Shadows of the Past

[X] [Tezcatl] Take him up on his offer and investigate together.
[X] [Action] Something Different: Apply Jungle's Scent for both, and find a good position on the jungle near the point indicated by him, so that you may both keep there from nightfall until morning.
[X] [When] During the day.

Honestly, I'm a little surprised no one made a write-in option o.o
Eh. Jungle Scent all the day? We should not even be going deep into the jungle, we do not need it now. The most dangerous predators would probably not linger long around a place with so many people and such a foul smell.
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Eh. Jungle Scent all the day? We should not even be going deep into the jungle, we do not need it now. The most dangerous predators would probably not linger long around a place with so many people and such a foul smell.

Not common ones, but we're dealing with one or more spirits here, and they don't follow common logic. Besides, since we'll he hiding near where he is seen in this plan, I'd like to make sure we aren't easily noticed.
but we're dealing with one or more spirits here, and they don't follow common logic.
You sort of beat yourself with this one. :p By this reasoning, they may not rely on scent at all.
Besides that, masking our scent to "default jungle" does not work as well when you are in a place that smells different.
I would disagree. The spirits may be magic-sensitive and detect an alchemical compound being used. Who knows? I would much rather use Scent against a natural predator or people chasing us.
Well, then you can just do it, just do a write-in :B I came somewhat late, I kinda expect that I won't be able to change votes anyway *Shrugs*
[x] [Tezcatl] Do this alone.
[x] [Action] Mingle with the guards and watch the jungle from their posts.
[x] [When] At night.
[X] [Tezcatl] Take him up on his offer and investigate together.
[X] [Action] Try to find tracks in the jungle.
[X] [When] During the day.

[x] Buy rations to last you two days
Vote closed. A nightly watch at the rim it is.
Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 17, 2018 at 2:23 PM, finished with 1010 posts and 10 votes.
Chapter 15: Hunter Of The Wild
[X] [Tezcatl] Take him up on his offer and investigate together.
[X] [Action] Hide among the excavated dirt and see if the spirits come.
[X] [When] At night. - 1st of the Green Storm

Having some company while doing this, and a second set of eyes on top of that, is quite nice. Less so is the hiding place you have for yourself. The guards didn't want you to waltz around among the huge piles of gravel and earth during the day, since they have their hands full enough to keep track of the workers without outsiders among them. They didn't challenge you when you came there again after dusk, but there was no time to prepare a proper hiding place, forcing you to make do with the bit of shrubbery growing on one of the older piles. Neither had the rain stopped entirely, and a constant drizzle was coming down on you. The rain had never really bothered you before, but then you usually were in the middle of the jungle and the trees shielded you from most of it. Tezcatl, who sits beside you, had luckily a second leather cloak for such occasions, making the whole thing bearable.

69 + 80 (Dexterity) + 60 (Concentration) + 80 (Sneaking) = 289

85 + 50 (Intelligence) + 60 (Concentration) + 80 (Perception) = 275

The place you've ultimately choosen is a rather thick bush of some sort, right on the crest of one of the dirt piles, giving you a good view of your surroundings. Sometimes your gaze wanders from the forest to the pit on your side, now illuminated by many small fires and painting a rather pleasant picture. The work in Xoxo never rested, and so even now there is the steady sound of tools striking stone coming up to you. All of this, just for a bit of metal.

"Something on your mind?" A small whisper from your side. Tezcatl and you are sitting next to each other, but turned to face opposite directions. You pretty much had to sit him down exactly right, since he had shown no aptitude whatsoever at staying inconspicuous.

"Just thinking about Xoxo. I never quite knew about where metal comes from, and then seeing all of this... So many people working to the bones just for that..." The dagger at you side seems to weigh more and more as you thoughts drift. Not greed made it worth so much, but the blood and sweat shed beneath you.

"A necessary evil of our time, I'm afraid. I've seen more mines like this and they all tend to be on the ugly side. Some more than others. Most have been nice in the old times, where the Stone Man still obeyed the words of man and did these things."

"I haven't asked yet, but how far did you travel?"

"Here and there. Never beyond the great river, I'm afraid, but I walked the mountains to the east and south. Even saw the great sea and the plumes of smoke coming from the Burning Isles when the wind is right. You should travel there, too. The south is a lot drier than these--"

You quickly lay your hand on his shoulders and he breaks off immediately. Something moves among the trees. Plants rustle before your eyes, leaves being bent away and the sparse grass parting for something, yet the movements have no rhyme or reason. Even as you concentrate on the place where you know something should be, nothing comes into view save more moving plants. Then whatever it is steps out of the underbrush and suddenly plants bow out of its way that weren't there a moment ago.

