Could one of the twenty people that's voting for "dragon" please explain why? As far as I can tell the rationale is "lol memes", which is a shitty argument.

Because it is a versatile Changer/Stranger/Trump/Mover powerset that lets us troll people by popping up in unexpected places in different forms wearing adorable hats and vanish without them having a clue what is going on.

Personally I'm equally happy with either of the two remaining plans but that's because the main power I wanted was the changer power.

I do think that plan Dragon also creates less variables that the author has to keep track of so may make it easier to get coherent updates out quickly and cause less arguments in the thread over voting choices. Do love the idea of minions with hats though so again don't care either way which of the remaining two gets the win.
[X] Plan Hat Wearing Abominations

its sad that the only plan that let Taylor wake up (with savescum) and halp did not make it :(
I do think that plan Dragon also creates less variables that the author has to keep track of so may make it easier to get coherent updates out quickly

I simulated planets for fun even before I started tabletop GMing. Tracking variables is what I do. (If anything, having more laying around might lead to more updates. I enjoy working on offscreen stuff. ^^; )
Because it is a versatile Changer/Stranger/Trump/Mover powerset that lets us troll people by popping up in unexpected places in different forms wearing adorable hats and vanish without them having a clue what is going on.

Personally I'm equally happy with either of the two remaining plans but that's because the main power I wanted was the changer power.

I do think that plan Dragon also creates less variables that the author has to keep track of so may make it easier to get coherent updates out quickly and cause less arguments in the thread over voting choices. Do love the idea of minions with hats though so again don't care either way which of the remaining two gets the win.
Thank you for your response!

I think that we'd be able to accomplish most of these objectives more efficiently and effectively with Friends that Wear Hats and Borrow Powers. While the Dragon powerset is versatile, the vast majority of its versatility comes from a single power (hats) that Abominations makes much more effective use of. Additionally, Abominations has several sources of variety past that (it's a full-blown Tinker power, plus a power-copy ability, and the Friends can wear hats which opens up the option of combos). I'll specifically point out that Shape Form requires a template and does not come with a power for creating new templates, and that almost all of the most interesting existing templates (primarily mythological) are intelligent and therefore off-limits.

I'm less worried about giving the QM too many options than I am about giving the QM - and the players - too few. In particular, while it is the only thing that Abominations would have trouble duplicating, I'll note that "turn into a dragon and terrorize people" will be funny about the first, oh, five or six times. Did you ever try to read Taylor Varga? Additionally, Abominations has one power in particular that will be spectacular for ensuring an endless supply of hijinks. I think that it got lost the last time I mentioned it, so I'll do my best to highlight it here:
Other shards can share a small aspect of their functionality if they so choose. You'll probably need to help them out first. Host can subsequently upgrade her Friends with whatever you've been given, materials permitting. No limitations on daily uses.
"if they so choose". Why would they choose? Why wouldn't they choose? Might they need to be convinced or persuaded or compensated? Might they... give quests? What kinds of insane quests would a reticent Shard give to a Queen Administrator on her deranged quest for power?

This quest was made to be a crack quest. Crack needs ways for shenanigans to happen. Shenanigans are possible when there is variety. We need to be able to drop anything on a whim and go do something else. And Abominations with hats and borrowed powers provide maximum variety and the widest possible spread of options.
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"if they so choose". Why would they choose? Why wouldn't they choose? Might they need to be convinced or persuaded or compensated? Might they... give quests?

Probably, especially as you get more of them. A lot of shards claim they don't like Cycle-breakers riiiight up until they go and accidentally make it themselves, or one of their hosts helps it along, or they learn a lot in the process, etc. If you're careful, you might not even need to deal with the freakouts normally associated with power-copying powersets; the information they give you to improve your Friends would only have to match their concept, not the power currently granted to their host.

It's not like you wouldn't help the other shards with their hosts anyway. With Creature Features, Host would get rewarded for stuff you'd already planned on doing. It's a win/win.
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Because it is a versatile Changer/Stranger/Trump/Mover powerset that lets us troll people by popping up in unexpected places in different forms wearing adorable hats and vanish without them having a clue what is going on.

