Rules of Engagement (Prototype/MCU)

Consumption II - You can consume biomass at a rate equivalent to around 2kg/sec. You will retain basic knowledge from the consumption. Rank 3 skills now obtainable upon consumption. (Upgrade: 23 xp and 6 experimental subjects - must be humans of different backgrounds or animals as large or larger than humans)
This should be III
With enough Chemistry we get a good source of income which we can use to buy animals and beyond that knowing about Chemistry will give us knowledge on how to manipulate and use various poisons as well as allowing us to make bombs.
With ENOUGH, sure. But that is a long term goal, one that we can fulfill via other means.
Money, we just made 10 grand by eating raiding the "farm". According to google, a cow now adays would cost about $800, so we just got enough money to get 12 cows to eat. Taking money will generally be a far better way to get money than legit earning it. And even then, as we amass more powers, we also can learn to legit earn it.
Poison, it'd be better to go find some spiders and nom on them. Or if we could, get some of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, and learn to make Boulinum Toxin, worlds 2nd deadliest poison (1st is Polonium).
Bombs, we don't have much use for. It would render all the yummy bodies into mush, and it's incredibly likely we'll pick up some explosion making power along the way.
It gives us the chance to just walk up to random people and follow them around without them finding us suspicious if we act accordingly. It´s a very specific and weird ability but one i always wanted. If we follow someone it gives us the possibility to follow them directly to their door without them finding us weird. With a slight possibility they may give us food. There are a lot of logical reasons. The most important one... i love dogs. Even if we have to eat ´em. I dont love all dogs.
We can do that fairly well by using the Scent power. Follow a block or so back, and they won't notice us, and we could easily track them.
Any food we'd be given would probably be negligible (doubt they'd give us a dozen pounds of meat, after all).
I say we ditch Leah.

She's really cramping our style.
I say we keep Leah. She's hilarious.
[x] You still end up eating all of it.
[X] Patience II
[X] All Mobbed Up II
[x] Gardening III
[X] Scent IV (Dog)

Mobbed up is most important skill, since it leads us to finding and eating more "bad people".

Adult form might be useful, but we can find it literally anywhere and get it next turn, and there is no pressing need for it, I am also somewhat attached to our leah form.

On the other hand, how many "bad people" are going to be good gardeners? And the knowledge of gardening ties into biology which is a skill we critically need (as we cannot upgrade our consume further until we get biology I). We might be able to use gardening as a foundation for biology development. Even if not, the sciences go well together and knowledge skills are rare and should thus be snagged when available.

[X] Sad
[X] Forgive her.
We can't stay mad at our Leah
[x] Train (using XP and biomass)
-[x] Superspeed II
[x] Hunt
-[x] Mobsters
-[x] Stealthily
-[x] As many as you can find
[x] Socialize/Infiltrate
-[x] Normal bars.
-[x] With leah as your guide, learn to talk to people without making them running away, asking them if they are bad people, or getting evicted from the bar and the like.

Superspeed is best power, also cheap to upgrade.

Hunting mobsters will put our mob knowledge to good use. and lets us eat "bad people" to get more skills and knowledge from. Web of intrigue, HO!

Socialize with normal people to learn some social skills. It would be hilarious, cute, and useful.
With enough Chemistry we get a good source of income which we can use to buy animals and beyond that knowing about Chemistry will give us knowledge on how to manipulate and use various poisons as well as allowing us to make bombs.
Those are true. But money I think is more of a goal for in the future when we are more grounded in terms of social skills and knowledge of the world and want to become ironman.
And remember we are being an ethical philanthropist monster, so we are not gonna be selling hard drugs.

I say we ditch Leah.

She's really cramping our style.
That is the whole point. She is turning us from a mindless amoral monster that eats everything into an adorable murderbatmanlittlegirl
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[x] You still end up eating all of it.
Hey, food is food.

[X] Patience II - You can stay put for relatively long periods of time without wandering off, or continue at a task even if you find it pointless.
[X] All Mobbed Up II - You know about as much about the Irish mob as a low level grunt does.
[X] Form: Seamus Mckenna - Balding man in his 30s.
[X] Scent IV (Dog) - Your nose is as good as dog's - while you couldn't necessarily track something through a city, you'd be pretty good if the scent trail hasn't been too disturbed.
Patience is a must. Learning about the Mob is handy for tracking down more money and/or Bad people. Having an adult form to use is also very useful. And finally, being able to follow a scent trail, and generally be able to smell things out, can be very useful.

