GM: 1.01


The Quakiest of Quakebotes
A usually Warm, Southern state of the US

November, 1st, 1914


You sail along with your fleet, as a flicker of light spreads across your hull and those of your fleet mate's When the light fades, You notice a teenager you don't recognize. Hell, He just appeared aboard your hull! Then you notice several girls floating upon the waters, two taller Ladies, and several smaller girls

You notice it's a little warmer then what your used to

@Miho_Chan @Poteitoku

You see several columns of smoke, You realize why, two of you see several European War-Era warships, all sailing together, one of you feel as if you should be sailing beside them. Escorting them, or being escorted by them. The other one of you, realize your standing on the deck of one, and a young woman stands next to you, looking at you strangely.


You see what seems like a British Battlecruiser,

It's the Biggest Submarine in the Royal Navy!

@UbeOne @ravagEr @Poteitoku (Companion)

You see a island a few hundred miles away, then you here a shout and a scream, then several children's voices


"Ugh...That was weird"

"You can say that again..."

"Tell me about it...."

You notice five other girls, one's in a USN Lieutenant Commander's uniform wearing bandages around her knuckles and wrists with brown hair and eyes, another in another USN uniform, this time that of an Lieutenant, and brown hair and blue eyes, with a single bandage on her cheek. A smaller, Raven Haired girl, wearing a a simple hoodie and skirt, and her two sisters, A blonde with twin tails wearing a blue dress, and another girl wearing a blue dress, except with blonde hair, And a taller woman with short reddish-blonde shoulder length hair, wearing a USN Master Chief Petty Officer uniform

The one in the LCDR uniform looks at you three,

"What are your names? I'm Johnston." The now identified Johnston asks, probably referring to you three, and the other three Destroyers,

"I-I'm W-William D. Porter"

"USS Constitution"

"USS Henderson, DD-785" One of the two Raven haired destroyers

"USS Richard B. Anderson, DD-786, or ROCS Kai Yang." The other Raven haired Destroyer, this one wearing a blue dress, says

Their sister stares at Johnston, her mouth opening and closing, like a fish



"I'm 821! Nice to meet you!"

"The Gearing...?"


"Huh, but.."
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Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

You sail along with your fleet, as a flicker of light spreads across your hull and those of your fleet mate's When the light fades, You notice a teenager you don't recognize. Hell, He just appeared aboard your hull! Then you notice several girls floating upon the waters, two taller Ladies, and several smaller girls

You notice it's a little warmer then what your used to
Maria looks around, to verify that the rest of the fleet was fine, before looking back to the strange young man who appeared upon her hull. The young ladies who were floating could be interacted with later - as they weren't on her hull at the moment, they weren't her immediate responsibility.

"Excuse me, young man. Who are you, and how did you come to be aboard this vessel?"

Her voice isn't harsh, but she's definitely expecting him to answer promptly.
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The other one of you, realize your standing on the deck of one, and a young woman stands next to you, looking at you strangely.

...I come to my senses.

I shake my head to wake myself up. Why didn't my alarm go off...? I open my eyes and realize I'm not actually in my room. I'm... on the deck of a ship?

I barely have time to process anything else before...

Maria looks around, to verify that the rest of the fleet was fine, before looking back to the strange young man who appeared upon her hull. The young ladies who were floating could be interacted with later - as they weren't on her hull at the moment, they weren't her immediate responsibility.

"Excuse me, young man. Who are you, and how did you come to be aboard this vessel?"

Her voice isn't harsh, but she's definitely expecting him to answer promptly.

