009 Space Fortress Lone Star
009 Space Fortress Lone Star

AN: Just a reminder, in the old G1 Comics the Wreckers were more like a suicide mission squad that the memetic badasses they became later. And they did keep losing members. They were basically there to show Ultra Magnus being cool.


Log 017

Now, while I was busy doing a lot of things during the two years we had hold Haven, getting the space station meant a steady supply of Midgrade Energon and that getting Highgrade Energon was easier and cheaper.

And most important, was that I let Nova have full access to the most advanced of the two fabricators we had, so she could do whatever she wanted with it. It was basically to test how advanced her artificial intellect was.

The result was that Nova had modified a third of the cargo storage on the Lone Star and the whole front of the ship, to give the ship a really really really big gun.

Imagine if you will a ship about 150% bigger than the Ark or the Nemesis, with a quarter of it's storage space full of Midgrade Energon, all to power up a cannon powerful enough to blow up Earth's moon in a single shot.

Nova used said cannon to give the Wreckers a warning shot, that passed hundreds of meters away from the ship. And even then damaged their ship.

#Hellooo dear enemies! That was just an itsy bitsy warning shot! Now you can either get blow up, or we can enter negotiations!#

Nova sounded very smug and happy when she said that.

See, I had this fear that if I killed any the neutral or good guys that could help Optimus Prime, that would mean Megatron would win and that meant Unicron wins and so goodbye universe.

Nova? She not only did not share my fears but what she cared the most was my safety.

"Decepticon scum If you think that-" Said a raspy voice using the coms and then was interrupted.

"SHUT UP THE FRAG UP WHIRL! THAT THING COULD HAVE BLOW UP THE ARK IN ONE SHOT! AND OUR CRAPPY SHIP IS NOT THE FRAGGING ARK!" Said what It sounded like an old mech voice. Their ship even stopped coming closer.

Well, maybe the canon actually could have blow the Arc, if the Ark shields had been down that is; and Nova had used full power on the cannon.

"Better to die free that-" The raspy voice recently named Whirl tried to argue.


"Wait a minute, is that you Ratchet?" I asked interrupting the yelling match.

"WHO THE FRAG...ehem, to who I am talking to?" The old mech voice said.

"I am Scavenger, chief engineer of the Lone Star and second in command of the Haven space station."

"I don't remember even metting anyone with that name miss, from where do you know me from?" Rachet seemed quite polite, then again we literally had superior firepower. Not how I would have liked to deal with things but even my Boss Jetfire had agreed to let Nova have control of the big cannon... dunno why, maybe the Furies had convinced him or something.

I didn't want to ask, because I was not attracted to Transformers that way and so the less I thought about stuff like that the better; thank you very much.

"Rachet, aren't you supposed to be in the Ark with Optimus Prime?" I asked to change the topic.

"Me? No, the Arc medical officer is Red Alert."

'Red Alert? Well whatever.'

"Rachet! Don't go giving information to the enemy you traitor!"

"Shut up, the members of the crew in the Ark and the Nemesis are public record!"

"Okay... any reason you idiots thought trying to take over a space station, when most bots seem to love the new management, was good idea?" I just had to ask.

"Because we won't let the Deceptions abuse-"

I heard a clanking sound, I guessed Whirl got punched.

"Are you rebelling too Bulkhead?" The voice sounded quite angry.

"You are no longer the Captain Whirl and we either try to talk things out or we all get killed! I didn't join this crew to be target practice! And we were supposed to just do a supply run to start with!" The named Bulkhead voice sounded young, but not like a human kid, more like a teenager.

"DO I NEED TO STRAP YOU TWO IN MY MEDICAL BEDS FOR A FULL CHECK UP OR WHAT?" Rachet yelled and then there was silence for about a minute.

"We aren't Decepticons." I decided to break the silence

"What? Everyone knows your Boss is one!" This time it was Bulkhead yelling.

"And yet, does anyone else in this space station wear the Decepticon symbol?"

"No, but you have those monster droids as guards!" Bulkhead protested.

Yeah... that turned to not be one of my best ideas in hindsight, but I already had them and I had other priorities that building pretty looking robots, thank you very much.

"Is... is just you three on the ship?"

'Of course not, that would be ridiculous, right?'

"We refuse to answer that question." Rachet answered.

"So... is the rest of you injured or something?"

"No of course not! Why would you think that?" Bulkhead quickly answered.

"So if I were to offer you three medical and ship repair supplies for free, you wouldn't take them?"

"Can we get a moment to discuss about it?" Rachet asked.

"Sure, go ahead."

The communication cut off and it was several minutes before they contacted us again.

