Chapter 10: Princess
Himiko Toga changes to look like you. She is still wearing her own clothes though. "Heh heh. Oh my friend, since I am here there is something I should test. Go ahead to Dream Castle. This is important obviously to you, MacGregor. Once you are back I'd love to ride the carrousel with my friend Carol."

You go into Dream Castle. The walls are periwinkle and pink. Music* from somewhere plays softly. Somehow the foyer seems to be whispering to you. "A person chooses, a slave obeys. I was once awesome knight Loud Cloud, but now I've passed on to the next great adventure. Flesh, bone, etc remember princess my soul does not inhibit that golem." A male voice says. Was that just illusion?

Your mind remembers the golem in question. The creature you call a miasma man. "Oh. Okay." You swallow. You take a few deep breathes. Is the castle haunted or is this part of the entertainment?

You walk closer to a portrait. The kind people expect to be over a fireplace. The princess there has unusual pink hair like you do, instead of the park mascot's blonde hair. "There is no such thing as coincidence in this this world, there is is only hitsuzen. Visit the throne room granddaughter, only afterward shall my spirit be forgiven. Your father paid a fair price so that we may meet and chat." Continued a female voice. Was it the voice of Momo MacGregor? No other guest seemingly heard whispering. "I am not who I was, maybe I am who I could have been, maybe you forgive me too."

You wander through the castle and eventually find a room with Dream Princess smiling sweetly. Sitting on the ground are children expecting a show. You sit with them even though two mothers give disapproving glance at you. "Is this the throne room?" You ask a woman to be given a hesitant nod response. Meanwhile the robot seems life-like but is a facsimile of a person. Two minutes of silence. Afterward princess robot recites stories about Snow White, Rapunzel, Alice, Aurora, and Belle. Each princess from Disney canon but nobody seems to mind. "I'm going to remain a little longer." You tell yourself when everybody else leaving. The spirits or illusions have a message to give you, is that right or not?

You are soon alone with the the Dream Princess. The room is silent then a strange new tune plays from somewhere. You can hear fountains flood but you cannot be sure that is not your daydreaming or a hallucination. The new song** is surreal but you are eerily calm and prepared anyhow. Due to how everything else has turned out it is not shocking to see the robot look like a real woman suddenly. Whoever she is, persona of Shadow Queen is gone. "Carol, I'm proud of you. Remember to not comprise what's right even if everyone disagrees with you. Did it occur to you that All Might was somewhat lying when he said you should hide? Were you the savior or just a helpless damsel in distress?"

"Is this a test? I'm perhaps a blithe spirit. I'm perhaps naive but I do not think it matters if he lied. Regardless my personal truth is that I would rather remain ingenue than be normal. The world is complicated. I want to remain the princess I consider the true me, not the person society wants."

The spirit of grandmother is either a manifestation of your doubts (unlikely) or the actual ghost to mysteriously challenge you walking the path chosen. "The universe has decreed you will never experience a period. You will never feel lust, jealousy, or what a typical human feels. You will not experience sex or the tribulations of motherhood. Are you certain you want to be such a freak?"

You twirl your parasol. "I never claimed to be human. Nezu isn't human either but he is sapient. I wholeheartedly claim to be myself instead of being anybody else." Thus you point parasol at the exposition illusion. "Begone spectre. I passed your test. I forgive you for what happened way back centuries ago. May the real Momo MacGregor, daughter of Zeus Aesir, be forgiven. This I decree. Whatever you are begone. Your visit was welcome but you must move on now. So mote it be."

A flash of light. The robot is just a robot again. The music is public domain classical again. Everything mysteriously returned to normal. You brush dust from your knees and then leave the castle happily.

Meanwhile Himiko Toga gets slapped. "Okay guess that test has results. He he he I should not drink Hatsume's blood without permission. Will there be occasional times I will get some of your blood?" Hyperactive question undeterred by the physical slap to her cheek. "I apologize for going too far."

