Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
[X][NVB] Reject Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, insisting that she learn a measure of independence from you.

She should stand as her own woman. And one royal in a military unit is a big enough target, but TWO? We're tempting fate here.
She should stand as her own woman. And one royal in a military unit is a big enough target, but TWO? We're tempting fate here.
We are armed with a pretty sizeable fleet lead by a ruthless to her enemies Admiral and have 50 competent Knightmare pilots in up to date gear. She is safer with us than in her island near New Guinea.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level
Year 4 (Phase I) Results:
That happened.

50 knights is far more than I expected to manage. That is closer to a small army than a personal unit. Also instead of self-entitled sons/daughters of nobility we get soldiers who earned their knighthood and owe Lelouch for their elevation.

Greta Romano is a genius. And a complete and utter monster. We must keep her if for no other reason than because I want a ninja ready to cut her throat at a moment's notice. She will achieve great and terrible things. Best those things be aimed at deserving targets.

Also we made so much money.

Slight oddity, why is a Destroyer considered more important/impressive than a cruiser?

[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.

[X][NVB] Reject Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, insisting that she learn a measure of independence from you.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.

The difference between Cornelia and Lelouch 's styles of being the elder sibling will be...something..

Cornelia to Euphy: Gently admonishes her sister for getting too close to a stray cat

Lelouch to Nunnally: "Advance on their flank! Leave none standing who oppose us!"

Also Gino!! The first step towards getting a KoH is upon us!

...I wonder how he feels about being the highest flying man? And also the first man to pull off a re-entry into hostile territory?:rofl:
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.

Someone who's possibly insane and have completely rule lawyer away a war crime, they will fit right in.

Butcher: +6 Martial, -6 Piety. Pity, Mercy, Quarter. These are words for those who have had the luxury to receive them, themselves. Having never benefited from them yourself, you see no value in them.

:whistle: We can get a lot of mileage out of this one, even if we go by standard Code Geass and not Lulu's track record.
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[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
So is Gino actually working with us?
Also, is Jeanne 16? Same as Lulu?
Slight oddity, why is a Destroyer considered more important/impressive than a cruiser?
Wouldn't a destroyer be more useful in sweeping for subs and underwater mines? And more maneuverable.

I'm basing my knowledge off of my high school knowledge from WW2 lessons, so there may be some inaccuracies.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
Double double crit. Wow.

Shame about the failure, but hey, at least we're getting off to a good start building a hyper-elite private army. On balance, that does tend to be Lelouch's strongest area. Large enough to work strategically, but small enough that he can employ his tactical brilliance and unconventional warfare.

And, of course, we snagged 3 hero units and some more dosh.
So is Gino actually working with us?
Also, is Jeanne 16? Same as Lulu?

Wouldn't a destroyer be more useful in sweeping for subs and underwater mines? And more maneuverable.

I'm basing my knowledge off of my high school knowledge from WW2 lessons, so there may be some inaccuracies.
Modern destroyers and cruisers, at least in the US Navy, are built along the same lines. Cruisers have more missiles and radars, an extra gun, and space for anti ship missiles. They're also more expensive to operate, especially when missile destroyers are perfectly good at everything we need then to do.
Not sure where CG naval vessel diverge from RL ones, though.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
Was just reading through our retainers and friends, and holy moly diplo is sad. The highest is Gino, with 19, while Jeanne has 14, Nunnally with 14 too.
But Jeanne is probably gonna get the title Team Babysitter/mom due to her nature and duties. Unless we find a certain Euphemia soon...

Also Jaegar has -3 diplo, so let's lock him up and never let him see anyone ever.

He also has:
Mad Genius: Remove Learning Cap (30+ Learning Possible); Remove Diplomacy Cap (Negative Diplomacy Possible); (-10) Diplomacy/(+10) Learning; For every point above (30) Learning rises, subtract one point from Diplomacy.
The Organization: +5 Intrigue. They're following you, and have been for a long time. Other people know it, but won't acknowledge the shadowy conspiracy controlling the puppet strings of the world. You must be ever-vigilant.

Isn't this fuckin' Mista Mad Scientist himself, Okabe? Is he gonna spout some nonsense about Them and how El Psy Kangaroo is some code word? Hopefully he makes something more useful than a microwave oven and green bananas :V
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.
[X][NVB] Accept Nunnally vi Britannia as a Knight in your service, putting her in charge of 2nd Armored Cavalry Unit.
[X][GR] Commission her as your new Admiral: A genius and daring mind such as hers would be a waste at any other level.

Whoever gets the first taste of Lulu's boot up their butt is going to taste shoe.