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Ruinous Ambitions: A 40k Inquisition Quest
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The Pridius Sector is beset on all sides by dark threats both from within and without. It's the Inquisition's task to identify and destroy these myriad threats and save the soul of humanity. Follow the career of an Interrogator, an acolyte and member of an Inquisitor's retinue, as they battle against the mutant, the witch, the xenos, and the daemon. The fate of the Presidius Sector is on the line, and should this Interrogator fail, billions of souls will be lost to damnation.
Character Creation 1 New
United States

It is the 42nd Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of His inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the vast Imperium of Man for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that He may never truly die.

Yet even in His deathless state, the Emperor continues His eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst His soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defense forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from aliens, heretics, mutants -- and far, far worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.


The Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office. To further fear them is redundant, to hate them, heretical. Those more sensible will place responsibility with those who forced their hands.
-Captain Gabriel Angelos, Blood Ravens Chapter, after the Exterminatus of Typhon Primaris

The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition is a secretive organization that exists outside the standard administrative structure of the Imperium of Man. They serve as the primary secret police and intelligence agency of the Imperium, protecting it from a myriad of threats ranging from heretics, rebels, mutants, aliens, and daemons. Inquisitors consider their power to be absolute, only answerable to the Emperor Himself. They wield their theoretically limitless power to defend the Imperium, pursuing their mission as they see fit, for none can gainsay an Inquisitor, not even other members of the Inquisition.

This quest will follow the career of an Interrogator, an acolyte of the Inquisition and Inquisitor-in-training. We will vote on their actions as they work within the Inquisition, investigating and fighting against the multitude of dark threats against the Imperium of Man. The Interrogator will be responsible for running their retinue, managing resources, and uncovering terrible threats intent on destroying mankind. But while Inquisitors and their retinue can wield great power, they are but human with all the weaknesses and follies that entails, and they face terrifying enemies. What sacrifices will they make to pursue their goals, what lines shall be crossed, and can this Interrogator survive with their soul intact?


Character Creation Outline

Character creation will take place over a series of rounds. Around three to four rounds unless something unexpected comes up. The first vote will involve deciding upon the backstory and details of our PC. The second vote will consist of choosing members of the Interrogator's retinue, equipment, their Greatest Triumph, Greatest Failure, and Greatest Enemy. The final vote will involve the actual character sheet for the Interrogator.

Character Creation I

Special Note About Character Creation

There will be NO vote at this point in time. There's going to be a 72-hour moratorium on voting to give everyone time to come up with a character. You can go ahead and create a character, and after the moratorium is over I'll set up a proper vote with all the different characters everyone's made to vote on. I repeat, I will not count any votes until I open the official vote. Now is just the time to make plans and to ask any questions you might have for the quest.

Innocence proves nothing.

[ ] Write-in

Cast out the mutant, the traitor, the heretic. For every enemy without there are a hundred within.

[ ] Write-in

A coward's only reward is to live in fear another day.

Physical Description
[ ] Write-in. You can either write-in a description and/or use an art piece.

Cleanse yourself in the blood of our enemies.

[ ] Write-in. Subject to the approval of the QM. Try and stick to the most important elements of your character's life instead of typing about every little thing that's happened to them, and no more then about a page on a Word program.

Damnation is eternal.

How Were You Recruited?
[ ] Write-in

Doubt forms the path to damnation.

Are You A Psyker?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No



The Inquisition draws on individuals from across the Imperium. People from any number of organizations and backgrounds could find themselves within the service of an Inquisitor. From where is the PC drawn from?

[ ] Schola Progenium
The Schola Progenium are academies run by missionaries of the Ecclesiarchy that teach and train orphans of Imperial officials. They indoctrinate the young minds of their charges, producing Tempestus Scions, Commissars, Imperial Guard officers, sisters of the Adepta Sororitas, and even budding Inquisitors. Many Inquisitors get their start as students of these facilities, being identified early as exceptional students who would make for fine Interrogators to be given over to their lord Inquisitors.

[ ] Adeptus Administratum
The Adeptus Administratum consists of the untold billions of clerks, scrubs, and administrators who run the byzantine bureaucracy that keeps the gears of the Imperium running. Without its adepts the Imperium's infinitely complex systems would grind to a halt. Tithes would not be collected, Imperial Guard regiments would not be raised, fleets unbuilt and staffed, and countless other tasks would be left incomplete. More than one Inquisitor has found it useful to acquire a scribe of the Administratum to manage their paperwork, do research, and weave their way through the Imperium's obstructing bureaucracy.

[ ] Adeptus Arbites
The Adeptus Arbites are the police force of the Imperium of Man. They ruthlessly enforce Imperial law without mercy, dealing out punishment to the guilty and (theoretically) protecting all law-abiding imperial citizens. They act as judge, jury, and executioner. Their martial and investigation skills, knowledge of Imperial law, and absolute dedication to the Imperium make them popular picks for an Inquisitor's retinue.

[ ] Adeptus Astra Telepathica
Responsible for recruiting and training psykers, the Astra Telepathica produces the majority of the Sanctioned Psykers used by the Imperium of Man. Astropaths, Primaris Psykers, Diviners, and others serve the Imperium, using their strange and dangerous powers. Many Inquisitors find the talents of psykers useful and so use them within their retinues.

[ ] Adeptus Mechanicus
The Adeptus Mechanicus holds a monopoly on the technological knowledge of the Imperium of Man. Only their tech-priests know the enigmatic rites and rituals necessary to maintain the Imperium's technology and keep machine spirits pacified and cooperative, with their Forge Worlds producing its most powerful weapons and equipment. Without the Cult of the Mechanicus the Imperium would be doomed. Inquisitors often find an enginseer a useful addition to their retinue, as well as the cybernetic warriors of the Skitarii.

[ ] Adeptus Ministorum
The Ecclesiarchy serves as the hierarchy of the Imperial Cult. Its multitude of priests, preachers, confessors, cardinals, scribes, and missionaries see to the spiritual needs of humanity and spread the Imperial Creed across the galaxy. Interpretations of rites and dogma can vary wildly across the Imperium, but the Ecclesiarhy will bring terrible punishment down upon anything seen as heretical. Many Inquisitors find the zeal and faith of the priests of the Imperial Cult attractive, with many possessing martial skills that allow them to bring fire and fury to the enemies of mankind.

[ ] Adepta Soroitas
The Sisters of Battle are an all-female subdivision of the Ecclesiarchy. They serve as the Imperial Cult's fighting arm, mercilessly rooting out corruption and heresy within humanity through flame and bolter. This militant religious order protects the Imperium's cardinal worlds, holy places, relics, and priests from the predations of the heretic, mutant, and xenos. Inquisitors find great use for the sisters' battle prowess and zealous nature.

[ ] Astra Militarum
The Imperial Guard is the primary military force of the Imperium. Untold billions of guardsmen defend the Imperium from the unending threats facing it, and without their sacrifices, the Imperium would surely perish. With lasgun volleys, artillery bombardments, and grinding tanks the Imperial Guard holds the line in a dark galaxy. With their martial prowess and experience, officers and soldiers of the Astra Militarum make for popular picks for an Inquisitor's retinue.

[ ] Civilian
The Imperium is filled with countless civilians who live, work, and die simple, grim, and hard lives under the yolk of the Imperium of Man. They toil without glory or note, merely providing the resources needed to keep the Imperium's unceasing war machine going, be it within its factories, farms, mines, or other installations. To fully cover the breadth of the experiences of the average Imperial citizen could take volumes, for the Imperium's million worlds are vast and diverse. Who is to say what might draw the eye of an Inquisitor and convince them to bring an average citizen into their retinue?

[ ] Commissariat
Also known as the Officio Prefectus, it serves as a branch of the Departmento Munitorum and oversees the activities of the Commissar officer corps within the Astra Militarum. Commissars serve in most of the regiments of the Imperial Guard and seek to inspire soldiers, boost morale, and, when necessary, take command of soldiers when they find a lack of zeal or competency. If need be, they will also level down punishment on soldiers found wanting, with soldiers found fleeing from battle often finding themselves executed by their commissars. Inquisitors can find a commissar's unyielding will attractive, bringing them into their retinue to bring their inspiring presence.

[ ] Ganger or Criminal
Despite the theoretically unbending laws and harsh punishments of the Imperium, mankind still produces criminals at all levels of society. Be they hive gangs running entire sectors of a hive city, smugglers doing supply runs across all strata of society, drug dealers, and all manner of other types of petty or violent criminals. Inquisitors often find themselves working within the seedy underbelly of the Imperium and so find the skills of the criminal underworld useful to their purposes. After all, what are some laws broken next to protecting the Imperium?

[ ] Highborn
The noble-born serve as the elite of the Imperium. They are the nobles, princes, lords, and ladies who rule over the masses of the Imperium of Man. Many are mind-bogglingly wealthy, especially compared to the common dredges of Imperial society, with titles and privileges that most citizens could scarcely imagine. But these privileges come at the cost of deadly politics, high expectations, and born with any number of enemies who would see them or their houses fall. Due to their superior education, social influence, and their often ruthless and charming natures, Inquisitors can find great use for the highborn within their service.

[ ] Militarum Tempestus
The Ordo Tempestus is a military organization within the Imperium, composed of the elite soldiers of the Tempestus Scions and Commissars. These stormtroopers provide special operations units, serving as shock troops and infiltrators. They are supremely disciplined and trained, and they use hot-shot lasguns and carapace armor to fight the enemies of mankind. Many Inquisitors find these elite soldiers quite useful, especially when hard fighting needs to be done.

[ ] Penal Legion
Bodies are the primary currency of the Imperium of Mankind, and all must serve the Imperium in one manner or another, even criminals. These criminals can easily find themselves serving within the Penal Legions, outfitted with explosive collars and carefully watched by commissars, are used as entirely expendable soldiers to be thrown into the teeth of the enemy. They use their bodies to discover enemy firing positions and landmines, serve in distraction assaults, and die in pitiless rearguard actions so that more valuable formations can live to fight another day. Plenty of Inquisitors are content to spend the currency of the Imperium, throwing bodies at problems until they stop being problems. But on a rare occasion, such an individual survives against all the odds and catches the attention of their Inquisitor...