I subconsciously blurt out "Huh?" before processing what I've heard. After a moment, I quickly shake my head. "Gah, I'm sorry! I'm, uh, Sean... and I honestly have no idea. Last yI... was in my bed?" I shrug. "Yeah, I'm as confused as you are... What are you going to do with me? I could just find some spot where I won't be in anybody's way and just stay there until we make it to some land..."
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I subconsciously blurt out "Huh?" before processing what I've heard. After a moment, I quickly shake my head. "Gah, I'm sorry! I'm, uh, Sean... and I honestly have no idea. Last yI... was in my bed?" I shrug. "Yeah, I'm as confused as you are... What are you going to do with me? I could just find some spot where I won't be in anybody's way and just stay there until we make it to some land..."
Maria jumps back slightly, blinking. "You can actually hear me?"
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Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I stare at her, thoroughly confused. "Yeah...? I mean, words came out of your mouth, so of course I heard them. So, what are we going to do about this whole 'I'm on your ship for some reason' problem?"
Instead of directly replying, the still somewhat confused Maria tentatively reaches out and gently pokes Sean, in an effort to see if he's not just some hallucination created by loneliness.
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Instead of directly replying, the still somewhat confused Maria tentatively reaches out and gently pokes Sean, in an effort to see if he's not just some hallucination created by loneliness.
I decide to let myself get poked, though I'm now slightly more confused. Does she think I'm some ghost? "Totally not a ghost. Don't know if thats good or bad for you. So, what now?" Maybe I'm asking that question too much... Eh, it's probably fiiiiiine.
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I decide to let myself get poked, though I'm now slightly more confused. Does she think I'm some ghost? "Totally not a ghost. Don't know if thats good or bad for you. So, what now?" Maybe I'm asking that question too much... Eh, it's probably fiiiiiine.
Maria stares for a moment, stunned and slightly reeling. "I, you, wha..."

She tears up, and then Sean sees her hastily wipe her eyes, and then quickly turn towards the nearby bridge access hatch they were standing near. She quickly begins doing her best to open it quietly, as she normally would, before throwing caution to the wind and opening it as fast as she can. Then she rushes in and, gently enough to avoid knocking him down, tackle hugs her Captain. "Thank you for believing in me, Captain Smith."

The now sort of identified Captain Smith looks down at Maria in confusion, before realization spreads across his face, as well as surprise. "What the.... Pensacola?"

She sniffles slightly, tearing up in happiness, before nodding.

The Captain somewhat awkwardly hugs her back, looking up towards the hatch she entered from.
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Maria stares for a moment, stunned and slightly reeling. "I, you, wha..."

She tears up, and then Sean sees her hastily wipe her eyes, and then quickly turn towards the nearby bridge access hatch they were standing near. She quickly begins doing her best to open it quietly, as she normally would, before throwing caution to the wind and opening it as fast as she can. Then she rushes in and, gently enough to avoid knocking him down, tackle hugs her Captain. "Thank you for believing in me, Captain Smith."

The now sort of identified Captain Smith looks down at Maria in confusion, before realization spreads across his face, as well as surprise. "What the.... Pensacola?"

She sniffles slightly, tearing up in happiness, before nodding.

