[] Train skill
-[] specify skill.

[] Search for mentor.
-[] specify skill

Social actions provide no direct mechanical benefit, however, they do allow for an increase in relationship score and may unlock certain quest lines. Social actions will also gradually provide the following information for the related character: derived stats, skills they can mentor, other useful information.

Social actions are only available for characters that have been met previously. If you would like to meet new characters, go exploring (or I suppose wait for me to introduce them during bonus actions…).

Social actions will, for the most part, expire at the end of the month in which they were introduced (i.e. every 4-turn period). At which point they will be replaced by other options.

[] That weird shadow girl, what was her name… oh right, Ma Liqiu had stopped by to ask if Quan Jia, not Lady Quan, would be willing to join her at a teahouse. Maybe she wouldn't be so boring after all. (Expires Turn 7)

[] Last time they'd met, she and Shao Cuifen had sparred and then slept together. This time they were going out to get a nice lunch at that one fancy restaurant in the marketplace. Something about the order of those things seems off… (Expires Turn 9)

[] Libraries were apparently a weird place, at least sometimes. Still, they were usually a severely underrated place to nap. Between the smell of old parchment and the violent enforcement of quiet, not to mention the hundreds of cozy reading nooks, napping was almost inevitable. Or it would be if Tang Huan weren't lurking around being weird. What do creepy guys even need with books? (Expires Turn 9)

[] Well, she'd promised that she'd or rather Mei Mei would test her two cute maids for cultivation potential, and now was as good a time as any. It would be cool to have a pair of combat maids… (Expires Turn 9)

[] Sand swirls into silvery lettering and a crude map of the outer sect. A red X marks a spot miles away from anywhere she'd wandered before. I do love a tea party… (Expires Turn 10)

[] Xiao Lien thinks she's made a breakthrough with her flashy sunlight technique and wants to test it against Quan Jia's sand. Is Xiao Lien a sore loser? (Expires Turn 11)

[] Meng Chao has expressed an interest in her gambling abilities and wonders whether it only applies to games. Derivatives... options… insurance… it's like Meng Chao has a whole separate language (Expires Turn 11)

[] Mei Mei announces that she will begin preparing for Ascendance. It's too soon, isn't it? Maybe she would be willing to wait, at least a few years…(Expires Turn 11)

Quest actions will follow the same general rule as social action: voters have 4 weeks to select a quest action before it disappears.

Quest: How to Save a Life
Mitigate Luo Lifen's attempts to turn disciples against Xiao Lien and by extension Quan Jia. Failure will result in Xiao Lien's departure from the sect and possibly in her death.

[] Xiao Lien thinks that now would be a good time to demonstrate her new strength by sparring with Shao Cuifen and has asked Quan Jia to arrange something. Is she ready for someone that strong though?

[] Meng Chao has identified a third year disciple, Late Quartz Souled, and an expert in wards. He's offered to organize a meeting between Quan Jia and Gao Bo. It couldn't hurt to meet him, I guess...

Quest: Imagine.
Assist Meng Chao in the uplift of White-Caps upon Stone. There is no concrete time-table for success, although a lack of effort in assistance will result in a fracturing of the relationship between Quan Jia and Meng Chao.

[] There's an invitation from Meng Chao sitting on the dining table. It invites Quan Jia and associates to a casual gathering of like-minded individuals. I should probably bring some a few people with me, but who?
[] write in Quan Jia's invitees

This is something I want to try to mirror the freedom that tabletop rpgs offer. So how this will work is: I have and will continue hinting at upcoming interpersonal issues, storyline quests, or sect wide events. If voters wish to identify and address them before things explode they can do so here by writing in what the issue is, how it should be addressed, and an alternative action to take if incorrect. If it's correct (and whatever necessary criteria are met, e.g. relationship score) we'll start that event early, otherwise, we'll perform the alternative action.

Additionally, if voters want to go completely off the board and do something not at all reflected in the turn votes, that can be written in here.

[] Write in issue.
-[] general approach.
-[] alternative action.
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Also wasn't combat class supposed to be available this turn and next? I don't plan on including it in the plan but still.
[] Plan Connections in Shadow
-[] Cultivate Art or Technique
--[] Dreamer's Endless Journey
--[] 2 spirit diamonds
-[] Meng Chao has identified a third year disciple, Late Quartz Souled, and an expert in wards. He's offered to organize a meeting between Quan Jia and Gao Bo. It couldn't hurt to meet him, I guess...
-[] Explore the town.
-[] That weird shadow girl, what was her name… oh right, Ma Liqiu had stopped by to ask if Quan Jia, not Lady Quan, would be willing to join her at a teahouse. Maybe she wouldn't be so boring after all.

