Recent readers

Chapter 1



7 July, 1972

Courtney Bradford, curator of the USS Walker...
Chapter 1: Awakening


Verified Warmind. Probably on fire.
South Carolina
Chapter 1



7 July, 1972

Courtney Bradford, curator of the USS Walker museum, wiped a fine sheen of sweat from his bald pate as he stepped aboard the ancient destroyer than had brought them to this strange world thirty years before for his morning inspection. He trusted his staff, of course. But he liked to make sure everything was in order with his own eyes.

It was habit, more than anything, nowadays. Bradford would arrive well before Walker opened to the public, and give himself the tour that each and every visitor walked through. He would reverently walk her decks, inspecting each precious artifact, ranging from the displayed munitions for every gun she had ever carried (including the Jap 4.7), to Dennis Silva's Doom Stomper, and even models of the varied torpedoes she had once fired off against many targets, including Amagi herself, the (at best) unreliable Mark 15 side by side with the Baalkpan Armory's much more reliable fish.

After each display below decks has been inspected, and Bradford had confirmed that each was in good enough condition to be seen by the public, he would return above decks to inspect the rest of the ship, before ultimately ending up in the pilothouse, by the beautiful tapestry of Walker's stunning victory against Amagi. From there, he would normally watch over the ship during the day, giving lectures as the mood took him, while visitors young and old toured a piece of history.

Today was not a normal day, however. As Bradford exited the open fireroom where the Mice had once lived, Walker lurched at her pier, almost as if a heavy weight had been placed aboard. It was certainly odd, but similar things had happened before, usually involving the tide on any given day. When she did not shift back to normal as Bradford continued his inspection, he began to suspect something was awry.

Moments later, his suspicion was confirmed as he poked his head out of the companionway next to the Number One gun, and saw something that certainly should not have been there. There was a woman prostrate in front of the pilothouse, muttering something he couldn't quite make out. He pulled himself completely out to ask her what exactly she was doing, when suddenly a decade's dirt blasted out of Walker's foremost stack as a boiler that had lain cold for nearly a decade roared to life.


Captain Matthew Reddy looked up from the latest batch of endless paperwork at the sharp rap on his office door. He was much older than he had been when his ancient four-stacker and her sister had come to this strange world. His muscles lacked the hardness of youth, his hair had began turning gray, and there were wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and mouth. But his eyes were the same, as sharp as ever, and the mind behind them had lost none of its keen edge.


The Lemurian rating that skidded through the door looked mildly flustered, to say the least.
"Sur! Braad-furd says to come quickly! Something strange is happening with Waa-kur!"

Reddy raised an eyebrow and pushed himself out of his chair, taking a moment to smooth his uniform. Whatever was happening, looking utterly unflappable would only serve to reassure the men that the Skipper had everything under control. Unsurprisingly, it worked, and the rating visibly relaxed.

"Lead the way, Seaman."

"Aye aye, Sur!"


Despite himself, Matt's eyes widened as he walked up to the gangplank, and saw a very flustered Bradford fidgeting pierside. Walker was listing. And by no minor amount, too!

"Captain Reddy! What a relief! I must say, this morning has been most odd. As you know, I like to inspect the old girl for myself every morning, and she quite suddenly listed when I was in the fireroom! Most odd, but nothing compared to what happened next. You see, there's a woman on her foredeck, right in front of the pilothouse. I can't quite make out what she's saying, and I was about to ask her to leave, when the boilers came to life quite suddenly. Most odd!"

Matt shook his head despite himself. Some things never changed. "Courtney, priorities. She's listing."

"Yes, most odd, isn't it? I've taken the liberty of inspecting the old girl, and I must say, I haven't the foggiest notion why she's listing. But I'm not certain you quite heard me. Her boilers are hot," Bradford interjected, "and there's no crew aboard to run them."

Suddenly there was a muted roar, as Walker's second stack blew a cloud of black smoke, and two more blowers rumbled to life.

Matt raised an eyebrow, watching the thin grey smoke issuing from Walker's forward stacks. "Bradford. This isn't your idea of some odd prank, is it?"

"Heavens no!"

Matt nodded. He hadn't really thought Bradford would waste his time like that. "And I suppose you have some theory about what's happening with my old ship?"

"Well, yes and no. You understand, of course, that I am working on most insufficient data, and this is really assumptions piled with conjecture. And of course, I haven't really had time for a proper inquisition, it having been hardly half an hour..."

"Courtney," Matt interjected, allowing a little trace of his impatience to filter into his voice, "Just tell me. We can worry about the details later."

Bradford visibly shook himself. "Of course. Right. After considering all other probable, no, possible, theories and rejecting them, the only notion that remains is that the cause of all these oddities is the woman on the foredeck. I must conclude that the only possible resolution is to determine her objective via discourse."

"In English, Bradford."

"We need to talk to the woman on the foredeck to find out what she has to do with this and what she wants."

"Thank you." Matt shook his head. Some things never changed, it seemed. Though, in this case, he was glad. As unusual and sometimes infuriating as Bradford could be, his hunches were right far more often than not, and if Bradford had a hunch that the woman on the foredeck was meddling with his ship somehow, then the woman probably had something to do with whatever was happening to his ship. The thought carried him all the way up the gangplank, Bradford hovering anxiously on his heels, and right behind the woman, kneeling prostrate in front of the pilothouse. Matt cleared his throat, quietly signalling the Marine behind him to stand ready, just in case.

"Ma'am? Who are you, and what are you doing to my ship?"

The woman jumped nearly a foot in the air at his question, landing on her rear, and causing Walker to lurch at the pier. Bradford cried out as he lost his balance, stumbling into the Marine, and only his long years at sea let Matt keep his balance as the woman scrambled to her feet.

She was tall for a woman, with distinctly Japanese features. Her long, black hair cascaded down her upper back, fading to iron gray. Her dark, canted eyes seemed like they belonged to someone twice her age, in stark contrast to the round, youthful face they were set in.

Hesitantly, she smoothed her green, knee-length skirt, then looked him in the eyes before bowing deeply. "My name is Amagi. I came to beg your forgiveness, and that of noble Walker for my actions under Kurokawa's command before I return home."

Whatever Matt had been about to say in response was forever lost, as Walker's last two boilers roared to life and a blur tackled him to the deck with an overjoyed scream.


Matt felt a small pair of arms wrapped around him in a rib-bruising hug, and as the stars faded from his vision, the blur resolved itself into a short, redheaded girl in an immaculate Navy uniform.

"Skipper!" she giggled, "It's been way too damn long! You never visit anymore!"

Matt pushed himself up, and the little girl dropped back on her feet, bouncing with glee. She had a battered Academy sword across her back, but not even her gleeful smile couldn't hide the savage scarring across her face and arms.

"Well," he grunted, pointing at the tall Japanese woman, "if she's claiming to be Amagi, then I guess you're going to say you're Walker."

She pouted. "I am Walker! I wouldn't lie to you after all you've done for me!"

Matt raised an eyebrow. "Prove it."

Her bright blue eyes teared up, as she looked down at her feet. "The first time Chief Grey called you Skipper was after Silva and Laney got in a bar fight in Olongapo. Silva called you Skipper for the first time after you docked him a stripe for that fight. Spanky did after my Number Four torpedo mount had to be replaced."

Matt steeled himself for a moment, as all the memories of the old days washed through him. Truth be told, he was almost convinced. But those could have been lucky guesses. He had to be sure.

"Why did Boats always call Blas Ma-Ar 'Blossom'?"

The little girl - Walker - winced, looked around, and, rubbing a tear from her eye, answered.

"After that ass Al Franklen raped her. Boats got the chiefs together. They handled things."

Matt nodded. No one had ever told him… but it hadn't taken much figuring out, either. And it most certainly wasn't publicly known.

"All right, then… Walker." He ruffled her hair. "I suppose I'll accept, at least provisionally. Which means," his voice hardened as he turned back to Amagi, "You really are Amagi."

She nodded solemnly. "Yes. I am."

"Well. I'll tell you the same thing I told Walker. Prove it."

Amagi pursed her lips, nodded, and simply vaulted the rail into the water. Bradford cried out in shock and dashed to the rail, though Matt couldn't imagine what he thought he could do to save her from the flasher fish.

Matt closed his eyes to say a quick prayer for the madwoman who had let him talk to his old destroyer, when he was interrupted by one of Bradford's typically irreverent exclamations. "Oh I say! How marvelous! Come quickly, Captain! You simply must see this!"

Frowning, Matt stepped over to the rail and looked down, only to freeze in shock as he saw the woman striding purposefully across the surface of the water away from the pier. Nodding to herself, evidently satisfied she'd gotten far enough, she held out her hands. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, with a thundercrack of displaced air, she vanished, and a ship Matt could never forget appeared. The giant pagoda masts, her sides studded with secondary batteries. The Imperial Japanese battlecruiser, Amagi. Yet, at the same time, if he concentrated, he could still see the woman, but now with an armature on her back holding four twin turrets and a fifth one over the small of her back.

Judging by the astonished gasps to his right, Bradford and the 'Cat Marine also saw the titanic hull of their greatest foe, riding at anchor besides Walker, the Rising Sun streaming proudly from her mast… below the Stars and Stripes. Equally evident, whoever was on harbor duty was paying attention, as alarms began to blare up and down the waterfront.

A moment later, with a second clap of returning air, the massive hull vanished, leaving the woman -Amagi- standing on the calm waters of the bay. Just as suddenly as they'd started, the alarms cut out.

"Oh, how spectacular! I simply must determine how that works!", Bradford gushed. Matt shook his head, and motioned to the pier that Amagi was walking towards.

"You'll have your chance, as soon as I ask some questions of my own. Come on. No reason to wait for her walk all this way", Matt growled, leading the impromptu procession down the gangway and to the end of the pier.

As Amagi pulled herself onto the pier, Matt glared at her and growled, "Alright, Amagi. You've got my attention. Now I have questions, and I want answers. For starters, where the hell have you been all this time? We broke your wreck up for the steel, so I know you haven't just been sitting on the seafloor."

Amagi frowned, twisting a lock of hair around her finger. "I am sorry, Captain. I cannot tell you, because I do not know the answer. My last memory before waking up is a great, shearing pain below my keel as my hull tore in two. Then I woke up next to the valiant Walker." She shrugged unhappily. "You know what happened from there."

He grunted unhappily. She seemed sincere enough, and he was honest enough to admit that it wasn't all that important. He didn't need to look to know that Bradford was practically vibrating with excitement, and he was confident Bradford would get to the bottom of that mystery eventually. Holding a hand up to the pounding feet behind him, he continued, "Fine. Much more importantly, why now?"

"Japan is threatened by a new enemy. They called, but I suppose on some level I knew I needed to speak to you and Walker and ask your forgiveness before I could return."

Matt's temper flared, and he very nearly shouted, "You said you came to ask for my forgiveness. Well, if you think you can saunter in here after killing most of my crew, and helping the Grik kill several thousand more of our people, and get my forgiveness by asking, you better have a damned good reason for me to give it!"

"He fed my crew to the Grik to save himself!", Amagi screamed, tears in her eyes, "He sent my crew to the cook pots because he was too mad to think there could possibly be a worse enemy than the Americans, and nothing, not even caring for my crew, could be allowed to stand in the way of that! Don't you think I would have done something about that if I could have? I had to watch my crew be butchered and eaten." She collapsed to the pier, spent. Tears dripped down her face, darkening the white fabric of her shirt.

"Please," she sobbed," just give me a chance that I might be remembered for more than serving the greatest evil this world has ever seen. That is all I ask."

Matt stepped firmly on his temper before it could cause any more problems, as Walker leaned into him supportively. He exhaled harshly, then stepped forward and firmly, but not roughly, brought her eyes to meet his own. "I don't trust you, Amagi. Not yet, and maybe never." He paused for a moment, and took a deep breath, "But… I'm willing to give you that chance."

She smiled, almost pathetically grateful. "Thank you, Captain! You won't regret it."

He grunted. "We'll see. In the meantime, Bradford? She's all yours. Find out what she needs, and get it." Turning back to Amagi, he added, "While you are here, you will be accompanied at all times by at least one Marine, preferably two. And one last thing."


"What's this new threat you spoke of?"

