But with her drone helpers couldn't she just design a segment, copy paste it into a sphere and leave it to them? Cybertronian solar panels would likely be allot easier to manufacture and require alot less exotic materiel to build. She has the time to wait for it to build itself and depending on how she sets it up only needs to show up every couple hundred years to check up on the progress.

This is NOT a chat room so....it better for us not continue this conversation.

But i tell only this: She is a pilgrim, or a wanderer, not a trader or an explorer (but she can always be) she not going back in an little solar system when she have the ENTIRE UNIVERSE at hand....expecially for some Energon who can produce in his ship.
This is NOT a chat room so....it better for us not continue this conversation.

But i tell only this: She is a pilgrim, or a wanderer, not a trader or an explorer (but she can always be) she not going back in an little solar system when she have the ENTIRE UNIVERSE at hand....expecially for some Energon who can produce in his ship.

That's very true, would be a good gift for her friend though... but yeah it would be too much trouble though she might design one out of sheer boredom and get one to be constructed by her spare droids on a whim.


Since scavenger has a couple hundred million years until the start of canon, I wouldn't be surprised if she made a realistic version of factorio or satisfactory, uploaded it into an advanced V.I. with the appropriate tools and let it loose onto the galaxy at large with a couple of goals to complete such as produce at least X amount of energon daily, hollow out a planet at least Y in diameters wide and fill it with energon or create at least one of these megastructure's
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Omake: Goodbye Galvatron
Omake: Goodbye Galvatron

At first he tried to scream but his vocal processors were gone.

Then in reflex he tried to control his weapon systems, but those were not being feed any energy.

Then he tried to move but he couldn't, his frame was disabled from the neck down.

It was torture but one of his own making.

Whatever that being was, be it truly Unicron or an Impostor, it wouldn't win.

It couldn't control him all the time, so on one of the brief moments when Megatron was free, he implemented plan Zeta Mega X and purposely disabled himself then let his most trusted subordinate implement the rest of the plan.

The antimalware programs had found nothing. He had been deframented, his code debugged, every inch of his frame examined several times using all methods avaliable.

They even tried the Reprogramer, only set to Decepticon of course, it wouldn't do to turn him into a blasted Autobot.

Nothing had worked, the intruder was still in his head, taunting him. Only now taunting was all it could do.

Not so useful now that Megatron frame was basically useless, right? Galvatron had been rendered powerless.

Yet it couldn't last this way; without Megatron leadership the Decepticons would fall.

There was very few things they had not tried yet. And of those his pride would felt less hurt by the options that didn't include begging Optimus Prime for help

Unfortunately he was not in charge, not while he was like this, and they weren't near Cybertron.

So asking for help from the Autobots it was.

He saw Optimus look at him with pity, the intruder tried to make him rage at it, how dare he? How dare the blasted LIBRARIAN PITY A WARRIOR LIKE HIM?

But he wasn't a warrior was he? He was a Gladiator, he could put a good front, a good show, and he could win most fights. But he never had got military training. For all his flaws at least Starscream had that over him; he had been military, Cybertron Air Force Commander turned politician, turned betrayer, turned his second in command, and then turned traitor again.

At least inside his own head and to himself Megatron could admit things had got out hand, he had played the mask, the role of "Megatron Decepticon Leader" too much, to the point it became his only face. He couldn't go back to being a simple underpaid and exploited miner could he? He had got a taste of power and it went to his head.

Then he felt it; the glow of the Matrix Of Leadership, the wamth of Primus itself.

The intruder screamed and raged but there was nothing it could do, the energy was focused on fighting off the intruder, not on healing him.

It hurt, but Megatron didn't let that bother him, if he died he would at least die free, better die fighting that live a slave. He was not perfect but as someone who rose to fight against slavery death was preferable to let himself be taken over.

He lost count of time; his internal chronometer long disabled, but eventually the intruder was gone and then, and only then be allowed himself to enter stasis mode.

Maybe this meant he would wake up in prison, but at least he wouldn't let an impostor take everything he built and destroy it.

They may imprison him for life but in his mind... he was free.

AN: This was originally an Omake for a different story but what the heck, it fits here better.
Thank you for the omake! I wonder what galvatron did to piss of scavenger? Assuming that it is scavenger of course.

Galvatron is Unicron servant, Unicron destroys universes.

Probably not if the omake originated elsewhere.

Eh while the Omake isn't canon, I am actually going by the former miner, then Gladiator, origin for the Megatron of this story.

Zeta Prime was a complete asshole, Megatron is not exagerating when he thinks he was fighting against slavery early on the Deception movement. Sure Megatron is a hypocrite because he allowed use of the Reprogramer, but even that doesn't compare to the amount of control Unicron had over him.

Also the Reprogramer was originally a medical device, it was supposed to reinstall the base Os Cybertronians run on, until both sides started to use it to switch loyalties.

Great story hope to read more of it soon

Thank you.
The Sword II

Log 024 corrupted, data lost.

Loading Log 025...

Loading successful.

It was four o'clock in the morning on a Monday and I looked at the options I had in the only working vending machine in the train station.

Coffee and tea blends, maybe hot milk? Hot Cocoa?

As usual, I went for the hot chocolate.

