
So the beams stabbing into Remnant are going to basically drain the whole ecosystem of the planet, rendering it lifeless through draining plants of life to disrupt the oxygen cycle etc. Does Ruby have any idea how long before Remnant is rendered incapable of supporting life?

So the beams stabbing into Remnant are going to basically drain the whole ecosystem of the planet, rendering it lifeless through draining plants of life to disrupt the oxygen cycle etc. Does Ruby have any idea how long before Remnant is rendered incapable of supporting life?

Those beams are also attacking the atmosphere too.

On a normal world such a catastrophe would leave it with hours left of life, if not days.

But... well I can't tell to much because that would be spoiling, But Remnant is a special world. Much like the people that call it home, Remnants soul is a fighter. So it actually has about a month or two to live.
Those beams are also attacking the atmosphere too.

On a normal world such a catastrophe would leave it with hours left of life, if not days.

But... well I can't tell to much because that would be spoiling, But Remnant is a special world. Much like the people that call it home, Remnants soul is a fighter. So it actually has about a month or two to live.
so we have a month or two to jack every bulk transport and passenger carrier we can.
But... well I can't tell to much because that would be spoiling, But Remnant is a special world. Much like the people that call it home, Remnants soul is a fighter. So it actually has about a month or two to live.

I wonder if it's related to the presence of Dust, or possibly the force which gives the Maidens their powers.
Of Stats and Levels
Greetings everyone! I have a spice update for you!

I had to take a quick look through to see if I had posted the Stats only to discover that I did no such thing!

Well that is resolved now!

All stats are divided into three sub-stats each. The Cap of a sub-stat is 500, and the full stat is formed through the union of all three sub stats divided by three.

The Prime stats are:

Militas: The measure of War and Conflict.

Pecunas: The Measure of Wealth and Infrastructure.

Furtus: The Measure of Spycraft and Diplomacy.

Duc: The Measure of Charisma and Loyalty.

Fidelitas: The Measure of Faith and Resolve.

Scholasticas: The Measure of Knowledge and Discovery.

Militas: Sub Stats

Combat: The personal combat abilities of whoever holds this stat.

Tactics: The Capability to direct small to medium amounts of troops, and alter plans mid battle.

Strategy: The Ability to Direct armies and large amounts of troops on a grand scale.

Pecunas: Sub Stats

Economics: ability to manage businesses or generate money

Infrastructure: Knowledge of the inner workings that make up a City

Luxury: Knowledge on how luxurious things can be.

Furtus: Sub Stats

Stealthcraft: Personal abilities in the arts of stealth.

SpyCraft: Ability to direct others to attain information.

Diplomancy: Ability to make bargains with other powers.

Duc: Sub-Stats

Leadership: Ability to lead other people.

Charisma: Ability to be likeable and draw others in.

Will: The power to impose your will on others

Fidelitas: Sub-stats

Religion: Faith in a higher power.

Ego: Faith in oneself.

Resolve: The Strength of Faith.

Scholasticas: Sub-Stats

Technologicus: Knowledge and skill with standard technology.

Mysticus: Knowledge and skill with mystical energies and systems.

Esotericus: Knowledge and ability to decipher and create strange and mysterious technologies, incapable of being classified in a known system.

Not only that but I am dispersing 300 points for each Character for you to build their stats. Once that is done I will distribute traits among the Characters which will grant them their unique abilities and powers.

For how stats are distributed: Each sub stat is broken into minor Milestones and Major Milestones. Minor Milestones grant lesser traits that can evolve into Major Traits. Minor Milestones are spread out by 25 points, and everytime you reach 100 in sub stat you get a Major milestone. The Core stat also has this as well, but instead distributes, Major and Greater Traits.

Please put how the points are distributed among each of the Available Characters in Plan format. If you do not know which characters are available, please refer to the previous update, which has a list of all available characters.
300 points in 18 sub-category's? Well that just makes everyone horribly min-maxed and glass cannons designed to fail. We WILL NEED the ability for dedicated training very early on or the characters will be dropping left, right and center.
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300 points in 18 sub-category's? Well that just makes everyone horribly min-maxed and glass cannons designed to fail. We WILL NEED the ability for dedicated training very early on or the characters will be dropping left, right and center.

