(Sorry about the wait; I recently got a job,and work just piled on,for a bit.)
Chapter VII - The Three Guardians
Wilds of Skyrim,Falkreath Hold,Skyrim,Mede Empire,Tamriel
Morndas,Last Seed 17th,4E201
1002 hours,local time
You step out of the cave,busy with trying to get your gauntlets fasteners just right; Much like everything else in your possession,they were too big,and thus,threatening to slide off whenever your hands are at rest. Eventually,you punched a new hole in the leather straps at the wrists and elbows,and close the fasteners there. This meant,however,that you had long leather straps dangling about,and you were,effectively,wearing mittens,for all the dexterity that overlarge gloves offer. You think it's safe to say that using a bow is entirely out of the question while you're wearing these things; They'd just get caught on the string,or,heaven forfend,the arrows.
When you finished dicking around with your gauntlets,you noticed Hadvar was standing alone,leaning against the boulder he hid behind while Alduin threw his little tantrum on the way out.
"Ralof went ahead,eh? I guess that's for the best."
Hadvar nodded.
"Yeah. He seemed ready to kill you,back there. You need to learn how to temper your opinions,Ridley."
You shrug,and gesture back into the cave.
"Since Alduin's not threatening to bring the keep down,I think it's safe to wait in the cave,away from the wind,snow,and wildlife. Besides,the brazier in the bear cave keeps us from having to build our own fire."
Hadvar,once again,nodded,and the two of you stepped into the cave.
"You know,you look like a malnourished Altmer,in those robes."
"Eeh. Better than looking like a deserter,or escaped con."
You stepped into the main chamber of the bear's den.
"That is true. Still,my uncle's the blacksmith in Riverwood; I'm sure he'd be able to help set your robes right."
You nod appreciatively.
"The mail,at least. Who in town do you think would be able to do the fabric?"
"I'm sure that Sigrid would be able to do that,provided you don't mind it looking patched up and stitched together from rags."
You raise your eyebrow at Hadvar,and ask,
"What,like it isn't,already?"
Hadvar had a good chuckle at that.
"I guess you're right."
The two of you step past the bear's skinned corpse,and draw up on the abandoned wine wagon.
"I wonder if this fort had issues with alcohol..."
You approach the wagon,and sift through its contents; Bottles of wine,most of which were smashed,a horned iron helmet (Which you immediately ignored; Horns were very bad to have on helmets),and,most importantly,a coinpurse.
You pluck up the leather sack,and casually toss it into your bag.
"I don't know if it did,to be honest. Though,judging by this wagon,I guess it might have. Then again,it doesn't exactly matter,anymore."
You nod grimly at that.
You reach the brazier with Hadvar,and unhitch your bow; Keeping a bow strung up is a bad idea. The constant tension would permanently bend the weapon,taking away the springing flex that allowed the weapon to function,to begin with. So,you pressed the end of the lower limb against the cave floor,and pull the string off of the upper limb,before leaning the now-disassembled weapon against the cave wall,with your backpack swiftly joining it. In a moment,you pull out the purple tome you fished out from the Dunmer's cell,and pulled the staff out from its loop on the bag. Before you leave for Riverwood,you will know what this staff does,and you will know the spell contained within this book.
With the book being the major time sink,you decide to test the staff,first.
"Hey,Hadvar? How clean's your knife?"
"I wiped it off and gave it a dunk in the stream after we skinned the bear. Why do you ask?"
You spun the staff around your left hand,and pointed it at him.
"I wanna see if this thing's got a healing spell on it,rather than a ward."
"So,you want me to cut you open?"
"Just my palm. Lightly,if you would."
Hadvar nodded,and drew his knife,as you set the Conjuration tome down,before offering your right hand,palm up,to Hadvar.
"And if it doesn't have a healing spell?"
"Then you know first aid."
