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This is not the tale of a typical heroine. Not every hero can be the very best there ever was. Not every hero can be the smartest of the smart nor the bravest of the brave. What is the fate of the Shadow Princess?
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You sat polite and shy in the headmaster's office. Father sat next to you. He was attempting to register you into this hero school. Most would say this is THE hero school. It is certainly a first rate high school. It is certainly the top school in Japan. You are Carol MacGregor, daughter of Catorina MacGregor, the previous holder of Shadow Princess heroine name. You are also the daughter of Matthew Shadowstar who graduated from this school in the business course. He is suave, mysterious, and holds a common quirk of being able to tell when people are lying. But you, you have your mother's quirk of Shadow Walking or whatever colorful name the registry has it listed as. You really should be paying attention to the events going on right now around you but it's sooo hard. It's so boring and zero fun. You stay sitting up straight like a refined composted princess at an important court. You just look like a typical fourteen year old with pink hair.

Oh father is talking to a principal who is a sapient mouse/bear thing. That much is true. Some would find that interesting. "Please register my daughter Carol into your esteemed establishment. She would be acceptable in the hero course but the basic course is a back-up plan. I know her quirk is powerful. Not the most powerful, but powerful." He requests of the principal calmly. You've never seen him look angry.

The principal is not only a talking animal but apparently a hyper intelligent talking animal. "Could I interest you or your daughter with some tea while we hash out those details? She doesn't even have to be here for this you know. Yet here you are and here she is." The mouse principal calmly responds suspicious why enrollment was not done online or by phone. He is no dummy. He knows father is omitting information.

Mother graduated from this fine school many years ago. She came in fourth place in the sports festival. She fifteen years ago was the forty-ninth top hero. Being in the top fifty was only for a week but a newspaper article is still framed at home. You are unlikely to be special like that but still surely can honor the hero name Shadow Princess. Hopefully this place can be home.

Mother was half-Japanese half American. Father is full-blooded American but can speak Japanese fluently. You've never questioned this. Well, that means you are quarter Japanese, three-quarters American. You can speak Japanese and English. You might even know French.

Father is obviously wondering to himself how much to reveal. "English Breakfast blend for me, Mr Nezu. Anything non-caffeinated for my daughter is fine. We can hash out the details like civilized people but I insist we this discuss face to face. People tend to forget her information when the fine details are done by phone." Your father elegantly tells the mouse as he smiles a bit such a charming mysterious smile.

The tea is sent for using one of those phone call button things. This is one high class school.

[] Father tells the truth of why the enrollment registration had to be in person.
[] Father is evasive as to why he and yourself came here in person. (Roll 2d6)
[] You fall asleep so you have no idea how your father concludes the meeting.
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[x] Father tells the truth of why the enrollment registration had to be in person.
[x] Father tells the truth of why the enrollment registration had to be in person.

He is basically trusting his daughter to the school, if he doesn't trust the premier Hero School in the world, who can he trust?
[X] Father is evasive as to why he and yourself came here in person. (Roll 2d6)

On the other hand, he doesn't have to trust their cybersec/infosec to trust the individuals actually running it.

Many people trust the government (strange as it may seem to the rest of us), but even they usually don't give any more information than legally required.
[x] Father tells the truth of why the enrollment registration had to be in person.
Chapter 1: Enrollment
"The truth is that I have tried enrollment in thirteen schools before this one. For the past month I have tried via phone calls and various school websites and even video conferences attempted to place my princess into a school." Father begins to explain. "Each person I spoke with can remember our calls but their computers refused to acknowledge those events ever occurred. Every keystroke, every digital record pertaining to her mysteriously vanishes as if they never took place. As if the information was never entered. It is clear this cannot be attributed to coincidence. I was through in my search for answers but it is not deletion nor a virus. Each of the thirteen schools told me they refuse to accept her if they cannot have digital records. But calm request that paper trails, analogue files as it were, is no disgrace? They scoffed at this. She wants to be a rescue hero." He continues before mouse principal can interrupt.

"I'm no good with technology but I swear I never touched anything. I hope you accept my humble request to attend this school. I don't even have a cell. This oddity is not related to quirks but I can demonstrate this oddity with your permission, sir." You say just before the tea arrives. "Father says the recomendation from 13 carries at least a little weight in these parts, so that I can take the entrance exam even though I should have submitted my forms before today. We have tried, as you can see, to get me into a school where competition isn't so highly regarded." You further elaborate while the tea is being served.