There will be, plus this is just for your own customization. I will probably balance it out once I can properly translate their natural abilities over into these stats. For Reference on the higher ends of stats, Someone like Qrow would have about 350 among some of his core stats, while someone like Palpatine would have 450. The truly ancient and experience would have 500 among the Core Stats.
@MasterofNog In the previous RWBY Wars quest we could gain extra stat points for writing omakes and choosing music for the soundtrack. Can this be applied here?

I have a few questions regarding the sub-stats, so please bear with me -
- Can two sub-stats be applied to a single action? If so, can this happen if the two sub-stats are linked to different Prime Stats? For example, if Weiss was to try a Diplomancy action with a corporate CEO or Senator, could she claim a bonus from her Luxury sub-stat to reflect her familiarity with high society?
- the Mysticus sub-stat is listed as knowledge and skill with mystical energies and systems, while Technologis is listed as standard technology. Which would cover tech involving Dust and Aura, and things like mecha-shift weapons?
- Could we possibly get base stats for the characters and then apply the bonus points on top of that?
@werdZerg13 You've got both the names of the characters and of the prime stats in bold - maybe you could underline the names of the characters just to make them easier to spot? Also, maybe delete the scores you haven't allocated points to, just to reduce the size of the wall of text?
@MasterofNog In the previous RWBY Wars quest we could gain extra stat points for writing omakes and choosing music for the soundtrack. Can this be applied here?

I have a few questions regarding the sub-stats, so please bear with me -
- Can two sub-stats be applied to a single action? If so, can this happen if the two sub-stats are linked to different Prime Stats? For example, if Weiss was to try a Diplomancy action with a corporate CEO or Senator, could she claim a bonus from her Luxury sub-stat to reflect her familiarity with high society?
- the Mysticus sub-stat is listed as knowledge and skill with mystical energies and systems, while Technologis is listed as standard technology. Which would cover tech involving Dust and Aura, and things like mecha-shift weapons?
- Could we possibly get base stats for the characters and then apply the bonus points on top of that?

Yes that applies here as well. The Better the Omake and soundtracks delivered the greater the rewards.

As for your questions:

Two sub stats can be applied to actions, and your example is feasible, and entirely possible.

Dust and Aura is covered under Mysticus and the commonality of Mech-shift technology places it under Technologicus

I would hold back on letting you make plans until I release the Normal stats but.... Someone already made a plan
Yes that applies here as well. The Better the Omake and soundtracks delivered the greater the rewards.

As for your questions:

Two sub stats can be applied to actions, and your example is feasible, and entirely possible.

Dust and Aura is covered under Mysticus and the commonality of Mech-shift technology places it under Technologicus

I would hold back on letting you make plans until I release the Normal stats but.... Someone already made a plan
Did you not say that you wanted US to create the stat sheets for this quest using ONLY those 300 allocation points or am I just crazy?????????

If there was supposed to be a waiting period before we made our point plans I would have preferred if it was stated more plainly because clearly I missed it. Also the wording of your original post seemed to imply that those 300 points were to be the only point our characters would possess which was the reason for my somewhat negative earlier post about min-maxing and glass cannons.
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Yes that applies here as well. The Better the Omake and soundtracks delivered the greater the rewards.

As for your questions:

Two sub stats can be applied to actions, and your example is feasible, and entirely possible.

Dust and Aura is covered under Mysticus and the commonality of Mech-shift technology places it under Technologicus

I would hold back on letting you make plans until I release the Normal stats but.... Someone already made a plan

Thank you.
So does a score of zero in a sub-stat mean that a person has no knowledge or training at all in that area? I'm thinking of Jaune in the initiation test in the Emerald Forest not een knowing what Aura is, and wondered if a score of zero in Mysticus would reflect this?

Seeing as mecha-shift weapons are listed under Technologicus, do characters who use mecha-shift weapons like Crescent Rose, Ember Celica etc need a minimum score in Technologicus in order to use and maintain those weapons?
Did you not say that you wanted US to create the stat sheets for this quest using ONLY those 300 allocation points or am I just crazy?????????