"So... you really aren't Decepticons? Despite Jetfire been know as Starscream's friend and those monster bots?" Bulkhead asked.

"Look, Jetfire has not associated with the Decepticons since they became extremists, he just did keep the symbol for sentimental reasons. But since there is no way I can't comvince you guys of that, here is what we are going to do. I will send a cargo ship with medical supplies to your location, you will take the supplies and leave. Otherwise I will let my friend Nova kill you with the Lone Star Moonbuster Cannon. Sounds good?"

Well, is not arrogant to call the cannon that if it literally can destroy moons.

"Who will be piloting the cargo ship?" Rachet asked.

"A drone. Try anything funny and the cargo ship will explode in your faces."

There was almost a minute of silence, they were probably arguing using internal coms.

"That sounds acceptable, just one question, why didn't you just kill us?"

"Because we are neutral, we don't want either Decepticons or Autobots causing us trouble. That's bad for business."

"Fine, we will take the deal." Rachet said in a resigned tone.

My best guess was, either it was really just three mechs or more likely, most of the crew was so damaged they had been forced to put them on stasis mode.

That would explain why Rachet would jump at the Captain with the coms on and why an admittedly unstable mech had been the Captain to start with.

Is one thing to be a suicidal idiot, is a different one to do so while putting a ship with injured bots on it at risk, more so if said bots are your comrades at arms.

"Glad to hear that, expect the cargo ship to arrive shorty and please do not try to get any closer to the space station. And yes that includes trying to sneak inside the cargo ship, that by the way can and will explode if needed."

It says something about my paranoia that I already had a cargo ship that was rigged to explode at my command before this, so I just had drones fill that one with medical supplies and even included some midgrade Energon alcohol. I wasn't gonna waste the better stuff on them, even if I kind of liked Rachet.

So the so called Wreckers picked the medical supplies and left, I wasn't quite sure what in the pit had this been about. Had the Decepticons leaked that the Wreckers were headed to Haven? Unless I was wrong about the rest of their crew, there was no way Rachet would have allowed an attack on this station with just three mechs.

Of course I blew up the cargo ship, just to be sure, I just waited until they were gone first.

'So what? They were heading here just to get supplies and then we were the ones who fired the first shot? Maybe yes, maybe not.

And actually, they didn't refer to themselves as the Wreckers at any point.


"Hey Nova, who told us these guys were the Wreckers anyway?"

#It was a rumor, but according to my database, Bulkhead and Whirl, were, are or will be members of the Wreckers, but that is based on information you have me and we already know not everything in this universe fits.#

"Any way to find out who started the rumor?"

#Unfortunately no, because you refused my idea to have hidden spy cameras and microphones all over Haven.#

I was paranoid, not Big Brother, and it was enough I could spy on anyone in the space station using drones if I wanted anyway.

"Well, at least anyone who watched your warning shot will think twice before trying to attack us. How are the shield upgrades for the Lone Star going?"

#Slow, the ship is too big and old and too much hardware needs to be replaced. And I can't do things too fast or it will make people aware of what we are doing.#

As soon as Nova had finished her super weapon upgrade to the Lone Star, I had put her in charge of the forcefield problem.

Of course part of the problem was perfectionism, Nova and I didn't want just your average forcefield, but the best we could build.

That also meant Blue Energon aka Highgrade. So even if the systems were finished, it was gonna take a while to get the energy stores for the forcefield to be full.

Of course the forcefields were going to be able to work using other energy sources but that would be at a cost of them not being as good at their job.

And it had not been three days later when Shockwave of the Deceptions wanted the Lone Star for himself.

And if I had been nervous about the Wreckers that maybe had not actually been the Wreckers, I was absolutely terrified of him.

With Megatron I could have played with his ego, but Shockwave prided himself in acting logical.

For example, he actually entered Haven in a civilian vessel before making his demand. That way we couldn't blow him up with the Moonbuster cannon unless we wanted to also lose the space station.

And he could also easily take hostages from the station workers that weren't drones if he wanted.

And if that wasn't bad enough, the freaking Dinobots of all bots showed up, also wanting the Lone Star!

Grimlock challenged Shockwave to a duel, we actually had a fighting stadium in Haven after all. And while Shockwave would probably have prefered a less fair fight, refusing would make him lose the respect of his troops. So he saw accepting as the logical choice.

And what did we do? Well nothing says we had to stay in the space station and watch the stupid duel or let any of the two groups steal our ship.

Yet... we couldn't abandon Jetfire, he was under watch by the Decepticon troops. But since I had not been in the station when the 'gentle bots' arrived, they didn't know were I was.

