Welcome to A Certain World
[X] An oversized oil-drum looking Rhumba constantly bumping into me as I lay sprawled on the…Wait, why the hell am I in the middle of the street?! A city of the future nestled within the modern day. Suitable

Hrrrrm…I turn to glare at the repurposed trashcan, shoving it away even as it continued to try and nudge me out of the road.

Damn thing was persistent.

Finally growing tired with the annoyance, I brace myself with a grimace. I brace myself towards the ground, one foot planted flatly against the asphalt beneath my feet, and tackle it. My eyes focused on the unwieldy midsection. Damn things reminded me of some kind of mix between a Dalek and a Rhumba, and that meant that all their traction would be on the bottom.

My shoulder dipped, I let out a breath. I feel the muscles in my right side groan as they exert themselves to propel my body forward. My left side pushes, gaining lift as my left side stomps down, joining my right even as my feet curl within my tennis shoes, gripping the ground beneath them. My right leg lifts, pushing against the dark asphalt as my upper body dips, following my shoulder as it leads the way forward.

Another step, a simple rhythm, and then a last stomp as my right leg shifts into position, leg curled and compacted. Muscles wound like a spring. My face is nearly perpendicular with my right knee as my leading shoulder makes contact.

Momentum couples with mass, and the angle of my shoulder provides a perfect fulcrum to take advantage of the slight opening as my left foot slides forward with an almost fluid grace. The Rhumba-Dalek tilts over slightly over me from the impact. My left foot comes at it from the side, and stomps down. My left hand, having lied forgotten, leaps up like a snake and provides it's assistance to mother nature and works the physics ever more in my favor.

That slight opening becomes a full on tilt, even as my torso dips even lower, allowing the mechanical monstrosity to roll over onto the broader surface area of my back.

My feet grip the earth beneath them with incredible force, my knees lock. My abdominals clench. And so next I lift myself, the muscles on my upper body exploding with strength to lift the now helpless machine above me.

My arms raise in exultation at my victory, and my enemy is toppled, sent flying into the air as it flips over, landing on what was formerly it's top.

I smirk.

To think a mere robot had the audacity to challenge me directly.

I turn, intending to stand over my defeated enemy in the middle of this public space.

And spot a small girl in a maid uniform, her blue dress providing ample modesty as I remember that discretion is the better part of valor.


I bail.

[] What now? (1d20 for character to act out your vote)
[] Do you succeed? (1d100 for success rate)

A.N.: Whelp, that's the start. Go ahead and write out an action, then roll your dice in your votes. As people accumulate Salt Tokens and Criticals, you'll be able to have more control over the average roll for specific actions, and thusly be able to control the characters to act more OOC in your objective.

I, naturally, intend to fuck over canon with a particularly large and knobby stick. Salt Tokens are being awarded to....

@wdango +1 ST
@Lilithium +1 ST
@Wolfy +2 ST
@Mortifer +3 ST

Additional purchases of Character Passes are 2 ST. With the exception of Critical Rolls they allow you to alter a Character Roll to any other result between 2 and 19. I'll be rather liberal with awarding them here and in my other quests, and will edit in the conversion rates into Threadmarks in the near future for Fate/Trigger and Standing Proud in the Moonlit World when I next update them.

Critical Rolls from here on out can either be kept for future rolls and thus be left as an abstain from the current vote, converted in ST's at a variable rate depending on the circumstances in plot, or be left alone. Be warned, though. The DC's for success on the Critical Characters in regards to OOC actions is incredibly high.

Which is why Skaro doesn't get any Salt Tokens.

Because his High Success 98 and Critical Character Roll of 20 are worth significantly more together than their individual purchase alone would indicate. :V

Also, don't forget, if you want to try out another setting, you just have to succeed in killing me and we get to move on down the list with another vote. I don't intend to make it easy, though. Have fun, and good luck!

Oh, right. And once again, you can freely edit the actual text of your votes. But changing the results of your rolls are limited exclusively to the expenditure of Salt Tokens. Keep that in mind when trying to put together a higher Average when going for a particularly demanding stunt

Teamwork, people! :V
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[X] Investigate the gentleman who just flipped the cleaning robot.

(Judgement specific lines: "Wait, did he just flip one of the cleaners!?" "There's no way he's not an esper, (Uiharu: I'm going to pull up his level) (not Uiharu: can you pull up his level for me Uiharu?)")
(Mage: 'So he can cast wordlessly, or was that pure strength?')
Archeo Lumiere threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Character Total: 5
5 5
Archeo Lumiere threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Success Total: 30
30 30
The end goal is to finally ascend to the state of being that is a pillar of salt.

So just play online Dark Souls for a couple of hours in the forest/oolacile township :V That'll getcha there right fast
[X] Did that guy just flip a robot and then run away? I probably should go investigate what happened.
Illusion threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: character Total: 11
11 11
Illusion threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: success Total: 74
74 74
[X] Reading an insight self help book

oh. okay.
Hyacinthium threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: character roll Total: 4
4 4
Hyacinthium threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: other roll pls no fail Total: 64
64 64
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[83] Praise the Sun

[X] Throw a Salt Shaker at TehChron
Mortifer threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Character Total: 6
6 6
Mortifer threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Success Total: 48
48 48
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So the roller can choose to keep the roll, but cannot roll another die to replace it?
Yep, given that's their result for that roll.

It's a matter of "one roll per turn", so getting to reroll simply doesn't make sense. If you want to do something that turn that badly, then just use the character selected by the critical to do something.

The reward is the ability to impose your choice on what would otherwise be random chance :V

SP? And is the roller still restricted from rolling another die to replace the converted roll?
Salt Tokens, that was a typo.
Yep, given that's their result for that roll.

It's a matter of "one roll per turn", so getting to reroll simply doesn't make sense. If you want to do something that turn that badly, then just use the character selected by the critical to do something.

The reward is the ability to impose your choice on what would otherwise be random chance :V

Salt Tokens, that was a typo.
Just making sure.

[X] Stare blankly at the sight before proceeding back to your business, hopefully without any further interruptions.

[X] Praise the Sun
Karuadin threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Character Total: 6
6 6
Karuadin threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Success Total: 83
83 83
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