Resurgence: The Threads of Fate

We must first set ourselves up for our upcoming adventure - questions can come later.

[X] Work with Ulster the Store Keeper and earn money! Experience in retail is all the rage these days.
[X] Explore the Town and get your bearings.
--[X] Take Simon with you.
[X] Work with Ulster the Store Keeper and earn money! Experience in retail is all the rage these days.
[X] Explore the Town and get your bearings.
--[X]Take Simon with you.
[X] Work with Ulster the Store Keeper and earn money! Experience in retail is all the rage these days.
[X] Explore the Town and get your bearings.
--[X]Take Simon with you.
[X] Work with Ulster the Store Keeper and earn money! Experience in retail is all the rage these days.
[X] Explore the Town and get your bearings.
--[X]Take Simon with you.
I would rather have us a normal start. Get to know people and the world we ended up in.

Also, Simon is cute. And he knows our secret. Maybe if we show him that he has nothing to fear from us, we won't have to worry about it anymore. So what if a Grim Reaper is working part-time in a village shop? These things happen, ok?

[X] Work with Ulster the Store Keeper and earn money! Experience in retail is all the rage these days.
[X] Explore the Town and get your bearings.
--[X]Take Simon with you.

That's as good a chance as we can get to befriend someone, in our condition.

Not only that, the character sheet on the front page has been updated to include traits. Please check it every so often, peeps!
Nobody does. Especially not when they are on mobile. :)

If you notify people about changes ("Trait gained: Name - Description") below the update, or even in the update right when it occurs, it would work much better to raise people's awareness that something has happened.
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Chapter 6: A Simple Start!
[X] Work with Ulster the Store Keeper and earn money! Experience in retail is all the rage these days.
[X] Explore the Town and get your bearings.
--[X]Take Simon with you.

You hesitated for a moment as you gave some thought over your options. Visiting the Shaman and the Elder was certainly a good idea...for down the road. Those two were likely to pose as many questions as they solved. Sure, you felt some urgency about finding out who you were, but it would be meaningless to have the knowledge but not the capability to act on it. Having a pocket full of money would certainly set the foundation, and gathering information about this village could potentially weed out people of talent and those willing to help.

Nodding slightly to yourself, you fixed Ulster with your gaze, "I'll help you out for today. I can't reasonably expect to rely on your good will for too long, I think. So, I'll earn my keep."

Ulster raised an eyebrow at your statement before letting out a boisterous laugh. Slapping Simon on the back, he pointed his chin at her and said, "Looks like she has a good head on her shoulders. I'll leave it up to you to show her the ropes, boy!" Still chortling, he walked up the wooden steps and re-entered his shop. And then there were two.

Without the raucous presence of Ulster, you both became distinctly aware of how awkward things between you two were. Both of you shifted your gazes, and when your eyes met, you both swiftly looked away. No words were forthcoming, but your annoyance with the current situation was slowly overcoming your desire to averse an undesirable social situation. Finally, you were the on to break the silence.

" to show me how one takes care of a store?" You get a mumbled response, before he opens the door and motions you inside...It's going to be a long day, isn't it? Yet you were determined to at least form a civil acquaintanceship. Following Simon inside, you took in the store with interest. There were multiple shelves stocked with goods, both edible and otherwise.

Based on what you saw, it carried a little bit everything. Sacks of grain were littered underneath the window by the door. Pins, buttons, axes of varying sizes, ropes...the list went on. Seems like the kind of place that would generate quite a bit of activity. You supposed you'd find out later, it was still quite early in the day.

Simon proceeded to tell you how to tend to counter. Luckily, it seemed basic arithmetic had survived the memory purge, which surprised Simon. After that was bleated explanations on keeping the store clean and certain products looking bright and sparkly. Occasionally, Ulster would shout tips from whatever part of the store he occupied.