It took me a few tries to get what I wanted, I couldn't find my debit card, as usual it had ended at the bottom of my handbag.

I slowly savoured the overpriced drink, while I waited for the stupid train that was late, as usual.

What was not usual, is the robot wolf that just walked in and used the vending machine, with cash.

I said nothing because there are three main reasons people use vending machines, impaciente, convenience and a desire to avoid talking to others. I happened to belong to the later group and even if said person was a metal wolf my curiosity is not stronger that my antisocial tendencies.

Then I woke up back in a metalic body, almost cursing the stupid dream I had.

Flawored Energon is nice but is not hot cocoa. And due to the warnings about corrupted memory I drank too much spiced oil, no wonder I felt like scrap.

"Nova, status report."

[There is nothing to worry about yet.]

That... was suspicious.

"What are George Washington Carver eight cardinal virtues?" A question only me or Nova could answer since he wouldn't be born for a very long time.

[First, be clean both inside and outside. Second, who neither looks up to the rich or down on the poor. Third, who loses, if needs be, without squealing. Fourth, who wins without bragging. Fifth, who
is always considerate of women, children and old people. Sixth, who is too brave to lie. Seventh, who is too generous to cheat. Eighth, who takes his share of the world and lets other people have theirs.]

Good advice from a good man, that unfortunately I could not follow in a cruel universe. Primus exists but so does his brother.

Mercy is the privilege of the strong after all.

But... was I really so weak?

Without the Prime and Megatron around, with clear indications I had Primus attention and with the power of the Lone Star and the resources I had due to the space station being such a prominent trading hub... I wasn't weak.

Yes, I could afford to be gentle, in fact I should, not because I apparently was some piece in a game of cosmic chess between two god brothers but because I didn't forget why I was a former Decepticon.

For Freedom from oppression, for equal rights, for fairness.

Neither Decepticons or Autobots had their hands clean, both sides had made mistakes and committed war crimes.

But currently Optimus Prime side looked the closest to what the original Decepticons had wanted, before it became all about Megatron's ego. Unfortunately, I can't join him, I do admire him but I do not share all of his ideals and goals. I am also not joining future Galvatron side, that would be taking a leak over Nova Prime's legacy.

'So that means... well I am basically the second in command of a third faction, may as well make it official, right? Even if I have to think of a name that fits.'

"To be clean both inside and outside... uh?" Outside was always easier, then... then I would need to have a talk with my boss. I wouldn't tell him the exact truth but as close as I could. I wouldn't mention the sword but I would mention the visions.

Then... then I would have to do something about the War on Mars that I caused.

Because I was tired of running away, and because if I crush others just because they are in the way... then that just makes me another Megatron; another Starscream.

That's... that is not who I want to be.

So I won't.

Besides, there will be always bots who are not happy with either Decepticons or Autobots; for several reasons but do not want to go to the other side.

How many of them would want to go to a possible suicide mission in Mars, that I didn't know.

AN: Scavenger is owning it to the War she caused; for good and bad. And finally taking charge of the third faction she created almost by accident.
I have trouble seeing her side as an actual faction. Outside of mercenaries, how many people does she actually have? 3? She has a lack of power - even a small coalition of pirates can pose a reasonable threat, let alone an official faction. If she had a few more Lone Stars though...
I have trouble seeing her side as an actual faction

Both the Ark and the Nemesis and the most powerful bots in both sides are stuck on Earth. As this follows, more or less, G1, Combiners do not exist yet.

The Wreckers lack Ultra Magnus and the Dinobots, currently know as the Dynabots have no reason to attack her as they respect Jetfire after the whole duel thing.

As a result, Scavenger has the third most powerful ship around without the Ark and the Nemesis being there to fight her. She also has a portable Moonbuster canon in said ship, her faction holds a important trading hub and there is her crew, that's not just droids anymore.

So for now at least, she could be considered a third faction as the Autobots are lacking their Prime and the Ark and the Decepticons are lacking Megatron and the Nemesis.
Plus doesn't she have a couple hundred droids? That she could always either upgrade or with time make more of, said droids also have a very advanced warfare programme made by scavenger installed and a hive mind linking them together. Admittedly, they are likely weaker than the average cybertronian soldier if only due to experience and not being truly intelligent due to lacking a soul or something and the hive mind can be a huge weakness should a certain mad scientist try and create a virus but they can be easily manufactured and would do alot of damage before being taken out.
Now the question becomes what will her faction be named and who will join it that isn't a spy and what will be the main goals and laws/policy's/moral codes be
Why she contuine to say she is the second in command?!?

I mean, come on femme! You have build that super ship! You have conquer the station and turned into a civilized trade hub! You have build your personal perfect terminators, make a crew for the ship and create a little but prosperous nation!!!!

I think she IS in command and she must accept it!

And fir the Mars question......why not simply build an army of drones and send them instead of real people?!?
yeah but she also has sooper speshul soord of superness

Unlike Megatron she does not have a powerful gun as an Alt Mode so she can't just shot people that don't find her scary or don't respect her for not being a giant bot (And the Moonbuster cannon is not portable).

Scavenger size is that of an average car transformer; give or take about a head higher that Bumblebee depending on the Bumblebee version. She is not a small bot or a Minicon but Cybertronians like it big.
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