Rise to the top, a Hero's Journey! (My Hero Academia Quest)

Episode 1-4a: Individuality Arc
2002, 2nd Trimester
End of Spring​
Banked: 119 850$
Invested: 10 000$ In random investments.
Income: +50$/Turn.
-- 0 --
Book-Kun's Insight (97!): One night in January, Book-Kun directs you to a open yard, where you find a young girl lying in the snow, beaten to an inch of their life. You do the right thing, and bring her to your home.

A while later, you find out that the girl was beaten up by an insane martial artist (snowman building martial arts? what?) who cornered her while her father went and made some arrangements for moving into the area.

[+6 Karma!, +6 000 Opinion with Utena and Lars Atlas]​

Learn Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}
Roll: d100(6)+13-5+1=15+15=30, Failure!

Your dad goes to sign you up for a different class at the local gym, but somehow signs the wrong sheet, and you end up in the same martial arts class as last trimester...


Good job, dad.

Hire a personal Trainer [Required 40] (Cost 1.5k$/Turn) {Reward: More Martial Actions}
Roll: d100(89)+13-5+1=98+5= 103! Crit!
Reroll: d100(96)+3+5= 105! Crit!
Reroll: d100(64)+5+5=74...

The girl Book-Kun helped you save? Yeah, turn out her father is a world-renown martial artist, traveling the world with her to teach her a bunch of new styles of combat, and decided to stop off here for the next few years.

Having saved his daughter from potentially dying of hypothermia, he offers to take you on as his apprentice...

[] Take the offer (You gain a new Action (Apprentice: Lars Atlas), which is automatically chosen each turn, at the cost of your new Martial Action. Apprentice: Lars Atlas [Req. (25-Mrt)n]{Costs 0} [Gain 5xn EXP in three Martial Skills, chance of New Martial Skills, chance to Gain Martial (0/?))

[] Refuse the offer, but take a favor for later. (One (1) Favor with Lars Atlas. You will auto-succeed in finding another instruction, which grants you an extra Martial Action.)

Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}

-Get Ms. Morri to teach you how to socialize [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0, takes 2 Actions) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}​
Roll: 255 (3d100)+14 (Dip)-20 (Harem Klutz)+9 (Opinion)= 258+5= 263! Crit!
Reroll: 163+ 75(d100)= 238+5= 243! Crit!
Reroll: 143+74= 217+5 = 222! Crit!
Reroll: 122+42 = 164+5= 169! Crit!
Reroll: 69+61= 130+5= 135! Crit!
Reroll: 35+73= 108+5= 113! Crit!
Reroll: 13+72= 85+5= 90.
Total: 1235/36= 34 Passes.

Ms. Morri's Overdrive: (15(d100)/3)-34= -29. No Effect.

You decide that, while you know the ins and outs of socializing, you're not as charismatic as you could be. Deciding to get some help from Ms. Morri, you try your hardest to find out the secrets of diplomacy.

Books and scenarios pass through your mind at a blistering pace, as you use your amazing intellect to analyze everything, from social dynamics, to micro-expressions. You shall succeed at this task!


[Diplomacy Gained! +8 (3/5); New Skill: Fast-Talk, +12 EXP; New Skill: Diplomacy, +11 EXP; New Skill: Leadership, +11 EXP.]

World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}
Roll: 50+14= 64+5= 69. Pass.

Moon stolen and returned! ( Jan 14th)​
From 11:47AM to 6:12PM, the moon disappeared from orbit, only to reappear later that day! The IHA (International Hero Association) is clueless as to who is responsible for this strange phenomenon, especially with Cognizants worldwide getting false data recently...

Cognizants lose Vision! (Feb 3rd)​
Once again, Individuals with abilities that focus on cognition get false information from their ability, creating worldwide panic. The loss of this ability hits the world's economy, as the fragile balance of power is altered after each of these phenomenons...

