Rise to the top, a Hero's Journey! (My Hero Academia Quest)

[x]plan: sorry i can not think of a fancy plan name!
[x]Become a Billionaire!
-[x]Become a Hero!
-[x]Make a bunch of friends!
[x]plan: sorry i can not think of a fancy plan name!
[x]Become a Billionaire!
-[x]Become a Hero!
-[x]Make a bunch of friends!
Voting Closed. Tallying.

Vote Tally : Superhero - Rise to the top, a Hero's Journey! (My Hero Academia Quest) | Page 3 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.9
[x]Become a Billionaire!
No. of Votes: 11
Plan: ◈sorry i can not think of a fancy plan name!

Dylan Bailey
the swarm
Walkin' Man
-[x]Become a Hero!
No. of Votes: 5
Plan: ◈sorry i can not think of a fancy plan name!

the swarm
-[x]Make a bunch of friends!
No. of Votes: 3
Plan: ◈sorry i can not think of a fancy plan name!

Small Nerd
the swarm
[X] Get a University Degree!
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Rule the World!
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 17

Winning Vote
Episode 1-3c: Individuality Arc
[X] Primary Goal: Become a Billionaire!

What is the driving force behind you?

Is it Heroism, a drive to help the poor and the victimized?

Maybe it's a sense of Loneliness, a need to be surrounded by Friends and Family?

Heck, maybe it's Acknowledgement of being The Best at something?

... Actually, yeah. It is.

One symbol that has been constant in your life is Money. Money runs the world, while shackling it as well. Money could get you anything, but had no actual value into itself. Money drove the poor to advance, and the Wealthy to wallow in their riches.

Money is [Everything].

[Major Goal Gained: Become the 1%.]
[Trait Gained: Greedy Gained. -1 Diplomacy; multi-season Stewardship options take One (1) less turn to complete.]

Notes: Next Season will be posted tomorrow.

Name: Werner Blackwood
Age: Six
Gender: Male
Blurb: A young boy attending [School]. His dream is to be a hero!... probably. Werner's parents are both awesome, if average parents, and he doesn't have any siblings.
Karma: +4 (Average Civilian)

Major Goal: Become the 1%
Requirements: Own 1% of the [WORLD]'s resources, roughly 40B$

HP: 130/130
Durability: 10
Stress Modifier: (4)

Strong (+3 Martial, +30 Hit Points, +10 Durability)
Physically, you're bigger and tougher than a normal human, and durable enough that normal attacks barely hurt you.

Quantum Mind (+20 Learning, +3 Intrigue and Stewardship)
You've got a twelfth level intelligence... whatever that means.

Attractive (+5 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
You can charm the socks off of anyone who meets you...

Silver Tongue (+2 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue)
Talking comes easily to you, to the point where you can get away with everything up to murder...

Harem Clutz (-5 Intrigue)
You're incredibly bad at interacting with members of the other sex. Whenever you do anything with those of the opposite sex, you get a -20 on your rolls.

Mild A.S.D. (-2 Diplomacy, Intrigue and Stewardship, +4 Learning)
You have a series of minor mental disorders that make it harder to socialize with others. As a bonus, Mental Influence Quirks don't work very well on you.

Devil's Luck III (+15 on Failures)
You have the Devil's Luck, gained from rolling a natural 100. Whenever you suffer a Failure, Devil's luck adds +5 for every level the trait has.

Lucky I [6/20] (+5 on Success)
You have ridiculous luck. Whenever you score a Success, add +5 for every level this trait has.

Greedy I [0/1k] (-1 Dip, -1 turns on multi-turn options of Stewardship)
You're a real penny pincher. On multi-turn Stewardship options, you automatically complete one turn if chosen.
Skill Rank to point: F=1, E=4, D=9, C=16, B=27, A=36, S=49. Techniques slide one rank forwards to the skill's ability.

Pugilism E (6/9)
The pugilist's main weapons are his fists, and you know how to use these. +2 on Combat rolls when Unarmed.

Pugilism Technique: Block B (5/9)
You know how to block with your fists. In Unarmed Combat, 1/7th of all damage is blocked.

