With the added mess that removing all exalted just means Creation falls to one of its external enemies and mortals end up even worse off, yeah.
Aleph has a great post here on the subject of Saving Creation that seems somewhat relevant.
With the added mess that removing all exalted just means Creation falls to one of its external enemies and mortals end up even worse off, yeah.
I am, shockingly, not a huge fan of the Dynasts. For the most part, in my estimation, the Dragon-Blooded are doing exactly the same thing that they tore down the Solar/Lunar pairs for doing, only they're doing it behind the veil of religion, which makes it even more personally offensive.
I'm not going to say that they were wrong to stop the Solars. The Great Curse made them do terrible things with the power they were granted. But, well, for your average mortal on the ground, "here comes the new boss, same as the old boss," with maybe a little more leeway because a Heroic Mortal might scrape out a win against a DB once in a while.
You could always try to pursue a career as a reformer, using the influence and access of your new position to help reshape Dynastic society. That sort of story is a DB classic for a reason, after all. Sure you'll make enemies in the process, but I hardly think it's a spoiler to say that it is impossible to keep every faction in the Scarlet Dynasty happy with you at the same time.
Don't be silly, such thing can only get us killed.
What we should do is accumulate as much influence and wealth as we can, selling satrapies to get loyal supporters andworking to get all our opponents disgraced or executed.
My issue here is that I'm concerned that trying to execute that sort of sweeping societal change is more likely than any other course of action to consolidate our enemies into a single bloc. We can't effect truly meaningful change if three-quarters of the houses are dead-set on sabotaging our every attempt and simultaneously teaching all their children the old ways. With no public school system or wide-ranging media influence, we have no way to effectively counter the brainwashing parents are capable of in regards to their offspring, and as entertaining as the image or attempt might be, we can't out-breed an entire nation.You could always try to pursue a career as a reformer, using the influence and access of your new position to help reshape Dynastic society. That sort of story is a DB classic for a reason, after all. Sure you'll make enemies in the process, but I hardly think it's a spoiler to say that it is impossible to keep every faction in the Scarlet Dynasty happy with you at the same time.
The problem is that trying to push through any kind of meaningful reform before getting enough of a powerbase will just get us killed and any changes reversed. We can maybe get something done if it looks harmless enough, universally popular enough, and/or something that we look like we've been manipulated into so the blame fall on someone else and we just look like a paw that can be subverted instead of removed.In other words, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." Because hey, just because the Solars are coming back and the Neverborn and the Yozis are starting to make their moves and the Realm doesn't have the Sword of Creation to fall back on with Her Redness gone, doesn't mean that doing the exact same divide-and-conquer, everyone-at-each-other's-throats crap that put the Realm in the sorry shape it is now won't somehow make things better.
My issue here is that I'm concerned that trying to execute that sort of sweeping societal change is more likely than any other course of action to consolidate our enemies into a single bloc. We can't effect truly meaningful change if three-quarters of the houses are dead-set on sabotaging our every attempt and simultaneously teaching all their children the old ways. With no public school system or wide-ranging media influence, we have no way to effectively counter the brainwashing parents are capable of in regards to their offspring, and as entertaining as the image or attempt might be, we can't out-breed an entire nation.
I suppose setting up a functioning public school system at a level below the Academy would be a decent start, though...pick our successor...I suppose my real issue here is that what I want is for the problem to already be fixed so I don't have to deal with it. XD
is immortality/extremely extended lifespan for DB's going to be as easy to get as in canon
Thanks Maugan.
@Maugan Ra is immortality/extremely extended lifespan for DB's going to be as easy to get as in canon in this (2e: Hearthstone. 3e: Get the Bronze faction to do a ritual restoring youth)? Because if it is we have a clear best option; Get such a thing to Cathak Cainan or that one Wood aspect Sorcerer (I think he was a Ragara, and is the head of the Heptagram, and is one of the DB's who everyone says would be an easy pick for Emperor if he weren't so old).
I wouldn't call a Solar Circle Working "easy to get".
For roughly 40 Sidereals working together and a not-insignificant amount of Heaven's resources? I'd call it pretty easy. The hardest part would be the scheduling (read: Bribes), and even that would be manageable when the alternative is Realm Civil War.
You are implying the Sids would bother exposing themselves to us or that the Great Curse would allow them to effectively prevent devestation on the scale of a Realm Civil WarFor roughly 40 Sidereals working together and a not-insignificant amount of Heaven's resources? I'd call it pretty easy. The hardest part would be the scheduling (read: Bribes), and even that would be manageable when the alternative is Realm Civil War.
Well they don't all have to be in one place, they can do it through correspondence.You are implying the Sids would bother exposing themselves to us or that the Great Curse would allow them to effectively prevent devestation on the scale of a Realm Civil War![]()
For roughly 40 Sidereals working together and a not-insignificant amount of Heaven's resources? I'd call it pretty easy. The hardest part would be the scheduling (read: Bribes), and even that would be manageable when the alternative is Realm Civil War.
Don't worry, neither do we. Come with us, we can learn together!