President being brainwashed? (Feb 25th)​
the Individual Response Team was seen battling several terrorists Individuals at the white house over the weekend, as a plot to subvert the american government was discovered when the recently elected POTUS, Albert Gorre, was subjected to an anti-subversion test, and failed it...

Wow. There's some weird stuff happening around the world...

[Gain +7 on all Dip. rolls next turn]

Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: Skill:Business Acumen Increase, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
Roll: 51+11=62+55= 2 Passes.

You attend another class at the local community center, only to find out that it's essentially the same lesson in repeat. While you don't learn anything truly new, the knowledge on running a business is reinforced in your mind.

[+1 Stewardship (1/3); Business Acumen +2 EXP.]

Invest in business [Required 50] (Costs 300$/Turn) {Reward: d20 x 50$/turn)
Roll: 87+11=98+5= 103! Crit!
Roll: 89+3= 92+5= 97
Total: 200! 4 Passes.

While attending school, you notice a couple of kids have been starting up their own self-made businesses. Little things, like a stall run at the local farmer's market selling lemonade, or a girl going door to door selling knick knacks.

You do some scheming, and decide to write up a (mostly) legal contract with four of these smart kids: You give them one-hundred dollars a month, and they pay you 30% of their profits, plus a flat 50$ per trimester.

Most of them agree straight away, with one of the four trying to bargain a better deal but failing.

[New Income (Child businesses)x4 ((d80+4)x 50$ per turn); New Expense: 1.2K$/Turn.]

Play Spy Games [Required (50-Int)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, chance of gaining Intrigue}
Roll: 98+11+10 (Opinion)= 109+5= 114! Crit!
Roll: 32+14= 46+5= 51
Total: 165. 4 Passes.

You learn quickly, that the first thing every spy has, is an amazing sound track. Err... At least, that's the tune every kid in the playground hums when they try to sneak up on you.

Literally. It's kind of hilarious.

[Gained +1 Intrigue (1/3); New Skill: Stealth, +4 EXP.]

Find some Playground Contacts [Required 60] (Costs 50) {Reward: Get to know the school better. Contacts unlocked}
Roll: 93+11+10 (Opinion)= 104+5= 119! Crit!
Reroll: 88+9= 97+5= 112! Crit!
Reroll: 55+2= 57+5= 62
Total: 303, 6 passes.

"Psst! Kid!" says a man at the community center one day. Dressed in a trench coat and a very large hat, he's completely obscured from the sun. Fear spreads through you, as lessons hammered into your head about strange men in-

-Oh, wait. It's Mr. Klein, the business class teacher. His fear enhancing Quirk sometimes overwhelms you. On the flip side, he easily gets everyone's attention in class.

The teacher takes you (and your father) out for coffee, and introduces you to some of his associates, locally important owners and shareholders.

("You're real smart kid, I think you'll go far!")

[Real Contacts Gained. Opens new Intrigue options. +500 Opinion: Mr. Klein.]

Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
Roll: 49+34+6 (Opinion)= 89+5= 94

You keep up your studies in school, achieving first place once more. While the burning passion you had last month isn't as strong, you still do extremely well, and some of the teachers are wondering why you're still in the first grade still.

[Reward: None]

Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
Roll: 68+34+6= 108+5= 113! Crit!
Reroll: 97+13= 110+5= 115! Crit!
Reroll: 97+15= 112+5= 117! Crit!
Reroll: 89+17= 106+5= 111! Crit!
Reroll: 9+11= 20+15= 35.
Total: 491. top .001%.

You decide to take the World's Best Exam again. An accident with the distribution of the papers makes it so you have the 10th grade version of the test.

You still get first place.

[Reward: 50k$, +100 Opinion with [The World]. Human Limits Miniturn.]

[Special Reward: Lucky II unlocked]

[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30n] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
Roll: 74(d100)+34+35+10 (Book-Kun)= 153+5= 158! Crit!
Reroll: 79+58= 137+5= 142! Crit!
Reroll: 94+42= 136+5= 141! Crit!
Reroll: 16+41= 53+5= 62...
Total: 345, 11 passes.