I'll probably go for something like this. Shadow girl's social disappears after this turn; with Turn 6s DEJ we should hopefully be able to get to Lvl 2 with one action; I had been planning on exploring the library this turn, but with that covered by the latest exploration action and with this updates hints I'm going for exploring the town; and I want to get started on Xiao Lien's quest.
Turn 8Combat ClassShao socialUnarmed TrainingSeek out Zhang Bao: touch base with him, confirm what he wanted in the prologue, and maybe sound out his suitableness for an invitation to Meng Chao's get together?
Turn 9Cultivation ClassShao v Xiao sparLetter to Dad for the good shitMeng Chao meeting
What do you think of this instead? The spar and meeting should both expire around Turn 9 onwards, and if we leave the spar until then it gives us time to sound out Zhang boi, who is the eldest son of one of our fathers retainers (and so is a pretty obvious pick for someone to draw into our faction). Hell, we probably should've brought him on board sooner.
I'd say this is a decent roadmap for the two turns after this one, though obviously it's subject to change.
A quick edit to the last part of this update, hopefully I got everything fixed, but we'll see.

And, yeah to (hopefully) improve the spread of actions chosen, there's a bit more incentive to get out and do things.
11d10 (affinity) + 6d10 (gems) + 2 (affinity) +10d10 (pill) = 29d10 * 1.2 = 34d10

10 09 06 07 08 09 03 06 10 01 10 02 02 10 10 07 02 08 02 08 03 09 07 01 01 06 08 10 05 10 09 03 01 07 = 12 XP

Second Path:
XP: 21/50 -> 33/50 XP
Well damn. We're going to need to put 2 actions into DEJ on average to get Lvl 2 now instead of 1, even with the +3 free xp. Probably going to drop the town exploration action then. Now I regret not pushing more for 2 actions on each art for the dream pill turn, it would've been a lot safer.
@Karnax626 I think I'd prefer to push Cultivation Class to Turn 10. We did promise our maids we'd check their cores and that action expires that week.
[X] Plan Connections in Shadow
-[X] Cultivate Art or Technique
--[X] Dreamer's Endless Journey
--[X] 2 spirit diamonds
-[X] Meng Chao has identified a third year disciple, Late Quartz Souled, and an expert in wards. He's offered to organize a meeting between Quan Jia and Gao Bo. It couldn't hurt to meet him, I guess...
-[X] Explore the town.
-[X] That weird shadow girl, what was her name… oh right, Ma Liqiu had stopped by to ask if Quan Jia, not Lady Quan, would be willing to join her at a teahouse. Maybe she wouldn't be so boring after all.
[X] Plan Shadowy Networking
-[X] Cultivate Art or Technique
--[X] Dreamer's Endless Journey
--[X] 2 spirit diamonds
-[X] Meng Chao has identified a third year disciple, Late Quartz Souled, and an expert in wards. He's offered to organize a meeting between Quan Jia and Gao Bo. It couldn't hurt to meet him, I guess...
-[X] That weird shadow girl, what was her name… oh right, Ma Liqiu had stopped by to ask if Quan Jia, not Lady Quan, would be willing to join her at a teahouse. Maybe she wouldn't be so boring after all.

-[X] Write in:
--[X] Seek out Zhang Bao: touch base with him, confirm what he wanted in the prologue, and maybe sound out his suitableness for an invitation to Meng Chao's get together? Also try and clarify his position on spirit-blooded in case it turns out to be a problem.
--[X] If rebuffed, Train the Unarmed skill with Mei Mei.

@dmclain2 Is the above an acceptable write in?
We're currently at 36/50 for DEJ, and one action is 22 dice which is approx. 11 successes, so if we get as lucky on this roll as we were unlucky the last we might be successful? I'd rather get the second level before Exploring the town, so I'll go for this, then if we don't get it this turn then next turn do:
Turn 8
Combat Class
Shao Social
DEJ training
Explore the town
@CedeTheBees thoughts?
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[X] Plan Shadowy Networking

Turn 8
Combat Class
Shao Social
DEJ training
Explore the town
@CedeTheBees thoughts?
I'm down

So then Turn 9 is:
Maid Cores
Shao v Xiao spar
Letter to Dad for the good shit
Meng Chao meeting

Turn 10:
Cultivation class
Shifting Sands Social
Unarmed Training
Social/Explore? (I'm leaning towards Meng Chao's social. Practicing our gambling skill with a friend sounds fun. Especially a math friend.)

@Karnax626 Thoughts?
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The XP should be correct in the character sheet. I think that's the xp from the base cultivation that was edited out.
Ok so I think I managed to math out the update. It was originally at 21 xp. You rolled 12 xp bringing it up to 33 xp, but you forgot to update that on the character sheet, leaving it at 21. So when CedeTheBees reminded you about the 3 spare, you ended up adding it to 21 and not 33. So we should have 36 xp total.

edit: I didn't notice the vote was open lol

[X] Plan Shadowy Networking
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