Running 1. Turtle Quest: Happy Fun Insanity

Precursor Programming 1.17 [Martyr of Blood]
...Hey guys, So I can't make sense of Tithed_Verse's inputs but has anyone noticed that there's some serious weirdness in our logs of what went down...I'm thinking this thing took me more literally then I realized when I said about 20 commands before things slam into each other. Which if I'm right? Means I'm only on like command 19 or 18 or so.
I should probably do myself a favor and work off...What I think is my last prompt.
*=least favorite colour=Beige=opposing colour
6=favorite colour=Lavender
what I was trying to say was the colour of the dummy is bleeding into the clouds around it. But awkward opening and failure to realize I should start from scratch in re-writing that sentence=confusing wording.
right so addition operators (+) don't seem to work. The only operator that does seem to work for certain is = and maybe > and <

Smushing two things directly together (lightdirt) however, does result in a new thing (shadow)
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Fuck, there needs to be a way to clear definitions. Right now the problem I see is that ~=what happens next?=...=time, so the input is just cycling through those definitions.