You're eyes seem to glimpse something out of the corner of your vision, and it gives you strange ideas, which you write down in Book-Kun.

Basic Hypothesis: 100% (1/1)
Basic Math: 100% (3/3)
Basic Neurology: 100% (3/3)
Basic Application: 100% (3/3)
Advanced Math: 100% (9/9)
Advanced Neurology: 100% (9/9)
Research - Bio-Psi: 0%
Research - PK: 0%
Research - Psi-Constructs: 100% (11/11)
Research - ESP: 26% (4/15)
Research - Telepathy: 0%
Research - Dimensional Psi: 0%
Master Math: 0%
Master Neurology: 0%
Misc. Psionics: 0%
The Truth: 0%

[Reward: Advanced Neurology completed! New Quirk Options unlocked. You may now choose which Research option at the start of the next turn.]

Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}
Roll: 100! (d100)+ 34= 134+5= 139! Crit!
Reroll: 93+39= 132+5= 137! Crit!
Reroll: 94+37= 131+5= 136! Crit!
Reroll: 65+36= 101+5= 106! Crit!
Reroll: 89+6= 95+5= 100! Crit!
Reroll: 82+5= 87.
Total: 705. 12 passes.

6th dimensional Crossword puzzles are one of the most difficult brain-teasers in the world. A mundane human staring at them has a real chance of actually driving them insane.

You... may have forgotten this while you were in class, and rendered your teacher raving mad for a week. Heck, even Ms. Morri went and cried in a corner for an hour after you asked her for some help finding the solution for ò̡͟҉̀i҉̶͞a̸͞͏o̶̴͏̵i̵͝h͏͢͞d̨̧̕͝ò̸n҉̕s̛͜͜k̸͏͡l̨҉҉̷͞Á̧Ò͡...

Ugh, saying that makes your tongue taste purple...

[Reward: +1 Learning (4/8)]
[Special Reward: Devil's Luck IV]
Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}
Roll: 81+34+11= 126+5 = 131! Crit!
Reroll: 96+31= 127+5 = 132! Crit!
Reroll: 88+32= 120+5 = 125! Crit!
Reroll: 41+25= 64+5= 71
Total: 459, 6 passes.

Your ability to synchronize with the being/thing/object increases more over the winter season, to the point where you can temporarily disconnect the thing from other connections.

Your own connection has subsequently been reinforced to it immensely, to the point where it dwarfs all but the overbeing connection.

Huh... Neat!

[Reward: Synergy raised to 15. Gained 1 (One) extra Quirk Action. Quirk Bonus increased: +10 to all Stats, +40 to all Psi Rolls.]

Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}
Roll: 82+13+35+1= 131+5= 136! Crit!
Reroll: 93+36= 129+5= 134! Crit!
Reroll: 97+34= 131+5= 136! Crit!
Reroll: 80+36= 116+5= 121! Crit!
Reroll: 67+21= 88+5= 93.
Total: 620, 13 passes.

While reinforcing your connection, you try to hold more of the energy you're fed from the being inside yourself as well. You quickly find that your "battery" is easily capable of handling MUCH more energy than it currently holds...

[Reward: +5 Battery Size (1/2)]

During a particularly cold night in January, you find yourself incapable of sleeping. It'd been a slow day, and some odd feeling had distracted you throughout the day, as if you'd forgotten something.

What do you do to quell this feeling?
[] Get up...
-[] And do some relaxing stances from your martial arts class.
-[] And take a moment to meditate on your thoughts.
[] Try to go back to sleep.
[] The GnOmes!
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[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] Get up...
-[X] And take a moment to meditate on your thoughts.
Do we have a character sheet anywhere?

[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] Get up...
-[X] And take a moment to meditate on your thoughts.
Last edited:
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!
i whant to see what will happen
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!

This oughta be good. Not sure if this is a reference or not, but it's probably funny regardless. Also, are Utena and Lars some kind of references?
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] Get up...
-[X] And take a moment to meditate on your thoughts.
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!