[ ] Questor Imperialis
The scions of the Knight Households pilot the towering bipedal engines of wars known as Imperial Knights. These noble pilots live on worlds dominated by feudal systems, sworn either to the Administratum or the Adeptus Mechanicus. Linked to their Knights, these scions battle the enemies of mankind in their war machines, bringing a formidable array of weaponry to battle. Martially inclined Inquisitors might find such knight scions useful, both for the power of their Imperial Knights and martially inclined noble education.

[ ] Other
-[ ] Write-in. Subject to the approval of the QM. Options like Astartes or Custodes will not be considered as options for this question.



I'm excusing a lot because I recognize the trauma and the loss you have suffered. But my patience isn't limitless... unlike my authority.
-Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn

The Imperium of Man is a diverse empire of a million worlds, any one of which might produce acolytes for the Inquisition. From what type of homeworld are you from?

[ ] Agri-World
Agri-Worlds are dedicated to the production of food. The majority of the surface of the world is turned over to vast mono-culture farms. Their ecologies are precisely controlled to maximize yields, and powerful industrial fertilizers make the air impossible to breathe. Indentured workers toil endlessly to provide the tithes demanded of these worlds

[ ] Cardinal World
The Ecclesiarhy runs Cardinal Worlds, with cardinals typically serving as their planetary governors. They are entirely dedicated to the worship of the God-Emperor, with vast cathedrals, places of worship, and holy relics attracting pilgrims.

[ ] Civilized World
Civilized Worlds are the most common world classification within the Imperium. They feature a mix of urban manufacturing centers and farms, with populations ranging from the millions to the low billions, and tend to be relatively self-sufficient.

[ ] Death World
These worlds are considered extremely lethal to human habitation due to environmental conditions or dangerous flora and fauna. Life is an unending struggle for the humans who live on them. These worlds tend to breed a hardy population and thus make for popular places to recruit for the Astra Militarum and the Astartes.

[ ] Hive World
Hive Worlds consist of vast hive cities whose urban sprawl and towers crowd together billions of people. The pollution from these hive cities' manufactoums have long ago destroyed their planet's environment. They produce a steady stream of industrial goods and regiments required to maintain the Imperium, with their vast industrial bases and populations.

[ ] Industrial World
Industrial Worlds are worlds devoted to manufacturing or mining. While they might have ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus, they aren't owned by the tech-priests of Mars.

[ ] Knight World
Knight Worlds are technologically advanced feudal worlds, ruled by an aristocratic elite of noble families known as Knight Houses. Their societies are feudal, with origins dating back to the Dark Age of Technology. The ruling noble houses of these worlds pilot bipedal war machines known as Imperial Knights.

[ ] Feudal World
Feudal Worlds are relatively primitive worlds, possessing between Iron Age and pre-industrial technology. These worlds are usually self-sufficient, with peasants tilling farms under their warrior feudal lords. They tend to be of little use to the Imperium, minus being viable recruiting grounds for the Imperial Guard and Astartes.

[ ] Forge World
The Adeptus Mechanicus rules the Forge Worlds of the Imperium. Vast industrial complexes dominate their surfaces, with no regard for the environments or peoples of their worlds. No other Imperial worlds can match the production capacity or advanced technology of the the Cult Mechanicus. The goods they produce are essential to maintaining the Imperium of Man.

[ ] Fortress World
Fortress Worlds serve as the bastions of humanity. These worlds are wholly committed to warfare, serving as bulkwarks to block the advance of the enemies of mankind. They house vast Imperial Guard and Navy resources, with intricate layers of fortifications intended to grind down any would-be invader.

[ ] Mining World
This is a classification for worlds rich in mineral resources. Typically, enslaved or penal populations mine these worlds under harsh conditions, with the Adeptus Arbites carefully monitoring the workers for any sign of revolt. The flow of resources helps fuel the manufactorum of neighboring Forge and Hive worlds.

[ ] Paradise World
These worlds are places of profound natural beauty and idyllic for human habitation. They have small populations and little industry to maintain their natural beauty. Important Imperial citizens treat these worlds as their personal playgrounds, with the majority of the population serving their every whim and pleasure while toiling away in misery, unable to partake in any of the delights spread out before them.

[ ] Penal World
This class of world is almost entirely populated by convicts drawn from a multitude of Imperial worlds. Officials force the prisoners to toil away in menial tasks, with exceedingly few living to fulfill their full sentence. More often than not the burden of their crimes fall onto their children, resulting in generations of prisoners who might not even know what their ancestors did wrong. One of the few ways off these worlds is to be conscripted into a Penal Legion to be thrown into the meatgrinder of the Imperium's unending conflicts.

[ ] Shrine World
The Ecclesiachy is responsible for running the Shrine Worlds of the Imperium. The origins of these worlds might involve the birth of a saint, the sight of some great battle, or some other significance that draws the attention of the Imperial Cult. They often feature a wide range of cathedrals, temples, and shrines, and see pilgrims from several worlds.

[ ] Voidborn
The voidborn are not born on any Imperial world, but on the multitude of mining stations, space stations, and starships of the Imperium of Man. Whole generations can go without ever having breathed a planet's atmosphere or touched its soil.

[ ] Other
-[ ] Write-in. Subject to the approval of the QM. This can also consist of a reasonable combination of world types and/or ones not written here. If you want an ice world that's also a penal colony and mining world? You can make it happen here.


Inquisitorial Philosophy

Inquisitors are broadly divided into two broad schools of thoughts: Puritanism and Radicalism. Which does the PC adhere too?

[ ] Puritan
The conservative political and philosophical faction of the Inquisition. Puritans stick strictly to Imperial political and religious doctrine and do their best to uphold the current status quo of the Imperium, believing it to be the will of the God-Emperor. They believe any evil, be it heresy, Chaos, or xenos should be shunned and purged at every opportunity.

There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court. A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time. Guilty.
-Inquisitor Lord Fyodor Karamazov

[ ] Radical
Radical Inquisitors believe in following the spirit of Imperial doctrine, but don't follow convention too closely, believing the ends justify the means. They're more inclined to use the weapons of the Warp and xenos, employing daemonhosts, and committing other acts considered heretical by more conservative Inquisitors. They risk their souls to fight the enemies of mankind and to be declared heretics for their methods.

I am an inquisitor. It has been my life. I know that I am true in the defence of the Golden Throne. If the echelons of the Inquisition, and the other august institutions of the Imperium choose - in their ignorance - to deem me otherwise, then it is they who are wrong, not me."
~Gregor Eisenhorn


What heresies have you committed?

It is said that heresy is like a tree. It's roots lie in darkness while it's leaves wave in the sun. You can prune away its branches, even cut the tree to the ground but it will grow again, ever stronger. Such is the nature of heresy and why it is so difficult to destroy. Some may question my right to destroy a world of ten billion souls, but those who understand realize I have no right to let them live. No sacrifice is too great; no treachery too small.
-Inquisitor Horst

You may select none or all of the following. Remember that the QM will question if you've declared the MC is a Puritan but has committed a significant number of heresies. Selecting some of these could open up options down the line, while closing out others, in addition to other RP consequences for the MC.

[ ] I have consorted with the xenos.
-Which ones apply?
-[ ] Craftworld Aeldari
-[ ] Aeldari Corsair
-[ ] Drukhari
-[ ] Ynnari
-[ ] Harlequin
-[ ] Kroot
-[ ] Necrons
-[ ] Orks
-[ ] Votann

[ ] I have shown mercy to heretics.

A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy.

[ ] I have read from the forbidden tomes of Chaos.

An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.

[ ] I have learned the tainted sorceries of the Warp.

Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind.

[ ] I have used Warp-tainted artifacts and/or weapons.

Turning the weapons of the enemy against him is, of course, of grave danger to one's soul. It is nonetheless a satisfying thing to see.
-Inquisitor Havelock Brundsted

[ ] I have created a daemonhost.

Better to self-destruct than acquiesce.

[ ] I have summoned a daemon.

All Daemons are Falsehood. They are lies given the shape of creatures by the fell power of Chaos.

[ ] I don't believe in the divinity of the Emperor.

A small mind is easily filled with faith.

[ ] I have questioned the God-Emperor's divinely ordained hierarchy.

A questioning servant is more dangerous than an ignorant heretic.

[ ] I have substituted my own judgment for that of the God-Emperor's Representatives.

A single thought of heresy can blight a lifetime of faithful duty.

[ ] I have committed tech-heresy.
- [ ] I have used xenotech.
- [ ] I have used forbidden archeotech.
- [ ] I have used Chaos-infused heretek.
- [ ] I have committed the sin of innovation.

Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.

[ ] I have failed to turn psykers over to the black ships.

Your daily work brings you closer and closer to the warp, increases your understanding of orderless powers. Gradually, without noticing it, even the most puritanical and rod-stiff inquisitor becomes seduced... The first step is the knowledge. An inquisitor must understand the basic traits of Chaos in order to fight it. In a few years, he knows more about the warp than most untutored cultists. Then the second step: the moment he breaks the rules and allows some aspect of Chaos to survive or remain so that he can study it and learn from it... The third step... the third step is the line itself. When the inquisitor becomes a radical. When he chooses to use Chaos against Chaos. When he employs the agencies of the warp. When he asks the heretical for help... So... are you going to ask me to help you?
-Pontius Glaw


Which Ordos Majoris does the PCs Inquisitor belong to?
Ordos are subfactions within the Inquisition. Each Inquisitor has absolute power and authority, and thus the Inquisition has little formal structure. Though Inquisitors might band together to form an ordos. More intellectual club than a formal institution, joining an ordos can declare an Inquisitor's formal interest in a subject pertaining to the defense of the Imperium.

[ ] Ordos Hereticus
The Ordos Hereticus concerns itself with internal threats to the Imperium: witches, mutants, rogue psykers, traitors and other deviants that threaten mankind. There also police the Ecclesiarchy.

Chaos claims the unwary or the incomplete. A true man may flinch away its embrace, if he is stalwart, and he girds his soul with the armour of contempt.
-Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor

[ ] Ordos Xenos
The Ordos Xenos investigates alien threats against the Imperium. They seek to counter xeno infiltrations of Imperial society, catalog and research alien species, and eliminate identified threats.

There is no end to the abomination of the alien. Do not allow any guise of sentience to stay your hand – there can be no hesitation when the survival of humanity as a species is at stake.
-Inquisitor Kartize, Ordo Xenos

[ ] Ordos Malleus
The Ordos Malleus investigates and destroys daemonic threats. They seek to eliminate any physical manifestation of Chaos.

