Chapter 45: Gossip
- Location
- Germany
[X] Wait for your meeting with Iciuhca, to get some information from her first. - 14th of the White Storm
As the sun slowly creeps ever closer to the horizon, you contently make another pass around the market. Initially you came here so late was since you wanted to avoid the glut of people always found here at noon, but it had other benefits to be around when most traders were already packing their things back in. Like the cheap cui you where currently chewing on. Apparently it was some kind of delicacy from the southern mountains, but the trader was quite content to hand out the leftovers for a bean each, being all too eager to join the steady trickle of people going for the taverns at this hour. He also sold the little critters alive, though they seemed to be more fluff than meat when comparing the size of the living article to the roasted meat on a stick in your hand. Apart from that, even those trying to sell less perishable goods seemed quite ready to cut a deal at this hour, probably hoping for a few last earnings before night fell, making your purchases a bit less pricey then anticipated.
Gained 20 Wound Dressings
Lost 90 beans
The other reason for your presence today is still elusive, however. Next time you'd better set a proper time for such a meeting, though the date seemed enough last month. Somehow you just expected Iciuhca to just show up at exactly the right time, but even though you keep passing by the alley where you intended to meet her, there is no sign of the little sneak. Neither was anyone out and about to cheat his patrons like her, which is a bit surprising, given her implication that that this was a pretty normal and regular thing here. Neither can you spot any of the beggars you saw last time. What you can see, though, in both larger groups and more frequently, are guards. The bronze-tipped spears and bronze-reinforced shields making them stick out like a sore thumb.
You kind of expected more watchful eyes in the city after seeing how high-strung the gate guards were, though it's still surprising how short-tempered they behave. The groups have swollen to three from two watchmen and they tend to rudely order around everyone who so much stands nearby when they want to pass somewhere. The distance they enforce around themselves looks more then a little awkward, especially in the far more cramped side roads, since they seem to be all the more on the edge whenever there is less than an arm's length between a guard and a passerby. Given how they act and how someone like the Wise Men might decide to prevent the price of copper from rising any further, you think this is connected to the lack of beggars today.
As you spin that thread of insight further, your mood slowly curdles. Maybe waiting for Iciuhca was pointless, since she already sat in Xoxo and pried green stones from unyielding rock. Given her activities, this was hardly out of the realm of possibility, especially with how the guards acted. Though these worries are for naught, as at long last, a familiar voice calls you to an alley. "Yaxkin, over here."
After glancing around you, making sure that nobody else paid enough attention to hear that call, you follow suit. Iciuhca leads you a bit deeper into the small path between the houses, already cast in deep shadows as the sun which stands barely over the horizon can't reach the cobblestones here anymore. "Why the dark alley? You weren't so afraid to talk to me right next to a large street last month." Furthermore, it kind of feels wrong to have this talk here where nobody can see the two of you.
"Well, a lot of things happened since then." As your eyes get used to the lack of light, you see the mischievous grin of the street urchin before you. "Gonna cost you twenty beans to hear all about them."
"A deal is a deal." It doesn't surprise you that she wants the rest of her promised pay before going any further, and you came prepared for just that. A small pouch you drop into her outstretched hand and after a short moment of counting, you lean against the wall. "Then tell me what went on here in my absence. The city seems a bit tense."
Lost 20 beans
"You haven't seen the slums. People are pretty nervous there since the guards have started to patrol there lately. They never showed up before, but now you see them move here and there and arresting people. Seems Xoxo needs new workers badly."
"I just thought the same, what with there being no beggars around."
"Yeah, doing that near the bigger roads is chancy these days. They also got a lot of people in the slums riled up, since many beans there depend on nobody enforcing the laws. A lot of trouble is brewing there, especially since the old borders between the gangs are softening up. With the patrols, nobody can act that openly, so some started to muscle in on their rivals territory and some others got weaker when they threw their people to Xoxo. The guards are also recruiting left and right, mostly from caravan guards and tribals. Word is that even one of the Wise Men was killed by the bandits and that they stocked up the patrols to the south and north, but others claim that it's spirits work."
"Spirits? Why should they try to kill the Wise Men?"
"Why not? Heard from some hunters that the spirits are getting restless and they wouldn't care if the guy they murder is a Wise Man or not. Some think that the Blight and the Creeping Night are spitting out spirits left and right, thus the tribals raiding the caravans for weapons against them. However, all just hearsay, since I'm not going out to check for 30 beans."
You allow yourself a short sigh. Even though you have a small role in this whole mess, it's dubious that your actions near Xoxo had any impact on the course of events, but you still feel far too involved in all of this. "Anything else interesting?"
"One more thing. Some guy is going around and asking for good fighters who can keep their mouths shut. You didn't hear this from me, since I only know it from eavesdropping, though he seems to plan some kind of raid on a special caravan. Something coming from Ticehuactepetl to the east and moving to Zacatl. No idea what he's after, but he told the guy he wanted to hire that he could have a fist full of Tlaltepoztli, so it must be something pretty expensive."
"Never heard about Ticehuactepetl before. Another city?"
"Probably. Heard the name on the market before, but can't tell you more about it either."
Given your recent windfall, you have a rough idea of something that might be worth that much, though you doubt that the Wise Men would allow a caravan full of spirit parts to pass their city. Maybe it was silver they transported? Though that would leave the question of why they did so, since from what Noche told you, silver is mostly used as money. Which would mean something very expensive being traded for it. The timing for this probably could not be better. Just another bandit attack near Tlamaca, easily chalked up to random chance. Something to maybe mull over later, since Iciuhca looks a bit impatient at you.
"So? Worth your beans? Don't quite know what else might interest you, so ask away."
Do you have any further questions for Iciuhca?
[] Yes
-[] Ask if she heard something about a trader named Xihuitl.
-[] Ask if she heard something about stolen codizes.
-[] Write-In
[] No
AN: A little glimpse at what is going on away from the artisan district in the city. You can ask her about pretty much anything you might be interested in, but she might not have informations about everything.
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