Ancient Shinobi in Sekirei 1
A few months later.

I came back from buying some groceries to the Inn, when I saw a disturbance ahead.

Yes, Inn. I'm currently living in an Inn with my Winged and sort-of-Winged Sekirei in the Izumo Inn. Now why would I need to live in an Inn if I had my own place I had rented when I came to this town? Well, the answer is simple really.

Someone are out to get to me.

One day when I returned home with Akitsu I saw the whole place finish burning down. Granted I was away for a few hours, but you'd think the neighbors would call the firefighters to put out the fire, but apparently that didn't happen. The other houses nearby didn't burn down since the house I was living had a rather large yard that acted as a buffer zone to them.

Only after the place was basically charcoal the firefighters came. Not only that but earlier that day I had realized that all my savings from years of part time work had suddenly disappeared from my bank account. Everything, gone.

I kept myself cool since most of my really important stuff was on the basement, but that was yet another thick to however made me suffer those indignities, and however they are, I will extract my pound of flesh one way or another.

I COULD have made another house myself, but people would ask themselves where did that fancy wooden house came from.

I finally went to Izumo Inn, and things started to go a bit crazy afterwards. More wingings, proper introduction on the Sekirei Plan, yada yada yada.

It was a good thing I was already doing my stuff by that time, so I could play the part of semi-clueless flatscan human, but my patience was running thin and I was never one to let others fight my battles. My summons were always partners and force multipliers instead of minions to throw around, after all.

Seeing a group of Sekirei busting out a friend was the last straw to my patience, and considering the things I had set in motion would start to bear fruit soon enough, sooner than the end of the Sekirei Plan at the very least, with a burst of shunshin I was stopping a girl from finishing off Uzume.

"Hey Uzume, long time no see", I say to my friend, "you disappeared suddenly, what happened? I brought some tea, want to have some later?"

She was gaping at me as the Sekirei I was holding the hand off was struggling to escape my grasp, and failing miserably.

"Minato?" Came several yells, and I looked around and saw my other Sekirei confused at seeing me.

"Hey girls, sup?" I said non challantly before releasing the girl from my grip. "Can you pick up Uzume and bring her inside the Inn? Also, somebody pick up those groceries, would you?"

Homura dumbly nodded, picking up the groceries from my hand before I turned to the hostile Sekirei group in front of me. "I'm feeling magnanimous today since I got to see a friend that I haven't seen in a long while, so I will give you one chance: turn around, go home and I will pretend you girls never did anything stupid. Any other reaction that isn't you all hightailing from here immediately and I will eject you cunts from here very violently."

Dumb cunt took a step forwards, "we aren't intimidated by-"

"Shinra Tensei."

At once the wave of gravity pushed them all forwards with such violence that they were ejected towards the sky rather violently. I would have thought I used too much force, but once you hit terminal velocity your body will break only so much and I know for a fact that Sekireis are at least as durable as level two disciples.

When I turned to my own Sekirei they all stared at me like I had grown a second head.

"Well, cat's out of the bag I guess. Come on, I will explain to you girls over a cup of tea."
I feel like we've skipped a Lot of stuff. But if this is how long it's actually gonna take for Minato to bust out the Shinobi powers, then in hindsight it's all good.
The Sole Reason Humans Are Feared 1
"... and we will learn how to live among humans, so keep up with your disguises even while in class".

I shot out my hand up. "What about those who are humans?"

You could hear a pin echo in the classroom.

"Well, if any human where so hilariously misplaced to be at Youkai Academy, then uh... I'm not sure what would happen." Said our teacher a bit unsure on how to respond.

"We would fucking KILL him", said a few male students, "that's what would happen!"

I palmed my face. Really Geniya-san, how did you convinced my father that enrolling me on this school was a good idea? Oh right, you're his best friend or something. Damn him.

"I see", I said in a neutral tone, "thanks for clarifying that."

As I finished that the male students that were vocal about killing humans had suddenly stood up and were in front of my desk, looking at me suspiciously. "Now, that's a rather strange question to have. Everyone that came to Youkai Academy would know what would happen to a human here".

Our teacher tried to diffuse the situation but was unable to do so, the delinquents ignoring her pleas.