Hadvar grabbed your hand,and drew the blade across your palm; It stung,but wasn't overly painful. The sensation,however,was tremendously disquieting; It felt,simultaneously,that the cut was dunked in ice,and pressed against a hot lightbulb. When Hadvar released your hand,you noted that the wound was freely bleeding,so,you choke up on the staff in your left hand,and point it at your cut hand.
Nothing happened.
Which,to be honest,you suspected would happen. If all it took to use a staff was a gesture,then they'd be firing off in all directions at all times while in someone's hand. So,you focused on the staff,and thought to yourself an order,directed at the staff,
"Release your magic."
The results were immediate. Resplendent golden light surged from the opalescent knob at the end of the staff,and enveloped your injured hand. The light spilled out to your elbow before stopping,and after a moment,you told the staff to stop. Your hand was still bloodied,but the cut was,quite plainly,gone. Nodding with satisfaction,you run your hand through the fur on your bear pelt to wipe away most of the blood,before sitting down,cross-legged,on the cave floor,your back to the brazier. Tucking the staff into the crook of your armpit,you pick up the Conjuration tome,and open it up.
"Hmm... I wonder if we can tan that hide,while we're here."
You look up at Hadvar,wearing an expression of obvious confusion.
"We have a heat source."
"But,we lack a rack,tools,and materials. Last I checked,you need piss,shit,and brains to properly tan a hide."
Hadvar screwed up his face at that; It's obvious that he was familiar with the stench. And hated it.
"Don't remind me. So,what spell's the book for?"
You shrug.
"Dunno. Didn't get that far,yet. I only just cracked it open,after all. This book'll keep me occupied for a couple of hours; Got anything to occupy your own time?"
Hadvar looked about,eventually resting his gaze on the overturned wagon.
"I think I do."
You nod,and say,
"Sounds good. We'll leave when we both finish up,alright?"
"Assuming it's light out."
You nod,and return to your book; Hadvar walks off towards the wagon.
Temperature - Comfortably warm.
Moisture - Dry.
About two hours later...
As you finish the last page of the book,you smile; Normally,you're not one for simple studying. To make something stick,you need to do it,and that's only after setting an objective for yourself; You're something of an autodidact,in that regard. Set a goal,and learn what you need to learn in pursuit of that goal,preferably by actually doing it. So,confident that some form of magic was at work,you smiled to yourself as the pages of the book began to smoulder; In Skyrim,spell tomes destroyed themselves,after teaching their spell. As a small blue flame started to rise from the pages,you cast the tome into the brazier behind you; The book was no longer of any use,and it'd dispose of itself,anyways.
Spell tomes will behave very similar to how they do in vanilla Skyrim; They will be destroyed upon use. I've decided that they burn themselves up,because that just fits,in my head. However,it's impossible to tell precisely what spell a tome contains without reading it,and reading a tome will burn it. Conversely,if you already know the spell contained within the tome,you will intrinsically know this fact. That said,you can still read the tome again - While it won't benefit your spells in any way,it is a way to both kill time,and dispose of the book,should you ever need to.
You stand up from your spot on the cave floor,and take a moment to beat the dirt and other debris that's attached itself to your ass and legs. Looking over to where the wagon used to be,you note that it's absent,as well as the intact bottles of wine.
"Hmm. Must've taken it outside to work on it."
You stick your disassembled bow on top of your bag,then close the flap over it,before throwing the bag on,and picking up your bearskin. With your staff held in your left hand,you walk towards the cave exit,and,eventually,out of the cave. Once you step out of the cave,you see Hadvar tying something to the wagon's axle,the cart itself kept in place with large stones placed around the wheels. You walk up to the scene,and wait for Hadvar to come out from under the wagon.
"Fixing it up,eh? What'd you need to do to it?"
Hadvar gave the wheel a firm kick,and said,
"The axle has a big crack running through it. It needs to be replaced. But,I figured that we could at least use it to get some of our things to Riverwood... Provided I can do something to keep the axle held together for the trip."
"Without tools?"
"There's quite a few silver birch trees around here; I tore off strips of bark,and wove me some rope from that. Not exactly a permanent solution,but it'll do until we get to Riverwood."