Mei Hatsume is grinning. "Doubtful." She is surrounded by pieces of lion robot and zebra robot. Her demeanor is intense as she puts the robots back together. "But brief me on what else you learned considering you have drank from a dozen people since getting the support item, Toga-san. Surely information is what makes everything worthwhile." She states then waves distracted to somebody.

Himiko huffs. "Your blood tastes good. Human blood like pigeon blood and kitten blood gives some necessary nutrients or vitamins. While it is true I could live off animal blood there is some strange component that separates two people from others. If Midoriya is the chocolate milk, MacGregor is unexpectedly the perfect texture chocolate milkshake. I was only able to turn into Midoriya for two minutes yet I can sustain MacGregor's form for much longer. I assume you needed to know that."

You laugh. "Hey girls. Let's get Tsuyu to join us at the carousel okay?" You ask your two friends.

[] Continue slice of life amusement park
[] Flash forward to a UA Sports Festival
-[] You fight an angry Bakugo (Roll 2d6)
-[] You instead must fight Hitoshi Shinso

* "Waltz of the Flowers"
** "Absolute Destiny Apocalypse"
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[X] Continue slice of life amusement park

It would be a bit jarring to just jump from here directly to something like the sports festival; better to just keep going until the event is over.
Chapter 11: Carousel
Why did grandmother choose to become a queen rather than stay a princess? It is something you couldn't even begin to understand. It is not something you want to understand anyhow, not at that enormous price; a little of any innocence. If Midnight is known as an R rated hero then it stands to reason you are a G rated hero. From your perspective Midnight chooses to wear such thin clothing to use her Quirk of Somnambulist effectively instead of for any other reason. You know that your classmate Toru Hagakure possesses a Quirk that is rather useful when she is completely naked. That is logical to you. Unwilling and incapable of judging other people you just smile ever so blissfully hoping to ride the carousel as if the physical age of your body is going to reman irrelevant to you forever. "Himiko-sempai I feel pretty sure you can locate Asui more easily than I. Look for her, would you kindly?" You request.

"Okay sure I can do that" Himiko does a mock salute then goes to get the frog friend from wherever.

Tsuya Asui shows up with four lollipops. "Here. One for each of us." She hands you the peppermint flavored one. "They didn't have chocolate but they did have beet." She hands the purple-red lollipop carefully to Himiko. "I doubt it tastes good but it has iron so refrain from drinking blood for the rest of whatever remains of today ribbit." Tsuyu states in candid manner. The cherry red lollipop she keeps herself though the blueberry blue lollipop is handed to Mei Hatsume. "I have two younger siblings."

You smile and start licking the peppermint lollipop. "Hatsume could make a camera if you want a few awesome photos to show them later, Tsuyu. I'm certain they will want to know all about your fun."

Tsuyu shrugs. "I suppose. Maybe that's a good idea." She answers unwilling to discuss the subject especially to you. It is a little uncharacteristic of her to not be chatty but she is still getting used to observing somebody uninterested in fitting in. That is secretly the very strange reason she wanted desperately to purchase her own snacks. Her family is poor but your family is rich. Would she be somewhat unfairly taking advantage of you or was it pride that says to spend her own money on unnecessary junk food? "I will attend the stage show with you for the sake of my younger siblings."

Himiko looks at a clock. "Carousel, roller coaster, a stage show, then it's time to go home girls." She informs everyone. The lollipop she has does not taste so great but she politely licks from it anyhow.

All four girls get in line for the carousel. "Its been an interesting day but I don't think being outside happens to be my jam. Testing the support device was good though." Mei muses to herself quietly.

You sit on the cute plastic alicorn. A white alicorn with rainbow mane. Mei sits on the cute plastic pegasus. A yellow pegasus with pink mane. Tsuyu sits on the cute orange pony with blonde mane. Behind you sits Himiko on the cute pink pony with curly pink mane. All four plastic ponies have zero robotics but move up and down due to the pole parts having conveyer systems or at least that is all uneducated guesswork can tell you. The carousel begins and all the music* plays with perfect audio. Regardless you really enjoy that ride and the carousel music. You're not certain why. Maybe its just catchy and beautiful. Despite being a song on repeat you have a good time all things considered.

