Guys please stop it.

Ryuan made his choice, if he wants to be human its perfectly alright. I like the idea of someone not immediately jumping to change species in hopes for a massive power-up. Especially as he's already made his point that being human is not a bad thing.

So please stop trying to tell him he should've changed his race, this isn't a quest where you can bash your fellow voters for a retarded vote, not that this is a retarded choice, this is ryuan's musing thread.
since this is based on xenoverse her is the link to the wiki for those curious.
human isn't a bad pick because of the auto-charging ki. the balanced start makes them pretty forgiving in their early game to cause you don't have to stop and charge or chain combos of basic attacks to build up ki (this does help build it up faster though). Saiyans low starting health and high makes them a bit more of a glass cannon they also usually pick up a Z-soul that gives them auto charge or the brolly one that starts them at full Ki so they can jump right into super. though they admittedly are brutal in terms of damage output. personally prefer the Frieza race though. I have always liked the way they looked.

Looking forward to how this develops though.
I don't know what DIMPS was thinking when they made the hidden race stats. Sure, humans got off pretty well, especially females, but some of the other stuff makes no sense. Why the fuck are Saiyan males literally the worst? Both their Ki and Strike supers are close to the lowest, and the only thing they have that's top is normal combo hits. Who specializes in that in a DBZ game? And then the females are totally top tier? Their Ki and Strike supers are near as good as female humans, with Ki Supers actually being best in the game. Yeah, I totally remember Goku and Vegeta having trouble using their blasts.
Wait, there's a difference between being a male and a female in the game? Seriously Komani, what the fuck?
Wait, there's a difference between being a male and a female in the game? Seriously Komani, what the fuck?

Yet despite what you'd normally expect, it's skewed so that the women of most races make for better fighters in general. So you'll often see power-gamers as female Saiyans... or Namekians, since even with the massive nerfing they got, the Giant Namekian transformation is still fairly OP if you build yourself around it.
A Chosen Warrior, Traveler Edition. Part 1
I had arrived to this world for a second time if my memory serves right.

It's been already a decade and half since I last arrived here from their point of view, where I stopped on my travels using the Dragon Balls for a short rest. Like before, this world had no power know as ki, so even thought I was planetside it felt like I was in the deeps of space...

Wait a minute, I feel a tiny, untrained human level ki. Against the void that exist in my ki senses, she's like a glowing beacon.

And she's slowly dimming.

I didn't waste any time, before using Instant Transmission to get to where she is, transporting myself to what appears to be a... school? Also what the fuck is smelling this bad?

My sense of ki pointed to the exact place the source was, one of the locked lockers which was also coincidentally the place where the smell came. My face darkened for an instant, even without me finally hearing the sobs coming from inside the locker. In a swift motion I grabbed the lock and tore it apart, before opening the metal door.

A girl fell on my chest as I caught her, and our eyes meet for a moment. She looked oddly familiar to me, but I couldn't quite place why.

"Are you alright?"

She tried to speak, but only managed to empty her stomach on my chest.

I tried not to breath too deeply, before patting her on the head, whispering reassurances to the girl, slowly leading her away from this place into my small temporary home.


Inside the Human House I directed the girl to the showers. "Here, take a good bath to take away that grime and filth, then you will get to the healing pod to fix some of your injuries. I have some other things that could do the task easier, but they can't threat infection so will need to go old school."

She was still out of it, answering only with a nod and getting to the bath. As she cleaned herself I wondered why that girl looked so familiar, and why she alone had ki in this world, yet for the life of me I couldn't figure that one out. I wasted a good hour on it when I heard the shower turn off. I had put her previous clothing on the incinerator, but fortunately I always have a few change of clothing with me whenever possible.

She came back wearing a towel around her, and a pair of sandals on her feet. "Good, I will show you the healing pod. Since it's only to heal a few scratches and take care of possible infections, you should be there for five minutes, tops."