They are beyond comprehension, beyond mortal flesh, beyond even time and mortality. They are beyond many things, but never my hate!
-Inquisitor Lias du Ortise, Ordo Malleus


What ship is currently in your Inquisitor's service?
The Inquisition can call upon vast resources within the Imperium if it so desires, including some of the vast ships sailing the void in the name of the Emperor of Mankind.

His loyalty couldn't be bought at any price; but it could be rented remarkably cheaply.
-Inquisitor Allendyne

Pick 1
[ ] Imperial Navy warship
-The Imperial Navy plies the stars and planets of the galaxy, fighting against the plurality of threats that face the Imperium with the void. Plenty of Inquisitors call upon the captains of the Navy to escort them from system to system, putting their militarized systems and crews to use for the Inquisition. However, requisitioning the services of a Navy ship and crew can cause some bristling between the different administrative branches of the Imperium.

[ ] Merchant house ship
The various merchant houses help keep the Imperium's economy running, with their merchant ships transporting goods between planets to allow the war machine of the Imperium to function. Typically, merchant ships make short jumps along well-established Warp-lanes, working within limited charters granted to them by Imperial officials, allowing them to operate without the significant expense of Navigators. Though more daring captains and merchant houses might seek to use longer or riskier routes in the name of greater profits. Merchant house ships tend to be more lightly armed and armored, but they tend to have large cargo holds to carry goods.

Merchant house ships can be convenient ships for an Inquisitor to book passage upon. While lacking the firepower of other Imperial institutions, merchant houses are relatively easier for an Inquisitor to bring to heel. While their loyalties can be bought by an Inquisitor, there is always the risk an enemy could buy that loyalty in turn, and most charter captains would prefer to be plying their trades rather then risking ship and crew for the Inquisition.

[ ] Rogue Trader
A combination of an explorer, conqueror, and merchant, Rogue Traders possess a MiddWrit of Trade that gives them vast latitude to operate on the borders of the Imperium. They can travel anywhere within or without the Imperium, trading with nearly anyone they wish to, be it with any Imperial faction, non-Imperial worlds, or even xenos species. Rogue Traders even have the right to subdue and conquer new worlds, colonizing and exploiting their resources for the Imperium (and expanding their dynasties' power, wealth, and influence in the process).

Inquisitors often enjoy putting Rogue Traders into their service, with their vast resources and power being of significant use to any Inquisitor. Though most Rogue Traders don't enjoy curtailing their freedom, they are used to a level of power and influence comparable to that of an Inquisitor.

[ ] Black Ship
The League of Black Ships are responsible for collecting and transporting the Imperium's psyker population. These ships possess psy-warded chambers to keep their passengers under control, and sport significant weapon and void-shields to ward off any enemies who might seek to capture such ships and their valuable cargos of psykers. The Astra Telepathica and the Sisters of Silence run these ships, making sure psykers get transported to Terra or elsewhere where they can serve the Imperium.

Black Ships are popular ships to bring into Inquisitorial service, being relatively numerous, capable combatants, and using heavily armed Enforcers and Sisters of Silence among their crew. Though these ships tend to have a dread reputation, in addition to the considerable dangers caused by the psykers filling their holds.

[ ] Explorator Ship
The Mechanicus operates vast exploration fleets known as Explorators. The Adeptus Mechanicus is eternally hungry for fresh resources to extract for its factories, and there is always the hope that there are as of yet undiscovered STCs out on some remote planet in the galaxy. Thus they discover new planets, record astral phenomena, chart warp routes, establish outposts, and conquer planets in the name of Mars and Terra when necessary.

It's not unheard of for an Inquisitor to recruit an Explorator ship into their service, especially those heavily involved with the Mechanicus. The advanced technology of a Mechanicus ship can be quite useful. However, the mysterious ways of the Mechanicus and difficulties interacting with tech-priests can make such cooperatives difficult.

[ ] Pilgrim Ship
Immense pilgrim ships transport millions of religious pilgrims to the numerous holy sites of the Imperium. They're filled with crew compartments and cargo spaces, with quarters ranging from opulent for affluent passengers to the poor getting crammed nearly on top of one another and only meager rations to eat. These ships tend to be large, slow, and cumbersome, with a limited armament to ward off pirates.

While not the most militarized ships, they are readily available, and their vast compartments allow these ships to move around significant numbers of people and cargo. They also draw zealots and pilgrims of all walks of life, people who might be recruited into Inquisitorial service, even if the zealotry encouraged by the Ecclesiarchy can be a double-edged blade.

I'm sure most of the men in the galaxy are familiar with the sinking feeling that accompanies the words "Do you think you could do me a little favour, darling?", but when the woman asking the question is an inquisitor it's even less wise than usual to say "No".
-Commissar Ciaphas Cain

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Penelopy van Maansing New
Penelope van Maansing
Unsanctioned Psyker and Interrogator of the Inquisition
Species: Human
Homeworld: Ragnar's Respite

Character Sheet
Weapon Skill: d20
Ballistic Skill: d8
Athletics: d8
Awareness: d8
Carouse: d6
Coercion: d8
Demolition: d6
Investigation: d6
Logic: d6
Lore (Imperium): d8
Lore (Warp): d20
Lore (Xenos): d20
Medicae: d4
Persuasion: d6
Pilot: d8
Stealth: d4
Tech-Use: d4
Willpower: d20


Fluent in Aeldari (For a Mon'keigh)
You are fluent in the immensely complicated aeldari language, at least by the standards of a human. Sometimes Aeldari don't even flinch when they hear you speak their language.

Enhanced Psychic Power
You are a powerful psyker capable of significant feats with your psyker powers, ranking in the Zeta-Epsilon range. This comes with a significant danger, such as becoming possessed, but an individual of this scale is often a prime candidate to become a Sanctioned Psyker, Primaris Psyker or even a Space Marine Libraris.

Tides of the Warp
-Requires Enhanced Psychic Power
You are a psyker of immense psychic potential, ranking in the Delta-Alpha range. Truly a one in a billion individual in terms of psychic power. However, that power can also threaten humanity, with a significant risk of possession or other psychic mishaps.

Blessed by the Emperor
Once per scene, reroll a 1 for a skill check.

Psyker Talents: Divination

Precognition: The Psyker can predict how his opponent will defend himself, thus gaining the ability to strike precisely to penetrate their defenses. A Psyker can roll Willpower on top of their other attack dice and take the better roll between the two.

Prescience: As soon as their consciousness pierces the veil of the Warp, a rush of images flood the Diviner's mind, foretelling the actions of his enemies down to the nanosecond. The Psyker can roll their Willpower on top of whatever other dice they are rolling to avoid damage, taking the better of the two rolls.

In the Right Place at the Right Time: The psyker can twist the strands of fate to be exactly where they need to be for a scene.

Born as the 10th child of House Maansing, one of ten great houses of her homeworld, she was living a privileged childhood as her family was able to afford the most excellent tutors for their children, including local Exodite Aeldari, who after 10k years of co-operation were willing to help humans deal with Psykers in a productive manner. She spent days working with human tutors, learning all that she could about Imperium and what she needed to survive life as Higborn, while at nights, she learned of the Aeldari, of their past glories and their fall, of the Immaterium and what infested it; According to her master, she was one of their best human students and being used as a motivational aid to embarrass their Aeldari students was very funny to the both of them.

While training to master her psychic potential and details of Exodite education never truly ended, her education in the matters of man did, or at least it was deemed sufficient enough that only practice would allow her to improve. So, she was tasked with helping manage the family business and land. She often heard from her older siblings how dealing with offworlders was the worst part of the job; she thought that it was lies as presiding over conflicts the vineyard workers had with each other or the wildlife was draining; her siblings were correct. Oh, the officers of the imperial guard were mostly tolerable, a bit vulgar, and often staring into the distance, their minds filled with nightmares of the war, but it was similar to dealing with commoners and with her power, she could subtly guide them out of their past; but highborn from other worlds, they disgusted her, be they noble, priests or administrators, their minds were filled with such waste of emperor's grace and such corruption that she needed to rotate servants almost daily or hourly in some cases as to avoid her people being used for tasks outside their contracts. The pride of outworlders in their inherited superiority was making even the worst Aeldari student of her master look humble. Nevertheless, she did her duty to the Emperor, her people and her family and made sure that those fools were drained of their money and of their "stress". She longed for the time when another of the great houses took over the burden of entertaining the offworlders, but her parents couldn't maneuver the politics to put that chore on others after spending political favors for her education with Aeldari.

It all came to a head when six nobles from one of the hive worlds in the neighbouring system kidnapped one of the maids. Those families, in particular, stank to Penelopy's psychic senses, so she took breaks more often doing paperwork or inspecting the guards. While a maid not reporting to change of shift usually wouldn't cause alarm, that particular maid was a bastard of a noble house that recently went extinct in another world, and she was the 66th child of the noble involved and the 6th child of the woman, although Penelopy didn't know about number from the noble side of things.

Her master often said that in case she noticed a coincidence that involved one of the cursed numbers of the great enemy she should always check. That decision saved lives that day, for when she entered the manor rented to those families with the Company of Her family guard, she fought through a private army of cultists of the She-who-thirst and by Emperor, it made her nauseous, not the blood and guts as she had her back u cut through them to the 6th floor, but the corruption. It all came to a head when she managed to yank the maid from under the sacrificial knife and was greeted by Inquisitorial Rossete from one of the men from her own company and a wraithbone javelin coming from the window, piercing the head of the chief cultist.

She was then quickly voluntold to help with the clean up and tying up the investigation as well as requesting Aeldari back up to help clean the primary cultist cell in the neighbouring hiveworld. She did well enough to be recruited by Inquisitor as one of the possible successors.

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Characters New
Deathwatch Blackshield Reiver
Homeworld: [REDACTED]
Chapter: [REDACTED]

Weapon Skill: d12
Ballistic Skill: d12
Athletics: d12
Awareness: d10
Carouse: d8
Coercion: d12
Demolition: d6
Investigation: d6
Logic: d6
Lore (Imperium): d8
Lore (Warp): d8
Lore (Xenos): d10
Medicae: d6
Persuasion: d4
Pilot: d6
Stealth: d12
Tech-Use: d4
Willpower: d8

Malachai is an astartes, a genetically augmented transhuman implanted with precious geneseed.