After the carousel the quartet move towards the roller coaster. The coaster tracks look like railroad. Acceptable presentation considering the cart looks like a steampunk train. Narratively simple hopefully fun. The four girls get into the train and find it does contain seatbelts which they then use. Despite being fast enough and having loops and turns nothing causes any screams of genuine joy. Nonetheless they decide it was not a complete waste of their time to have tried the odd steampunk train roller coaster.

Next the four find seats at the last stage show of the day. A group of animatronics appear on stage. Obviously the singer is the blonde Dream Princess. Children don't find the four robots frightening. However Mei is fascinated by them only briefly before placing attention on her blueberry lollipop. Meanwhile Tsuyu closes her eyes to listen to the music**. At the keyboards is a purple neko robot. Beautiful violin robot is playing her own strings with an extra large bow. Lastly there is that strange woman robot playing on the shamisen. The quartet are oblivious to how small or large the audience. Himiko holds your left hand during the three minutes of well done musical animatronic performance.

So what happens later?
[] Himiko Toga seems more sane
[] You discover All Might's secret
[] It is time for the Sports Festival

James Birdsong does not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic nor does he own Sailor Moon.

* The intro to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
** The Sailor Moon version of "The Power of Love"
Chapter 12: Sanity
Himiko Toga is in the library of MacGregor mansion looking at the mystery fiction section. "Sheesh MacGregor your Agatha Christie collection is so limited. You only have some Hercule Poirot books." Nothing else on that line of books catches her attention in the meantime. "You've got some nerve."

You lightly tap on her head. "I don't like Miss Marple or the others. Hold on. Turn around, would you kindly?" When Toga turns around you look at her eyes. "You don't seem bloodshot, pardon the pun."

She shows a smile. "I'm not starving. Nobody else in town volunteers blood except you but I'm not suffering from withdrawal. I'm still loopy but it's now just happiness not being bloodthirsty. You love donating to me and it's all I need." She trails her finger over your cheek. "I won't need to be stealing hemoglobin or whatever a fancy word for blood is. Ha ha for the past day or two there has been no bloodlust or lust. All thanks to a good friend who accepts me. Would you consider the two of us real Platonic Life-Partners?" Before you can answer she turns towards the books. "You really have Plum Lucky but not the other Janet Evavovich novels?" She asks. She turns to look over at you and waits.

You think then nod. "Certainly I can answer yes to both questions. I think that specific novel is good. However Evanovich's other novels are boring. I'm relieved though that you can think clearly and see without reminder that I just want a platonic relationship. I like to read some mystery books and some fantasy books. Outside it's raining so like thank you for spending the night. I could shadow walk you easily to your hotel room if you change your mind though." You say and curtsey. "Father approves of continued friendship between you and I. I, of sound mind and body understand being different. Even outside my costume, I am a simple damsel with simple needs and simple wants. Even though it is absolutely true that once upon a time I had no friends aside from my teddy bears; I now have three. Behold, I believe you are my best friend and you always will be." After that speech you giggle a bit.

Himiko answers quickly. "No need to be sappy. I get the point. Sheesh." She giggles a bit in return. Neither girl requires a sophisticated talk about morality or if they should remain good friends or not.

You show off the rest of the library. "I have William Shakespeare, Stephen King, Mary Higgins Clark, James Patterson, Douglas Adams, Theodor Geisel, Hans Christian Andersen, C S Lewis, and well obviously L Frank Baum as well. Plus plenty of very old comic books and several Readers Digest." Showmanship wave toward other books. "Dean Koontz, Sue Grafton, and noblesse oblige books." Walking to the manga section you show that as well. "CLAMP, Naoko Takeuchi, Gosho Aoyama, Masahiko Nakahira, and Kazuki Sakuraba." You consider this library a very safe place to be.