"Are you a tinker?" She asked, and I heard her voice for the first time. "Where am I?"

"When I took you out from the locker I brought you somewhere I knew you could get decent, quick treatment. Like I said, you should be on the healing pod for only five minutes tops to clear out any possibility of infection."

She nodded at my words. "Can I talk with dad?"

I frowned at that. I didn't had landlines installed, and this place was quite a few kilometers away from the city proper. "Tell you what, give me his phone and address and I will bring him here. I'm sure he will come considering that you pretty much was attacked earlier."

At this she winced, before thinking it over and nodding.

"Oh right, I didn't introduce myself yet. My name is Yu Inami, at your service."

"My name is Taylor Hebert", she said in a small voice, "thanks for saving me."

"You're welcome", I answered back before taking this opportunity to take a good look at her. Even now she looked more and more familiar to myself, and that was driving me nuts because I had this distinct feeling I knew her from somewhere.

"Uh, is something wrong? You're staring at me for a while", she said and I could detect a bit of worry in her voice.

"Oh, sorry. It's just that you look really familiar to me, and I can't quite place where I saw you before. Weird huh?"

She blinked before tilting her head a bit. "Now that you mention it, you also looks a bit familiar to me for some reason, I'm not sure why though."

"Ugh, this isn't getting anywhere. Just get to the healing pod and I will fetch your father, I think you will want to look presentable to him."


Daniel Hebert, a name that tugged at my memory for some reason but yet again I couldn't quite place where I heard it. Since I couldn't track him by ki I called his office and discreetly flew there. At Taylor's insistence I didn't told him what happened in the school yet, and I was shocked that the faculty didn't called his place yet to tell them that a student had both disappeared and been put into a locker full of biohazard material.

As I knocked on his door, I opened it to the protests of his secretary before closing it behind me.

"Who are..." he said for a few moments in confusion before staring at me, first wide eyed, then almost with a snarl in his face.


I blinked at that venom coming from him. Where did that came from?

"Me", I simply stated. "Did we... know each other from somewhere? I had that impression when I heard your name, but for the life of me I can't quite figure out who you might be."

"You tried seducing my wife a decade and a half ago you bastard!" He said standing up from his desk and coming to face me.

As he started coming I put some ki into my brain to get a bit more time to ponder what the fuck he's talking a-

"Hey, l-let's have s-chex", said drunken woman at my side, "let's muuuke my husssband jea... geo... jelly!"

I looked back at her, equally drunk, before downing my whiskey in a single go. "Fuck yeah let's do this! ... what's your name again?"

"Ohhhhhh, you're that asshole husband that had fought with his wife over... what was it again? I remember it was something really stupid. Something about parts."

"It's Patriarchy, but nevermind that! You have a lot of nerve to come back after what you did to my wife!"

"What? What I did to your wife? Sure she was drunk, but so I was. I can't be all that responsible by drunk me, if anything she took advantage of me just as much as I did on her, though for fairness sake it wasn't on purpose."

"YOU FUCKING MADE MY WIFE PREGNANT!!!" He yelled before hitting me on the jaw. Since it came unexpectedly and I was suppressing my ki, it actually hurt to-

Wait what? No, seriously, what?

The only one being able to use ki in this planet, both of us realizing each other is familiar, that one night stand so long ago.

"Well, fuck."
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Spoiler alert! Taylor didn't get her canon powers.

She also probably looks a bit different from canon due to the SI being her (secret) father. Not that much, but enough to be considered a somewhat different person.
Not sure if want. I can only confirm want with more... So I guess want? We have no idea what is up with the SI but them having a kid is a rather interesting twist and certainly lends potential to the drama. It certainly gives the SI a more concrete reason to be invested at the least.
My Previous Life Was An Antediluvian Commoner Part 1
If my King were to see me right now he would bend over laughing, either at my absurd amount of luck or the lucky absurd situation I found myself in.