Unlike me, Jetfire was an important Transformers character and he still had that stupid Decepticon logo.

Not to mention that while I didn't think Shockwave would be unfair, he wouldn't tolerate any signs of rebellion if he won.

Oh and if Grimlock won they would probably trash the place and maybe end killing some bots if I just picked Jetfire and escaped with the Lone Star.

It was during their fight that I finally noticed something important, Grimlock and the other Dinobots had Decepticon symbols too!

In my defence... no there is nothing to say in my defence.

Now, Shockwave was smart and tough but there was one thing to Grimlock advantage, he was a former gladiator just like Megatron. And just like Megatron, he had not just been a Gladiator, but a champion.

And if there's one thing a gladiator bot is good at is one vs one fights.

So it cost Grimlock getting his arm damaged but he won.

And then Jetfire chalengued Grimlock, even offering to tie an arm behind his back. Heck, he even offered to have one of the others Dinobots help to fight him.

Grimlock of course refused to have that advantage, and that's when Jetfire size and mass advantage, plus the few upgrades he had allowed Fixit to install made a difference.

And by that I meant they were almost evenly matched, Grimlock was a way more experienced and brutal warrior, but Jetfire was a former Decepticon rebel. And he was able to walk away from said rebellion and survive until he found me at least.

So he was good too, just not that good. That was what I thought until both fighters started to slow down and my Boss pulled a blue energon saturated blade and stabbed it next to Grimlock Spark chamber.

The message was clear, he could have killed Grimlock any time during the duel, and that gladiator skill and warrior skills were different. Even in lethal matches, gladiators fought to give a show to an audience, a warrior fought to kill their enemy as fast as possible.

Surprisingly, Grimlock accepted his defeat, and Shockwave accepted that the Lone Star belonged to us.

Good thing too, because if Jetfire had lost... I may have done something I would have regretted forever.

Still just to be sure, I had the losers scorted away from Haven by a mix of Abominaroids, Guardian Robots and an army of mercenaries I had hired as soon as the first duel had started.

And after they finally fragging left I have Jetfire a hug and a have Fixit look him over for any injuries or anything else he had wrong.

Then I decided to enter stasis for twenty hours straight before my nervous breakdown finally started, with orders to Nova and the Furies to take care of things and only wake me up before that if another crisis happened.

After I woke up of stasis, I relieved my stress with a simulation were I killed zombie like bots for hours. And then I finally I talked with Jetfire about what to do. The Lone Star had become too temping a price and while Shockwave and Grimlock would probably keep their word, they likely weren't the only ones interested.

I wasn't going to let our spaceship be destroyed, not only would that be stupid, but also kill Nova. The AI had grown too much to fit in any portable computer, and by portable I mean any system we could carry away from the ship. And while I could transfer her to another big computer, making her the space station Haven main AI would put her at even more risk.

Joining the Deceptions was out the question and I honesty didn't want to be an Autobot since that would mean to have the Lone Star confiscated. Jetfire didn't want to end fighting Starscream and with both the Prime and Megatron not around is not like he was in a hurry to pick sides. The truce was technically going on after all.

There was also an option that I was saving as a last choice and could go horrible wrong, so in the end it was decided that Jetfire would stay as leader of Haven keeping most of the droids, save the Abominaroids and the Furies and with some mercenaries who were temped to become guards of Haven.

While I would leave in the Lone Star with the best fabricator, the Abominaroids, the Furies and some hired crew. Officially it was a supply run, unofficially he was letting me go to avoid the decent folk on Haven to be in danger.

And thats when I found myself as both the Captain and chief engineer of the Lone Star and no fragging clue what to do save to stay the frag away from both Decepticons and Autobots to keep Nova safe.

AN2: Do remember that G1 Jetfire Alt form in a Cybertronian spaceship big enough to fit a few Transformers inside it. So his weapons should also reflect that, here he didn't outright destroy Grimlock because firing even small spaceship grade weapons inside a space station tends to be a horrible idea, plus it was a duel. The energon supercharged blade was to show that Jetfire didn't even need his powerful guns to kill Grimlock. And that the former gladiator mech had been fighting the duel the wrong way. And that's not even taking into account the upgrades. Without those, the duel would have got a bit closer but Jetfire would still have pulled the same thing, if at the cost of losing a leg to make Grimlock lower his guard.

Also Scavenger doesn't know it, but at this time period Grimlock and the others are the "Dynobots" not "Dinobots" since their alt forms aren't dinosaurs yet. Is my way to make sence of the name without them being build in Earth origin story.