"Yeah..." said another delinquent, "you know, why don't you show what kind of monster are you? Just so we don't think you're a filthy human."

"You, you can't! It's against the rules to-"

"It's alright teacher", I tell her with a sigh before standing up, "I will answer those guys. Anyway, I can't show you the kind of monster I am because what you see right now is my true form. In other words, I'm a human."

Silence fell on the class as everyone stared at me wide eyes at my boldness. The delinquents looked at me with hate in their eyes. "Really now? That's rich!" Said one of them before grabbing me on the shirt, "now I really want to know who the fuck do you think you are to have the NERVE to come to YOUKAI ACADEMY as a FILTHY HUMAN!"

I easily grabbed the arm he was holding me up. "Oh, didn't I introduce myself earlier? My bad."

"My name is Tsukune Belmont."


I put some force in my grip, and tore away his arm from my shirt, slowly bending his arm as he struggled to contain his look of pain and shock from his face.

"Son of Kasumi Belmont and Julius Belmont."

The rest of the class gasped in surprise at hearing my famous father's name. I looked at the delinquent almost crying in pain under my grip before I let out a serene smile.

Three seconds later he had been throw away from the window and landed very far away on the courtyard.

"And the only one who stinks here is you, you dumb mutt!"
Well, the Belmonts aren't the ONLY monster hunting family on Castlevania earth, but they certainly are the most well known, as well as the undisputed best.
Case 53 Part 1
I opened my eyes, feeling the cool breeze on bare skin.

I was somewhere I couldn't recognize, which was strange since the last time I was... was...

I frowned. Something was wrong, I couldn't remember the last place I was, or what I was doing, or even...

"I am...", said a voice I didn't recognize, my voice, "who am I? I don't know, I don't remember!"

My tail flared violently on the ground breaking it with a snap before I calmed down.

I also distinctly remember not having a tail before... this.

"Fuck, what do I actually remember from before?"

I know that amnesia of this magnitude only exists in movies, since usually I would be reduced to a child in terms of development, or severely brain damaged. Yet I knew what movies where, even recalled a few of their plots and names.

I scratched my chin with my pale hand, deep in thought. I'd need to have more experiences to properly figure out what I know and what I don't.

I went outside the dark alley I had woken up, and tried to find a mirror. I knew I was different than a normal human, that I wasn't entirely human anymore, but I had no idea what I looked like.

Ignoring the gawking bystanders, I found a mirror in a car, and took a good look at myself.

Something in my mind snapped, as a half forgotten memory ignited on my mind.

"Kukukuku, kukukukukuku, OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!"

I laughed and laughed as something in my mind said that this whole situation was utterly hilarious.

Some guy in a weird costume approached me. "Are you... alright? Sir, madam... undetermined gender?"

"I do not conform myself to paltry human gender conventions", I told the man before turning fully to him. "I also require some pants, if you don't mind."

"Alright, we can provide that to you", he said before bringing in his radio, "control, I found a new Case 53, he's..."

"Call me Freeza. It's a strong, powerful name, fitting for my new life."

"He call's himself Freeza... right... understood, Velocity over. Could you please follow me Freeza? We have the necessary means to help you adjust to your new life."

"How kind of you", I said honestly, "I will remember to allow you and your loved ones to live in the future", I said trying to joke, somehow those words coming naturally to me.

Sadly, it didn't had the intended effect on him.
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Case 53 Part 2
After being properly inducted in the Wards, because for some strange reason nobody bought that I was older than eighteen even if I totally where (stupid short stature, feminine voice and male body structure combo), it was time to power test, an important aspect of being a parahuman affiliated with the heroes.

"Now", said one scientist, "I'd like you to punch this machine as hard as you can."

I blinked at the sensation of deja vu. "Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, this equipment is rated for at least Brute 8. Even if you break it the equipment will shatter harmlessly around your fist, so go nuts."

"Alright then." Taking a deep breath, I pulled my fist back and punched.


Somehow I was incredibly disappointed, before trying again hitting it harder.

*ding* *ding*

I was still disappointed. I somehow knew I could do more, do better than this pathetic showing. Hell, I looked like a dirty monkey flaying around my arms uselessly in the air.