Principal Nezu considers this. "Do you have a problem with competition, Carol?" He asks after a minute or two of thoughtful silence. Although you aren't picking your nose nor scratching yourself the mouse can see you aren't the perfect lady you appear to be. "A school as highly regarded as UA takes hard work. Can you keep your grades up?" He is soon passed a folder with all of your middle school records.

"Well I don't mind trying my best at the things that I do. The problem is, according to others, I have no drive to win. I think it is healthier to not try to be a perfectionist." You answer in a clear concise tone. "Please notice I got A's in assignments but some teachers don't think it amusing I use typewriters or pens to do my work instead of computers." A different child might twiddle their thumbs at this confession but you aren't ashamed of being so old fashioned. Father hands you a holo disk and you just stare at it. "Father... the last time I held one of these it broke in eight minutes. I wasn't using it right." you shyly whisper. You don't blush but you do think father ought to know you are hopeless with technology.

The principal smirks for a second but then is jovial and kind as he sips his tea. "That seems a reasonable answer. As long as you don't buck under pressure I'm sure 'competition' won't seem a dirty word to you." He takes the holo disk away before it can begin to fizzle or smoke. "I don't need a demonstration of the oddity. The anecdote and the inferences from your middle school folder is proof enough, Carol."

"Will you accept her?" Father asks cutting the chase bluntly even though the details will have to worked out still. Usually father is much better at playing negotiations but the way he asks suggestions he already knows Nezu will answer yes to that short question. Does that make his comment a rhetorical question?

"Yes but I do hope she has the good sense to avoid the support course and their inventions." Nezu jokes even though his words ring true. He shrugs casually. "There are notes here from a psychologist. Is your daughter on any medications?" He asks your dad while you enjoy your tasty caffeine-free beverage.

"No. She just has never had any friends due to her Old Ways. She doesn't play video games. She doesn't Skype. She doesn't Zoom. She doesn't livejournal. She likes to read in the library or go on parasol walks. All her peers and classmates were excited about modern things but she is an outliner. As you can see, this doesn't cause unhappiness, stress, sadness, anger, or surprisingly enough loneliness. Guidance counselors cannot do anything but I'm not opposed to her seeing Ryo Inui occasionly. Who knows. She may even make friends within such a diverse school. She treats quirkless and those with quirks with equal kindness. It's not standard but she treats everyone equally regardless of their abilities." Dad responds patting your arm confident and comforting. "Such unguarded naive optimism known is both a blessing and a curse."

Nezu's eyes metaphorically sparkle with amusement. "I imagine so." The rodent states with mischief.

[] The two continue to talk so you daydream about your mother.
[] Flash forward to the entrance exam. Fighting robots! (Roll 2d6)
[] Flash forward to school gates. Meeting classmates? (Roll 2d6)
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[X] The two continue to talk so you daydream about your mother.

I don't really mind this being a little slice-of-life. And this is important info anyway, plus we may be able to influence how the conversation goes.
Chapter 2: Daydream
"I already said we would accept her, so, cards on the table Mr Shadowstar; how far is she on the spectrum?" Nezu asks gazing at you with the same patient gaze one might give to a precious child. "The understandably detailed reports do point out she is smart but she doesn't understand most ordinary things."

Father gives a chuckle. "Oh she will never be a fully functional adult but there are reasons for that beyond possible autism. Let us be clear, if digital information cannot be kept then she will always need a legal guardian. Did you think of that? Bank records and possibly all legal things including her identity won't exist in records. Not unless the records are kept offline. She possibly could be diagnosed as having Aspergers but as you can see: She can talk and has a mind of her own. She is sapient. Anything more is conjecture." He seems confident, in his own way indifferent, that there is nothing wrong with his daughter.

You have no idea what a burger has to do with classes or whatever. You continue to sit up straight. Without slouching your mind begins to wander. Back when you were in fifth grade mother volunteered often at children's hospitals. She put on plays using shadows on the walls. She was an amazing woman without confirming to norms of society. She was kind and mysterious. She was the Shadow Princess.

You remember that on one delightful but sunny day while you were reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears a young girl only a year older than you were at the time came over to mother. ".. Am I a bad person if my quirk is drinking blood to shapeshift?" The young girl asked. The blonde girl might have been insane or simply earnest. It was a valid question wasn't it? You do not remember that child's name however.

Mother and you were in the hospital courtyard seated on a bench near the roses. Catorina didn't hesitate to respond in a patient understanding manner. "No. No quirk nor any other part of a person automatically makes them a bad person. Have no fear of what others think of your quirk, just do as you feel right."