Himiko laughs at that. "Next I expect you'll be telling me you have some Tolkien novels. Am I right?"

"Not at all." You answer honestly. "If you are staying the night I suspect we will either let you use the mansion guest room or getting a sleeping bag out of a storage closet. Either way you'll sleep well."

Something suddenly occurs to her. "How is it you have read so much yet remain so innocent? You collected all these but remain childish and dare I say a prude. You're an odd person truth be told."

You blink at the question then answer. "What? Oh many books have aspects I do not like. But I will continue being innocent yes that is true. I don't go seeking out porn but I know where babies come traditionally from. I've had the 'talk' if only because father deemed it necessary even though I won't procreate. So, yes, an odd person with zero desire to act grown up or learn to be act like others."

Your friend Himiko hugs you then goes to see the L Frank Baum collection. "Well, if I suppose one glorious day I will not only look like you whenever I like, but I will also Shadow Walk allowing us to whenever we please be twin sisters. I'm not sure I want to be a hero, but it's fun thinking we're cute forever." Before you can interrupt she mock glares. "Yes you think I am cute already. And who am I, merely spooky Himiko Toga, to disagree?" She remarks in rhetorical question. "Best friend always."

You lead the suddenly sane girl to your bedroom. The room is sparse but pretty. There is a dresser, vanity, bed, shelf of teddy bears, and a closet of Shadow Princess outfits. All of them are identical. "Someday maybe I can wear a dress always." You tell Himiko when she seems intrigued by them.

She feels around in the closet. She drags out a large chest and opens it. That hope chest contains nothing more and nothing less than crowns. One for each yellow dress. "Where's the black zentai stockings or whatever you use?" She asks out of the blue. She may be sane but still seems crazy.

You try not to stare. Staring is rude. "I don't understand the question." You are honest; honest and uncomfortably truthful. You close the chest. "Please put that back into my closet, would you kindly?"

She does as she is told then looks at you in surprise of how you now look. "There. That is what I'm referring to. At my hotel and practically all the time outside school you look just like that except the Shadow Princess. But ha uh you are always the Shadow Princess but.." She pauses to consider.

"No no. Do not question your own sanity now, Himiko-chan. You have come so far already. You may seem speechless now but I suspect and know in my heart you can accept how peculiar I really am."

Toga imagines that when she awakens her ability to copy Quirks as well as looks she could be twin shadow sister. "When we came into this room, you said someday you will wear a yellow dress and corresponding crown always. What will happen to the closet? Will the other dresses and crowns uh inexplicably vanish?" Offhand but there is tremble to her voice that you fail to detect. She is scared.

You sit on your bed and look ordinary once human again. "Hm of course that closet will vanish just leaving the wall. After my final year of high school I can to be that look full-time instead of part-time. Therefore yes, the other dresses and crowns vanish. No matter. I will still share my blood with you."

Her right hand shakes as she closes the closet. "So that means your mother chose to be a shadow person part-time instead of permanently?" She watches eager for the answer as soon as possible. "Perhaps if you could show me a photo album I could understand what you're trying to tell me about yourself Carol." She sits next to you on the bed then suddenly hugs you while crying almost silently.

You prick your thumb and press it to her lips. "Sane or not, I told you: I do not consider you ordinary. Instead being abnormal is pretty much the prerequisite to being my best friend. I won't judge if that observation is a good thing or not. Everyone is an individual; even people who somehow transform seemingly into almost any other person. That is the nature of your Quirk. Do you understand now?"

Sniffle sniffle. "Shut up and hold me stupid." Nonetheless the happy smile is soon back. You are so ridiculous that she can't help it. She declines to suck on your thumb but her mood improves now.

You hold her giving a reassuring melody occasionally. Eventually you show the photo album. "This maiden is my mother shortly before she died. She was not in Shadow Princess form all the time but someday I want to be." You say as you point at a photo. Next you point at a different one. "That is a younger Matthew. Yes, I mean my dad. The other photos here are photos of my teddy bears. There certainly are no photos of my great grandfather Zeus or great grandaunt Hestia." Because you are incapable of even small deception Himiko believes you about all of these things without comment.