You nod appreciatively; Pretty clever.
"So... What was your job in the Legion,again? You don't strike me as your typical soldier."
Hadvar flashed you a smile; It was somewhere between pride,and predatory.
"Special tactics and recon."
"Special forces,eh? So,you've got the training to operate on your own for a while. Good to know."
You gesture to the cart with your staff,and ask,
"Good to roll?"
Hadvar nodded.
"Yup. Should last until Riverwood. We can let Ralof's folks fix it up from there. Throw in your pelt,but mind the wine,eh? That'll probably fetch a good price at the Sleeping Giant."
You nod,and deposit your bear pelt in the wagon.
"I'll pull the wagon,then. I'm less useful in a fight,so if we get waylaid,we at least have our best fighter ready to go."
Hadvar nodded,and kicked the rocks out from behind the wheels.
"Sounds good to me. Let's go."
Taking a moment to place your backpack in the wagon,as well,you pick up the bars,push the wagon back a touch,step to the side,and set off down the dirt path behind Hadvar.
"I can't help but wonder why that dragon showed up when it did..."
You look at the back of Hadvar's head.
You know what? You think he can handle the truth.
"I'll tell you this much,Hadvar; Despite appearances,it wasn't for Ulfric."
"I want to agree with you; It was killing Stormcloaks,too. But,the timing was just too perfect."
"As much as your training says otherwise,Hadvar,that's just coincidence. Alduin was there for me."
"You? What makes you think that?"
You stare him in the eye; Hadvar was now looking back at you,over his shoulder.
"Because I'm the Last Dragonborn."
"And what makes you say that?"
"Because I was the only person in that caravan that wasn't on any side in the war,Alduin was addressing me,directly,to the point that he was even staring me down while he was perched on the central tower,and he was doing his best to cut me off while I was trying to not die. Further,when I introduced myself as Numinex? That just fell out of my mouth. It was instinct. Numinex is a dragon's name. The same dragon that got Dragonsreach its name. And considering the fact that dragons are lesser Aedra? Their souls tend to be rather permanent."
Hadvar came to a stop. You come to a stop beside him,and stare eachother down.
"How do you know all of this?"
"I tend to study things that grab my attention. The Dragonborn,dragons,and the like,all hold my interest. From there,I just connected the dots."
Hadvar just glared at you,before saying,
"I don't think you're telling the truth."
"You've got good instincts; You recognize that my logic is sound,for claiming I'm the Last Dragonborn,but you also recognize that I just fed you a steaming plate of bullshit for why I know. I'll tell you this much; If I told you the truth,you'd never believe me. You'd think I'm batshit insane. That,or it'll throw your entire worldview into doubt."
"Try me."
You raise your eyebrow.
"Fine. I'm not from this universe."
"You heard me. I'm from beyond Nirn,Oblivion,Aetherius,Mundus... Everything. Where I come from? This? All of this?"
You gesture around yourself with one hand.
"Fiction. A story. Produced by the millions,to entertain the world. A story I very much enjoy,to be honest. And the protagonist of the story is the Last Dragonborn... And I took his place."
Hadvar glared at you,and asked,
"Who runs the Sleeping Giant?"
"Delphine,a middle-aged Redguard woman. Hard as nails,and rides Orgnar hard."
"Riverwood Trader?"
"The Valerius siblings own it,though Lucan does all the work. A solid gold dragon claw ornament was stolen from the store last night,by a group of bandits based out of Bleak Falls Barrow."
"The Greenest Bloom?"
"Doesn't exist."
Hadvar frowned at you.
"I'm inclined to believe your story,now. But,I don't think it'd be a good idea to share it."
"You don't say? Come on; Let's get going. Last I checked,there's a bandit camp nearby."
Hadvar nodded,and took the lead once again. You followed him down the path,which quickly gave way to a cobbled road. You went down the hill in silence,until the two of you came upon the Guardian Stones. You can't tell why,but you feel like you could return here at any time,from anywhere,now that you've been here,which is a bit of an odd feeling; Your sense of direction,while not shit,isn't that good. You chalk it up to your dragon soul,and translation of game mechanics.