Surprisingly, it was Walker who answered. "I dunno, Skipper. I think the Navy's also in this war. I heard them calling a little." She beamed up at him. "Not like I was gonna wake up for anyone else!" She then shuffled over to Amagi and gave her a quick squeeze, and murmured, "I'm sorry you had to see that happen to your crew", to her, before scurrying back to Matt's side and almost shyly reaching up for his hand.

"I… see." Matt rubbed his chin with his unoccupied hand. Even now, everything seemed insane and he was half-convinced, even now, that it was a dream. Still, it was a pleasant enough dream, by and large. No reason not to enjoy it while it lasted. "Well, I haven't eaten yet this morning. Would you like to join me for breakfast, Walker? I think we have a lot to talk about."

Walker beamed.
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Fleet Status
Here be spoilers!

Summoned: A normal shipgirl
Awakened: Museum/otherwise retired ships, back for another round.
Asleep: Museum/otherwise retired ships, still napping.
Specters: The partially visible shades of crew visible on museum ships when the ships are doing things. Not even other shipgirls can perceive them accurately.
Fairies: The tiny representations of a shipgirl's crew. Awakened and Summoned alike have em.

Current status of the USN shipgirl/kanmusu fleet:

New York Class
USS Texas BB-35 - Awakened

North Carolina Class
USS North Carolina BB-55 - Awakened, editing footage

South Dakota Class
USS Massachusetts BB-59 - Awakened
USS Alabama BB-60 - Awakened

Iowa Class
USS Iowa BB-61 - Awakened
USS New Jersey BB-62 - Awakened, sleepy
USS Missouri BB-63 - Awakened
USS Wisconsin BB-64 - Awakened

Seriously, spoilers

Independence Class
USS Independence CVL-22 - Summoned, accidental

Essex Class
USS Yorktown CV-10 - Asleep
USS Intrepid CV-11 - Asleep
USS Hornet CV-12 - Asleep
USS Lexington CV-16 - Asleep

Midway Class
USS Midway CV-41 - Asleep

Cleveland Class
USS Houston CL-81 - Summoned, accidental

Wichita Class
USS Wichita CA-45 - Summoned, shipping goggles on.

Galveston Class
USS Little Rock CL-92/CLG-4/CG-4 -Asleep,very.

Des Moines Class
USS Salem CA-139 - Awakened, annoyed at Wichita

Wickes Class
USS Walker DD-163 - Awakened, not from here

Fletcher class
USS Cassin Young DD-793 - Awakened
USS The Sullivans DD-537 - Awakened, extra strange
USS Kidd DD-661 - Awakened, making Cajun Flashie

Allen M. Sumner Class
USS Laffey DD-724 - Awakened, currently undergoing refits to restore light and medium AA and torpedo armament

Gearing Class
USS Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. DD-850 - Awakened

Forrest Sherman Class
USS Edson DD-946 - Awakened
USS Turner Joy DD-951 - Awakened,

Gato Class
USS Cavalla SS-244 - Awakened
USS Cobia SS-245 - Awakened
USS Cod SS-224 - Awakened
USS Croaker SS-246 -Awakened
USS Drum SS-228 - Awakened, somewhat stuck. They're working on it.

Balao Class
USS Batfish SS-310 - Awakened, very stuck. Currently pondering the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
USS Becuna SS-319 - Awakened
USS Bowfin SS-287 - Awakened
USS Clamagore SS-343 - Awakened, likes to think she's fast.
USS Ling SS-297 - Awakened
USS Lionfish SS-298 - Awakened
USS Pampanito SS-383 - Awakened
USS Razorback SS-394 - Awakened
Tench Class
USS Requin SS-481 - Awakened
USS Torsk SS-423 - Awakened


Nagato Class

Kongou Class




Shokaku class





Fubuki (Fubuki-subclass)

Fubuki (Akatsuki subclass)

Shiratsuyu class



Shimakaze- Summoned, terrible station-keeping
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You're going to have to wait awhile for those reactions. But I hope you like them when we get there.
"I… see." Matt rubbed his chin with his unoccupied hand. Even now, everything seemed insane and he was half-convinced, even now, that it was a dream. Still, it was a pleasant enough dream, by and large. No reason not to enjoy it while it lasted. "Well, I haven't eaten yet this morning. Would you like to join me for breakfast, Walker? I think we have a lot to talk about."

Walker beamed.
Hyu fool! You do not know what you have unleashed!

But oh man, I've been waiting for a proper Destroyermen/Kancolle crossover, and it's finally here!
Oh yeah! So agreed, although Walker could probably put away about as much as Dennis Silva and that guy could probably look Yamato in the eyes.
I like this a lot and I definitely want to see where this goes.
That said, I've only read the first of the Destroyermen Series.
I will be keeping an eye on this though.
Chapter 2: Revelations
Chapter 2



Matt leaned back in his chair with a contented sigh. Juan's cooking, as always, had been excellent, and judging from the speed with which Walker's plate had emptied, she'd found his cooking delightful. Juan, for his part, had piled her plate high, insisting that a growing girl like her needed to eat properly.

"If you need anything, Cap-i-tan, I will be right outside."

"Of course, Thank you, Juan."

Walker hopped out of her chair, and scurried over to give Juan a hug. "Thanks, Juan! It's just as good as the crew always said it was."

Juan smiled, and patted the top of her head gently. "It was my pleasure." Then with his customary efficiency he whisked away the dishes, leaving only Matt's old, chipped mug, still emblazoned with "DD-163, USS WALKER", full of coffee and a tin cup of of juice in front of Walker.

Walker took the cup of juice, and eagerly gulped from it. A moment later, a tearing screech resounded in the silence before Walker smiled sheepishly and set the cup down with a suspiciously bite-shaped chunk missing from the rim.

Matt pinched the bridge of his nose, his chest shaking as he tried to control his laughter before giving up and letting loose with a roaring belly laugh. Here he was, sitting down to breakfast with a destroyer. Who was sitting in front of him, in the form of a little girl! It had to be the most ridiculous thing that had ever happened to him in his life, and that was saying something!

Eventually, he got his laughter under control, and smiled apologetically at Walker. "I'm sorry, Walker. It just hit me how ridiculous this whole situation is." Shaking his head, he continued, "I suppose we should get down to business. You said the Navy called you, right?"

