That wasn't a flashy. You can eat those, and one of the nearby 'Cats called the fish Lanier hauled in deadly poisonous.
That wasn't a flashy. You can eat those, and one of the nearby 'Cats called the fish Lanier hauled in deadly poisonous.
Right it was a Chopper fish! Thanks.

Then shot it in the head three times.

Which at first Lainer was understandably pissed about, until a Lemurian Marine said that it was a poisonous Chopper Fish. Of course, Lainer was the last man I was expecting to actually come out of nowhere and hose a Grikbird with a Tommy gun.
Right it was a Chopper fish! Thanks.

Which at first Lainer was understandably pissed about, until a Lemurian Marine said that it was a poisonous Chopper Fish. Of course, Lainer was the last man I was expecting to actually come out of nowhere and hose a Grikbird with a Tommy gun.
it seems everyone in the Destroyermen series has amazing moments, even the Grik and Dominion
Chapter 10: Growing Pains
Chapter 10

Growing Pains

25 July, 2015

Pacific Ocean, outside Tokyo Bay

Matt nodded to himself as he watched DesDiv61 slide through the complex series of maneuvers, Fubuki conforming with deceptive ease to her slower, less maneuverable division mates. He wasn't fooled, memories of learning to conform to the lesser maneuverability of Walker's sisters dancing across the back of his mind.

Not that she's perfect, he mused as he watched Fubuki cut a turn a little too tightly, the turn depositing her noticeably closer to Hatsuzuki than she had been before the turn began. Still, it looked like one of his divisions would be more-or-less problem-free. And he was honest enough to admit that perfection was probably a little much to ask for.

He turned around. "All right, Walker. Our turn."

Walker nodded, and slid her rudder halfway over in a easy turn to port. Matt turned to watch Yukikaze and Shimakaze coming up astern. As he'd more or less expected, Yukikaze was clearly focusing, her tongue poking out from between her lips as she concentrated on matching Walker's turn, and more or less succeeding. Disappointingly, he was equally unsurprised by Shimakaze's performance, as the big, fast destroyer not only turned too tightly, but didn't allow enough of her speed to bleed off as she came up behind Yukikaze. Matt shook his head. It was so very sloppy. And he was certain she was capable of station-keeping. She had to have during the war, with ships much slower and less maneuverable than Walker. Unless the IJN had let her cut loose at her full speed? No, that didn't make sense. Doing that would leave her unsupported and unable to render aid to any ships she might be escorting.

Not for the first time, he wished he could stand on her bridge and watch. He was confident that from her bridge, he would have been able to quickly figure out what her problem was and remedy it. Assuming, of course, she was willing to listen. He only hoped that her obstinance over her barely-there skirt and underwear didn't carry over to more important things.

Eventually, as the sun kissed the horizon, Matt shook his head. Yukikaze had improved noticeably, but Shimakaze's problems remained as prominent as ever, despite her obvious efforts at station-keeping. He rather hoped that more practice would at least get her to where Yukikaze had been at the start of the day.

"All right, Walker. Bring everyone in."

"Aye aye, Skipper!"


Fubuki groaned from exhaustion as she let her head drop next to her tray. A moment later, she raised her head at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Hey, Fubuki! How did the maneuvers go, poi?"

Fubuki smiled tiredly. "Good, Yūdachi! Akizuki-sempai is a really good division leader! The commander chose well, making her my division leader."

Yuudachi giggled. "Good, poi! He better treat my friends right-poi!"

A wrinkled hand descended on her shoulder and clamped on firmly.

"I'd better treat your friend right or you'll do what?"

Yūdachi gulped as she slowly turned around to see Captain Reddy behind her, Walker standing next to him.

"I'll… go to the Admiral?" Yūdachi squeaked.

Matt smiled and released his grip on her shoulder. "Good answer." Turning to Fubuki, he continued, "I won't take too much of your time. I just wanted to let you know you did an excellent job during the exercise today. You have leave all day tomorrow. I'd suggest you spend as much of it with your friends as you can, as we deploy on Monday for Pearl."

Just before he turned to leave, Matt stopped. "You don't need a pass or anything to get off the base, right?"

Yūdachi shook her head, as Fubuki rocked back and forth, holding herself and giggling giddily.

"No, poi! We don't need a pass, poi."

Matt nodded as he watched Fubuki's face melt into a catatonically happy smile. "Is she alright?"