Sorry for those who were expecting an epic fight, and if the justification to not join the Autobots feels weak.
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I just wanted to ask this because I have noticed that you seem to have quite a few small grammatical errors in your posts, but do you have a beta, and if not, do you need/would you like one?

Otherwise you did a pretty good job on everything
010 Hindsight


Log 018

Since I practicaly had run the Lone Star on my own for a long time by then, that means I should have know what in the Pit to do next.

But that was when the Lone Star was just an old ship, the only target of interest we had was Jetfire and I was an unknown. Not to mention the only crew I had being droids.

With the Lone Star itself being something many would want and myself being officially the Captain, plus the fact I had got myself an actual crew... I was in panic.

A panic I couldn't deal with by building things because I had an actually crew to take care of.

So I defaulted to pretend, to pretend the supply run was all that there was on it, and so we actually went to get supplies.

That was better that me going into a building frenzy and ending with weapons that believed themselves my loyal subjects and that I was the Queen of England.

Or if I actually went with one of my worst plans and figured were the Key of Cybertron was hidden and have the Lone Star, meaning Nova, a Spark.

Nova was already troublesome as an AI, giving her the freedom she would have as a Transformer was something I honestly didn't want.

'And I do not think Shockwave will give up this easily, since he doesn't follow any code of honor, just logic.'

'Of course Shockwave can build something better that the Lone Star, but he does have to deal with sabotage, traitorous underlings and so on. Is much easier and efficient to just steal the Lone Star and change the AI to be loyal to him, isn't it?'

'Not to mention how interested he would get if he figures how advanced Nova is for an AI.'

#Captain Scavenger, we have a problem.#

Of course we did.

"What is it?"

#Some of the hired crew seems to be bots you put in my database as possible Autobots.#

"Oh great, and couldn't you have warned me before we left Haven?"

#They aren't going by their real names or just don't have those names yet.#

"Fine, with who we are dealing with?"

She told me.

"Hot Rod and... Jazz? That's it?"

Honesty, Matrix be dammed, I never liked Hot Rod and didn't think he was important enough, since Optimus tended to always come back. And Jazz... he was forgettable.

The cartoon tried to make him be cool but... honesty despite that he liked humans and that... meh.

#I think that a potential bearer of the Matrix-#

"No, don't care about that idiot. And about Jazz... Let's face it, I am not human, so who cares if he tends to be friendly to humans? Those two are not getting any special treatment. In fact don't even tell me what they look like."

I had a supply run to do, and just I focused on that instead of worrying about the possible Autobots. Certain metal ores were hard to get, same for Blue Energon. I also wanted to make myself a frame with an inner coating of bronce to resist rust, even if I didn't have the equipment to do a Spark transfer yet.

Sadly, while getting a bigger body would have it's uses, I just was too used to my current size for that to be an option, not to mention it would have been a waste of Energon.

So my new frame was going to be barely slightly bigger and with all those upgrades a refit just couldn't do but I wanted to do.

I might never become a true warrior but that's isn't gonna be due to lack of enough good hardware if it is up to me.

But then, with those two as part of my crew, I knew I had to be even more careful than usual.

And I was proven right to be wary because we got attacked... a lot.

Thankfully it was just space pirates so Nova could deal with them on her own.

But after the fourth space pirate attack one thing was clear... the Lone Star had a bounty.

I still did savage what I could from the wrecks, just left the mechanoids bodies in space. Recycling bots would have unnerved the crew even if most Cybertronians thought mechanoids barely counted as people because they had inferior hardware and couldn't transform.

What I got got out of it... was just metal I could recycle and not even good metal.

"Okay guys, four pirate attacks in just a week is no mere coincidence, we probably got a bounty on us and is probably to capture the ship." If it was to capture me they would have waited until I left the ship to get supplies after all.

"And what are we gonna do about it?" The ship quartermaster asked. Yes I had got one of those and yes Nova could pilot the ship herself. But there was also a manual overide in case of emergency.

"First, get done with our supply run, that takes priority. Second, find out who put the bounty on my ship, and third, decide how to deal with it depending on who it was. We are officially neutral, so we can't take sides, more so during an official truce time. So that means not attacking anyone without enough proof, unless we want an army after us and being labelled pirates. Unfortunately is very like to be a Decepticon. And all sympathy I had for them went to the pit when they went from freedom fighters to terrorists. Yes I know, it may be hard to believe for some of you, but I am old enough to remember those times. And yes I know the previous Prime was a scraphead, but Optimus Prime isn't. The guy was a librarian before he was a Prime so he took no part in those crimes."

"What about Omega Sentinel?" One of the oldest mechs asked me.