You know you observed this. Was the blonde girl named Himeko? The memory has faded since four years ago but a name such as 'princess child' does seem apt for that girl even though that child looked crazy according to the majority of the world. You remember this day not because of her but because mother always seemed regal and a princess to you. She was wise and ignored following trends and politics.

Mother gave nice hugs. Mother always was a good friend. While father could seem cold, you never felt afraid of your mother or your father. While mother was not in the news typically, she was always your hero. A hero who respected all people of all genders, personalities, orientations, and of course every nationality.

The world outside your daydreaming continues to exist. "Carol, do you have anything to contribute?"

You turn your attention back to the mouse/bear creature. "I am no good at cooking or cleaning but if this is one of those schools where students do cleanup, I promise to contribute my part to the best of my ability. I cannot be counted on to become the number one hero, or even in the top ten, but I will work hard to be a good student. There is no such thing as coincidence. There is only inevitability. Hm, sir, no matter what happens, I've played my part in the universe for better or worse. Thank you for having me, Mr Nezu."

[] Flash forward to entrance exam. (Roll 2d6)
[] Meeting a green haired boy at a local park.
[] On a weekend try to locate the blonde girl.
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Be the friendly neighborhood Shadow Princess, looking out for the little guys and girls

[X] On a weekend try to locate the blonde girl.
Chapter 3: Saturday
The following days pass without incident. You study a lot. You read fantasy books in your spare time and make sure to stay in shape. Your favorite activity is strolls with a parasol. Some people need friends to stay mentally healthy. You are not such an individual. Father makes sure you memorize maps so you will not get lost during the weekend exploring. Somewhere out in the world is Himeko (princess child) or perhaps her name is Himiko* (sun child). Surely the half-forgotten girl can be met somehow tomorrow.

You know what you want to do. You know what you need to do. It is inevitable you will find mystery girl.

"Sun child would be an ironic name if she decides to be a pro-villain" You tempt fate as you muse to yourself while watching the Friday sunset. "I have a shadow related Quirk and I might become a pro-hero. Just as legal justification for protecting all innocent souls like myself from the cruel world no matter if they call themselves 'heroes' or 'villains'." You state and laugh merrily at those odd thoughts. "I've called for 'arch'. I've called 'computer end program'. Those who say I am not living in the real world are lying." You smirk at the sky as you proclaim this fact. "I am worthy of the Shadow Princess title." You giggle a bit.

It is now Saturday. You've heard rumor that the blonde girl is back from camp or boarding school or some other place she had been sent to by her family. Was it related to her Quirk? You aren't sure why she was away or if you even will be remembered. You wonder if she'd like a box of cookies. The two of you weren't friends. Nonetheless almost everyone likes cookies. Nonetheless you want to see her again. Someday you will be a licensed hero. Someday you will save that girl from the abuse of normality. Oh my that was a strange thought. Someday you will save many people. You wander the streets calmly with your parasol looking for the now fifteen year old Himiko Toga. "Hm?" You see a purse snatching in progress.

The purse snatch happened pretty quickly right there on the sidewalk. "There is no pro hero within two miles you stupid bitch." The criminal boasts or rather states if only to stop the whining. The woman is going to let the man get away if you don't do anything. "I'm faster and stranger neener neener."

Well you didn't see the red haired masked man run as yet but you have no reason to doubt his claim. You go toward the scene. "You are being really rude. Please return the lady's purse." You state. It is now when you realize you have no idea where your blonde acquaintance even lives. Oh bugger. You mentally sigh at this oversight while you pat the woman's back and give her a tissue to blow her nose with. "I will make sure this fiend returns your property ma'am. Is that okay with you?" Surely you can stop a crime legally by not using your Quirk unless it's an emergency. The lady and/or you can do the right thing. For sure.

The criminal runs and that does mean he won't return the stolen purse willing. "Nyuck nyuck nyuck."

"That's so sweet. Go raise hell." The woman answers but she's worried you'll get in trouble for this.

Kashira kashira. You wonder what to do. Even if you must break the law to do so.

[] Attempt to stop the criminal without help. (Roll 2d6)
[] Shout for hero or police officer to help the damsel.
[] Discover/rescue Himiko Toga at a hotel. (Roll 2d6)

* Although 'sun child' is a valid reading of the name Himiko, the one the manga intends is the equally valid reading of 'wear somebody child'; befitting her Transform Quirk.
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Omake Theatre: Disclaimer
What? No votes yet? Time to enact the backup plan. Quick everyone! To the theatre!

