Running 1. Turtle Quest: Happy Fun Insanity

Okay, folks I think we need to string together all of the inputs after a 15. >
In the order of their appearance.
Now to find all the inputs.
15. > ~IT[](@@!@@)&#(][)it)(n

T IS TIME aghh I'm dumb. When this )TTT( was being written into ))TT(( and then )))T((( that was defining finiteness. & is mushrooms, # is their spores.

)( is the finite bounds of existence.
Precursor Programming 1.3
Oh? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

There's three things going on right now. We are Precursors with access to an input panel, represented by the numbers, but our input will soon run out. The space of existence represented by the dummy and the idea of adding things is how we get new concepts to mess with. Three there's a dummy and some turtles floating around in existence. Right so, time to test something.

14. > 14.=999.

Let's go with that. Might also be that we can go back in "time" to any input number and change things, and have theoretically infinite inputs by just typing in a number followed by a thing.
Test 1.5-v1





























Precursor Programming 1.4
Now... why did we go back to Test 1.3 v3?

Musta been from the numbers I did and my time travel comment. *reads it over*

Holy shit, by contemplating the finite nature of existence the turtle's created a boundary around themselves that blocked out the spores, the #, and replaced them with emptiness. I uh. Think they also set how far we can go back.

x = emptiness.

Right time to check something else.

14. > 2.

Let's try that.
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I have no idea what's going on in this thread, but I feel good about introducing turtles to it.

Because it means we get sentences like "by contemplating the finite nature of existence the turtle's created a boundary around themselves that blocked out the spores".
Test 1.6-v1

















14. > 0.
Test 1.7-v1













Okay so with this we are at the beginning of Existence, all posts before it helped to define what Existence is. Basically, forming or booting up this that we see above. We have in a lot of ways gone back in Time. E: I find it really curious how this is all in informational, but Test 1.4-v4 isn't.

The turtle leaves the boat, and finds a hat, then puts it on.
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Test 1.7-v1.1










I am simultaneously intrigued, confused, concerned, and unsettled. Rather impressive, all things considered.

Test 1.8-v1







Observe our power fellow readers. Control of Time itself, as defined when Test 1.1-v1 popped up.

A hat goes sailing by on a turtle.
Test 1.8-v1.1


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Test 1.8-v1.2

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*tilts head*

Uhhhh... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. We can't see the ninja. It's hiding.

The boat turtle, the hat on the turtle, and the hat on the ninja gather on the shore along with their other turtle and ninja.