Managed to get a lot done gaming-wise in the last two snow days. Finished both Zero Mission and AM2R. Currently playing Prime 1 and will then move on to 2 and 3.
AM2R's Ice Beam is amazing. You get a lot of movement options way early on in the game: Space Jump, Speed Booster, High Jump, and Spider-ball. So, by the time you get to the Ice Beam, you don't need it for any platforming. In fact, it's the last main upgrade you get in the game.
Instead of operating like all other Ice Beams throughout the series,
when you freeze an enemy solid... reality ensues. Flying enemies? Immediately fall to the ground and shatter. Underwater enemies? Immediately begin to float up to the surface before shattering.
Essentially, any enemy you can freeze with the Ice Beam is dead instantly. The only exception is Larval Metroids, which are frozen just like the old games and require five missiles or one super to kill. It's a shame it's pure to the original Metroid 2 and makes all the Metroids past larval immune to the Ice Beam though.
It's a very fun Metroid game. I'll need to go back and go for a 100% run under two hours like I did with Zero Mission, but for now, I'm happy to jump into Prime 1.
You know what's fun about playing Prime 1 for the nth time? Sequence breaking so you get the Space Jump Boots first and then later on getting the Ice Beam before Spider-Ball. Too bad Retro placed a hard block on getting Plasma Beam (The door is blocked until you get grapple), or else I could have gotten it before Thardus...
The Space Jump Boot sequence break actually streamlines a lot, since you can get Wave Beam and the Boost Ball at the same time and don't have to backtrack back to the Tallon Overworld.
The Ice Beam is a bit of a backtrack since you need at least Wave Beam, but it does mean right after you get the Thermal Visor, you can immediately grab the Gravity Suit and then go fight Thardus. There was a
retro achievement for fighting him without using the Thermal Visor at all, which was actually more fun than you'd think! I appreciate the
reference as well!
Currently in Phazon Mines, so I'm definitely near the end of the first run. I'll need to run it twice more though for 100%, completing it both in a speed run (under 3h30m) and a hard mode run. I'm not complaining!
Not looking forward to the difficulty jump in Prime 2 however...