Just as you thought, customers started pouring before mid day. Generally, Simon handled the till and you watched. A few of the shoppers glanced at your curiously, but you only smiled in response. As you watched, you came to understand the standard form of currency was coinage. Copper coins were the most common, with about twenty pieces adding up to a single shiny silver coin. In turn, fifteen silver coins was the equal of one gold coin, though those types of purchases seemed rare, seeing as you only witnessed one.

The last kind of coin was a bit of a head scratcher. They were tiny silvery coins of unknown metallurgy that Simon simply called "bits". They weren't common, and seemed to hold the least value. But before Simon could explain, Ulster happily shoved two silver coins and five coppers in your hands before proudly stating, "Good work, ladies!"

Surprised, you realized you had lost track of time. Based on the position of the sun, it was mid to late afternoon. Well then!

Luckily, the rapport you established with Simon over business had him open up a bit to you. In fact, he wasn't entirely avoiding eye contact. That being said though, he never mentioned anything to do with the forest. It seems that was still very much on his mind. It was less a friendly relationship than a cordial one. Oh well, that was the best you could hope for.

"Simon, I don't plan on going to the Shaman or Elder today."

"...probably a good idea. The elder gets pretty ornery at this time of day. Old coot needs at least two naps before bedtime." Simon stifled a laugh, "And who knows what the Shaman's up to. Probably chanting at the top of his house again, trying to summon a rain storm or somethin'."

"You guys have some interesting people here, don't you? Anyway, I was hoping you'd give me a quick tour of the village?I'd hate to waste a few hours getting lost."

Simon hesitated, his right hand incessantly tapping his leg, "...Sure, I guess. Ulster would probably get mad at me if I said no anyways."

With Simon in the lead, you followed him out the door and into the street. A wagon, more like a carriage, passed by. The black paint it sported was clearly new, or the carriage itself. A woman wearing an elegant dress with fine lace briefly glanced at you before turning her attention towards the front. A noble or something? Well, whatever.

Leading you through the streets, you were given a brief description of shops and places of interest. The stable with its beautiful chargers and stallions. The tavern, called Pig's Foot, in all its shadiness. Multiple stalls that specialized in fresh produce, with bored attendants leaning heavily on their crickety wood shanties.

As you walked about, you noticed more than a few men and woman staring at your face in wonder. It was making feel disconcerted. Leaning over to Simon, you whispered, "What are they all staring at? i don't have something on my face, do I?"

Simon glanced up at you, peering closely. Too closely actually. Realizing his mistake, his face turned pink before he turned away, "It might be your eyes. The color of them...they look like carved ice."

"...If it's that big of a deal, why didn't you or Ulster stare?"

"Because I worked with Ulster for years. His right eye is milky white, didja see that?" Ah, I see. Simon was accustomed to something like that.

Crickets began to sing, and you noted the falling sun. It had been obscured by clouds by even they couldn't drown out the unmistakable tint of orange and yellow. Dusk was fast approaching. You didn't expect it would take this long. The village was a little larger than you initially thought. Looks like you'll have to finish exploring another day. still have a bit of time to burn before returning to Ulster's...

What do? Choose 1.
[] Return to Ulster's immediately. Nothing you've seen so far interests you.
[] Give the stables a quick look see? The horses seemed friendly enough.
[] A sudden craving for something sweet overcame you. Visit the produce stalls?
[] You're feeling a bit adventurous. Peek inside the Pig's Foot?
[] Write in.
... hmm. I'll take a random stab at an encounter, then.

[X] Give the stables a quick look see? The horses seemed friendly enough.
[X] Give the stables a quick look see? The horses seemed friendly enough.
Meeting new friends is always nice. Even if they happen to be horses.
Sweets! It's the choice that clearly shows that we are a girly girl and totally not a soulless eldritch abomination!

And we totally deserve a reward for a day's work!

Hmm. It looks like some bits and pieces of our identity or personality have survived. There is arithmetics, there is literacy. And there are certain cravings... Perhaps we could search for an answer of who we were on some sensual level? Look for familiar scents, hum a song that first comes to mind? These things sit deeper than arithmetics or even desires for certain food.

[X] A sudden craving for something sweet overcame you. Visit the produce stalls?
- [X] Try to see if anything in there stirs your memory. Try to hum a song.
--[X] and if you succeed, ask Simon if he knows what the song is.

Maybe there are keys to some personal stuff locked where the mind does not reach.
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Chapter 7: A Stirring
AN: Because I liked the reasoning, and because I think it's interesting, I'm going to include Nevill's little extra.
[X] Give the stables a quick look see? The horses seemed friendly enough.
- [X] Try to see if anything in there stirs your memory. Try to hum a song.
--[X] and if you succeed, ask Simon if he knows what the song is.

"Hey Simon, do you think we could check out the stables for a little bit?"

Simon glanced at you inquisitively, before he nodded. Peeking around the corner of a building, he checked for roaming carriages before toddling across the road. You sauntered behind him, drinking in the sights and committing them to memory. You wouldn't be able to ask Simon for help constantly, nor did you want to, at the moment. The frigidity still made you uncomfortable, even if it seemed you were making a bit of leeway with him.

With Simon's guidance, you were able to make your way through the winding roads and surprisingly dense back alley ways. The village was far bigger than you thought it was. It almost felt like a small city, yet it lacked the larger buildings, more sophisticated infrastructure, and a hub. A quiet nickering caught your attention, and you noted with some pleasure that you finally arrived at the stables. The horses gently picked at the yellow hay from troughs. Ears flapping, one lifted its head to look at you.

Apprehensively, you reached out your hand over the wooden fence. The memory of Simon's cart horses reacting at you with fear flashed before your eyes. You bit your lip and held your breath as the horse leaned forward. When its snout touched your hand, it snorted and gave it a small lick. Shaking its head, it went back towards its meal, chomping the stalks peacefully. With that, you let out a breath of air. It seems whatever aura you gave off the night before wasn't constant.

What a relief.

"Hey, either of you two seen the stablemaster?"

Suddenly, a voice cut through the air. The speaker was a young man, closer to your apparent age rather than Simon's. Brushing his mousy brown bangs out his eyes, he readjusted the large rucksack on his back. Tanned skin peeked out from his light green cloak. Simon was the first respond, his hands in his pockets as he observed the horses.

"Nope, can't say that we have. We just got here ourselves."

The young man scratched his head awkwardly, before cursing under his breath, "Ah, dammit. Well, if you happen to see him around town, let him know that Aeryn is looking for him."

With that, he turned around and left without looking back. Or introducing himself for that matter. You shared a glance with Simon. Both of you had questions, yet the man's abrupt exit left no time to ask. With a brisk pace, he disappeared from sigh, going into the maze that was the back alleys. The both of you watched the horses for a little while before leaving. The stablemaster didn't make his triumphant return, so you saw no reason to stick around.

[Roll for Memory]
Moderate Success

With the birds chirping and crickets singing, there was never a moment of complete silence. That didn't bother you. It was far better than the oppressive quiet that hung over the Forest like miasma. So was it really a surprise when you began to hear a pattern, a song that was both unfamiliar and not? In fact, it was because of the lack of music in that forest that you had come up with song in the--


The memory quickly flitted away, like a playful puppy, yet with an immeasurable amount maliciousness. As it floated away, you felt the other presence in your mind shift before it settled back into hibernation. Damn, you felt a bout of frustration. But you take with the good with the bad. You were now made aware of this memory, so that probably meant there was a way to retrieve it. Somehow...

With that, your day was over, and you found yourself back in front of Ulster's shop. Simon bid you goodbye and left you at the front. Knocking on your door, Ulster happily invited you inside where you were given a cream soup with pork and vegetables. Then you were shown to a straw bed in an empty room.

All in all, definitely an eventful day.