Athletics F (1/4)
This is your ability to do physically demanding exercises and stunts over a large period of time. +1 to Martial rolls, but not to Combat Rolls.

Business Acumen F (2/4)
You know the ins and outs of running and making a profit from businesses. You get +1 to Stewardship for the purposes of managing businesses.

Quirk: The Inner/Outer Mind
Your quirk has two main features.

The first is a general upgrade to your skills, giving you a natural talent on par with mundane geniuses, letting you excel in everyday affairs and situations impossibly well.

The second is a knack for designing, creating and using Psionic Devices. This affinity lets you build things such as Mind Readers, Teleporters, TK-Drives and Precog Chips. This ability also unlocks your latent psychic powers, but they're very weak without technological aides.

Synergy: IX (You can feel and pull/push the other being.)
Battery: 1/1
Bonus: +7 to all stats, +35 to all Psi Rolls.
Abilities: Psi-Constructs (Mastered). ESP (None).

Basic Hypothesis: 100% (1/1)
Basic Math: 100% (3/3)
Basic Neurology: 100% (3/3)
Basic Application: 100% (3/3)
Advanced Math: 100% (9/9)
Advanced Neurology: 22% (2/?)
Research - Bio-Psi: 0%
Research - PK: 0%
Research - Psi-Constructs: 100% (11/11)
Research - ESP: 0%
Research - Telepathy: 0%
Research - Dimensional Psi: 0%
Master Math: 0%
Master Neurology: 0%
Misc. Psionics: 0%
The Truth: 0%

Opinions (Gives a bonus/penalty to Diplomacy, Intrigue and Stewardship while interacting with the subject)

-50 001< (True Enemies), -50 000 to -30 000 (Enemies), -30 000 to -20 000 (Truly Reviled), -20 000 to -10 000 (Reviled), -10 000 to -5 000 (Truly Despised), -5 000 to -2 000 (Despised), -2 000 to -1 500 (Truly Hated), -1 500 to -1 000 (Hated), -1 000 to -700 (Truly Disliked), -700 to -400 (Strongly Disliked), -400 to -100 (Disliked), -100 to 100 (Neutral), 100 to 400 (Liked), 400 to 700 (Very Liked), 700 to 1 000 (Truly Liked). Pass 1 000, Opinions gain a Type: Family, Interest, Ally, Servant or Rival. The Bonus gained gives a flat bonus per +1 000.​
[THE WORLD] +135 (Liked)
Parents: 16 100 (Revered +16 - Family)
Psi-Book: 5 000 (Revered +5 - Servant)
Alta Vista Public School
-Teachers: +545 (Very Liked)
-Agnette Morri +735 (Truly Liked)
-Kids: +1220 (Revered 1 - Allies)​

Banked: 70 050$
Invested: 10 000$ In random investments.
Income: +50$/Turn.​

Mind-linked Psionics Theorem Book [?$]
Bonus: +10 on one Psi Roll, +10 on Precog rolls, +10 on Scouting Intrigue options. Once per turn, The Book gives Insight.

Your sentient Theorem book. It's slowly becoming more and more powerful as you pour power from your very soul into it. It's got a simpleton personality, and your father once commented on it being "perverted"... whatever that meant.
Last edited:
Episode 1-4: Individuality Arc
2002, 2nd Trimester
Beginning of Spring​
Banked: 70 050$
Invested: 10 000$ In random investments.
Income: +50$/Turn.
-- 0 --
Martial Actions (Choose Two)
[] Do some Strength Training [Required (60-Mrt)n] (Costs d20x20) {Reward: New Skill. Chance of gaining Martial}
[] Continue Martial Arts course [Requires 30n] (Costs 20) {Reward: Pugilism advancement. Chance of new Techniques}
-[] Focus on Technique: @Technique@ {Alt. Reward: Pugilism Advancement x0.5, Technique Advancement x2}
[] Exercise for Gym Class [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Athletics Advancement}
[] Durability Training [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}
[] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}
[] Hire a personal Trainer [Required 40] (Cost 0.5k$/Month) {Reward: More Martial Actions}

