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Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to Scavenger, a Transformers SI/OC Fanfic with an author with no clue what in the Matrix he is doing.
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001 Energy crisis I&II
Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to Scavenger, a Transformers SI/OC Fanfic with an author with no clue what in the Matrix he is doing.

Crossposted from another forum.

And yes, Starscream will be shot in the face.

001 Energy crisis I&II


Log 001

Slowly, thoughts filled my mind. I was confused, my vision filled with text in strange symbols that I did not understand.

Then, a neutral metallic voice screamed in my head.

#CAUTION! Low Energon Reserves! 15% Remaining. Frame has sustained battle damage, Weapons System disabled, Alt mode disabled, SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL HELP!#

"What the hell?" I looked myself over, the weird text fading away. I was wearing some sort of armor? No, I was a robot? Energon? Where did I heard that word before?


Ah right Transformers, wait a minute...

Oh, frag it!

I stood up with difficulty, my eyes *optics* looking me over, I appeared to be a small, at least compared to the other dead bots around me, gynoid *femme*, and I was lacking any faction symbols. I wonder what color my optics are?


Ah well, that screamed neutral, so I was most likely a civilian. Now what should I do first?

*Check surroundings*

I decided to look around me again. I was in what appeared to be a scrapyard, only, instead of broken down cars, it was full of dead bots.

*Scavenge or die*

'Since I am damaged and weaponless, I guess I'll have to fall back to my Summer job of looking for usable stuff in a scrapyard.'

I was thankful I did't think of the dead bots as dead people. It was still slightly disgusting, but I deployed tools from my body since apparently those did not count as weapons and headed for the largest robot copse.

'Fuel tank, fuel tank, a big boy such as you must have some energon left, right?'

Trying to move the tank was… Imagine a little kid trying to move their two meter tall unconscious father. Thankfully, I was so small that what little Energon I found in his tank was useful.

#Low Energon Reserves 17% Remaining#

`Yeah, who I am kidding? This is gonna take a while'


Log 002

It took me a long time to even get my reserves to reasonable levels, and I guess It would have been worse if I had been a bigger bot.

No wonder nobody did Energon scavenging from dead bots, for the big Transformers it would be useless and for others it would take too damn time.

It took me the equivalent of two solar cycles, and I had nearly scavenged the whole damn graveyard. All that time, I saw no other online bots.

#Energon Reserves 47% Remaining#

With that taken care of, I needed repairs. But how in the pit I would do that?

#Transformation Cog damaged beyond repair, please replace it.#

'Ah yes, the infamous T-Cog, what's it even look like?'

#Accessing Transformation Cog Info Files... 446 sample images found.#

'That helps. Now to just scavenge... again.'

Thankfully, it just took me a solar cycle to find a T-Cog that both fit and worked. After that, it was just a matter of formatting it, that left me with...

#Energon Reserves 30% Remaining#

And left me quite annoyed, as I still had to look for less critical parts for half a solar cycle. Meaning I had no weapons, no armor worth a damn, and...

#Energon Reserves 25% Remaining#

My energy went down further after looking for those parts. So I needed to look for more Energon soon, otherwise I would probably drop into stasis in about a day. At least the repairs had lowered my energy intake. When it came to armor, I needed welding tools I didn't have, but I still managed to strap some stuff over myself that made me look like I was from Junkion. And, of course, I was no idiot and stole a Generic Blaster to use, as my weapon systems were still offline.

I also got myself a shield, since I did not trust my improvised Armor to tank more than a hit. The thing was a real find, and I wondered why they had just dumped it, until I noticed the holes in it. Holes that I patched up with the strongest armor pieces I could get.

Yay, I had completed my gynoid *femme* murderhobo look!

It was just my luck that, the moment I stepped out the door, I ran chassis first into a Con.
002 Synthetic Fuel
Where you crossposting from? SB?

"I will not deny or affirm that I have hold hands with Elita-1." Who might have been; or not, Optimus Prime, on what might have been or not an interview on Planet Junkion most popular Tv show, Gar Gar Gar, host by Junkion leader Wreck-Gar.

002 Synthetic Fuel


Log 002

For a very brief moment *nanosecond*, I actually thought about yelling "SCRAPLETS!" and running. But, two things stopped me.

First was the fact that the other Transformer was bigger than me, so it would be hard to outrun, unless I went into a place were his bigger frame could not follow. One of his steps were literally like three of mine.

Second was how... old he was. He had the Decepticon symbol in his chest but he looked really really old *ancient* and tired.

His expression was one I had seen before, the expression of someone who had just given up because all he cared about was gone.

I volunteered at a *human* nursing home once, and a few people there had that expression.

"Hi, looking for spare parts?" the old mech asked. His voice was surprisingly gentle.

"Yes Sir, I was damaged." I said, even doing the typical military salute you always saw the military do in *Earth* films.

He have me an odd look, probably because of the trash I had covered myself with.

"Junkion... I finally find someone and is a damn Junkion!"

"Sir, yes sir!" I did the military salute again.

"Ah well, it's better than nothing, come with me." He said, walking away and expecting me to follow, I did so. Unlike a real Junkion, I could not just put myself back together if I was blown up, after all. Or maybe it was just Wreck-Gar that could do that? Whatever.

"Here soldier, help me fix this ship." He said, pointing out to a spaceship. that for me it was huge. I dunno how big it would be, since not being human sized was messing up my sense of scale. But it was bigger than the Buckingham Palace for sure.

Still, if he was so desperate to get the help of what he thought was a Junkion, and wanted to fix a ship, that meant Cybertron was probably dead due to lack of Energon, and he wanted to go off world.

And everyone else probably had got the smaller ships before him.

I was too scared to complain, somewhat nice or not, the guy was a Decepticon.

I don't know how long I worked, patching holes, fixing stuff like I was MacGyver. Until of course, I started to run dry.

#CAUTION! Low Energon Reserves! 10% Remaining. Weapons System disabled!#

Well, at least my alt mode was apparently working now, whatever it was.

#Alt mode has yet to be scanned#


"Hey boss, got something to drink?"

"I got low grade energon on the back of the ship."

Ah, the red stuff from the first animated series, that thing was shit. I think I remember the Deceptions getting it by converting fossil fuels.

Still, I wasn't exactly a minicon, but I was definitely an energy saving model, so I could probably take it.

Only when I went to get it, it was mostly white, synthetic? Whatever.

I was right, the stuff was shit and tasted like shit. Heck, if we weren't so far away from the nearest stars, I could just build a few solar panels instead of...


Scrap it!
003 The Long Journey I, II and III
Oh, I love this fic.
Nice to see you revive it.

Thank you.

Definitely watched. Let's see where you take this!

Insanity ahead is at least highty likely.

003 The Long Journey I, II and III


Log 004

I awoke, and thoughts filled my mind. I was annoyed as my vision filled with Cybertronian text, my boot log. I looked around, noticing that I was in some sort of metallic bed *stasis chamber*.

'I wonder what my current fuel level is?'

#Energon Reserves 100%#


#Frame has been fully repaired, Weapons System online, Alt mode enabled, please seek a suitable form to scan.#

"What in the pit?"

#You have been fully repaired.#

I stood up from what was apparently a stasis chamber, and looked myself over. My armor had been painted green and pink, and it looked brand new. I looked for my shield and generic gun, and found the shield slightly bigger and heavier than before, and lacking in holes. My generic gun had been replaced by a custom design that fit my hands better, and was probably more potent.