"It was that or a war that would have destroyed Cybertron. Plus is not like the Cons were innocent, Starscream left his own troops to die more than once. And I know that from personal experience."

Funny how many things you can find about yourself, or the femme that used to own my body before I woke up in that scrapyard, when you have the resources and money of a popular space station behind you.

Turns out my hate for Starscream comes not only because he is scum, but because she left "me" to die when a mission to kill Zeta Prime went wrong, and it went wrong because he sold us to Zeta Prime to start with!

The reason I didn't wake up with a Decepticon logo in the scrapyard? Deniability, and Starscream covering his aft.

And Is not like a cover op would be using faction symbols after all. Back then Zeta Prime had many bots who hated him, even before he blew up a city, or at least that was the story Starscream sold us.

And why I had risked telling my crew this? Because eventually, they would find out. And better from me than from the... former freedom fighters or Autobots.

"You don't look that old." One of the young ones conplained.

"I got a refit, but thanks for the compliment and sorry but you are not my type."

That caused a few laughs in the mostly male crew.

"Anyway, enough wasting time, the cargo isn't gonna deliver itself, get back to work!"


After a few more pirate attacks, we were done with most of our supply run, the only things missing were blue energon and certain metals, like aluminium, tungsten and graphene.

I needed the aluminium for ship repairs, and tungsten and graphene to make a super alloy that was almost as strong as G-metal. I already had a small sample of G-Metal and the thing really was as close to indestructible a metal that wasn't an alloy could get, but is was so heat resistant that melting it would require me to basically make a forge inside an active volcano.

So I had decided to try making an alloy that was close enough instead. And to do that I also needed information I didn't have, but that I could find... back on Cybertron.

But before that, we still needed to finish our supply run and deal with the bounty on the ship.

The bounty was too low for what the Lone Star was actually worth, so that's why no one actually decent at stealing ships had come after us yet. But it was still big enough to temp idiots and the constant attacks still made us lose time and resources.

Deciding to kill two retrorats with a single shot, we moved to a planet know for black market trade, Nebulos.

Unlike what I could remember from the comics, Nebulos didn't have any human like beings living on it, but was a toxic and radioactive planet with no organic life. What I could find about it said that long ago the local dominant organic species had got into a nuclear and chemical war war and wiped all organic life out.

That left it the perfect place for zealots that hate all organics to live due due to the need of expensive radiation shielding and the need of making any building highty resistant to acid corrosion the mechanoids and transformers living there had turned to trade, the official and not.

Since the radiation ships the locals used were too expensive, I only went with the Furies and four others since even renting the things was a bit too much money.

Instead of refined aluminium I got bauxite, meaning I would have to refine the aluminium out of it later, but I was thankfully able to get enough quantities of tungsten and graphene.

And I also got copper and tin to make bronze, I still needed to find the right formula to provide the best oxidation resistance without leaving my inner frame too weak.

Of course that left finding out who had put a bounty of my ship and as I had been suspecting, it was the Deceptions just no one with a name I knew, meaning the guy who post the bounty was a proxy.

The "Dynobots" wouldn't do things that way, so that left Shockwave.

Since I didn't dare to get to him, that meant finding his proxy and make such a good example of him that Shockwave would have trouble finding another.

It wouldn't be a long term solution by any means and it definitely would paint me in a bad light, but I just couldn't think of any other option that didn't involve getting all the Decepticons after me.

In hindsight, maybe making a ship that could outfight the Ark and the Nemesis had been a really stupid idea.

#Captain Scavenger, Hot Rod and Jazz have got on a bar fight.#

And to top it off I was gonna lose the deposit of at least two anti radiation suits.

AN: Escalating tends to paint a big target in your back.
It's back! Do you know how few transformers self inserts that are Cybertronian's there are. Not to mention this is a dumb good fic.
011 Infiltrators


Log 019

Hot Rod and Jazz or like they were currently calling themselves, Rodion and Blue Spark, had made a complete disaster of the bar the fight had took place in. The only reason no walls were broken was because they were reinforced due to the toxic environment of Nebulos.

Without even caring to hear their explanations, I paid the damages and hauled them back to the ship, since they had damaged their anti rad suits so they needed medical attention and being decontaminated.

Then I had the Furies use their charms to try to find out what had happened, apparently someone had insulted Optimus Prime and thinsg had gone downhill from there.

Besides the bar damages I also had to pay a fine, and I did so to avoid trouble. I ignored any suggestions of "other ways" I could pay the fine and the Furies just had to glare a bit for the parasite to drop the idea.

