Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

"Bit brother! You were amazing!" A shout interrupts you as a speeding ball of light-brunette hair makes impact with you. Your ten year old sister, soon to be eleven, hugs you tightly. "I wanna' be just like you and momma' when I grow up! When can I start piloting a knightmare, mother?"

"Nunnally..." Marianne sighs, reaching over to pull your sister away. "You've gotten your dress all sweaty." She shakes her head. "Perhaps when you turn twelve. As it is, I don't think you're quite large enough to reach the controls."

I love how the only reason Nunnally isn't piloting is that she isn't physically big enough yet

"Don't worry Nunnally, now that I know how to pilot one, I can show you a few tricks." You smile at your sister, always ready to indulge... well, almost always ready to indulge her smile.

"Only while I'm there to supervise, young man." Marianne states firmly, and you duck your head slightly. "You've done very well for a relative neophyte, Lelouch, but you aren't quite ready for a student of your own."

And I love how she has to be supervising because she can't let Lelouch give Nunnally any bad habits or train her wrong at all.

should you be available in two years, I'm sure Euphemia would love to approach you to deepen the bonds between our lines.

...Can't decide if the two years is just because she won't make a formal debut into high society until then, or if there's the undertone that I'd expect the Britannian Royal Family to have. I'm leaning towards the former since Cornelia is overprotective enough to not push that at this stage, and that she probably thinks Euphie's (and Nunnally's) declaration of intent to marry Lelouch as just a phase in childhood.

That's probably gonna shake out based off what players want in a waifu, since it was canonically implied to have been somewhat mutual on Lelouch's part*

...And now I'm back to dreading the waifu war we're guaranteed to have to deal with.

Is it bad that I hope VV is an sixteen to twenty-something so that he can remove CC from the waifu pool**? She's great, but too much waifu ruins your laifu. If we can have women that aren't related to us that are just friends that'd be great. I don't hold high hopes that we will, but I can dream.

*to be fair, he only admitted something like "she was his first love" moments before he had to kill her...

**I admittedly like ideas that make him more than a yandere 12 year old, and I never understood how the fuck he could have ended up with a fully developed Geass and then got his Code at that young of an age.
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Royal Blood: +1 to All Stats. As the child of a world ruler, you have inherited immense natural potential. Already some of it has begun to show.

Intellectual: -2 Martial/+2 Learning. Your are possessed of a weak body, but a strong mind.

Black Prince: -2 Diplomacy/+2 Intrigue. As long as you can remember, you have shied away from the glares and disapproval of other royals and nobles; this has improved your skill at going unnoticed, but somewhat hurt your interpersonal relations.

Financial Sleuth: Add (1/6) of Intrigue to Stewardship. You have learned that numbers, like people, can hide their intentions. As something of an expert in the art of concealment for your age, it comes naturally to apply the lessons of Intrigue to Stewardship.

There seems to be something missing here...

Results: Devicer Trait Gained (+2) Martial. Knightmare Frame piloting skills acquired. Increased closeness with your mother.
This is what I believe to be missing...

QM, I have made an observation regarding the character sheet...
QM, I have made an observation regarding the character sheet...
Fixed. I'm doing a lot of work on the Front Page at the moment, so one or two things may get lost in the shuffle. I'll look back over things tomorrow to make sure I've got it all in order.

Speaking of which, I likely won't get Phase 2 options up until tomorrow, time crunch and al that.

Until then, feel free to consider things, and I hope everyone is reasonably happy with the results of the first phase.
Cornelia li Britannia: (SL 1)

Martial: 20
Diplomacy: 10
Stewardship: 16
Intrigue: 8
Learning: 14
Piety: 18

Huh, I wonder how big sis handles Intrigue. Is she the type that gets away without it by being too tied to the military and important people to fuck with, or does she have a person to deal with that for her hidden away somewhere?

...Did she bend the knee to Schneizel already? That'd be pretty bad for our chances since his only real weakness by the time we're gonna be a real player will be that he might be gay. But if he's willing to close his eyes and "do his duty" that won't really be an issue, and he definitely seems to type that would do that. That succession might be a bit messy if any surviving siblings try anything, but I'd think survivors would be loyal enough to him that it wouldn't be too much of a concern.
Is it me or Lelouch just saved Ashford from bankruptcy?
OTL they lost the majority of their wealth and status with Marianne´s death. For me it always had something of a typical political fallout. Their build up favourite got killed and their rivals used this opportunity to tear them down.
In this case it sounded more like someone was either corrupt or did some economical espionage or a rival.
Turn 1 (Phase II)
Year 1, Phase II

Standing in your room, you ponder things.