Thanks for the update! I love how much of a genius we are right now. Even though we will probably need some martial for when villains (inevitably) try to steal from us or hold us ransom in the future.

I'm voting to take the offer because of martial options keep failing by this much and it's stopped being funny, to me anyways.
The GnOmes is a hidden option and therefore it's a mystery box. It could be anything, it could even be a boat!

I'm believe that the new characters are expys from "revolutionary girl utena" but I might be wrong. I haven't seen it in ages after all.

After ESP the options should be harder to obtain so for efficiency's sake going from the easiest to the hardest (top,down) would be best. Also why is ESP still at 0% even though we are currently researching it? Is it an error or does it have tiers?

@Adam Sark one of the things I like so far about this quest is letting us pick what we want to research about our ability. Some abilities will probably be more helpful than others generally while we'll wish we had others in a different situation. I like that instead of just making us need to know the first power before moving on to the next, you made it so our power has different branches that are linked but do not need prior knowledge/skill to learn.

I am somewhat confused on how to obtain them to research. Other than telepathy (which we have always been able to unlock) we seemingly don't have a way to unlock other research. Do we need events, or do we just get more options as we get older?
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[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] Get up...
-[X] And take a moment to meditate on your thoughts.
Find some Playground Contacts [Required 60] (Costs 50) {Reward: Get to know the school better. Contacts unlocked}
Roll: 93+11+10 (Opinion)= 114+5= 119! Crit!
Reroll: 88+19= 107+5= 112! Crit!
Reroll: 55+12= 67+5= 72
Total: 303, 6 passes.
Shouldn't the numbers for this option be like this. It all equals 303 still but it seems you forgot a few 10's while writing it down. Also shouldn't we still get to know the school better? Since (to me) it seems that we were making inroads to getting contacts before our teacher found us. Real contacts are, of course better, I'm not talking about having playground contacts I just want to know why we lost the "Get to know the school better" reward. Unless our teacher is the reward?

Hire a personal Trainer [Required 40] (Cost 1.5k$/Turn) {Reward: More Martial Actions}
Roll: d100(89)+13-5+1=98+5= 103! Crit!
Reroll: d100(96)+3+5= 105! Crit!
Reroll: d100(64)+5+5=74...

The girl Book-Kun helped you save? Yeah, turn out her father is a world-renown martial artist, traveling the world with her to teach her a bunch of new styles of combat, and decided to stop off here for the next few years.

Having saved his daughter from potentially dying of hypothermia, he offers to take you on as his apprentice...

[] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
The only issue I have with this is that it literally does the opposite is what we originally wanted it to do, that being "giving us more martial actions". I do consider it worth the price but it just seems odd to me that as a reward for critting twice we lose a martial action.

It also seems weird that we, seemingly, don't get a miss Morris bonus unless she literally crits. It could just be that I'm reading it wrong and those extra dice are part of her bonus and her overdrive is just extra. Please tell me if I'm wrong because I am somewhat confused about that.

Tl;Dr @Adam Sark Some numbers are wrong but the total is correct, the martial option seems weird as it directly contradicts what it was supposed to do (again, I do think it is worth it but I just find it weird that critting on that option gave us the chance to do the exact opposite), what exactly is Ms. Morris's bonus?

You may have forgotten the character sheet. Though you could just be putting it at the end of either of our two miniturns, I'm just pointing it out so it isn't left out accidentally.
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[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!

Is that a South park reference?
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action perturn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!
......wtf is with our rolls this turn?!?!

[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!

[] Get up...
-[] And do some relaxing stances from your martial arts class.
-[] And take a moment to meditate on your thoughts.
[] Try to go back to sleep.
[] The GnOmes!
Strange. Not showing up on my invis-text revealer script. Did you just colour it differently???
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!

Was the moon disappearing a reference? Only thing I can think of is Despicable Me and well... that kinda... doesn't seem to fit with the BNHA world...:p
Do we have a character sheet anywhere?

