Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Psytech votes should be dropped. Between the interface, psionic jetplanes, and psionic augmentation armor we can put it off for a turn. Currently it's getting in the way of some of our epilogue goals, stealing first place.
Getting better psionic tech means our power armor will be able to fly during the duel. Which means we can gain bonuses from our "The High Ground" trait.

I also don't mind personal relationships being high. Yes we had a good result in the first part of the epilogue. Building on top of that means we can go farther. It also means Slayer can use our contacts to help push the results of other actions higher. While the SL won't be updated good relationships have an impact. We used our personal contacts to help China recover while also securing our position.
Personally, I think either the ruins or the taking over australia can drop, so that the Personal training/achievements can get in.

Also Slayer, could you elaborate on why Kallen decided she wants a child with Lelouch now?
I also don't mind personal relationships being high. Yes we had a good result in the first part of the epilogue. Building on top of that means we can go farther. It also means Slayer can use our contacts to help push the results of other actions higher. While the SL won't be updated good relationships have an impact. We used our personal contacts to help China recover while also securing our position.
I agree it should be high, but probably not first. We do want to romance kaguya and Lihua and I think our marriage to Euphemia is happening in the next update, but Ancient ruins should be first for the sake of the kind of progress we need to reclaim the mantel.

Getting better psionic tech means our power armor will be able to fly during the duel. Which means we can gain bonuses from our "The High Ground" trait.
Fair point, but first is a bit much. Bottom two should be sufficient since it's just a matter of compacting the design while retaining efficiency. Currently neither target new heaven or personal training are making it in. We need to drop something and I'm thinking it's going to have to be conquer Australia and Chinese ministry, much as I'd rather not.
Personally, I think either the ruins or the taking over australia can drop, so that the Personal training/achievements can get in.

Also Slayer, could you elaborate on why Kallen decided she wants a child with Lelouch now?
Ruins should be first for the sake of repairing the Mantel that is the source of much of Lelouch's extra raw psionic power. Ministry and conquer Australia would be best for vote retractions.
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Personal Relationship shouldn't be any higher than third, maybe arguably fourth at most. I'd even say we'd be fine dropping it entirely this turn and giving it a top 3 position next epilogue. We need to advance ourselves for the New Heaven duel (I don't think we are ready for it this epilogue unless we hard focus on psionics, traning and ruins), we need to get finished with Australia, so something has to give, and our personal life can be put on the backburner. The other things we could drop are too important to even consider dropping (and I still feel like not taking Pendragon is going to cause us issues, as the Praetorians will catch us by surprise; getting on the investigation would clue us in about them, which reduces their threat as we would be aware of their existance and their methods maybe).
Wait just to confirm, Jaeger actually settled down with Madison? I thought he was too devoted to his research to make time for romance.

Also just to check, the experimental psionic jet isn't actually capable of space flight right?

Also to confirm, is there a minimum priority or dice roll to visit Tibet as part of the Personal Training action that you mentioned before?

Lastly, how much time has passed for each Epilogue part, I assume it's 1 year each? Are Loholt and Hilde supposed to be twins, and are those shortened nicknames?
They're having a kid, 'settling down' is a little bit of a stretch.

Not capable of space flight yet, no.

Not answering that one.

Timeline is intentionally nebulous, I'm not pinning events down too tightly. Loholt is Guinevere's second child, a boy, and the younger brother to Hilde, Guinevere's first-born. Loholt is implied to be Odysseus' biological child. Also, not nicknames. Just actual names.
On a different note @Slayer Anderson two things. One did Madison hook up with Kenshin and two how many more epilogue chapters are there? Because the latter would determine how my votes fall.
4 more epilogue chapters.

And, yes, Madison and Kenshin hooked up.
Also Slayer, could you elaborate on why Kallen decided she wants a child with Lelouch now?
"It felt right."

Edit: What, you were expecting Kallen to have a deep introspective examination of her own motives? She's not really the type.
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We don't need to get finished with Australia. Finishing Australia can wait for vote 3 if need be.

@Slayer Anderson can we just get a few sentences each on what Kaguya, Schneizel, Cornelia, and Clovis have been up to? Basically where they've been and what they're doing there?
If I can get a good idea how to add it in, I'll try. That's part of the reason I wasn't happy with this as it is, but I couldn't find the right way to add more information for those characters.
If I can get a good idea how to add it in, I'll try. That's part of the reason I wasn't happy with this as it is, but I couldn't find the right way to add more information for those characters.
If your open to discussing it in dm I've proven helpful to other authors in figuring out how to structure difficult story elements before. @Khororhoth can vouch for me.

I already have an Idea for Kaguya that may or may not work depending on where she's been. Spit balling ideas that fit into a narrative is one of the easier parts of writing for me.
If your open to discussing it in dm I've proven helpful to other authors in figuring out how to structure difficult story elements before. @Khororhoth can vouch for me.

I already have an Idea for Kaguya that may or may not work depending on where she's been. Spit balling ideas that fit into a narrative is one of the easier parts of writing for me.
I also have other things to do. That's the main reason I'm ending this quest. It's because QMing it takes up too much time.

Like, case in point right here. When people ask for more words, they're asking for more time.
[X] Name For Kallen & Lelouch's Son: (Victor)

[X] Yes, help Cornelia using one of the pirate fleets as deniable assets.