Diplomacy Actions (Choose Three)
[] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
-[] Get Ms. Morri to teach you how to socialize [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0, takes 2 Actions) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
[] Be a Teacher's Pet [Required 20] (Costs 0) {Reward: Preferential treatment at the school. Teachers Opinion +13x Success}
[] Local News [Required 20] (Cost 0) {Reward: Get to know some local gossip and news}
[] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}

Stewardship (Choose Two)
[] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[] Invest in business [Required 50] (Costs 100/Mo.) {Reward: d20 x 50$/turn)
[] Play the Stock Market [Required 30n] (Costs 500n) {Reward: 5d500n in Stocks}
[] Get a job at the Junk Shop [Required 40] (Costs 0) {Reward: +5x Intrigue Roll$, requires an Intrigue roll each turn}
[] Find a secret Base! [Required 60] (Costs 0) {Reward: A secret base}
[] Hire an Investor [Required 40] (Costs 0.8k/Mo.) {Reward: Extra Stewardship Actions}

Intrigue (Choose Two)
[] Play Spy Games [Required (50-Int)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, chance of gaining Intrigue}
[] Find some Playground Contacts [Required 60] (Costs 50) {Reward: Get to know the school better. Contacts unlocked}
-[] Find some actual Contacts [Required 90] (Costs 1k) {Reward: Actual Contacts. Minor Criminal Information}
[] Hero Scouting [Required 20] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the heroes}
[] Villain Scouting [Required 40] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the Villains}

Learning Actions (Choose either Four at full learning bonus, or Five at no learning bonus)
[] Change [Schools] [Required 0] (Costs 0, takes up Miniturn) {Reward: Miniturn, choice of a new/better school}
[] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}
[] Study a Subject @Subject@ [Required (70-Lrn)n] (Costs 50n) {Reward: New Skill/EXP for @Subject@}

Quirk Actions (Choose One)
[] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}
[] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}
[] Figure out a New Technique [Lrn: Requires (75-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: unlocks new Psi Techniques}
-[] Try to read someone's thoughts [Dip: Requires (60-Dip)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Unlocks Telepathy Research, Chance of new technique}
[] Psi Construct: Create some Psi-Gear @Write-In@ [Psi: Requires 20] (Costs 0 or ?) {Reward: Create a template for a Psi-Construct for use in combat}
[] Psi Construct: Imbue Item @Write-In@ [Psi: Requires 40] (Costs ?) {Reward: Create an object that has enhanced properties or varying levels of sapience.}
-[] Reinforce an Imbued Item @Write-In@ [Requires 60] {Reward: Increases bonus of Reinforced Gear}

Free Time (Choose One) {Stress Mod: 0}
[] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
[] Relax and De-stress: You're a very busy six year old. Maybe you should relax?
[] Other Action: Do an unlisted action.

Miniturn Actions (Choose One)
[] Penny-Pinching for Dummies (Costs 0) {Reward: Stewardship Bonus}
[] Step Three (Costs 0) {Reward: A new way to Profit}
[] A Hero's Beginning (Costs 0.3k$) {Reward: You're decked out for any Heroing you do!}
[] A True Hero comes to school! (Costs 0) {Reward: Chance of being inducted into [HERO SCHOOL].
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}
[X] Hire a personal Trainer [Required 40] (Cost 0.5k$/Month) {Reward: More Martial Actions}

[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
-[X] Get Ms. Morri to teach you how to socialize [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0, takes 2 Actions) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}

[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[X] Invest in business [Required 50] (Costs 100/Mo.) {Reward: d20 x 50$/turn)

[X] Play Spy Games [Required (50-Int)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, chance of gaining Intrigue}
[X] Find some Playground Contacts [Required 60] (Costs 50) {Reward: Get to know the school better. Contacts unlocked}

[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}

[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}

[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
-[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}[] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.

[X] A True Hero comes to school! (Costs 0) {Reward: Chance of being inducted into [HERO SCHOOL].
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}
[X] Hire a personal Trainer [Required 40] (Cost 0.5k$/Month) {Reward: More Martial Actions}

[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
-[X] Get Ms. Morri to teach you how to socialize [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0, takes 2 Actions) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}

[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[X] Invest in business [Required 50] (Costs 100/Mo.) {Reward: d20 x 50$/turn)

[X] Play Spy Games [Required (50-Int)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, chance of gaining Intrigue}
[X] Find some Playground Contacts [Required 60] (Costs 50) {Reward: Get to know the school better. Contacts unlocked}

[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}

[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}

[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
-[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}[] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.