Mastered (Weapon)
Weapon Difficulty checks are -5.

Mastered (Ballistic)
Ballistic Difficulty checks are -5.

Mastered (Coercion)
Coercion Difficulty checks are -5

We Have Come For You
If Malachai succeeds on a Coercion check against an opponent they suffer +2 Difficulty to all their rolls for the rest of the scene.



Blank in Service to the Inquisition

Weapon Skill: d6
Ballistic Skill: d6
Athletics: d4
Awareness: d6
Carouse: d4
Coercion: d4
Demolition: d6
Investigation: d6
Logic: d6
Lore (Imperium): d8
Lore (Warp): d6
Lore (Xenos): d6
Medicae: d6
Persuasion: d4
Pilot: d6
Stealth: d6
Tech-Use: d4
Willpower: d6

Rizzi is a psychic null. Any psychic powers directly targeting her or anyone near her automatically fail, and Warp Phenomena are disrupted.

Charisma Void
Rizzi rolls twice and takes the worse result on any socialization tests.

Unrecognized Potential
Rizzi sometimes barely manages to mumble out a couple of words about how she might have skill or knowledge that might be helpful, but no one's bothered to listen to her long enough to discover what this might be.



Highborn Social Butterfly

Weapon Skill: d6
Ballistic Skill: d6
Athletics: d6
Awareness: d6
Carouse: d8
Coercion: d6
Demolition: d6
Investigation: d10
Logic: d6
Lore (Imperium): d8
Lore (Warp): d6
Lore (Xenos): d6
Medicae: d6
Persuasion: d10
Pilot: d6
Stealth: d6
Tech-Use: d6
Willpower: d6


Mastered (Persuasion)
-5 Difficulty to Persuasion rolls.

Studied (Investigation)
-3 Difficulty to Investigation rolls.

First Impressions
Radka gets -3 Difficulty on a social roll when making a first impression.

Deadly Rumors
-3 Difficulty to gather or spread rumors and gossips about a topic or individual.



Drug Smuggler Of Bad Decisions

Weapon Skill: d6
Ballistic Skill: d8
Athletics: d6
Awareness: d8
Carouse: d10
Coercion: d8
Demolition: d6
Investigation: d8
Logic: d6
Lore (Imperium): d8
Lore (Warp): d6
Lore (Xenos): d6
Medicae: d6
Persuasion: d8
Pilot: d6
Stealth: d8
Tech-Use: d6
Willpower: d6

Mastered (Carouse)
-5 Difficulty on Carouse rolls.

Drug Smuggler
-3 Difficulty in obtaining drugs and other controlled substances.

Never Know When It'll Be Useful
Once per scene Roza can produce a useful object, per approval of the QM.

-3 Difficulty when dealing with the negative effects of drugs or poisons.

I Know A Guy
-3 Difficulty to find people within the criminal underworld.



Skitarii Sicarian Ruststalker

Weapon Skill: d10
Ballistic Skill: d8
Athletics: d8
Awareness: d8
Carouse: d6
Coercion: d8
Demolition: d8
Investigation: d6
Logic: d6
Lore (Imperium): d8
Lore (Warp): d6
Lore (Xenos): d6
Medicae: d4
Persuasion: d6
Pilot: d8
Stealth: d10
Tech-Use: d8
Willpower: d6


Studied (Weapon)
-3 Difficulty to Weapon rolls.

Studied (Ballistic)
-3 Difficulty to Ballistic rolls.

Mastery (Stealth)
-5 Difficulty to Stealth rolls.

System Breacher
-3 Difficulty to Tech-Use and Demolition rolls to break into hostile data networks to secure information or disable defenses.

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Rules New


Skills are rolled with a 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, or 1d20. The more capable a character is in a skill the higher dice they use. The Difficulty is selected by the QM, or opposing characters will roll against one another, with the higher roll winning. The PC meeting or beating the Difficult results in a success. Beating a Difficulty by increments of 5 will result in additional levels of success, while failing by 5 or more may result in more terrible consequences for failure.

Weapon Skill: Reflects a character's competence in melee combat.

Ballistic Skill: Reflects a character's accuracy with ranged weapons.

Athletics: Represents a character's ability to traverse difficult terrain, such as leap over collapsed deck sections or climb over slippery rocks.

Awareness: Encompasses the subconscious ability to react to things that the conscious mind may not perceive. Awareness allows a character to notice traps, cleverly hidden objects, secret passages, and unusual or suspicious elements in the environment.

Carouse: Represents the ability to resist negative effects applied by some poisons, stimulators, or alcohol, as well as to resist injuries.

Coercion: Represents a character's talent to manipulate other people through intimidation and reach their desired goals via threats and pressure.

Demolition: Used to deactivate traps. It also allows the use of explosives to blast containers open or break through closed doors and blocked passages.

Investigation: Reflect a character's ability to gather clues, investigate crime scenes, collect evidence, and analyze facts.

Logic: Makes a character's rational arguments more convincing and allows them to notice any logical inconsistencies in other people's words.

Lore (Imperium): Reflects a character's understanding of the Imperium's tenets, history, and structure.

Lore (Warp): Represents knowledge about the nature of warp entities and their twisted physical manifestations.

Lore (Xenos): Represents knowledge of the alien species known to the Imperium, the threat they pose, and their general appearance.

Medicae: Essential to detect and cure injuries that characters suffer in combat and treat poisons and diseases.

Persuasion: Represents a character's talent to manipulate other people through negotiation.

Tech-Use: Represents a character's ability to use or repair complex mechanical items.

Willpower: Reflects a character's ability to control Psyker abilities and withstand the horrors of warp, the terrors of space, and the dreadful opponents they are bound to encounter.


Characters can acquire Abilities that grant them modifiers to their rolls or give them special options.

Fate Points

Occasionally, the PC, and some NPCs, will be rewarded with Fate Points. Fates Points can be spent to add a second dice to a roll or achieve specific special actions during a quest. The extra dice is the same as the one normally used for a Skill check. So if a character uses a d6 for Investigation, they get to roll 2d6 when they use a Fate Point, adding both together for the total.

Armor of Contempt Tokens

Moments of failure are all but inevitable in the grim and dark future, but the Inquisition doesn't have the luxury of giving up in the face of setbacks. An Inquisitor must gird themself with the armor of contempt for the enemies of mankind and fight forward in the face of terrible adversity.

Whenever the PC fails a roll they gain an Armor of Contempt Token. Armor of Contempt Tokens can be spend on any roll in the future, with each Token granting a +1 to a roll. A PC may spend as many Armor of Contempt Tokens as they desire on a roll.


Warhammer 40k is a harsh and unforgiving universe, where a terrible death can wait around any corner. Service within the Inquisition comes with the significant risk of terrible injury, be it on the body, mind, or soul.

PCs have three levels of Minor, Moderate, and Severe Wounds. Failing certain rolls by 5 or more can result in a Wound, as can certain events or actions by enemies. In the event a character has already suffered three Minor or Moderate Wound then they will suffer a Wound at a higher level. In the event that a character suffers a Severe Wound they will have to make an additional roll to avoid major consequences, which can include losing a limb, getting knocked out, suffering damage to one's psyche, and in the event a character has three Severe Wounds, potentially die.
-Minor Wounds represent relatively low levels of injuries.
-Moderate Wounds represent more significant injuries. Each level of Moderate Wounds results in a -1 to all rolls, and must spend twice as many Armor of Contempt Tokens on Skill rolls.
-Severe Wounds are truly traumatic injuries to a character. These could potentially result in permanent injuries to a character, up to and including death.

Wounds can be treated, though the amount of time and resources needed to heal a character depends upon the severity of the wound. This can range from just needing injuries to be treated via first aid, to quick fixes like putting a dislocated shoulder back in its socket, extended recovery time for a broken arm, or major surgery to install an augmentic to replace a lost arm.
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[X]Plan: Well, yes, I am trying to stack the deck as much as possible, it's 40k.
[X] Nathan 'Stark'

[X] Male

Physical Description
[X] Looks to be in his mid Twenties, in good shape Brown hair, blue eyes, 6'5" with a streak of white in his hair from his awakening during a near sacrifice. Has a number of subtle and advanced cybernetics within his body that are very hard to notice even when out of power armor.
[X] One of many sons of a planetary Govenor on Hive world of Necromunda. No where near the throne and hating the idea of being at the mercy of one of his older brothers when their father passes. Nathan has spent almost all of his time and money not on excessive drugs, booze, and women. But in as much military and Mechanicus training he could buy, beg, and steal. Playing the Game as needed, showing no interest in their father's throne, and only ending fights instead of starting them. He bought himself a officer position in the PDF at a level his skills could backup.

How Were You Recruited?
[X] Drugged during a party he and a number of others were to be sacrificed to call forth some unnamed daemon. In the face of dying to cultist and having his soul eaten by a daemon, by shear hate and will he had a psychic awakening killing all the cultists directly involved with the ritual, and a number of the closest sacrifices but breaking the ritual in the process. The confusion making it childs play for the inquisitor's incoming group to kill the rest of the cultist, and mutants. After it was all said and done, the Inquisitor gave him an offer he could not refuse.

Are You A Psyker?
[X] Yes

[X] Highborn
The noble-born serve as the elite of the Imperium. They are the nobles, princes, lords, and ladies who rule over the masses of the Imperium of Man. Many are mind-bogglingly wealthy, especially compared to the common dredges of Imperial society, with titles and privileges that most citizens could scarcely imagine. But these privileges come at the cost of deadly politics, high expectations, and born with any number of enemies who would see them or their houses fall. Due to their superior education, social influence, and their often ruthless and charming natures, Inquisitors can find great use for the highborn within their service.

[X] Hive World
Hive Worlds consist of vast hive cities whose urban sprawl and towers crowd together billions of people. The pollution from these hive cities' manufactoums have long ago destroyed their planet's environment. They produce a steady stream of industrial goods and regiments required to maintain the Imperium, with their vast industrial bases and populations.

[X] Radical
Radical Inquisitors believe in following the spirit of Imperial doctrine, but don't follow convention too closely, believing the ends justify the means. They're more inclined to use the weapons of the Warp and xenos, employing daemonhosts, and committing other acts considered heretical by more conservative Inquisitors. They risk their souls to fight the enemies of mankind and to be declared heretics for their methods.