Another deep breath and I concentrated hard on my fist, willing it to become stronger. Somehow something inside of me answered to that call, something warm, a form of light, of raw Power.

I drew my fist back, and punched.

The machine didn't as much as broke as it turned into confetti, pieces of it flying away from the point of inpact.

"Well", said one of the scientists, "that was a thing."
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Case 53 Part 3
"Those are your new team mates Frieza", said Armsmaster to my side.

"It's Freeza", I told him the by nth time already, "you can leave us now, I believe I know how to socialize by myself." With a motion of my hand I shooed him out, and the efficient little solider he was he clearly understood my need for privacy with my new team mates. Even if it felt like I was going to be their baby sitter.

In an instant the little girl of the group came to my side, as if she was always there. Hmm, I'm strong but it doesn't matter how strong you are if you can't hit your opponent, and this little girl almost startled me.

She will be a wonderful minion in the future.

"Hello! I'm Vista!" She said in a disgustingly chirpy tone, "it's good to have another new member. Uhm, are you a boy or a girl?"

"I do not conform to your paltry human gender conventions."

"Does that mean you won't wear a dress?"

"If it is sufficiently cute and complements my skin tone, I don't see a reason not too."

The little girl squealed before looking at my hands. "Did you painted your nails? Black looks good on you."

"They're naturally that color", I helpfully supplied to her.

"Ugh, next you want us to sit on a bonfire and sing Kumbaya while talking about boys", said another voice from the room, and I looked at her.

Dark skinned, athletic build, infuriatingly taller than me, a terrible attitude.

Yes, she will do.

I turned away from Vista for a moment before walking at a sedate pace to the girl, before standing in front of her.

"Something in my face freak?" She almost snarled to me.

One of the other wards tried to butt in but I simply chuckled. "Oh, classy", I said with amusement in my voice, "I like your attitude Dodoria, I might make you my chief knee breaker."

Dodoria managed a good mix between snarl and frown on her face. "It's Shadow Stalker."

"So you say Dodoria, so you say."

Dodoria made to pick up something from her pocket, but was interrupted by mr-fabulous-abs on the other side of the room. "I wouldn't do that if I were you Shadow Stalker."

"Why not, are you going to rattle me?" Dodoria said with a sneer in her face. Needs work.

"Freeza rated as a Brute 8 on both offensive and defensive capabilities on h... their test."

Dodoria looked between me and fab-abs with an incredulous look. "Seriously?"

"I'm new to this, but I'm sure once I train harder I can give a better showing", I helpfully replied, "at least with a power rating of only eight I shouldn't have a problem holding back so I don't accidentally a building."

"Don't you mean 'accidentally destroy a building'?" Asked Vista.

"I know what I said."

Back to Dodoria she looked at me before grinding her teeth, finally crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, you don't look so impressive to me."

I simply smiled at the girl in front of me, before poking her in the ribs making her yelp in pain and forcing her to sit back in her chair. "I think it's time to teach you, Dodoria, one really important thing here."

"That is?" She said with a glare towards me.

I simply smiled at her.

"Pecking Order".

"... is it wrong of me to be enjoying this?"

"No, that just means you have half a brain Vista. I knew I liked you for some reason." I said to my future favorite minion.

"Hey, why does she keep being Vista and you call me Dodoria!"

I flickered her forehead, making her snap back on the chair and clutch her forehead in pain while yelling obscenities.

"Do no question me Dodoria."
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Case 53 Part 4
"Are you really sure you want to go there?" Asked Miss Militia, or Hanna when she isn't on the clock, "Arcadia is considered a good school for a reason."

"I am certain", I told the government dog, "don't worry, I doubt these unwashed apes will be a threat to me in any way, shape or form."

She frowned. "No racial slurs either."

"It's less of a mouthful than unwashed tailless naked monkeys at least."

She just stared at me.

"Oh fine, those uncultured peasants. Happy?"

She sighed before motioning me out of the car, "just don't cause any trouble, and remember to think first before talking with other people. I know the way you speak feels natural to you, but it can be offensive to other people."

"I will remember not to trample on their poor feelings", I paused for a minute, "and apologizing. That's a thing, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes it is", she said in a tired tone thought she managed a small smile. "Just remember to say your pleases, thank yous and sorry and you should be fine for the most part."