The notion of teddy bear photos eventually causes her to get out of a very comfortable hug. "Okay. Enough is enough. There will be time enough to resume you hugging me after we eat dinner. I can obviously handle solid food just fine thank you very much, Carol." She fakes being upset with you.

Fortunately you aren't fooled by her bad acting. "Dinner will be ready any minute now. Are you very certain you don't wish to see the photos of my friends?" Those same friends watch from the shelf.

Himiko looks at that shelf. "There is no need. I'm sure they miss spending time with you however." Suddenly she is her old happy self again. "The question, can I handle being your best friend? I say, in response, without reservation, hell yeah I can." A wink and smile. Maybe she is wicked or maybe not.

You dance a silly dance in celebration. "Himiko is my wonderful friend." You say in response to that.

"Girls, dinner is ready." Father announces from the doorway. Matthew Shadowstar seems opposing toward his enemies but as a single father he sure seems amazing. "Did you finish your paper about Shimura-san?" He asks you when you pass by to travel to the dining room. He smiles at both girls. "Whoever she was, I never had the pleasure of meeting her." He informs you without much reason.

You answer him after a second to consider it. "I did though I focused my thesis about her float ability instead of whatever happened to make her like All-Might. I have no hero worship toward either pro. Shimura-san reminds me of one of my classmates. One that has a Quirk similar but different than whatever abilities that famous heroine had. Uraraka-san just needs the confidence to be as great. However the hopeful optimism is there." You sit in a chair father pulled out. "I think she'll graduate."

Himiko places napkin at her lap. "I've been meaning to ask this all day but why is your great father wearing a blindfold?" She watches him pour glasses of milk for both teens without spilling any of it. "Whatever. It's none of my business. You don't have to answer that. I don't actually care about this. Nothing you say would be satisfying explanation except maybe temporary or permanent blindness."

That too has a simple answer. "That was the price he paid to an eccentric colleague for more than ordinary tickets to Dream Land. He's only temporarily blind. He can remove the blindfold in a month."

Father serves everyone dinner. "Thirty days without sight so that Carol may safely visit Dream Land."

Himiko attempts to understand that unexpected answer. "Very well then. Shall we dig into this meal?"

"Itadakimasu." Three voices say at the same time. These same people eat spaghetti and drink milk.

So what happens later?
[] You continue your slumber party
[] Flash forward to Sports Festival
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[X] Flash forward to Sports Festival

I'm assuming we don't have any off-screen events with the other members of the class, but as long as that's the case this seems a good point to leave (not perfect, of course, the mother plotline is still going on, but good enough).
Chapter 13: Race
It is the day of the Sports Festival. You've kept your grades high, You've kept in shape. The event has suspiciously been divided into three parts. The first part is a race through an obstacle course. You can honorably get in the top five very easily just by traveling through a shadow of whoever wins first place, however you don't roll like that. "There are people struggling with these obstacles." You say after you conveniently bypass a pit. When you look at people behind you, you spot several other contestants.

Mei Hatsume shakes her head. She wants to do the race on her own terms. A chance to show off her inventions. Winning is tertiary. The showing off of her genius is the main goal followed by having fun.

Froppy also known as Tsuyu Asui shakes her head. She is very agile, very fast, and very imaginative. Winning by way of assistance would feel wrong to her. Like most she wants to push herself plus ultra therefore accepting the consequences of that win or lose. You can respect that. She is catching up to everybody including you without too much trouble. She does in fact pass you without any hesitation.

Oh it looks like a boy from General Studies is struggling. You therefore travel near and speak softly. "Greetings. Would you accept my help getting to the finish line?" You ask Hitoshi Shinso without any preconceived notions about him. You keep up with his running but it is difficult. "I can get you to the absolute finish or at least close." You inform him. Maybe he wants to win on his own merits though.