[X] Smad
She was our Friend! Some friend she is.
[X] Forgive her.
She's our friend, even if she's a doo-doo head.

[x] Socialize/Infiltrate
-[x] Normal bars.
-[x] With leah as your guide, learn to talk to people without making them running away, asking them if they are bad people, or getting evicted from the bar and the like.

[X] Train (using XP and biomass)
-[X] Shapeshifting III
-[X] Compression III
As long as we eat at least the plants, we'd have enough EXP for both, and it's always good to boost our core powers.
@FixerUpper On the first post, there's a few powers we have the option of trying to get, like Superstrength I, and what not. But there's no listed price next to them. How much would they cost to unlock?

[x] Hunt
-[x] Mobsters
-[x] Stealthily
-[x] As many as you can find

Superspeed is best power, also cheap to upgrade.
Superspeed needs Super-reflexes to become really good. Without that, we are just running really fast.
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Vote Tally : Crossover - Rules of Engagement (Prototype/MCU) | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[6] You still end up eating all of it.
[6] Patience II - You can stay put for relatively long periods of time without wandering off, or continue at a task even if you find it pointless.
[6] Scent IV (Dog) - Your nose is as good as dog's - while you couldn't necessarily track something through a city, you'd be pretty good if the scent trail hasn't been too disturbed.
[4] Form: Seamus Mckenna - Balding man in his 30s.
[3] All Mobbed Up II - You know about as much about the Irish mob as a low level grunt does.
[3] Smad
[3] Forgive her.
[3] Form: Dog - You can now take the shape of a dog.
[3] Sad
[3] I dunno.
[3] Train (using XP and biomass)
[3] Hunt
[3] Socialize/Infiltrate
[2] Gardening III

Total No. of Voters: 6
Having an adult form to use is also very useful.
I agree it is very useful, but we can get one next turn and we don't plan on doing anything this turn that will be using it. On the other hand gardening is a rare skill that will not be easily found in the bad people we eat.

Furthermore, we need to upgrade consumption ASAP since every time we upgrade it we get +1 free skill per turn from consuming, double consumption rate, and +1 to max skill level gained.

Currently upgrading it is limited by lack of Biology I skill, gardening is a base from which we might be able to develop biology skill.
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I agree it is very useful, but we can get one next turn. On the other hand gardening is a rare skill that will not be easily found in the bad people we eat.

Furthermore, we need to upgrade consumption ASAP since every time we upgrade it we get +1 free skill per turn from consuming, double consumption rate, and +1 to max skill level gained.

Currently upgrading it is limited by lack of Biology I skill, gardening is a base from which we might be able to develop biology skill.
Biology IV, more than just I.
And besides the possibility that it could branch into Biology, what use is there for Gardening?
I say we keep Leah. She's hilarious.
She also prevent us from eating at least 3/4 of the stuff we could eat. She doesnt even give us good reasons other than: Because people just dont do that or there is that big guy in the sky who absolutely doesnt care about the alien invasion or but would personally smite us if we went against one of his ten rules. Not as if it matters if someone else breaks them. I dont really think she turns us from some amoral alien into a moral upstanding citizen either. If being that would be so important then we could just eat some people find out morality and adapt to it. And dont say eating bad people wouldnt teach you that. Most people know what is good and what not and just choose to ignore or dont care about it. They would still know though. Everything she does is forcing her on view on us. Dont we have the freedom to choose for ourselve what we want to be. Maybe we want to be an upstanding citizen. But let it choose us for ourselves i say. Or how nanayoung said in her wise words:

She's really cramping our style.
Biology IV skill, more than just I.
Ah, you are right there. Still...
And besides the possibility that it could branch into Biology, what use is there for Gardening?
It ties into our knowledge of humanity and helps us understand the world around us. Things like "where do humans get their biomass" and "what is this green biomass that doesn't fight back" (plants) and the like.

Mainly though it is a prerequisite skill that should be related to several more advanced forms of knowledge, by getting it now we ensure we can get the more advanced knowledge better later on when we end up consuming someone well educated.