[X] A True Hero comes to school! (Costs 0) {Reward: Chance of being inducted into [HERO SCHOOL].
[X] Continue Martial Arts course [Requires 30n] (Costs 20) {Reward: Pugilism advancement. Chance of new Techniques}
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}

No reason to stop taking those classes and with our character's intellect he should do pretty well in tactics.

[X] Local News [Required 20] (Cost 0) {Reward: Get to know some local gossip and news}
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}
[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}

Information is always nice to have and I would like to improve our diplomacy.

[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[X] Find a secret Base! [Required 60] (Costs 0) {Reward: A secret base}

Again no stop taking classes. Also who wouldn't want a secret base at six years old!

[X] Hero Scouting [Required 20] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the heroes}
[X] Villain Scouting [Required 40] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the Villains}

Know thy enemy. Info on potential future allies is nice.

[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}

Studying has gone very well for us so far. The theorem is already giving us a decent bonus with just the basics and psi-constructs done.

[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}

[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
-[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}[] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.

[X] Step Three (Costs 0) {Reward: A new way to Profit}

This right here can help us reach our dream of becoming the 1%.
Oh hey, I made a cameo! Nice! Anyway, watched, and perhaps I will update my own quest too.
[X] Continue Martial Arts course [Requires 30n] (Costs 20) {Reward: Pugilism advancement. Chance of new Techniques}
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}

[X] Local News [Required 20] (Cost 0) {Reward: Get to know some local gossip and news}
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}
[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}

[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[X] Find a secret Base! [Required 60] (Costs 0) {Reward: A secret base}

[X] Hero Scouting [Required 20] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the heroes}
[X] Villain Scouting [Required 40] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the Villains}

[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}

[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}

[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
-[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}[] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.

[X] Step Three (Costs 0) {Reward: A new way to Profit}
[X] Continue Martial Arts course [Requires 30n] (Costs 20) {Reward: Pugilism advancement. Chance of new Techniques}
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}

[X] Local News [Required 20] (Cost 0) {Reward: Get to know some local gossip and news}
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}
[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}

[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[X] Find a secret Base! [Required 60] (Costs 0) {Reward: A secret base}

[X] Hero Scouting [Required 20] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the heroes}
[X] Villain Scouting [Required 40] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the Villains}

[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}

[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}

[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
-[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}[] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.

[X] Step Three (Costs 0) {Reward: A new way to Profit}
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}
[X] Hire a personal Trainer [Required 40] (Cost 0.5k$/Month) {Reward: More Martial Actions}

[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
-[X] Get Ms. Morri to teach you how to socialize [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0, takes 2 Actions) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}

[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[X] Invest in business [Required 50] (Costs 100/Mo.) {Reward: d20 x 50$/turn)

[X] Play Spy Games [Required (50-Int)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, chance of gaining Intrigue}
[X] Find some Playground Contacts [Required 60] (Costs 50) {Reward: Get to know the school better. Contacts unlocked}

[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}

[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}

[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
-[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}[] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.

[X] Step Three (Costs 0) {Reward: A new way to Profit}
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}
[X] Hire a personal Trainer [Required 40] (Cost 0.5k$/Month) {Reward: More Martial Actions}

[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
-[X] Get Ms. Morri to teach you how to socialize [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0, takes 2 Actions) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}

[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[X] Invest in business [Required 50] (Costs 100/Mo.) {Reward: d20 x 50$/turn)

[X] Play Spy Games [Required (50-Int)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, chance of gaining Intrigue}
[X] Find some Playground Contacts [Required 60] (Costs 50) {Reward: Get to know the school better. Contacts unlocked}

[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}

[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}

[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
-[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}[] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.

[X] Step Three (Costs 0) {Reward: A new way to Profit}
Heh. May I just note that the way we have been acting in-game seems extremely familiar to me as an Asperger/variant of ASD I have.
Especially how we locked into some or our hobbies/studies possessively and turned an obsession into a good point of our character.