The Captain somewhat awkwardly hugs her back, looking up towards the hatch she entered from.
I watch without saying a word, though with many questions forming in my head. One question stands out in particular. "...Pensacola?" I stare down the entry hatch and wave to the new person. "Uh, hey. I'm guessing you're part of the crew on this ship? I mean, I actually think I'm the only person on this ship who ISN'T a crew member, so..."
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I watch without saying a word, though with many questions forming in my head. One question stands out in particular. "...Pensacola?" I stare down the entry hatch and wave to the new person. "Uh, hey. I'm guessing you're part of the crew on this ship? I mean, I actually think I'm the only person on this ship who ISN'T a crew member, so..."
Maria's still hugging Captain Smith and crying into his jacket. He sighs. "Indeed. I am Captain Jeremiah Smith, commanding officer of USS Pensacola, lead and only ship of the Pensacola-class armored cruisers. Who are you, and what are you doing aboard my ship?" He's not glaring at you, but you get the distinct impression that you should answer honestly if you don't want him to start.
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Maria's still hugging Captain Smith and crying into his jacket. He sighs. "Indeed. I am Captain Jeremiah Smith, commanding officer of USS Pensacola, lead and only ship of the Pensacola-class armored cruisers. Who are you, and what are you doing aboard my ship?" He's not glaring at you, but you get the distinct impression that you should answer honestly if you don't want him to start.
I nod. "I guess it'd make sense for you to ask that. I'm Sean... I have zero idea why I'm here. I was sleeping in my bed and apparently just woke up here... My big question is what are we supposed to do about this?" I shrug, sighing. I should've just pulled another all-nighter, then I wouldn't be in this situation. Curse you, sleep!
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I nod. "I guess it'd make sense for you to ask that. I'm Sean... I have zero idea why I'm here. I was sleeping in my bed and apparently just woke up here... My big question is what are we supposed to do about this?" I shrug, sighing. I should've just pulled another all-nighter, then I wouldn't be in this situation. Curse you, sleep!
Maria finally begins calming down, and stops hugging Captain Smith, who takes the opportunity to rub his brow faintly. He looks you in the eyes, and then sighs. "In all honesty, I haven't the faintest damned idea. Normal procedure would be to throw a stowaway in the brig, but you walked in from a part of the ship that can only be accessed normally by going through the bridge - and we'd have noticed you sooner if you'd walked through the bridge to get out there earlier." He thinks for a moment, then turns to a NCO near the door to the bridge. "Petty Officer Hurd!"

"Yes sir?" The now named Petty Officer Hurd snaps to attention almost instantly.

"Please escort Mr. Sean and Pensacola down to the medical bay." The Captain's tone of voice is firm, but not harsh.

"Aye sir."

He turns back towards Maria and Sean. "It would be a good idea to make sure you both aren't going to have any sudden medical issues due to being at sea. If nothing else, making sure you aren't going to catch any diseases that we might have been vaccinated against but you might not have been."

With that, he turns back towards the bridge windows, in a clear but silent dismissal.

If Maria is upset at being dismissed, she certainly doesn't look it. She reaches out and grabs Sean's hand, gently but firmly pulling him towards the bridge door and Petty Officer Hurd. "Right this way."
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Maria finally begins calming down, and stops hugging Captain Smith, who takes the opportunity to rub his brow faintly. He looks you in the eyes, and then sighs. "In all honesty, I haven't the faintest damned idea. Normal procedure would be to throw a stowaway in the brig, but you walked in from a part of the ship that can only be accessed normally by going through the bridge - and we'd have noticed you sooner if you'd walked through the bridge to get out there earlier." He thinks for a moment, then turns to a NCO near the door to the bridge. "Petty Officer Hurd!"

"Yes sir?" The now named Petty Officer Hurd snaps to attention almost instantly.

"Please escort Mr. Sean and Pensacola down to the medical bay." The Captain's tone of voice is firm, but not harsh.

"Aye sir."

He turns back towards Maria and Sean. "It would be a good idea to make sure you both aren't going to have any sudden medical issues due to being at sea. If nothing else, making sure you aren't going to catch any diseases that we might have been vaccinated against but you might not have been."

With that, he turns back towards the bridge windows, in a clear but silent dismissal.

If Maria is upset at being dismissed, she certainly doesn't look it. She reaches out and grabs Sean's hand, gently but firmly pulling him towards the bridge door and Petty Officer Hurd. "Right this way."
I sigh in relief. "Well, thanks for not locking me up, at least." I cooperate with everything that happens. I'm probably being an inconvenience... Shit... As I'm led to the medical bay, I can't help but observe the... Are "halls" the correct word? of the Pensacola. Subconsciously, I mutter to myself "Sort of reminds me of the New Jersey..." Okay I'm 99% sure all warships look like this on the inside to some degree.
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I sigh in relief. "Well, thanks for not locking me up, at least." I cooperate with everything that happens. I'm probably being an inconvenience... Shit... As I'm led to the medical bay, I can't help but observe the... Are "halls" the correct word? of the Pensacola. Subconsciously, I mutter to myself "Sort of reminds me of the New Jersey..." Okay I'm 99% sure all warships look like this on the inside to some degree.
Both Petty Officer Hurd and Maria turn and look at you for a moment. "You've been on a Virginia-class, kid? How?" The Petty Officer seems more confused than anything else.