(New relationship unlocked! Options have been added.)
(Omakes are now open! I humbly invite you to write your own story within the confines of the quest. Take control of Amaranth or whoever you see fit. With each one, you can now earn new traits, gain points to apply to a roll of your choice, or meet entirely new people.)

What to do for the day? Pick three.
[] Go with Simon to the Elder's office in the Town Hall and look for clues!
[] Talk with the Shaman. How powerful is magic in this world anyway?
--[] Take Simon with you.
[] Work with Ulster the Store Keeper and earn money! Experience in retail is all the rage these days.
[] Explore the Town and get your bearings.
--[]Take Simon with you.
[] Visit the stables and see if you run into Aeryn again?
[] Visit a part of the town!
--[] Pig's foot
--[] You have money now. Look to the shops for something? (2 silvers and 5 bronze)
[] Write in.
[X] Work with Ulster the Store Keeper and earn money! Experience in retail is all the rage these days.
[X] Explore the Town and get your bearings.
--[X]Take Simon with you.
[X] Visit a part of the town!
--[X] Pig's foot
[X] Work with Ulster the Store Keeper and earn money! Experience in retail is all the rage these days.
[X] Explore the Town and get your bearings.
--[X]Take Simon with you.
[X] Go with Simon to the Elder's office in the Town Hall and look for clues!

Let's try to establish a semblance of normal life around here. And since attempts at memory recovery on our own appears to cause resistance from that other presence, go to the Elder and get that thing started from a different angle.
[X] Talk with the Shaman. How powerful is magic in this world anyway?
[X] Work with Ulster the Store Keeper and earn money! Experience in retail is all the rage these days.
[X] Visit the stables and see if you run into Aeryn again?
Chapter 8: A...Shaman?
[x] Work with Ulster and get that skrillah

"You really ought to get out more." Ulster peeked out of his back room, a quill with thick black ink dripping off of it in his hand. You turned around from the till in surprise, bronze coins in your hand, still in the midst of a transaction with a man. After thanking the customer, you quickly gave him his change and watched him leave. Twisting around, you fiddled with the pleated apron that was your "uniform" and thought for a moment before shrugging your shoulders.

"Eh, probably. But let me offer you a counter argument: money!" You waggled your finger playfully before turning back around to greet a customer with a smile. You heard a chuckle from Ulster as he withdrew into the backroom. I wonder if he was worried about me? It's also just as likely he just got bored filling out the paperwork necessary for his business. The thought of that huge man hunched over at a table with a quill in his hand brought a smile to your face and a giggle.

Simon wasn't in today. It was probably his day off or something. Where did he live anyway? He seemed mightily familiar with Ulster. The question still remained about why Ulster trusted him, and him alone, with his wares to sell in another city. One that was quite a ways off from Ulster's description.

A few hours later, Ulster came out and slapped your pay into your hands. It was a little less than before but you couldn't complain.

8 coppers gained!

You sniffed the new dress you wore. Ulster apparently had a store of women's clothing, which was the reason for your reduced pay for the day. It was a little different from your own clothing. It was fitted with more lace than your old one, and had a fitting around the middle that Ulster had called a "corset". How odd. It was something you could honestly say you never heard of. It was the "height of fashion" apparently. It seemed optional but when you asked if you could take it out, Ulster grunted and said, "I dunno about that, girl. Seems necessary these days."

With that, you made your way through the town, searching for the Shaman's house. You had a lot of questions concerning the new resident inside your head...and the chain attached to your right arm. No prodding of the other being provided no response, and no matter what you did, you couldn't force that chain out. A few thoughts ran through your head. Maybe I need the other person's help to use the chain? Or was it the other way around? That I needed to figure out how to use the chain before the voice came back? It was frustrating, as if you were chasing your own tail in vain.

