A/N: This chapter clears up (Hopefully) the launch plan for the task force The Operations of Kido Butai are based on known Japanese procedures which differed from the American concept of the "Alpha Strike"
Chapter 26: Roundhouse
Shokaku smiled at Saratoga. "My Tenzans report significant results thanks to the guidance from your bombers."
"Glad to hear it." Sara replied. Although only Saratoga and Independence were thoroughly trained night carriers, Shokaku was not unfamiliar with night missions. Each carrier in Dai-ichi Kido Butai had assigned a single chutai of either B6N Tenzans or D4Y Suisei bombers. A chutai being a formation of nine aircraft. Only the best, most qualified were selected to accompany the American strike. This added a full squadron's worth of torpedo bombers and another of dive bombers to beef up Indy's Avengers and Sara's Skyraiders. It required assigning Shokaku's strike leader to ride in one of the three TBYs assigned to guide in the strike force. It also left the bulk of Kido Butai's power for the second wave.
On Nagato's order, it was time to unleash hell.
While Independence , Zuiho, and Ryujo rotated CAP around them, Japan's All-Star team set to work. 162 bombers and 81 fighters. If the night strike had been as effective as the initial reports indicated, then the second wave would be devastating but Saratoga would not be part of that. After recovering her scouts, Saratoga had been instructed to stand by. Nagato was concerned. She had no desire to be caught out by an unreported Abyssal force.
Saratoga had come to both respect and dread those instincts.
Nothing to do but wait as around her, Akagi and her fellows calmly began launching. As the second strike winged off , Sara waited for her planes to return.
Finally the first strike returned. Time to quickly recover. Simple enough for the six chutai from Kido Butai. A bit longer for Saratoga and Independence. Sara was justly proud of her deck team.
Meanwhile, in JDS Kaga's Operation Center, Nagato was informed and queried on a new contact by radar. She quickly confirmed to the Captain that this was not a known friendly force. The Captain nodded and turned to the Officer of the Deck.
"Sound Battlestations. Enemy planes inbound..."
(Historical note: Shokaku and her sister did; indeed, attempt a night strike on the US Carriers at Coral Sea on the evening of May 7th, 1942. Without radar or solid communications, the mission did not go so well as here. The loss of carrier attack bombers on this mission may well have made the difference between Yorktown's survival and participation at Midway a month later)