Maria's mouth clicks shut, as Petty Officer Hurd evidently beat her to the metaphorical punch.
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Both Petty Officer Hurd and Maria turn and look at you for a moment. "You've been on a Virginia-class, kid? How?" The Petty Officer seems more confused than anything else.

Maria's mouth clicks shut, as Petty Officer Hurd evidently beat her to the metaphorical punch.
"I'm positive the Virginia-class New Jersey was from long before I was born. I mean the Iowa-class New Jersey. A beauty, and a museum ship. Why'd you think I was on the Virginia-class one?" I stare at them, looking more confused than shocked but still a bit shocked. I honestly just don't know why they'd assume Virginia-class instead of Iowa-class. Maybe they just haven't heard of the Iowa-class New Jersey? Probably...
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

"I'm positive the Virginia-class New Jersey was from long before I was born. I mean the Iowa-class New Jersey. A beauty, and a museum ship. Why'd you think I was on the Virginia-class one?"
Both Hurd and Maria have expressions of shock.

"I'm sorry, what?" is Maria's only reply.

Hurd, however, is blinking and clearly thinking hard. "Kid... when were you born?"
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Both Hurd and Maria have expressions of shock.

"I'm sorry, what?" is Maria's only reply.

Hurd, however, is blinking and clearly thinking hard. "Kid... when were you born?"

I stare at him, still looking extremely confused but a bit more serious. "Uh, 2002. Why? Is something wrong with that...?" Based on the question they asked, possibly... Nah, that's totally not it. I mean, that's only fiction! I laugh to myself in my mind.
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I stare at him, still looking extremely confused but a bit more serious. "Uh, 2002. Why? Is something wrong with that...?" Based on the question they asked, possibly... Nah, that's totally not it. I mean, that's only fiction! I laugh to myself in my mind.
Maria is still stunned. Hurd, however, seems simultaneously slightly less stunned, and also more stunned. "Kid... the current date is November 1st, 1914."
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Maria is still stunned. Hurd, however, seems simultaneously slightly less stunned, and also more stunned. "Kid... the current date is November 1st, 1914."
My expression quickly shifts from confused to "I just saw seven hula-dancing ghosts". I reflexively sigh out an "Oh no..." before facepalming. "I THOUGHT IT WAS ONLY IN FICTION BUT I ACTUALLY GOT SENT BACK IN TIME!?" I slowly slide my hand down my face. "No need to panic... Since I'm from the future, I... You know what, let's just get to the medical bay." I try to blow off the fact that I'm from the future. If I'm in the past... If I can get into the navy and do well enough, I can get a ship named after me! And when I go back to the present, it'll be awesome!
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

"Oh no..." before facepalming. "I THOUGHT IT WAS ONLY IN FICTION BUT I ACTUALLY GOT SENT BACK IN TIME!?" I slowly slide my hand down my face. "No need to panic... Since I'm from the future, I... You know what, let's just get to the medical bay."
Hurd nods. "Yes, that sounds like a good plan - especially considering I wouldn't be surprised if the doctors of your time have eradicated certain diseases that are still cursing mankind in this day and age."

Maria nods hastily. "Yes, that's... that's probably a good idea." She promptly resumes pulling Sean along towards the medical bay, albeit being much more insistent about it.
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Hurd nods. "Yes, that sounds like a good plan - especially considering I wouldn't be surprised if the doctors of your time have eradicated certain diseases that are still cursing mankind in this day and age."