Kashira kashira. Nezu is standing at the conductor spot waving a baton. The orchestra plays appropriate prelude music. The curtains of the stage open showing a Chibi Carol and a Chibi Himiko. Both are wearing a princess crown. Chibi Carol is wearing a yellow dress and Chibi Himiko is wearing a pink/white dress. "James Birdsong does not own My Hero Academia nor does he own Revolutionary Girl Utena."

Chibi Himiko takes out two daggers and points then at the imaginary audience. "James Birdsong does not own Laury Callwell of Mitsumete Knight or Kasen of Touhou Project. He chose to share those two images to portray the likeness of his characters Carol MacGregor and Catorina MacGregor." She twirls the daggers. "Would you like me to remain a villain or should I became a hero? You decide. Maybe I should stay out of the dichotomy. One of the themes of this quest is that there is no dichotomy of good and bad afterall."

After the daggers are put away Chibi Carol curtsies. "James is not a cosplayer. He does not claim to be nor does he claim ownership of any pictures shared. He is not making any profit doing this quest. If you would like any more omakes for questions or just general whimsiness let us know." She takes Chibi Himiko's hand in her own. "I am here to entertain and inform. Think of my character as a grey hat. We insist no offense is meant to anybody with actual mental or social problems. All these characters portrayed in the quest including myself are fictional. Any resemblance to persons or events of the real world are entirely coincidental. James really does want to continue the quest, if anyone out in the audience willing."

The curtains close. The orchestra pit plays some classical music while the theatre lights slowly dim.
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I'm just not sure what to do. For instance, if we chase the purse-snatcher, do we lose our chance to find Himiko? What if we call the police?

Edit: The "discover/rescue" part worries me, or I would be willing to delay it.
No you will not lose that chance to find Himiko afterward. As for calling the police, that is easy enough with either the lady's phone or finding an officer at the police station. If you do not rescue Himiko right away...
I get the impression that in canon her family continues to mistreat her even if she no longer lives with them. The manga just alludes to the family wanting Himiko to suppress her Quirk and her real personality. Her desires and her goals, dreams, wants, all told are wrong. Rather than worked with, the camp was one of those types that wanted to erase/brainwash her out of being true to her real self. The camp failed in canon. Her sanity paid that price. I imagine she has been slapped more than once for thinking drinking blood is perfectly acceptable. She is not being held somewhere against her will except in analogy terms. Himiko is not mentally healthy and just got out of a bad situation. I promise to be as respectful as I can but the blonde girl will be worse if her parents find her and berate her further before Carol finds her.
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Chapter 4: Purse
You run after him. Fortunately the criminal does not have a super speed Quirk. "Return the purse."

The nameless man glances back. His confusion that anyone would chase is almost comical. "It wasn't suppose to be like that." He mumbles. He tries a quick turn but cannot lose you by gymnastic or nimble conventional means. Eventually he trips over a trash can. "Oh ow." He is startled when he hears some nearby laughter. Observers from houses have come outside. "Man this sucks." he states to himself.

"Are you ready to return the purse now?" You ask without sounding winded. He nods and although he wishes to stab your arm in deception when you are retrieving the stolen item, the trash and his own ineptness with a knife makes him fumble. You don't even notice the deception. "Thank you. One of the witnesses will call the police. I suggest you go quietly. I didn't use a Quirk. All I did was chase, I didn't throw a single punch. You didn't have gun. Thank you for not having the gumption or idea to take a hostage. Nor did you attempt to hurt me. All you did was run away." You explain calmly as you smile.

The man frowns. "Just go return the purse." He brushes trash off his person. Luckily he didn't sprain either ankle. Luckily no bags broke. The fact you are so sincere actually angers him just a little. If possible he would stand up and escape but he is also kind of scared that the crowd would assist in detaining him.

Ignorant of the thoughts of the criminal you hum and begin a casual walk back to the damsel. Ignorant of his fate you return to the woman and give back the purse. "Here you are. No reward wanted, needed, expected, nor required. It was the right thing to do." You cheerfully say. "Do you know where Himiko Toga lives? I am looking for her." Your sweet smile returns. What you did was no big deal to you. Just kindness. Why not volunteer help wherever you can. You might just become a wandering hero like in some of the books you've read over the years. Being a hero does not require a huge paycheck or becoming famous.