Yes. The character sheet is on the last post. I'm updating it today, mostly because this last update took a ridiculous amount of time to write (like, four hours...)

[X] The GnOmes!
This oughta be good. Not sure if this is a reference or not, but it's probably funny regardless. Also, are Utena and Lars some kind of references?

It's the "myster box" option for this miniturn. The reference is to the underwear gnomes from South Park, with their entire business scheme being three parts: Steal Underwear, ??? and Profit.

Thanks for the update! I love how much of a genius we are right now. Even though we will probably need some martial for when villains (inevitably) try to steal from us or hold us ransom in the future.

I'm voting to take the offer because of martial options keep failing by this much and it's stopped being funny, to me anyways.
The GnOmes is a hidden option and therefore it's a mystery box. It could be anything, it could even be a boat!

I'm believe that the new characters are expys from "revolutionary girl utena" but I might be wrong. I haven't seen it in ages after all.

After ESP the options should be harder to obtain so for efficiency's sake going from the easiest to the hardest (top,down) would be best. Also why is ESP still at 0% even though we are currently researching it? Is it an error or does it have tiers?

@Adam Sark one of the things I like so far about this quest is letting us pick what we want to research about our ability. Some abilities will probably be more helpful than others generally while we'll wish we had others in a different situation. I like that instead of just making us need to know the first power before moving on to the next, you made it so our power has different branches that are linked but do not need prior knowledge/skill to learn.

I am somewhat confused on how to obtain them to research. Other than telepathy (which we have always been able to unlock) we seemingly don't have a way to unlock other research. Do we need events, or do we just get more options as we get older?

Sorry about that. I wrote the update while I was dead tired, and made a few minor mistakes.

Firstly, Taking the apprenticeship removes the extra martial action per turn you'd get per turn if you'd hire a regular trainer, with the added bonus of giving you a pre-chosen Martial Action each turn to gain EXP for Martial Skills.

Yes, it's a mystery box. No, it's not a boat.

The names were chosen at random, and the Atlas surname comes from Charles Atlas.

Again, I may have made some small mistakes. ESP should be at 26%.

There's an option in the Quirk section that lets you unlock both Psi Techniques and Research options, but because the basis of the Psionics' Theorem has been written out, you can now choose what type of research you do now.

Shouldn't the numbers for this option be like this. It all equals 303 still but it seems you forgot a few 10's while writing it down. Also shouldn't we still get to know the school better? Since (to me) it seems that we were making inroads to getting contacts before our teacher found us. Real contacts are, of course better, I'm not talking about having playground contacts I just want to know why we lost the "Get to know the school better" reward. Unless our teacher is the reward?

The only issue I have with this is that it literally does the opposite is what we originally wanted it to do, that being "giving us more martial actions". I do consider it worth the price but it just seems odd to me that as a reward for critting twice we lose a martial action.

It also seems weird that we, seemingly, don't get a miss Morris bonus unless she literally crits. It could just be that I'm reading it wrong and those extra dice are part of her bonus and her overdrive is just extra. Please tell me if I'm wrong because I am somewhat confused about that.

Tl;Dr @Adam Sark Some numbers are wrong but the total is correct, the martial option seems weird as it directly contradicts what it was supposed to do (again, I do think it is worth it but I just find it weird that critting on that option gave us the chance to do the exact opposite), what exactly is Ms. Morris's bonus?

You may have forgotten the character sheet. Though you could just be putting it at the end of either of our two miniturns, I'm just pointing it out so it isn't left out accidentally.

I miss-wrote the "accept the offer" option. It's supposed to be that you lose the extra action you'd get from having an Martial Aide, at the gain of a permanent EXP gain each turn.

You DON'T want Ms. Morri's Overdrive to succeed. Her power comes with brainwashing, which will slowly corrupt your character to become a stereotypical stalker. If it had succeeded, you'd gain a x1.5 to the roll, at the cost of -10 to all rolls when interacting with her afterwards, with the negative effect capable of stacking.

