After frantically changing every uniform patch in the battalion and getting permission from Postmaster-General de Montaña, you officially inducted yourself into the Sanitation Corps as a Grand Captain, attached to the Vheminine cordon. This done, you then made everything look nice for the inspectors, made some symbolic shots over the cordon to demonstrate that you were in fact holding the biohazard line, and ended the day in the secret bunker your officers were working on the next plan in.
Said plan was High Command's tank destroyer concept, which had been batched over to you because de Montaña had squirmed it out as part of the horse trading to get his cooperation. Your requirments from the High Command were pretty relaxed- it needed to be a self-propelled vehicle that could be attached to any level of formation, carried a day's worth of munitions internally and could reasonably engage most modern medium armor like a Kubachi Tk-6 or a Irromic W-14 from the front.
The Sanitation Corps, though, had latched on to you like a tick on a hound dog, and they were planning a three hundred vehicle buy right out the gate because this was their chance to finally get a dedicated blight-clearing vehicle. Your requirments from the Sanitation Corps, therefore, were to be able to mount either an 8cm mortar or other low pressure gun for delivery of white phosphorus bombs or mounting points for at least two standard Galapagos pattern flamethrower systems with two sixty liter nonpressurized tanks of jelled naphtha to serve as munitions. More importantly, the vehicles were expected to operate in post-burn areas that had been sterilized, so off-road and mud performance would be critical.
While your team was spitballing up ideas, you yourself got to work building the battalion back up. Captured machine guns were standardized, squad marksmen were trained to ensure maximum rifle use, and an 'acquisitioned' crate of carbines went towards arming your assorted artillery units so they wouldn't be stuck with the shitshow that was panic fire out an Jackal. Your tool shop also managed to hack a lot of the captured militia rifles down into grenade projectors, using the reasonably modern rifle grenades as a base. Thanks to your association with the Sanitation Corps, each squad also now had a Merrcier pattern flamethrower in it, which you were probably going to ditch eventually. They came in handy when they were doing foot patrols of the Cordon Sanitaire, but otherwise were giant explosion risks.
Finally, you got some good and bad news. The good news, you had some excellent new topographic maps of the Grand Duchy of Bulgan. The bad news was you had two years, at best, before the boarder tensions and their failure to kick into the pot for the Bulgan-Galaecian Cordon Sanitaire Fund as per the peace treaty caused the government to go in there and clean them right the fuck out. Terrain-wise, the area was mostly flat and rolling hills like mainland Galecia, but the Comte-du-Sud where the capitol was had a lot of rolling forests, and the Centre Region had a major hedgerow problem- and, as High Command liked to remind you, the Bulgans had four armor divisions chock full of imported Bahlk and Irromine armor you'd need to kill off in the war.
To hell with it, time to build a board. You'd need a lot of help with this one.
No plan vote, choose four.
[] Manuel Fabricio O'Sylvester, Irizar Bus Works
A corporate flunky like none other, Manuel works for one of the two major vehicle manufacturers in Galaceia and is totally up to date on everything you can do with them. More importantly, he also has contacts over at Ghermain Brothers Automotive over in the Irromes in case you need to order some parts from out of the country.
[] Felix Austorias van Doragio, Elizalde Automotive
A corporate flunky who is also a girl, because after the manpower shortages in '43d9 women's rights have basically got shot into bloody orbit, and a negotiator from one of the two major heavy industries left in Galaceia. More importantly, if you want to contract the armor out, she's also got contacts over in Skoda Panzerschiffenwerke, who've been working hand in hand with the tank guys forever.
[] James Mogador, Independent
A brilliant two-timing Bahlk scientist, weapon dealer, and expatriate, this man was found fleeing Thile in possession of several million dollars real of bearer bonds and a notebook written in a three-language codex. He claims to be trying to settle down, and after nearly getting shot to death in the nastiest ongoing civil war in the world, he might even be telling the truth.
[] Lukaz Feodorvich, L'Osseau Sales Rep
A sales rep from L'Osseau, and a fine gentleman who's wiling to dig through his off-the-books catalog to see if he can help put together something for you that will fit the bill. He's willing to negotiate local manufacturing, even.
[] Prof. Nathaniel 'Fluffy' Iglecias, National Institute
A professor from the National Institute who's been doing mechanical design work for years. More importantly, he's also a packaging and modular design genius, so if he says he can put a poodle in a teakettle, then people will shell out to build the production line for it.
[] Postmaster-Captain Rourke de Serabice
An experianced member of the Sanitation Corps officers, Rourke is intamently familiar with creating a secured area, handling biohazard and chemical attack vectors, clearing virulent contagions, and most importantly what ground conditions are like on a long-term Cordon Sanitaire.
[] Commissar Alejandro mac Cairnhill
A political officer from the Capitol Region who, while young, knows where enough bodies are buried to make sure the oposition is safely cowed if you need to take some unusual measures. The only practicable issue is his gung-ho nature, since he's been kept 'cooped up' in the marble palaces far too long.
[] Rev. Prof. Honore Phillips, Our Mother of Mercy College and Seminary
A scientist from one of the premire religious educational facilities in the nation, Rev. Prof. Phillip used to be involved in the musical and accousitc department until a sewage accident blew up his ampatheatre. Since then, he's steadily been becoming a frontrunning leader in blast physics, for either offensive or defensive uses.