Then we have the whole "Greedy"-goal we picked for us, just after showering others with gifts.

Aspergers have very large problems with a type of Empathy (don't remember the name of the particular type of Emp. in question).
Basically, I can look at a person crying and feel sad towards them - I would however immediately jump to "what would make me feel better in this situation" and automatically start applying that as a "guaranteed fix".
The idea that some others might not like the same things as I do, while intellectually a fact to me, isn't something I would naturally get without really thinking about it - I just go at the problem like that person was me, potentially forgetting or not just noticing that I can't expect the same results as I would expect for me.

So basically we are a greedy person who like money + nice stuff and then we decided to make everyone happier by applying our own "fix", projecting ourselves to everyone around us.

Talk about extremely funny coincidence, eh @Adam Sark ? :D

EDIT: the only part that doesn't fit is us being a good talker, but that could be intepred to be because our intellect allows us to process the social cues quickly enough to circumnavigate the problem.
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Heh. May I just note that the way we have been acting in-game seems extremely familiar to me as an Asperger/variant of ASD I have.
Especially how we locked into some or our hobbies/studies possessively and turned an obsession into a good point of our character.

Then we have the whole "Greedy"-goal we picked for us, just after showering others with gifts.

Aspergers have very large problems with a type of Empathy (don't remember the name of the particular type of Emp. in question).
Basically, I can look at a person crying and feel sad towards them - I would however immediately jump to "what would make me feel better in this situation" and automatically start applying that as a "guaranteed fix".
The idea that some others might not like the same things as I do, while intellectually a fact to me, isn't something I would naturally get without really thinking about it - I just go at the problem like that person was me, potentially forgetting or not just noticing that I can't expect the same results as I would expect for me.

So basically we are a greedy person who like money + nice stuff and then we decided to make everyone happier by applying our own "fix", projecting ourselves to everyone around us.

Talk about extremely funny coincidence, eh @Adam Sark ? :D

EDIT: the only part that doesn't fit is us being a good talker, but that could be intepred to be because our intellect allows us to process the social cues quickly enough to circumnavigate the problem.

Our character has Mild A.S.D.
Oh hey, I made a cameo! Nice! Anyway, watched, and perhaps I will update my own quest too.

Oh sweet, It's @ryuan. Passing Through Traveler was the first CKII style quest I ever read, and I'm a pretty big fan of it.

Hopefully, this quest doesn't crash and burn like my other ones did...


I'm gonna keep this vote open for another 24 hours, since I feel like there's not enough votes yet.
[X] Continue Martial Arts course [Requires 30n] (Costs 20) {Reward: Pugilism advancement. Chance of new Techniques}
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}
[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
[X] Local News [Required 20] (Cost 0) {Reward: Get to know some local gossip and news}
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}
[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[X] Invest in business [Required 50] (Costs 100/Mo.) {Reward: d20 x 50$/turn)
[X] Play Spy Games [Required (50-Int)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, chance of gaining Intrigue}
[X] Villain Scouting [Required 40] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the Villains}
[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}
[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}
Free Time
[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}
[X] Step Three (Costs 0) {Reward: A new way to Profit}

Is this right? Also yay, found a new interesting thing to follow.
[X] Continue Martial Arts course [Requires 30n] (Costs 20) {Reward: Pugilism advancement. Chance of new Techniques}
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}

[X] Local News [Required 20] (Cost 0) {Reward: Get to know some local gossip and news}
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}
[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}

[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[X] Find a secret Base! [Required 60] (Costs 0) {Reward: A secret base}

[X] Hero Scouting [Required 20] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the heroes}
[X] Villain Scouting [Required 40] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the Villains}

[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}

[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}

[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
-[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}[] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.

[X] Step Three (Costs 0) {Reward: A new way to Profit}
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}
[X] Hire a personal Trainer [Required 40] (Cost 0.5k$/Month) {Reward: More Martial Actions}

[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
-[X] Get Ms. Morri to teach you how to socialize [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0, takes 2 Actions) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}

[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
[X] Invest in business [Required 50] (Costs 100/Mo.) {Reward: d20 x 50$/turn)

[X] Play Spy Games [Required (50-Int)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, chance of gaining Intrigue}
[X] Find some Playground Contacts [Required 60] (Costs 50) {Reward: Get to know the school better. Contacts unlocked}

[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}

[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}

[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
-[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}

[X] Step Three (Costs 0) {Reward: A new way to Profit}
Voting Closed. Tallying.

Vote Tally : Superhero - Rise to the top, a Hero's Journey! (My Hero Academia Quest) | Page 4 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.9
[X] Learning Tactical Combat [Required 40n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill}
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] Talk to yourself with a mirror [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] World News [Required 30] (Costs 0) {Reward: Get to know some stuff about the world}
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] Attend Business Classes [Required (50-Stw)n] (Costs 0.2K$) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Stewardship (2/3)}
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] Study! [Required 20/50/80] (Cost 0) {Reward: Pass school classes}
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] Extra Study! [Required 50/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Skip grades!}
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] Write down Basic Psionics Theorem [Requires 30/60/90] (Cost 0) {Reward: Faster Psi actions}
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] Do some 6th dimensional crossword puzzles [Required (90-Lrn)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increase Learning (0/8)}
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] Meditate [Int: Requires (75-9)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Better Synergy, New Quirk Actions}
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
-[X] Melding II [Int+Lrn: Requires (120-Int-Lrn)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Even More Synergy. New Quirk Actions}
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
No. of Votes: 10
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
-[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}[] Extra Action: Perform an extra action.
No. of Votes: 8
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] Step Three (Costs 0) {Reward: A new way to Profit}
No. of Votes: 8
Dylan Bailey
the swarm
[X] Invest in business [Required 50] (Costs 100/Mo.) {Reward: d20 x 50$/turn)
No. of Votes: 6
the swarm
[X] Play Spy Games [Required (50-Int)n] (Costs 0) {Reward: New Skill, chance of gaining Intrigue}
No. of Votes: 6
the swarm
[X] Hire a personal Trainer [Required 40] (Cost 0.5k$/Month) {Reward: More Martial Actions}
No. of Votes: 5
the swarm
-[X] Get Ms. Morri to teach you how to socialize [Required (50-Dip)n] (Costs 0, takes 2 Actions) {Reward: New Skill, Chance of gaining Diplomacy}
No. of Votes: 5
the swarm
[X] Find some Playground Contacts [Required 60] (Costs 50) {Reward: Get to know the school better. Contacts unlocked}
No. of Votes: 5
the swarm
[X] Continue Martial Arts course [Requires 30n] (Costs 20) {Reward: Pugilism advancement. Chance of new Techniques}
No. of Votes: 5
Dylan Bailey
[X] Local News [Required 20] (Cost 0) {Reward: Get to know some local gossip and news}
No. of Votes: 5
Dylan Bailey
[X] Villain Scouting [Required 40] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the Villains}
No. of Votes: 5
Dylan Bailey
[X] Find a secret Base! [Required 60] (Costs 0) {Reward: A secret base}
No. of Votes: 4
Dylan Bailey
[X] Hero Scouting [Required 20] (Costs 0) {Reward: Knowledge on the heroes}
No. of Votes: 4
Dylan Bailey
[X] A True Hero comes to school! (Costs 0) {Reward: Chance of being inducted into [HERO SCHOOL].
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Holding it in [Mrt: Requires (60-Mrt)] (Costs 0) {Reward: Increased Battery Size}
No. of Votes: 2
Total No. of Voters: 10

Winning Vote:
Martial - Learn Tactical Combat, Hire a personal Trainer.
Diplomacy - Talk to yourself in the mirror (Ms. Morri Bonus), World News
Stewardship - Attend Business Classes, Invest in Business
Intrigue - Play Spy Games, Find some playground contacts.
Learning - Study!, Extra Study!, Write down Psionics Theorem, Do some 6th dimensional Crossword Puzzles.
Quirk - Meditate (Melding), Holding it in.
Extra Action - Perform an Extra Action (Quirk)
Miniturn - Step Three
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