Passing a few people who stared at your eyes, you ducked your head and turned around the corner. Finally, you could see the building that Simon had described to you as "The Shaman's Den". It...looked normal enough, and you noted that mild disappointment sunk in. You don't know what you were expecting, honestly. Maybe golems at the door? A gargoyle with a silver tongue as the guardian? Or maybe just glyphs on the walls?

What you didn't expect was the normal wood structure and unimaginative garden that surrounded it. Walking up to the steps, you gently knocked on thick wooden door. For a moment, there was nothing. Then a sudden crashing and the sounds of cursing. With trepidation, you waited patiently as loud footsteps made their way to the door. With a screeching sound, the door forced itself open.

Inside, an old man stood, rubbing dust out of his monocles. He was a short man, standing even shorter than you. In fact, he seemed unnaturally small. His shoulders were broader than most grown men and his arms were bulging with muscles, despite his apparent age. At your staring, an annoyed look came over his face, and he crossed his arms.

"Wha's the matter, girlie?! Never seen a dwarf before?" His accent was quite thick. It was quite apparent that this language was secondary. And a dwarf?! This came as a massive surprise to you. Just as you opened your mouth, he cut in, "Ah, don' say nuthin'. Just me being a lil salty. Anyhoo, what're you here fer'?"

"Oh, I just heard you were called a Shaman? I just had a few issues that--"

"A Shaman, eh? Girl, I'm nothing more than a scribe who used to dabble in a bit o' magic. Even out in the arse's end of the Vale, human's still don' know shite about magic, despite being so close to the great Forest, eh?"

The Forest?

"What can you tell me about, Shaman?"

The dwarf grunted, "Don' cal me 'Shaman'. Call me Rollezhan. As for the Forest, it used to be magically active some centuries ago. Ya humans have short memories, as well as short lives." He chortled at that, before noticing the dry look on your face, "Ah, no offense meant. Anyway, the reason the Forest is so famous is that no one knows why it was magically active. No beasts, no great former castles, no dungeons of any kind, no guardian spirit, no leyline. Magic flowed regardless."

All these terms left you feeling a little dizzy. Leylines?

"Done yet, girlie? Got things to do today. Whenever you have the time, come 'nd see me in the late afternoon. That's when I take a break from all this writin'."

You nodded, and he shook his head gruffly as he shut his door. You were sated for the day. He'd given you plenty to think about.

On your way back to the shop, you ran into a surprised Simon. After a brief conversation, he confirmed it was indeed his day off, and he was wandering about aimlessly.

"Wanna wander around together then?"

Simon considered that for a moment before nodding, "Yeah. I think I'm going to ask Ulster about that shipment again when we get back. Speaking of, did you want to come with? I mean, I could probably use your help. The Forest doesn't seem as friendly as it was before. Something's changed in there, I can feel it."

His low voice was ominous, and dark look was engraved on his face.

"Animals are balking near it. It's not like anyone's gone missin' in it or anything, but nobody seems comfortable in there. And seeing as what happened to you..."

...Someday you were gonna tell him what happened. But not before you figured it out yourself. Until then, you were fine with not speaking about the topic, and Simon seemed fine avoiding it too. But it was a wedge that was going to remain between you two for some time, you felt.

Another day of walking, and you were sure you had a full grasp on the layout of the village.

New locations opened!

What to do for the next day? Pick two
(One point restricted for incoming storm!)
[] Visit the Shaman again.
[] Go to the Elder's place and look for clues!
-[] Invite Simon?
[] Work with Ulster and earn money!
[] Visit a part of the town?
-[] Pig's Foot
-[] Shopping District
-[] The Stables
[X] Visit the Shaman again.
[X] Visit a part of the town?
-[X] The Stables

Let's get some more info out of that Shaman - interested to see how deep the magic runs in this world.

