I'm more interested in potential space elevator projects. Use the float system to help with construction and it is possible. We would need to make nice with Area 9 governor but that is a nice place to construct one (due to being on the equator). While the float system is a power hog it is perfect for building a space elevator due to being a mostly stable platform. And after a space elevator is up the energy cost of getting things into orbit will be lessened.I also wonder how this compares to our psionic-alchemy-made materials? Is it something that would work well together with them? How much it would improve Knightmare Frames if used in them? And can we get legal access to the notes and licencing to produce it ourselves, and/or for the Ashfords?
Can you say great big terrorist target. While it is nice PR they will really need to ramp up security so this doesn't turn into a disaster.In the wake of the terrorist attacks by Taiwanese extremists, the chairman of the company has unveiled plans to construct the first planned super-city the world has ever witness. Expected to rise over two thousand meters and take the form of an enormous solar panel-covered pyramid, it will house millions of Japanese citizens in the utmost safety and comfort. It is planned to be a modern monument to Japanese cultural pride and engineering skill. Only time will tell if this will prove folly or the start of what will become a new wonder of the world.
The refuge situation is a hard choice. On one hand we will most likely get more potential psionic recruits due to psionics being one of the targeted groups. On the other hand it will be dealing with refuges and tensions caused by them. At least if we decide to take them in we have the surplus administrative staff to help deal with them.African Unions: The peaceful political and economic unification of the years prior bear bitter fruit early this year as a wide-scale civil uprising against the reforms targeting the betterment of mentally-talented individuals. Already, thousands are dead as a new generation of 'witch hunts' spread like wildfire throughout the continent, bringing with it a revival of slumbering tribal hatreds and lingering post-colonial revanchism. Many of the targeted minority have fled the region, taking refuge in Britannian possessions along the west coast, heading to Area 7 in the south of the continent, or moving to the northeast to take shelter in either Area 10 or the Ethiopian Empire. Many credit the sudden upswing of violence to the concerted and, some say, forced efforts by the governments of the Unions and the neutral Central African nations to set aside personal interests in favor a greater whole. Many have complained in the face of the influxes of cheap goods, migrant labor, and other problematic byproducts of the political moves and pointed to this civil uprising as basic scapegoating. The EU, on the other hand, has cited the recent psionic civil rights movements and forced cultural reconciliation as not only the flashpoint, but the majority of the cause in whole.
The only problem is that deciding to take them in will require us to take Domestic Supplies next turn for the simple reason that we will need some kind of local industry for them to work in and a way to feed them.
That will of course force us to postpone Resource Scouting (to find out if we have the raw materials for sakuradite synthesis) or Watchtowers (which could be useful with a potential attack in the near future)
I think we will need to take a military action next turn to use our new fleet and deal with this. One advantage is that our fleet is actually optimised for hunting the pirate fleet regardless of the target and unless we get really unlucky in the rolls it could be a political coup. Destroying a pirate fleet when the main focus of the Indonesian Conference is piracy would give us some extra arguments.Other news from your contacts brings worrisome movements from the New Heaven under Tian Wang. Minister Dreizehn Weber, in accordance with your agreement, has forwarded you a few very interesting pieces of information regarding ship movements. It's very likely that the group is planning some large-scale raid. Weber paints suspicion that his own polity is likely the target, but it could just as easily be your own group or another of the pirate enclaves. Replying in kind, you inform him of the Ching Shih's own aberrant movements.
Should have taken Euphemia to this. We need the power of de-escalation she wields. I hope Kaguya's sneakiness and familiarity with Chinese politics will help.Lastly, you receive further confirmation that the Indonesian Conference is likely to be an uphill battle. An extended argument has taken place between high-level functionaries of the Confederation and the Eunuchs' envoys. You will likely have to do a great deal more work than you first envisioned if you are to follow through with Schneizel's suggestions. Your contact has implied that the Eunuch leading the group specifically has pushed for a series of concessions from the Confederation which strongly suggests he has alternative aims or that he is deliberately attempting to further fracture relations between Indonesia and China.
I'm starting to wonder if the explosion didn't have a blue colouring. I wonder what would be the reaction of EB to biotics taking their anti psionic stance into consideration.Euro-Britannia: The subordinate empire has, this year, announced a national campaign to study the remains of what is believed to be an air-burst comet or asteroid. Euro-Britannia has declined Britannian expertise as of this moment and put off any offers of outside scientific specialists until the international community puts the matter forward next year for discussion. Obvious to many is the country's desire to get a head start on analyzing what they can of the debris and secure the best samples for themselves.