It was pink and white, and looked like some sort of magical princess wand, but whatever.

"Boss? Sergeant? Captain? Anyone on the base?"


That wasn't good. I looked myself over again, no symbols. Strange, shouldn't the old mech have painted me with the Cons symbol?

I walked to the door, it didn't open, so it wasn't automatic. I looked for a button to press, but found none, why I was locked here?

I deployed my tools, time to hack a door! Thankfully, I found a panel I could open, and it wasn't hard. Once the huge (for me) door opened, I looked for my Boss.

Yes, he was a Con. Yes I could have tried to run away. However, Cybertron was probably deader than Soundwave's sense of humor. Oh, and he had fixed me.

Me being a small femme, and it being a big ship, it took me a long time to explore it all, and I noticed that we were in space. It made me wonder how long I had been in stasis, and if there were others aboard the ship.

My answer came in the form of droids, and tons of them. They were about my size (and wasn't that scary?), and they patrolled the ship, doing various tasks.

When I finally found my Boss, I noticed my fuel efficiency had increased, somehow. He was in stasis, I wondered why.

#Energon Reserves 97% Remaining#

There was some sort of huge tablet *datapad* nearby, so I picked it up and looked for some information.

"Thousands of years of traveling? Are you yanking my crankcase?"

No wonder he had put the two of us in stasis. We were heading to some old abandoned colony, but this ship was so old it didn't have a faster than light engine.

'Why did I wake up early, then?'

#After being in stasis for ten months and being fully repaired, this unit will automatically begin to boot, unless that process is disabled.#

'Oh, that's awful convenient.'


Log 005

I had the whole ship for myself, and without having to fear enemies or worry about my energy levels for quite a long while, I had time to think for the first time since I became a Cybertronian.

'I can't use my human name anymore, it would be weird.'

#This unit has no name designation#

'I am basically a scavenger, why not use that?'

#This unit's designation is now Scavenger#

With that out the way, I explored the ship again. It took me a while to fully map it, several months in fact, as I had to take breaks, go to my room for recharges, and hack me access to some places, plus the damn size difference.

#Map of the ship Designation Unknown completed#

With that done, I entered the ship database, my access to it was barely over the one the droids had, but at least I learned the ship's name.

#Update: Map of the ship Designation Unknown changed to Map of the ship Lone Star#

With that done, I went back into stasis, but of course I woke up ten months later.

I then went to the storage room where damaged droids were stored, there were only two of them, but it gave me the chance to experiment. After one of those experiments ended with one of the damaged droids exploding, I decided to try my luck with the ship database again.

It was a pain in the diode to create a makeshift scanner using spare parts and the leftover of the exploded droid, but once I got the Ship to use it to scan my Boss, who was still in stasis mode, and I got Administration access to the Lone Star database.

I used said access to both give myself temporary Administrator access and put a backdoor I could use later.

That done, I disassembled the evidence of my crime, and I used my temporary access to download the whole ship database into an unused computer that was probably more advanced than the whole ship. I made sure to erase any logs and other signs of my tampering with the ship systems afterwards.

The reason why I couldn't just have used my Boss's access to get the database directly? Call it paranoia, but I felt it was safer that way. Same reason I just didn't try to download the database directly into my processor, better be safe than sorry.

Then I used to computer to read the whole ship database. It took me a while, since the thing was just data and wasn't even indexed, lacking even the basic ship AI to help me. But after a few years, breaks included, I was done.

Most of the information was too old to be useful, but included in it was information about how ship and the droids worked, and several manuals on how to use and program both.

I wasn't a genius by any means, but my memory had improved extremely since I became a bot, and time literally was on my side.

I had limited resources, but energy was not a problem with only me out of stasis, so I decided to see how to improve the droids first, since it was less dangerous than screwing up the ship AI, and be forced to pilot it on manual for thousands of years.

I had failed to realize how long it would take to do that, or how complicated and advanced Cybertronian programing was.


Log 006

I remember asking Mary to get coffee together. We had a perfectly nice time, and bonded over 8-bit videogames we liked and how we both had a preference to eat sweet things when it rains. It slowly grew dark outside, but it didn't rain so we didn't eat anything really sweet. When we parted we agreed it was a truly wonderful time and any repeat would ruin it forever, so we decided to ignore each other for a while.

That was the last time I saw her because the first thing I remember after that was waking up as a darn Transformer!

I really miss her, I miss the tasty goddess that's an espresso. I miss chocolate cake with small pieces of chocolate inside it and white chocolate cover with cherries on top.

"Project droid time."

#It has been 56 years, 10 hours, 20 minutes and 12 seconds since you started this project.#

That was how long it took me to learn how to program a droid. Nevermind any improvements, it had took me that long to basically become a script kiddie in droid programing.

That was because Cybertronians didn't use a high level programing language, or at least my Boss didn't. Fifty-six years to learn how to use the assembler equivalent for Cybertronian droids.

And I was far from done, sure I could program droids to do things I wanted, but it was all using pre programed code. To make my own programing would be even harder.

No wonder it was so rare to see Transformers playing videogames, Cybertronian programing was torture! But then again, it was a race that could live millions of years, why hurry things?

'Because you ran out of fuel, you morons!'

But at least it keep me busy, it keep me focused, so I endured.

I performed repairs on the ship with the help of the droids, because apparently that was my job, and it protected my aft in case my hacking of the ship computer was discovered.

"Project droid time."

#It has been 84 years, 6 hours, 1 minute and 34 seconds since you started this project.#

After the equivalent of what would be a whole life for a human in Earth, in the late twentieth century at the very least, I had finally graduated from script kiddie to noob programer. I celebrated by making a few droids do the Macarena. Only one of them exploded, that's what I call progress!

"Project droid time."

#Hey Scavenger, it has been 127 years, 1 hour, 5 minutes and 50 seconds since you started this project.#

Yes, I had changed how my system addressed me slightly, at least it was way easier than the Pit damned droid programing. I had finally hit the limits of what I could do with droids without upgrading their hardware. But at least I got a few of them to talk, even if they didn't sound smarter than dumb Earth chatbots.

"Hey droids, who is the number one?"

"Loba Feroba is the number one, bitch!"


"No way! The number one is the Bulk!"

"No, is Chistina from Gynoid Genius!"

Yes, I turned a few of the ship droids into chatbot nerds. They weren't smart conversationalists, but it helped me to keep me sane. And no, I didn't use the real names just in case there was some angry copyright God or something.

Yes it sounds stupid, but whatever. Try to stay sane alone in a ship for almost a hundred and thirty years.

"Project droid is completed."

#Wow Scavenger, you did it in less that two centuries, you are awesome!#

I drank low level artificial energon spiced with just a tad of iron powder and oil to celebrate. It tasted strangely pleasant, and didn't end up with me needing to be saved by one of the medical droids like in previous attempts to drink something that tasted different.

'Now what?'

*Ship programing, using the backup ship computer*

'I could try ship programing using the backup ship computer but first... "Hey droids, let's dance!"

I recreated a whole musical using myself and droids, it was "Hair". I hated it, but it was the only musical I fully remembered. Because while the memories I had from when I was human didn't get worse, they also didn't get better.

And yes, I did record it for posterity. My Boss thought I was a Junkion, so why not remind him of that by showing him the video when he finally got out from stasis? That way, it would help him to keep thinking I was at least raised on Junkion.