Walker shrugged unhappily. "I think? I dunno, Skipper. They might have been calling for anyone."

Matt frowned. "If the Navy's calling up ships as old and, as far as they know, obsolete as you, they have to be desperate." He stopped as tears began to gleam in her eyes. "Walker? What's wrong?"

"You're going to send me off without you again, aren't you?", she said, tears beginning to flow freely down her face.

Matt sighed, shook his head, and pulled her into a gentle hug. "Walker. Did I ever stop being your captain?" She shook her head convulsively.

"And isn't the captain responsible for his ship?" A nod, as understanding slowly dawned on her.

"Well, then. I don't see any reason I would send you off on your own. You never stopped being my responsibility, and I never stopped caring about you. Besides which, I have a responsibility to report in, for the men's sake. Their families deserve to know what happened to them, don't you think?"

Walker nodded, a dazed expression on her face.

"Well then. If we can find a way home, I'll be coming with you."

Walker buried her face in his chest with a rib-bruising hug, and made a muffled noise that sounded suspiciously like "Thank you!"

Matt gently pried her off of him, and settled her back into the seat across his desk, and pretended not to notice the redness about her eyes as he returned to the paperwork that had been interrupted by the morning's theatrics while Walker finished her juice in silence.

"Um, Skipper?"

Matt set his pen down and sighed. "Yes, Walker?"

"About getting back?" She stopped, then continued as he motioned for her to continue, "I… don't know how. But… I think Amagi might?"

Matt pursed his lips thoughtfully and nodded. "She did say she wanted to ask our forgiveness before she went back.Which implies she has some idea of how to get back. Very well. Juan!"

Juan appeared, Walker's cup vanishing, and a new one mysteriously taking its place all without Juan ever appearing to move. "Yes, Cap-i-tan?"

"Could you please send for Bradford? And tell him to bring his guest, please."

"Of course, Cap-i-tan! I will bring him myself!" Juan vanished out the door, Matt's mug having been mysteriously topped off at some point during the brief conversation. He grimaced. Juan's skill as a cook, unfortunately, still failed to translate into decent coffee.

Walker giggled, picking up her new cup in both hands and sipping from it much more sedately.


Half an hour later, Bradford burst through the door, followed at a much more sedate pace by Amagi and her Marine escort.

"I say, Captain! She is most fascinating! Why, I've never seen anything like her! Did you know she refuels by eating? I daresay the cooks at the Screw were quite shocked by her appetite!"

Matt opened his mouth, closed it, and then shrugged. It made about as little sense as the rest of this mad situation.

"While fascinating, Bradford, I have another question for our guest. Amagi, you said you came to ask my forgiveness and Walker's before you return, correct?"

The solemn woman… no, battlecruiser inclined her head in a respectful bow. "That is correct, Captain."

Matt nodded. "Then I assume you know of a way to return?"

She nodded, wringing her hands nervously. "I think I do. I have a… feeling that there's going to be another storm of the kind that brought us here in eight days time in the Philippine Sea."

"You had a feeling. And you were, I presume, planning on steaming to some place in the Philippine Sea, on the basis of this feeling."

Amagi kneaded her skirt, and nodded. "It sounds mad when you say it."

Despite himself, Matt smiled. "Amagi, this whole situation is mad. I'm sitting in my office with a pair of warships, incarnated as young women, on a world where the dinosaurs never went extinct, escorted by a pair of Marines descended from giant lemurs on Madagascar!" He blinked apology to the Marines, "Compared to all that going to find a Squall based on a feeling is hardly the craziest thing we've done on this world!"

"Definitely not the craziest thing Silva did, Skipper!" Walker interjected, snickering about the questionable sanity of the gunnery chief in question.

"That's a high standard, Walker."

Amagi covered her mouth with a hand and giggled. "I suppose when you put it that way, it almost seems reasonable, Captain."

"Well, I'm glad you agree, because we're coming with you." Matt held up a hand, and the protest that had been forming on Amagi's lips stopped dead. "We're coming for two reasons. First, Walker says she heard the call too, and if the Navy needs us, it's our duty to go, not to mention my duty to the men and their families. Second, I said I would give you a chance to earn my trust and forgiveness, and I meant it."

"Thank you, Captain."

"Don't thank me yet. Now, where, exactly, in the Philippine Sea were you planning on going?"

Amagi stepped over to the desk, and, at Matt's nod of permission, pulled a chart from… somewhere, set it neatly on the desk, and placed her finger two hundred miles northwest of Palau.

Matt mentally traced the course, and nodded. "What do you say, Walker? About a week?"

Walker, showing spectacular disdain for anything resembling propriety, clambered up onto the desk, and nodded. "Closer to six days."

"All right. Courtney, get started removing all the museum displays." Matt paused, "Except for the tapestry. Move that to the wardroom. Walker, Amagi, we leave tomorrow at noon."

"Of course! And I shall prepare myself!"


"No, Captain. If you'll recall, my son was flying Hurricanes with the RAF. I'd like to find out what happened to him. And besides! I can hardly be expected to figure out Amagi and her fellow… ship-women? Women-ships? Irrelevant! I can hardly be expected to figure them out without any data to go off of, and you're taking both of them with you!"

Matt sighed. "Very well. But only you. No assistants."

"But my collection, naturally."

"The books only."

"Oh, very well." Courtney sighed theatrically.

Matt chuckled despite himself, and then turned back to Walker. "Walker, apply Measure 2 camoflage. We're going back to war."

"Aye aye, Skipper!"

"And get me Admiral Sab-At, and Commander Forester", he added, indicating the sable-furred Marine.

Looking around, Matt raised an eyebrow. "Well? What are you all waiting for?"


For the first time in his career, Captain Reddy found himself wishing that his friends and allies weren't quite as devoted to him.

"But Cap-taan!", Admiral Sab-At protested, her normally excellent English deteriorating, as it always did when she was angry.

Glaring back across the table at Chack's daughter, Matt shook his head. "No. Walker and I will go back because it is our duty. The rest of you have families and responsibilities here. Walker and I are both unnecessary to uphold the responsibilities of the Navy here. You aren't, especially if more of our girls come back."