Then we hauled our afts out of Nebulus as soon as possible and thankfully no one was stupid enough to try to chase us. Apparently the Lone Star had gained certain reputation, namely that any scum that fought us lost and lost badly, but that we also didn't went all out and left survivors.

After that Hot Rod and Jazz had the full anti rad and anti acid treatment. And Nova and I went out of our way to make every single medical check up ever to them so they expended three whole weeks having medical attention and locked out of everyone else.

And yes I did lose my deposit on those suits in case you are asking.

"Boss, don't you think that was a bit too much with those two?" My quartermaster asked.

"Acid is no joke, okay? And radiation can have long term consequences."

"You had them like new in just five days with those medibots of yours."

Yes, despite my lack of free time I had made medical bots, basically because it was the only thing I and Nova could build without being suspicious. They were nowhere as good at Fixit, but under Nova's supervision they were good enough.

"I just didn't feel like half pay and whatever horrible job you can give them was enough." I said to defend my choice.

"Anywhere else that many medical check ups would cost more than the money they made you lose, Boss."

"Hey, now they are free of any viruses or malware at least. Plus they will think twice before getting into a fight while working for me."

"You care about them, don't you Boss?"

"I was that young and stupid once." Heck, Optimus Prime is one of the few Primes I actually like so I can't say I wouldn't have done the same at their age.


Hot Rod and Jazz didn't know what to think about their Boss, she was a former Con but also very protective of her crew. They were starting to feel a bit guilty about lying to get into the ship but truce or not, the Autobots couldn't ignore anyone with such a powerful ship. Not that there was any way in the Pit they could steal the ship. Not only it would be an excuse for the Decepticons to break the truce but they had no freaking idea how the thing worked. Even the Quartermaster only knew the manual overides and those were for emergencies, not regular use.

However Scavenger had once been, she was a fraging genius! Good thing the Decepticons had made the mistake of betraying her or she might have eventually helped them win when the truce ended.

Not only had she built a really powerful ship, but she had so much knowledge of medicine it was amazing she wasn't actually a Doctor.

The two of them had never feel so good since the time of their first awakening after getting a Spark.

Just for the medical treatment alone they would probably have abandoned the Autobots to join her for real if they didn't have to worry about the Cons actually winning.

As it was all they could do was to keep their undecover mission and do their best to avoid Scavenger losing her ship or ending helping the Cons.

Not that they had many chances to kill Scavenger considering how paranoid she was. She never went outside the ship on her own and inside the ship the ship itself would defend her. Plus whatever that backpack she always carried around was it was probably some secret weapon or other way to protect herself.

So to sum up, what had started as a simple short infiltration and retcon mission would probably end as something much more lasting.

There was of course the chance they had been infected by a virus or any other kind of nasty program during the whole three weeks of medical treatment, but Scavenger didn't seem the type to do that. Not that they wouldn't check when possible, infiltrators didn't survive by being stupid.

Even so they still had to be careful, who knew how Scavenger would react if she found out who they really worked for.

AN: Hot Rod and Jazz look like recolors of themselves and don't have faction symbols in them.

Nova knows perfectly well they are on the ship as spies but since Scavenger herself doesn't care, she is just waiting to see what they will do.
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Nice to see this back from the dead. Good story overall with the si making waves. I always love reading the worldbuilding the si creates through their actions. Keep up the good work!
Pretty neat story, reminds of a Commander/etc SI but slower starting and with longer time. The skip forward by dozens of years when upgrading or learning things promised things to get epic.


... Not that there was any way in the Pit they could steal the ship. Not only it would be an excuse for the Decepticons to break the truce but they had no freaking idea how the thing worked. Even the Quartermaster only knew the manual overides and those were for emergencies, not regular use. ...

Someone is making waves with "just" trying to stay alive no matter what. If someone figures out that SI is paranoid, and the fact she got this ship, they really really should ask, "Who is she afraid of?".

Uh, mostly nitpicking and so... Half of those technically makes sense but is not quite right, but I might be wrong here.