Personally I'm equally happy with either of the two remaining plans but that's because the main power I wanted was the changer power.

I do think that plan Dragon also creates less variables that the author has to keep track of so may make it easier to get coherent updates out quickly and cause less arguments in the thread over voting choices. Do love the idea of minions with hats though so again don't care either way which of the remaining two gets the win.
The problem is that aspects of that power-set can interfere with each other. Dragon-scale hats are much less common than human-scale hats, and it's much harder to not be in someone's line-of-sight when you're three stories tall, even if you're just having to avoid Capes (and maybe potential Capes?). Same with the Stranger component, as it also can be screwed with if we don't break LoS quickly. It also has a cool-down, so we can't spam it.

Plus, without custom forms, with powers, our pool of options to turn into is a lot more limited. Especially since all we can copy are physical traits, and intelligent creatures are right out. Even with all of mythology to draw on, it's quite limiting on our versatility.

Also, what V said.
It has more of what I want powerwise than the other plans.
Well, that's not particularly informative. I know I ramble like crazy, and I don't expect everyone else to. But that's a rather vague statement, which tells us nothing about what it is you're actually looking for.

It also doesn't exactly help you convince others, either. I know preferred powers can be really subjective, but if you've got a reason this is a better fit to specific tastes, that can convince people to switch.
I'll still note that Friends that can Wear Hats and Borrow Powers can replicate anything in either powerset. We'll be a sufficiently powerful tinker to effectively ignore the infrastructural requirements, and the combination of Hats and Borrowed Powers will make our Friends high-power master generalists. If you want to teleport, Hat Abominations is the way to go. If you want to be a dragon, Hat Abominations is the way to go. If you want to do anything, Hat Abominations is the way to go.

Could one of the twenty people that's voting for "dragon" please explain why? As far as I can tell the rationale is "lol memes", which is a shitty argument.
It is a versatile mover stranger combo with the opportunity to make function as a low end brute as well. It allows for limited power capabilities while still having massive room for clever application which I find most enjoyable in stories and quests. The idea of a shapeshifter who can change locations the moment you aren't looking forms a clear and entertaining character idea in my mind.

In contrast plan hat wearing abomination has two separate things going on with it minions and shapeshifting. The two things don't really work well together in my mind and don't form a strong character theme for me. In addition it is a minion creation power that uses intelligent minions. This opens a big can of worms gameplay wise as now in order to use our power we are creating thinking beings which both are resources to keep track of as well as new characters to keep track of in our heads as part of a setting that already has a lot of characters to follow. This power is just asking to give our quest a character bloat problem. It doesn't seem like a good power for a protagonist particularly one of a online character focused voting based quest. It would be a good power for a long term antagonist however as then the minions would be mostly out of sight and could be treated as faceless minion #X rather than character.

Note how I didn't bring up fedorable in either idea. That is because I feel it is a tumor on both ideas due to adding a lot of potential powers to keep track of and a lot of play time being eaten by experimenting with various hats instead of doing things and interaction with characters which are what I enjoy about quests. That said having only one person with a growing number of potential powers is much better than a growing number of people compounding the problem. Also it seems a bit silly for a worm power.
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Did you ever try to read Taylor Varga?
God I love that fic (I have read and re-read it a couple of times) and it's friend in a similar tone and style Mauling Snarks.

And yeah, I agree that abominations has some fun stuff and since QM has said they enjoy the extra variables there's no worries there. I'm leaving my vote as is because a Teleporting dragon is amusing but so is zerglings and I'll be happy to play a quest with either.
[X] Plan Hat Wearing Abominations
-[X] Fedorable (-1 Points)
-[X] Form Control (-2 Points]
-[X] "Friend" Bio-Tinker Specialty (-2 Points)
--[x] Borrowed Features for Wonderful Creatures (-1 Points)
[X] Plan TeleportingDragon
-[X] Form Control (-2 Points)
-[X] Cat-Based Teleportation (-2 Points)
-[X] Mic Drop (-1 Point)
-[X] Fedorable (-1 Points)