If there was supposed to be a waiting period before we made our point plans I would have preferred if it was stated more plainly because clearly I missed it. Also the wording of your original post seemed to imply that those 300 points were to be the only point or characters would possess which was the reason for my somewhat negative earlier post about min-maxing and glass cannons.

I apologize.

Thank you.
So does a score of zero in a sub-stat mean that a person has no knowledge or training at all in that area? I'm thinking of Jaune in the initiation test in the Emerald Forest not een knowing what Aura is, and wondered if a score of zero in Mysticus would reflect this?

Seeing as mecha-shift weapons are listed under Technologicus, do characters who use mecha-shift weapons like Crescent Rose, Ember Celica etc need a minimum score in Technologicus in order to use and maintain those weapons?

A score of zero could mean either or. They could have some knowledge or skill, but lack the ability to apply it for some reason or another.

Any character that uses Mech-shift weaponry has at least the 25 milestone hit for Technologicus. this allows them the ability to maintain it, and the ability to construct and design MEch-shift weaponry.
I apologize.

A score of zero could mean either or. They could have some knowledge or skill, but lack the ability to apply it for some reason or another.

Any character that uses Mech-shift weaponry has at least the 25 milestone hit for Technologicus. this allows them the ability to maintain it, and the ability to construct and design MEch-shift weaponry.
Thank you and I would like to apologise if I came off as too harsh or critical before. It was just that I spent over an hour on the point plan and then it seemed like 30 seconds later I find out it was all for nothing. I'll leave the plan up for now and redo it after you have created the base character sheets.
Thank you and I would like to apologise if I came off as too harsh or critical before. It was just that I spent over an hour on the point plan and then it seemed like 30 seconds later I find out it was all for nothing. I'll leave the plan up for now and redo it after you have created the base character sheets.

Okay... that will take a bit though and will be posted all the way at the start of the threadmarks. it could very well be posted tomorrow, but I will try to get it done today.
Okay... that will take a bit though and will be posted all the way at the start of the threadmarks. it could very well be posted tomorrow, but I will try to get it done today.

Want us to throw some ideas your way to help out? I was working on a list of which sub-stats would be a priority for each character and wondered if that might help.

For that matter, would eac character with a Semblance or an unlocked Aura need a minimum of 25 in Mysticus to use it?
Want us to throw some ideas your way to help out? I was working on a list of which sub-stats would be a priority for each character and wondered if that might help.

For that matter, would eac character with a Semblance or an unlocked Aura need a minimum of 25 in Mysticus to use it?

Sure PM any ideas to me.

Semblances or Aura Unlocks are determined by traits. The Skill in using it is determined by Mysticus, which also governs the usage of dust.
Okay.... I Might have underestimated how Indepth I wanted to make these character sheets. So I won't be done until further into the week. Hopefully I don't get sidetracked to the point it goes two months without an update.

But to tide you all over I will post a Joke OST.

Basically this is for all the Defense Segments that will occur, in the next Battle.

Long long ago, in a previous RWBY Wars quest, the Grand Master known as MasterofNog told the players to seek music which would be included in the arrangement known as the Soundtrack, and decreed that the finding of music worthy of the Soundtrack would be rewarded. And the players sought music with the aid of Google and Youtube and the secrets of the links, and they found music. And MasterofNog found the music good, and rewarded the players with character points to improve the characters and all were happy. But that was long ago, and the quest has since ended.

Now a new RWBY Wars quest has begun.

Now the Grand Master known as MasterofNog has promised rewards to those who gather music for the new Soundtrack.

Now the search begins again!

<cracks fingers, pops neck, settles into chair>

Okay, let's do this.....

'Furious Retribution' by Epic Score

Both ominous and badass, suitable for the invasion of Remnant and the fighting in Vale,. The ominous tone also suits the reaction to the energy beams fired from the academies against the ships in orbit, as well as Ruby's realisation of the destruction they will wreak on Remnant itself.

'The Last Stand' by Sabaton

A suitable song for defending a city and those in it, both in the fight to get to the docks and for the upcoming skirmishes to evacuate Vale.

