LostDeviljho said:
Frankly, I think one of the little things of Worm that is a constant, mild strain on SOD is that violent villain groups like that exist and don't just... get fucking shot.
Good question, though it looks like others have already provided better answers than I think I likely would have.
Pale Wolf said:
She's trying to be Batman - a dark hero in the night that makes all the nasty things out there too scared to put their heads out. She doesn't have the things Batman has that let him do it - an actual good cop to hand people off to so he doesn't need to dispense frontier justice, billions of dollars of inherited wealth, and writers willing to let it work.
Well, I'm not sure she is, actually. Because the thing about Batman is that, as I recall someone else pointing out somewhat at some point, don't recall who, where, or when, sorry, his heroic code has blind trust in the authorities as a fundamental pillar. After all, Batman can beat the Joker; he's done it over and over again. But he's done it
over and over again; the Joker keeps coming back, no matter how many time Batman captures him, hands him over to the authorities, and tells himself he has to believe that
this time they'll actually take care of it. The alternative would be usurping the proper roles of judge, jury, and executioner. And I'd guess Sophia's response would be something along the lines of "Well, yeah, but for all you know one good cop, your judges, juries, and executioners are clearly at least as bad as mine, and if you
had taken on those roles even after just the
second time the Joker broke out, how many of his victims wouldn't have been, and how many other super-crimes wouldn't have happened because the villains knew the worst case for being beaten by you
wasn't basically just a fine and a short stay in a revolving-door prison?"
I'm not gonna say my reading of Sophia is the only valid one.
was interesting, though, and I don't recall seeing its like before; thanks for sharing it.
MaimakteriAnn said:
Multiple attempted murders and attempted murder with a biological agent isn't "just a teen idea of nastiness".
I mean. There are some teens who decide that anyone at their school they can hit with an automatic weapon is a valid target for same. Sophia's actions might be more extreme than can-already-be-pretty-bad normal bullying, but they don't go
that far -- and as far as I know, in text, the Locker may or may not have been her idea, and either way she was far from the only student to actively or passively support it happening.
Winged One said:
Armsmaster, the man who would have enslaved Dragon to his will if circumstances hadn't forced him to take a good long look at himself?
...Oooookay, is this another case of "Reese's gestalt impressions from fanfic have given them a very distorted impression of the canon version of This Particular Thing", or... what?