I have forgotten the character sheet. I'll be writing it up tonight with the next Miniturn options.

......wtf is with our rolls this turn?!?!

[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!

Strange. Not showing up on my invis-text revealer script. Did you just colour it differently???

I spent twenty minutes looking for an invisible text option. Couldn't find it, so I just colored it dark grey.

[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] The GnOmes!

Was the moon disappearing a reference? Only thing I can think of is Despicable Me and well... that kinda... doesn't seem to fit with the BNHA world...:p

Yes. Inventor-types.

I'm suprised nobody pointed out the Cognizants getting faulty data thought...
I'm suprised nobody pointed out the Cognizants getting faulty data thought...

Well, with the Worldnews about the Thinkers/Tinkers
Individuals with abilities that focus on cognition get false information from their ability
and our Actions and the Desriptions of the being/thing/object I think we, somehow, block or disconect People from their Quirks, or maybe from something their Quirks get Info from.

Probably the second, it only affected the Thinkers/Tinkers after all.
So, how many have already made the uncomfortable question of "are quirks actually just Shards from Worm?" because of powers apparently coming from some unknown outside force?
So, how many have already made the uncomfortable question of "are quirks actually just Shards from Worm?" because of powers apparently coming from some unknown outside force?
I've thought about it but shards need trauma to awaken and they inspire conflict.
There are quirks that just happen randomly and while conflict does happen some quirks seem to have no use in battles.
They do seem to be very similar though, especially as they are somewhat sentient and "report" to a higher being.
[X] Take the offer (-1 Martial Action per turn, x5 skill EXP gain in all Martial Skills, New Martial Skills unlocked, no costs per turn.)
[X] Get up...
-[X] And take a moment to meditate on your thoughts.
Character Sheet
Current Character sheet with updated stats. I'm going to be reworking it in a little while to organize it a bit more properly.

Name: Werner Blackwood
Age: Seven (Feb 28th)
Gender: Male
Karma: +10

Major Goal: Become the 1%
Requirements: Own 1% of the [WORLD]'s resources, roughly 40B$.

HP: 130/130
Durability: 10
DIPLOMACY - 25 (3/5)
LEARNING - 38 (4/8)
STEWARDSHIP - 15 (1/3)
INTRIGUE - 15 (1/3)
Stress Modifier: (3)

Strong (+3 Martial, +30 Hit Points, +10 Durability)
Physically, you're bigger and tougher than a normal human, and durable enough that normal attacks barely hurt you.

Quantum Mind (+20 Learning, +3 Intrigue and Stewardship)
You've got a twelfth level intelligence... whatever that means.

Attractive (+5 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
You can charm the socks off of anyone who meets you...

Silver Tongue (+2 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue)
Talking comes easily to you, to the point where you can get away with everything up to murder...

Harem Clutz (-5 Intrigue)
You're incredibly bad at interacting with members of the other sex. Whenever you do anything with those of the opposite sex, you get a -20 on your rolls.

Mild A.S.D. (-2 Diplomacy, Intrigue and Stewardship, +4 Learning)
You have a series of minor mental disorders that make it harder to socialize with others. As a bonus, Mental Influence Quirks don't work very well on you.

Devil's Luck IV (+20 on Failures)
You have the Devil's Luck, gained from rolling a natural Crit. Whenever you suffer a Failure, Devil's luck adds +5 for every level the trait has.

Lucky II [17/30] (+10 on Success)
You have ridiculous luck. Whenever you score a Success, add +5 for every level this trait has.

Greedy I [0/1k] (-1 Dip, -1 turns on multi-turn options of Stewardship)
You're a real penny pincher. On multi-turn Stewardship options, you automatically complete one turn if chosen.
Skill Rank to point: F=1, E=4, D=9, C=16, B=27, A=36, S=49. Techniques slide one rank forwards to the skill's ability.

Pugilism E (6/9)
The pugilist's main weapons are his fists, and you know how to use these. +2 on Combat rolls when Unarmed.