'Prime vs Bee' by Steve Jablonsky

Taken from the Transformers: The Last Knight soundtrack, this is the music I hear when imagining Ruby, Jaune and Yang fighting the reprogrammed Penny at the docks.

'Help Is On The Way' by Rise Against

Suitable for a battle with a band of Hunters coming to the rescue or having a Big Damn Heroes moment. Can also be applied for a bittersweet rescue attempt where the rescue party arrives too late to save the people they're trying to protect, as reflected in the line about help not arriving (which was the whole point of the song, as it was a biting commentary on the slow government response to Hurricane Katrina)

'Something Just Like This' by Coldplay

Doesn't tie in to a specific scene yet, but as far as I'me concerned this is as close to an official anthem for Arkos shippers as it gets :)
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Your donations Please me!

I will give you your reward once I finally get through all the character sheets....

Which will undoubtedly take a while....

But I will Get there!
Mwahahahaha! Yes, yes, give in to the dark side of the music! Bestow upon me your gifts and rewards -

<looks around, sees quest readers staring at him in bemusement, hastily makes a very sloppy Jedi Mind Trick hand gesture>

You saw nothing, okay?

Anyway, here's a couple more for the soundtrack....

' All the Strange Strange Creatures' by Murray Gold

Taken from the Dr Who soundtrack this feels like really good chase and adventure music. This is the kind of tune to use to set the mood for a chase through the streets of Coruscant or the slums of Nar Shaddaa, running along footpaths and ducking through crowds to hide from the pursuing enemy.

'This is Gallifrey' by Murray Gold

Another one from the Doctor Who soundtrack. It sounds like the kind of tune to emphasise the alien nature of a new world that the RWBY characters set down on, as a reminder that it's not just a place on Remnant. Imagine the view of Tatooine in 'A New Hope' where it starts as a view of a standard desert landscape then sweeps up to reveal two suns in the sky, or the view of Coruscant as their ship comes in from orbit and there's the view of the entire planetary surface covered by an unimaginably huge city.

' You're Gonna Go Far Kid' by The Offspring

With a thousand lies and a good disguise, hit 'em right between the eyes.....

This song was perfect for Cinder's machinations in the canon series in Season 3, but hopefully she's less treasonous towards us in this quest. Still, this song is perfect as Emerald's theme with her background as a con-artist and thief as well as her illusion Semblance.
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Okay.... I Might have underestimated how Indepth I wanted to make these character sheets. So I won't be done until further into the week. Hopefully I don't get sidetracked to the point it goes two months without an update.

We have all been very patient and have given you the week you requested for the character sheets but now.... (urge to kill rising) just take your time.

Edit: OK I'm kind of an idiot. I didn't see that you actually had placed Ruby's character sheet up until now... so... yeah sorry.
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Halloween Special Post
Happy Halloween everyone!

Thanks to a special contribution from Chaeronea, The rest of the character sheets will be posted rather soon, likely before the day is out!

So make sure to give them some special virtual candy!

But this isn't just a status update!

Far to the edge of the galaxy, in a region shrouded in mystery.
On a shattered world, now in the throes of death.
The Summer's Last Rose, begins to blossom in the face of doom.
As green and red fire rains from the sky, from shining grey vessels of death.
With a Dragon, Princess, and Many knights on her side.
The Rose Struck back, as Death began to devour her precious home.
Now before the metallic corpse of her fallen friend.
The Rose gestured outward before the Broken Vale.
"Save Them." She commanded her companions.
Bursting forth into the Broken City, they began once more with Death itself.
But within the Mind of the young Rose, as blood stained petals fall
'Can I really Save them all?'

Today I made a Promise.

That Promise has now been fulfilled!

All the Character sheets are now available for viewing!

Now I will be accepting the modifications of those 300-

wait a minute....

Someone gave some soundtracks didn't they!

Chaerona for the combined soundtrack donations and your help with the character sheets, you get 500 points to distribute as you wish... but not 500 per character. just 500.

I need to keep some semblance of balance.

AS for the rest of you, there are 300 for each of those, characters to be distributed by you all as you see fit! Now hopefully I don't have to do this to many more times....