[X] I have consorted with the xenos.
-Which ones apply?
-[X] Craftworld Aeldari
-[X] Aeldari Corsair
-[X] Ynnari
-[X] Harlequin
-[X] Votann

[X] I have questioned the God-Emperor's divinely ordained hierarchy.

[X] I have substituted my own judgment for that of the God-Emperor's Representatives.

[X] I have committed tech-heresy.
- [X] I have used xenotech.
- [X] I have committed the sin of innovation.

[X] Ordos Malleus
The Ordos Malleus investigates and destroys daemonic threats. They seek to eliminate any physical manifestation of Chaos.

[X] Rogue Trader
A combination of an explorer, conqueror, and merchant, Rogue Traders possess a MiddWrit of Trade that gives them vast latitude to operate on the borders of the Imperium. They can travel anywhere within or without the Imperium, trading with nearly anyone they wish to, be it with any Imperial faction, non-Imperial worlds, or even xenos species. Rogue Traders even have the right to subdue and conquer new worlds, colonizing and exploiting their resources for the Imperium (and expanding their dynasties' power, wealth, and influence in the process).
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plan : the author loves us
Let's be like Ichigo Kurosaki and have all the powers

[x ] Macharius Von Sardoukar Onmicronsigma-69
[x ] Male
[ x] thirteenth son of the great house of knights Sardoukar-Onmicron of Mars, since jioven was an outstanding genius in everything and is in a noble house of Mars can only lead to one thing the adeptus mechanicus, of his direct lineage got along well especially with his uncle magos and his cousin adepta sororitas but his genius led to the envy of the secondary lineage and led to many assassination attempts until he met his 300th servant, the other 299 died from assassination attempts, this servant taught him how the lower class lived made him understand that he must not only be smart but cunning
with that he went to his version of schola progrenium of his dynasty where he learned everything from the astra militarium, the imperial fleet, his family how to become a Princeps, but a problem occurred one day maneuvers when one of the apprentices of the schola progenium was about to win the maneuvers and made his feelings explode, agreeing to use his psykers powers becoming stronger and faster. At that moment he was taken to the Schola Psykana. As his family was very powerful he was taken with a lot of tutors and servants where he learned about all the factions of the imperium, thanks also to the fact that at a party organized by the schola psykana he met a very distant relative who was a rogue trader, where he surprised him with his cunning and intelligent mind and made him take affection.

It doesn't have to be if you don't like this background

When he finished school, his distant relative, Rogue Trader, took him on adventures around the galaxy. There he met many people, even Xenos, but the most important thing in his life was on the Forge World of his dynasty, where the Tau attacked. In that battle, he boarded a Titan that his relative, Rogue Trader, found in some ruins and saved the life of an Inquisitor. Afterwards, he put himself under his orders and they managed to hold out on the planet until the Space Marines arrived. During that siege, he surprised the Inquisitor. When the year-long siege ended, he was recruited into the Inquisition by the Inquisitor.

Physical Description
[ x] Write-in. You can either write-in a description and/or use an art piece.

Are You A Psyker?
[ x] Yes

[ x] Adeptus Mechanicus
The Adeptus Mechanicus holds a monopoly on the technological knowledge of the Imperium of Man. Only their tech-priests know the enigmatic rites and rituals necessary to maintain the Imperium's technology and keep machine spirits pacified and cooperative, with their Forge Worlds producing its most powerful weapons and equipment. Without the Cult of the Mechanicus the Imperium would be doomed. Inquisitors often find an enginseer a useful addition to their retinue, as well as the cybernetic warriors of the Skitarii.

[x ] Knight World
Knight Worlds are technologically advanced feudal worlds, ruled by an aristocratic elite of noble families known as Knight Houses. Their societies are feudal, with origins dating back to the Dark Age of Technology. The ruling noble houses of these worlds pilot bipedal war machines known as Imperial Knights.

[x ] Puritan
The conservative political and philosophical faction of the Inquisition. Puritans stick strictly to Imperial political and religious doctrine and do their best to uphold the current status quo of the Imperium, believing it to be the will of the God-Emperor. They believe any evil, be it heresy, Chaos, or xenos should be shunned and purged at every opportunity.

There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court. A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time. Guilty.

[x ] I have consorted with the xenos.
-Which ones apply?
-[ x] Craftworld Aeldari
-[x ] Aeldari Corsair
-[ x] Drukhari
-[ x] Ynnari
-[ x] Harlequin
-[x ] Kroot
-[ x] Necrons
-[ x] Orks
-[x ] Votann
-Inquisitor Lord Fyodor Karamazov

[x ] I have learned the tainted sorceries of the Warp.

Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind.
[ x] I have committed tech-heresy.
- [ x] I have used xenotech.
- [ x] I have used forbidden archeotech.
- [x ] I have committed the sin of innovation.

[ x] I have used Warp-tainted artifacts and/or weapons.

Turning the weapons of the enemy against him is, of course, of grave danger to one's soul. It is nonetheless a satisfying thing to see.
-Inquisitor Havelock Brundsted

Warp touch weapons are one of the few ways to truly kill warp beings.

Every inquisitor starts out as a puritan and then because of how screwed up the world is, he becomes radical.
We start out as a paladin until we become a batman where anything goes as long as we don't break our code.

We are going for an inquisitor of the ordo xenos with a little magic and a lot of technology.

[x] Ordos Xenos
The Ordos Xenos investigates alien threats against the Imperium. They seek to counter xeno infiltrations of Imperial society, catalog and research alien species, and eliminate identified threats.

There is no end to the abomination of the alien. Do not allow any guise of sentience to stay your hand – there can be no hesitation when the survival of humanity as a species is at stake.
-Inquisitor Kartize, Ordo Xenos

The Ordo Xenos is the order that gives you the most freedom to act in the Imperium and since we are from the Adepthus Mechanicus and Psyker, Necron and Aeldari technology would be our greatest reward and we must not forget the Deathwatch.

[x]Rogue Trader
A combination of an explorer, conqueror, and merchant, Rogue Traders possess a MiddWrit of Trade that gives them vast latitude to operate on the borders of the Imperium. They can travel anywhere within or without the Imperium, trading with nearly anyone they wish to, be it with any Imperial faction, non-Imperial worlds, or even xenos species. Rogue Traders even have the right to subdue and conquer new worlds, colonizing and exploiting their resources for the Imperium (and expanding their dynasties' power, wealth, and influence in the process).

Inquisitors often enjoy putting Rogue Traders into their service, with their vast resources and power being of significant use to any Inquisitor. Although most Rogue Traders don't enjoy curtailing their freedom, they are used to a level of power and influence comparable to that of an Inquisitor.

I'm playing rogue trader right now and this is my choice

Let's go with a version of Tony Stark in which he was taught true humility and felt the call to do his best for the Imperium and compassion for the devils for being one of them due to his condition as a psyker. The plan is for Tony to become better at magictech than Belisarius Cawl and a better inquisitor than Nick Fury. P.S. We must ridicule the Tau mecha and create the best man-made titan with all the xenotechnologies that can be fused.

The character would be a fusion of Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark

I vote for any plan that wins in which the protagonist is a man if my vote counts
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ideas for our character's entourage or our inquisitor master

all species


assassins : The Officio Assassinorum or emperor's death cults

astra militarum: cadia, catachan, krieg,Vostroyan Firstborn,Tanith First and Only , etc with their commissioners

battle sister, sister of silence and some space marine of the deathwatch, from some less known chapter or that may be from the traitor legion like the minotaurs, the Carcharodons, the Blood Ravens magnificent games except for dawn of war 3

loyal chapters of traitor legions

and since we are at it why don't we go crazy a custodian or grey knight.
the custodians are sometimes bodyguards by order of the emperor since that person they progeny can be or do important things

some arbiters like judge dredd or a cyborg Skitarii super soldier

also some authorized or not psychic, a Tech Priest Dominus

gang members of the clans of necromunda or Princeps

the good pirate and smuggler trope in the style of han solo that is not missing

also the abhumans like the ratlings, ogres, feline (cat girls), sailors, men or women beasts, the minotaurs are cool remember wow, scales the mutant version of the lizard men, etc

since we are here instead of a daemonhost why not a vampire


Succubus, corsair, Outcasts, etc I want my waifu elf either sadomasochistic or puritanical

don't forget the amish with dinosaurs


kroot or tau of any caste

give a little love to the blue socialist otakus of space


any story that has a grumpy but good-hearted dwarf who loves beer and metal above all things is good if we add that he is a dwarf of space it will be very good


some ork captain who doesn't have a crew and who believes himself to be our captain
[ ] I have questioned the God-Emperor's divinely ordained hierarchy.

A questioning servant is more dangerous than an ignorant heretic.

[ ] I have substituted my own judgment for that of the God-Emperor's Representatives.

A single thought of heresy can blight a lifetime of faithful duty.

I know what I THINK these two mean, but the real question is what do you think they mean Ponimius?
Plan: The Iron Inquisitor
--[X] Garret Maelar
--[X] Male
--[X] The eldest of five sons, Garret Maelar came from a long and distinguished military family on the Hive World of Mordia, he and all his brothers would follow family tradition and join the local PDF and Guard. He spent years in service, cracking down on all manner of dissent, before he and his brothers were called up into the stars as tithe for the Imperial war machine. In this long service he saw all his brothers die by violence, fought an unimaginable variety of foes, and across a breath taking variety of worlds.
-Physical Description

-How Were You Recruited?
--[X] Garret came to the attention of an inquistor following his role in the quashing of a heretical rebellion on the world of [REDACTED} as near all other regiments sent to the world fell to the corruption of Chaos, he and his did not, and continued to fight in the Emperors name. Following this incident, Garret was taken under the wing of an inquisitor as an interrogator due to his excellent service, before rising to the rank of Inquisitor in full.
-[X] Astra Militarum
The Imperial Guard is the primary military force of the Imperium. Untold billions of guardsmen defend the Imperium from the unending threats facing it, and without their sacrifices, the Imperium would surely perish. With lasgun volleys, artillery bombardments, and grinding tanks the Imperial Guard holds the line in a dark galaxy. With their martial prowess and experience, officers and soldiers of the Astra Militarum make for popular picks for an Inquisitor's retinue.
-[X] Hive World
Hive Worlds consist of vast hive cities whose urban sprawl and towers crowd together billions of people. The pollution from these hive cities' manufactoums have long ago destroyed their planet's environment. They produce a steady stream of industrial goods and regiments required to maintain the Imperium, with their vast industrial bases and populations.
-[X] Puritan
The conservative political and philosophical faction of the Inquisition. Puritans stick strictly to Imperial political and religious doctrine and do their best to uphold the current status quo of the Imperium, believing it to be the will of the God-Emperor. They believe any evil, be it heresy, Chaos, or xenos should be shunned and purged at every opportunity.
-[X] I have failed to turn psykers over to the black ships.
-[X] Ordos Hereticus

The Ordos Hereticus concerns itself with internal threats to the Imperium: witches, mutants, rogue psykers, traitors and other deviants that threaten mankind. There also police the Ecclesiarchy.
-[X] Pilgrim Ship
[] Plan Badger
Name: Hera "The Badger"
Gender: Female
Origins: Ganger
Homeworld: Forge World
Psyker: Yes

Hera doesn't look anything like you'd expect for an Inquisitorial Agent. Maybe it's the old ganger electoos that show whenever she's out of her armor, the punk haircut, or the fact that she's a mere 150 cm tall with a skinny build that looks like you could snap her in half with ease. Plenty of enemies of the Imperium underestimated her, and that was usually the last mistake they ever made.