"Captain, the Empire would have fallen if not for your people. We owe you.", Commander Forester countered, holding steady in the face of Matt's towering seniority.

"Maybe, Commander. But think about this. You've met Walker, now. Do you really think only our ships have souls? And do you want the first experience of one of your ships, if they return, to be rejection, and being thrown in an asylum as insane?"

Commander Forester winced.

"No. I suppose you realize how mad this sounds. I mean, I've met your destroyer, and despite that, I'm not certain that this isn't all a particularly strange dream. I doubt any of the Sea Lords will believe this without evidence."

Matt nodded. "Which is why you're about to hop the fastest flight you can find to New Scotland, and tell Jenks that I need to speak to him urgently. If he can pry the Governor-Empress free as well, so much the better."

To his credit, Commander Forester allowed no outward sign of his consternation to show. "With your permission then, I will send a message to the First Lord, informing him that I come on urgent business from you that must be communicated in person."

"Absolutely. Good luck, and godspeed." Matt and Commander Forester exchanged salutes, before the latter hurried out the door.

Inhaling deeply, Matt turned back to Admiral Sab-At. "There's one more reason, of course. It's very possible that even if ships from the old world are the only ones that can come back, there's at least one more ship out there that could come back, and I'm very concerned might come back extremely hostile."

Her piercing green eyes widened, as the realization hit her. "Hidiodame?"

Matt nodded. "I'm confident any of our ships can take her, but she's going to be extremely mobile, and hard to spot. Which means we need every hull keeping an eye out. Don't step up patrol schedules, but…"

She nodded. "I will spread a rumor that there have been sightings of an unknown ship, likely lost. It will keep the crews on sharp lookout."

"Thank you, Admiral. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have a number of loose ends to tie up before Walker and I leave tomorrow."

The diminutive admiral saluted, and after returning the salute, Captain Reddy stepped out the door. After taking a moment to make sure the Captain was out of earshot, she leapt for her phone. There was no way she was letting him leave without a proper send-off.
Just realized that I need to catch up on the destroyermen series...
Holy freaking cow!! A Destroyermen/KanColle Crossover! Yes Please! Followed. Thanks.

EDIT: What about the rest of the Original Walker Crew, and Reddy's wife Sandra? They are not going let Reddy go alone are they?
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Remember to spoiler things that happen in the series for folk who haven't read it yet. As for who all would want to come I imagine it would be a large list of the original crews.
Remember to spoiler things that happen in the series for folk who haven't read it yet. As for who all would want to come I imagine it would be a large list of the original crews.

It's post-canon. I'm trying to avoid spoilers after Book 4(and in general, but especially after Book 4), but some will be unavoidable.
Chapter 3: Promises Made
Chapter 3

Promises Made


Matt stood in front of the massive bronze monument in the shade of the Great Tree's mighty limbs, Walker's hand tightly clenched to his. He supposed it was only natural. After all, they were standing before her fallen. He wondered if she, as he did, felt their invisible eyes on him, watching her every action and silently rendering judgement. The valiant crew that had, upon finding themselves in a strange and violent world, rolled up their sleeves and gotten to work, taking a Bronze Age culture all the way into modernity, and forging a vibrant new nation along the way. 'Cat, human, and Sa'aran, male and female. All had thrown every fiber of their being into their special ship, and all too often paid the price. He still remembered every name. Marvaney, killed by a raptor before they had truly understood the new, dangerous world they had mysteriously arrived in. Donaghey, killed saving the ship from the treacherous Rasik-Alcas of Aryaal. Mertz, killed in the battle for the very city in which he now stood.

Matt squeezed Walker's hand gently, before stepping over to a much more modest marker. It fit the now-legendary man whose name it bore far better than any statue or heroic monument.

Clearing his throat, Matt began to speak. "Hey, Boats. Been a while. Suppose I haven't really had much to talk about. Guess you're wondering why I came now." He let go of Walker's hand to caress the headstone, tracing the lettering. "Well, something truly extraordinary happened this morning." Matt gestured to Walker. "Seems we were more right than we knew, all these years. This morning, Courtney was doing his rounds and got interrupted by a couple of women. Turns out, they're Amagi, and Walker."

Matt paused, as if listening. "I know what you'd say, Boats. What the hell is Amagi doing back here? Well. Seems she didn't like the Grik any more than we did. Long story, but… I'm pretty sure she's sincere. Sure enough that we're leaving tomorrow. The Navy needs us back home, Boats. And the men's families deserve to know what happened to them, besides. But don't worry. We'll be back. I promise." Matt bowed his head, running his hand over the text he had memorized even before the headstone had been placed. "FITZHUGH GREY. BOSUN, USS WALKER."

By his side, a tiny head wearing a Chief's hat poked its head out of Walker's sleeve… and just as quickly vanished at a glare from the diminutive destroyer. She would not let her crew revisit her Captain's old pain! She was a good destroyer! She would protect her crew, or die trying!

She looked up at her Captain, who smiled down at her. "Come on, Walker. It's time Sandra met you. She'll love you, I'm sure of it." Walker grinned, skipping besides her Skipper, and simply let herself enjoy the Skipper.


Amagi was satisfied, for the most part. She had a belly full of something the odd little 'Cat at the "Busted Screw" (which had what looked an awful lot like a broken destroyer screw hanging over the door) called "rhino-pig". Even if he'd looked quite flustered after she'd demolished the tenth massive steak. The man who had freed her from service to a mad Captain who could see no enemy except America, even when confronted with truest evil, had given her a chance to redeem herself, and the odd Australian he'd assigned to interrogate her was pleasant enough company. Even the Marines, though somewhat hostile, had been unfailingly professional.

However, one thing bothered her. Captain Reddy had told her that her wreck had been broken up for steel, some of which had, no doubt, been used to repair Walker. Not her scrapping. She cared not about the empty shell that had once been her body. No, her crew. Her beloved crew, that Kurokawa had…. No, no. That was a thought it was best to stay far away from.

She knew some of them had died aboard her, and the question of what had been done with their remains was eating her alive. She didn't think they'd done anything… egregious with them, but she hoped they hadn't simply been tossed into the hungry sea. Not that she could blame them if they had - she'd hurt them so badly, it was a wonder Commander Okada hadn't simply been shot on sight.

Still, she had to know. Smiling softly at Mr. Bradford, she softly interrupted his latest question. "I apologize, Sir Bradford, but I am afraid I must make a request of you."

The bald Australian looked taken aback for a moment. "But of course! I've been nattering away at you nonstop! No doubt you have questions of your own. Perhaps you were wondering how we won? I am, as you no doubt know, something of an expert on the subject."

Covering her mouth, she laughed softly. She couldn't help it. He was so eager, so bursting with curiosity, and a burning need to share the fruits of that curiosity with all about him. It was refreshing. Shaking her head, she steeled herself, and made herself plow forward with all of the discipline of an Imperial Japanese battlecruiser.

"Nothing that happy, I am afraid. I… must ask after my crew."

He frowned. "Well, most of them were 'rescued' by the Grik. Ended up working for them and prolonging the war a great deal, I'll tell you!"

She winced. It was no surprise, but to have it confirmed was no more pleasant for that. "Not them. My dead. When you broke up my wreck, what did you do with the remains of my crew?"

Bradford's expression softened, and he laid his hand on top of hers comfortingly. "I'm sorry, my dear. I should have realized you were asking about them." He shook his head. "There wasn't much left, I'm afraid. The local scavengers are horrifyingly thorough. But what little we found, we brought ashore and buried."

Amagi's shoulders slumped. She knew, of course, the scavengers he was speaking of. She'd seen first-hand the horrifying flasher fish after the first time Walker had torpedoed her, in that daring night attack which had crippled her. The feeding frenzy about her hull as the Grik Uul slowly, suicidally, cofferdammed her hull to permit underwater repairs had made the nature of the local sealife horrifically clear. And the pure evil of the Grik even more so. But having it confirmed still hurt.

"Do you…. remember where?" She asked, slowly, haltingly.

When she looked up, the odd Australian had a gentle smile on his face. "Of course, my dear. Come along, and you may pay them the respects they are due."

Amagi bowed gratefully as she rose, and followed him out the door.


The cemetery here was much smaller than the one below the Great Tree, where the Alliance's honored dead laid in repose, and the marker for all her dead much simpler. But that was fine with her. Her dead had not earned the honor of lying beside the heroes that had broken the back of the Grik. Not yet.

Kneeling before the modest stone marker, simply marked "Amagi dead, found during scrapping", Amagi bowed her head, and softly whispered, "I promise, when I return, you will have earned a honorable memorial, and your ancestors will know you for the heroes you were, my beloved crew. I will purge the stain Kurokawa's madness left upon your honor, or die trying. So I swear."

Rising to her feet, Amagi pulled out a small steel tablet, inscribed with the names she believed belonged to the crew who lay there, and laid it gently against the headstone.

Her task complete, a promise made, she walked calmly out, Bradford and her "escort" hurrying at her heels.


Matt rocked back on his heels outside the front door of the house thirty years of marriage had made a home for him and Sandra. Thirty years, two daughters, and a son. All grown now, thankfully. Saying goodbye to Sandra in the morning was going to be hard enough. That it needed to be done made it no easier. Besides him, Walker was practically vibrating with excitement. Matt shook his head. For all that she'd shown remarkable maturity at the cemetery and when dealing with Amagi, it was increasingly clear that in many ways she was the little girl she looked like.

Shaking his head, he pulled the door open, and Walker charged through, screaming joyfully as Matt tried (and failed) to catch her. There was an enormous crash and a happy yell.

"Aunt Sandra!"

Matt groaned, cupping his face in both hands before stepping into the kitchen to what would have probably, under almost any other circumstances, been an amusing scene. Walker had clearly dive-bomb-tackle-hugged Sandra, knocking her over, and was currently nuzzling Sandra's belly as she hugged her with all her might. Sandra, for her part, just looked very, very confused.

Looking down, he chuckled. "Well, I see you've met the latest bit of insanity to turn our lives upside down. Come on, Walker. Let her up."

With a happy giggle, Walker bounced backwards over by him, as he picked Sandra up, taking a moment to really see his wife of thirty years. She, too, had aged since the Squall had brought them across thirty years ago. But, in his completely unbiased opinion, she was as lovely as the day he'd married her on Respite. Her hair was shot through with iron, and there were wrinkles on her face, yes. But the gentle heart tempered by an indomitable will hadn't changed in the slightest.

"She's…?" Sandra asked, eyebrow high.

"She's Walker. The old destroyer that brought us here. I know, I know. It's crazy, even by this world's standards. But I think she's one of the more pleasant surprises this world's brought us."

Sandra chewed her lip, then smiled and kissed him. "Well. You're not wrong, Matthew."

Matt recoiled. "You believe me? Just like that?"

"You've never lied to me before, love. Now come on. I was just about to have lunch, and you can explain everything while we eat."

Smiling, Matt answered, "Yes, Dear."


Sandra, Matt, and Walker reclined amid the remains of a truly excellent lunch, Walker still nibbling on a rhino-pig sandwich, as Sandra leaned into Matt's chest.

"So," Sandra began, "just to make sure I have this straight. The souls of some of the old ships are coming back as women that say they've been called by the Navies that built them. Based on what they're saying, you're planning on leaving for the Philippine Sea tomorrow morning with Walker and Amagi."

"I'd say that pretty much sums it up, yes." Matt acquiesced, "I'll admit it does sound a little crazy when you lay it all out like that."

Sandra sighed. "By this world's standards? This is a somewhat unusual Tuesday." She kissed him. "And I assume you have a hundred and one reasons ready for why I shouldn't come with you, right? Perhaps starting with our children and grandchildren?"

Matt snorted, despite himself. "I always was something of an open book to you, wasn't I? Yes, I'll admit to having had those thoughts. But I've got another one. What about the other ships? What if, say, Mahan comes back? Someone's got to meet them and welcome them into the new world. And there aren't that may of us original destroyermen left."

Watching Sandra's face,he could tell he was winning. Which was a relief. Taking Walker back to war, old and obsolete as she was, was unpleasant enough a thought. Going back into the crucible with Sandra was more than he wanted to bear.

Matt gently caressed her hair, pressing his advantage, "I'll come home. I promise."

Sandra sighed, closing her eyes as she leaned back against him. "I'm not worried about that, love. I know you'd move heaven and earth for me. I'm worried about how many pieces you'll come home in."