Out of doors,exploration is possible,provided we're not already doing something else. Exploration can yield any number of things,from items,to discovering new locations,to random encounters... Which tend to be hostile. When a location is discovered,you can choose to return to it at any time,in lieu of exploration. That said,this isn't instantaneous,or even safe; You'll still have to physically travel to the location,with all of the things that entails. This will be the Quest's primary means of getting from place to place,once we start filling out the map.
"So... You probably know what these are,Numinex."
You nod.
"The Guardian Stones. There's one such Stone for each constellation. Each and every Stone confers a blessing. Permanent,unless you accept one from a different Stone."
Hadvar nodded.
"They might not work for you,considering the fact that you're not from here,but... It's worth a try."
"What Stone are you blessed by?"
"The Steed."
Makes sense,you suppose. Setting down the wagon's bars,you approach the Guardian Stones,and wonder which Stone,if any,to touch.
There will be three sources of Perks in this Quest; Spending dragon souls,receiving training,and the Standing Stones. Each Standing Stone represents one of the celestial constellations in the sky above Nirn,and each constellation is a Charge to one of the Three Guardians. The Three Guardians are The Thief,The Warrior,and The Mage. Each Standing Stone will grant a certain number of perk points,but these perk points may only be spent on perks for skills governed by the appropriate Guardian. For example,accepting the Atronach's blessing will mean that any perk points it grants may only be spent on Mage skills.
The Guardians are a touch different; They will grant the Root Perk for every skill they govern,plus two perk points to spend wherever you please,provided you meet the perk's prerequisites. Further,you may only collect perk points from a single Guardian Stone.
Perkus Maximus adds three kinds of extremely powerful perks. These perks are so powerful,in fact,that they have special requirements attached.
-Mastery Perks are unique to The Warrior's skills. One lies at the end of each perk tree,demanding that you master the skill in question,before you can take them. This means that you need skill level 90 in the skill in the game. In the Quest,it demands that you pass a trial of my creation. Further,like in the game,you may only have a single Mastery Perk. Mastery Perks are expressions of perfection,allowing you to perform legendary martial feats.
-Focus Perks are unique to The Mage's skills. Two await at the end of each perk tree,which means mastering the skill in question. The sole exception to this is Enchanting,which only has the one Focus. Taking a Focus requires completing the related Ritual Spell quest,plus passing a trial of my creation. Enchanting,instead,will demand the completion of The Black Star,in place of a Ritual Spell quest. You may only have a single Focus Perk. However,there might be a way to cheat a second... Focus Perks are expressions of enlightenment,allowing you to wield magic like no other.
-Prodigy Perks are unique to The Thief's skills. One will welcome you at the beginning of each perk tree,requiring that you only learn the most absolute basics of the skill in question before taking them. Though,such deals might come with unforeseen consequences... You may only have a single Prodigy Perk. Prodigy Perks are expressions of pure talent,enabling even a novice to execute their audacious schemes.
A particularly omnidisciplinary Dovahkiin can have one Mastery Perk,one Focus Perk (Maybe two),and one Prodigy Perk.
Temperature: Neutral.
Moisture: Dry.
Pick One
Which Standing Stone should you accept the blessing of? [] The Warrior.
[] The Mage.
[] The Thief.
[] None.
Inventory Management.
Our inventory needs to be managed carefully. Your choices are as follows. [] Inventory's good.
[] Discard items; Write-in what.
[] Unequip items; Write-in what.
[] Equip items; Write in what,and where. THE PLAYER CHARACTER IS LEFT HANDED.
Ralof went on ahead. Hadvar and I spent a couple of hours to ourselves; I studied my spell tome,and he fixed up the wagon. Next stop; Riverwood.
Make it to Riverwood with Hadvar.