It is also a rare skill from a consumed person, and I tend to prioritize those. We will have many many days to gain power and are not in a rush to do anything.
She also prevent us from eating at least 3/4 of the stuff we could eat.
That is the whole point. she is an excuse we are letting shape us into a "good" person.
She also prevent us from eating at least 3/4 of the stuff we could eat. She doesnt even give us good reasons other than: Because people just dont do that or there is that big guy in the sky who absolutely doesnt care about the alien invasion or but would personally smite us if we went against one of his ten rules. Not as if it matters if someone else breaks them. I dont really think she turns us from some amoral alien into a moral upstanding citizen either. If being that would be so important then we could just eat some people find out morality and adapt to it. And dont say eating bad people wouldnt teach you that. Most people know what is good and what not and just choose to ignore or dont care about it. They would still know though. Everything she does is forcing her on view on us. Dont we have the freedom to choose for ourselve what we want to be. Maybe we want to be an upstanding citizen. But let it choose us for ourselves i say. Or how nanayoung said in her wise words:
She's not forcing her views on us. She has 0 control over us. She's just convincing us what she says is right. We could at any time ignore her, or even eat her (though that wouldn't really solve the issue). What's more, she has skills we do not. Plus, recall that we already made the assumption that the Big Guy In the Sky was one of the flying dudes knocking down the giant aliens in the invasion.

What's more, she's serving as our impulse control. If it wasn't for her, we'd be eating everyone that we come across, and attract a LOT more attention than we can handle right now.

As for learning about Morality from someone, that hasn't been an option to learn yet. We don't know what we might get from teh people we eat, Morality might just not be an option till a high Consumption LVL.
Ah, you are right there. Still...

It ties into our knowledge of humanity and helps us understand the world around us. Things like "where do humans get their biomass" and "what is this green biomass that doesn't fight back" (plants) and the like.

Mainly though it is a prerequisite skill that should be related to several more advanced forms of knowledge, by getting it now we ensure we can get the more advanced knowledge better later on when we end up consuming someone well educated.

It is also a rare skill from a consumed person, and I tend to prioritize those. We will have many many days to gain power and are not in a rush to do anything.
Alright. But then I have to ask, how are we going to infiltrate and socialize in a bar, without an Adult form? Bars don't tend to cater to kids, after all, as we saw earlier when we tried to infiltrate a bar and the Barkeep told us repeatedly to get out.
Alright. But then I have to ask, how are we going to infiltrate and socialize in a bar, without an Adult form?
We are supposed to "fail" that action hilariously. But learn socializing from our failures. The goal is to be better at socializing, not to acquire alcoholic beverages

Also, if we act like ourselves in the form of a 30 year old man instead of a young girl then we will likely be arrested instead of shooed out.
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We are supposed to fail that action hilariously. But learn from our failures.

Also, if we act like ourselves in the form of a 30 year old man instead of a young girl then we will likely be arrested instead of shooed out.
I'm sure that, with Leah coaching us and knowledge gained about the Irish Mob, we could avoid being arrested. At worst we'd probably be considered a wierdo, but a RICH wierdo (we just got 10 grand, might as well use some of it), so one they'd put up with.
I'm sure that, with Leah coaching us and knowledge gained about the Irish Mob, we could avoid being arrested. At worst we'd probably be considered a wierdo, but a RICH wierdo (we just got 10 grand, might as well use some of it), so one they'd put up with.
"Are you a bad person? I eat bad people"
Bars don't tend to cater to kids, after all, as we saw earlier when we tried to infiltrate a bar and the Barkeep told us repeatedly to get out.
That was a barkeep of a bar catering to the underworld. Normal bartenders are not going to give us alcohol, but they might be more likely to talk to us and ask where our parents are and other such socialization.

Also, I said interact with people at the bar, not ask the bartender for info. As in, I expect us to mostly socialize with the customers

anyways, if we had adult form I would have voted for us to "learn socializing" in a library or a supermarket or somesuch instead of a bar. the whole point of trying to learn socializing in a bar is that our leah form appears like a little homeless girl. and also the fact we have experience with a bar from before, it is what we know.
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"Are you a bad person? I eat bad people"
"Oh my God, Damien, you can't just ask someone if they're Bad."
Like I said, with Leah coaching us. We'd almost certainly screw it up on our own. Leah would be able to steer us away from such mess ups.
That was a barkeep of a bar catering to the underworld. Normal bartenders are not going to give us alcohol, but they might be more likely to talk to us and ask where our parents are and other such socialization.