"I'm not five Hanna, but I will keep that in mind."

Now, to face my greatest challenge yet in my new life.



Hm... I really should call myself something other than Freeza while working. While the fact that my name will strike fear in the hearts of my enemies brings me joy, it's customary for people in my situation to give themselves a call sign.

Perhaps Galactic Overlord Freeza? No, I'd need to build a galactic empire firs, which means finding some parahuman that can build me a spaceship first before going around the galaxy to conquer planets. That and it's a bit of a mouthful. Perhaps simply Overlord Freeza? No, it implies that there could be others that are my quasi-equals, and the thought of that is just laughable in sheer principle.

How about Lord Freeza? It's short, direct, clear and concise. Yeeessss, I think I like the sound of it.

Lord Freeza.

I can't wait to have Dodoria call me that.

Speaking of which, I take a good look at the class I was assigned. People looked at me like I was some amazing thing, like a god! While I appreciate the sentiment I was still too pathetic to be an actual god, and I lacked some of the typical godly powers. Unless I become some kind of god of destruction or something, but those don't have much creativity in their godly domain.

It's just destruction this, destruction that, bring me my parfait, this wine is the wrong vintage, let the dirty monkeys do the leg work-

"Excuse me? Weren't you going to introduce yourself?" Asked the man at my side, the math teacher if I remember correctly.

"Of course. Excuse me, where are my manners", I said with a nod before turning back to the pupa state humans, also know as teenagers. "My name is Freeza, and I am what is considered a Case 53 parahuman. I recently came back to the land of living with no memories of my own, so I don't have any particular hobbies, likes or dislikes", I pause my introduction a bit to think my next words, the advice of Hanna coming to my mind, "I hope we can be friends."

Nobody said or did anything, so I tried to break the ice with a little joke. "Freeza allows you to bow now."

I got many incredulous stares, except for Dodoria who immediately bowed so hard she hit her head on the table.

How precious. I need to remember to reward her somewhat later.
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A Chosen Warrior? Part 1
"If you were to be the chosen one", a stray thought came to my head, "would you come and fight the forces of evil?"

"Sure, why not? Beats my current life I guess".


I blinked over the large cloud of smoke in front of me, seeing myself sitting on the ground without my laptop. Looking up I saw someone that was vaguely familiar, before I blinked.

Purple hair, black trench coat, a large sword on his back, blue eyes. "Are you Trunks? Trunks Briefs?"

He blinked back at me. "Do you know who I am?"

"Yeah, yeah I do." I said while trying to stand up. "I mean, fuck this sounds like a dream, but I know who you are. You're quite famous yourself after all." I looked around the place, and while I wasn't exactly familiar with it like I was with the rest of the series I could figure out where I was right now. "Why have I been called to the Toki Toki city? I mean, what someone like me is even supposed to do? It's been years since I last practiced martial arts, and even then I wasn't any good at it even at the level of a normal non ki using human, barely even an amateur really."

Trunks took a step back at my declaration. "But the dragon said that he brought forth the perfect warrior to help me with the time patrol."

I looked up but saw no giant dragon, before going back to Trunks and frowning. "Well, unless you sucks really, really hard at administrative work I don't see how can I help you, and even then I might not be a good help there either since I have little experience working in an office."

This time Trunks seemed frustrated and started pacing, muttering something under his breath, before turning back and staring intently at me. He frowned for a moment before his eyes widened a minute amount. "If that's the case how come you can suppress your ki so much? It's almost like you have no ki kind of like an android", he paused for a moment, "you aren't an android, are you?"

I let out a small awkward laugh, before scratching my neck. "Yeeeeah, about that? You might want to sit down for this next bit of info. I don't think you will take it well."


At some point a time patrol recruit came in a brought us some refreshments, and Trunks picked up a few tankards of a very strong drink. Somehow along the way, Chronoa appeared to bug both of us and started chugging the ale tankards like there was only water in it.

"So, we're all the products of this Akira Toriyama?" Asked Trunks with a thousand mile stare.

