Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Plan Knight Of Money
-[X] Third Generation
-[X] Royal Connections
-[X] Hit The Books

Well I was gonna make the same plan but with a different name, but yeah. :rolleyes:
[X] Plan Safety First
-[X] Bodyguard Unit
-[X] Royal Connections
-[X] Hit The Books

I like the plan, but I personally prefer to get bodyguards before training with knightmares.
[X] Plan Safety First

Priorities: Fix our diplomacy (preferably sooner rather than later) (and yes, I am aware that as of now none of the actions that are available to us could really help with that, but it is not a bad idea to talk about priorities ahead of time)
Also, the character sheet is linked in the Phase 1 post I just made, and I've posted the World Map we'll be using for this quest.

I understand that I've made several deviations from known and accepted CG canon... confusing mess that it sometimes is. I believe that's for the best given a lot of things Code Geass espouses about the state of the world.

Similarly, I'll remind everyone that this is an AU. One of the reasons for that is because I wanted to have the EU and CF be actual challenges instead of the whimps that they were in canon. I'm specifically looking at you Akito: The Exiled. You're a bad dog and you know what you've done. Shoo.

At any rate, I'll be available for questions for the next few hours if anyone wants clarification on options or general worldbuilding (that Lelouch could feasibly know). Other than that, vote and I hope you're enjoying the quest so far.
Plan Knight Of Money
-[X] Third Generation
-[X] Royal Connections
-[X] Hit The Books

While it's exactly the name I would've thought of, grabbing good traits takes a bit of precedence over a (minor?) income boost. Especially if said traits wind up augmenting the outcome of the actions we put off.

Also, saying this now, I'm one of those people. You know, the type that has Kallen and Lelouch as one of their absolute favorite ships. So, just to say, I'd really like it if the dice would, in the future, let us find our Q1.
@Slayer Anderson so no intrigue or learning option this turn?
Also, what's the current status on the other closer competitors to the throne (that Lelouch knows of)? Anyone apart from the choices we were given In character selection to look out for?
@Slayer Anderson so no intrigue or learning option this turn?
Also, what's the current status on the other closer competitors to the throne (that Lelouch knows of)? Anyone apart from the choices we were given In character selection to look out for?
We'll be doing turns in phases.

Phase 1 will be Martial/Diplo/Stewardship.
Phase 2 will be Intrigue/Learning/Piety.
Phase 3 will be Personal.

This will drag things out a little, but if I didn't do it this way, turns would be just fucking massive for me to write, and really intimidating for players besides. Way too much stuff to juggle for a single post/voting session.

Rest assured that costs across the next two phases are comparable. I don't believe you could actually spend all of your banked income if you tried this turn. Afterwards, of course, you'll have a better idea of what actions are in each phase (barring the new ones that pop up).

Current Front-runners for the Throne are:

Odysseus - he's 28 at this point and the Crown Prince. He has a few accomplishments to his name, hasn't offended anyone of note, and is objectionable to no one. He plays his cards close to the vest and uses Charles' talking points to make sure nothing he says can be taken issue with. To the people, he's a general favorite to inherit, if only because it's 'obvious' he would given his state as 1st in line. Privately, he's known as a somewhat indecisive wall-flower who won't take a personal stand on all that much. There are a number of nobles who actually like these attributes since it would be a nice change of pace to have a more pliable Emperor on the throne.

Guinevere - she's 27 and has a resume consisting of a few diplomatic achievements, but her primary claim to fame are her economic feats. She's very involved in the corporate sector, mostly as a champion for their ideals and goals in court and on a few occasions, to the Emperor himself. She has a lot of very, very wealthy friends who have deep connections with the House of Lords as well. Publicly, she's known for her untouchable beauty and regal persona, as well as a favorite topic of juicy gossip about the conga line of studs she has leading to her bedroom. Privately, she's an arrogant bitch, but she can get things done. She's widely known (if not proven) to be incredibly corrupt, but has only vented her excesses in ways which have benefited the empire, so she's held up as a good example of a royal with initiative. She also stands out as a champion of the arts, though it's unknown if she actually is or just likes flexing her economic muscle in a public way.