Also, I've got the sneaking suspicion there's a potential party member hiding behind a familiar face...
[X] Visit the Shaman again.
[X] Go to the Elder's place and look for clues!
-[X] Invite Simon

I want to explore what we have already found, maybe meet Aeryn again. But I guess we might check out the rest of the village first.
[One action point restricted due to incoming storm]

Dark gray clouds gathered ominously, thunder booming and lightning crackling across the sky, as if the heavens were in a rage. Your eyes warily watched from the window pane, safe inside the shop. Yet with each lightning crash, you felt as naked and vulnerable as a newborn babe. Raising your thumb to your mouth, you unconsciously bit your nail, your spine so tense you felt as if the slightest movement would snap it. So focused were you on the churning clouds and rain that you didn't hear the stomping of Ulster.

"You afraid of storms? I got some brew here to warm you up if you want some." With a large burp, Ulster slammed down a cask he had carried into the sales floor. With a large wooden mug in one hand, he quickly downed its contents before wiping his mouth with his hand and grinning wildly at you, "Years ago, I had a puppy that was afraid of lightning. Little bastard would bark until the thunder drowned him out, then he would come crying to me. Stayed like that all his life."

A saddened look overcame before he downed another drink. You noted drily that his cheeks were already turning a rosy tint of red, and he was a bit unbalanced. The drink was powerful enough to give even a big man like Ulster almost nigh instantaneous drunkenness. Black magics, sure!

"U-uh, I'll pass...thanks." You raised your hands and backed away, but Ulster grabbed another mug and slowly advanced towards you.

"Peer pressure! C'mon, it won't hurt you, probably. 'Sides, it's too dreary out there for it to be depressing in here, understand?" Then Ulster flashed a wide grin.


"Fine, give it here."

You spent your early morning to late afternoon being drunkards.

[X] Visit the Shaman again.

"Ah, ya back again, human? C'mon in, damn rain's makin' me nose sniffle. Hurry it up."

You stumbled up his doorsteps into his home. Rollezhan eyed you incredulously before he quickly slammed the wooden door shut. From a brief glance around, despite the double images, you could tell it was a very homely...home. Heh. Books infested every corner as far as you could see.

"I see you're a learned man." You nod seriously, exhaling with satisfaction. You placed your hands on your hips and twirled around to stare Rollezhan in the eyes, "You mind if I call you Rollz...or R? Your name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Heh."

Rollzehan blinked, caught off guard, "I--what? What'sa matter with you, human--"

"--And I'm not called human! I'm Amaranth. Reaper of souls and stealer of women! Do you have a wife, Rolls?!"



Silence reigned supreme throughout the abode as Rollezhan's mouth attempted to form words. He looked like a fish out of water! A light giggle escaped your throat. Then Rollezhan's eyes narrowed to slits.

"...Are you drunk, Amaranth?"

Mmm, maybe. Ulster had this spiced mead. It was actually quite delicious."

"Do you intend to insult me?" Rollezhan roared, "In my home, we had a different way of doings things!"

Uh oh.

You cleared your throat, a little disconcerted by the change of atmosphere, "W-well, I'm sorry that--"

"Yer damned right you should be sorry! One does not simply get drunk without bringing enough brew for everyone. Where is this Ulster. I need to have a word to him about etiquette, and this mead you speak off..."

Now it was your turn to be dumbfounded. Nothing will get done today, it seems!

AN: Due to an arbitrary decision, i have decided to make this post light hearted and not too deep into the story. Why? Because it's been literally months since I updated and I fear no one interested anymore. BUT NOT ONLY THAT. I'm actually a little buzzed myself, and it'll make a great introduction back into writing. Sorry for not updated and all that ya'll, I hope to be more regular now.

One extra point awarded to Amaranth being an alcoholic!
What to do for the next day? Pick four

[] Visit the Shaman again.
[] Go to the Elder's place and look for clues!
-[] Invite Simon?
[] Work with Ulster and earn money!
[] Visit a part of the town?
-[] Pig's Foot
-[] Shopping District
-[] The Stables
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oh and uh i added the devions and choices can't belive i forg ot that.

Enjoy, and I'll update every few days ideeliy