Hera started life as just another child in the underbelly of her homeworld. Her parents were factory drudges working sixteen-hour shifts to make ends meet until on Hera's seventh birthday an industrial accident claimed their lives. Hera was promptly ejected from their hab for being 'surplus to requirements' and her family's assets seized as compensation for the expense of removing their bodies from the guts of the valuable factory machinery. Hera was left to fend for herself in the seedy underbelly of the forge world of Stygies VIII, fighting off starving wretches, rogue servitors, and all the toxic runoff a Forge World produces.

Surviving in the underhive taught Hera hard lessons on how to survive. She learned how to fight, how to tell what food was safe to eat, what water was safe to drink, and how to run away. But perhaps the most important lesson she learned was that victory didn't always go to the biggest, the strongest, or the smartest, but to the people who were willing to do anything to win. She put that lesson to work, and before long she'd gone from just another underhive wretch to a budding gang leader.

On top of her ruthlessness, Hera built a reputation for utter tenacity and ferocity. While her small size made many underestimate her, they quickly learned to regret that once she turned the battle in her favor. Eventually, someone mentioned an Ancient Terran creature renowned for its ferocity despite its small size. The name stuck, and before long Hera's gang adopted their own (very fancifully imagined) idea of what this ancient monster known as the "badger" must've looked like.

She also seemed to have a knack for making the right choices, something she assumed to just be 'good instincts' and 'lucky guesses.' She knew when an ambush was coming, or where to stab a rogue battle servitor to get her shank perfectly between the gaps in its armor. It wouldn't be until many years later that she discovered that this was actually a manifestation of her psychic talents for divination.

Becoming a gang leader wasn't the end of her story. Even in the depths of the underhive there are power plays. A group calling itself "The Family" started a war in the underhive, crushing the other gangs and forcing them to join their ranks. Nobody in Hera's gang knew exactly what they were, but in the running battles against them they learned a few key facts. They weren't just normal gangers, they were mutants. Mutants with some kind of witchy powers that let them talk to each other without saying a word. Worse, anyone they took alive came back wrong, acting weird and eventually joining The Family regardless of previous loyalties.

It wasn't until the Inquisition showed up that anyone realized "The Family" wasn't just a mutant gang, but a Genestealer Cult. When an Inquisitorial strike team hunting down the cult's patriarch was on the verge of being overrun Hera's gang joined the fray to put an end to their rivals. With half the forge world in ruins and the rest of her gang dead Hera had nothing tying her down, and an Inquisitor who saw a potential use for the ganger who'd proven herself a natural leader and skilled warrior against the Emperor's enemies.

[ ] Radical

[ ] I have consorted with the xenos.
-[ ] Aeldari Corsair
-[ ] Harlequin
-[ ] Kroot

[ ] I have committed tech-heresy.
- [ ] I have used xenotech.

[ ] I have questioned the God-Emperor's divinely ordained hierarchy.
[ ] I have substituted my own judgment for that of the God-Emperor's Representatives.

[ ] Ordos Xenos

[ ] Rogue Trader

For the concept itself, I was just tempted by the idea of an Interrogator/Inquisitor who just has the most unlikely origin story imaginable. Hard to top going from an orphaned underhive gang member to an Inquisitor. From there, I expanded to adding a few more unlikely/oddball things, like her being small and skinny and just not physically imposing at all ... but also a tiny ball of lethal fury who can murder the hell out of anyone who messes with her.

As far as the heresy choices, I went for ones that would fit her backstory of being an underhive ganger and being from a forge world that messes with xenotech. She doesn't see an issue with xenotech thanks to her homeworld, and she's willing to work with the xeno factions that are the most in-line with her old time criminal background. Pirates, mercs, and the weird clown punks. And also a healthy amount of suspicion for the powers that be, because someone whose formative childhood experiences were all about being abandoned and failed by the Imperium is never gonna be completely on-board with the idea that the Imperium is fine the way it is.

The Rogue Trader Ship also felt like it fit her general outsider vibe, and Ordo Xenos felt like a good fit when she got her start killing genestealers, but I'm not as married to those.

Also not 100% happy with the art, since it's hard to find something that mixes the punk/ex-ganger element with her having a bit of respectability and budget now. She's not gonna run around in Necromunda-style scrap armor as an interrogator, but she's also not gonna go full respectable by getting her tattoos removed and such. Managed to find something decent, at least.
[x ] Puritan

[x ] I have consorted with the xenos.
-Which ones apply?
-[ x] Craftworld Aeldari
-[x ] Aeldari Corsair
-[ x] Drukhari
-[ x] Ynnari
-[ x] Harlequin
-[x ] Kroot
-[ x] Necrons
-[ x] Orks
-[x ] Votann

[x ] I have learned the tainted sorceries of the Warp.

[ x] I have committed tech-heresy.
- [ x] I have used xenotech.
- [ x] I have used forbidden archeotech.
- [x ] I have committed the sin of innovation.

[ x] I have used Warp-tainted artifacts and/or weapons.

I will note for this character that this is A Lot of heresy for someone who calls themself a Puritan. Either they're delusional about their status (which does happen), and/or they're about to get a reality check.

I know what I THINK these two mean, but the real question is what do you think they mean Ponimius?

To question the Emperor's divine heirarchy means you question how the Imperium has been set up, its institutions, and how its ran. Which for many is a type of heresy. Many would argue to attempt to reform the Imperium in a significant way would be to go against the Emperor's will, which is more then a little bit of a no-no in their eyes.

For the second item, you have overridden the words/decrees of other Imperial officials, even when it's been in their wheelhouse and not just within the purview of the Inquisition. You've effectively declared your judgment as above theirs, which is going to bristle to some officials and possibly be seen as heretical in other cases.
[ ] Titus BlackFox
[ ] Male
Physical Description
[ ] A tech-priest/Engineseer of techsorcist branch. Minimal mechadendrites. Multiple data ports used to interface with cogitators and personal servoskulls. Maintains a human-like animatronic face "to facilitate interactions with those who do not belong to Adeptus Mechanicus". Maintains a personal fleet of servoskulls that bear all the mechadendrites he may need.

[ ] Was born into working caste on void shipyards and later recruited into Engineseers. Found to be good with with ship cogitators. Eventually was recruited as a minor Techsorcist, where he helped to maintain and repair ships. He screened ship cogitators and servitors for corruption, proofed them against corruption and malfunction and on occasion dealt with minor taint. Also more than once the taint he uncovered was a sign of a rogue cult or infestation

How Were You Recruited?
[ ] An Inquisitor was Investigating a multi-branched cult splintered over multiple Imperial Navy ships and traced to the Void Yards where Titus was working. The higher-ups attached Titus to the Inquisitor as a guide and data gatherer. The Inquisitor found Titus to be a gifted data miner and analyst and eventually enlisted him, despite the tensions caused by the enlistment.
Are You A Psyker?
[ ] No
[ ] Adeptus Mechanicus
[ ] Voidborn
Inquisitorial Philosophy
[ ] Puritan
What heresies have you committed?
[ ] I don't believe in the divinity of the Emperor.
[ ] I have committed tech-heresy.
- [ ] I have committed the sin of innovation.
Which Ordos Majoris does the PCs Inquisitor belong to?
[ ] Ordos Hereticus
What ship is currently in your Inquisitor's service?
[ ] Pilgrim Ship

Justification for the heresies and why the PC considers himself Puritanian.

Titus believes the Emperor to be a facet/face/mask or maybe even puppet of the Omnissiah. However, whether Emperor was divine himself or not, the order he established is certainly of divine design.

Titus did invent, but this is due to his job requirement. He *has* on occasion to create new pieces of software to analyze and correct the strange malfunctions of cogitators when they meet previously unobserved patterns... or are corrupted by chaos taint. He was allowed to toe the line only because of his devotion to Omnissiah.

I'll try to find a suitable picture later

The charactes is meant to play "book smarts". He does fail, sometimes comically, because the data he collect do not reflect social reality as nicely as they reflect machine reality. But he is of firm belief that he can find proper approaches... and it makes him toe the line of the sin of invention.

My justification for pilgrim ship is that it visits major population centers (which should be routinely screened for signs of corruption) and carries many people (making it the most obvious vector for distribution of heretical cults). It makes sense to have a team of Inquisitor subordinates to be stationed on such a ship.
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Special Note About Character Creation
So will you be rating all plans on which ones you like or how you see them beying played out? Will we need to post full plans after voting is open or just Plans name here?

And is this enought details or should I add more?

[] Plan For Science of Warp!

[] Farn Badadem
Name from random generator.

[] Male

Physical Description
[] Appears to be in his early thirties, short mess dirt blond hair and pare blue eyes. Nearly two meters tall whos build is without any visiable muscle or fat under his clothes.

[] A bastard to 4rd son of Planetary Governor of Hive World. Rised and taught by his servants to become an usefull piece in political games before his father was killed one of many rivals for position of Governors heir. Ran as child to underhive to escape purges of his father allies during which he underwent psyker awekaning at young age. Survived by providing his powers as unsanctioned psyker to many criminal gangs of underhive, changing bosses as gangs grew then died while honing his skills.