Afterwards, I went into stasis for ten months yet again. It hadn't made me any more sane, but it helped me to relax.

I planned to get started on my ship programing after I awoke, but that plan fell apart when the alarm sounded just a few minutes after I arose.

"Ship report, why is the alarm sounding?"

"We've got a breach in the hull at storage bay four."

'Damn, space pirates.'

"Droids, we are at war, take no prisoners!"


"Yes maan!"


"For the Queen and the blood!"

The droids didn't have weapons, but they did have tools capable of penetrating armor. I had coded in them the best way to quickly dealt with any Cybertronians, as long the enemy didn't react fast enough.

Unfortunately our intruders weren't Cybertronians.

'Fuck, why it had to be giant spiders?'
004 The Long Journey IV and V
004 The Long Journey IV and V

I need a beta reader for this, any takers?


Log 007

First of all, I sealed storage bay four from the rest of the ship and tried to vacuum it to space, it didn't work. Because of course fracking space spiders would both breathe in space and have the ability to stick to any surface hard enough to resist being evicted, cause why in the Pit not?

Oh and they had fracking eye lasers and cutting torches that make me want to scream "Lightsabers!" but were a tad too short range to be really lightsabers.

I tried using exploding droids on them, since they aparently got personal forcefields so my energy bullets did nothing, that worked but it took four droids to just kill one spider and damage another. And that left me out of droids to use because while I had improved the rest of the droids a lot, they didn't have the right code to explode on command.

"Ship, we have an organic invasion, code Alpha Omega Starscream is a birch, execute!"

That made all the inside weapons of the ship activate and the closest ones started to shot the giant spiders. The energy beams were calibrated to be deathly to organics and it showed. Once the forcefields got fried by taking too many shots at once that's it.

In the end I had killed over four dozen spiders while the rest retreated.

"Ship, activate external defences, code THEY ALL SHALL FALL!"

And then the other ship, that the Pit cursed giant spiders were in, light up like a christmas tree as it blew up. And that cost about 40% of our energy reserves... fuck. But then their ship probably had forcefields too.

There was nothing left worth savaging so I might have overdone it a little but... fracking giant space spiders with lasers forcefields and lightsabers!

'The clean up and repairs will be awful.'

Totally worth it anyway.

With so many energy wasted to defend the ship we weren't gonna make it to that colony even if I deactivated everything non essential and put myself in stasis for the rest of the trip.

'I guess is about time I start working on those solar panels already.'

And so I did. I wasn't able to cover the whole exterior of the ship like I wanted because I would have ran out of materials, but I did enough to make so our energy reserves would last a few centuries more.

It still wasn't enough so I conected to the ship computer, using the backdoor I had left, and redirected the Lost Star to the nearest asteroid field.

Then I had about two decades until we reached the asteroids. That meant I only had that much time to rebuild as many droids I could, to be able to mine asteroids and be spaceworthy.

If it wasn't for the huge amount of spare parts the Boss had stored in the ship, and by spare parts I meant sparkless frames, and if those frames weren't mostly Seeker models for some reason, I would not have been able to do it.

Thankfully there were enough Excavators and Drilling parts too. It made me think that the Boss deserved the name Scavenger more than I did. And that reminded me I didn't know the Boss name, it wasn't in the Ship database and asking the Lone Star AI who the Captain was have me no answer at all.

'Whatever I can always ask when he finally wakes up.'

And he had not waken up during the invasion *OF FRACKING GIANT SPIDERS FROM THE PIT* because I had deactivated all alarms in his room. He was only going to wake up when the Ship forced him or we reached that Matrix forsaken colony.

It was tempting to never let him wake up but he was big and intimidating while I was small and as scary as wet paper. Plus he had got me fully repaired, and is not like I hadn't got a lot time to think what to do when we finally reached that place.

The result of me working almost non stop, I didn't went to stasis in those twenty years and barely rested, was a bunch of abominations that would scare even harderned veterans of the Energon Wars. That how I called the energy conflict anyway, because both sides had done terrible things for some extra energy until the temporary cease fire was signed.

The only reason I was sure my creations didn't count as a War Crime was because they lacked a Spark. But it was worrying about my non existent morals or survival, and survival won.

And my abomination droids worked and did what I had build and programed them to do, dig asteroids for resources.

The Lone Star had the appropriate machines to process the metals, but I still had to savage from spare parts of course.

That finally allowed me to almost fully cover the exterior of the Lone Star with solar panels. Since they actually ate all the star light nearby they made the ship harder to find on visuals alone, plus I made them black just for extra stealth and energy absorption.

Then I continued mining asteroids for all the metals I could get. Once that was done I got the Lone Star in a stable orbit around a nearby star to get more power.

'I think I am calling them Abominaroids. But for now I am putting them in storage.'

Then I went a full ten months in stasis and that was what made me realise how my creations would fit right away with the Cons and that all this insolation might have made me a tad crazy.

'Whatever, they worked and that what's important.'

Yes the things were ugly and scary but I couldn't deny they were useful... and might have ended like that due to the fact I barely rested during the time I made them.

Anyway, turns out the ship had a fabricator, but nothing on the level of Star Trek, since you needed to give it all the materials for what you wanted to build. But at least it allowed me to build more droids to replace the ones that were gone thanks to my experiments, and due to making some of them explode and building the Abominaroids.

Then with more droids than the ship actually needed, everything repaired and having a renovable source of energy, I went to experiment and learn more programing using the ship backup computer.

I had to be way more careful than with the droids, since the Lone Star only had a single backup computer. So I took the time to read all the damn manuals and run the training exercises. That turned to also include practicals because the manuals weren't only about programing but engineering too.

"Project Ship time."

#Hey Scavenger, it has been 47 years, 9 hours, 51 minutes and 13 seconds since you started this project.#

And that was only reading the manuals and doing the practice exercises.

"Lone Star, I am taking the Ship Engineer test, maximun difficulty."

Of course I said that to the backup computer, If I messed up I could wipe the backup computer and restore everything to before I took the test.

Something I ended having to do, a lot.

Maybe it wasn't really necessary, but I wanted a perfect score and that was only possible if you passed the test with a 100% score in the first try.

"Congratulations Scavenger, you passed the engineer test, maximun difficulty in your first try. You have achieved a perfect score."


"Project Ship time."

#Hello Scavenger, it has been 101 years, 7 hours, 1 minute and 6 seconds since you started this project.#

"Project Ship is completed."

#Scavenger you did it in less that a hundred and two years, you are a cheater!#

I didn't care, anything to avoid boredom. Then I went and deactivated the main Ship computer so the backup one would upload my perfect score to the system. After I did that I reactivated the main computer again and due to my amazing score I was upgraded to chief engineer of the Lone Star. So I went and eliminated my backdoor, since my new job have a administrative access even higher than even my Boss.

Then of course that I went and created a new backdoor with the newer highter administrative access, what did you expect?


Log 008

I learned all I could from the ship database... that left entering stasis with my 'wake up in ten months routine' disabled ,after setting course for that colony... or fine tuning the ship.

'Frack it, I am fine tunning the ship.'

It was amazing how much work it was, even with the droids help, the Pit, even after building droids made specifically to fix and improve the Lone Star it literally took centuries.

