-[X] agility
(lets keep it simple for now and work our way up)
-[ ] write in: he just said that we should take our lives in our own hands, lets do that, let's hunt down the rat king

whoops thought we were back in London, in that case seems like it might be better to find a vantage point

--[X] find a vantage point
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Stop: Obnoxious signatures are against the rules
It isn't pornography, so it doesn't break tos.

obnoxious signatures are against the rules
1. SV's acceptable content rules cover more than just pornography;
2. Being an ass to someone is also against the rules;
3. So is being an ass by having a gigantic .gif as part of your signature;
4. If you have to circumvent a technologically enforced prohibition to do something, it's probably not something you should be doing;
5. Consequently, @Thegoldenboy has been infracted and lost the privilege of having a signature.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Mar 1, 2022 at 7:27 PM, finished with 34 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X]Blink: Ah and old favorite from another world, where you gather your energy and matter and transport it into somewhere else. A very perfect, useful power.
    [X]Write in: Try to get into a vantage point to see if you can spot the Outsider.
    -[X] If that fails try to find some discernable path in the madness. If there is a way somewhere else, it might lead to him.
    -[X] Pay attention to your surroundings. You'd hate to miss a step and fall into that nothing.
    [X]Write in: Try to get into a vantage point to see if you can spot the Outsider.
    -[X] agility
    --[X] find a vantage point
[X]Blink: Ah and old favorite from another world, where you gather your energy and matter and transport it into somewhere else. A very perfect, useful power.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Mar 1, 2022 at 12:25 PM, finished with 36 posts and 9 votes.
The Outsider Part 2
The Outsider Part 2:

"And our hold on the Princess? She is the Heir, and she is not one who will take kindly to our advances, even if she may believe in the infallibility of her Government. The Regency will have to be established in a way that will benefit us? Are we sure the Prime minister will approve of such actions if we do not have him in our pockets as we have others? And what of the Army?"

There was a dark chuckle that was let out by his compatriot, one that filled him with dread. He hated it when his compatriot was benign overly dramatic. "Would you care to explain to the class?"

"Oh my dear boy, you must remember that West End is under occupation from our agent, who will provide all the distraction we need when we finally unleash the plan. But pomp and circumstance will need to wait until we are ready."

There was a pause, a very long one. One that filled him with a dread that he hadn't felt since he met, for the first and only time in his life… All For One. "There is no one that can stop what has already been set in motion."

"Now, play your part, and play it well. We will speak again when the Plot is over. And Her Majesty is safe, in our custody."

This place, was like a maze, the void seemingly going on forever while so much seemed to be happening. You could see, bits and pieces, fragments of people, places, of London far in the past, when the Great Fire devastated the city. Of when the quick-witted Thief, Jack Sheperd did the impossible and toppled John Wylde… When the streets ran red with blood when His Majesty King Mob Ruled the Street.

The Fear of the World War, the Blitz, and the soldiers who fought in it. So much of London was now being seen by you. London in its past… alive. Now seemingly a part of you.

"Ahh, I see you have managed to do something that even the greatest who wielded my mark has never done. Seeing the course of history through the eyes of others. But the void is not for the slow and simple-minded like you, my child. Come find me." The Outsider stated.

"How?" You asked.

"Feel the Power, and you shall find me." The being replied, feeling far more comforting than he had any right to be. But in this place, among this void of history and light and darkness, a similarity that is far more enticing than any adventure you may wish to run through.

[]Blink: Ah and old favorite from another world, where you gather your energy and matter and transport it into somewhere else. A very perfect, useful power.
[]Write in: Try to get into a vantage point to see if you can spot the Outsider.
-[] If that fails try to find some discernable path in the madness. If there is a way somewhere else, it might lead to him.
-[] Pay attention to your surroundings. You'd hate to miss a step and fall into that nothing.

You felt the energy flow through your veins like it was the blood that was missing from you, for your very life. You had taken a moment to breathe in, then out, before holding out your hand, feeling the faint outline of your silhouette far away, farther away than you could ever jump on your own.