How Were You Recruited?
[] A Chaos Cult was growing in the Hive, ensnaring underhives population as muscle by providing 'gifts'. Your warnings/advice steered gang you were at the time clear of such without knowing why and keept you alive untill Inquisitior arrived while tracking many leads. Your group was 'enlisted' in helping him disturb Cults efforts in underhive after which you were recruited full time after inquisitor realised just how powerfull/skilled you were.

Are You A Psyker?
[] Yes

[] Ganger or Criminal
Despite the theoretically unbending laws and harsh punishments of the Imperium, mankind still produces criminals at all levels of society. Be they hive gangs running entire sectors of a hive city, smugglers doing supply runs across all strata of society, drug dealers, and all manner of other types of petty or violent criminals. Inquisitors often find themselves working within the seedy underbelly of the Imperium and so find the skills of the criminal underworld useful to their purposes. After all, what are some laws broken next to protecting the Imperium?

[] Hive World
Hive Worlds consist of vast hive cities whose urban sprawl and towers crowd together billions of people. The pollution from these hive cities' manufactoums have long ago destroyed their planet's environment. They produce a steady stream of industrial goods and regiments required to maintain the Imperium, with their vast industrial bases and populations.

Inquisitorial Philosophy
[] Radical
Radical Inquisitors believe in following the spirit of Imperial doctrine, but don't follow convention too closely, believing the ends justify the means. They're more inclined to use the weapons of the Warp and xenos, employing daemonhosts, and committing other acts considered heretical by more conservative Inquisitors. They risk their souls to fight the enemies of mankind and to be declared heretics for their methods.

What heresies have you committed?
[] I have read from the forbidden tomes of Chaos.
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.

[] I have learned the tainted sorceries of the Warp.
Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind.

[] I have used Warp-tainted artifacts and/or weapons.
Turning the weapons of the enemy against him is, of course, of grave danger to one's soul. It is nonetheless a satisfying thing to see.
-Inquisitor Havelock Brundsted

[] I have created a daemonhost.
Better to self-destruct than acquiesce.

[] I have summoned a daemon.
All Daemons are Falsehood. They are lies given the shape of creatures by the fell power of Chaos.
[] I have committed tech-heresy.
- [] I have used xenotech.
- [] I have used forbidden archeotech.
- [] I have used Chaos-infused heretek.
- [] I have committed the sin of innovation.
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.

[] I have failed to turn psykers over to the black ships.

Which Ordos Majoris does the PCs Inquisitor belong to?
[] Ordos Malleus
The Ordos Malleus investigates and destroys daemonic threats. They seek to eliminate any physical manifestation of Chaos.

What ship is currently in your Inquisitor's service?
[] Explorator Ship
The Mechanicus operates vast exploration fleets known as Explorators. The Adeptus Mechanicus is eternally hungry for fresh resources to extract for its factories, and there is always the hope that there are as of yet undiscovered STCs out on some remote planet in the galaxy. Thus they discover new planets, record astral phenomena, chart warp routes, establish outposts, and conquer planets in the name of Mars and Terra when necessary.

It's not unheard of for an Inquisitor to recruit an Explorator ship into their service, especially those heavily involved with the Mechanicus. The advanced technology of a Mechanicus ship can be quite useful. However, the mysterious ways of the Mechanicus and difficulties interacting with tech-priests can make such cooperatives difficult.
[] Plan: I'll work with a thousand Eldar before I let Humanity fall
-[X][Name] Penelopy van Maansing
[X][Gender] Female
-[X][Background] Born as the 10th child of House Maansing, one of ten great houses of her homeworld, she was living a privileged childhood as her family was able to afford the most excellent tutors for their children, including local Exodite Aeldari, who after 10k years of co-operation were willing to help humans deal with Psykers in a productive manner. She spent days working with human tutors, learning all that she could about Imperium and what she needed to survive life as Higborn, while at nights, she learned of the Aeldari, of their past glories and their fall, of the Immaterium and what infested it; According to her master, she was one of their best human students and being used as a motivational aid to embarrass their Aeldari students was very funny to the both of them.
While training to master her psychic potential and details of Exodite education never truly ended, her education in the matters of man did, or at least it was deemed sufficient enough that only practice would allow her to improve. So, she was tasked with helping manage the family business and land. She often heard from her older siblings how dealing with offworlders was the worst part of the job; she thought that it was lies as presiding over conflicts the vineyard workers had with each other or the wildlife was draining; her siblings were correct. Oh, the officers of the imperial guard were mostly tolerable, a bit vulgar, and often staring into the distance, their minds filled with nightmares of the war, but it was similar to dealing with commoners and with her power, she could subtly guide them out of their past; but highborn from other worlds, they disgusted her, be they noble, priests or administrators, their minds were filled with such waste of emperor's grace and such corruption that she needed to rotate servants almost daily or hourly in some cases as to avoid her people being used for tasks outside their contracts. The pride of outworlders in their inherited superiority was making even the worst Aeldari student of her master look humble. Nevertheless, she did her duty to the Emperor, her people and her family and made sure that those fools were drained of their money and of their "stress". She longed for the time when another of the great houses took over the burden of entertaining the offworlders, but her parents couldn't manoeuvre the politics to put that chore on others after spending political favours for her education with Aeldari.

-[X][Recruitment] It all came to a head when six nobles from one of the hive worlds in the neighbouring system kidnapped one of the maids. Those families, in particular, stank to Penelopy's psychic senses, so she took breaks more often doing paperwork or inspecting the guards. While a maid not reporting to change of shift usually wouldn't cause alarm, that particular maid was a bastard of a noble house that recently went extinct in another world, and she was the 66th child of the noble involved and the 6th child of the woman, although Penelopy didn't know about number from the noble side of things.
Her master often said that in case she noticed a coincidence that involved one of the cursed numbers of the great enemy she should always check. That decision saved lives that day, for when she entered the manor rented to those families with the Company of Her family guard, she fought through a private army of cultists of the She-who-thirst and by Emperor, it made her nauseous, not the blood and guts as she had her back u cut through them to the 6th floor, but the corruption. It all came to a head when she managed to yank the maid from under the sacrificial knife and was greeted by Inquisitorial Rossete from one of the men from her own company and a wraithbone javelin coming from the window, piercing the head of the chief cultist.
She was then quickly voluntold to help with the clean up and tying up the investigation as well as requesting Aeldari back up to help clean the primary cultist cell in the neighbouring hiveworld. She did well enough to be recruited by Inquisitor as one of the possible successors.

-[X][Psyker] Yes.
-[X][Origins] Highborn

The noble-born serve as the elite of the Imperium. They are the nobles, princes, lords, and ladies who rule over the masses of the Imperium of Man. Many are mind-bogglingly wealthy, especially compared to the common dredges of Imperial society, with titles and privileges that most citizens could scarcely imagine. But these privileges come at the cost of deadly politics, high expectations, and born with any number of enemies who would see them or their houses fall. Due to their superior education, social influence, and their often ruthless and charming natures, Inquisitors can find great use for the highborn within their service.
-[X][Homeworld] Paradise World
These worlds are places of profound natural beauty and idyllic for human habitation. They have small populations and little industry to maintain their natural beauty. Important Imperial citizens treat these worlds as their personal playgrounds, with the majority of the population serving their every whim and pleasure while toiling away in misery, unable to partake in any of the delights spread out before them.

--[X] Secretly Maiden World: Colonised during Horus Heresy, the ruling families were put in an unenviable situation: commit Heresy by joining the Archtraitor, die and allow their souls to help the traitor's cause and commit heresy after death or work with the Exodites that were discovered on the world and commit heresy by working with Xenos. They chose to spite chaos and manage to wage guerilla war on the planet without it losing its beauty. In millennia that followed, the planet balanced by the edge of the knife, entertaining the highborn guests in the open while working with Radical Inquisitors in the dark, as intermediaries with Exodites who often ask for their own favours to help protect their kin, be it from the Great Enemy, Orks, Drukhari or even other Imperials. (@Ponibius is this alright?)
-[X][Inquisitorial Philosophy] Radical
-[X] Heresies
--[X] I have consorted with the xenos.

---[X] Craftworld Aeldari
---[X] Aeldari Corsair
---[X] Ynnari
---[X] Harlequin
---[X] Exodite Aeldari
---[X] Votann
--[X] I have read from the forbidden tomes of Chaos.
--[X] I have questioned the God-Emperor's divinely ordained hierarchy.
--[X] I have substituted my own judgment for that of the God-Emperor's Representatives.
--[X] I have committed tech-heresy.

---[X] I have used xenotech.
---[X] I have used forbidden archeotech.
---[X] I have committed the sin of innovation.
--[X] I have failed to turn psykers over to the black ships.
-[X][Ordos Majoris] Ordos Malleus
-[X][Ship] Rogue Trader

This concept is basically me being a bland Eldar fan and me foaming at the mouth at GW for not giving us more Exodite lore and army (FUCKING SPACE WOOD ELVES RIDING GIANT DINOSAURUS, THIS WOULD BE SO EPIC). Peonolopy basic has one goal in mind; fuck chaos. She sees what it does to people and wants it gone from imperium; the fact that said imperium has many corrupted systems that make it easier for chaos to work drives her up the wall; if she could, she would decommission hive worlds with prejudice. She is still a loyal servant of the Emperor. Still, she often hits her head on the walls after talking with people who waste his mercy and hard work by being lazy fucks which is hard for the nobility of her homeworld as they are partially influenced by Exodite ideas of "FUCK EXCESS"; she and many highborns in the conspiracy were raised on horror stories of Aeldari's dominium's decadence and what it brought, and they are fucking scared of Imperium following Dominion into oblivion.