Pugilism Technique: Block B (5/9)
You know how to block with your fists. In Unarmed Combat, 1/7th of all damage is blocked.

Athletics F (1/4)
This is your ability to do physically demanding exercises and stunts over a large period of time. +1 to Martial rolls, but not to Combat Rolls.
Business Acumen E (4/9)
You know the ins and outs of running and making a profit from businesses. You get +3 to Stewardship for the purposes of managing businesses.
Fast-Talk D (12/16)
The art of convincing others, whether to sway opinion, relieve tensions or encouraging others to go against their judgement. During Miniturns, whenever you must use Diplomacy, you gain a +9 to that roll.

Diplomacy D (11/16)
This is the skill of negotiating, compromising and getting along with others, on an interchangeable scale. On Diplomacy Actions that require you to resolve situations OR Miniturns of the same nature, you gain a +9 to that roll.

Leadership D (11/16)
This is the ability to coordinate a group successfully, no matter the situation. On Diplomacy or Stewardship Actions that require you to direct others OR Combat Situations where you don't take actions, you gain a +9 to that roll.

Quirk: The Inner/Outer Mind
Your quirk has two main features.

The first is a general upgrade to your skills, giving you a natural talent on par with mundane geniuses, letting you excel in everyday affairs and situations impossibly well.

The second is a knack for designing, creating and using Psionic Devices. This affinity lets you build things such as Mind Readers, Teleporters, TK-Drives and Precog Chips. This ability also unlocks your latent psychic powers, but they're very weak without technological aides.

Synergy: 15
Battery: 6 (1/2)
Bonus: +10 to all stats, +40 to all Psi Rolls.
Abilities: Psi-Constructs (Mastered). ESP (None).

Basic Hypothesis: 100% (1/1)
Basic Math: 100% (3/3)
Basic Neurology: 100% (3/3)
Basic Application: 100% (3/3)
Advanced Math: 100% (9/9)
Advanced Neurology: 100% (9/9)
Research - Bio-Psi: 0%
Research - PK: 0%
Research - Psi-Constructs: 100% (11/11)
Research - ESP: 26% (4/15)
Research - Telepathy: 0%
Research - Dimensional Psi: 0%
Master Math: 0%
Master Neurology: 0%
Misc. Psionics: 0%
The Truth: 0%

Opinions (Gives a bonus/penalty to Diplomacy, Intrigue and Stewardship while interacting with the subject)

Past -1000 you get a flat negative modifier for every -1000 and become Hated, -1 000 to -700 (Truly Disliked), -700 to -400 (Strongly Disliked), -400 to -100 (Disliked), -100 to 100 (Neutral), 100 to 400 (Liked), 400 to 700 (Very Liked), 700 to 1 000 (Truly Liked). Pass 1 000, Opinions gain a Type: Family, Interest, Ally, Servant or Rival. The Bonus gained gives a flat bonus per +1 000.

+/- 3 bonus per level, +/-1 per revered/Hated.
[THE WORLD] +235 (Liked)
Parents: 16 100 (Revered +16 - Family)
Psi-Book: 5 000 (Revered +5 - Servant)
Alta Vista Public School
-Teachers: +545 (Very Liked)
-Agnette Morri +735 (Truly Liked)
-Kids: +1220 (Revered +1 - Allies)
Lars and Utena Atlas: 6 000 (Revered +6 - Allies)
Albert Klein (Very Liked)​

Banked: 70 050$
Invested: 10 000$ In random investments.
Personal Income: +50$/Turn.

Child-Owned Businesses x4 (d20+1x50)

Business Income: d80+4x50$
Business Expenses: 1.2K$​

Mind-linked Psionics Theorem Book [?$]
Bonus: +10 on one Psi Roll, +10 on Precog rolls, +10 on Scouting Intrigue options. Once per turn, The Book gives Insight.

Your sentient Theorem book. It's slowly becoming more and more powerful as you pour power from your very soul into it. It's got a simpleton personality, and your father once commented on it being "perverted"... whatever that meant.