I felt slighty bad for not setting course to that colony, but orbiting around a star have the ship more power. Were Cybertronians systems just extremely energy inefficient or what? I think they were, otherwise the Energon Wars wouldn't have happened.

The main problem was, the more energy efficient a Cybertronian was, the less firepower it had.

"Project Pimp Up My Ship time."

#Hello Engine Boss Scavenger, it has been 745 years, 16 hours, one minute and 23 seconds since you started this project.#

"Project Pimp Up My Ship is completed."

#Boss Lady Scavenger, you finally did it! Now go the frack to sleep until we get to that colony or you will go insane.#

I had totally forgot I had programed that. In fact I had kinda forgot some of all the extra things I had done besides Pimping the ship.

"Pit damn it all, I am going to sleep." Just ten months breaks wasn't cutting it anymore. It was very likely the lack of social interaction, even with the AI upgrades the droids and the ship had they weren't the same.

#Finally! I am setting course back to that Spark forsaken colony and taking care of everything.#

"Yeah you do that Nova."


I woke up suddenly and thoughts quickly filled my mind. I was fearful, my vision filled with my boot up sequence log and I saw no problems on it. I looked around myself, the ship trembled, we were under attack as Nova helpfully informed me so I jumped from the stasis chamber and activated the Abominaroids. Then got my weapons systems ready.

As I headed to the control room a window near the corner of my left optic updated me on real time to what was going on.

'Space Pirates? At least is not Pit dammed Space Spiders.'

Only to find as I entered the control room that Nova had already blew up the three pirate ships and both the ship internal defences and the Abominaroids had dealt with the problem.

"That was slighty disappointing, but at least we can scavenge this time."

The result of scavenging the pirates, who were a form of robotic cybernetic lifeforms inferior to Cybetronians was mostly useless. Their tech was inferior to the one on the ship and the most valuable thing we got from it was information.

'When did I start to think of Nova and me as us? Whatever, she is basically my kid or something.'

The information was star charts with location of inhabited planets and space stations. I had Nova compared them to what we had before.

"Well, what's the haul partner?"

"Boss Lady, I got the location of what could be that planet the locals call Earth that you are interested about."

'I... I programed her to look for Earth? Well I was mostly insane in those centuries so no wonder I can't remember everything.'

"Good, set course to Earth then."

'Sorry Boss but I want to go there.'

After making sure the ship was in good state and didn't need my supervision for repairs, I decided to turn some Abominaroids into upgraded Sentinels, the things were basically useless in G1 save when they turned evil but there were mostly an aesthetic upgrade from the abominations I had made the first time in my cybertronian life that I felt to madness. They ended being weaker and more power hungry than the Abominaroids for some reason so I ended only making a dozen of them.

If something attacked the ship again they would be the first responders, Nova being able to command them, while I would still be the only one able to command the Abominaroids.

I kind of feel pity for the things so I tried to fix their looks without making them weaker. It took several tries and a lot of time. But while still scary looking, they went from being the worst of horror movies material to something you could show in a scary movie for kids, like that one with the living house.

I also taught them every game and videogame I could think of. And I left them in a safe mode were they could still interact with each other and plays games by a private Ethernet exclusive for them, one were I was the main Administrator of course. Their primitive AI, for Cybertronian standars, seemed to enjoy it somewhat.

And before I knew it, we were entering the solar system. I don't know how long it took me to improve the Abominaroids, and later the Sentinels, Artificial Intelligence, but it must have been a lot of time. I didn't dare to ask Nova and then we had bigger problems to worry about when we detected another ship, one of Cybertronian origin.
Will you improve Cybertronian technology to became more user friendly? Because, they didn't even have assembly code?
so i have to ask what did the Abominaroids look like

At first, like abominations made of metal that would fit right into adult horror films like Aliens and Jason. Later like scary stuff you can find on teen horror films or teen rated video games.

Will you improve Cybertronian technology to became more user friendly? Because, they didn't even have assembly code?

They do have assembler code, is just that the Lone Star is a pre Energon Wars ship and basically should have been made into a museum due to how old it is. It was upgraded during the Energon Wars but then discarded as it was an energy hog.

Basically Scavenger dif the equivalent to write an Os from Zero when she started to do her own programing. She basically reinvented the wheel. That means on one hand that the Lone Star and her creations are only compatible with very old Cybertronian tech unless Scavenger and Nova work to add compatibility to other stuff. But in the other is "hack proof" both because only she and Nova know how the Code works and because Scavenger is a "tad" paranoid.

Is not spaghetti code, is the equivalent of a Windows noob finding a Linux distro were Sudo doesn't exist and him not knowing the first thing about Linux. Basically it would take even Transformers geniuses a few months of constant work to figure how to hack into the Lone Star systems. And that while brute forcing the thing using more advanced tech.

By the time of Beast Wars Transformers in this story do have the equivalent of Python or at least BASIC but is used for games and fun not any "important" code.
Huh. This is actually pretty interesting for a self insert transformer fic. Pretty good work Pinklestia. I hope you will continue this instead of discarding it.
005 Making the Wreckers proud I & II
Huh. This is actually pretty interesting for a self insert transformer fic. Pretty good work Pinklestia. I hope you will continue this instead of discarding it.

Scavenger is one of the fics I write just for fun so I hope that too.

005 Making the Wreckers proud I & II

Is not that Scavenger is really a homicidal maniac, she just really really really does not want to get killed.


Log 009

The first thing I wanted to fo was make Nova wake up the Boss since as mentioned before I look as intimidating as wet paper. But on second thought I made Nova scan the ship.

#The Ship name is the Alchemor and is a prison ship. Oh and by the look of Earth, there is a supercontinent so we must be in the late Paleozoic period.#

"How do you... nevermind, what else?"

#Every being on the ship save for a weak spark signal seems to be in stasis. And the ship engines are falling and is in collision course with Mars.#

"That's not too bad."

#Launching scanning satellites... there is an abandoned Cybertronian outpost on Mars, and I detect energon deposits, most likely artificial on origin.#

That sounded a lot like Beast Wars for my taste, then again at least I didn't end in Cybertron during the rein of the three headed pitholes.

"Scrap... can we blow up the ship?"

#Negative, the ship has more advanced shielding compared to our own. Do you know what a Minicon is?#

"Depends, is either a small weapon with a spark that can transform or just a very small cybertronian. Why are you asking?"

"Hello mining ship Lone Star, I am... I AM SCARED, I AM JUST A MINICON IN A SHIP WITH OVER TWO HUNDRED CYBETRONIAN CRIMINALS WHO WILL MOST LIKELY GET-" The sound of something metal crashing with something else metal could be heard."Ehem, my name is Fixit, WHO WAS THE IDIOT WHO THOUGHT LEAVING JUST A MINICON TO GUARD-"
#And then the transmission got cut out.#

"We really can't just blow them up, can we?"

#No Boss.#

"Fine let's dock to it and let's send the Abominaroids to help. Hear that gals?"

"Aye, aye, let's hunt some wendigos!"

"Is crushing time!"

"Sir, yes Sir!"

Yes some of the Abominaroids were girls, still not smarter than a small human child even with their Hive type AI... that evolved on it's own and seemed to work better that I had planed but whatever. Who knew videogames would help with that?

"Go Furies, make me proud!"

The Furies was what you would get if you created mechanical monsters out of spare parts and made them look like a Scorpion, a T-Rex and a Tiger, while being scarier than a Scrapet in your back... and they looked even uglier before I decided to make the Abominaroids less scary.