Reincarnation was a concept well know during my previous life, and only the stronger holy men and sages could tap into their previous incarnation knowledge and talents. I had read a few Tablets detailing such process and on a whim tried some of the rituals, one to remember my previous life and another to make it easier for my next life to recall my memories.

The Recall ritual was a failure, so I didn't had much hope for the Inheritance ritual, and after completing it and seeing nothing different I went back to my duties as the King's Cup Bearer without much issue.

Then the Great Flood came in and killed everyone, literally washing out all evidence of our society's existence, our old gods either disappearing or taking in new names for themselves. The loss of humanity raw potential could had been offset if we had access to the previous knowledge, but since those were also lost our race became much easier to manipulate in a way not seen ever since we were lost and scared in the time of the First Man.

Not everything was bad though, at least it stopped the fucking Nephilim from indulging in their murder-rape-cannibalism spree.

Well, enough about thinking about the past, instead let's think of the past!

"Shinji, did you finished your homework?"

"Yes Belle", I told my caretaker as I passed her by, "I'm going outside to enjoy the weather a bit."

"Don't forget to put on a coat", she said kindly, "I will call you for dinner later."

With a smile I nodded, before going outside to my preferred meditation spot. As it is anyplace will do, but as luck have it my house was directly under one of the Veins of Earth so I could benefit more from my sessions in the future, though right now just feeling the pulsing heartbeat of the Earth beneath me was enough improve my meditation.

As I sat, I used the techniques taught to me by the King himself. Though I held no special talent for it compared with the other retainers doing lesser jobs, let alone the soldiers and the elite guard, I was determined proficient enough as a member of the King's house. The current process in finding my Essence was overall slower than during my first life, the overall initial potential I had being much smaller, but it wasn't unheard off for someone as crippled as my current self to raise in the ranks as a soldier, in fact the number three of the elite guard was considered a failure when she was at first initiated, but my King had a good eye for talent, his investment bearing fruit as time passed.

The first step in my training, Awareness of Essence, took longer than I wished, but perhaps that's my youth impatience showing. After three months however, I managed to find my Essence. As stated before the amount I had within me was far smaller than what I had started a lifetime ago, and I wondered what was the cause for such phenomenon since it was considered common knowledge that a sage or holy man awakening to their previous life would have more Essence than others. Was it an error in the ritual? I will probably never know the truth.

The second step is called Awakening the Essence, where I would take hold of this ephemeral, almost insignificant embers of power and breath new life into it. Compared with the previous step it naturally took longer and after nearly six months, a year since I fully awakened my previous life, I was ready to reach a new breakthrough.

Slowly I measure my breathing to beat in the same rhythm as my Essence. Both breathing and heartbeat became one with the symphony of my Essence, and for a moment I simply enjoyed this sensation within myself, before slowly, carefully, nudging my breathing to the direction I wanted. I had to repeat the process several times, until my Essence also started to change it's rhythm in accordance to my stimulus. I increased the beat slowly at first, then faster and faster before turning it back into a slower pace. More strongly I pushed it forwards to reach further than it had before, and I felt like it was slowly escaping from my grips. I kept the hold firm, but not too strong as not to damage this connection and further damage my potential.

I ran and ran and ran, and when my Essence was being held by a literal thread, I felt the threshold between spiritual and material to come closer. With a last spring I came as close as possible within this threshold but felt like I was still coming up short, like many times before. I would have failed once more, which greatly frustrated me making me decide to be a bit unorthodox. As I reached the very last point of my spring, I gathered as much strength as I could and threw the small thread forwards.

It gently went forwards, agonizingly slow and for a moment I thought it would have been another failure, until it touched the threshold. A tiny, minuscule part passed it over.

In an instant I felt my Essence connecting with myself in greater ways, the frail thread growing stronger until it became a larger, firm cord that connected my Essence to my body.

