Oh boy oh boy oh boy. While the vote itself is important, I was still pretty hyped about the update even if we knew the rolls and the ultimate result beforehand. Speaking of which, psionic infantry just keeps getting more scary, but also kind of hilarious out-of-context-problem:
"You have your orders, be about them! Lashing are still in the regs!" The Princess spat, gratified by the way the men and women under her command hopped to. Turning back, she found the general staring up at the KMFs arrayed in the streets between two tall buildings, hidden from enemy sight, but still standing proud in the fading light of the day despite the numerous signs of battle damage readily apparent. She made a mental note to see if someone could get the spears and swords lodged in her unit's armor out before she had to sortie again.
Secondary stream of income, a plot of land probably in some minor section of the interior of China, and a right to present yourself at the Empress' Court if you were to have pressing business. Those are the big ones, but there are a few other advantages, too, depending on if you ever have business or economic interests which extend into the mainland Federation. Also, it would open up some intrigue options as well.
Intrigue options, eh? That could be actually pretty damn useful considering our focus... Anyway, my top picks would be, in this order:
[ ] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
[ ] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[ ] Arrange permission to conduct 'joint exercises' with CF units in the future, with yourself in charge (DC 70)
Basically, we almost guarantee that our claim for Australia will go through and get the CF help us in claiming it with their "training excercise", and help our own and Britannian navy by getting them those sweet Docking And Passage Rights.
By the way, Slayer Anderson, how large amount of forces and for how long would we get with the "joint excercises"?