About the homeworld and politics on it, it was colonised by a Rouge Trader who wanted to just retire after the Great Crusade seemed to be ending; Horus' Heresy made their situation complicated. So they and their family struck a deal with the locals to help annoy the traitor solar auxilla and mechanicum to kingdom come. After which, the planet was divided into ten fiefs, one for each of their favourite children. The politics on the planet revolves around three issues:
  • Who has to deal with offworlders: this is a chore; for as many as important people visit the planet, most of them are two-faced and very annoying to deal with for people who see working and working well as their Emperor's given duty and right. The semi-constant contact with exodite made the Highborn a lot more cautious about treating the commoners well, given how many of them are traumatised by Storytellers of Exodites recalling corruption that plague Aeldari Dominion. (This has side-efect of wines and other luxuries being particularly unique and desired locally as they lack an aftertaste of psychic suffering of the workers.) Five houses at the time dealt with offworlders while others recovered from sheer internal rage after talking with lazy bumps for too long. This was noticed by visiting nobles, but they interpreted it as 5 houses winning internal politics to have the right to interpret them.
  • How to trade favours with Exodites: this is bargained chiefly as a whole overarching Dynasty, not as individual houses. Spending favours to have this and that world attacked because orks gathering there are a threats to another Maiden World, lobbying for another campaign while there are discussions to attack a maiden world. Etc. In the case of Penelopy's training, her family took the burden of dealing with offworlders for a few decades to convince other houses to spend favours with Exodites to teach her beyond the previously agreed bare minimum of "make psykers don't explode and hide from the Black Ship when it visits".
  • And finally, normal imperial politics about who will become a new rouge trader. There is nothing unique here other than a lot of Aeldari favours are bought with Rouge Trader work
[] Plan: Even in spite of it all, you're still you
-[ ][NAME] Harmonia Wells
-[ ][GENDER] Female
-[ ][DESCRIPTION]: A woman of less-than-intimidating posture, positively dwarfed by many of the hulking figures that occupy the upper peerages of the Imperium. Possesses long, dark, blue-black hair, usually tied up in a pair of tight braids, and a pair of spectacles--making her appear more like a demure librarian or casual scholar than a true Peer of the Imperium that she's ended up at. Fortunately, Powered Armour and a helmet can go a long way towards a more intimidating air should that be neccessary, but given her druthers, she prefers to keep the people at ease. When she does have the right to wear what she wishes instead of what simply is required, she often favors comfortable, humble white dresses and outfits, with just a little bit of discreet armor weaving inside them, just in case--you'd be surprised at how many people try to take a stab at nice young ladies at random.
--[ ] Quick genned mock-up
-[][BACKGROUND] pending
-[][RECRUITMENT] pending
-[][PSYKER] No
-[][ORIGIN] Adeptus Ministorum
-[][HOMEWORLD] Civilized World
-[][PHILOSOPHY] R...adical? (Maybe? Kinda? Maybe just a teensy bit? Is thinking things are a bit scuffed but still better than most of the viable alternatives radical?)
-[ ] I have consorted with the xenos.
--[ ] Necrons
-[ ] I have questioned the God-Emperor's divinely ordained hierarchy.
-[ ] I have substituted my own judgment for that of the God-Emperor's Representatives.
-[ ] Ordos Malleus
-[ ] I have committed tech-heresy.
- [ ] I have used xenotech.

I've got the actual writeup in line, but I'm thinking "Relative rookie Inquisitor who rose to power in the madhouse of the Thirteenth Black Crusade, ended up working reasonably well with one specfic Necron Dynasty that really, really didn't want Daemons going on, and who--while absolutely sure in the Emperor's divinity, has been... Less than impressed at some of his servants.

Mind you, this is less "I'm a Xeno Lover" and more "I've knowingly cooperated with to take down a mutual foe", but this is still pretty all or nothing as written. That's kind of the hilarious bit.
[ ]The Emperor Wills It
-Name: Olivyr Laethro
-Gender: Male
-Physical Description: A mountain of a man, standing nearly 7 feet tall, with striking green eyes and wavy blonde hair, which is kept cropped short. A strong jaw, which seems to be perpetually covered with a light dusting of stubble. His high, patrician cheekbones show off his aristocratic birth, and his face is set in a near perpetual sneer. He is muscled heavily, and has a broad chest which makes it difficult to find any suits of power armor for him.
-Background: A standard bastard son of a Questor Imperialis house. He grew up far from the keep, fighting feral Orks, and learning the trade of his adoptive father, smithing. When he reached his age of majority, he enlisted in the guard, and after his first engagement, was forcibly enlisted into an inquisitorial retinue. It was here he took on the majority of his Radical Beliefs, for his Inquistorial Mentor was a Radical himself, frequently utilizing archeotech and spending his free time attempting to innovate newer and better weapons and armors, while searching for a method to disguise it as a lost STC fragment that his retinue had managed to stumble upon.
-[][PSYKER] No
-[][ORIGIN]Astra Militarum
-[][HOMEWORLD]Knight World
[ ] I have committed tech-heresy.
- [ ] I have used forbidden archeotech.
- [ ] I have committed the sin of innovation.
[ ] Ordos Xenos
[ ] Imperial Navy warship
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So will you be rating all plans on which ones you like or how you see them beying played out? Will we need to post full plans after voting is open or just Plans name here?

And is this enought details or should I add more?

I'll try and put a post up with all the plans that have been made.

You're plan looks good to me. Just know that creating daemonhosts and summoning daemons puts you on the far end of a radical, since that's where Inquisitors often getting into issues like getting censured by Imperial institutions for heresy.

-[X][Homeworld] Paradise World
These worlds are places of profound natural beauty and idyllic for human habitation. They have small populations and little industry to maintain their natural beauty. Important Imperial citizens treat these worlds as their personal playgrounds, with the majority of the population serving their every whim and pleasure while toiling away in misery, unable to partake in any of the delights spread out before them.

--[X] Secretly Maiden World: Colonised during Horus Heresy, the ruling families were put in an unenviable situation: commit Heresy by joining the Archtraitor, die and allow their souls to help the traitor's cause and commit heresy after death or work with the Exodites that were discovered on the world and commit heresy by working with Xenos. They chose to spite chaos and manage to wage guerilla war on the planet without it losing its beauty. In millennia that followed, the planet balanced by the edge of the knife, entertaining the highborn guests in the open while working with Radical Inquisitors in the dark, as intermediaries with Exodites who often ask for their own favours to help protect their kin, be it from the Great Enemy, Orks, Drukhari or even other Imperials. (@Ponibius is this alright?)

Having a world secretly be a Maiden World is fine. The Imperium has settled plenty of worlds that were terraformed by the Aeldari.
-Background: A standard bastard son of a Questor Imperialis house. He grew up far from the keep, fighting feral Orks, and learning the trade of his adoptive father, smithing. When he reached his age of majority, he enlisted in the guard, and after his first engagement, was forcibly enlisted into an inquisitorial retinue. It was here he took on the majority of his Radical Beliefs, and upon the death of the Inquisitor, he was recommended for an Inquisitorial Rosette by the posthumous nomination of his previous Inquisitorial Lord. This was confirmed, and soon after, he found himself requisitioning his first ship, and hunting down xenos.

I will note that you will not start as an Inquisitor in this quest but as an Interrogator.
Oh, is my submission going to get a brief run-down? Or do I need to do more work to get that?
[ ]Let See How Far a civie can go?
--[X] Victor Sage
--[X] Male
--[X] Born as an only son in the family of peasants. Victor Sage has a normal childhood, and upbringing. However, he was always questioning everything. From his lot in life, to everything he knows, even the God Emperor down to little and last details. There was always something in his soul telling him .Of course he could never say those questions out loud. Until one day when a noble was passing by, and decided to stomp on a child for getting close to his path. Victor could not held himself back, and question the noble, "Why do you stomp the child, he did nothing wrong to the point of this? Why must you be this cruel?". Victor was lucky that he was not killed on spot, but was captured for amusement. He was place in the cell next to another prisoner. The prisoner was cheerful and friendly. To the point that Victor vented on them about every questions that he wanted answers to or thoughts about before his demise. Just as he was finished venting, there was an explosion, and a squad of tempestuous scions came breaking in. They were here for the his fellow cell mate, and his fellow cell mate being an inquisitor. Turn out the noble belong to a cult of Slaaanesh. Just as the inquisitor was ready to move out, Victor not learning from his mistake call out to them, and ask them if they have answers to Victor questions. The once friendly cellmate have shed their smile, and put on stone face and tell Victor, "Come and follow me if you want those answers, but be warned some answers are better left unanswered". That how Victor path to being an Inquisitor started.
-Physical Description

Are You A Psyker?
[X] Yes

[X] Civilian
The Imperium is filled with countless civilians who live, work, and die simple, grim, and hard lives under the yolk of the Imperium of Man. They toil without glory or note, merely providing the resources needed to keep the Imperium's unceasing war machine going, be it within its factories, farms, mines, or other installations. To fully cover the breadth of the experiences of the average Imperial citizen could take volumes, for the Imperium's million worlds are vast and diverse. Who is to say what might draw the eye of an Inquisitor and convince them to bring an average citizen into their retinue?

[X] Paradise World
These worlds are places of profound natural beauty and idyllic for human habitation. They have small populations and little industry to maintain their natural beauty. Important Imperial citizens treat these worlds as their personal playgrounds, with the majority of the population serving their every whim and pleasure while toiling away in misery, unable to partake in any of the delights spread out before them.

[X] Radical
Radical Inquisitors believe in following the spirit of Imperial doctrine, but don't follow convention too closely, believing the ends justify the means. They're more inclined to use the weapons of the Warp and xenos, employing daemonhosts, and committing other acts considered heretical by more conservative Inquisitors. They risk their souls to fight the enemies of mankind and to be declared heretics for their methods.

[X] I have consorted with the xenos.
-[ ] Necrons
-[ ] Votann

[X] I have read from the forbidden tomes of Chaos.
[X] I have learned the tainted sorceries of the Warp.
[X] I don't believe in the divinity of the Emperor.
[X] I have questioned the God-Emperor's divinely ordained hierarchy.
[X] I have substituted my own judgment for that of the God-Emperor's Representatives.

[X] I have committed tech-heresy.
- [ ] I have used xenotech.
- [ ] I have used forbidden archeotech.
- [ ] I have committed the sin of innovation.

[X] Ordos Malleus
The Ordos Malleus investigates and destroys daemonic threats. They seek to eliminate any physical manifestation of Chaos.

[X] Black Ship
The League of Black Ships are responsible for collecting and transporting the Imperium's psyker population. These ships possess psy-warded chambers to keep their passengers under control, and sport significant weapon and void-shields to ward off any enemies who might seek to capture such ships and their valuable cargos of psykers. The Astra Telepathica and the Sisters of Silence run these ships, making sure psykers get transported to Terra or elsewhere where they can serve the Imperium.
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[] Plan: I'll work with a thousand Eldar before I let Humanity fall
This one seems interesting to me
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