Ancient Shinobi in Sekirei 1
From Zero to Hero!
A few months later.
I came back from buying some groceries to the Inn, when I saw a disturbance ahead.
Yes, Inn. I'm currently living in an Inn with my Winged and sort-of-Winged Sekirei in the Izumo Inn. Now why would I need to live in an Inn if I had my own place I had rented when I came to this town? Well, the answer is simple really.
Someone are out to get to me.
One day when I returned home with Akitsu I saw the whole place finish burning down. Granted I was away for a few hours, but you'd think the neighbors would call the firefighters to put out the fire, but apparently that didn't happen. The other houses nearby didn't burn down since the house I was living had a rather large yard that acted as a buffer zone to them.
Only after the place was basically charcoal the firefighters came. Not only that but earlier that day I had realized that all my savings from years of part time work had suddenly disappeared from my bank account. Everything, gone.
I kept myself cool since most of my really important stuff was on the basement, but that was yet another thick to however made me suffer those indignities, and however they are, I will extract my pound of flesh one way or another.
I COULD have made another house myself, but people would ask themselves where did that fancy wooden house came from.
I finally went to Izumo Inn, and things started to go a bit crazy afterwards. More wingings, proper introduction on the Sekirei Plan, yada yada yada.
It was a good thing I was already doing my stuff by that time, so I could play the part of semi-clueless flatscan human, but my patience was running thin and I was never one to let others fight my battles. My summons were always partners and force multipliers instead of minions to throw around, after all.
Seeing a group of Sekirei busting out a friend was the last straw to my patience, and considering the things I had set in motion would start to bear fruit soon enough, sooner than the end of the Sekirei Plan at the very least, with a burst of shunshin I was stopping a girl from finishing off Uzume.
"Hey Uzume, long time no see", I say to my friend, "you disappeared suddenly, what happened? I brought some tea, want to have some later?"
She was gaping at me as the Sekirei I was holding the hand off was struggling to escape my grasp, and failing miserably.
"Minato?" Came several yells, and I looked around and saw my other Sekirei confused at seeing me.
"Hey girls, sup?" I said non challantly before releasing the girl from my grip. "Can you pick up Uzume and bring her inside the Inn? Also, somebody pick up those groceries, would you?"
Homura dumbly nodded, picking up the groceries from my hand before I turned to the hostile Sekirei group in front of me. "I'm feeling magnanimous today since I got to see a friend that I haven't seen in a long while, so I will give you one chance: turn around, go home and I will pretend you girls never did anything stupid. Any other reaction that isn't you all hightailing from here immediately and I will eject you cunts from here very violently."
Dumb cunt took a step forwards, "we aren't intimidated by-"
"Shinra Tensei."
At once the wave of gravity pushed them all forwards with such violence that they were ejected towards the sky rather violently. I would have thought I used too much force, but once you hit terminal velocity your body will break only so much and I know for a fact that Sekireis are at least as durable as level two disciples.
When I turned to my own Sekirei they all stared at me like I had grown a second head.
"Well, cat's out of the bag I guess. Come on, I will explain to you girls over a cup of tea."
I came back from buying some groceries to the Inn, when I saw a disturbance ahead.
Yes, Inn. I'm currently living in an Inn with my Winged and sort-of-Winged Sekirei in the Izumo Inn. Now why would I need to live in an Inn if I had my own place I had rented when I came to this town? Well, the answer is simple really.
Someone are out to get to me.
One day when I returned home with Akitsu I saw the whole place finish burning down. Granted I was away for a few hours, but you'd think the neighbors would call the firefighters to put out the fire, but apparently that didn't happen. The other houses nearby didn't burn down since the house I was living had a rather large yard that acted as a buffer zone to them.
Only after the place was basically charcoal the firefighters came. Not only that but earlier that day I had realized that all my savings from years of part time work had suddenly disappeared from my bank account. Everything, gone.
I kept myself cool since most of my really important stuff was on the basement, but that was yet another thick to however made me suffer those indignities, and however they are, I will extract my pound of flesh one way or another.
I COULD have made another house myself, but people would ask themselves where did that fancy wooden house came from.
I finally went to Izumo Inn, and things started to go a bit crazy afterwards. More wingings, proper introduction on the Sekirei Plan, yada yada yada.
It was a good thing I was already doing my stuff by that time, so I could play the part of semi-clueless flatscan human, but my patience was running thin and I was never one to let others fight my battles. My summons were always partners and force multipliers instead of minions to throw around, after all.
Seeing a group of Sekirei busting out a friend was the last straw to my patience, and considering the things I had set in motion would start to bear fruit soon enough, sooner than the end of the Sekirei Plan at the very least, with a burst of shunshin I was stopping a girl from finishing off Uzume.
"Hey Uzume, long time no see", I say to my friend, "you disappeared suddenly, what happened? I brought some tea, want to have some later?"
She was gaping at me as the Sekirei I was holding the hand off was struggling to escape my grasp, and failing miserably.
"Minato?" Came several yells, and I looked around and saw my other Sekirei confused at seeing me.
"Hey girls, sup?" I said non challantly before releasing the girl from my grip. "Can you pick up Uzume and bring her inside the Inn? Also, somebody pick up those groceries, would you?"
Homura dumbly nodded, picking up the groceries from my hand before I turned to the hostile Sekirei group in front of me. "I'm feeling magnanimous today since I got to see a friend that I haven't seen in a long while, so I will give you one chance: turn around, go home and I will pretend you girls never did anything stupid. Any other reaction that isn't you all hightailing from here immediately and I will eject you cunts from here very violently."
Dumb cunt took a step forwards, "we aren't intimidated by-"
"Shinra Tensei."
At once the wave of gravity pushed them all forwards with such violence that they were ejected towards the sky rather violently. I would have thought I used too much force, but once you hit terminal velocity your body will break only so much and I know for a fact that Sekireis are at least as durable as level two disciples.
When I turned to my own Sekirei they all stared at me like I had grown a second head.
"Well, cat's out of the bag I guess. Come on, I will explain to you girls over a cup of tea."