Also, I said interact with people at the bar, not ask the bartender for info. As in, I expect us to mostly socialize with the customers
I don't think normal patrons/bartenders would be much interested in talking to a kid either.
I don't think normal patrons/bartenders would be much interested in talking to a kid either.
But will it be all of them who refuse to speak to us? someone is bound to.

also, I said earlier "meant to fail", that was bad phrasing, rather it was meant to successfully teach us about human culture, rather than successfully acquire alcoholic beverages
But will it be all of them who refuse to speak to us? someone is bound to.

also, I said earlier "meant to fail", that was bad phrasing, rather it was meant to successfully teach us about human culture, rather than successfully acquire alcoholic beverages
And that someone is bound to talk to us like a child. I don't think it'd be that useful for learning about human culture.
[x] You still end up eating all of it.

[X] Patience II - You can stay put for relatively long periods of time without wandering off, or continue at a task even if you find it pointless.
[X] Scent IV (Dog) - Your nose is as good as dog's - while you couldn't necessarily track something through a city, you'd be pretty good if the scent trail hasn't been too disturbed.
[X] All Mobbed Up II
[X] Form: Seamus Mckenna - Balding man in his 30s.
[X] Smad
[X] Forgive her.

[x] Train (using XP and biomass)
-[x] Superspeed II
[x] Hunt
-[x] Mobsters
-[x] Stealthily
-[x] As many as you can find
[x] Socialize/Infiltrate
-[x] Normal bars.
-[x] With leah as your guide, learn to talk to people without making them running away, asking them if they are bad people, or getting evicted from the bar and the like.
[x] You still end up eating all of it.

[X] Patience II - You can stay put for relatively long periods of time without wandering off, or continue at a task even if you find it pointless.
[X] Scent IV (Dog) - Your nose is as good as dog's - while you couldn't necessarily track something through a city, you'd be pretty good if the scent trail hasn't been too disturbed.
[X] All Mobbed Up II
[X] Form: Seamus Mckenna - Balding man in his 30s.
[X] Smad
[X] Forgive her.

[x] Train (using XP and biomass)
-[x] Superspeed II
[x] Hunt
-[x] Mobsters
-[x] Stealthily
-[x] As many as you can find
[x] Socialize/Infiltrate
-[x] Normal bars.
-[x] With leah as your guide, learn to talk to people without making them running away, asking them if they are bad people, or getting evicted from the bar and the like.
Vote Tally : Crossover - Rules of Engagement (Prototype/MCU) | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[9] You still end up eating all of it.
[9] Form: Seamus Mckenna - Balding man in his 30s.
[9] Scent IV (Dog) - Your nose is as good as dog's - while you couldn't necessarily track something through a city, you'd be pretty good if the scent trail hasn't been too disturbed.
[6] Patience II - You can stay put for relatively long periods of time without wandering off, or continue at a task even if you find it pointless.
[6] All Mobbed Up II - You know about as much about the Irish mob as a low level grunt does.
[6] Forgive her.
[6] Train (using XP and biomass)
-[5] Superspeed II
-[1] Plan: Trondason — Crossover - Rules of Engagement (Prototype/MCU) | Page 3
[6] Hunt
-[6] Plan: mrttao — Crossover - Rules of Engagement (Prototype/MCU) | Page 3
[6] Socialize/Infiltrate
-[6] Plan: mrttao — Crossover - Rules of Engagement (Prototype/MCU) | Page 3
[5] Smad
-[2] Im sad, leah how could you do this to us? You know we wanted to meet the cowsies. You know how important that was to us. Why´d you do it?
[4] Sad
-[1] Im sad, leah how could you do this to us? You know we wanted to meet the cowsies. You know how important that was to us. Why´d you do it?
[3] Form: Dog - You can now take the shape of a dog.
[3] I dunno.
[3] Gardening III

Total No. of Voters: 9
[x] You still end up eating all of it.
-[x] Asking Leah first.

[x] Patience II - You can stay put for relatively long periods of time without wandering off, or continue at a task even if you find it pointless.
[x] All Mobbed Up II - You know about as much about the Irish mob as a low level grunt does.
[x] Form: Seamus Mckenna - Balding man in his 30s.
[x] Scent IV (Dog) - Your nose is as good as dog's - while you couldn't necessarily track something through a city, you'd be pretty good if the scent trail hasn't been too disturbed.

[x] Train (using XP and biomass)
-[x] Super Speed
-[x] Shape shifting

[x] Hunt
-[x] Mobsters
-[x] Stealthily
-[x] As many as you can find
[x] Socialize/Infiltrate
-[x] Normal bars.
-[x] With leah as your guide, learn to talk to people without making them running away, asking them if they are bad people, or getting evicted from the bar and the like.