Yūdachi shrugged. "She will be, poi."

Nodding uncertainly, Matt walked out. Yūdachi sighed, and pulled out her phone to wait for Fubuki to work her way out of her praise-induced stupor.


Scanning the mess, Matt contemplated the last bit of business for the day. How to tell someone that their sister had become a pirate, with a crew of murderers?

He couldn't know if Hidoiame had approved of her crew's actions. One thing was very certain, the girls were empathetically not their crews. All he knew was that Yukikaze deserved to know why Walker could hardly bear to look at her.

"Start from the beginning…" he muttered, finally spotting Yukikaze's… director? Hat? in the sea of teenaged girls. Stepping up next to her, he tapped her shoulder. "A moment of your time, Yukikaze?"

Yukikaze perked up. "Of course, Captain!" and practically launched herself out of her seat. "What do you need?"

He shook his head fractionally. "Not here. This isn't something that should be talked about in public."

A short walk later they found themselves outside, in one of the small courtyards within the base. Taking a seat, Matt motioned to the spot next to him. "First of all," he began, "You're not in any sort of trouble. In fact, I'm quite pleased with you. Call this a history lesson."

Yukikaze nodded slowly, evidently confused.

"What does the name Hidoiame mean to you?"

If anything, Yukikaze grew more confused. "Nothing, Shirei! Hidoiame was a fake, everyone knows that! She was a dummy to disguise the construction budget for Yamato."

Matt hummed and nodded. "Well, she existed on our Earth. I suppose your government found space for another sister for you in their budget. Unfortunately, Walker and I have something of a history with her. You know how we wound up on another world, right?" Yukikaze nodded.

"Good. Less to explain. About two years after we arrived, Hidoiame blundered into our world, with a freighter and an oiler." He waved a hand, "This isn't their story. What is important is that when she arrived, she went pirate. Started raiding our commerce, and attacking some of our smaller settlements."

Yukikaze's hands flew up to her mouth as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

Matt closed his eyes and continued, "Walker was the only thing we had that was fast enough to catch her, and the only ship we had powerful enough to fight her. Luckily for us, one of Hidoiame's turrets had been removed for more AA, so Walker wasn't at quite as much of a disadvantage as she would have been normally. But it was still one of the more unpleasant fights we've had. But even then, she wouldn't hate Hidoiame so much except for one thing." He traced a finger down his face, right where that massive scar ran through Walker's eye. "When we finally found her, it was in some of the heaviest weather we ever fought in. We dueled for hours, trading blows. From time to time the twenty-fives tested the range, but neither of us landed a decisive hit, until finally, we nailed her after turret."

Yukikaze was up on the edge of her seat, and he could tell that she was vividly imagining what happened at that moment.

"But just at our moment of triumph, she landed a hit on us." He tapped his cheekbone for emphasis. "Hidoiame landed her hit right at the base of the pilothouse. It killed almost everyone in the pilothouse, and, perhaps most importantly to Walker, severely injured me. One of Walker's rivets broke and smashed into my abdomen. And that, Yukikaze, is why I suspect Walker still holds such a burning hatred for Hidoiame. You see, Hidoiame is the only enemy Walker has ever lost to, and hasn't later extracted her vengeance from. Hidoiame met her fate at a pier, when she was sat on by Fristar."

Yukikaze's eyes widened. "So she doesn't…?"

Matt shook his head. "I don't think she hates you, Yukikaze. But she's having to remind herself every time she sees you that you aren't Hidoiame." A moment's pause, then, "One more thing. This isn't something that should be spread around. I told you because Walker is your commanding officer, and I thought you deserved to know how she feels about you and why. Let her be the one to tell others, all right?"

Yukikaze nodded, then hesitated for a moment before launching herself into him, hugging him as hard as she could before dashing off. Matt grunted and shook his head. Teenagers.

Pearl Harbor

Wichita grinned widely as she dropped her heavily laden tray down next to Harkness, eliciting a yelp of surprise from the engineer and sending pens flying. Harkness glared at her. "Really, Wichita?"

Wichita's smile widened to a point the Cheshire Cat might have envied, as she took an exaggerated bite of the first of several burgers on her tray. "What? Can't a hungry cruiser enjoy a meal?"

"Sure. As long as she does it without disturbing my work." Harkness growled, returning his pens to their neat rows between his food and his paperwork.