I pressed a button to cut that annoying Minicon dialogue transmission, we were just trying to help, honest! Sure the helping was by blowing up the ship from inside and rescue the Minicon but at least half the prisoners were going to survive because we lacked enough mining charges.

#Boss, the Wreckers would love ya.#

"The War criminals or the realy heroic ones?"

#Do you ever need to ask?#


Log 010

The good news was, the Furies had rescued the Minicon know as Fixit and blew up the prison ship.

The bad knews was that I was right, we just didn't have enough explosives to destroy the whole ship. So whatever was left of the Alchemor crashed on Mars.

Were there was both an abandoned Cybertronian outpost and enough energon deposits to make the survivors a problem.

Of course we could just leave. The Furies made sure that the Alchemor wouldn't fly again any time soon, and even if something useful was left in that outpost, they would be able at most, to build a few spaceships with tech way more outdated that the one I had... I was proud of my upgrades thank you very much.

Or they could try to fix the Alchemor with the outdated tech... quite hard to do but not ouright impossible and with all those Energon veins we detected from orbit, the escaped prisoners weren't going to run out of power and be forced in stasis mode any time soon.

'Ah well time to interrogate an annoyance.'

It turned out Fixit was a medical Minobot so, while supervised to avoid anything funny, I made it look over myseft and the boss. It turned out all those outdated medic training files I had read had been useful since while there were a few minor issues the Minicon easily fixed, I was in quite good health.

The Boss? The Boss had a virus, frag it.

Then again that did have me a decent excuse to not have woken him up earlier.
006 Refit and Upgrade I, II and II
006 Refit and Upgrade I, II and II

I think Scavenger not being a Decepticon is lucky for the universe because damn the Autotobots would have a hard time with her.


Log 011

The Boss name was Jetfire, wasn't that the name of that weird space ship bot *mech* from G1?

I had finally been able to find out because the Minicon way more advanced systems were able to fully scan him without getting infected.

Well my Boss certainly was big enough to be G1 Jetfire.

"So, anything we can do about the Virus?"

"Reformatting would be recommended." the small mech said in a neutral tone, apparently he was way more professional when he wasn't scared.

"Besides that." Reformating involves basically wiping a Transformer personality and memories and is something I loathe. Heck in Beast Wars it basically took alien tech to do reformating without destroying the person a Transformer was. And that was still risky as hell.

"The virus is way more primitive than my coding, I can purge it and repair his systems but that will take a while, the damage and infection is quite intensive."

"Then do that Fixit, time is not an issue."

"Are you going to leave the surviving prisoners to roam the red planet then?"

"If they are as advanced as you are, there is no way I can deal with them all. And talking about that... Nova how is that task going?"

#The data the Furies extracted from the ship medical files is encoded differently than the Lone Star data. Even with Fixit having given me the needed keys to decipher it, I estimate six months before I can get something useful from it.#

"Dammit. And to think I upgraded the Lone Star as much as I was able to."

#Boss Lady, without your upgrades I wouldn't be able to interface with Fixit. Don't put yourself down.#

"Yeah, I am amazed what you did with this ancient ship miss Scavenger." Fixit doesn't make me blush because I literally can't, but I appreciate the praise.

"Thanks. Anyway let's move the ship before those criminals down on Mars get any funny ideas."

#To were Boss?#

"Far away from here, to the closest place we can do a refit and repairs. And take a route with lots of asteroids the Abominaroids can mine for metals so we have something to trade."

#Yes Lady Scavenger.#

"Very well, I will be unavailable while I help Jetfire, do you need something else of me before that?" The minicon asked. Were these things just programed to be subservient to bigger bots or something? It was a bit creppy how easy it just accepted my orders.

"Give Nova all the Data you have that can help with the future ship refit, then help my Boss."


'While the blue Energon deposits are tempting, I am not an idiot and is not like I actually need them. So those criminals on Mars can kill each other for them for all I care.'


Log 012

Even with Fixit helping Nova, the data wasn't decrypting any faster. Still that help have me and Nova a few ideas on how to go about improving the ship.

Simply put, our greatest weakness was that the Lone Star armor was crap and the ship lacked forcefields. I could do something about the armor, but nothing about the forcefields. That was because the data I got from the prision ship medical files only had information about personal forceshields, and upscaling those was the kind of idea that would kill all of us.

That is because personal shields are different from ship shields, due to having different components and energy requirements. To start with, personal shields usually run on Energon. And upscaling a personal shield to cover a ship as huge as the Lone Star would only work for a few minutes before at best I fry the whole ship systems and at worst we die in a explosion that could blew up Earth's moon!

And that only thanks to all the upgrades I had already done to the ship by then, and if I had Fixit help to make such a stupid idea reality to start with.

Funny enough, while I couldn't do the same advanced stuff they did to make the Alchemor so damn damage resistant, I knew how to Die-cast using forcefields since that stuff was old enough to be in the Lone Star original database.

So all I needed to have better armor was just enough energy and good materials to use to cover the ship exterior.

I had actually made Die-cast walls on my previous repairs of the ship external walls anyway.

Now, one of the reasons Die-cast was not used anymore, at least in the future from were the Minicons came from, was not only because the way of doing so was lost but because it was energy inefficient and materials reinforced that way couldn't do the mass shifting needed to Transform. Funny enough the future time counterpart, molecular reinforcement, had the same problem. Even if in theory it was better than Die-cast.

The only reason Fixit knew about it was because it was used for weapons and metallic shields, but he didn't knew how it was done. Well, besides the fact it needed to be done with Minicons since "big bots", even those small like me or even smaller, lacked the skill to do such precise work.

But the Lone Star wasn't a Transformer anyway, the reason Nova was as smart as she was a mistery. But most likely it was the fact that I had keep improving over her code again and again and again, to the point I didn't know everything I had done, due to part of the time when I had programed her being when I was a tad... insane.

Anyway, the weapons I had for the ship were as powerful as they could be without real problems, but also power hogs. Weapons from bots actually could be upscaled to ship size, but the tech base from Fitxit time was just too different to work without problems. So it was less problematic to just keep my energy hog ship weapons and try to see if we could buy better energy storage units for the ship, or at least build them.

There was nothing in the information we got from Fixit and the Alchemor that could help with the ship engine, unfortunately.

So we were still so slow that the damn Minicon could actually travel faster than the ship on his own, even if his UFO spaceship Alt mode looked ridiculous.

And with Fixit being busy curing my boss... And Nova focusing on decripting the data, I only had the Furies to make me company. Because even the more simpler Abominaroids were busy, with Asteroid mining.

So I booted up the computer I had not used for a while, the one that I had used for my training to become a Ship Engineer.

Then I wiped all data it had and started to work on coding my own Os from Scratch. Not that I had not done something similar with the Androids I had made, but this one was gonna be for a computer, not an android.

Considering the only Cybertronian programing I knew was basically like hard as nails Asembler, and that I had made Nova using just that, it took a depressing low amount of time to make the new Os.

Just a month, that's it.

Then I went to make new videogames for my new Os, so I had something to do with the Furies besides talking. That took just a few weeks. They were basically virtual reality, unlike my previous games that were basically clones of old human videogames I liked.

While the Furies really liked the games, I got bored of them just after a few days.

"Okay girls, time to design a look that will make you three a lot less scary."