I desperately want this to be a dream; I'm just not cut out for Skyrim. However,until I get evidence in either direction,that doesn't involve my own death,I need to assume this is real.
all the magic! more seriously i stand by what i said earlier in this world magic is real there is no reason i can think of that you would not learn all you could because it's basically a Swiss army knife letting you do things normally hard or impossible with just an application of will and power
If anyone who has a better handle on BBCode than I wants to lend their wisdom,I'd love it; The Inventory screen's gonna get cluttered,as well as the Journal. And,if the current trend keeps up,the Magic screen,as well. If anyone knows of any further ways for me to format all of this,or a way to make my current formatting look cleaner,let me know! This non-story information needs to be readily legible!
Heh. Speaking from personal experience on that front; Perkus Maximus longbow snipers are CRAZY stronk. Though,with how stealth is handled by my load order,you'll only get a few shots before everybody in the strategic theatre's charging your location. For Season Unending,you'll first have to be able to hit a fucker from a considerable distance. A moving target; The Marksman tree has a Perk called Baneful Elan,which does wonderful things if you nail a moving target with a longbow... Especially if they're sprinting.
Considering the draw time on a longbow,compared to a shortbow,and the fact that Steven's depth perception issues and his own issues with hitting targets,it'll be a sharp learning curve,if you ever go in that direction.
That said,it'd definitely pay off spectacularly,if you ever make it work. Most builds will be like that,to be honest. My current "For Funzies" build in Skyrim? Heavy armour,and dual daggers. As a female Breton. She's a teensy-teeny-tiny HUMAN BLENDER!
I was really tempted to go for mage, but then I remembered one thing that was under thief that would be really good to have early on.
Considering the meta knowledge, being able to talk about it in a way that doesn't make everyone think we are lying through our teeth or insane is a godsend.
Prodigy Perks are at the start of their trees, while Mastery and Focus are at the end. If we were stuck with one, I'd take Mage, but since we can switch, I want to get a Prodigy Perk as soon as possible for better survival before switching to Mage.
You know. A person from another universe who has an outside perspective on recent history and key moments in previous eras wouldn't even be the weirdest thing people in Tamriel have encountered. If you get to the Mage's College and find the Eye of Magnus she'll probably have something to say to you.
I am glad to see this quest again by the way what powers does a Dragonborn have as he/she naturally without additional powers like race or magic. I know they have the blood and soul of a dragon so does that mean that they can shout naturally if they know the words.
I am glad to see this quest again by the way what powers does a Dragonborn have as he/she naturally without additional powers like race or magic. I know they have the blood and soul of a dragon so does that mean that they can shout naturally if they know the words.
The Dovahkiin is,for all intents and purposes,a dragon. That includes having the instincts and drive of a dragon. Will to power will define the Quest as a result,as all dragons feel the urge to conquer,dominate,and exert themselves on Nirn. Besides being able to use the Thu'um without training,we can utilize dragon souls in more ways than simply learning new Shouts; As explained by the Greybeards,absorbing a dragon's soul imparts knowledge to the Dovahkiin. In-game,this means you're able to use this knowledge to master a new Word. In the Quest,that knowledge will be far more generalized; You'll be able to spend dragon souls on perks.
The Dovahkiin is,for all intents and purposes,a dragon. That includes having the instincts and drive of a dragon. Will to power will define the Quest as a result,as all dragons feel the urge to conquer,dominate,and exert themselves on Nirn. Besides being able to use the Thu'um without training,we can utilize dragon souls in more ways than simply learning new Shouts; As explained by the Greybeards,absorbing a dragon's soul imparts knowledge to the Dovahkiin. In-game,this means you're able to use this knowledge to master a new Word. In the Quest,that knowledge will be far more generalized; You'll be able to spend dragon souls on perks.
At the moment,Steven's understanding of Dovahzul is entirely instinct and subconscious. Steven does not understand the language on a conscious level,but in his bones,he knows exactly what's being said. Look over the posts where we're running through Helgen; Maybe you'll find something~!