"Normally I would say that an author simply have inspiration coming from parallel universes or something like that, but recently with the crossovers and the fourth wall breaking by Vegeta no less I think there's actually a transcendental being called Akira Toriyama somewhere. If you're that curious, you can always go to the Penguin village on Earth and find the Bird Robot, who is one of the avatars of the author."

Chronoa looked at the pyramid of ale tankards she made before ordering more. "I'm too sober for this shit", she said shocking Trunks for her coarse language, "and here I thought that Lord Zen-Oh was a goofy overdeity, now I have to deal with the fact that technically we exist because the story was initially a gag manga", she said while shaking her head.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you guys to take those news that badly."

Chronoa snorted, "maybe Trunks-kun did, but I'm mostly concerned with what you said will happen in the near future, if the predictions you gave us will pan out."

I grimaced. "Sorry I can't be more specific on what will happen. I didn't played Xenoverse and all my knowledge came from the wikis."

"It's fine. Knowing about Demigra and Mira causing chaos in the future is plenty for now. Forewarned is forearmed as the saying goes."

I nodded before taking a tentative sip to the ale, before putting it down due to how strong it was. "So what now?"

"Well, since things are calm right now I will ask Trunks to start training in order to better prepare himself while I look for another potential recruit. What about you? What do you plan to do?"

"I, I'm not sure", I said looking back at the ale and trying my hardest to chug it down. "I mean, I had a life back there, with people waiting for me, and I kind of discarded it away at the drop of the hat without hesitation when what I now recognize as Shenron asking me if I wanted to do this Future Warrior gig. It kind of makes me feel like a villain, since it will take however long to gather some dragon balls to send me back."

"Don't worry about that", she said while dismissing my worries, "as the Supreme Kai of Time I can grant the dragon permission to put you back in your own world in your own timeline a few instants after you were poached from here."

I wasn't expecting that. "You can do that?"

"Of course, why do you think I can't do that with the aid of Shenron?"

"... I better not think too hard on it. I really don't want to get tangled in theological debates here."

I sighed, before drinking the last of my ale. "The sad part is that I can't do much even if I tried. I mean, ki wasn't exactly a thing where I came from so I can't use it, after all."

"Hm... why don't you ask to be reborn as a human by either another Shenron or Porunga? We need the same Shenron from Toki Toki city to send you back from where you come from, but if it's something like that another dragon can do it no problem."

"Huh, didn't think of that. Better to use Porunga since he recharge faster and the Namekians aren't doing much with their own dragon balls. Speaking of which, does the dragon balls accumulate negative energy each wish or something?"

"Only in certain timelines", she replied, "the ones that diverge in ancient times during the construction of the first dragon balls. It's a design flaw that's not present in all timelines."

"So only in GT that's a thing. Good to know. Well, if I can eventually gain ki, I don't see why I can't try to help you guys out at time patrol. I mean, I'm not sure if I will ever reach Raditz levels of power, but something at the level of Demon King Piccolo should be doable, right?"

Chronoa looked at me up and down sizing me up, before shrugging. "Sure, why not? I think Trunks-kun was getting lonely here either way. Welcome aboard Future Warrior. As your first task you need to bring your sempai to his room."

I looked at Trunks passed out on the table, snoring soundly. He really took the news of his own fictionality rather hard. Either that or he just wanted an excuse to get shit faced drunk, it could go either way.

"Please take care of me Chronoa-sama."

"If you want to be formal my proper title is Kaiohshin-sama. But since you're going to work closely with Trunks-kun you can call me simply Chronoa if you want. Now chop chop, you have a task to do."

"Oh, what I am to do with such demanding mistress. Not even a minute in her employ and she's already cracking the whip."

"Tsk, cheeky brat", she said with a smirk, "you better work without complaint unless you want to actually pay for your stay here."

"I bow down to your superior wisdom mistress."

"See that you do. Hm... mistress, I wonder if Trunks-kun would call me like that~"
Hmm, interesting. Though, if you could wish to be reborn as a human, why not go for something with a bit more potential?
Hmm, interesting. Though, if you could wish to be reborn as a human, why not go for something with a bit more potential?
In xenoverse the future warrior is powerful regardless of his origins. Even if he can't go super saiyan, he can use Kaiohken to gain a power up, or go to Old Kai for Unleash Potential later.