"Cool." The Scorpion Fury said.

"But I like being scary!" T-Red Fury complained.

"Whatever, just give me more firepower." Tiger Fury said in a bored tone.

So while I knew whatever change I made to them would probably be pointless as I planned to give them an upgrade after Nova finally finished decrypting the Pit dammed medical data, I went to work.

The result was the three looking more like an actual Scorpion, a Tyrannosaurus rex and a tiger, if those species were G1 looking Transformers. I wasn't a miracle worker to be able imitate the realistic early Beast War style Beast modes, not without making them much weaker and useless.

Of course they still had weapons, I had made the Furies for combat after all.

And just after I finished their changes... was when our ship got attacked again.

Thankfully the enemy weapons were barely doing any damage to the Lone Star.

So, using the backup Computer and it's new Os, I made the ship weapons disable the other ship engine and weapons, since Nova was still too busy. And I sent the recently improved Furies on a... lets call it a field test.

Unfortunately it would prove a bit too much for them.

Take a guess who the Furies ended fighting, and no it was not a Decepticon.


013 Refit and Upgrade III


Log 013

And by too much I mean the Furies were completely destroyed, and I had never made a backup of their personalities and programing, so the three were gone forever, even if I made new ones based on the same creatures, it wouldn't be them.

"So, I admit your ship got firepower, yes? But you made the mistake of not finishing me right away, so I killed your toys, still, I am not a stupid mechanoid, you know? I wanna collect a bounty on a bot named Jetfire, just give it to me and we let bygones be bygones, okay?" The tall robot said as he boarded my ship. Something about him was familiar, even if he wasn't a Transformer.

Of course, even with Nova busy as she was, the ship internal weapons had their own AI, something I had actually forgot I had programed in, but I was glad I did. I guess insanity is useful sometimes.

So the robot *mechanoid* answer was getting dismembered by energy weapons, leaving just a head and torso. That was because I apparently had programed the AIs to not go lethal on Transformers and humans unless ordered, and they were just too primitive to find out if he was a Transformer or not.

A mechanoid is a Cybertronian like lifeform, they cannot transform and are usually technologicaly inferior to Transformers but that doesn't mean their weapons can't hurt or kill a Transformer.

"In retrospect, I was quite stupid, yes?" The mechanoid, that I was quite sure is Death's Head from those UK G1 Transformers comics, said to me as I point to him with my Gun.

"You are a Freelance Peacekeeping Agent, right? Who hired you to kill Jetfire and how the hell did you track him here?" I did remember he hated the term bounty hunter.

"Oh you know of Death's Head? The Decepticons put a price on him, and if you want to know how I found the bot, maybe we could make a deal, yes?"

I could just have destroyed him, but knowing how my Boss got tracked was actually more important. Besides I had actually liked him when I read those comics.

"Here is my offer, I fix you and your ship, and let you go if you tell me want I want to know, or I just kill you, yes? You gotta be alive yo enjoy your money and you did destroy, what did you call my girls, toys?"

"That sounds... acceptable, do we have a deal?"

Normally the way to get rid of Death's Head was to offer him a highter bounty for someone else, but I didn't have any money and besides... Nothing says I couldn't rebuild him with a bomb inside.

"Yes we do, now spill."


I had to use the droids I had made for ship maintenance, but fixing him and his ship only took days, and yes, I did put that bomb on him, then told him I had done so and to get away before I decided he had annoyed me too much.

It turned out Jetfire virus made him emit a subspace signal, so I build a jammer for said signal as a stopgap measure while the Medical Minicon continued to try to cure him from said virus.

Then I took three Seeker framers from storage, it was amazing we still had some of those after how many I had teared apart to build things, and turned them into gyniods, that took me a whole year of work and rebuilding as Transformers frames are not made to work without Sparks to start with.

The three new Furies were named Hawk, Ladybug and Bat, and color coded in Blue, Red with black spots and Green.

It angered me a bit that by the time I finished them, Nova and Fixit were both done with their tasks, so I would have to start again to upgrade them.

"So how come it went from six months to a year?" I asked Nova, since Fixit had not actually given me a time he would take to finish like she had.

#Some of the files were classified and so had a highter level of encryption.# I was surprised Nova was able to get those kind of files decrypted to start with, but Fixit probably have her what she needed to do the work since I had ordered him to do so.

"Fine. So, is the virus truly gone?" I asked the Minicon, if it wasn't I was just gonna space Jetfire, is not like he arrived to Earth in a spaceship in G1 anyway, and he did had an spaceship alt mode as far as I could remember from the show.

"Yes Lady Scavenger, I also fixed all his other problems too, I am sorry it took so long."

"Is okay. I should I wake him up, the fact the Cons want him dead is worrysome... but not before I upgrade myself."

I had to get ready in case he saw what I did with the ship and the stuff I build and the mech didn't take it well.

"As you wish Lady Scavenger."

#Whatever you say Lady Scavenger.#

"Nova, go back to calling me Boss, I like that better."

#Yes Boss.#


Upgrading myself wasn't easy, we first had to wait until we reached a trade outpost to get the materials and tech I needed. The tech in the database was so advanced that I couldn't build I myself with what I had.

One we reached the place, a badly maintained space station, the new Furies were guarding me all the time, and Fixit flew over my head in his UFO saucer mode, to basically give the impression I am not someone you could mess up with.

The few Transformers on the outpost probably thought we were Deceptions due to the new Furies being basically Seekers, but at least no one bothered us. Is not like we had faction symbols after all and the Cons lost a lot of followers after Optimus Prime forced them to surrender or die. So no one wanted to throw the first shot just in case.

Yes Optimus Prime did that in this universe, he wasn't happy about it, but he was not made prime to be nice but to do what needed to be done. Long story short, a giant robot was involved and the Prime controlled said giant.

Anyway, Tte fact the floating mini UFO over my head may have the few Transformers present think that I might work for a certain high ranking Deception, made the Transformer seller who I bought stuff from actually not try to scam me.

Thankfully the merchant wasn't Swindle, that con bot would need Megatron himself being next to me to not try a scam and even then he would do it anyway if he thought he could get away with it.

I was very grateful no one tried to cause trouble the whole time we were there, even if my Furies started to openly curse Starscream after we left our purchases on the ship and stopped in a bar for some drinks.

Sadly Fixit had to stay in the ship for safety reasons, but I promised him some high grade energon even if he wasn't complaining.

Blue Energon was... the best thing ever I had as a Transformer, no wonder it was so expensive. I actually had to have Nova remind me that no, we didn't have the funds to get a lot of it.

Even the mech who tried to hit on my fake Seekers didn't take it bad when they rejected him arguing they weren't looking for something at the moment due to work issues.

The Trio were not up to Nova level of smarts but they had a private network wirh each other to raise their computing power and they also had me there to prevent any screw ups. So no one suspected a thing because they saw just what they expected to see. A group of Seekers, Cons or former Cons guarding a tech bot that was apparently important enough to get those guards.

The fake Sparks I made using Fixit help , because yes I am that paranoid in case it was not clear before, were a nice touch. They wouldn't fool a medic but as long as no one opened their Spark chambers they were good enough.

I was sad that the old Furies died but it served as a wake up call. I had started to get a bit overconfident when nothing truly wrong had happened to me since I got to the Lone Star.

Of course as soon as our little outing ended and we were back in the ship and out that place of scum and villany, Nova detected that we were being followed.