Schneizel - currently 22 years old and already making a name for himself with a masterpiece of negotiation between Britannia and the EU that likely averted a war (that Britannia wasn't really prepared for, which is why it's a good thing). Specifically, his accomplishments regard the current Britannian invasion and conquest of the North Africa League and securing a guarantee of non-(blatant) interference from the EU Parliament and Chancellor. This has catapulted him into the limelight and is helping him to build a reputation as the new head of the Foreign Office. He's particularly well-liked by individuals without a stake in military production or development, though even his opponents struggle to find anything truly objectionable about him. Privately, he's rumored to be gay, as well as having a taste for younger men. This isn't necessarily problematic as long as he takes a wife and produces an heir eventually, though.

One thing all the PC choices had in common was that they were young enough to not be in the current lead for the throne.
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Ah, good. Knowledge on our obstacles.
All relatively liked by all.
Odysseus- Frontrunner. Likely to cause most suspicion if removed, since nobles love a puppet Emperor.
Will need to make ourselves more liked by both nobles and the public through favors and being known as a paragon.
Have to exploit his indecisiveness and expose it so people think less about him. Though hard on that front since he's still the first in line.

Guinevere- Is rich, has rich friends, and is dangerous. Perhaps we could organize a scandal of sorts with how many suitors she has.

Schneizel- Highly ranked government official with good accomplishments. Not much in terms of traits to exploit. Will need further research. (Possible ally?)
[X] Plan Knight Of Money
-[X] Third Generation
-[X] Royal Connections
-[X] Hit The Books
Intellectual: -2 Martial/+2 Learning. Your are possessed of a weak body, but a strong mind.
Traits like these are why I think there should be a Combat stats separated from Martial. Wherever we can swing a sword shouldn't affect our ability to command troops and vice-versa. Also, being described as having a weak body compared to our strong mind is hillarious when there's only a 3 points difference between our Martial and Learning.

[X] Plan Knight Of Money
Traits like these are why I think there should be a Combat stats separated from Martial. Wherever we can swing a sword shouldn't affect our ability to command troops and vice-versa. Also, being described as having a weak body compared to our strong mind is hillarious when there's only a 3 points difference between our Martial and Learning.

[X] Plan Knight Of Money
Perhaps the trait is to show that Lelouch was born weak, so soldiers and military might look down on that, lowering his martial? Similar to Weak in CK2, but with bonus to learning to reflect his smarts.
Traits like these are why I think there should be a Combat stats separated from Martial. Wherever we can swing a sword shouldn't affect our ability to command troops and vice-versa. Also, being described as having a weak body compared to our strong mind is hillarious when there's only a 3 points difference between our Martial and Learning.

[X] Plan Knight Of Money
While I agree in principle, I've also attempted to experiment with the CKII formula before and it's turned out badly, so I'll be sticking to the standard outline for running a quest like this instead of deviating too much.

It has been something of an oddity that I've considered before. Specifically, I take issue with the conflating of personal combat ability with the ability effectively command a group of combatants. On the one hand, I enjoy the 'Colonel Badass' tropes and the idea that a martial leader should be accomplished in the field on a personal level. On the other hand, I acknowledge that it isn't realistic and that many of the best military leaders throughout history have had physical shortcomings that would undercut their ability in a straight fight.

The trait is generally meant to imply a purely physical weakness in martial ability, while the overall score makes up for that in native talent and ability to command and lead. Looking at the numbers without that context, though, does create some confusion.
[X] Plan Knight Of Money

the only logic I had with this is that of all the code geass quest. A lot of it has the character not piloting a knightmare frame
@Slayer Anderson What allies and friendships do we have right now? From the text I guess the li Britannias are friends as in canon and the Ashfords are allies. Is that all or do we also have the canonical friendships with Schneizel and Clovis? How close are we to the bodyguard unit our mother has? Code Geass is not Code Geass without our Orange knight.
Last question what is the range for the CK2 scores?