so they needed medical attention and being decontaminated.
Probably "to get decontaminated", or so? Or "decontamination". Feels more like "what is happening now" than "what is planned" that is the rest of the sentence.
they expended spent three whole weeks having getting medical attention
Better fitting words?
locked out of away from everyone else.
Probably fits better. I think "locked out of" is for cupboards and computers? Dunno on this either way.
Quartermaster only knew the manual overrides
or ending up helping the Cons.
A missing word.
whatever that backpack she always carried arouns
simple short infiltration and retcon mission
Typo. Doubt they were there to change the canon, unlike certain scavenging bot.
However Scavenger had once been ...
Not quite sure what is said here?
and inside the ship the ship itself would defend her.
While understandable, it does not read very nicely. "... and the ship itself would defend her while she was onboard"?
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Okay, so I just found this fic and I'm really enjoying it. Haven't read too many Transformers stories and this one is really interesting. I can totally picture the next chapter starting with Scavenger calling Hot Rod and Jazz into her "office?" "briefing room?" just a private area. As they said, they're not quite sure what to think of her, so they brace themselves for anything. And Scavenger just utterly chastises them by asking "Would Optimus Prime approve of your actions?" Because he honestly would not. Some bot, in his own time and likely with his friends, choose to express his honest opinion about Optimus, and was met with violence from those with a differing opinion. Optimus would just let the comments roll off his chassis because "freedom is the right of all sentient beings." He may not enjoy people speaking negatively about him, but he certainly wouldn't stop them from saying it. Great story, can't wait for more.
Okay, so I just found this fic and I'm really enjoying it. Haven't read too many Transformers stories and this one is really interesting. I can totally picture the next chapter starting with Scavenger calling Hot Rod and Jazz into her "office?" "briefing room?" just a private area. As they said, they're not quite sure what to think of her, so they brace themselves for anything. And Scavenger just utterly chastises them by asking "Would Optimus Prime approve of your actions?" Because he honestly would not. Some bot, in his own time and likely with his friends, choose to express his honest opinion about Optimus, and was met with violence from those with a differing opinion. Optimus would just let the comments roll off his chassis because "freedom is the right of all sentient beings." He may not enjoy people speaking negatively about him, but he certainly wouldn't stop them from saying it. Great story, can't wait for more.
Hell, in IDW's post-Cybertronian Civil War universe, when Optimus' very presence proved disruptive to the fragle peace, he left Cybertron, the very home he had fought for so long to save, then gave up on and fought to save its people, then when hope returned and Cybertron was revived, he willingly gave it up because people had negative enough opinions about him it threatened to reignite the war. He only came back when events necessitated it to save both the planet and its people once more, and even then he offered to leave again, despite the fact that his exile had been nothing less than one ambush after another by Con diehards. He cares about his people - not just the Autobots, but Cons and Neutrals as well - and their right to self-determination. Which includes having opinions and beliefs he disagrees vehemently with, so long as you don't use those as an excuse to harm others. So yeah, I agree. He would be disappointed in them both, and very disappointed in Jazz, considering they were friends before the war went hot in at least some continuities, not to mention Jazz is one of his best covert operatives. I can only assume Hot Rod jumped feet-first into the fight after Optimus was insulted, and Jazz swore to himself then backed his partner up.
"Would Optimus Prime approve of your actions?"

While she definitely would keep the talk private, I can see Scavenger doing just that.

He would be disappointed in them both, and very disappointed in Jazz, considering they were friends before the war went hot in at least some continuities, not to mention Jazz is one of his best covert operatives. I can only assume Hot Rod jumped feet-first into the fight after Optimus was insulted, and Jazz swore to himself then backed his partner up.

Actually, while Hot Rod has a temper, Jazz backed him up because is part of their cover. Jazz alone could be almost anyone but with Hot Rod along they have to play the role of being in favor of the Autobots.

In this story, there are two main opinions those who have not joined sides have about Optimus Prime.

The Hero who stopped the Civil War and saved lives.

And the butcher who massacred a lot of bots using a secret weapon to win the Civil War at any costs.

The fact that the Decepticons had used quite brutal methods themselves hence forcing Optimus to use Omega Supreme right there and now instead of risking a lot more deaths in the future means the Autobots have more fans than the Decepticons. Since said brutal methods lost the Cons a a lot of support.

Even Megatron agrees that Optimus is a better Prime that the one before him.

Of course, Megatron couldn't accept not being the one in charge, because for him doing so means that all the sacrifices he made were for nothing.

Megatron respects Optimus Prime but he also resents him a lot. Megatron thinks Optimus was handed everything Megatron ever wanted with barely any effort on his part.

He does respect the work Optimus did as a librarian and researcher a lot, since the information Orion Pax discovered about Nova Prime reveling against the Quintessons is what inspired the Decepticons rebellion. More so the part of Nova only getting the title of Prime only after she died and the revelation that each time she shared part of her Spark to make more Cybertronians (Back then the ability to transform didn't exist) she shortened her lifespan.

Megatron took that sacrifice on Nova Prime part as inspiration to do "whatever it takes" to win.

Is because of that, that his pride won't let him not be the one in charge of ruling things.