"Don't worry! I'll keep him safe and sound!" Walker said, wrapping herself around Sandra's waist in the biggest hug she could manage.

Sandra shook her head. "Don't make a girl a promise you can't keep, Walker." She traced the jagged scar running up Walker's cheekbone through her eye and into her hairline. "Just do your best to come home safe. Both of you."

Chapter 4: Last Call
Chapter 4

Last Call


8 July, 1970

Matt relaxed on Walker's bridgewing, letting the familiar sounds of her final preparations for sea wash over him like a soothing blanket. The previous night's farewell party had been a delightful surprise, and had proven that Anassa Sab-At had all her father's cunning. She'd managed to pull together all of Walker's old crew that still lived in Baalkpaan, and surprisingly many who didn't. He wasn't quite sure how she'd managed it, but he was delighted, and Walker had been practically spoiled for attention, once their initial skepticism had been overcome, spending the entire night giggling happily in the lap of one crew member or another. In the end, he'd had to carry her home, ignoring her sleepy protests until she fell asleep in his arms.

An insistent tugging on his sleeve pulled him back to the present. Matt smiled, looking down at the diminutive form of his ship. "Yes, Walker? Is there a problem? Bradford?"

Walker giggled, shaking her head. "I think you're about to have one! But Bradford's fine. He's just getting his library packed away in the wardroom."

Looking where Walker was pointing, Matt shook his head. Juan was marching down the pier, a determined air about him. He did not need this. "Well, let's go take care of this."

Matt made it to the end of the gangway just before Juan.

"Cap-i-tan! You almost forgot me!" Juan declared, as he swept up the gangplank, only to stop in front of the immovable obstacle that was Captain Reddy.

Matt shook his head. "No, Juan, I didn't." He laid his hand on Juan's shoulder. "Your family needs you far more than I do. So does Sandra. I took care of myself for thirty years before you came along. I think I can manage it for a little bit without you."

"But Cap-tan!" Juan protested, before being cut off as Walker darted around Matt to wrap herself around his waist.

"Don't worry, Juan! I remember everything! I'll take good care of him!" she giggled, before gently pushing him back to the pier, before hopping up to wrap herself around the familiar, brindled 'Cat standing next to Juan.

"And you're not coming either, Chack. I'll always be your Home, but you've got another job here."

Matt blinked in surprise. He hadn't even noticed the canny old 'Cat. Chack just smiled, and wrapped Walker in a bear hug. "I know, Walker. And Safir would kill me if I went off without her. But if you need us, the First Marines will be there."

Matt smiled. "We know who to call." Looking over, he saw Amagi step off the end of the pier into the water. Time to go, then. Turning back to Chack, he nodded, they traded salutes, and Matt stepped back aboard his old ship.


Walker dashed up the ladder into her pilothouse, as Courtney hurried up from the wardroom.

"Well, Captain! This is quite exciting!" he exclaimed, as Matt followed Walker - much more sedately - into the pilothouse.

Looking at Bradford, Matt raised an eyebrow, and coughed, looking pointedly at the ridiculous sombrero-like hat he so loved. Courtney's eyes widened, as he snatched it from his head, rubbing his bald pate. "Your pardon, Captain. It's been so long since we put out to sea aboard the old girl, I must confess I forgot."

Matt settled into his chair, luxuriating in its familiarity. It felt strange, going to sea without a crew… but oddly right.

"Don't worry, Courtney. I'm fairly excited myself." Turning to Walker, he nodded firmly. "Walker? Take in lines, and get underway."

"Taking in lines aye sir!" she barked, her face glowing with pleasure. She couldn't wait to have the open sea under her hull again! To her port, Amagi's hull snapped into existence, and grey smoke began to curl from the big battlecruiser's stack. Half-visible crew pulled in lines with brisk professionalism, disappearing as their tasks were done. Walker looked at Captain Reddy expectantly. He shook his head. "You have the conn, Walker."

She beamed. "I have the conn, aye!" Immediately, the engine room telegraph rang out, and she began to slowly move astern. Matt watched her carefully, as her face screwed up in concentration, as her bow swung away from the dock. A moment later, her telegraph rang again, and she began moving forward, out to sea.

"Smartly done, Walker."

"Learned from the best."

Matt chuckled. "Flattery will get you nowhere, young lady."

The little destroyer giggled. "Didn't learn that one from you! Learned that one from Kutas!"

Matt's face softened as the memory of one of Walker's many, many dead flickered through his mind. "Never was a better helmsman in the Navy."

She shook her head. "Nope. But Pack Rat was pretty close."

"Yeah. He was. Wonder how the old guy's doing."

Walker shrugged, and pulled the battered sword off her back, before hopping into Matt's lap.

"Well, he's not on the Monument. So I figure he's doin' just fine."

Matt blinked annoyance. "Don't you have a job to do, Walker?"

Walker leaned back into his chest. "Can do it just fine from here."

Matt sighed, though his heart wasn't in it. "Well, don't blame me if you run yourself aground."

Walker giggled as they came up alongside Amagi, and passed through the harbor entrance.

The idyllic calm was shattered by a thunderclap to port. Walker leapt out of his lap, and Matt surged to his feet, then relaxed as twenty more gunshots rolled out, in a perfect salute.

Settling back in his chair, Matt chuckled. "Well, if nothing else, she's polite."

Bradford laughed. "Yes. She's been courteous beyond belief this past day. The only favor she asked of us was to visit her crew's remains from her scrapping. Odd, that. You'd almost think she'd be upset that we broke her wreck up for steel."

"Nah." Walker piped up, "We don't really care about being scrapped after we sink. It's the bodies of our crews we care about. If we'd rendered the bodies of her crew down for war materials, or just chucked them into the sea, she'd be mad. But we didn't, so she isn't mad."

Bradford looked down at Walker, and then shrugged. "From the horse's mouth, as it were. How instructive! And, given what I've learned from my talks with Amagi, in many ways unsurprising!"

"Speaking of Amagi, what did you learn about her?" Matt nodded at the battlecruiser dominating the portside view, "And not about… I suppose "ship-girls" in general. But her personally. What motivates her? Why did the Japanese Navy call her back now? And how did they call her back?"