Just as expected.


Log 014

I will say it again, thanks to my upgrades the Lone Star weapons were as powerful as they could be with the tech level it had and without risking problems.

What that meant to the ship chasing us was that we disabled their shields with a few shots. And thanks to the Energon energy generators I had bought and connected directly to the ship weapons, we still had more than enough power to fight a few more ships like the one that chased us.

For intimidation, I sent the Abominaroids equipped with the energy weapons I had bought. They were lead by the new Furies, who actually had better weapons than the ones I bought thanks to all the work I did on them for a year. The screams of fear that I could hear from the coms meant the tactic worked.

So the 'space pirates' surrendered. They were a few Transformers whose names I had never heard of and a crew mostly made of mechanoids, we looted all we could from the much smaller ship including the Transformers transformation cogs, all the weapons, the enemy ship shield systems and all but one of their ship engines.

I made sure to make Bat mention in an almost casual way that the only reason we didn't kill them was because we wanted to leave them as a warning. While Ladybug giggled at that and Hawk just said nothing but glared at them.

Yes, I had ordered them not to kill anyone. Mostly out of a fear that someone important to the future when the Transformers wake up on Earth in the eighties was a member of the crew.

Thankfully that wasn't the case.

With the materials and tech I had bought, plus the loot, I finally started my own upgrades after we left to a safer place and hid on a asteroid field.

That meant putting myself in stasis mode while I trusted Nova and Fixit to do a good job.

I was so nervous I almost didn't do it, but I was way more scared of Jetfire wanting to crush me.

'Well here it goes.'


Feeling thoughts fill my mind as I awoke on the med bay table, I was relieved as my vision filled with the text of my boot log showing that there were no errors beyond the "Alt mode enabled, please seek a suitable form to scan" message that I was used to.

As I stood up slowly, I saw that I looked basically the same as my previous upgrade only slightly taller and thicker since I still had the same frame, just better armored and with a few hardware updates.

I then picked up a metal backpack next to the bed and put it on. It was a portable forcefield generator that I had designed based on the Alchemor medical database, and had Fixit and Nova build while I was in stasis. It was the workaround we had figured out on how to give me the best defense possible without messing up my upgrade and risking my life due to incompatible systems and hardware.

I turned the forcefield on, the low hum of it relaxing me as it meant it was working as intended.

'Time to finally wake up my boss and face the music, as humans say.'
Great chapter. I have to ask though, what continuity is this set in? Or is that a spoiler?
The Alchemor managing to get to earth is from Transformers Robots in Disguise, a sequel to Transformers Prime.

Let's just say that there is so much time travel going on on Earth and near it that a portal opening to a completely divergent timeline (aka a different Transformers universe) is not out the question.
Omake: I am Optimus Prime!
Let's just say that there is so much time travel going on on Earth and near it that a portal opening to a completely divergent timeline (aka a different Transformers universe) is not out the question.

For some reason I'm picturing that scene from Spartacus, but instead of Romans there are Decepticons.

Decepticon Goon #1: Alright here's the deal, By order of Lord Megatron any one of you scrapheads who surrenders Optimus Prime gets to live!

Decepticon Goon #2: Yeah! So ya better hurry up or we'll just start blowing ya all to scrap anyway! Orders or no orders!

*Suddenly one after the other bots start thrusting themselves onto their peds and declaring openly that they were......*

G1-Optimus: I am Optimus Prime!

TFP-Optimus: No, I am Optimus Prime!

Bayverse-Optimus: No, I am the real Optimus Prime!

Rodimus Prime: *wearing a plastic G1 Optimus helmet as a truly cunning disguise* I am obviously the true Optimus Prime!!!

Optimus Primal: I am Optimus Prime..*cough**cough*

Soundwave: Soundwave. Is. The. Authentic. Optimus. Prime.

Decepticon Goon #1: Wait a klik, Soundwave what the scrap are you doing sitting here with the prisoners!?

Soundwave: There. Is. No. Soundwave. Only. Prime.
007 Jetfire
007 Jetfire

AN: I need Editors for this chapter and finally a new chapter that's not in that other forum!


Log 015

Jetfire, that means by Boss mech that I had not dared to wake up in several cycles, was honesty impressed by what I had done.

"So you aren't a junkion?"

"No, didn't you notice that when you got me repaired anyway?"

"I didn't get you repaired, the capsule you were in had a repair function."

'And my gun and shield?"

The bigger Transformer then looked at said gun and shield, yes my gun was still pink and looked like an Earth children toy princess wand. At some point had decided to call it Star Butterfly for some reason, probably during one of my times of madness.

"I see nothing wrong with them."

Right, he had never been on Earth before and even if he did, it was a long time until magical girls were invented there.

"Fine. Do you know there is a bounty on your chassis? I had to deal with a mercenary coming after you. You also had some sort of virus, it took a long time to purge that."

His optics blinked "A virus?"

"Yes. Hey Fixit, what was that virus supposed to do besides making my Boss here emit that tracking signal?"

"Lock him in stasis, disable his weapon systems, erase his memories on waking up or after a random number of cycles had passed. Thankfully no memories were erased before I started to get rid of the virus."

'Lock Jetfire in stasis? Oh that is convenient... for me. It means I don't have to explain why I didn't wake him up earlier.'

"What... What's is that thing? It can't be a Transformer, is too small. And it sounds too smart to be a pet. A droid?"

Great, my Boss was rude.

"He is a Minicon, he comes from a possible future."

"Time travel is not possible!"

"Proof seems to indicate the contrary. Do you at least believe in the existence of other universes?"

"Nosence, there is only one universe. Where would you get the space to fit a different universe anyway? Much less several universes?"

I groaned, this was better that my worst fears but it was gonna strain my servos trying to not hit the scrapheap of my boss during our long journey ahead.


Even after I showed him and explained how much advanced Fixit was, he refused to believe he was from the future or from another universe. Even showing him the video logs I had about the Alchemor didn't help.

Truly a scraphead.

At least he did accept the armor upgrade, but he didn't trust me on his programing despite the fact it had already been modified by Fixit. The fact Fixit was a Nurse Bot and not a Decepticon seemed to be enough for him to trust the Minicon, so I decided to just leave whatever future medical problem the Boss bot had to him.

Then there was the argument about the fact we weren't going to that old abandoned Cybetronian colony he had wanted to go, because it had in fact been the one in Mars and it was filled with a lot of Transformer criminals who weren't happy with us after I blew up the Alchemor.

"Yes the place has blue energon but why do you think it was abandoned in the first place?"

Hearing that made the big bot stop complaining for a moment.

"That actually wasn't in the files I read about the Red Planet Colony, any ideas?"


#The blue energon deposits don't match the geological information I could gather from the red planet, in other words, they are artificial. That means an alien race probably more advanced that Cybertronians put it there. And that might explain why the Cybertronian colony was abandoned. It was likely an 'Oops, sorry about ruining your experiment, we are leaving now, please don't kill us.'#

"That's... problematic. What if they thinks those criminals are an invading force?"

"Then they will just kill them in the worst case. They know the ship crashed there anyway. So they won't think all Cybertronians are behind that."

"You are just gonna leave them to die?"

"They are criminals. Their tech is so advanced is not compatible with ours, they outnumber us by a whole lot, have reasons to want to kill us on sight and going there is very very likely to getting the Lone Star stolen, I don't do suicide missions thank you."

"Fine. Then were are we going to get high grade Energon? I planned to sell that while also becoming a Hero by solving the energy crisis."

That... did made more sence that just wandering the universe for millions of years looking for Starscream.


#That high grade energon we bought must have come from a mining operation. We could go back to that space station and look for information. Alternatively, we could fabricate enough droids to take over the station, upgrade it and have a steady source of income.#

"What? This ship can't fabricate enough droids for that and they are not combat models anyway." Jetfire explained.

"Well, yeah about that..."
Last edited:
Time to exponentially expand our force. SUPREME COMMANDER STY-*cough hack cough!

More like a Civilisation like game since Asteroid mining is needed for resources and making each unit takes time. If the Lone Star was capable of the bullshit even a starter Commander can do then Scavenger would be so Op it would be ridiculous.

Not to mention High grade energon is needed for the more powerful stuff Nova and Scavenger can build like the portable forcefield generator and the most powerful portable weapons. She was willing to take the expense on the generator because she didn't knew if Jetfire would be hostile and he is big even compared to giants like Optimus Prime. He could have crushed her just using his mass and weight. Remember that due to the Energy crisis still going High Grade Energon is basically a luxury item. Unlike low grade, it cannot be produced artificially.

One of the reasons it took until the Beast Wars era to massively shrink all Transformers into more fuel efficient forms is because it took that long for tech to advance enough for those forms to not be weak compared to the bigger bots.

Right now even with all her upgrades, Jetfire not only is more powerful that Scavenger chassis, but he is also a combat veteran were Scavenger isn't.

Of course Scavenger could have in the worst case, just have Nova use the Lone Star inner weapons to kill Jetfire. Her fear was in not being fast enough to give the order, hence the forcefield backpack.

And I will mention it again, Scavenger is paranoid as the Pit. Hence why she avoided contact as much as possible with other Cybertronians until she literally had done everything she could with the resources she had to be as safe as possible. And why she avoided waking up Jetfire for so long.
008 Haven
008 Haven

AN: So, who wants to own a space station?


Log 016

Because Jetfire had not much trust in me, so he took long to convince, and because I was slighty more paranoid than usual and I wanted to be prepared, it took a whole year, or star cycle, for us to invade and conquer the space station.

The result was that the Lone Star, a ship so big huge bots like my my Boss Jetfire have no problem finding it comfortable and that could have fit a crew of at least two hundred Transformers the size of Optimus Prime, while still leaving them enough space to hold the human Olimpics games in the ship, was half full of combat droids.

And no spare parts were left, that means that no sparkless Transformer frames remained on the ship.

The combat drones were not Abominaroids, but weaker mass produced things, only with weapons decent enough to be a threat.

It would have taken longer that a year had we not adquired a second fabricator, and by we I meant the Furies and most of the Abominaroids went to get one by force on a factory planet.

They used a ship that had actually been inside the Lone Star, only it was behind a locked door only my Boss could open.

I had not cared about that ship before, but it sure made things easier for us.

Jetfire had not been happy with the idea until I pointed out that not only the factory planet was under Decepticon control, but that it was barely operating due to energy costs.

Scrap, they barely made a token effort to chase the Furies' ship, because they only took a single fabricator and they still had hundreds left on the planet.

After the operation I put the Abominaroids on stasis, I could just have turned them off, but I wanted them ready to wake up and defend the ship, while also not being a huge energy drain.

The Furies remained online, save for rest periods were they went in stasis, so their AI could keep developing.

They mainly interacted with Jetfire, who at times couldn't believe the girls weren't real Transformers.

Jetfire was also interested in the virtual reality programs I had made, because there really wasn't much to do on the ship.

I also took the change to improve them and the videogames, and while Jetfire still thought I was crazy half the time, it was the kind of crazy he found useful.

I did eventually remember the Guardian robots I had stored in a room and didn't use for long, but besides a weapon upgrade and giving them better armor I didn't bother with them.

The invasion went quite well, most bots just ran away upon seeing our army and the ones who were left were no mach for so many combat drones, sure about a third of the combat drones took so much damage that I couldn't repair them, but no Spark in the space station joined the Matrix that day.

Jetfire was even able to convince a few Transformers to keep working on the space station, only with him as the new Boss.

The rest of the prisioners had their weapons removed and let go, with a warning that next time we would use lethal force if they tried anything, but they were welcomed back as customers.

And then I got the Abominaroids and Guardians to guard the place. Together with half of the combat droids left.

The rest remained to guard the Lone Star, and the Furies basically became my personal bodyguards since is not like Jetfire needed them as much as I did.

The place was still a dump but I made sure it was at least clean.

I dunno why but the space station name was "Haven", I found that hilarious.

We let some time pass, a few months, but no one seemed to want to take Haven back from us. We even got new hires since we needed people to run things, mostly the social part and the bars and trading. The rest could be automated without many complains.

It helped that we only took a 20% cut of the business on Haven while the former owners took about half.

And I was finally able to get my hands into forcefields that would be useful for a ship. But it was slow going since I wanted the Lone Star to have the best shielding possible.

I also build several hundreds of maintenance droids for the space station and fixed the few it already had. As a result after two years under our control Haven looked completely different. It was not only clean but fixed, and everyone behaved due to our droid army stacioned there.

Jetfire still had the Decepticon symbol in his chest but that worked for our advantage. While I still didn't wear any faction symbol but had gotten fame as someone not to mess around with thanks to the Furies and due to the combat droids on the station obeying my orders.

Of course, peace couldn't last, as we found out when we heard thar a group on stupid Autobots were heading to Haven to 'liberate it from Deception control.' Even if most people prefered us being in charge.

The group name? The Wreckers.
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The group name? The Wreckers.
Oh geez, you get a Hugs just for the thought of the coming clusterfuck.

Although, depending on which iteration of the Wreckers this is, you might have a chance with negotiating, especially if you can slide some High Grade their way from one of the bars on the station (assuming you can convince them you haven't poisoned it, that is). Other iterations... you'd have almost as bad a chance negotiating with as you would with the DJD, should they decide you belong on their List. If Whirl's around he could be a great help towards convincing them you're not that bad or he could decide to blow you up for shits and giggles, depending on his mood at the time - but he won't be the mostly emotionally-healed Whirl of post-war and tons of therapy, that's for sure.
Oh geez, you get a Hugs just for the thought of the coming clusterfuck.

The main problem is not dealing with those guys, is dealing with them without killing them since they are somewhat important characters and Scavenger doesn't want Megatron in power. Heck she would even accept Soundwave in control of Cybertron as long as Megatron was dead.

Scavenger had two years with access to Mid grade and High grade Energon. And for the time period she is, the Lone Star is quite powerful even if the ship still lacks Forcefields.

The Wreckers mostly used guerrlla tactics and were infamous for being so violent they made the Dinobots look like wussies.

That doesn't help them much against the Lone Star, that not only has external weapons but internal weapons systems poweful enough to kill bots of Jetfire "I am a spaceship" fame and also an AI who has if anything, less reasons than Scavenger does to keep them alive.

And if they go inside Haven instead, the Guardians and Abominaroids might just slow them down if they are smart about it, but that just means they get hold on the same place and hundreds of drones can use them for target practice.

Scavenger is really paranoid and she had two years to prepare with actual resources at hand.

I look forward to the meeting

Oh idefinitely is gonna be interesting.
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