Really? Because humans are seemingly pathetic trash with no real ability, talent or power when compared to the other races out thwre.

Chosing to be human is equal to killing yourself and theoretucally billions of others when you fail a mission because the inherent limitations of the human race held you back.

"I'm more comfortable as a human!"

So your personal 'comfort' is more important than all of reality and its inhabitants? Wow.


Meh. You see Krillin and Yamcha become useless floozies cause they're human. They simply can't reach the threshold of power loads of other races achieve. Deliberately holding yourself back when joining the Time Force or whatever would be evil.

I never watched Dragonball except some episodes from that parody series with english dubbing, so I might be wrong. Still, it's a thought-provoking argument for abandoning your own species.
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Huh. That doesn't make much sense except... ah, yes. Game-world. Gitta make playing a hunan a viable option if you want to keep that playerbase.

Really? Because humans are seemingly pathetic trash with no real ability, talent or power when compared to the other races out thwre.

Chosing to be human is equal to killing yourself and theoretucally billions of others when you fail a mission because the inherent limitations of the human race held you back.

"I'm more comfortable as a human!"

So your personal 'comfort' is more important than all of reality and its inhabitants? Wow.


Meh. You see Krillin and Yamcha become useless floozies cause they're human. They simply can't reach the threshold of power loads of other races achieve. Deliberately holding yourself back when joining the Time Force or whatever would be evil.

I never watched Dragonball except some episodes from that parody series with english dubbing, so I might be wrong. Still, it's a thought-provoking argument for abandoning your own species.

And it shows. The humans in Dragon Ball are weaklings compared to the utter bullsh*t they're compared with and nothing else. The main enemies in DBZ are, in order: a galactic tyrant feared throughout the universe as one of the most powerful beings alive, an artificial being created using the DNA and combat data of all the most powerful beings its creator had access to, including all the still-living Saiyans, said galactic tyrant, and his even stronger father, and a primordial being of pure chaos and destruction with the power to casually kill gods.

1 year of training with Kami makes all of the Z Warriors stronger than Raditz, who is a much better example of the average Saiyan's power than the total freaks that are Goku or Vegeta. Of the entire Saiyan race that outside of non-canon movies, only Goku, Vegeta, and some very distant legendary figure who could only maintain the form as a Great Ape and still ended up being destroyed by the power, ever achieve Super Saiyan. In fact, both Goku and Vegeta's fathers only had a power level of about 10,000, and that's the highest non-Goku/Vegeta power level we ever saw a Saiyan have. Nappa, who was a big enough deal among the Saiyans to personally know the king and to be tasked with taking Prince Vegeta off-planet and taking care of him, had a power level of 4,000.

From the moment they reach Namek, Krillin (and also Gohan, but he's half-Saiyan so he doesn't count here) is strong enough to beat on Freeza's soldiers without difficulty, who have a power level of maybe 1,500-2,000 or so on average. After having his "true potential unlocked" by Guru, the eldest Namek, Krillin's power level soars to 13,000, which is stronger than Goku was when he fought Vegeta (not including the Kaioken). By the time they fight Freeza, Krillin is, through cunning and Freeza's own arrogance, able to lead the tyrant on a merry chase and even do some minor damage to him despite being utterly outclassed (Freeza's power in the form this occurs in is 1,000,000). Also, while training with King Kai, the dead human Z Warriors got strong enough to defeat the also-dead Ginyu Force, who kicked Vegeta's ass until he Zenkai'd up and were Freeza's elite force of mercenaries brought in to deal with planets that his elite troops couldn't handle.

Humans aren't worthless compared to every race in the galaxy. They aren't even worthless compared to the bulk of Saiyans and Namekians. But they're surrounded by Super Saiyans and Super Namekians and up against the most ridiculously OP threats the galaxy can throw at them. The only thing that keeps the bulk of humanity so weak is their ignorance of ki.
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@Leingod, essentially. Also like I said, this is Xenoverse where being a human is much less of an issue. Hell, canonically the Future Warrior of the first game is a human.
Better a saiyan where you dont run the problem of suddenly finding yourself a power limit when you realize this supposed xenoverse doesnt run on game physics and humans are still squishy tadpoles compared to almost anything.