Maria nods hastily. "Yes, that's... that's probably a good idea." She promptly resumes pulling Sean along towards the medical bay, albeit being much more insistent about it.
I follow along a lot more eagerly, to the point where I'm not really being pulled anymore. 1914 disease... Uh... No dice. Wait, I remember seeing my wooden shield near where I woke up. I'll probably be able to grab it later. "Is this ship on a mission or something right now?" I mean, if this ship is out at sea, it's most likely got a mission.
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I follow along a lot more eagerly, to the point where I'm not really being pulled anymore. 1914 disease... Uh... No dice. Wait, I remember seeing my wooden shield near where I woke up. I'll probably be able to grab it later. "Is this ship on a mission or something right now?" I mean, if this ship is out at sea, it's most likely got a mission.
Hurd shrugs as he continues moving towards the medical bay. "Just a normal peace time patrol, nothing to worry about."

Maria also shrugs. "Honestly, I was more focused on talking with the other ships in the task force..." she pauses for the briefest of moments, before smiling brightly. "Oh! Once you get done with Doctor Kelley, we should see about introducing you to the other ships in the task force! They'd probably love to be able to interact with their crews!" She's almost bouncing as she continues moving. She hasn't let go of your hand, though.
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Hurd shrugs as he continues moving towards the medical bay. "Just a normal peace time patrol, nothing to worry about."

Maria also shrugs. "Honestly, I was more focused on talking with the other ships in the task force..." she pauses for the briefest of moments, before smiling brightly. "Oh! Once you get done with Doctor Kelley, we should see about introducing you to the other ships in the task force! They'd probably love to be able to interact with their crews!" She's almost bouncing as she continues moving. She hasn't let go of your hand, though.
I nod. Peace-time patrol, yeah... Wait, isn't this World War I, though? ...Oh, wait, the U.S. didn't join until 1917. "Other ships, huh? I've always had an interest in warships. I think they're a marvel of creation. I sometimes think to myself 'What if there was a ship named after me'. Heh, I know it won't ever happen. Yes, I ramble a lot. No, I probably won't stop." I smile. "I must be lucky to have woken up here with you guys. Thanks a lot."
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

"Other ships, huh? I've always had an interest in warships. I think they're a marvel of creation. I sometimes think to myself 'What if there was a ship named after me'. Heh, I know it won't ever happen. Yes, I ramble a lot. No, I probably won't stop."
"Heh." Hurd lets out a brief laugh, before shaking his head. "Kid, you're starting to remind me of when I was about your age." He looks over at Sean. "Although, you'd probably need to join the Navy to get a ship named after you." He winces a bit. "And that also only tends to happen posthumously."

Maria blushes faintly and looks away when Sean complements warships in general, although she does pale a bit and squeeze his hand a bit tighter when Hurd mentions ships tending to be named after people posthumously.
"I must be lucky to have woken up here with you guys. Thanks a lot."
Hurd shakes his head. "Eh, don't mention it." He lowers his voice a bit, to minimize the number of people who overhear him. "Don't tell the Captain I said this, but he's a damn nice fella behind the whole 'stoic commander' thing he tends to have going."

Maria just smiles.
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"Heh." Hurd lets out a brief laugh, before shaking his head. "Kid, you're starting to remind me of when I was about your age." He looks over at Sean. "Although, you'd probably need to join the Navy to get a ship named after you." He winces a bit. "And that also only tends to happen posthumously."

Maria blushes faintly and looks away when Sean complements warships in general, although she does pale a bit and squeeze his hand a bit tighter when Hurd mentions ships tending to be named after people posthumously.
Hurd shakes his head. "Eh, don't mention it." He lowers his voice a bit, to minimize the number of people who overhear him. "Don't tell the Captain I said this, but he's a damn nice fella behind the whole 'stoic commander' thing he tends to have going."

Maria just smiles.
"Yeah, I know how it works."
I lower my voice to make sure only Hurd hears me. "Everybody has a soft side. The question is how you get it out." I start to stare into nothingness. What's happening back in my own time...? I don't know. Is this a dream? It doesn't feel like one... I... I can only hope time isnt moving in the present for me while this is happening, which I doubt.