[X] Your Leadership of the Chinese Ministry (Psionics)
[X] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[X] Ancient Ruins Exploration
[X] Personal Training/Achievements
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Loholt is Guinevere's second child, a boy, and the younger brother to Hilde, Guinevere's first-born. Loholt is implied to be Odysseus' biological child. Also, not nicknames. Just actual names.
Pictures of Euphemia and yourself share the front pages of many newspapers with a shot of Guinevere's new daughter, Henrietta.
Err, just to double check - isn't Guinevere's firstborn (daughter) named Henrietta?

Also bit disappointed that not many people seem to like my suggested name - is Cornelius Eugene Stadtfeld a bit too on the nose?
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If she is young enough we might even set her up with with Xiǎobāo.
pretty sure she is older than us because she was higher in the succession than euphie
I am not leaving Australia unconquered. Our personal goal since the beginning has been to conquer it and I intend to see it done.
we still have multiple turns to finish we australia and dont need to speedrun it at the first opportunity
[X] Yes, help Cornelia using one of the pirate fleets as deniable assets.

[X] Taking Over Australia (Finish It?)
[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[X] Personal Oversight of the Taklamakan Research Grant
[x] Yes, help Cornelia using one of the pirate fleets as deniable assets.

[x] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[x] Taking Over Australia (Finish It?)
[x] Target New Heaven
[X] Name For Kallen & Lelouch's Son: (Victor)

[X] Yes, help Cornelia using one of the pirate fleets as deniable assets.

[X] Your Leadership of the Chinese Ministry (Psionics)
[X] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[X] Taking Over Australia (Finish It?)
[X] Personal Oversight of the Taklamakan Research Grant
[X] Personal Training/Achievements

The people voting for Alistair as our kid's remember there is already an Allister leading our cult right? I mean he'd probably be rapturous over us naming our kid similarly to him which would be very funny though I doubt Kallen would be that keen on it. I'm kind of selling myself on it but the look on V.V.'s face appeals far more.
Ministry of cultural should have power with scholar class and all that "History written" power.
It is their job to literally write the history of china,even Emperor/Empress can not look or even demand the ministry to change what is in the record.
The people voting for Alistair as our kid's remember there is already an Allister leading our cult right? I mean he'd probably be rapturous over us naming our kid similarly to him which would be very funny though I doubt Kallen would be that keen on it. I'm kind of selling myself on it but the look on V.V.'s face appeals far more.

I forgot about him. Just voting for Victor then.
Adhoc vote count started by Randino Treviani on Aug 5, 2024 at 9:33 PM, finished with 78 posts and 28 votes.

Bit under 30 hours left.

It would be preferable for Ancient ruins to rise to increase our odds of repairing Lelouch's Psionic Mantel. We have no work towards this and a several kilometer wide sight to excavate.

Similarly Target new heaven making it into the list is critical if we want to learn of the conditions for challenging the leader to a duel and taking control of new heaven that way.

It is my opinion that dropping conquer Australia and Chinese ministry is the most expedient way to make this happen. Both can afford to wait a turn if we intend to follow through on the psionic duel.

We can afford to have Coordination in third of need be, but it's not precisely terrible if it's in second.
[X] Yes, help Cornelia using one of the pirate fleets as deniable assets.

[X] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[X] Target New Heaven
[X] Personal Oversight of the Taklamakan Research Grant

[X] Name For Kallen & Lelouch's Son: (Victor)
[X] Name For Kallen & Lelouch's Son: (Victor)

[X] Yes, help Cornelia using one of the pirate fleets as deniable assets.

[X] Target New Heaven
[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[X] Ancient Ruins Exploration
[X] Personal Oversight of the Taklamakan Research Grant
[X] Personal Training/Achievements
[x] Name For Kallen & Lelouch's Son: Victor

[x] Yes, help Cornelia using one of the pirate fleets as deniable assets.

Really, just tell Xingke and Lihua of Cornelia motives, I can't imagine Lihua not giving Lelouch carte blanche to do whatever to support Cornelia. It's not his first time doing shenanigans to support a princess to reclaim her throne.

[x] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[x] Ancient Ruins Exploration
[x] Target New Heaven
[x] Personal Oversight of the Taklamakan Research Grant
[x] Your Leadership of the Chinese Ministry (Psionics)

Training arc + endgame psi power and powersuit upgrade. Can't really conquer Australia with the biggest polity there not broken. Just go and collect the powerup in ruins, make some super-prototype suit like Knightmare of Nunnally Zero Suit, then just crush the New Heaven leadership in style. With some luck, Lelouch will be some kind of psionic god once we go through the New Heaven loot.
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@Slayer Anderson What happens if there's a tie for fifth place? Or possibly for fourth-and-fifth place, if someone drops the Ministry focus and we end up with a clear 1st, 2nd, and 3rd option and then a four-way tie for what comes after?
[X] Name For Kallen & Lelouch's Son: (Victor)

[X] Yes, help Cornelia using one of the pirate fleets as deniable assets.

[X] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[X] Ancient Ruins Exploration
[X] Personal Training/Achievements
[X] Personal Oversight of the Taklamakan Research Grant
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