The woman who is probably Quirkless searches in her purse. "I'm not surprised you would say that young lady. You are more polite than many teenagers I have met in my life." She hands you a ten dollar gift card for Wendy's. "Nonetheless please accept this reward. I insist. I don't know a Himiko but I'm certain your father could locate her." She informs you as the pretty pink purse is placed on her left shoulder safely.

"Golly, thank you ma'am." You respond happily in answer. You plan to follow the woman's good advice.

You do ask your father when you get home. You tell him about about your adventure and ask him what you should do. Matthew Shadowstar has connections. You don't ask him about his business and you never will. You're better off ignorant of those aspects of his life. "I hope Toga-san likes the cookies." You muse.

Father and you have lunch at Wendy's. He tells you the needed address and he looks proud of you.

That same day, late afternoon, you are outside a hotel on Sixth Avenue. You press the call button at appropriate nameplate. Room two-oh-three. "Er hello. Is this Himiko? I am an acquaintance of hers. I have a box of cookies for her as a welcome back present. I mean her no actual harm nor hostility."

"Hold on." Himiko's voice answers. If she is suspicious of you, it certainly is not blatent. A buzzing sound is heard. "Fine. Come in. If you are not who you claim to be, I swear there will be consequences." She responds over the intercom. You lack the awareness to know if the hotel has a camera on you or not.

Pfft. There are consequences to everything. Her warning words immediately slide off you without meaning anything as you enter the hotel. Rather than going up in the elevator you take the stairs. You step onto the correct floor then head to the correct room. You knock. "May I please enter, Toga-san?" You ask her.

The door opens. ".. I don't recognize you. Have we met? If you're an acquaintance of my mother I'm gonna be bathing in your blood. I might even do that anyway." Himiko states then giggles in glee.

"I am Carol MacGregor." You introduce yourself and even offer a calling card. While the card is ignored, cookies are received and the box sniffed. "I met you four years ago more or less a few days I believe." Regardless the card is placed away without insult. "I like your Quirk and insist you never be forced to suppress/starve that aspect of you. I don't think it madness to have that wonderful gift be part of you."

How will prove your innocence?
[] Shadows. You would love to prove it with your Quirk.
[] Socialize. Maybe you will become friends. (Roll 2d6)
[] Sword. Drama and blood. (Roll 2d6 with advantage)
James Birdsong threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Attempting to stop a criminal Total: 12
6 6 6 6
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Omake Theatre: Karaoke
Once again lack of votes means Omake Theatre. The curtains open showing a dark stage. A spotlight turns on showing Shadow Princess. "Hello everyone. Welcome to this performance. James Birdsong would like to acknowledge he does not own any of the songs used here. I am Carol MacGregor and I hope you enjoy this short scene." The girl says before the spotlight turns off. Then the curtains close.

When the curtains open again, the scene is a karaoke setting with the class of 1-A in chibi form. Everyone you expect to be there is there except for Chibi Mineta. Likely he was expelled. Instead as an alternative Chibi Carol is there though like the rest of class she is not in her hero costume. "I will go first." A voice announces. Chibi Izuku has volunteered. He places his selection into the machine then sings the main theme to the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion*. He notices his classmates enjoys his heartfelt singing.

After that Chibi Toru takes a turn. Although still invisible, her clothes indicate she is just as chibified as everyone else. She takes the microphone from Chibi Izuku. "I am choosing a song that requires another person. Would Chibi Mina or Chibi Ochako join me in this task please?" She requests quite cheerfully.

The two girls play Rock Paper Scissors in the background with Chibi Mina winning. "I suppose I will." Chibi Mina responds shortly before walking to the singing area. She looks at the selected duet music choice on the karaoke machine. "Oh this will do fine. Everyone wish us luck, please." She states to everybody watching both on her side of the fourth wall and the wide audience of Sufficient Velocity.

The invisible girl and the pink skinned girl happily sing the main theme to the anime Tenchi Universe**. Both do pretty well. The duo of singers even get the haughty laughter and spoken lines oh so mysteriously done correctly to this sung tune. Afterward the girls glance towards their classmates.

Chibi Carol glances at the clock. "I believe we have time for one more. May I sing please?" After observing the nods of her peers she goes to the machine. She takes a few moments then chooses unusual selection of the main theme to the anime series Cardcaptors***. "This might be awesome."

When the song finishes, the curtains of the stage close. This ends today's episode of Omake Theatre.

* "Cruel Angel's Thesis"
** "Up-Walk in Galaxy"
*** "Catch You Catch Me"