"No." He says bluntly. Since it looks like he is adamant in that, and may even punch you for asking, there's no option except to go with your earlier plan. "Good riddance. I won't be mocked." He says.

You don't hear that part. You are almost to the finish by way of traveling in Izuku's shadow. You did strongly desire to offer Toru help but her gloves have been burnt up in the landmine portion. Guess locating her is out. "The whole world is watching me." You hear Izuku mumble with determination.

The point of the Sports Festival is to have the Hero Agencies scout out heroes. Future pro-heroes examined on television or seen from stands. Almost all of the agencies are mildly irritated by the unorthodox tactics employed by Carol MacGregor. Two agencies have their interest piqued though.

"She does know there are no rescue points to be had right?" A mysterious woman asks nearby but equally mysterious man. "This is typically a race with nothing seen but people pushing their limits."

The mysterious man answers casually but also seriously. "She knows. It was never about a score."

The woman puts her face into her palms. It is difficult to tell if she is sighing or laughing. "It makes conventional thought about a hero take notice doesn't it? Most won't see her as a good prospect."

The enigmatic man shakes his head. "Most of the audience cannot see past the status quo. Gaze worldwide and you will only rarely see people who will praise that girl. I suspect detentions and a mountainside of scolding in her future unless you or I successfully scout that candidate. Nothing constructive can be done scolding Carol for being eccentric. I know she will inevitably choose either Ryukyu Hero Agency or Purple Revolution Agency." With that statement he smiles a bit confidently.

Even so close to winning third or fourth place you choose instead to go back to earlier places of an obstacle race course to selflessly break students out of ice. Only those willing to accept your help.

In the end though you finish the obstacle race in seventh place.

Before next round is a break. Who do you you want to visit?
[] Mei Hatsume and Momo Yaoyorozu
[] Father & Himiko are in the audience
[] Dude who looks like Rogers Nelson

Who do you battle in the second part of the Sports Festival?
[] Deku aka Izuku Midoriya (Roll 2d6)
[] Bakugo (Roll 2d6 w/ disadvantage)
[] Shinso (Roll 2d6 but w/ advantage)
Chapter 14: Battle
During the break, you go over to Mei and Momo. "Yaoyorozu, how are you two doing? Is everything okay?" Right now the stadium is being prepared. Surely all the destruction and obstacles are being absolutely removed. The two other girls glance your way way with differing amounts of trepidation.

Momo Yaoyozoru answers your initial question. "We are doing fine. Hatsume has told me you had a fantastic time at the amusement park. But, uh, more importantly, your support item idea is unlikely to materialize. You know that, right?" She moves away from the vending machine to allow you access.

You buy a root beer. "I know." You answer her sweetly. "There's no need to be uncomfortable around unconventional subjects or unconventional people. I wasn't going to make you do anything against whatever you consider your free will. That said, if you offer a vial of your blood, I can get somebody different to do an unorthodox experiment." You tell Yaoyorozu-san bluntly. "Does that make sense?"

Momo stares at you for a second then shrugs. "That's not what I meant. You are my classmate. You continue this path and everyone will always see you as a nutbar. The childish weird nutbar woman."

Mei Hatsume speaks up at last. "Project Clarke if feasible will be ready at end of the year I believe. Considering how esoteric this project, feel free to praise my genius." She says then laughs out loud.

You sip on the root beer. "Hm. Yes. I understand you two. Yes, Hatsume-san I accept being seen as complete and utter nutbar. I even dreamed last night of lemonade fountains and rocking horses of indeterminate fun. You never have to see me as a friend, but I hope we are always allies and such."

She groans. "I didn't say we couldn't be friends. Since our families are close, I'm hoping you don't embarrass yourself." She watches you continue being nonchalant. "For someone that maybe cares supposedly for everyone, you seem to give zero interest in what people think of you, MacGregor."

You hug Mei then stand by the wall as you finish your drink. "Yes. You are correct Hatsume-san."

It is announced that your battle will be against Izuku Midoriya. "I'm ready for what happens now."