You then let go and feeling the tug through your being, vanished.

You arrived at the view a moment later, feeling weaker or less sure-footed, the energy you had was gone, but not completely. Like catching your breath after a long jump or escaping the Bobbies after a nice haul, it soon came back.

The Outsider then commented. "You are not as bound by the normal rules as the others have. Your body accepted the mark without hesitation and manipulated your body's structure to use it without going into your natural mana stream… interesting." He stated as you looked around. You had thought you had gone higher.

Instead, the world seemed to build around you, leading towards a path. Towards the end, and the outsider himself.

"I was really hoping that you would have realized I was not going to be leaving you in this place, or make it difficult for you to find me. A curious and resourceful child you may be, I would rather you not be sucked into the void and be lost to time and space. You still have a part to play, and a role you must fulfill."

You frowned. "But why allow me to do that in the first place?"

"Curiosity perhaps?" The Outsider seemed unsure of his answer as if he was not expecting you to be as… different. "But please, continue onward."

You obeyed, and you were feeling a bit stronger than before, coming towards him, with the weight of your step seeming lighter, as you really wanted to try what you did again. Blinking out of existence to where you wanted to be.

Soon, the path reached an end, and you recognized Trafalgar Square. "You know, it has been a long time since I had to give a child my mark. You were not my first choice, but I have run out of time."

"You make it seem like this has happened before, but under different circumstances?" You asked.

"You are a bright one Charles, and you are correct. But I have never given my mark to a child, who may not be in control of his own destiny. I have given it to men, great and small to see what kind of choices they would make. Some like Sheperd did good and evil, with his life being the careful catalyst for the movements that still shape this world, in however small ways he did it. Others have almost brought this nation to ruin. I do not like Britain, I find this place lees appealing and unoriginal, unlike its Child America, or the Elder nation of Japan, yet my nostalgia for this country brings me back. And it seems to you."

A question popped into your mind. Well, two actually. "Are you God?" You asked. "And… what's about to happen that made you choose me?"

The Outsider Laughed. "Not even I have the power to create, merely to manipulate, and to your second question… I want to see what you decide. To be the Hero you had always dreamed to be, but possibly not even save your beloved London. Or go deeper into the underworld where you know your soul will be tested, to save London, and who live in it."

The Outsider then handed over a phone. "You may find some interesting trinkets outside, at your home, and something more, if you decide to go exploring. Good Luck Charles."

You awoke back in the Outsider's Shop.

You saw something… on the ground, a box. And a note.

You picked up the note and realized it was in the Outsider's Hand.

To my Dear Charles. Do not disappoint me, like so many others have. And a gift to you.

You then opened the Box.

It was a mask.

A Sword. A foldable sword like you've seen in video games and movies.

And a Gun.

On the top of the box, there was another note from the Outsider.

May you live in interesting times.

What does your mask look like:
[]Place image here.

What is your Gun?:
[]Write in what gun it is here/Place image here.

What do you do?:

[]Go Home: You need to see the Mates. You need to tell them what happened. Or at least tell them you have a quirk.

[]Find Someplace Safe: It's not going to be safe if the outsider's words are to be trusted. You need to look for a place to hunker down.

[]Look at Phone: You see something on your phone that the outsider gave you. Something… blinking?

[]Write in

How do you Traverse the City?:

[]Try out the Powers: You want to see what your limits are?

[]Take the Tube: You still have some subway pass that will still work... perhaps for a moment, you can enjoy the safety of a Tube ride. For a given value of safety.

[]Walk: These Streets of London are yours. Why do you need to be afraid?