Slowly I opened my eyes, and found myself smiling. Before everything was muted, the colors were dull, the sounds where almost silent, the smells barely present, my touch deadened and the taste unbearably bland. Before I was a sickly child that required tender care to survive the harsher world, but now I had finally stood up on my own legs for the first time.

"Shinji! Your father is on the phone!"

... hm, well, the moment was thoroughly ruined but to be honest poetry was never my strong suit.

"Coming!" I yelled back and soon I was holding the phone. "Hello father, it's good to hear from you."

"Hello Shinji", my father answered with a very tired tone, "I'm sorry to say this, but you will need to come back to Japan."

"I understand", I said while inwardly wincing at the loss of the Vein of Earth, just when it would actually start to be useful to me! "Did something happen back at home?"

"Your uncle is dead", he said as a matter of fact, as if his own brother didn't died, "and," he hesitated for a moment, "you have a new sister."

"That's wonderful news!" I answered excitedly, "what's her name?"

"Yes... wonderful news", he said and his tone made me think he was trying not to vomit, "her name is Sakura. I will make preparations for you to return, you should pack your things and come back in three days time."

"Of course father, take care."

I put down the phone, and couldn't help but think something was a bit off about this exchange. I wonder what happened back at Japan.

Still I can't help but be excited, after all I'm going to gain a sibling! Will I become a big brother, or a younger brother?

Hmm, Matou Sakura. Better get used to that name.
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So a genuinely kind Shinji who has memories of his past life and knowledge of ancient age of gods magic from before the great flood of the Bible. I LOVE IT!!!!
Spoilers for Antediluvian

Shinji training will loosely resemble those from Xianxia novels, though it's closer to Exalted if I were honest.

He have a lot of knowledge of Antediluvian origins, from martial arts that allows him to fight against Phantasm Beasts with standard modern day human bodies and zero magecraft enhancement, like Shizuki Soujirou did in Mahou Tsukai no Yoru. Except he knows the secrets to bring human body abilities to Servant Levels.

While he does have a lot of knowledge compared with a standard retainer of his nameless King, that's more because he was a massive nerd back in the day.

At his absolute peak with all possible advantages, Shinji would barely reach average soldier level. Which is pretty much the level of certain Archetype Heroes like Perseus, Herakles or Achilles.

And in his past life he was nothing but an overglorified sommelier and personal waiter. The actual Elite Soldiers and Heroes were much, much more scarier.

Too bad due to the flood erasing the civilization as thoroughly as possible nobody will ever know their names or accomplishments.

At least Shinji might have a good career as a writer in the future, transcribing all those feats to the present day.
My Previous Life Was An Antediluvian Commoner Part 2
Never once I contemplated the most ancient form of murder before, but I will make an exception for someone like Matou Zouken.

Before regaining my past life memories I couldn't understand the vileness of this creature in shape of man, yet now it's more than apparent enough that this is a monster on the same level of depravity as the Nephillim, and if there is something I absolute hate it is the Nephillim.

Still there is something wrong with my father and my sister. A foulness I can't quite place, that's independent of the Taint that's being imposed on Sakura. Certainly those small parasites that wriggle in her body are rather obvious to my newly developing senses, and don't think I can't see that small soul fragment on her chest too you disgusting worm. I'm not certain if that foulness is something specific to this family or if there's something else at play, unfortunately I will need to wait until my senses are better to deal with this.

In the end though it was fortunate that father had called me this early, otherwise my Essence cultivation would have been found out. As it is I will need to master how to hide the improvements in Essence least dear grandfather finds out how come I have access to a 'supernatural' powers when such things are meant to be a secret to those not in the know.

Still every day that passes is another that my sister is being kept captive by that monsters. I need to become stronger as fast as possible, and reconstruct the proper purification rituals in order to exorcise the old worm from my sister.

As luck would have it however, I'm a better item maker than a martial artist, so I should be able to have the tools to deal with him. Eventually.

At this point I'm envying my drunkard of a father who tries to drown his shame with alcohol, even if the piss he's drinking I wouldn't even use to clean up the floor.