"Is she taking this seriously?" Izuku asks himself as he watches you arrive at the arena then some stretches. "She is straightforward yet mysterious. Honest but mysterious. I'll have to use my brains instead of brawn to win this." The green haired cinnamon bun mutters to himself in a serious voice.

The match begins. He uses the idea that his shadow should always be be kept facing outside battle arena instead of inward. That way he has an advantage. Will it work? "Show me potential. Show me Midoriya-kun's conviction." You say and giggle. Even without a sword, your kendo skills and athletic capabilities are not underdeveloped. Some punches are exchanged. You avoid being thrown out of boundaries at first. "No no no." You chide him. "You have the strength and danger sense, but where Midoriya is blackwhip and float." You ask. You get tripped but you roll away from a rather brutal kick. It is not a glorious battle for the ages nor noteworthy for the history books.

The opponent refuses to be distracted by words but something piques his otaku interest. "You know unusual things." He whispers but remains determined. Well fancy footwork is not his specialty but he nonetheless knows from observation that you rarely use your legs in fighting due to wearing a fancy yellow gown as part of your costume. "One For All does not work like you think. It stockpiles into one singular power. It is not seven powers." Deku states firmly before gives a lucky blow to your stomach.

You are delighted instead of angry at his moxie. "Just as long as you continue developing your own personal style instead of just copying All Might, all shall be well." The friendly competition continues.

Deku charges his Quirk into increasing speed and does a wonderful feint then throws you out of the designated ring. "Oh. Well that is good advice I suppose." He states. Midoriya is declared the winner.

The third round of the Sports Festival is headband snatching competition. Midnight explains the rules. Teamwork is not your strongest quality but you give it your best shot. You get paired with a nice boy with a tail and a boy that can talk to animals. "You just do your best. We'll do the rest." Tail boy reassures you. You learn that the boy who talks to animals is named Koji Koda. The boy with a tail happens to be named Mashirao Ojiro. Toru and Momo are also on your team. "You can sit at the top." Mashirao places you unto his shoulders and with the other three students gets you quite comfortable.

You adjust the headband. "Thank you everyone. Win or lose, let's have fun." You tell your teammates.

The game goes pretty well. You and your team do not get the maximum points headband but nobody was successful in stealing your team's points. Whatever the final score, all four of you cheer like friends.

What happens during the weekend?
[] Go with classmates to rescue Ida.
[] Oh? Gentle Criminal kidnaps you.
[] Himiko awakens her new abilities.
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"Yes. You are correct Yaoyorozu-san."
Is this supposed to be "Hatsume-san"?

Note: Izuku's reaction to us knowing about All-for-One felt a bit too nonchalant, and I wouldn't have expected him to admit it so easily either considering he was given a "duty" by his mentor to keep it secret. Though it's a difficult scene to write considering the level of surprise and his own shounen-protagonist personality.

[X] Oh? Gentle Criminal kidnaps you.

Chaos for the Chaos gods, Kidnaps for the Crack Throne!
Chapter 15: Kidnappd
You thought the weekend would be routine. But that is not how it works out. You were doing a peaceful stroll not far from home. You knew every street corner and every tree. You've seen the houses so many previous times. But a man with a cane is seen approaching. He is certainly a stranger but you have no reason to be suspicious. You are drawing closer to him expecting to walk by without any major issues. "Excuse me." You say in perfectly polite tone to the unexpected gentleman in middle of the sidewalk.

Danjuro Tobita knew the quite rich family Shadowstar had a daughter. A girl who was polite instead of having a bratty and/or spoiled personality. When he saw the girl with a parasol he knew it was destiny orchestrating a kidnapping to be observed by surveillance and some hidden camera to stream online. "Pardon me young lady, might you be Carol Shadowstar? Do I have the pleasure of meeting the heir corresponding to the Shadowstar fortune?" He notices you stop your walk and offer your hand to kiss.

