Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

@Slayer Anderson At what point will we get more actions for specific categories? Will it depend on gaining adviser or will higher scores unlock more actions? Another thing will we be outlocked from gaining another of the three adviser after this turn if we choose one or will Lelouche be capable of taking another again next turn?
Another thing will we be outlocked from gaining another of the three adviser after this turn if we choose one or will Lelouche be capable of taking another again next turn?

Apparently, It's pretty unlikely for us to get another chance to snag any of them without real effort after this vote:

Finally, I won't completely rule out managing to acquire one of the two not chosen at a later date, but it will likely be more difficult barring a massive stroke of luck with the dice. Outside of that, expect to put some real effort into picking up a second of these three specific advisors, much less a third. I encourage you to treat this as if you'll not be able to acquire either of the ones not chosen.
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[X] Jeanne Rowe (Martial Advisor)
An interesting quest. Don't see many CKIIs focused on the personal rather than the national. Writing is solid, if a little impersonal as yet. Hope for a bit more 'show' once things get going.

For the vote:
There are three aspects to this: Action, stat and individual.
An advisor gives us +1 action in their field, which is huge. Of the three options I think Piety is the least. Learning and Martial… Learning is probably more useful at present but only if we can muster up the funding for it.
Advisors use their stat in place of ours, meaning we get a lot more benefit by picking advisors who cover our weaknesses rather than our strengths. So Learning < Martial < Piety.
Individual is were things get interesting. From the GMs comments this first advisor will be someone of great significance going forward. We aren't getting a team of six heroic companions without an awful lot of effort and may well have to settle for inferior advisors in some or most other areas. So do we want the scientist, the knight or the witch?

All that in mind...
[X] Jeanne Rowe (Martial Advisor)
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@Slayer Anderson At what point will we get more actions for specific categories? Will it depend on gaining adviser or will higher scores unlock more actions? Another thing will we be outlocked from gaining another of the three adviser after this turn if we choose one or will Lelouche be capable of taking another again next turn?
There are different ways to unlock more actions, the primary of which is going to be acquiring a good advisor for a given category. Some rare few actions will add another action per turn, but dont expect to see those for a bit. Those will depend on watershed moments in the plot, so keep an eye out when Lelouch gets to grow his inner circle/organization or otherwise expand his abilities. I've already answered the question regarding selecting another advisor from this batch.

Edit: As a special treat from seeing actual discussion, I'll ask a question no one has thought to, yet, and see what answers you guys come up with. "If the QM has made the effort to include Piety as a major action category, why are characters in-universe constantly referring to the abilities as inconsequential?" Or... "How the math does Lelouch getting a 54 mean he's in the top 20% of Piso ic potential?"

Food for thought.
Adhoc vote count started by ThatGuyWithIdeas on Jun 15, 2019 at 10:52 AM, finished with 34 posts and 26 votes.
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"If the QM has made the effort to include Piety as a major action category, why are characters in-universe constantly referring to the abilities as inconsequential?"

Highest levels are actually strong, but they aren't well known to exist.

"How the math does Lelouch getting a 54 mean he's in the top 20% of Piso ic potential?"

I'd say there's a large skewed to the data. Most people can do nothing or just barely can do something. The highest levels can do more and more. That, and the Britannian Royal Family is just better and them than the average person. So our average roll makes us average for the royal family


[x] Jules Bittis-Immerman (Learning Advisor)

@Slayer Anderson what was your policy on Omakes again? I'm assuming no reward at the moment, but would you be willing to put them in the apocryphal threadmarks?