[X] Plan Brimstone Smile
-[X] Brimstone Smile
-[X] Male
-[X] Tiefling
-[X] Brimstone Smile
-[X] Male
-[X] Tiefling
Article: [] Noble
Start with 100 gp
The Smile family was an illustrious lineage with much in the way of old money. Even as a child, you hold the official title of Lord Smile, which gives you a not-insignificant amount of political weight. The noble class is a group that is both highly regarded and oft-grumbled about. You're coming to the Academy from Smile Manor, just far enough away from the city to be considered the "countryside."
[] Middle Class
Start with 15 gp
Your parents were artisans, making pottery and baked goods. You spent your youth as a delivery boy, growing familiar both with Elaria's streets and its residents. You having a passing familiarity in your parents' crafts. You're coming to the Academy from just across the city.
[] Peasant
Start with 5 gp.
Your parents were farmers. As such, you're no stranger to hard work. The entire village held a party to send you off, and they all chipped in to give you some spending money. You won't let them down. You're coming to the Academy from the most rural of areas.
[] Thief/Street Urchin
Start with 70 cp
You never knew your parents, growing up on Elaria's streets. You're honestly not even certain how or why you're attending the Academy. All you knew was that you tried to pickpocket the wrong man, and now he wanted you to attend his school? You wouldn't turn down free food and a place to stay, though.
[] Write-In
Article: [] An infernal pact
Long ago, one of your ancestors bargained with the infernals for a grand fortune and political power. Your bloodline was cursed to bear demonic energy, but your family still reaps the benefits of that deal, to the distaste of other nobles
[] Your dad's got a part-time job?
The logistics of it were a bit complicated, but your father divides his time between the material realm and the infernal city of Dis. You're not quite certain how he met your mother, an ordinary human, but you don't question it
[] Write-In
Article: You are a:
[] Artificer
A tinkerer at heart, you're an inventor more than a combatant
Primary stat: Intelligence
Level 1 Abilities: Magical Tinkering, Spellcasting
[] Barbarian
You channel the most primal of energies, a sheer physical force of muscle and anger
Primary stat: Strength
Level 1 Abilities: Rage, Unarmored Defence
[] Bard
You are a playful magical musician, capable of magic and performance alike. Who doesn't love a party?
Primary stat: Charisma
Level 1 Abilities: Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration (d6)
[] Cleric
You are the faithful worshiper of some divine entity who grants you magical power in exchange for your prayer
Primary stat: Wisdom
Level 1 Abilities: Spellcasting, Divine Domain
[] Druid
You carry the will of nature itself, an extension of the wilderness
Primary stat: Wisdom
Level 1 Abilities: Druidic, Spellcasting
[] Fighter
Through heavy training, you have gained a mastery of all things martial
Primary stat: Strength or Dexterity
Level 1 Abilities: Fighting Style, Second Wind
[] Paladin
Having sworn some sacred oath, you have become a powerful holy warrior
Primary stat: Strength and Charisma
Level 1 Abilities: Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts
[] Ranger
You are most at home in the wilderness, foraging on your on away from civilization
Primary stat: Dexterity and Wisdom
Level 1 Abilities: Favored Enemy, Natural Explorer
[] Rogue
You rely on stealth and finesse to gain the upper hand in whatever situation you may find yourself in
Primary stat: Dexterity
Level 1 Abilities: Expertise, Sneak Attack, Thieves' Cant
[] Sorcerer
Your magic is a birthright, mystical energy running through your veins due to your heritage or some otherworldly influence
Primary stat: Charisma
Level 1 Abilities: Spellcasting, Sorcerous Origin
[] Warlock
You have forged a pact with some being from beyond the material realm in exchange for magical power
Primary stat: Charisma
Level 1 Abilities: Otherworldly Patron, Pact Magic
[] Wizard
You are a scholar of magic. Your spells are therefore derived from nothing more than hard work and study.
Primary stat: Intelligence
Level 1 Abilities: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery
Article: Where do your strengths lie?
For this, we'll be using the D&D standard array, which looks like this: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8
And distributing those numbers into: