Yes, please post your own Knights
ATTENTION: This is a blanket permission for posting your own tales of Clockwork Knights getting into various misadventures in whatever settings you feel like.

If you use a setting that I'm not doing anything with at the moment, you actually get a regular main-line Threadmark. Otherwise it's a Sidestory threadmark.
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DOOM 2 (Clockwork Knight Adamant)
(POV: Clockwork Knight Adamant)

It had been about thirty hours since I first met that green-armored individual. Since that time, my children had established a respectable starting fortress nearly a kilometer across, we'd proceeded to flood the environment nearby with so much Holy Mana that Daemons coming within twenty kilometers were starting to physically disintegrate just from being in the area, and we'd organized reconnaissance-in-force in patrols of fifty Knights and a couple VTOL gunships strong out to a radius of approximately two hundred kilometers.

It was on one of these patrols when my unit happened upon a sight that we honestly should have expected. Namely, a Hellrift. Immediately, I did my duty and called back to the Prime Beachhead "This is patrol AC33. We're 2.1 degrees clockwise of north at a range of 211 kilometers. We've found a Hellrift with a radius of 120 meters currently deploying Daemonic forces to another realm. Do we close it, or do we take it?"

It took mere seconds to get a reply of "Take and hold that Hellrift! We've authorized an additional force of a thousand Knights and appropriate vehicle support to come help you dig in, but until then your orders are to kill every single Daemon that tries to go through. Do you copy?"

I sent an affirmative response back, and then all Hell broke as we opened fire, using the tactical net to co-ordinate our fire for maximum carnage. Where before I was hard-pressed to keep up with the neverending tide of Daemons all on my own, now I had backup. LOTS of backup. As such, the searing beams of Holy-charged nuclear fire that carved across the canyon the Daemons were charging through thoroughly obliterated the most serious resistance in mere seconds, hundreds of "Hell Knights" and "Skull Launchers" being splattered into paste before they had any chance to react. All we needed to do now was hold the line against an unceasing stream of Daemons and take out the portal operators before they got the bright idea to close the rift.

I immediately volunteered for this, saying "I'm taking point on cleaning out the portal's operators. More volunteers for that would be appreciated."

Five more Knights came with me for this, and we blinked down into the canyon in search of stragglers. Almost immediately, we came across a tall sinister-looking Daemon with an enlarged cranium and spiky pauldrons. As said Daemon saw us approach, they immediately began trying to conjure up more Daemons. I immediately stated over the tac-net "Found an officer. We're taking this one alive for interrogation."

(POV: Third Person near a recently captured Arch-Vile)

The interrogation room was, generally speaking, rather barren. There were four metal walls, a floor, and a ceiling playing host to lighting strips. On one side of the only table in the room sat a Clockwork Knight. On the other side, an Arch-Vile was cuffed in place to keep them from causing trouble during the interrogation.

As they sat down, the Clockwork Knight noted "Words of Truth is now active. As such, deception will be impossible for the duration of the interrogation. First question, what is your name?"

Immediately, the Arch-Vile replied "I refuse to answer this question."

The Clockwork hummed for a few moments, before noting "Is there any particular reason for your refusal to answer, or are you simply being obstinate?"

Sneering, the Demon replied "We both know that you plan on killing me as soon as the interrogation ends. As long as that does not change, I will provide no useful information."

To this, the Clockwork replied "That is entirely contingent on your co-operation. In exchange for providing all the useful information you have, you will be kept as a prisoner of war instead of terminated. We will ensure that basic survival needs are met, and will only apply the force necessary to keep you confined. This is your final offer; either start talking or we start over with someone who will."

With that, the Arch-Vile grinned before saying "Understood. In answer to your first question, I am Degmanir. I am what is referred to as an Arch-Vile, and here's what I know about the current campaign."

The interrogation continued in this vein for several hours, the Clockworks quickly extracting every single piece of useful information from the Arch-Vile in question. As soon as that was done, Degmanir was shown to the newly constructed prison facility to remain in confinement for the foreseeable future.

(POV: Clockwork Knight Adamant)

While that Daemon we captured was getting hauled off to an interrogation facility and the additional forces we'd called for got to reinforcing the Hellrift, I and the rest of Patrol AC33 got ready to go on an interdimensional excursion. As we approached the portal, I asked one of my great-grandchildren "So, ready to go save a bunch of people from a Daemonic invasion?"

To this, Carrie replied "Absolutely." and with that we charged forwards through the rift. Moments later, we came out in the wreckage of what obviously used to be a city, and immediately got to ripping through every Daemon in sight. We had our beachhead, and we were going to make use of it to the best of our ability.

About twenty minutes of carnage later, I came across the interesting sight of a fireteam that most definitely weren't Clockworks shooting various weapons into the group of Daemons we were engaging from their opposite flank. A quick check of the Thematograph indicated that while they themselves weren't Daemonic, their gear was using tightly controlled Daemon energy for power. Interesting; I guess if they didn't have any better options they might turn to that out of desperation.

A few moments after finishing mulching the group of Daemons in question, I stowed my weapons aside from my shield before walking out into an open sightline. As I did so, I waved and called out "Greetings!"

Casually stepping on the remains of several Daemons and crushing them as I approached, I activated Words of Truth and said at high volume "I am Clockwork Knight Adamant. I've recently arrived in this region of the multiverse and started a campaign against the local hell dimension! I would like to speak with you! May I come up?"

After a few moments, one of the soldiers up on the balcony answered "Permission granted. We've already radioed command, so don't try anything."

With that, I teleported up next to the fireteam. As the troopers suddenly whirled around before lowering their weapons, I noted "Sorry for surprising you with the sudden teleport. Anyway, I've already given the basic introduction, but here's the more pertinent points. I am a Clockwork, a self-replicating sapient combat automaton created by the Socialist Republic of Amali in a far-flung part of the multiverse. We managed to fight off our local hell dimension, but in the process there was an unexpected dimensional anomaly that deposited me in the Hell you're currently having trouble with. My progeny and I are going to do everything in our power to put a stop to the current invasion and save as many people as possible, but we will be far more effective if allowed to co-ordinate with your organization. Yes, I know you've had your radio transmitting for this entire monolog."

There was a brief pause as the three men and two women in the squad stared at me for a brief moment. Then one of the men (blonde hair barely visible beneath helmet visor, green eyes, power-lifter's physique) hesitantly introduced themselves as "Sergeant Rod Jones. I'm with ARC; basically when the Demons invaded Doctor Hayden got all the militaries together and rolled us into ARC, and our clusterfuck of a military has been fighting an ever-encroaching Demonic force ever since."

Interesting, slight terminology differences regarding hellspawn. Well, I suppose I might as well use the local term.

Simulating a nod, I asked "Would you mind putting my patrol in contact with your high command then? There are Demons that need killing and the sooner we get properly co-ordinated the more good we can do."

With that Marie (one of the gunships attached to my patrol) landed and opened her side bay doors, revealing a good twenty Clockworks sitting on the benches inside. As she did so, she asked "Hey gramps! Made some new friends?"

As the five ARC soldiers looked on in total confusion and disbelief, I noted "I probably should have mentioned that my patrol is fifty Knights strong and has attached air transport."
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New chapters at NYANarchy!
So, in an effort to get a new forum off the ground, I am now posting chapters to NYANarchy a week before posting them here. As such, you can now read the next chapter of Scattered Gears at this link.

On the other hand, if you don't feel like going there I will eventually post the new chapters here, just later.
Regarding the move
The basic motive for the move to posting at NYANarchy first is because of Squishy's behavior. Even leaving aside any questions of decisions made in an administrative capacity, I've personally been there to witness multiple instances of them behaving in ways that would have gotten them infracted if they didn't own the site. This has included deliberately derailing otherwise interesting and well-reasoned discussions by deliberately antagonizing everyone in the thread on multiple occasions. A far more severe event involved them coming into a chat thread and threatening to permanently ban everyone in the thread the next time anyone mentioned lesbians. While I haven't personally seen any of this behavior in the last year or so, it still sticks with me.

Now that an alternative venue is actually available that I don't find repulsive (and isn't Royal Road), I'm moving my primary writing there.

EDIT: Apologies for not posting this explanation sooner. Was sleeping.
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Earth Bet 3
Earth Bet 3

(POV: Third Person near Contessa)

Step 201: set Dial-a-Yield to maximum

In a warehouse on an otherwise uninhabited Earth, Contessa was tinkering around with a piece of military hardware stolen from Earth Resh. It would be needed to fulfill Doctor Mother's orders to eliminate this "Clockwork Knight Catherine" by any means necessary.

Step 202: wire deadman signal receiver for initiator

It had already been proven that Parahumans would be nearly useless at directly engaging Catherine, and the idea of using conventional forces was... unworkable, to put it mildly.

Step 203: ready trapdoor beneath warhead

Fortunately, conventionals weren't the only option, as proven by the massive hundred-megaton thermonuclear warhead she was currently getting ready to deploy.

Step 204: say "Door to Toronto beneath trapdoor."
(POV: Clockwork Knight Catherine)

I was actually checking on a small child's scraped knee from a skating accident when I felt a small disturbance in my jamming field. Looking around, I quickly spotted a portal directly above me with a massive object falling through. Then the portal snapped shut and near-instantly the object started to glow with heat and Gamma rays. Barely a microsecond had passed, and already I knew that the falling device was a massive nuclear warhead in the process of initiating.

No time for anything physical, in mere milliseconds I and everyone here would be naught but vapor if this continued, but stopping a nuke in the process of going off was something I flat-out couldn't do. As I put my full power into accelerating my thoughts, I racked my brain for a solution to the problem. In fact, I almost wished I currently had a physically supported consciousness instead of being a Mana construct, because then my thoughts would be giving me extra Mana to work with instead of consuming it.

Wait, that's it. Souls are literally just the result of Mana patterning itself on a physically supported mind, thus allowing their consciousness to continue past the destruction of their original substrate. If I could just ensoul everyone here in the right way, they'd be able to carry on as Mana-based beings even after being obliterated. However, getting that much Mana is going to take WAY more energy than I can generate in such a short time.

My thoughts drifted back towards the rapidly expanding ball of nuclear fire that was currently a meter or so past the initial confines of the warhead. It had MORE than enough energy to work with. By spending half my reserve Mana I'd be able to enchant the blast to do the job of ensouling its victims, given how well a massive nuclear explosion synched with Atomic Clockwork thematics. However, this presented a new problem.

Namely, even if I converted everyone to Mana-based lifeforms, they would then need a constant supply of Mana to survive, and there flat out wouldn't be enough on the entirety of Earth Bet to keep everyone from starving until I got enough generation up and running. There had to be a solution for that... Wait, I'm using a nuclear explosion as the spell focus, with Atomic as the primary Thematic at play. I can just give everyone a tiny internal spark of nuclear fire and enchant their mana-based forms to harvest the resulting energy to self-sustain.

So, without further delay I immediately liberated half of my reserve Mana, equal to several hours of my normal output. I then shoved this massive surge into my general-purpose spell core. I could feel the hardware explosively disintegrating from sheer overload as I bludgeoned reality into compliance. Still, I managed to direct the massive surge of magic into the nuclear fireball, my thematograph indicating that I'd mostly succeeded in cursing the nuclear fireball to fail at actually killing anyone.

Still, that left me with the problem of getting myself out of here. I already was a Mana construct, and one with a theme tightly coupling my continued existence to the integrity of my hardware besides. I needed some way to keep my brain intact through this, and I'd already burned out my spell core, so I couldn't massively overload it again on a force field or something. The only other hardware that might do the job was my teleporter, and that had a range of only fifty meters under typical conditions.

...Under typical conditions. I'd already massively overloaded one system to the point that it blew apart into mono-atomic dust, why not my Blink module too? The range for Blink travel scaled with Mana input after all. For that matter, I'd go even further if I only teleported the absolute minimum of systems, since the Mana requirements also scaled with the volume to be transported. So I edited the settings on my Blink module to transport only my brain, one Repair Node, and one of my two reactors. That done, I dumped every single remaining scrap of reserve Mana I had into my teleportation effect.

Abruptly, every last sense I had aside from my repair readout cut out as I left behind the vast majority of my mass to be vaporized in a nuclear fireball. Still, the fact that I was still alive to think at all indicated that my plan worked and I hadn't gotten stuck in Pseudo-Space. As my self-repair system worked to bring me back to full functionality, I took the time to figure out what exactly I was going to do. Someone had just tried to kill me, and they were willing to kill millions of innocent civilians to do it. They needed to be stopped by any means necessary.

There was also the VERY concerning matter of the extradimensional group responsible for Parahuman powers. Before being nuked, I'd read the documentation, and it was clear that the way Parahuman powers were distributed was tailor-made to destroy society. I needed to lock down Earth Bet from their access ASAP.

As such, I changed the settings for my self-repair system. Namely, instead of trying to restore the Knight chassis template, I loaded the files for the Battleship configuration.

Enough fucking around, time to make some changes to the way things work around here.
(POV: Third Person near Emily Piggot)

Emily Piggot had been happily experimenting with her newfound magic on one of the PRT department's firing ranges for the past two hours or so. She'd already managed basic force fields, a few different magical ranged attacks, low-level telekinesis, and a couple simple conjuration tricks. As such, the power testers had swiftly arrived, Bureaucrats had followed and there was currently a massive argument over whether Emily was going to be classified as a Parahuman.

As far as Emily was concerned, such a classification was unthinkable, and she vehemently argued against it, stating "I am not a Parahuman. According to Catherine, the Mana I'm using is spreading uncontrollably, and within two years literally anyone will be able to pull off those tricks I just did and more."

At this, the infuriating pin-stripe wearing paper-pusher currently sneering at Emily remarked "That might be the case. However, as it stands, you currently are capable of demonstrating capabilities not explainable by normal human skill and mundane equipment. As such, you will be required to join the Protectorate roster if you intend on remaining in the PRT's employ."

Idly making a tiny ball of light and setting it to orbiting her hand, Emily remarked "If you do that, I'll make it a personal mission to teach Mana usage to as many PRT directors as possible. Let's see the Protectorate roster handle that sort of change."

The bureaucrat didn't get a chance to reply, since the room suddenly lit up WHITE with a deafening BANG. Emily could clearly sense a massive pulse of Mana accompanying the explosion a fraction of a second before she briefly lost her physical senses. She felt herself falling, and when the light died down enough to see after nearly a minute, she found herself at the bottom of a massive crater still glowing with heat along with hundreds of seemingly unharmed PRT personnel, plenty of other people dotting the landscape further away. Then she took a closer look at her colleagues as she helped one of the power-testers to their feet.

Everyone was radiating Mana in large amounts. Couple this with a surreptitious experiment showing that she could physically phase her hands through each other, and Emily had a sneaking suspicion about what just happened.

So, when one of the troopers from Ellisburg asked to no-one in particular, "Ugh, what just happened?" Emily had an answer.

Namely, she gestured around at the devastation, answering "I'm pretty sure we just died in a nuclear fireball, though apparently we somehow got off on a technicality."

Want more Scattered Gears? It's available at NYANarchy!
MCU 1 (LordCirce)
ATTENTION: This is a blanket permission for posting your own tales of Clockwork Knights getting into various misadventures in whatever settings you feel like.

If you use a setting that I'm not doing anything with at the moment, you actually get a regular main-line Threadmark. Otherwise it's a Sidestory threadmark.
I am taking you up on this. Not sure if there will actually be a Part 2, but here it goes.


(POV: Clockwork Knight Aspacia)

I had already been airborne when the command came to pulse my dimensional jammer, having been battered aside by a particularly large demon that had resisted massed Holy Plasma long enough to barrel through the fortifications of myself and the squad I had been working with. My trajectory had me flying directly towards a large outcropping of rock, but I prioritized pulsing the jammer over trying to correct my course, as my sensors indicated that the rock was weakened enough by the expanding presence of the Hellrift to pose no actual danger to my chassis.

The moment after I pulsed the dimensional jammer, the approaching rockface was abruptly replaced with a view of a large cityscape, full of multiple towering buildings that I was now falling towards. Next to me, a metallic figure was also falling. At first, I took him for a fellow Clockwork Knight in a heavily-modified chassis. However, my Mana Thematograph was detecting no trace of "Atomic Clockwork" from him, instead showing fading traces of "SPACE". It wasn't true Mana, either, but some energy that seemed to have somewhat similar properties. I had similarly fading traces of this strange "SPACE" energy on myself, which I saved a record of to examine later, as they may provide insight into the abrupt shift in my location.

The armored warrior appeared to be unconscious, so I performed a quick reconfiguration of my chassis to create small manuevering jets, which I then used to position myself next to him, before firing them all to both slow my trajectory, and shift towards the roof of a nearby building. My sensors had revealed that my fellow victim of gravity was in fact a human within a power armored suit, which had a startling high amount of power running through it, given the general lack of Mana. Up close, I could feel an energy similar to the fading trace of "SPACE" coming from the center of his chest.

I didn't have time to think more on that, or on actually reaching the roof, as a massive radiation signature suddenly came hurtling up towards both of us. I shifted to try and block the approaching signature with my chassis, only for the signature to be revealed to be a large troll-like being, glowing green and bellowing in anger. Some sort of high-powered mutant? Regardless, it swung an arm that struck with tremendous force, knocking me away from the falling figure, which it then proceeded to grab itself and cradle against its body while crashing into the side of one of the buildings. A few moments of quick analysis concluded that this was probably an ally of the falling man, who might have thought I was a threat.

Regardless, I focused on maneuvering with my remaining jets and started to focus on rebuilding the ruin of the arm and side of my torso that had been crushed in by the radioactive giant's casual backhand.


This world was fascinating. The technological levels were extremely high, especially considering that it had been achieved, as far as my sensors could determine, entirely without magic. There did seem to be a stigma against atomic power, caused by its use in horribly destructive weapons and the remnants that were left behind from the materials that couldn't simply be banished via Mana usage.

That said, the world itself was still plagued with numerous problems, the 'alien' invasion that had occured just before my arrival being merely the latest. So, one of my first priorities would be to find somewhere suitable for establishing a factory to begin ramping up production, to thus allow for the development of a suitable force to help with defending the planet.

First, however, I wished to determine precisely what was happening with Mana. Theoretical models for mana-producing materials (such as my body) introduced into a Mana-free environment predicted that the Mana would end up infusing the environs, and gradually begin turning the inert materials into Mana-producers of an appropriate theme. Small scale tests of this theory, involving careful neutralization of Mana within a bounded area and then introduction of non-inert materials, has verified the basic concept, but for some reason, it did not appear to be actually happening here.

I was still generating Mana, and it was saturating the nearby environment. However, rather than the exponentially increasing "Mana saturation wave" that the theories would predict, the Mana produced seemed to simply vanish after getting a certain distance away, or after I'd left the area for a short amount of time, and the Mana levels themselves seemed to be rising far too slowly, comparative to my actual output.

Careful scanning with my Mana Thematograph and Dimensional Sensors had eventually identified a strange barrier that seemed to be the source, or at least a key factor, in this strange lack of Mana build-up. The barrier seemed to be absorbing any of the Mana to strengthen itself, removing it before it could properly begin to expand. Careful experimental testing and comparison against recorded baselines showed that it did not seem to be measurably affecting my own performance, but it still demonstrated an ability to control and manipulate Mana on a massive scale, something that I was naturally wary of and desired to discover more about.

However, it might be more appropriate to state that it demonstrated an ability to control Mana-like energy, as the actual substance of the barrier was giving strangely anomalous readings to my Mana Thematograph. The best analogy would be that it was like the difference between two human languages. Both were made up of structures of sounds, but the fundamental basics of grammar and word construction could be entirely different. Similarly, this energy had similarities to Mana, but the readings it gave were effectively nonsensical to the Mana Thematograph. I was confident, however, that it would be understandable once I had a change to study and properly calibrate to it.

For this purpose, I'd made my way to a location where my sensors indicated that the barrier was anchored. It was relatively close-by, within the city I'd arrived in, and I was hopeful that I could use it to further study this strange cousin energy to Mana, and perhaps make peaceful contact with the designers / maintainers of the barrier. From what I was able to glean, the barrier seemed to be primarily defensive in nature against some threat, with the absorption of excess Mana seeming to be a side-effect rather than an intended feature.

The location in question was a fairly ornate looking building that glowed in the senses of my Mana Thematograph, with a concept rather close to a mix of "Defense" and "Knowledge" seeming to be the most strong. I had started to approach, when the door to the building open, and a female human stepped out. She lacked the long hair typical to most human women, and was wearing a plain looking robe. She smiled as she spoke up.

"Hello. I'd been hoping that you'd stop by. Won't you come in?"


Ok, so this is a concept omake, that I'm not sure how much I will actually build on, but the basic idea is that I thought it would be interesting to see a Clockwork Knight showing up in a world where their mere presence didn't immediately lead to 'magic everywhere'. Thus, this idea about how the Sorcerer Supreme's Barrier interacts with Mana. The basic idea is not that Mana is no-sold by MCU Magic or anything, but rather that, as far as the barrier is concerned, Mana is just another flavor of interdimensional energy, which it ends up drawing into itself to strengthen itself. The effect would be less strong if she wasn't in New York (or London or Seoul), and if she left Earth entirely, the whole 'Mana overflow' would start up just like everywhere else, but this was a sort of conceit that would allow for a story focused on other advantages besides the magic system most of the Knights naturally bring along with them. And there is still the chance that those that spend a lot of time around her (*cough*Avengers*cough*) could potentially end up reaching enough of a exposure threshold to begin to produce Mana on their own.
Potterverse 3
(POV: Third Person near Harry Potter)

Harry was currently asleep, though he wasn't aware of this fact. Instead, he was aware of Beryl telling him "I made a mistake adopting you. Get in the rocket."

In the distorted nightmarish version of the moon dome, Harry cried out "No! I want to stay here with you!"

The darkened Beryl turned towards Harry, her three mechanical eyes totally devoid of feeling as she said in Uncle Vernon's voice "You listen to me, boy! You are going in that rocket!" before lashing out with blinding speed and grabbing him by the wrist.

Harry woke up shuddering in his new bedroom. The sheets were warm and fuzzy, the mini-fabber for decorations was still on the desk next to the personal computer, and the space suit was hung neatly on its pole. As for Beryl, she immediately pulled Harry into a hug, pulling him in to squish against her moderately-sized breasts even as her long brown hair gently settled. After a few moments, Beryl asked "Did you have another nightmare?"

Looking up into the eyes of Beryl's new Mediator-class Chassis, Harry nodded as he answered "Yeah..."

Releasing Harry from the hug, Beryl's antenna changed angles slightly, giving an impression somewhere between the pointed ears of a Tolkienian elf and a cat who was somewhat concerned. As she did so, she asked "Do you want to tell me about it?"

Another nod from Harry, before he told the story of his horrific dream, tears streaking down his face as he told every sordid detail. This whole time, Beryl was there for him, gently rubbing his back between the sobs. After a few moments, Beryl said "Don't worry, the nightmares aren't real. I won't be leaving you. Anyway, Jerry made breakfast if you want to come downstairs."

A few seconds later, Harry answered "Yes mum." got up from the bed and followed Beryl to the commissary, the magical nanotech pajamas he wore cleaning him as he walked. When he got there, Jerry (a bright red Clockwork Knight in a chef's hat) called out from behind the counter "Okay kids, this morning's breakfast is ready. We've got fried potato patties, yogurt, scrambled eggs, and cubed melons. Drinks include synthmilk and orange juice."

As Harry walked up to the counter and started loading his breakfast tray with food, he asked the Clockwork cook "How'd stargazing go?"

Chuckling, Jerry answered "Stargazing went great! With the rest of the astronomy club I got that new space telescope with the hundred meter aperture up and running last rest period. We've found a few planets around distant stars already even without that, and the explorers are already gearing up to send a probe to this one red dwarf we've found with seven semi-Earthlike planets."

As he finished loading up his tray, Harry replied "Neat! Think there'll be any field trips soon?"

To this, Jerry shrugged and remarked "No clue. Now go eat before your food gets cold."

A few moments later, Harry sat down at one of the tables directly across from Rachel, a seven year old girl who'd found herself unceremoniously nominated Big Sister by both Harry and a Chinese girl by the name of Biyu. A few hours under Words of Truth to learn each others' languages, and they were able to talk without issue. Either way, as he sat down, Rachel asked "You look like you had a rough night Harry. Nightmares again?"

After a moment, Harry nodded, prompting Biyu to gently put a hand on his shoulder and ask "Want to talk about something happier? For instance, I'm wondering what classes we'll be having today. Personally, I'm hoping for combat training, since I really enjoy the obstacle courses and other activities."

Smiling, Harry said "Yeah, combat training is fun, but I'm really hoping for more casting practice. According to mum I'm starting to develop enough atomic clockwork theming that my insides will start going cyborg soon."

Idly playing with a tiny ice spell between her fingers and zapping it with tiny bolts of lightning, Rachel couldn't help but chuckle as she said "True, that's always a blast. Still, we did casting practice yesterday, and the teachers don't tend to have the same thing multiple days in a row."

That's when Beryl made her presence known at the front of the room again and said "Guess what kids? Today's a Practical Sciences day. In particular, today's subject is nuclear reactions. Once we've all learned the theoreticals, everyone's going to be designing thermonuclear warheads based on what they learned, and we'll use them to blow up some asteroids. Now who's excited?"
(POV: Third Person near Ramy Al Sayed)

It was a cold night in Cairo, as Ramy looked up at the stars. The moon looked a bit bluer than it used to, but Ramy was more concerned with finding a safe alley to sleep in tonight. It wasn't supposed to be this way, the Sayeds were the largest magical family in Egypt, and he'd been the heir apparent. Then it turned out that he couldn't do magic, and Ramy had been turned out onto the streets with the none-too-subtle impression that his family wanted him to die in a ditch somewhere.

That was six years ago. With no legal identity, no money, no job, no education, and no way to acquire any of the above, Ramy had found himself living a life of begging and petty theft just to survive. He'd occasionally considered tracking down his estranged family and lobbing a firebomb through their window, but that wouldn't solve anything. Also, they were wizards, and had probably enchanted their homes to prevent that sort of thing.

So, Ramy simply set down his bag, unrolled the tattered old sleeping bag he'd managed to come by a few years ago, and settled in to sleep. That's when he heard a man ask "Do you need any assistance? That can't be comfortable." without the slightest hint of sarcasm or mockery in their voice.

Turning to look, Ramy was shocked to see not the young man he'd expected, but a three-eyed mechanical being sitting in the alley next to him with their legs crossed. After a few seconds, Ramy asked "Was it you who just spoke?"

At this, the machine nodded and said "Yes. I am Clockwork Knight Kles. You seem to be rather down on your luck, and I was wondering if I could help." Again, there wasn't the slightest hint of sarcasm or malice, and Ramy simply didn't know what to think of it.

After a few moments, Ramy bitterly said "If you could give me a future worth having, that would be appreciated. My family tossed me out when it turned out I couldn't use magic, and I've got no way to meet any of the requirements for joining society properly. I'm stuck. I don't know why I'm telling you all this."

Indeed, he didn't know why he was saying this. Perhaps he simply needed someone to vent to, and he wasn't quite as worried about being judged by a machine than he was about being judged by another human.

After another few moments, Kles noted "I could actually help you with that, though it involves bringing you somewhere other than Egypt. I am not the only Clockwork. We're building a new society on the moon, and willing to take in anyone who wishes to come. If you're willing to come with me, you'll be in a place where all necessities for a fulfilling life are provided free of charge simply because taking care of people is the entire point of having a society in the first place." Again, not the slightest hint of deception whatsoever.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Ramy asked "How are you getting to the moon? I didn't think that was even possible."

Simulating a nod, Kles answered in complete sincerity "The first few trips were made using rockets, but we've finally got a Pathway hub set up. I just need a minute or so to make the receiving frame, and I can open a door straight to the moon for the both of us."

Silently, Ramy simply nodded. Kles got the hint almost immediately and retrieved a few parts from... somewhere that they began fitting together into something very much like a doorframe with a button off to one side. After a few moments, the frame was suddenly filled with light revealing a beautiful hanging garden under a clear ceiling, rows of archway frames between the plants. Inside, Ramy could see various people milling about, both human and Clockwork.

After a few moments of Ramy simply staring in awe, Kles noted "It's a door, not a window. It won't take you anywhere if you don't go through it."

And so, after a few moments, Ramy stepped through the portal.
(POV: Mel, Mediator)

My visit to Moscow was currently going fairly well, all things considered. I was currently wearing a Mediator-Class Chassis inspired by what Beryl had come up with for childcare purposes, though I'd opted for slightly smaller breasts on account of not needing the added huggability cushioning, along with electric blue hair. Either way, I was here on official business; it had taken a few weeks, but I finally had an appointment scheduled with the Politburo. Hopefully they were more reasonable than that Reagan man Xifen had to deal with; apparently the meeting hadn't gone very well.

Musings aside, I'd arrived about half an hour ahead of schedule, and had spent the time idly analyzing the architectural style of the room I was waiting in. I was pretty sure I'd pinpointed where all the structure's load-bearing members were and figured out a bunch of other things regarding how the building was constructed, but I had no intention of exploiting that knowledge at the moment. Either way, right on schedule a functionary came in and informed me "The politburo will see you now."

Nodding as I stood up, I said "Thank you for telling me. Is this the correct room number?" as I held out a note that had been printed regarding where and when the meeting would take place.

Looking at the note, the man told me "No, the meeting was moved due to unexpected plumbing troubles that resulted in the room in question being closed for maintenance. Follow me."

I did so, and soon found myself in a meeting room with six members of the Soviet Politburo. I could recognize Mikhail Gorbachev, Vitaly Vorotnikov, Andrei Gromyko, Dinmukhamed Kunaev, Nikolai Ryzhkov, and Eduard Shevardnadze. Apparently the rest had other business they were attending to at the moment, which was fair. Apparently Politburo members were also involved in other organizations as a matter of course.

As I sat down, I introduced myself, the typical formalities were observed, and after a few moments I began my presentation, using projection spells to provide the visual aids. Topics covered included the spread of Mana, how teaching Conjuration to the people would improve living standards across the entire Soviet Union, the impending collapse of the Wizarding World's ability to maintain secrecy and the bloodbath we were trying to prevent, and offers to provide economic and educational support.

When I was done, I turned towards the men staring at me in something resembling awe and asked "So, sorry for the half hour of non-stop talking; I don't actually have lungs, so it didn't occur to me to stop for breath. Does anyone have any questions?"

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Outer Wilds
(A/N: Decided I didn't much like writing in Halkeginia. I'm therefore re-purposing its slot for 'one-shot' settings.)
(POV: Clockwork Knight Marina)

I arrived in extremely close proximity to a star, barely having time to process my impending doom before I collided with a large space station at a few dozen meters per second. Grabbing on for dear life, I quickly clambered around the outside of the space station until I eventually found an entrance. As soon as that happened I climbed inside, feeling great relief at no longer being in immediate danger of falling into the sun. Huh, looks like there's some writing around here, along with a few long-dead skeletons. I suppose I might as well do some reading while I was here.

While it did take a bit of fiddling with Words of Truth to get the text legible, I was both enraged and saddened when I learned that the station I was on was designed to explode a sun as some sort of science experiment. Clearly, these people were absolutely crushed by their failure. I was just about to leave when someone in a brown patched-together space suit showed up and shouted at me "The sun explodes in fifteen minutes! Get to Timber Hearth and evacuate everyone there, I'll collect the rest of the astronauts. Meet the other astronauts at the White Hole Station, I'll be at the Eye of the Universe, now go!"

With that, the space-suited figure booked it at their top speed, and I followed. As I ran, I reconfigured myself for vacuum travel; the instant I was clear of the sun station, I started boosting prograde, soon getting away from the star. Apparently this universe had a higher gravitational constant, because damn that star was tiny. Similarly, so were the planets. Admittedly I didn't know just from being yelled at which one was Timber Hearth, but seeing as only one planet had an entirely breathable atmosphere and a visible village, I immediately made my trajectory there, budding off a massive shuttle around myself as I went.

Diving through the atmosphere, I touched down right in the middle of the village and immediately jumped out. I swiftly saw everyone backing away, and in response I fired up Words of Truth at maximum power as I shouted "The sun will explode in just over ten minutes! Get everyone onto the ship in five minutes along with the absolutely necessary provisions; I can duplicate them with a starting sample! Now hurry!" I couldn't afford for a single person to doubt me on this.

Immediately, everyone started dashing around, and I grabbed one particular Hearthian as I asked "Do you know if there are any others outside the village on this planet?"

Looking up at me, the terrified Hearthian answered "Yes, Tektite went to investigate a disturbance at Youngbark Crater and someone needs to go get him!"

Simulating a nod, I answered "Understood, I will go." With that I activated my Blink module to teleport fifty meters straight up and activated my thruster array, quickly scooting around the entire tiny planet until I found a crater that fit the bill with a Hearthian heat signature inside. As soon as I did so, I touched down next to the shocked Hearthian and asked "Are you Tektite?"

At this, the four-eyed alien simply nodded, before I said "Hold on tight, the sun's going to explode in a few minutes, and I'm evacuating everyone."

With that, I spent a little reserve Mana to overclock my Blink module and teleport the both of us right back to the village. As I entered the ship, I quickly counted the sixteen Hearthians in the hold now and asked "Is everyone here?"

After a few moments, everyone eventually agreed "Yes, we're all here."

In response, I replied "Understood, then we're blasting off to wait for your astronauts to meet us at the White Hole Station." and with that I fired the thrusters for the evacuation ship, the vessel shaking as we ascended. As far as actually finding the White Hole Station was concerned, that was easy as it could be. So, I parked the ship over there. Sure enough, a minute or so later two different spacecraft of Hearthian origin arrived. I quickly modified the evacuation ship to have them docked, and started boosting out of the solar system at maximum thrust. Then I noticed the head count reporting the time-looping Hearthian as missing, along with a radio signal from deep space calling out in their voice.
(POV: The Hearthian)

This was the third loop during which I had encountered Clockwork Knight Marina, and the second during which I had coordinated the evacuation. The first time I spent utterly confused and asking the Clockwork a massive number of questions; by the time we'd arrived at a course of action it was too late, and the sun consumed the station with both of us on it. The second time we had successfully managed to get everyone past the reach of the supernova, only for me to find myself getting pulled back in time regardless.

Another several loops passed as I tracked down a way to turn off the Ash Twin Project and rehearsed how I would rescue Feldspar from the Dark Bramble. I had quickly determined that the added time it took for me to get into the Ash Twin Project would make getting Feldspar out using my ship rather impractical given the time constraints involved and the need to avoid the Anglerfish. On the other hand, I knew where the Nomai Vessel was, and the Ash Twin Project had a compatible Warp Core. For that matter, I knew the co-ordinates to reach the Eye of the Universe, so I might as well also retrieve Solanum from the Quantum Moon while I was at it.

This was the final loop. The absolute first thing I did was rocket off to where Chert was camped out on Ember Twin. As soon as I landed next to him, I told him "Chert, the sun explodes in twenty minutes. I need you to get Esker, Gabbro and Riebeck to the White Hole Station for evacuation, especially Esker and Gabbro, since Esker doesn't have a ship and Gabbro misplaced his."

Chert immediately startled and asked "Are you sure? And what about everyone else?"

Nodding, I said "I'm sure. As for everyone on Timber Hearth, there's someone arriving on the Sun Station who can handle that as soon as I get there. Now go!"

Immediately, Chert got up and dashed for his ship. Meanwhile, I sprinted for mine and made the hop to Ash Twin; I could hypothetically do this faster using my ship, but that put me at risk of losing it, and I still needed it. So as soon as the sand levels got low enough I dashed through the door for the tower, over the still-buried cacti, and through the teleporter to the Sun Station. Quickly I sprinted through the corridors, EVA'd across the gap, and encountered Marina in her blue-painted glory.

I still wasn't quite clear how she understood me, but when I shouted "The sun explodes in fifteen minutes! Get to Timber Hearth and evacuate everyone there, I'll collect the rest of the astronauts. Meet the other astronauts at the White Hole Station, I'll be at the Eye of the Universe, now go!" she didn't need to ask for confirmation, she just started moving.

Now was when our paths diverged, Marina rocketing off to Timber Hearth even as I dashed back through the teleporters to get at the core of the Ash Twin Project. I had the apocalypse-powered time machine shut down in less than forty seconds, and with its warp core in hand I made a mad dash for my ship and into the depths of Dark Bramble. Now came the tricky part.

The fog was thick and gloomy, occasionally revealing horrifying Anglerfish through the viewport. Still, my signalscope pulled through, and I managed to reach Feldspar's camp in fairly short order. As soon as I did so I told him "Feldspar, get in my ship now! The sun's exploding in about six minutes and I'm not leaving without you!"

He barely had time to argue before I started shoving him into the ship and he got the hint. As soon as I was back in the ship and navigating towards the Nomai vessel, he asked "So Hatchling, where are we going, and what's this Nomai doohickey with the two boxes on the ends?"

As I navigated past the trio of Anglerfish I answered "That's an Advanced Warp Core, and we're taking it to the vessel the Nomai arrived in. We'll be using it to warp right out of here; everyone else should be clear of the blast by now."

Mildly surprised, Feldspar asked "You know how to fly a Nomai starship?"

Shrugging as the Vessel came into view, I answered "Well, I've only ever flown their shuttles, but I have a pretty solid idea of how to work Nomai technology. You grab the radio and I'll grab the warp core, we're entering through that hull breach."

With that, we fueled up our jetpacks, opened the hatch, and exited my ship for the last time. I navigated us through the corpse-filled corridors with ease, quickly arriving at the warp core socket. The process of warping the ship took a mere forty seconds including entering the coordinates for the Eye of the Universe. The wormhole opened, and after the wrenching distortion of warp travel we were clear of Dark Bramble.

I let go of tension I didn't know I was holding, and said "If the radio's on, everyone should be coming to meet us on the evac ship in a little while. In the meantime, feel free to ask whatever you like."
(POV: Solanum)

On the surface of the Quantum Moon's sixth location, Solanum waited, unsure of how much time had passed. The fact that her shuttle had started flickering around the Moon when not observed was a distinctly unsettling one, as it indicated that she had been present here for far longer than she had thought. As a direct corollary of that point, the prospect of getting on the shuttle and leaving the Quantum Moon seemed particularly unwise.

Lost in thought, Solanum wondered if she would be stuck here forever, before she suddenly noticed an oddity in the form of the moon's ambient light briefly reaching a blinding searing blue before dimming to nothing, though for all she knew it could have been much longer. That was in and of itself distinctly worrying, as it indicated that something rather bizarre had happened to the system's star. It was the only source of light here on the Quantum Moon, after all.

Before the panic could get too severe however, Solanum found herself treated to a rather bizarre sight in the form of two figures walking towards her. The first was clearly a space-suited individual of a species she did not recognize, while the other was a large, bulky machine, loaded down with weaponry.

The mechanical being turned towards Solanum and inexplicably glowed golden yellow, saying "Greetings. I am Clockwork Knight Marina. My companion and I have made this journey to the Quantum Moon in order to rescue you."

Solanum thought furiously for a moment, before asking "How do you know my language? I have never met either of your species before, and if you had any contact with living Nomai at least one of them would be with your rescue party."

The answer Solanum got was far from what she expected, as the mechanical being replied "I do not know your language, and am not speaking it. Instead, I am locally altering the underlying nature of reality so as to facilitate communication without need of such things. As a side effect, deception is completely impossible while this effect is in place. In addition, you are correct in your inference that we have not met any living Nomai aside from yourself. All Nomai in-system aside from yourself perished completely roughly 2.4*10^5 years ago. The cause was a highly dangerous form of exotic matter released from a comet that had recently been captured by the system primary."

There was a pause for several moments, as Solanum digested this information, before she noted "That would be consistent with my hypothesis that I am not entirely alive, as bizarre as that may sound. It does raise the question of how you knew enough to come find me here, though."

That is when the space-suited visitor spoke up, noting "That would be on account of my actions, mostly. On account of the sun naturally going supernova, I wound up paired with the Ash Twin Project, getting caught up in the resulting time loop. This is not the first loop in which I have found you here on the Quantum Moon, but it is the first time that the evacuation was a complete success."

Unexpectedly, Solanum found herself heaving, unsure if she was laughing or crying as the full impact of what she had just been told slammed home. Every other Nomai in the system was dead, and she was mostly dead. Indeed, the only reason these people were even here to talk to her was on account of all her friends and family dying before they could disassemble the Ash Twin Project.

After a few minutes of this, the last of the Nomai asked "If all the Nomai are dead, then why are you even bothering to rescue me? I'm just an unliving relic of a race long gone. For that matter, how are you even planning to do so? After all, leaving the sixth position will just put me into one of my deceased quantum states."

At this, the Clockwork Knight spoke up, noting "We are here to rescue you because no matter what, no sapient being deserves to be trapped and alone for all eternity. An additional factor is that there is evidence for the survival of other Nomai clans aside from your own. As for how, we've already determined that getting you out physically is non-viable, so the only option is to extract you as a mind-state and put you in a new body. As it happens, I have a pretty good idea of how to achieve that, though I will only do so with your consent."

Regaining a bit of composure, Solanum asked "How long until the clone will be ready? I don't want to be stuck here any longer than absolutely necessary."

Marina answered "Your new body will be less of a clone and more of a Mana construct, so making it will be extremely quick. That said, to ensure that it is actually you inhabiting it and not simply a mind-twin will require your body here to die. Additional local alterations to the laws of reality have been made to ensure that it will actually be you waking up in your new body as a result."

Solanum hesitated, before she answered "Do it."

Marina replied "This will hurt only briefly." before suddenly drawing their sword and decapitating Solanum in a flicker of motion.

The next thing Solanum knew, she was waking up in a soft bed.

In front of her sat both Marina and the Hearthian who had been caught in the time loop, both looking at her. The Hearthian asked "How do you feel, Solanum?"

Thinking for a few moments, Solanum simply answered "I feel alive."
(POV: Clockwork Knight Marina)

I'd expanded the evacuation ship to comfortably hold all the Hearthians and Solanum in the orbit of the Eye of the Universe, complete with a habitat bay designed to be mostly comfortable to the Hearthians making up most of my passengers. Now it was simply a matter of deciding what to do next.

As the stars blinked out one by one, I noted "So, this universe is obviously dying. Obviously sticking around isn't a good idea, and I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to punch a rift to elsewhere."

After a few moments, Solanum asked "Is that really necessary? The Eye of the Universe is right there, and it seems to have a stable wormhole in the form of that quantum vortex."

Nodding, I answered "The problem is where that wormhole leads. Namely, it leads to a pocket of weirdly altered pseudo-space that will react to a conscious mind to make a new universe. I can absolutely guarantee that whoever jumps in the Eye of the Universe won't survive the process, and the universe it creates won't reach habitable conditions for an unacceptably long time."

After a few moments, Esker commented "Well, you seem pretty set on that solution of yours, so you might as well get on with it. That said, it'd be polite to leave the portal open once we're through and set up a beacon saying where the exit is so any stragglers aren't stuck."

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HALO 1 (TrueGuardian32)
HALO 1 | Clockwork Knight Evenile

The hell rift brought me to a new world. Not much to tell on that, the world didn't seem to have any intelligent life, only animals. The Mana has already begun spreading since I first arrived. My children have been spreading across the world, turning it into our own. Keeping the rights that our creator believed in. Protect the Innocent. With no one to protect but ourselves, we decided to focus inwards. Developing our world and spreading across it. Forming a sprawling civilization in a couple of years. Originally we were all war focused since I had just been in a battle against the forces of Hell. I did a few theme pings, only finding Nature and Space pings. Well. That was until we started to explore the north pole of this world. Finding a ruin, the researchers' Clockworks came and requested my presence.

The ruins were massive, and somehow in working condition. Whoever these beings were, they had knowledge over us in engineering. The Theme pings told us Ancient, Technological, Slip space, and Light. The first time anyone has ever seen the Technological or Slip space themes I think. Immediately I set this as a high priority target. We have never seen any sapient beings here. Which means something must have happened. So we gathered our best research Clockworks to figure out what this place was.

Eventually, we found the Monitor... Or more like it found us. It talked on and on about the Forerunners and the Inheritors. Apparently it was waiting for the Inheritors, the Monitor found our existence interesting, as it had no idea how we came to be on this world. The Hellrift wasn't detected on scanners apparently. It took a bit to get the Monitor to tell us what happened to these Forerunners.

And then, we were back to our old goals. Protect the innocent. This Flood can't be extinct, as according to the Monitor they take over nervous systems, these HALO super weapons don't destroy the flood. They deny it food. Which means the Flood is still out there. And if it could absorb the knowledge of the fallen Forerunners, that meant it had access to the Forerunners tech. So we began to reverse engineer the Forerunner structure and its sentinels. The materials were amazing, decades ahead of anything we had. It took us five years before we were even able to replicate the materials. Once we figured out, we replaced our chassis.

From there we began to workout Slipspace, however, we found that using Mana to create pocket dimensions and launching our ships through them, was much faster than slip space. It worked on the same mechanics, but pocket dimensions were safer, and they didn't end with ships disappearing. After fifty years since I arrived, the Clockwork Legion had risen once more, taking to Space, exploring the great beyond with the goal of protecting the innocent. Our Legions armada currently had three Dreadnoughts and seven cruisers. It would grow greater once the Spacial Forges were complete. Our spread was inevitable. Once the parasite returned, we would eradicate it. We are the Clockwork Legion, we protect the innocent.