[]Write in

AN: Enjoy everyone and please vote in plan format please!
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i added some actions for traversal just in case it felt a little overwhelming with all the write ins.
[X] Plan: Foundations

[X] Find Someplace Safe: It's not going to be safe if the outsider's words are to be trusted. You need to look for a place to hunker down.
[X]Try out the Powers: You want to see what your limits are, but try to keep out of sight. Keep things stealthy, last thing we want is to be attacked/found while we are practicing how to teleport.

alright, plan reasoning: WE need a safe spot to bunker down as CHAOS is coming, so a place to manage our gear and heal up would be good. That aside, probably the best time to test our powers before things go down the drain. I also kinda like the idea that the Outsider's ascetic changed over the years, so things are more modern to denote the modern time. I also really like faceless masks, but that's just me. Spoilered the images to be polite and make it so much easier to read the actual post. Fixed the mask so that it's acutally useable. One Way Mirrors are king c:
still would like a backup safe spot for the Sudden yet inevitable betrayal thats doubtlessly going to happen.
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WE need a safe spot to bunker down as CHAOS is coming, so a place to manage our gear and heal up would be good
I mean, you will have a place to bunker down during the off times for the missions to save the princess/ Start a Second Glorious revolution in Britain...

But whether it be a place that is fitting to you (Charles) or to others (All the Queens Men) will be determined.
I also kinda like the idea that the Outsider's ascetic changed over the years, so things are more modern to denote the modern time.
Well I mean, why not? The Outsider has been around for a long time, why not have him make all sorts of changes and adjust his tastes like any other sane person.

Well I mean, he's only partially sane because immorality makes him crazy.
I also really like faceless masks, but that's just me.
We don't have sensing powers yet, so faceless masks might be a detriment then a help... at least for now.

Just saying.
Can't get my usual image sight to work, so just going to vote for an action.

[X] Find your mates and get them somewhere safe. They'd do the same for you.
We don't have sensing powers yet, so faceless masks might be a detriment then a help... at least for now.

Just saying.
I know, but I also think it's a fun idea. Gets a mask that's really good and, ah shit, can't use it because I use my eyes like a peasant :V
jokes aside, I'll probably change it. Could also be a one-way mirror too, which would be easy to see out of and prevent being blinded, I'll need to look into that then and fix it.
I know, but I also think it's a fun idea. Gets a mask that's really good and, ah shit, can't use it because I use my eyes like a peasant :V
jokes aside, I'll probably change it. Could also be a one-way mirror too, which would be easy to see out of and prevent being blinded, I'll need to look into that then and fix it.
I mean the Outsider could just be a troll at this point, and is really hoping that you nut up or shut up before things go to shit.
The Outsider is a Troll by default. He's a motivating force of change, who gives people power- and is actually a pretty decent guy about it all things considered. Still a troll, but when you're immortal, you need hobbies to prevent madness, trolling the shit out of people is acceptable. I wonder if he was WIFI in the Void... It be halarious for him to have a web account or something to ping the outside world with occasionally v:
Maybe I can just include the link?
Yes. Thats fine.
The Outsider is a Troll by default. He's a motivating force of change, who gives people power- and is actually a pretty decent guy about it all things considered. Still a troll, but when you're immortal, you need hobbies to prevent madness, trolling the shit out of people is acceptable. I wonder if he was WIFI in the Void... It be halarious for him to have a web account or something to ping the PC with occasionally v:
I don't see the Outsider as a motivator for change, more an agent of chaos. Mostly because he only grants powers in extraordinary circumstances, and tells them to go wild.

He does not control their actions. And I would argue that he is clearly interested in how people react when given a great amount of power to change and shape the world, either in the long, or short term.
I mean, he did just give you a phone that is linked to the Void?

Who's to say he won't do that sometime in the future.
Uhh. Trying again.

Yes. Thats fine.

I don't see the Outsider as a motivator for change, more an agent of chaos. Mostly because he only grants powers in extraordinary circumstances, and tells them to go wild.

He does not control their actions. And I would argue that he is clearly interested in how people react when given a great amount of power to change and shape the world, either in the long, or short term.
I mean, he did just give you a phone that is linked to the Void?

Who's to say he won't do that sometime in the future.
Nothing is working, so took screenshot and changed it to my my avatar image.

Mad Mirror mask can let you find it in google.
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Now I want to write a short little interlude of All might and All For One in the interrogation room, with All For One gloating that there is a great change coming in the world.

And Toshi just isn't feeling it man.