"What's the matter, Lieutenant," Wichita paused, noticing the glittering oak leaf where the day before there had been two silver bars, " -Commander? And congratulations on your promotion."

"Hm? Oh, this." Harkness flicked the oak leaf absently as he made a notation on the drawing in front of him. "After we brought Maury back this morning, Williams pushed for a promotion out of the zone. For my sins, NAVSEA agreed, and then told me since I did such a bang-up job bringing you girls back, designing your refits is now my job. And figuring out why a summoning brings back one ship, but not another."

"Well, congratulations!" Wichita slapped him on the shoulder, "I'm sure you'll figure it out. But speaking of promotions, what the hell is with my rank?" She jabbed a finger at the small golden ship and silver bars on her collar," 'Cruiser Lieutenant?' No shit, I'm a goddamned cruiser!"

Harkness laughed. "That, Wichita, is because BuPers doesn't like applying human ranks to ships." He jabbed a pen over his shoulder towards where Maury and Laffey were gossiping. "Especially when we don't know if the tin cans and subs ever mature past that stage, and BuPers isn't comfortable folding you guys directly in the existing rank structure because of that. Basically, the way it works is capital ships are superior to everyone else. Think of it like an extra half-rank. Tin cans are junior to everyone, and BuPers, based on what we've seen, plans on ranking most of them as warrant officers."

Wichita's lips twitched as she watched the two destroyers bicker over… something. She couldn't say she really agreed with the logic at hand, but she couldn't say she disagreed either. Although...

"Couldn't they just… not promote the tin cans if they don't think they're ready for the responsibility? And the rest of us, for that matter?"

Harkness nodded sagely. "Yes, that's the approach I would have taken. At most, I'd have come up with a new rank structure for the tin cans and subs. Which is why we're sitting in sunny Pearl Harbor, and not at a nice, comfortable desk in Arlington."

Wichita shook her head. "Good to see some things never change. So what's this about refits? I wouldn't mind more AA."

A tall brunette settled down next to Harkness with her own badly overburdened tray and answered, "Harkness here wants to replace your… are those Chicago Pianos? Really?", she raised an eyebrow, "with Mark Twenty-Sevens. But… well."

"We're concerned about… for lack of a better term, compatibility. After Kidd woke up NAVSEA wanted to at least update her electronics, to let her see further, et cetera. So we brought her into the yards at Norfolk, and installed the most powerful radar she had the electrical generation to run." Harkness grimaced. "Big mistake. As soon as we made the first connections, Kidd collapsed and started vomiting all over everything." He clenched a fist and jabbed a finger at a report in the middle of his stack of papers. "By the time we finished the installation, she couldn't even fucking move. She begged us to leave it on, thinking maybe she'd adapt, but three days later she wasn't getting any better. So we pulled the radar, and put her old set back on." Anger flashed in his gaze as it bored into her eyes. "I am not letting that happen to any of you."

The brunette laid a hand on his shoulder, exposing the leaf and ship on her collar, and Wichita's eyes widened. "Easy there, Jack. She didn't know."

Harkness rubbed his forehead with his hands. "I know. Got carried away." He looked back up at Wichita. "Sorry. But to answer your question, we're probably going to go with your end-war state. Four quad-forties, four twin-forties, as many Oerlikons as we can fit. Can't do it without a repair ship, because none of us have a goddamned clue how to do a refit, and Akashi's attempts to explain the process just confused us more. So, sorry. It's going to be a long while before you're going to be able to compete with Sally's air defense. On the upside, you're probably going to be too busy for us to sideline you for a refit. Silver linings."

Wichita looked critically at the brunette. Sally. Sally. Mark 27s. Means three-inch fifties. Has to be a cruiser. "Salem? CA-139?" she ventured.

Salem nodded, smiling. "Told you she'd figure it out." Harkness narrowed his eyes, and fished a wrinkled bill out of his pocket.

"I'll get you next time," he grumbled as she gracefully accepted the offering. But it was clear his heart wasn't in it. And, she noted, he was leaning into her arm. Just a little.

Wichita smirked evilly. "So… how long have you two been together?"

Both of their heads snapped back towards her, and they chorused, "Oh, not you too!"
Harkness and Salem, huh? I can see it, though I'd prefer more characterization for this sidetrack before I begin the shipping proper.