Bradford frowned, and looked out the window at the regally graceful woman powering through the water by Walker, and cocked his head as he examined the battlecruiser. "I'm afraid I don't know the answer to the last two questions, Captain. And I'm as certain as I can be, given how little time I've had to speak with her, that Amagi doesn't know either."

Shaking himself, Bradford continued, "As to what motivates her, she wants to to give her dead something to be proud of. She wants more of a legacy than serving the greatest evil she ever saw. Simple, and powerful."

Possibly dangerous, too." Matt shot back, "that kind of mindset, she's going to take stupid risks."

"True. At any rate, I believe I shall retire to the wardroom. I have papers to write!"

"By all means. Walker, if you could bring your logbooks up? I'll be working on my report."

Walker hummed to herself, and hopped down the ladder into her holds behind a cheerfully whistling Bradford. Moments later, she reappeared, dropping her logs from their long-ago flight to this world on her chart table, along with pen and paper. Matt smiled gratefully at her, and bent to his task.


14 July, 1970
Philippine Sea

Six days later, Matt inspected his completed report with a distinct sense of relief. The monstrosity on the chart table in front of him was nearly a hundred pages long, despite his best efforts to condense it. Walker had even been very helpful at filling the gaps in his memory. That was, when she wasn't sitting in her floatplane's cockpit making engine noises. Or shooting down imaginary planes with her 25 mm guns. Or, in the incident that stuck out in his mind, she had determined that flashies would be really fun to wrestle, and had somehow contrived to get one on the deck to give it a go.

At which point Matt had put his foot down, and prescribed the destroyer skipper's favorite cure for a bored crew since time immemorial. Drills. Lots of drills.

Amagi had been happy to assist, acting as the target for Walker to practice torpedo runs, and sending up her scout planes to tow targets for AA drills, and when HMS Indefatigable had met them with the Imperial ensign flapping proudly over her island above the High Admiral's flag, one of her escorts had been more than happy to run a ASW tracking exercise with Walker while he conferred with Rebecca and Jenks, both of whom had, after an initial bout of skepticism, become absolutely smitten with the destroyergirl and her boundless cheer. Jenks, who had never seen Amagi, was awed by her sheer size and power, if slightly confused by the experience of watching a woman power through the water at ten knots, while his eyes also insisted he was watching a ship. In the end, it had been a bittersweet farewell with his old friend. He'd only been able to convince Jenks to stay by the narrowest of margins, but in the end, he'd won out.

Still, he thought, bringing his mind back to the present, we're finally here. And indeed, there on the horizon was one of the unforgettable greenish Squalls. Just as Amagi had predicted.

Matt nodded to Walker. "Walker, you sent my last letter home, correct?"

Walker bounced up and down, unable to contain her excitement. "Mmmhmm! And Jenks sent, 'If you are returning home, Captain, perhaps you'll finally let your Navy give you the rank you deserve. From all your friends on this world, we bid you fair winds, and following seas."

Matt smiled at that. Using such an anachronistic way to wish good fortune was so very British of Jenks. He thought he heard some of Rebecca's irritation at his long-standing refusal to take any rank higher than Captain in the first sentence, though.

"Acknowledge. Then open up a channel to Amagi, and get Bradford."

"Acknowledgement sent! Channel open!"

Matt grinned as she vanished down the ladder, and picked up the TBS handset.

"Relieved your 'feeling' was right, Amagi?"

"Very", Amagi answered, the relief in her voice almost palpable. "I look forward to seeing my sisters once more, if they do not reject me for what I have done."

Matt blinked. "Sisters?"

"Well, Kaga was quite lonely. Her sister was stillborn, you know. So Akagi and I took her into the family, so to speak."

Matt found himself nodding. It made more sense than most of this whole insane affair.

"I wouldn't worry about that. Of course, to be sure we have to reach her."

As he finished speaking, Walker clambered up into the pilothouse, followed by a panting Bradford.

Amagi nodded, and turned back towards the Squall. "Naturally."

Matt looked through the pilothouse window, and then looked down at Walker.

"Take us through, Walker."

Walker smiled, and the telegraph rang out three-fourths as she accelerated up to thirty knots. Together, the old enemies charged into a storm so like the one that had brought them to this strange world thirty years before.

Matt leaned back in his seat, watching the leading edge of the Squall engulf Walker's bow, as Amagi disappeared behind the driving rains. Then, suddenly, silence. The raindrops froze in midair, and Walker was in the strange place between worlds.

"My word," Courtney breathed, "How beautiful!"

Matt turned to him, as Walker giggled and capered in the frozen rain. "That's right. You were belowdecks last time, weren't you?"

Courtney nodded. "Yes. All this time, I've had to get by on meager words. It really is beautiful beyond description."

Matt nodded, his attention returning to Walker.

"That it is, Bradford. That it is."

Then, suddenly, they were through, and the suspended raindrops all dropped on Walker's deck at once, and she came out of the remnants of the storm into the seas of a world entirely separate from the one she'd entered the storm in.

Ahead, Amagi steamed in slow, easy circles. The radio crackled.

"I am pleased to see you made it through safely. I was concerned when I came through alone."

"Ah hah! This confirms it! Heavier objects do take longer to transit!", Courtney blurted.

"What!? But she displaces, like, forty times what I do!", Walker shouted.

"Does she? She's quite obviously a woman, not thirteen hundred tons of warship, even if on another level," he gestured broadly at Amagi's hull, "she is a battlecruiser."

Walker sniffed, crossed her arms, and turned her back on him. "M'not fat", she huffed.

Biting her lip, she turned back to Matt, pointedly refusing to acknowledge Bradford. "Skipper, mind if I send up the Nancy? I'd rather not get jumped if I can help it."

Matt nodded. "Good thinking, Walker. Go ahead."

A moment later, the scout's powerful radial coughed raggedly once, twice, and caught, before the hydraulic catapult fired almost inaudibly, and the little floatplane streaked off into the sky.

Minutes later, Walker's face blanched, and her General Quarters alarm hammered out its insistent gong-gong-gong-gong, and her massive battle flag roared up her mast. Across the water, matching alarms rang out their insistent message from Amagi.

"Hostile contact!", she shouted.