Your sisters, Euphemia and Nunnally, as well as your childhood friend Milly are waiting for you down below. Already, the two younger girls have expressed dismay at how busy your schedule has gotten over the past few months, but as much as it pains you to disappoint your little sister now and then, such is the life of royalty. It only now occurs to you how sometimes, very rarely albeit, you glimpse a wistful look on your mother's face as she stares out the front parlor window facing the Emperor's grand palace.

Will you one day wear a look similar to that?

Sitting upon the throne of the Empire, will you merely feel sadness that you cannot be with the one woman you love?

They are heavy thoughts, but you take solace in the fact that if your father had not had to marry so many women, your dearly-beloved siblings Euphemia and Cornelia would not exist.

Still, now that you have made a social appearance on your own, things may pick up pace. You will have to buckle down and do your best in the coming months. Play to your strengths and against your enemies.

After all, your mother has told you many times that the only 'unfair' advantage is one which you, yourself, do not possess. In that way, you suppose your Professor's lessons ring true as well. When you are victorious, people describe ungentlemanly actions as 'cunning.' When you lose, they are 'cowardly.'

Such thoughts make you worry for your sister, who shows none of your skill for shadows and subterfuge. The young girl, still only ten, favors bold moves in the short games of chess you partake with her, though she has not quite evolved the patience for them yet. Hopefully, she will learn in the coming years how to wield a subtle knife rather than just the intimidating sword.

There is the slim hope that your sister will do neither, of course, and take up some safer path in life, but... one rare occasion, you can remember your mother and father laughing after she had dubbed you 'your father's son.' Father, on the other hand, had dubbed Nunnally, 'her mother's daughter.'

You idly wonder if twelve is too young to start developing ulcers from worry?

Intrigue: CHOOSE TWO

[ ] Evaluation: There are a number of candidates for various positions you'll need filling. You have the option of approaching them openly, or determining their suitability quietly. Given that retracting an offer of employment would be the height of rudeness, it would be best that less acceptable individuals never knew they were under consideration at all: Cost: 200; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/60/90/120; Rewards: Information on Individuals with Useful Traits/Talents/Skills, Reveal recruitment candidates.

[ ] Prince & Pauper: You're... sure there's some value in being able to pass as a commoner, you'll just figure it out later. You will admit a deep curiosity about how the greater unwashed masses live, and this is likely the only way to go about getting an unbiased opinion on the matter. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30; Rewards: Perspective/Other Intrigue options open up.

[ ] Soldier, Spy: The world sees Britannian royals as powerful individuals, true, but that is because of their position and the society empowering them. On a personal level, though, European yellow journalism and the populist press of other nations casts royalty as brutish and without any grace or subterfuge. You will prove them wrong. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Basic spycraft/Rumor Mill Unlocks/Vary by degree of success.

[ ] Codes & Ciphers: Although you can't very well demand tutelage from the empire's very best spymasters and codebreakers... wait, you're royalty. This is very much a thing you can do. Which is why you'll be doing it. Cost: 200, Upkeep: 50, DC: 30; Rewards: Learn the state of Britannia's covert affairs/Possible Intrigue Trait.

[ ] Your Philosophy, Horatio: ??? Cost: ???, Upkeep: ???, DC: ???, Rewards: Things happen, options open up, vary by degree of success.

Learning: CHOOSE ONE

[ ] By Degrees: Complete a course of study at a renown college. You've undergone professional tutoring since before you can remember, so this shouldn't be too hard, even if you do walk away with a general studies degree. Nevertheless, graduating at such a young age will be impressive. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Trait Gain/Useful(?) or Prestigious College Degree/Vary by... pun not intended.

[ ] Imperial Infrastructure: While the emperor is the decisive head of the Brtiannian beast, a huge amount of the day-to-day matters are handled by nameless bureaucrats and the physical amenities your nation has built up over the years. Maybe you should learn about them if you intend to govern them one day? Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Possible Trait Gain/Knowledge of Imperial Infrastructure/Other options open up/Very by degree of success.

[ ] Night at the Museum: Britannia has a great appreciation for history and more than a few royals have followed in those footsteps. You, too, will venture into storied halls to see what can be gained. Perhaps you will find something interesting. Cost: 50; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: ???/Possible Trait Gain/Vary by degree of success.

[ ] Lingua Franca: Although it is of little consequence for you to hire a translator should the need arise, it may be worth it to invest in a language other than Latin. Picking up a dialect of Chinese, for example, could put you in a favorable position should you ever need to negotiate with a diplomat or businessman. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 10; Rewards: Fluency in one or more foreign languages/Possible Trait Gain/Vary by degree of success.

[ ] Lingua Coda: Forgiving your mutilation of an ancient tongue for the moment, learning the ins and outs of computers could be worth the time. You, of course, know how to operate them in general, but picking up a bit of coding to wile away your non-existent free time is better than something unproductive. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Become more computer literate/Open other options/Vary by degree of success.