You answer him as he kisses the back of your hand. "Carol MacGregor. Nice to meet you. But may I receive your name? I have my mother's surname." You are naive to the budding career of savvy man Gentle Criminal. Although he reminds you of a gentleman thief from books, that's not a valid reason to suspect him of being one. You aren't wearing a ring so he cannot be after anything on your person. It stands to reason you this stranger is either a criminal that is sharply dressed or just a polite individual.

He chuckles. "Danjuro Tobita but I am known nationwide as Gentle Criminal. And you dear lady are destined to be my prisoner for ransom. So come along quietly." He handcuffs you while you are very distracted by his words. "Surely a young thing like yourself have heard of me online have you not?"

Thankfully he handcuffed your wrists together instead of handcuffing you to himself. Your expression temporarily looks hurt. Understandably hurt. "I have not. I trusted you. Please speak truthfully your intentions so I may know if you are a good rogue or a bad rogue. You are obviously a villain but are examples of your villainy such as Robin Hood, Saint Tail, Tuxedo Mask, and of course Kaito Kid? You actually resemble the fictional jewel thief Dennis Stanton." You muse half to him and half to yourself. Despite being able to get away from him by your Quirk you hestitate. "Would my escaping violate the absurd laws about using Quirks in public without a Pro-Hero license?" You test the handcuff's strength.

The video footage of your kidnapping continues to occur but will later turn out unusable for unknown reasons. Gentle Criminal cannot possibly foresee that. "Oh I'm sorry to disappoint but I am doing this exclusively for the views, not for a more noble reason." He answers but he is also disappointed you're complying instead of fighting back. He is of two minds, dichotomy, that he both wants some wonderful drama (which you aren't giving him) but also he wants you to continue being this complacent prisoner (which you are giving him). There's only one thing to do he decides. Lie. "Only two blocks from your mansion, the horror your father must feel when he learns you are being taken by a possible rapist."

That doesn't work because you somehow know he won't rape you. Those viewing live also are not persuaded he is that kind of man. What does work is him pulling you towards his car. He tugs very forcefully; enough to dislocate your shoulder. "Owww!" You scream. You still haven't dropped your precious parasol so you attempt hitting him. But it bounces off his chest due to his elasticity Quirk. Certainly knock on your noggin on the return from said bounce really smarts so you scream again.

Okay. So prisoner is giving some fight back. That is what he wanted. Right? He wants the internet publicity from this heist but the money is a factor too. "Get in the car." He orders. Even though it would definitely benefit him to say please he refrains. That grandfatherly personality is brushed aside for entertainment or maybe the meanie is the real Gentle Criminal and the nice man is a facade. Oh nonetheless he buckles your seatbelt. "You are worth at least five mil." He monologues out loud.

The bad news is that nobody will be able to get clear look at your features due to digital cameras exclusively used at that intersection. The good news is that once in the car the cameras work so wonderfully that police get the car's license plate so you will be rescued before weekend is over.

Watching the kidnapping live is a hacker extraordinaire. A brilliant hacker lady that is absolutely completely crazy about that criminal. "I'm gonna help that handsome man become a star. I swear. Absolutely. Tomorrow I will absolutely meet him and become his partner and tell him I admire him. Fortunately I can e-mail him. I may even already love him." Unknown hacker says to herself. She currently is cloaked in shadows at the moment obscuring her looks. Nonetheless any observer is fortunately privy to the fact she is 3'8 and yet an adult. Her name is Manami Aiba, also known in underground world of hacker culture: La Brava. "He will be grateful for my assistance." She says.

Meanwhile back in the car you calm down. "My family doesn't pay ransoms. Giving in to extortion reinforces the notion the bad guy can attempt such shenanigans again to other people or even to annoyingly try the same trick on same individual. Bad guys never stop doing their crimes if they do successful heists. Yeah, that's another way of saying that." You say just before the criminal decides whimsically to chloroform you. You pass out after muffled shouting in surprise and great discomfort.

Well that happened. Who rescues you?
[] Your father
[] The police
[] All Might
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