Make my sister happy, learn how to hide my abilities, become stronger, kill Zouken, in that order.

Those are going to be very long years, I'm sure.
My Previous Life Was An Antediluvian Commoner Part X
"So", started the modern day Daoist, an eastern mage that practiced a similar art to what was wide spread in the former Kingdom of Earth, "you claim to be able to concoct the Divine Inheritance Pill?"

"Call me pedantic but I already said the medicine name is Body Enhancing Spirit Catalyst", I reminded him the true name of the medicine once more.

One of the other Daoist accompanying him had a sour look as if I said something sacrilegious, while the apprentices mimicked their seniors and were all scowling at me.

"Nevertheless, can you do it?"

"Of course. As we agreed, once I show you the production process you will show me this Martial Inheritance Hall of yours."

"If you can successfully make it."

I nodded and started gathering all ingredients from the cupboard and fridge. Almost none of the original ingredients from before the great deluge had survived to modern day, but only an amateur would mimic the recipe without knowing why the ingredients were important. A common technique allows me to identify the properties of any herb and animal parts I ingest, making it a child's play to find suitable substitutes.

Also this wasn't the hardest medicine I knew off, the only difficulty was that some special tools were required to prepare it if you didn't had a high enough degree of power. Or Cultivation, as they call it today.

Soon I had all the materials and I started cutting, grinding, and boiling them eliciting several ah's and oh's from the audience. It took about an hour to have ready a large batch of marble sized pills to cook.

"I admit", said the Daoist after seeing me prepare the medicine, "your skills with alchemy are indeed high. I can recognize some of those ingredients you used as substitutions used by our own sect, and even I with my meager abilities in the Dao of Alchemy can see the profoundness of your knowledge. However the records also says the lost Sacred Treasure Star Wave Cosmic Furnace is necessary to prepare the pills."

"That's true", I agreed, "for someone of low power level it's necessary to use this tool. Those who were stronger could make it without the special tool, but it was too much of a bother to do it manually. I don't have that high power level yet, but I do have one such 'treasure' with me."

"Then show us", said the man greedily, "show us your Sacred Treasure!"

I took the glass bowl with the batch of the medicines and took a few steps to the left, standing in front of the 'treasure'.


I put it inside and hit the commands for the right setting and heat.


"What?" I turned annoyed to them, "what's wrong?"

"Are you telling me", he said his voice gradually rising, "that the legendary treasure necessary to make the Divine Body Inheritance Pill..."

"Body Enhancing Spirit Catalyst".

"...which is the most profound medicine we know off, is actually created using a microwave?"

"Well, duh", I said acting like the kid I looked like for once, "with a name like Star Wave Cosmic Furnace, what in the Abyss did you think it actually was? The medicine requires some rather specific way for heating that can be easily done by bombarding the medicine with microwaves, and back in the day we had to use a special furnace that gathered radiation from the sun and the cosmos to cook the medicine, disproportionately costly. It just so happen that in the modern day humanity learned how to harness the power of the microwave more easily than before, and after some adjustment on the power settings I can have one that works just like the original device."

The Daoists were all gaping, speechless at my explanation.

"But, the drawings! The residue left! How, why?"

"Residue? Unless you screw up the making you're not supposed to leave any residue" I asked before I remembered what it probably was. "Oh wait, I think I know what you're talking about! You see, according to legend there was this one apprentice who wanted to use the Star Wave Cosmic Furnace but he moron forgot he had put his lunch inside the furnace. When he realized it he had already used the furnace, but found out that the food was warm and still edible. From that day on when someone were using the furnace to make medicine they would often bring some cold food to warm inside to save on time, and people often forgot to clean up after themselves. That's why on all late era furnace instruction manuals there is a warning so you don't forget food inside and to always keep the furnace clean before and after use."

The collective facepalm from all those present was a sight to behold.
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