DC 200
25 + 50 (Intelligence) + 50 (Intelligence) + 80 (Spirit Lore) = 205
One Degree of Success

As the spirit steps further towards the rim, you finally see it for what it is. Simply "Spirit Wolf" they call it, for it is close in appearance and temperament to his lesser brethren. Not fur garbs it, but the jungle itself. Figments of earth and greenery run down its flank as it moves with silent grace, its gaze never leaving the pit it walks towards. A majestic beast, a cunning hunter like few others and nearly as tall as yourself.

"I've heard they were larger." It's a barely audible whisper right next to your ear, and yet you still startle at Tezcatl's voice.

"It must still be young. Maybe separated from his pack." The answer you give just as quietly and grip your knife all the while. No wooden arrow would pierce its hide, and as close as it is it would be folly to rely on a single shot to bring it low anyway. Silently you thank Noche for his generosity in reforging your dagger or you would sit here like a tasty morsel with no way to defend yourself. And yet, a small part of you has other urges. After your fight with a cousin of the spirit before you, you idly think about trying for a jaguar. The hunters always ridiculed you for never having brought down a truly impressive quarry. This? No hunter from here would Zacatl could deny your prowess with such a trophy.

"We should wait it out. The Wise Men should be happy enough to know what is preying on the workers. Or do you think you can lure it away?"

You shake your head before remembering that he is unlikely to see the gesture in the dark. "No. What could I offer that compares to all these men he can hunt at his leisure? We could still do more. It is alone after all or the others would have come by now. Let alone that a full pack would not bother to hide its presence and come down on Xoxo in force to sate their hunger."

It grows quiet for a while. The Spirit Wolf watching the settlement below and you two watching it in turn. Then Tezcatl finds his voice again. "I will trust you with this, but remember that I'm not worth much in a fight."

You found out that there is indeed a spirit. What now?
[] Sneak up and attack it. You can take a lone Spirit Wolf with your new weapon.
[] Wait till it departs and follow it to its lair. You can just slit its throat in its sleep.
[] Wait till it departs and go back to Xoxo. The Wise Men can send their own hunters after it.

Sneaking: 11 XP
Perception: 15 XP
Spirit Lore: 70 XP

AN: You found it, but now comes the hard part. Dealing with it.
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If it's only magical property is it's ability not to be wounded by things not made out of metal, and has same stats as the wolf before, we hold a pretty good chance of defeating him in a straight up battle. We'd have a +20 on attack and +30 on defense on a 1d100. We also gain some bonuses from attacking from stealth and Vital Strike. Still dodging wounds which we would take days to recover is something we should at least try.

[X] Wait till it departs and follow it to its lair. You can just slit its throat in its sleep.

Hopefully it's den is alone, and it doesn't have a partner.
[X] Wait till it departs and follow it to its lair. You can just slit its throat in its sleep.
[X] Wait till it departs and follow it to its lair. You can just slit its throat in its sleep.

Suddenly, elemental wolf puppies for free
Character Sheet updated and Spirit Wolves added to the front page.

If it's only magical property is it's ability not to be wounded by things not made out of metal, and has same stats as the wolf before, we hold a pretty good chance of defeating him in a straight up battle. We'd have a +20 on attack and +30 on defense on a 1d100. We also gain some bonuses from attacking from stealth and Vital Strike. Still dodging wounds which we would take days to recover is something we should at least try.

[X] Wait till it departs and follow it to its lair. You can just slit its throat in its sleep.

Hopefully it's den is alone, and it doesn't have a partner.
Keep in mind that this one is considerably larger then the one you fought in the ruins.
[X] Wait till it departs and follow it to its lair. You can just slit its throat in its sleep.

Told ya, Bladed 4 and bronze dagger are were well worth it.
[X] Wait till it departs and follow it to its lair. You can just slit its throat in its sleep.

I was wanting to fight him here and now, but it seems like a pretty solid bandwagon already... I mean, if we can sneak up on him, we can use positioning to fuck him in a single strike. We are practically assassin, with this combo.
Something you should consider is that you are well and truly on your own if you follow it into the jungle. Starting a fight right here would catch the attention of the guards and they have bronze spears, making them capable of helping you if things go south.