Optimus Prime HATES his job with the passion of a thousand burning suns, he only does it out of duty because Primus himself chose him. Holding the Matrix hurts him not because he is not compatible to it, but because of how much it pains him to be the one with the power who decides who lives or dies. He loathes the fact that he is the Prime who had to use Omega Supreme to stop the Civil War.

He was reformated from Orion Pax into Optimus Prime not because he wanted to be more powerful and hold the Matrix in his chest, as Megatron thinks, but because he literally had to change his programing to force himself to be the Hero Cybertron needed.

For good and bad, Optimus Prime kept all his memories of who he was, and even the same personality.

The difference is that being reformated allows him to "put on the mask" of Optimus Prime and be the leader Primus chose him to be.

Scavenger does NOT know that about Optimus, not does she know Megatron main inspiration was Nova Prime. Megatron only took the name Megatron because if his enemy was a Prime, aka Zeta Prime, then he would be the devil.

That and because his real name didn't sound cool enough, not that he would ever admit that while sober.
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The Key I
The Key I

Edited by Viva01


Log 020

Cybertron, once the most advanced planet and crown jewel of the Cybertronian Empire, had definitely fallen onto hard times. With no Energon left on it, sustaining silicon based life became hard.

You can't use solar energy on the planet because of how far away Cybertron is from Ignus, the nearest star. There is almost no wind so no wind power, and worse there are no volcanoes so no geothermal energy can be used. Heck, if Primus is actually what's in the center of the planet, trying to dig too deep to harvest energy is just gonna wake Unicron early.

And how about organic life? The planet, if it is actually a shell Primus made over himself to go to sleep and so waste less energy keeping his brother Unicron sealed away, has never been able to sustain it.

Only the fact that the Key of Cybertron, one of the two known safe ways to give a bot a Spark, stops working if taken off the planet, had kept Cybertronians from completely abandoning it.

In fact the worst crime possible is to take the Key away from Cybertron as is believed that would end up killing the planet if the Key stays away for long.

An experiment showed that just taking the Key to Junkion, long story short, they wanted to see if the Key could cure the Junkion's madness, caused Cybertronian animals to go berserk. That and the Key outright not working outside Cybertron ended the experiment.

With Optimus Prime, the holder of the Matrix, and so the second safe way to give a Cybertronian a Spark, being gone, both factions needed to keep at least a minimal presence on Cybertron if they wanted to make new bots.

For good or bad, there is a strict population control on Cybertronians due to the energy crisis, and while any of the two factions may be able to overpower the Order of the Flame of Primus and steal the Key away, no one is stupid enough to do so.

Why? The Order not only keeps the Key safe and prevents its misuse, but the oldest of them are surviving veterans from the Colonies War, also known as the Colony Rebellions, a war so bad it makes the Decepticon rebellion look tame. And one that happened so long ago and had so much cybernetic warfare going on, that no reliable records remain of it. Is also the War that resulted in the existence of the Second Prime, whose name no one can agree on, and for Primus itself to gift the Matrix of Leadership to the second Prime.

Yes, a few of the still surviving veterans have written books about the War, but of course those books are biased. And even those books don't agree on the name of the Second Prime!

What almost all accounts agree on is that it was the worst war in Cybertronian history. The few that don't, argue that the "War for Freedom" was worse.

It is said that Orion Pax's frame maker was a veteran of said war and raised him and his brother Ultra Magnus on stories of it, until his Spark joined the Matrix, because at the end we all are one.

I think it may have been those stories that made Orion Pax become a Prime and do whatever it took to stop the "Decepticon Revolution", mostly called the Decepticon Rebellion nowadays, before things got as bad as the Colony War.

I respect him for that; but I don't want to be him, heck I don't want to even be a general.

I was once willing to sacrifice myself to fight against the injustice and corruption Zeta Prime had caused. And that foolishness only got me abandoned and betrayed by the one who was supposed to lead me.

Yes, I was betrayed by Starscream, because he was the one in charge of the infiltration mission to kill Zeta Prime.

I don't know what Zeta offered him, but whatever it was, it doesn't change the fact the seeker sacrificed me and the whole squad to get it.

That's the kind of betrayal one never forgets and never forgives, a wound so deep that even if I am not the original femme that held this frame first, I won't let it go unpunished.

Starscream will be shot in his pretty face, then he will be shot again, and again and again, until he is dead.

I know... as revenge goes it is not very creative, but I was an infiltrator, not a torture specialist.

Where was I? Ah yes, Cybertron.

Why am I back here? Because I need information.

And to kill a certain proxy that put a bounty on my head.
ah good to see starscream still up to his betrayer ways :D
good to see you back in action welcome back prime