[ ] Parlor Tricks: The application of mental power and will to affect the real world used to be taken as a sign from any number of gods. These days, it is of little practical use, and less intimidating than the barrel of a gun. It is easy enough to determine whether or not you have an affinity for the ability, though. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Determine personal talent/Possible Trait Gain/Vary by degree of success.

[ ] Gospel: As old as ancient times, psionics have been recorded in a variety of sources. To make a determination on their usefulness, perhaps it would be best to do a little digging. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Information on psionics in history and capabilities/Open other options/Vary by degree of success.

[ ] Empty: Just as some in ancient times regarded psionics as a show of favor from some divinity, others saw them as foul pacts with unseen forces. You are the latter, and there has been plenty written on how to fight anyone or anything that might try to take umbridge with you. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Information on how to block psionics/Possible Trait Gain/Vary by degree of success.

[ ] Artifacts: Few and far between, held in great esteem, and jealously guarded... these breathtakingly few pieces of history are items crafted with the aid of mental power and extreme will. Objects out of time and untouched by the passage of it, they can be extremely useful, one way or another. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 0; DC: 60/???; Rewards: Gain a psionic artifact of unknown age and usefulness.

[ ] Whispers: ??? Cost: ???; Upkeep: ???; DC: ???; Rewards: ???

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[X] Plan Degree in Intrigue
-[X] Soldier, Spy: The world sees Britannian royals as powerful individuals, true, but that is because of their position and the society empowering them. On a personal level, though, European yellow journalism and the populist press of other nations casts royalty as brutish and without any grace or subterfuge. You will prove them wrong. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Basic spycraft/Rumor Mill Unlocks/Vary by degree of success.
-[X] Codes & Ciphers: Although you can't very well demand tutelage from the empire's very best spymasters and codebreakers... wait, you're royalty. This is very much a thing you can do. Which is why you'll be doing it. Cost: 200, Upkeep: 50, DC: 30; Rewards: Learn the state of Britannia's covert affairs/Possible Intrigue Trait.
-[X] By Degrees: Complete a course of study at a renown college. You've undergone professional tutoring since before you can remember, so this shouldn't be too hard, even if you do walk away with a general studies degree. Nevertheless, graduating at such a young age will be impressive. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Trait Gain/Useful(?) or Prestigious College Degree/Vary by... pun not intended.
-[X] Parlor Tricks: The application of mental power and will to affect the real world used to be taken as a sign from any number of gods. These days, it is of little practical use, and less intimidating than the barrel of a gun. It is easy enough to determine whether or not you have an affinity for the ability, though. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Determine personal talent/Possible Trait Gain/Vary by degree of success.

The way I see it, this is the time where we need traits most than anything beyond safety. A college degree should probably up learning the most, possibly leading to more choices, I think it would be best to discover if we have any psionic talent before we figure out anything else, and a trait and a rumor mill would help us more than a mystery box that doesn't necessarily have a trait gain. Also, the last mystery box worries me.
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[X] Languages and Magic
-[X] Evaluation
-[X] Soldier, Spy
-[X] Lingua Franca
-[X] Gospel

Let's check who we can hire, as well as some idea of what's going on.
I think learning a language would be a nice diplo boost, and gospel just sounds fun. Maybe we'll learn about psychic powers earlier than canon?
[X] Plan Knowledge is Power
-[X] Soldier, Spy: The world sees Britannian royals as powerful individuals, true, but that is because of their position and the society empowering them. On a personal level, though, European yellow journalism and the populist press of other nations casts royalty as brutish and without any grace or subterfuge. You will prove them wrong. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 20; Rewards: Basic spycraft/Rumor Mill Unlocks/Vary by degree of success.
-[X] Evaluation: There are a number of candidates for various positions you'll need filling. You have the option of approaching them openly, or determining their suitability quietly. Given that retracting an offer of employment would be the height of rudeness, it would be best that less acceptable individuals never knew they were under consideration at all: Cost: 200; Upkeep: 0; DC: 30/60/90/120; Rewards: Information on Individuals with Useful Traits/Talents/Skills, Reveal recruitment candidates.
-[X] By Degrees: Complete a course of study at a renown college. You've undergone professional tutoring since before you can remember, so this shouldn't be too hard, even if you do walk away with a general studies degree. Nevertheless, graduating at such a young age will be impressive. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Trait Gain/Useful(?) or Prestigious College Degree/Vary by... pun not intended.
-[X] Parlor Tricks: The application of mental power and will to affect the real world used to be taken as a sign from any number of gods. These days, it is of little practical use, and less intimidating than the barrel of a gun. It is easy enough to determine whether or not you have an affinity for the ability, though. Cost: 100; Upkeep: 0; DC: 0; Rewards: Determine personal talent/Possible Trait Gain/Vary by degree of success

I want to learn the basics of spy craft before doing codes and ciphers